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Daniel A. Chapman 17 November 2013 Fieldwork Seminar Fieldwork Journal - Annotate a lesson plan and reflect.

This past week in the


period !iolo"# $lass that % have taken over& % ta'"ht a lesson on

ma$romole$'les (Appendi) %*. This lesson served to $ontin'e into o'r ma$romole$'le s'b'nit& $omin" o++ o'r poster,"aller# walk pro-e$t that we had been doin" +or the two da#s prior. From this lesson& m# hope was that st'dents wo'ld have a "reater 'nderstandin" o+ what makes ea$h o+ the ma$romole$'les ($arboh#drates& proteins& n'$lei$ a$ids& and lipids* 'ni.'e/ that is& their $hemi$als str'$t're& their s'b'nit(s*& their role in the pro$esses o+ li+e& and how the# are observable thro'"ho't the world (0here the# are most $ommonl# lo$ated& +ood& bod#& et$.*. To a$hieve this learnin"& % planned to +irst read thro'"h a photo1$opied hando't o+ the readin" +rom o'r adapted te)tbook individ'all# and as a $lass. 2ivin" the st'dents time to read thro'"h the hando't on their own allows st'dents time to work on their own readin" and $omprehension skills& "ives time +or st'dents who ma# need a "reater $hallen"e to move at their own pa$e& allow st'dents to en"a"e with the $ontent in a wa# we haven3t assi"ned #et this 'nit& and ens'res that the st'dents who show 'p late to $lass aren3t missin" s'bstantial $ontent. A+ter the st'dents have aro'nd 7110 min'tes to "et settled into $lass and have spent some time readin" individ'all#& % p'lled ever#one to"ether and en"a"ed in a "ro'p readin". 4# intentions in doin" this "ro'p readin" were5 to "ive the st'dents an opport'nit# to re$eive the $ontent thro'"h listenin" and hearin" their peers speak& to en$o'ra"e the development o+ their own readin" and $omprehension skills& to en$o'ra"e $lassroom en"a"ement b# hearin" man# di++erent voi$es and workin" to keep ever#one on the same tra$k& and to be able to split the readin" 'p into se$tions and allow time between se$tions to review& ask .'estions& and in+ormall# assess retention and $omprehension. This portion o+ the lesson was ver# s'$$ess+'l& st'dents were en"a"ed and parti$ipatin" (observable b#5 readin"& +ollowin" alon"& answerin" .'estions*& and % did a "reat -ob o+ e++e$tivel# ta$klin" the ma-or points that we wanted to $over in this lesson. From here& the lesson transitioned into a period o+ dire$t instr'$tion that wo'ld rein+or$e the $ontent b# makin" s're st'dents have re$orded all o+ the ne$essar# in+ormation +or all o+ the ma$romole$'les/ st'dents wo'ld $orre$t and add to their $harts +rom the previo's da#3s lesson (poster,"aller# walk* as ne$essar#. This transition was ill1planned. 0e hadn3t stressed the importan$e o+ st'dents holdin" onto,brin"in" their $harts +rom the previo's da# (whi$h res'lted in ver# +ew st'dents a$t'all# havin" it with them*& the +lip $hart se$tion that we 'sed didn3t mat$h 'p as well as it $o'ld have +or o'r lesson& and 'ltimatel#& the st'dents were not re$eptive to takin" notes or listenin" to me speak +rom the board. %n these last 10116 min'tes o+ $lass& we +ell o't o+ rh#thm as a $lass& and in the +'t're %

wo'ld take the $lass a di++erent dire$tion than % did. %+ % were to do the lesson a"ain& % wo'ld have stressed the importan$e o+ st'dents holdin" onto the $hart +rom the previo's da# (in +'t're $lasses % wo'ld like to have st'dents keep a +older with all o+ their important papers +iled in*& and % wo'ld have reworked the +ormat o+ $he$kin" thro'"h $harts and reviewin" the $ontent. % wo'ld love to have written o't a lar"e version o+ the $hart a$ross the $halkboard& have the st'dents tell me what to write in ea$h bo)& and then let the $lassroom de$ide what sho'ld "o into ea$h bo) o+ the $hart. This wo'ld allow the st'dents to +ill o't their $harts as % also +ill o't the $hart (more o+ a $ollaborative& we1do approa$h*& this wo'ld "ive the st'dents a voi$e in the assi"nment& it $o'ld en$o'ra"e $lassroom en"a"ement& and it $o'ld also serve as a means o+ in+ormal assessment (as % wo'ld be assessin" m# st'dents retention o+ the $ontent and their abilit# to vo$ali7e this $ontent to the $lass*. Another approa$h that % think $o'ld have reall# en"a"ed the st'dents i+ % wo'ld have had the materials available& wo'ld have been to show the st'dents a$t'al +ood items (bread& e""s& l'n$h meat& b'tter& et$* and as a $lass& separate them b# the ma$romole$'les that most make 'p and represent that item. This wo'ld seek to rea$h m# st'dents who thrive most in vis'al and tan"ible learnin". %n all& % believe that this lesson s'$$ess+'ll# met its "oals and was en"a"in" to nearl# all o+ m# st'dents (and thro'"h var#in" medi'ms* thro'"ho't the +irst 30 min'tes& altho'"h % de+initel# $o'ld have improved the last 16 min'tes& both in the transition and in the planned a$tivit#.

Appendi)5 %. 8esson 9lan +or 13 November 20135 HEADING Daniel A. Chapman Macromolecules

10th 2rade !iolo"#

:6 min'tes ;



This lesson will $ontin'e into o'r s'b'nit on 4a$romole$'les. St'dents will $ontin'e to "ain a basi$ 'nderstandin" and well1ro'nded view o+ the primar# properties o+ the +o'r ma-or ma$romole$'les5 Carboh#drates& 8ipids& 9roteins& and N'$lei$ A$ids END$RING $NDER%"ANDING% St'dents will "reater 'nderstand what makes ea$h o+ the ma$romole$'les 'ni.'e/ that is& their $hemi$als str'$t're& their s'b'nit(s*& their role in the pro$esses o+ li+e& and how the# are observable thro'"ho't the world (0here the# are most $ommonl# lo$ated& +ood& bod#& et$.*

St'dents will be able to des$ribe the properties and roles o+ all +o'r ma$romole$'les (Carboh#drates& 9roteins& 8ipids& N'$lei$ a$ids& and de+ine what makes ea$h 'ni.'e. Roles( Carboh#drate 9rovide <ner"# 8ipids Store <ner"#

9roteins 9rovide Str'$t're N'$lei$ A$ids Carr# 2eneti$ %n+ormation %"ANDARD% 3.1.!.A2 ; Anal#7e the importan$e o+ biolo"i$al ma$romole$'les. Compare and $ontrast the +'n$tions and str'$t'res o+ proteins& lipids& $arboh#drates& and n'$lei$ a$ids. )A"ERIA#% =eadin" >ando't (atta$hed at end* FlipChart *RO'ED$RE% O*ENER + ,--. /inutes %. =eadin"s will be handed o't to st'dents as the# enter the $lassroom& st'dents will be instr'$ted to be"in readin" thro'"h the 31pa"e readin" re"ardin" ma$romole$'les (atta$hed at end*. This time will allow st'dents to pra$ti$e their readin" and $omprehension skills& and en"a"e with the $ontent in a wa# that we have not assi"ned #et this 'nit. This a$tivit# will also ens're that st'dents who are showin" 'p late to $lass to not miss an# o+ the da#?s $ontent.
&OD0 OF "HE #E%%ON - 1. /inutes

%. =ead1Alo'd and =eview @'estions ; 16 min'tes A. 0e are "oin" to be readin" thro'"h the hando't as a "ro'p (st'dents who read will be awarded parti$ipation points thro'"h Class Do-o*. !. A+ter +inishin" 'p the readin" we are "oin" to be answerin" the review .'estions at the end o+ the readin" hando't& .'estions will be asked to the $lass& 6 se$ond wait time will be "iven& and st'dents who respond will be awarded parti$ipation points thro'"h Class Do-o. %%. FlipChart A'tline ; 16 min'tes A. Foods& Str'$t're& F'n$tion& BDra" and DropC 12o thro'"h notes to rein+or$e Content& and make s're st'dents have the $orre$t in+o in their hando'ts 1CDra" and DropC $lassroom a$tivities where words,pi$t'res are posted on the board and st'dents are invited to $ome 'p and drop the words,pi$t'res into their $orre$t& $orrelatin" ma$romole$'le.
'#O%$RE + 2 /inutes

%. %n the last 6 min'tes o+ $lass we will make room +or an# $losin" .'estions& and $ir$'late the room to enter "rades +or st'dent?s $ompletion o+ review .'estions. A''O)ODA"ION% %. St'dents will be able to 'se the readin" hando't and their $ompleted ma$romole$'le $harts +rom the last lesson?s a$tivit# as a reso'r$e. %%. 4r. C'nnin"ham and m#sel+ will both be available as reso'r$es to work with st'dents and "ro'ps thro'"ho't the entire pro$ess ($reation& "aller# walk& $los're* %%%. Content will be approa$hed thro'"h a variet# o+ means/ i.e. vis'al& a'ditor#& thro'"h traditional B$all and response&C on board .'estion and answerin"& readin"& and note1takin".


%. St'dents? review answers will be "raded on $ompletion (10 points*. %%. St'dents? knowled"e and retention will be assessed thro'"h the 'p$omin" $hapter .'i7& and the s'bse.'ent 'nit e)am. %%%. St'dent parti$ipation and en"a"ement will be awarded and rein+or$ed thro'"h e)tra $redit points "iven o't thro'"h BClass1Do-o.C

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