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Players Handbook Errata

Errata for the Players Handbook, first released in Jun 1978. Unlike the errata for the Dungeon Masters Guide, which were incorporated into the "Revised Edition" of Dec 1979, ost of the Players Handbook chan!es were never pu"lished in an# print. $nl# four of the chan!es were incorporated% the print in which the particular chan!e appeared is noted in "lue te&t "elow. 'hese chan!es ori!inall# appeared in Dra!on (a!a)ine *+,. -'hanks to .cott /isek, Rene 0urka, and (arc . ith for help with this info1. 2dditionall#, a rando "it of errata trivia3 in the .econd print -and perhaps the 4irst as well1, the ,th level /leric rank is "5erfect". .u"se6uent prints leave that rank "lank. 2ll other ranks are present and identical "etween prints.

Correction 11A Wisdom should "e chan!ed to read as follows, "4urther ore, clerics with e&ceptional wisdo a"ove the nu "er the# are nor all# a"le to use." -1+ or !reater1 also !ain "onus spells over and

Addition 11B Wisdom Table II should "e chan!ed to read "Adjustments for Cleri s and Druids!"

Correction 11C De"terity Table #$ .trike fro a"ilit# score 17 "(a&i u de&terit# for a dwarf or half8orc character." de&terit# for a half8orc character." 2"ilit# score 17 should read, "(a&i u

Correction 15A: /orrected in Ei!hth print C%ara ter &a e Table III$ 'he de&terit# scores for half8orcs should read,"+9+% 17917."

Correction 25A T%e Magi 'user, fifth para!raph, first sentence should "e chan!ed to read, ":hen a a!ic8user attains 7th level -Enchanter1 or hi!her, he or she a# scri"e a!ic scrolls and concoct potions, and upon achievin! 1;th level -:i)ard1 or hi!her a# atte pt to enchant ite s."

Correction 27A T%e T%ief, additional a"ilities *; should read, "2t 7th level -Ro""er1 thieves ore a"le to read ;<= of lan!ua!es, and this a"ilit# increases "# ,= with each additional level of e&perience until an 8<= pro"a"ilit# is attained."

Correction 30A T%e Monk, para!raph , should "e chan!ed to read, ":ith respect to co "at, onks attack on the sa e ta"le as clerics."

Correction 38A: /orrected in 4ourth, 4ifth, or .i&th print Wea(on Ty(es Table, the entries for ilitar# pick should read, "5ick, (ilitar#, 4oot an>s% 5ick, (ilitar#, 0orse an>s."

Correction 38B: /orrected in Ei!hth print 0urled :eapons and (issiles3 'he last sentence should "e chan!ed to sa#, "2d?ust "# 8; at all ediu ran!es, 8, at all lon! ran!es."

Correction 48A 'he level of Dete t )ie should sa#, "@evel3 7."

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