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STRUCTURED Field Experience Log & Reflection

Instructional Technology Department Candidate

Aimee Mancil

Dr. Sonya Bennett, Principal

Center Elementary School/Ware County

Field Experience"#ssignment
ISTE NETS-S e!!on Plan - "#D $ra%e E A- Di&ital Storytellin&

ITEC '(") *Internet Tool! in the Cla!!room

Dr. +im Wri&ht/ ,all -)."

$art I Log
Date%s& #cti'ity"Time ST#TE Standards $SC (#TI)(#L Standards ISTE (ETS*C

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De!i&ne%, De0elope% an% Complete% the Plannin&, De!i&n an% Acti0itie! 1or the ISTE NETS-S e!!on Plan 2-) hour!3 Implemente% the NETS-S e!!on Plan 7ith "r% $ra%e Stu%ent!. 2.) hour!3 E0aluate% complete% pro9ect! 7ith a!!e!!e% them 7ith the per!onal narrati0e ru6ric. 24 hour!3 Total :our!; 2"4 hour!3

PSC ..-, -.., -.-, -.", -.(, -.4 -.5, -.', ", ".., ".-, ".", ".5, ".', (, (.., (,-, (.", 5..,5.-, 5." PSC ., ...., ..-, ..(, -.., -.-, -.", -.(, -.4, -.5, -.', ", "..., ".-, ".", ".4, ".5, ".', (.., (.-, (." PSC ., ...., ..-, ..(, -.., -.-, -.", -.(, -.4, -.5, -.', ", "..., ".-, ".", ".5, ".', (.., (.-, 5.-

ISTE ., ..a, ..6, ..%, ".a, ".6, ".%, ".e, ".1.,".&, 4a, 4.6, 4.c, 5.a, 5.6, 5.c ISTE ., ..a, ..6, ..%, ".a, ".6, ".%, ".e, ".1.,".&, 4a, 4.6, 4.c, 5.a, 5.6, 5.c ISTE ., ..a, ..6, ..%, ".a, ".6, ".%, ".e, ".1.,".&, 4a, 4.6, 4.c, 5.a, 5.6, 5.c

<Place an = in the 6o> repre!entin& the race/ethnicity an% !u6&roup! in0ol0e% in thi! 1iel% e>perience.?

P-Race"Ethnicity A!ian Blac@ :i!panic
Nati0e American/Ala!@an Nati0e

$*-. Faculty"Staff
"-4 5-8 /-.P--

$*-. Students
"-4 = = = = = = = = = 5-8 /-.-

White Multiracial Su/groups Stu%ent! 7ith Di!a6ilitie! imite% En&li!h Pro1iciency Eli&i6le 1or ,ree/#e%uce% Meal!

$art II Reflection
<Minimum o1 "-( !entence! per Aue!tion?

-0 1riefly descri/e the field experience0 2hat did you learn a/out technology facilitation and leadership from completing this field experience3
I developed and implemented a 3rd grade ISTE NETS-S on Storytelling using Web 2.0 digital tools. I learned in implementing and completing this lesson that I am modeling ho students can become a technology mentor ith their classmates. The students that I teach is really getting involved ith the pro!ects that are being implemented and helping a great deal ith the lo er level students so they can become pro"icient in di""erent technology s#ills and tools$

.0 4o5 did this learning relate to the 6no5ledge <7hat mu!t you @no7?, s6ills <7hat mu!t you 6e a6le to %o? and dispositions <attitu%e!, 6elie1!, enthu!ia!m? re7uired of a technology facilitator or technology leader3 %Refer to the standards you selected in $art I0 Use the language of the $SC standards in your ans5er and reflect on all 896no5ledge: s6ills: and dispositions0&
%ne o" the riting standards is telling a narrative story. The students must be pro"icient in this be"ore moving on to the ne&t grade. The students must be e&posed to the Web 2.0 digital tools be"orehand or this ill ta#e much longer to implement. ' positive attitude must be established and sho n "rom the technology "acilitator(leader in order "or the students to have a positive attitude about this pro!ect. The technology("acilitator should start the lesson by believing that his or her students can pro"iciently complete this lesson and ma#e the highest mar#s on the rubric and should encourage them to do so. The technology "acilitator(leader should be enthusiastic about the pro!ect and #eep the enthusiasm through the duration o" the pro!ect. When the teacher is e&cited) it ma#es the students e&cited as ell$

80 Descri/e ho5 this field experience impacted school impro'ement: faculty de'elopment or student learning at your school0 4o5 can the impact /e assessed3
*y lesson plan ill help ma#e learning ho to rite a personal narrative very interesting) meaning"ul and authentic to the students. This is a +eorgia ,er"ormance Standard that needs to be mastered and e&ceeded in E-'. The students ill be ta#ing a practice riting test in 3rd to sho ho they per"orm on their riting s#ills. They ill have continuous practice riting test in .th grade and ill be given the state riting test in /th grade. The students ill be tested over riting standards in the /th grade and ill be used to ma#e sure the school is ma#ing ade0uate yearly progress in the area o" riting. The impact ill be accessed "irst through a rubric and observation graded by the teacher. The teacher ill also have "eedbac# in *ay hen the scores come in "rom the practice riting test to see i" learning as ta#en place and i" the pro!ect as e""ective.

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