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(FEr.I]ODSI OF PLANETS 16. DaSAS ' , Vimsottari, Attottsrl' Shodasottari, Paochottari, Shasti' Dwiraptatisama, lhbbdt&r, Chaturshitisama, Sthira, Chara, bayani,Shotttlslr$igaoa'Kalachakra, Shoola, Yogardha, Mandook, KCndts,Brahmgraha Yogini, Naisargik, Pinda' Drig, Rasi,Panchswara, S"odhyr, Alhtavargpr Pachaka,Tara Das88and the Dase and llhntrativechartsshowing illustrations Psrlodr. OF DASAS 47, EFFECflS of the Darer of the Sun' principles,cffoctg General thc Moon, Mrn, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn' Mcrcury' Kctu rad Vonus in thc Yimsottari Dasa System' accorof efrects and inaurpiciousness Auspiclousncsr phccmcntr and otrength indiinitics, dini to Otgnitia, in thc birth cbart. of Planets




OF THE NAKSHATRA .48, DISTINCTIVEEFFECTS DASA OR THE DASASOF THE LORDS OF (YIMSHOTTARIDASA'OF YARIOUSHOASES Jto , t of the lords of thc- i*tldllj' of tbe Dasas Effects the 2nd,thc 3rd, the 4tb' the 5th, thc 6th, the 7th' tho 8th, thc fth, tho loth, the I lth and the l2th houses. Spocial conments on the inauspiciousncec of thc Dasasof the lords of tho and auspiciousncs of a 6th, thc 8th and thc l2th-the tbreebad bouses birth chart.



according to dignities and indignitics, strength and dispositionof the Antardasalords with roference to the Ascendantand the lord of the Dasa. Remedial to ward off the evil effects of the Antarmeasures . dasas.

gI. EFFECTS OF THE ANTARDASAS IN THE DAS.4 OF SATURN 691 Effects of the Antardasasof Saturn,Mercury, Ketu, Yenus,the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Jupiter according to dignities and indignities, strength and disposition of tlre Antardasa lords with reference to the Ascendant and the lord of the Dasa. Remedial to ward off the evil effects of the Antarmeasures dasas. 58.EFFECTS OF THE OF MERCURY ANTARDASASIN THE DASA


Effectsof the Antardasas of Mercury, Ketu, Venus. the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter and Saturrr to dignities,indignities, strength and disaccording positionof the Antardasalords with referenceto and the lord of the Dasa. Remedial the Ascendant to ward off the evil effectsof the Antar. measures dasas. 59. EFFECTS OF THE ANTARDASAS IN THE DAS.7 OF KETA 717 Effectsof the Antardasas of Ketu, Venus,the Sun the Moon, Mars, Rahu,Jupiter,Saturnand Mercur-v in accordance with the dignities, indignities, strength and dispositionof the Antardasalords with reference to the Asccndantand lord of the Dasa, Remedial measures to rvard off the evil effects of the Antardasa.

492 49. EFFECTS OFTHE KALACHAKRA DASA Effects of the Dasa of rasisowned by the Sun, the .Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,Venus and Saturn. The effects of Dasason the basis of the Navamsa of eachrasi. 50. EFFECTS OF TIIE CHARA ETC, DASAS Generalprinciplesin regardto the judgment of the effects of the Dasa rasis according to the strength of their lords, disposition of malefics and benefics with reference to the Dasa rasi at birth and at the time of the commencement of the Dasa, Badhaka for the Moveable, Fixed and Dual rasisand houses their influence on the effects of the Dasa. Effectsof the Dasaof a planet in an inimical rasi, effects of Dasa rasisdepending on their conditions. 51. WORKING OUT OF ANTARDASAS OF PLANETS . AND RI.S/S IN VIMSOTTARI ET'C. DASA SYSTEMS Method of calculationof Antardasas of planetsunder the Vimsottari, Chara and Kendra Dasa etc. Method of calculation of Antardasas of rasis and the order of tlreir Antardasas, Illustration and Illustrative charts, table of Antardasasof planets under the VimsottariSi,stem.Method of calculation of Antardasas of raris under the Kala Chakra Dasa system. 52. EFFECTS OFTHE ANTARDASAS IN THE DASA OF THE SUN ACCORDING TO VIMSOTTARI DASA SYSTEM 627 Effects of the Antardasas of the Sun,the Moon, Mars Rahu,Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus, auspicious and inauspicious effectsaccordingto the dignitiesand indignities,strengthand dispositionof the Antardasalord with reference to the Ascendant and the lord of the Dasa.




493 Rcmedialmeasures to ward off the evil cffier:$ of ths Antardasas.


OF THE tr,IOON Effectsof the Antardasasof the Moon, U"r.. iutru, Jupiter,Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus and the Sun according to dignities and indignities, strengthand dispositionsof the Antardasa lord with referenceto the Ascendant and the lord of the Dasa. Remedial measures to obtain relief from the evil effectsof the Antardasas.



OF MARS Effects of the Antardasas of Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus, the Sun and the Moon according to dignities and indignities, suength and dispositionof the Antardasalords with references to the Ascendant and the lord of the Dasa.Rpmedial ileasures to obtain relief from the eyil effoctsof the Antardasas. .55. EFFECTS IN THE ANTARDASA^SOF RAHU Effectsof the Antardasas of Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus, the Sun, the Moon and Mars accordingto dignitie and indignities,strength the Antardasa lords with refeand dispositions,of renceto the Aecndant and the lord of the Dasa. Remedial measuresto obtain relief from the evil effectsof Antardasas. 56. EFFECTSOF THE ANTARDASAS OF JUPITER Effectsof the Antrdasasof Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury' Ketu, Venus,the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Rahu in





@, EFFECTS OF TTTE ANTARDASAS IN THE DASA OF''ENAS NO Effectsof the Antardasas of Venus, the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Meniury and Ketu accordingto dignities and indignities, strength and dispositi6nof the Antardasalords with refcrence to the Ascendantand the lord of the Dasa. Remedial rneasures to ward off the evil effectsof the Antar. dasas. 61, EFFECTS OF PRATYANTAR ANTARDASAS OF PLANETS DASAS IN THE


Method of calculation of the Pratyantar Dasa with an example. Effectsof the Pratyantar Dasa of the nine planets in the Antardasas of the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus. Tables showingperiods of all Pratyantar Dasasfor ready reference.

62, EFFECTS OF THE SOOKSHMANTAR DASAS IN THE PRATYANTARDASAS OF THETIARIOUS PLANETS 770 Method of calculation of the Sookshma Dasa in tbe Pratyantar Dasa of Planetswith an example. Effects of the SookshmaDasa in the Pratyantar Dasa of the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus.

63, EFFECTSOF PRANA DASAS INTHE SOOKSHMA' DASA OF THE VARTOUSPLINETS ?85 Method of calculationof prana Dasa of planets with an example. Effects of the prana Dasasin the SookshmaDasasof the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Rahu Jupiter, Saturn,Mercury, Ketu and Venus.



KALACHAKRA DASA Method of calculation of the Antardasasof rasis in the Dasaof a rasi under the Kala Chakra Dasa system with an example and tables showing the ,{ntardasas of the rasisowned br vorious' planetsin the Amsasof all rasis.



Effectsof Dasas of rasisin Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Amsas' Capricorn,Aquariusaud Pisces 66. ,4SHTAKAVARGA and utility of the Ashtaka' l.mportance, sginificance the effectsof a birth to correctly assess varga scheme chart for the purposeof making prediction. Defini' tion of Karanaand Sthana. r '(dots) from placesmarked by bindus lnauspicious Venus, the Sun,the Moon, Mars, Mercury,Jupiter, Saturnand the Ascendant.The Auspicious places the Sun, the Moon, , rnarkedby rekhas(lines) from ' Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the Illustrativechartsfor all the planets' Ascendant. 67. TNKONA SODHANA (RECTIFICATION) IN THE 867 ASHTAKAVARCA SCHEME Necessity for Trikona rectification' Method of rloingthe rcctification.Illustrativechartsof Ashtaka, rurgut of all the eight planets (including tbe with bindui (dots) and rekhas (lines) Asc-endant) to the prescribed rules' markedin them according lllustration(with an illustration chart) of carrying out the trikona rectificatio[ in tbe Ashtakavargasof the Sunetc.


497 A KA' E AST'IT A SH OD HANA I A' TIT 68.EKAD!! I P'4TT' 875 VARCA SCHEME Rules for carrying ollt tbe [kadhipatya recti' of the variousplanets ticationin the Ashtakuvargas incltrdingtheAscendant_Illustratiortwitl.rillustra. tivc chart. 69, PINDA SADTIANA IN THE .4SIITAKAV'ARGA 87I E SCTIET,I by l{ethod of doir:g Pintla Sadhaua explained clarilicatiotts' and illustrativecharts 70. EFFECTSOF THE ASTIT'AKAV'4RG.1 fronr the planets' ' The mattersto be cousiclered the effectsof a Procedureto bc adopted to ascertairr house. of the cffects advclse or favourabf Determination lcadlp lism tlre Sun's Ashtakavargacircumstances lortatnq' )'agas to the Arishta to father. Favourable t{e Indications about the suitabilityof pmiodsfor of of auspiciousfunctions'Effects thc performance icationsabout unfavour' i4oon', Ashtakavarga-Incl fuuctions' ;;i" perioclsfor terforming auspicious trikonamotlter' the to effects unfavourablc of illustration and Chakra Sodbana Ef.uJt,iputvo 8gI

PindaSadhana' Effectsof the Aslttakavarga of Mars-Indications to the about favourabte or uufavourable effccts Chakra Sodhana Eka<lhipatya t rottt"r, Trikona and with illrrstration' fff..rt of Mcrcury's Ashtakavarga-Indications aboutfaVuurarbleeffectslbrfamily'rnaternaluncle end friends, Trikona and Ekqdhipatya Sodhana Chakra with illustration' and Effects of -tupiter's Ashtakavarga' favourable unfavourablecffectsinregardtoknowledge'religious inclinationsand progeny' Trikona and Ekadhipatya Chakra with illustration' Sodhana

498 Efectsof the Ashtakavarga of Venus_favourable and unfavourabte effectsi" r*;;; weatrh, tand, happiness, marriage,_married life, wife etc.. Trikona andEkadhipatuasodhan""'*f ih iuustra tion.

and unfavourable effects about Oiutfr'lo,f longevity. Trikona and Ekadhipatya r --J' e'srrqrr4 Chakrawith il;;;;"illustration.
71. DETERMINATION OF LONGEVITY TTIRQAGH _ TEE ASNTAKAVARGA of life to rekhasin alt rhe rasis tl9.r*.."1 of spans in . all the Ashtakavargas.Method of A.t.rmination longevitythrough this arrangei"",.-iii"rtration. of 72. ACGREGRATIONA L ASTITAKAVARGA 895

Effects of saturn,s arri.u""illjil'uo"ruute

of preparation of Aggregratiortal _Y*h"! -"f."o AstrtakavargaFavourable and unfuuoiiuli" according to thenumber of r.ekhas i;.;;i ;l."b,n,r,on of thc 12houses of a birthchur,in* i;;;;;, ro deterninc the parr of life wr:ictr win ie;r;;;;"ooiness and r.ytogether with_ aniffurrrrtiJn.' ?::rp"t Oescription of inauspicious effecsfor tess rh;;;;;"ilas in rasi and remedial measure toward off ttre evit effects. Doecriptionof auspiciour-'.nJ.i, "iJ, ,o or more rekhas in a rasi.


73, EFFECTS OF TEE RAYS OF THE PLANETS 905 Description of tlre rumbergf rays for all planets. whenin deepexattatioo o"al.pjiiliilrion. Method of working out theacJual nu.U., oirL, ora planct in a birth chart togeth"r *iit, irtrri*ii?ns. Erectsor tbe raysof the pranets according to tirir number. 74. EFFECTS OF THE SADARSTTANA CEAKRA 9t2 Feasibilityof qkinq prcdictionof favourable or uafavourable resutrs;.r';;;il;ui' .".ry monur

499 and everyday through the Sudarshana Chakra. Rules for analysingeffects ofthe t2 housesfrom the Sudarshan a Chakra. Illustration demonstrating the working of Sudarshan Chakra. Method of making predictions. Illustrations, 75. CHARACTERTSTICFEATURES OF PANCTTAMA. HAPURASEAS 924 Descirption of Panchamahapurusha yogas,namety Ruchaka,Bhadra, Hamsa,Malavya and Sasa causecl by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn respectively. Dcscriptionof the characteristics of these five types of greatpersonalities 76. EFFECTS OF THE FIVE ELEMENTS_EARTH, AIR, WATER, FIRE AND ETHER 928 Rulers of Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Ether. Temperament dependerrt on the predominance of the strengthof planet ruling a particular element. Effects as a result of the predominance of any of the five elements in a person. 77. EFFECTS OF.THE SATWA GUNA ETC. 932 Effectsof the predomidance of any of threegunas, :.namely-Satwaguna, Rajoguna and Tamoluna. Rulersof the three gunas. Classification of peiso,rs as Uttama, Madhyama,Adhama and Udaseena ancl their attributes. 78. LOSTHOROSCOPY a birth chart of the person,whose ]ltet.lo-aof caScing birth detailsare not known, through a- query chart. Detailedillustration. 79. YrcAS LEADING TO ASCETISM Planetarycombinations and disposition for enterine 948


500 into various sectsofholy orders and relinquishing them. _ 80. FEMALE HOROSCO?Y\ Spccialitiesabout analysing a female's horoscope. Housesfrom which different matters are to be consiplanetary combination deredin a female'shoroscope. for a womanto be of masculine or femininecharacter. Effects of trimsamsa positionof the Moon Ascendant in Trimsamsas of variousplanets.Temperament and character of the husband.planetarydisposition for happinees, deformity, defective sexualorgan,defame in society, ill health, ugly appearance, poverty, shanelessand without virtue, wicked dislosition, deceptiveness, u[chaste,barrenness, wealthy, happy rvithhusband and children,VishaKanya, widowhood, afflictedwith too much lust, learnedin ghastras etc., an ascetic, death alongwith husbandin a female,s horoscope. 935 \

EI. EFFECTSOF THE CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF TITE P'ARIOTJS PARTSOF WOMAN'S BODY 966 82. EFFECTS OF MOLES, MARKS, S/G.NT,S ETC, FOR JITEN AND WOMEN 982 83, EFFECTSOF CURSES IN THE PNTWOUS BIRTH g85 Planetary combinations and disposiiions for lack of a male issueas a resultof cursein the previousbirth of the serpent, father, mother, brother, maternal uncle,wife and departed soulsand prescriptions of remedialmeasures.Lack of a male issueon account of the malevolence of the planets and ,prescription of appropriateremedialmeasures. 84. REMEDIAL MEASARES TO OBTAIN RELIEF FROM THE MALEVOLENCE OF THE PLANETS IOO3 Detailed description of the remedial measures to be

li{ ,i',


501 to ward adoptedand reiigious rites to be performed ofr the evil effectscausedby the nralevolenceof the variousPlanets. INAASPrc]OAS BIRTHS in which the birth of a Descriptionof the.situations is harmful for the and inauspicious becomes chilcl relations. nativeor other





ATTAYASYA Evil effects of the birth on the inauspiciousday of and to be adopted measures and remedial Amavasya from relief obtain to performed to be religiousrites them,'


17.REMEDIES FROM THE ET1IL EFFECTS OF IC)i2 BIRTH ON KRISHNACHATURDASHI of birth on this inauspiciousday and Evil effects to be idopted and religious rites to be measures performed to ward them off' AS.NPUNNIES FROTTEVTL EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN IOI' BHADRA AND INAUSPrcrcUS YOGAS to be adopted and religiousrites Remedialmeasures to be performedto obtain relief from the evil effects of birth in Bhadra,Tithi Kshaya, Vyatipata,Paridhi' Vajra etc', inauspiciousyogasand Yamaghantaetc' yogas. 1017 89. RErtIEDIESFROM NAKSEATRA BIRTH births of suchinauspicious Descriptionof evil effects and the adopted be to measures and the remedial from obtain relief to performed religiousrites to be them.

90. REMEDIES FROM SANKRANTI BIRTH Description of evil effectsof such inauspicious birth and the remedial measuresto be adopted and the religious rites to be performed to ward them off. 91. REMEDIES FROM BIRTH IN ECLIPSES bescription of evil effectsof such inauspiciousbirth and the remedial measures to be adopted and the religiousrites to be performedto escape from them, 92. REMEDIES FROM BIRTTI IN GANDANTA Description of the three kinds of Gandanta, namely Tithi Gandanta, Nakshatra Gandanta and Lagna Gandanta. Description of Abhukta Moola, the ramedial measures to be adopted and the religious rites to be performed to obtain rclief from the evil effectsof birth in the three kinds of Gandaota. 93. REMEDIES FROM BIRTE IN ABHUKTA MOOLA The remedialmeasures to be adopted and the religious rites to be performed to obtain relief from the evil effectsof suchinauspicious birth. 94"}.EMEDIES FROM EVIL EFFECTS OF BIR.TNIN JYESTilA GANDANTA 1033 Tbc remedial measures to be adopted and the reli- giousrites to be performed to obtain relief from the . evil effectsof such inauspiciousbirth, IO2g 1026





Descriptionof the evil effects of such ipauspiciouc birth and remedial measuresto be adopted and religiousrites to be performed to ward them ofr.

503 96. REMEDIES FROM EVIL EFFECTS OF UNUSUAL DELIVERY Description of such inauspicious births and their evil effects. The remedial measures to bc adopted and th6 religious rites to obtain relief from thoevil effectsof suchbirths. 97. CONCLUSION



PAEFACE It har already been mentioned in preface to ths first volume of {his book translated by my learned Shri R. Santhanam colleague that as.ShriMaha Vishnu is tae god of gods, Parasara flora is the book of books in the field of Astrology. Nothing better could be said of Hindu Astrology. about this greatclassic Due to the persistent approach of the publishers and non-availability of Mr. Santhanam due to his preoccupationfor the last three years, I had to take up this stupndous task of English translation of present volume of this great work. Thebook BRIHAT PARASARA HORA SASTRA ie made up of 97 chapters,45 of which havealready been publishedas Vol.I. I have grcat pleasurein presenting herewith the English translation, with comments'illustrations and illustrativecharts,of the remaining52 chaptcrs" The contentsofthese 52 chaptershavc been given infull , dotail in the Table of Contents" But for the grace. of God and thc oonstant and asiqtance by the publishers of this Gncouragcment book, it would not have becn possible to compldtethis difficult aad etupendous task. I hopo this effort will prove useful to the readers. .\ -Goud SbrakrrKrpmr


qtrr{{r1q aq,

3Tw ry{TlsurtrT ilvqtl

Chapter 46

Dasas(Periods) of planets
*TQ{! d f.qqr etqqiqiT t r fi*alsf( i'qfr: Tfaf{eil: Rf;a ! fftnqq afttt: 1ltl
t. Maitreyesaid-O Venerable Sage! you are omniscientTherei';'o subject with which you are not conversant. Therefore now plOase favour me rvith guiciance about the different kinds of Dasas(Periods) of the variousplanets.

sra qE Tqqr feq ! qlsrlr{6.rfrw r {PtErfEr flqti Ewniariw: nRtl

enrragfiurmrg tc{r fqvrlxtt rnir r 'fr'ftqEtalatt *fraq qfqar qls{it{rt nttl

fqq ! avn qyq}nt aTq{rr6q}flr"t

a{n qrdssr daq sgn{ilftHrt-fl rrvu fbq.afasqT qfiia^vqr qati{r*Tr r aqrarurRr.reiar: rfqat:'n{qf<fu:rrrrr
^ 2-5. The Sagereplieci-O Ilrahmjn ! Dasas (periods) are of ;nany kinds. Amongst them Vjr:.sottari is the most approprir te for the generalpcpulace. Drrt the other Dasasfoliowed in specialcas6s are (erc*nif), sjg{l.gllqri (e}sn}ait), fglgyi

acn r

506 Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra

Pyag:*ar:.(n<iln*), ( $iilI6:fi'r),

Pglf"rgj ({#l),


i-sama ), Dry_rgptlt t{ryqb:!!:sr rya{rgtrfi f,e-wr

Shastibayani (ufi;aqnf,l),


(vqf+w-vw). oui ancGnGlave described thesem-e;nt Tilds

of Dasas (constellations). based on nakshatras

'r qq

rIfrrqi: r rdtttiTrnit{Tl rfi$ql qrzlr a{avng rn uqtl iqtser q(trqtfl frqq|Eqrq qqn Gc t r
rfi'tFtiilm ilfif{n c}{tt

*'*tqa q Eltr ifi 6lmlf@a${Err usn

? Enr. ;rpr ileil {riti.fl Trril ltcll rftffiqE|tr| f<l lggrn Er ?ffi: Tq I uerl ffiqrwt EFT qTqaw rf{rr{Tr TrrdT qErRq(ifiil frt ! f+iqr d[qrtarn r iilfi taf,t aqivfr q iqFrtEm ilflnlotl uce{|iEqil wuql-E{rr qrq6diil6,r t srdwil{Ti(qtrgrnm fl qqt: wigegarr rr11rl
!Some sages 6-ll. O tsrahmin liave madea rnentionof and ChakraDasa;brit they haverecognised I(ala F)asa the Kalachakra Dasa as The other kinds of Dasas propagliitl by the leanredsare Chara. Dasa (s{ ErrT),Srhira Dasa (Fw<


rgrrfqasful Emxl{ar U trFqEr

Brairmagraha Dasa(*gr1 awr), Min-d56'FD-r.a (rq+, <wr), ({.q cm), b&4!4gD;;-1frril6Etn), :Shool Dasa Drig Dasa

E{rr), {:g1g_l2gE"lffi{qr0' Karaka oiilFii+


PT:IIgg_susa (,ivea<t <ut), y:g,ol_!g5a(frfr{t <rr), nfiaa nasalffire <nr),Naisareit Da;Guffifi <rn),Ashtavarg nrsa (i.aeti {srr),Sandhl;Das"{wuar <vrr),pachdla-Dasi
(ar<+' <wt), Tara Dasa (at<t <{II) etc. But in our view all tbese

1frTnf,ry1.tlga-Gsi.Gmj, **i t ura(rr-lf-wr),

gas:s ar'' notGpF@rj-alg-(for the purpG-tbr wtrictr tireyare




: Accordingto conceptionof Dasasin the Hindu Nol.,"s produce their effcctsin accorsystemr,,'Astrologythe planets dancewith their dignities or indignities and benevolence or (Antar in their major periods(Dasas), sub-periods malevolence (PratyantarDasas)etc. This matter Dasas)or sub-sub-periods will be dealt with in detail in later Chapters and the readers will be ableto study and understandthe importanceandsignificance of Dasasfor the purposeof timing the events. VimsottariDasa

ffaqrta: af6ww;w{

qflq$q laqrqs

?$fqqr I

w-{g-n-g-vrd-*:{Xsfkgn: Trrr(trl itl

qrd< at Tiaat qqdfcadr r

qiqr-{{nfen} iqraqnrq <{ri qt( rrltrr grigarqaq tcwlin{Ri ltrrq: r

t,,al k{ftf,'fr ffqq E{TT tafi faq}frq ! rtlvtt
12-14. Beginning from Krittika the lords of Dasas (periods)are the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter. Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venusin that order. Thus if the nakshatras are from Krittika to the JanmaNakshatra (natal constellation) dividea by nine, the remainder will signify the lord of the commencing Dasa. The remainingDasaswill be of the planets given order above. the in Kaliyuga In the natural life span of a human being is generallytaken as 120 years. Therefore, Vimsottari Dasa is considered to be the most appropriateand the bestof all Dasas.

iFqitqi qq Evrrs{qrq*qq: r EqTRrrfT: ffrq;rtqq ;r|twiil ilTn ;rcn: ul{tl ITTIFTI

15. The perioCrof Dasasof the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Ralru,Jupiter, Saturn,Meicury. Ketu and Venus are 6,lO, 7, 18, 16, 19,l'1,7 and20 in thai order. This will be clear from the table on next Page-



.6rihdt Parasara llora lfablc of Dasas



Dasa Lord


Krittika, Uttarphalgpni, ar:tl Urtarasirada Sun l,{oon Rohini, Hasta and Sravana Mars Dhanista Chirra and Mrigasira, Rahu Aridra, Srvati and Satabhisa Jupiter Visakha and Poorvabbadra h;narvasu, Anuradhaand Uttarabhadra Saturn Pushyaml, Mercury and Revti Aslesha,Jyeshtha Ketu Makha, Moola and Aswini and Bharani Yenus Poorvaphaiguni,Poorvashacia

6 t0
'! IE l6 l9 17 7 20




fanlfeml il1qtr Efirrnwa-qqtei*at qI;tTE

16. To find out the remainder of the Dasa operatingat the time of birth, first find out tbe rxpiied portiou of the Dasaof planet. This is done a, fbliows. Multiply the the concerned Dasa period of t|r' nlanet concerneiltry the period of the stay of the l!{oon in fne Janrna Naksl,ritrathat has expired arrd riivi{s it'b;. the total period of the stayof'tire Moon in ihat ,...ikshatra.. The figurein years,months etc. so arrived al ,.r'ill be the expired period of tlie l)a.s:r lf this figure is de,.lucte,-! we will get tbe balance of from the toial period of the, birtl',. time the of at ,Dasa lhe birth hastaken place in Mrigasira Example: Suppose Nakshatra. The lord of the Dasa operating at birth will, therefore, be Mars. The expiretlperiod (uatA) of Mrigasira is 58/15 (58 ghatisand l5 pala-") or 3415Palas. The total period (rdq) of Mrigasira is 59i31 (59 ghatis and 3! palas)or 35?l palas. 341-5rrruitipliedby ? years (L)asa period of Mars)comesto 24435. This divided by 357i will givethe expired period of (6 years,10 rnonths, Dasa as 61rc16,22,5 and 6 day,22 ghatikas palas). By dcducting 5 this from 7 years,we will get the balancc (1 month,23 days,3Tghatis of Dasa at birth as 0 1!23i37155 and 55 palas). Notes: The abovemethodis based Modern on Panchangas. in Astrolcgyhave devjsed reselrchers a much simplermethodto

ail 5q{

Chapter 46


ctlculate the balanceof Dasa at birth based on the longitude of the Moon and to know the Janma Nakshatras. For this purpose it is imperative to give detailed information about (Constellations) Nakshatras first, evenat the ccst of occupation of valuablespace. As has already been mentioned in Vol.I ot this book, .tltereare 27 Nakshatras. One nakshatrameasures t3"-20' of aro 9 Padas 3"-20'each. and consists of four padas (quarters) -of (2.l Constellations) comprise a rasi (Sign). The rasis and nakshatrasare both reckonedfrom the same point, namely the pero degreeof Aries, the first sign of Zodiac. the constellations Like the s:igns, are ownedby the various planets. Hcre evenRahu and Ketu have ownershipover certain constcllations. The longitudinalspanof a rasi or signbeing30o and of a nakshatra 13'-20', the nakshatras are accommodated under the twelve rasis as shownin the following tableRrsis l. Aries Nakshatras Span in Degreesrnd Minutes to to to to
tC' to to to 1() to to to to to to

2. Taurus

4. Cancer

5. Leo

6. Virgo

Aswini (1,2,3,4) 00 Bharini(1,2,3,4) 13"-20', Krittika (1) 26'-4A', Krittika (2,3,4) 00 Rohrni (1,2,3,4) 10"-00' 23"-20', Mrigasira(1,2) 0" Mrigasira (3,4) 6"40' Aridra {1.2,3,4) (1,2,3) 20'-00' Punarvasu 00 Punarvasu(4) (1,2,3,4). 3"-20' Pushyami (1,2,3,4) 16'-40' Aslesha 00 Makha (1,2"3,4\ Poorvaphalguni (1,2,3,4) 13"-20', 26-40' Uttarphalguni(l) Uttarphalguni (2,3,4') 0" Hasta (1,2,3,4) 10"-00' Chittra (1,2) 23'-20',c

13"-20', 26'-40' 30"-00' 10'-00' 23"-20' 30'-00' 6'40' 200-00' 30'-00' 3"-2A' 16"-41' 30'-00' 13"-20' 26',-40' 30'-00'

\''. I",

to to to

I to'-oo'
23"-20' 30"-00'

510 Rasis
7. Libra Nnkshatns Chittra (3,4) Swati(1,2,3,4) Visakha(1,2,3)

Brihat Parasara Hora' Sastra Span in Degreesanil Minutes 0" 6"-40' 20"-00' to to to to to to to to to to to to to to

6'-40' 20"-00' 30"-00' 3"-20'. 16"-40' 30"-00' 13"-20' 26"-40', 30e-00' 10"-00' 23"-20' 30"-00' 6"40' 20"-00' 30"-00' 3"-20'. l6'-40' 30"-00'

8. Scorpio

0o Visakha(4) Anuradha(1,2,3,4) 3'-20' Jyestha(1,2,3,4)) 76"-40' 0d 13"-20', 26"-40'

9. Sagittarius Moola (1,2,3,4) Poorvashada (1,2,3,4) Uttarashada(l)

(2,3,4) 0o 10. Capricorn Uttarashada (1,2,3,4) 10"-00' Sravana 23'-20' Dhanista(1,2) 0" ll. Aquarius Dhanista(3,4) (1,2,3,4) 6' -40' Satabhisha Poorvabhadra 12. Pisces

(1,2,3) 20.-oo' to
to to to

(4) 0" Poorvabhadra Uttarabhadra (1,2,3,4',) 3'-20' (1,2,3,4) 16'-40' Revti

The figures 1,2,3,4 indicate the padas (quarters)of a nakshatra. We will now illustratehow the above information is to be utilised. A personwas born on23rd November,l93O andthe at 2,15 P.M. We want to know his JanmaNakshatra planetpresidingover the Dasa at the time of birth. The Longitude of the Moon is 8-I 3'-0' (SagittariusI 3"). From the above table,it will be seenthe Janma Nakshatrawill be Moola 4th pada. The lord of Moola is Ketu. So the Dasa of Ketu will be operatingat the time of birth. But this is not enough. We haveto find out the balance of Ketu Dasa at the time of birth. For this we will have to take assistance from the following table taken frOm Lahari's Ephemeris.

Belancc oI Vinrottan

lrrrr by Lonjitude ol MOO!

-long. Maon in Mesba, Maon in Vriebe. Matn in Mlthunr Moat in Karlrtr 'l'ulr, Kumblu of VrirchiLr, Mlnr Krnye, Malara Simbr. Dbrnur Moon g md gmit o arn Ymrl JoprrBn4 0 0 IJUN Ketu 460 Metc 360 ?00 00 6 3 ? 446 3 321 6 S2? 020 3 2r2 4 212 6 724 3124 040 2 918 2u2l 4 018 6 521 l0 g 918 2 ,t2l 3 1024 6 3lti r20 200 2 ?r5 390 61li, 110 l ?6 3?6 Slrlz 20 '2 8 35 Sr 2 l9ls 3 512 50s 220 0 r)18 216 3 318 3? () 24C 0 4'?{ 3 x 124 553 30 -l lll Sat,rfo !9 o0 00 320 n30 '3 4C t6 69 :., 0 27 210 I I',62? IE 013 2 812 | 424 40 4r024 l? 627 2 618 | 22r 420 4 8?l l7 t6 2 424 L OlE 440 4 618 l6 7t6 230 50 4 415 - 0r0r3 r6 r24 sl6 0 812 5e0 4 212 tI 83 lltl2 540 06tr 409 l5 212 040 r 918 60 310 6 I4 821 023 620 383 | 121 Rabu 13 O O t430 0{0 I6U r 46 r399 ?0 3 327 l? 018 r3 g18 | 2t2 12A t?16 3 1.24 'l /r0 r2 92t l 018 211el L6 724 l) { 6 0r024 18 ?19 80 2 9r8 090 Ir r0 l5 2 7r5 r590 820 rr 424 2 5L2 0?0 l5 318 840 0 612 l0 lr 3 230 90 14l0 6 r0 513 920 216 0 318 14 {24 0il?l 040 111 3 0 r24 13 ll 12 ul 190 r00 9go 000 r 6s? 13 0l8l I0 20 8 618 900 | 424 10 40 12 ? 0l I $2? 880 r stl lro t2 rt4 l ?76 000 1018 lr 30 lr 8-1:l ? l16 8S0 It 40 c1015 ll 3 0l 880 r30 6 721 10 8181 0 8r2 12 Zti Eza I30 l0 4 sl 008 800 12 40 6 8l? 046 910P41 r30 ?00 0 5 1 1 ] _---Z=0-d l 5 2?l 023 t-3tit"to v;;;rtit--d-d' 8I 0 0 l ?30 13 40 018 I t900 dsi) ?tl 0 l{0 s 0:! I r 0l 1000 3 3tT 6 0 0 14 20 ? 7 241 1860 660 l{ {0 u r0 6 7 2r2l lE00 150 a tl6 6 30 t s 0l r?00 t6 ?0 600 r lcg{ u00 6 3 1 8l 590 lb dll 1I}3 610 6l 1660 6 6 0 o lt )2 160 6 t24l 1600 tft ?o 530 1500 0 $';r {111?l -T-F-i)-i lcur.l? ti 0 FT0 5--01 r50rl 14e0 10 f: t? 4 90 u0 t 018 I ta rbt L? 2A 1400 4 00 s ? 6l i? 40 1360 ld 6:l; 430 s r?{l 180 t300 t6 3 'ti a 812i 400 l8 20 s 3 ol 1260 390 tr4 !0. rt Iti {0 l0l8 I ta 6r8 300 i800
O l

Italaocc Ot ViErottari Long. .0t(,on in Mopr, of Moon 8iqrbr, Dhroud vmd

Moon da Y j;a, Knnya. Mrlrn
gm d

lloon ia Mithuna Tuls, Kumbha RAEU

MooainKrrtelr VJsclte,Mioa

1 0 0 VnNug11 6 0 M o o n 3 3 0 300 19 20 ll 00 l0 4c 10 60 290

200 20 20 2U40 21 0 2l ?c 2t 10 220 'Jt 30 , 2 Jt 0 2.t 0 2!0 23 40 ?40 2t 20 E{ 40 250 25 20 25 40 2{i 0 26 80 zti 40 270 2? 20 27 40 280 zrJ20 28 40 290 300 l0u0 960 900 860 800 ?60 ?00 060 600 560 500 460 400 360 300 260 200 160 100 060

4 tm 116 0102a 0 512

0 O

il "6 6 wr*o.
13?O 132g 12go 12 327 1l t0 a4 ll 521 11 018 10 ?15 t0 2r2 990 946 811 3

260 230 200


100 130 r00 090




r? 2r2 12 s18 .r2 4 21

IZUU ll ?6 ll 2t2

15?6 ,5 212 t4 0r8 ,1 424 1400 13?6

zu20 s9 40

6r0 6 c 812 6 618 6 {24 030 6r6 Iulz { 918 ?24 4. 6 '4 0


6 02? I ?2t 6 52r 6 Srit 6 r16 51112 599 5?0 553 5c0 5 02? 11024 4 821 d 618 I 4Lh "4 212 409 310 6 383 360

r0 0r8

80n x ?21 ,I
221 fj 018 6 415 5lllz 509 510 {83

l0 421 1000 9?8 I212 I018 E 124



7?6 ? 2t2 6 Sr8 6 424 000 5?6 I 2t2 { 918 I 121 400

3 9n 3 494 2lr2l B 6r8 8ll5 l812 r39 010 6 053 000

llBopoe'rroxll PaBTs Fon Drge oF PLANETg ( To be rubtrretcd lrom tho balsnceol dato for lnclese by mlntlo oI the tongltudoof moon )

Ketu V e n u t Bun ( ? y ) (20Y) ( 6 c )

Ia It


(lot) ( ? E )

Mnro 03 06 09 013 0t6 019

liehu lupitcr 3aturn Merc. (l8y) (r6y) t r9y) $?s1

md utd ,nd
,i al

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 E

03 06 09 0 t:l 016

l0 15 20

ll5 Grs 124 a 2'2 2 3 0 2lr 2 1 2 028 221 30 l1 415 1U 23 60

03 00 018 05 o27 08 0lr l0


014 016 019


0e4 o2? r,1l tu

05 09 014 018 023 Q27 l2 16

I ll

08 016



115 28 30

025 0c8
1l ll? 23


19? 25 213 221 42 512


09 0? 014 0l? o22 026 029 i1 113 t6 l13 I 2l 120 20 128 28 2 l'l 2n 212 226 318 48 52r a4

08 015 CI23 ll



r21 2l 89

2r7 325 ?.o 53

I 2 ? 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 l5

Clnpter 46 ,, Mesha Vrisha Mithund Karkata Simha Kanya Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Tula Vrischik Dhanus Makara Kumbha Mina

513 Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

We seefrom the abovetable 13" of Sagittarius the balance .of Ketu Dasa is 2 monthsand 3 days at the time of birth of the uative. Ali lengthyarithmeticalcalculations can be avoidedby 'taking assistance from thesetables. As has beendescribedin sufficientdetail, in the Vimsottari Dasa system, the various lplanets have been allotted specific irumber cf years the total of which comesto 120 years which has bbenconsidered in Kaliyugaas the normal natural period of litb by our sages. In other Dasa systems also variouJ periods have been allotted to the different planets. From a scientific point of view, we cannot say with any sort of definiteness,ulx)n rvhat basis such allotment of periodshavebeenmade;but in actual practice the Dasa system, particularly the Vimsottari :system yieldssatisfactory results.

miurq *rat}qrE-<rd-qrd fsaritqt r

3r6elflt am fas'! fqiqT rlrqfEa: ulell

qgo,S,kari aeqr( qgcil faari gr: r qd T?rwqriqrEq f*rrurzqrn{i{ ulctl qt avrfurr fsc ! *rn: *,{ faql qQT: uletl
1q1; q;Eql qF[: TrriTi6Epg dqq: r

gv: tlrn: nfa#iaeawl qg,r Eriva;a:

rrlseqr: uaf: gfrana {Eqrd}aiErtT$rtt: uQotl

17-20.The Sage said-O Brahmin, the learneds have 'ecommended the adoptionof Astottari Dasa, when Rahu not 'ireing in Lagna, in any other Kendra (quadrant) or trikona


Brihat parasara Hora Sostra

(trine) to the lord of the Ascendant (Lagna). From 4 nakshatras from Aridra commences the Dasa of the sun, from 3 nakshatras after that beginsthe Dasa of the Moon;4 naksrratras after that will bring the Dasa of Mars; 3 nakshatras after that the lord of Dasa will be Mercury;4 nakshatrastherefrom will havesaturr as the Dasa Lord; 3 nakshatrasthereafter the Dasa Lord wirl -be Jupiter; Rahu will be the lord of Dasa4 nakshatras after that and then sukra will take over the lordsliip of the Dasa 3 nakshatrasfrom the last one mentioned abovc. The rord of the Dasa at birth will be determined by countingin this orderup to the Janmanakshatra. The durationof AstottariDasa for the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter,Rahu and Venusare 6, 15, g, 17,10, 19, 12 and21, in that order. Thusi;r this,Dasa system only 8 planets play the role of Dasalords,Kedr having beerr deniedthis privilege.

Ertrqifqqq qrll?i {flqi ","";q?f( t q*n* iflTTrTT{ fH{ laqraq ! rrtqrr ?riRirrftl*qr]*qi t{ei qlai rl sftr}a I Fqn}tttqtsTa ailTdrr6FrqrfE{ia uRRrr
2l-22. The Dasasof the variousplanetshave been specified above. In the case of malefic planetsrhe Dasa spanol' one nakshatrais:nth of the Dasaof the planet. It is l/3rd irr the caseof benefics. Thus the expiredportion of the Dasa is calculated according the methodfollowedlbr Vimsottari Dast by multiplying the Bhayat (rf+rn-the expiredperiod of the stay of the Moon in the JanmaNakshatra) by the Dasa portion of the Janma Nakshatra rnd dividing it by Bhabhog(the total period of the stay of the Moon in the Janma Nakshatra). The balanceof Dasa at birth can alsobe ascertained then. SpecialNote': If uttarashadabe the Janrna Nakshatra the duration of its first threepadasis taken as Bhabhog,and the Dasa calculationsshould be done accor.clingly the Dasa calculations for Abhijit Nakshatra are doneby taking the 4th pada af uttarashadaplus the l5th part of the beginningof Srar:an, For Sravanthe Bhabhog would be the total of jts. duration in ghalikasminusthe aforesaidl/I5th part.

Chapter 46 i: '= 3E
Lr a at



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Brihat Parasara Hara Sastra

Example: The Bhabhog of uttarashada is 64/16 (64 ghatikas 16 palas) and the.Bhayat is24l20(24ghatikasand 20 palas). This indicates that the birth was.inthe ind pada of uttarashada. Therefore by deducting l6i4 i.e. 1i4 of the Bhabhogof uttarashadawe getthe actual Bhabhog as 4gii2 and the Bhayatas 24120. Uttarashada is the seconJ nakshatra of Saturn. Its Dasaspan is'30 months as l0 years or I20 monthsare the total Dasaspan of Sturn. By multiplying these 30 monthsby 24120, that is 1460palas,we get 43g00. Dividing (afterconvertingit into palas), we get thg expired itby 48112 period of the Dasa as 15 months,2l days and24 ghatikas. The balanceof Dasa at birth will then be arrived at by deducting the aboveperiod from 30 months. This will be 14 months,25 days,38 ghatikasand 36 palas. To this be added the periods of Abhijit and Sravanviz. 30*30:60 months. The total will then be 74 months,25 days,38ghatikasand 36 palas, that is, 6 years, 2 months, 25 days, 38 r'hrlilqss and36palas. Thus would be the total balance of tl"', ^:nsaof Saturn at the time of birth.

fe{r wq {{-dqd aqrfqfvr I Scurqei aET Qlcatflt fqrqr qinaisr filrra: n1itl
birth be in the dav i1 lllgfura putsrfi-@-.'ir-nir-ffi ,]:-:::=rr----:'-*.-. (Br, in Shukla Paksha u_ FilF of the GiL&t

23. It will be advisable to adopt the Astqllp1i Dasa if the

m onth). '---Note

t :

barring the threenakshatras uttarashada, Abhiiit and Sravan. Abhijit Nakshatra is taken ir:to consideration onlv in the Astottariand Shastihayani Dasas. Note 2 : If Mrigasira be the Janma Nakshatra (Natal Star), its lord will be Venus,a benefic. The Dasa of Venus is of 2l years. One third viz.,7 yearswill be the Dasa span of Mrigasira. In the Dasa of Venustwo nakshatras Krittika and Rohini have alreadypassed their Dasa. Therefore by following the rnethoci explained earlier we shouldadd the expired period of Mrigasirato 14 years-the expiredperio<i of Krittika and Rohini. This will give the total expiredperiod of Venus Dasa.

The full Bhabhog has to be taken into account



Deductidg it from 2l years, we will get the balarr;e of Venus Dasa at birtb.

ar* 1yri qi?ffid fqfu.rqr qle{frerl uqyrl tqqtwilT{ qr{l qI iwr qq6f,q*, gf( sllf{ qm*sn: *qT <t6 fqil qil: t rndan]il<n ttcqr qord qRKt: Fqq ulqtt

k'#qa} {*r} T{'ttRx,ll {fq$fr s} ueifuE1

24-26. The Dasa may be arlopted when the A-scendant (r-agna)is in the HoBil1;lF -!&Pn @a bf ihe moq!l-l)or when the Ascendantis in I4iKm*fDaitrlhalf

rhffin halffi


C"r"t;ie number of naksliatras lrom Pushyami to the Janrna Nakshatra. Divide this numberby 8. The remainder will indicatethe Dasasof the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,Ketu, lvfoon,Mercury and Venus(Rahu has no Dasa i'r .this system). ]'he Dasasof the aboveplanetsarc of 11, l:, t3, 14, 15,16,17 aricil8 yearsin the aforesaidorder. Example: lt'he birth is in Shukla Paksha and the ,tscenir dant in the l{<ira of the Sun. For this native the shocshottrrri Dasa will be useful. If the Janma Nakshatra be Rohini with the lord of the Dasa BhayatasJ0/15and Bhabhogas65120, years l8 the Dasa of Venus Multiply :rr birth will be Venus. come to 11070. Divide will This by Bhayatviz. 615 Palas. give us the will calculation this by Bhabhogviz. 3920. This ghatikas anC days,19 26 years, 9 months, expired period as 2 1,;';r1s;r years, sf the balance 29 palas. l)educting this from 18 l)asa al birth will com. :o 15 ycars, 2 months, 3 day',' 2O ghatikasar,d 31 palas. \


Brihat Parasara Horo ,lastra






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wqflq q)"vr$anq ieat Q anaferu nRufl qaTr1t:fvrdt alsT:gcil ral fqwr*'q:r

fq-{rq* awt$vtt faqqq qt6iT:uff: ltRqtl
27'28. This Dasasystem will be appropriatefor one \.|; AscenciantisiM CounT-TFom Janma Nakshatra to Revti. F)ivide this riumber by 8. The remainder wjll indicatethe Dasa of the planet cLlncerned"The Dasa order is the SunoJupiter, Ketu, Mercury,-Rahu, hlars, Saturn,Moon.(Vemrs does not find a place itt this Dasa system).The l)asas wiil be of 7,9,11, 13, 15,17, above. 19 and 21 yearsof the planetsin the order mentioned Note : The samemethodas has been given earlier for Vimsottari and other Dasa systems should be adopted lbr finding the balanue of Dasa at birtir by taking into accounr tl:e Bliayat and Bhabhogof the JanmaNakshatra. '

fqfffiqr arc{itf,* | Est{r* sstTart


sT6f{r qfqoi . qgq}ail qil | fqawkwcf qrqq ieqr q.afqrnfqil ulrl qt,IfE{rQ fq*cr:- Tqri{rqq{nfirqr: r qlq: qrqq?rt {Q*rfn:u'{ol1 dds*qa)
qstfitt=it fq*qT dTafin: Trrt?qgt: I

siEr?irT: uradani <lg-*{ faril Gq I rrllil

29-31. This Dasa istonsideredsuitable for those . Ascendantis Cancerand also in the CancerDwadasamsa. Countfrom Anuradha uptci*T6il1?rnriia*Natin:tr.r and dn':dethe numberby 7. The remainder tire Dasa. will indicate The order of the Dasa lords is the Sun, Mercury, Saturn,Mars, Venus,iVoon and .Iupiter (Rahu and Keti do not find a place iir this system).The Dasa of the planetsare of 12,13,14,15,16,17 .and l8 yearsin the aforesaid'order. f,xample*-TneJanmaNakshatrais Mrigasira. Therefore i, itl be i;r force at the time of birtir. Mercuiy lvlercuty -t.ia';a


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastrs


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Chapter 46


Dasa is of 13 r'uers. Thc balance of Dasa at birth is to be of calculatedart";;'taking into accountthe Bhayat and Bhabhog earlier. explained already the JanmaNaksharra in the manner Note:Wemaymentionhereforthebenefitofthereaders. that Bhayat (the erpired period of the stay of the Moon in the of Janma Nakshatra) an<iBhabhog(the total period of the stay rhe in available be will Nakshatra) the Moon in the Janma and Lahiri's annual Ephemeris' In the former it wil! Panchangas be in ghi'tikasand palas while in the latter it will be in bours, rninutJs and ..q6 -:1.i. The process of the calculation will' however,be the salrd ilt both the case'

I aqTawTe qA Eqn fq@ti dTarfaain

qlrqrqwq;q$fudrrurtq enfn{iq


qiqr.* tfqal *m ErtT qlatrqt6n t qf{qq;a} ITii{q rf,tq} rfic: qrf{emt llllll fiqle* Eqnalqn inqr 6nql RltJ aq t iT<|r {qr: qlTw{il qlTtiqt Gqlqq ! ttlvtt


are in the samerasi (sign). Count from Revti to the JanmaNakshatra and dividethis will indicatethe lordsof Dasas numtrerby seven.The remainder Venus, Mercury, Jupiter' lM'oon, in this order-the Sun' the Mars and saturn. Their Dasas in the same order will be of and 30 years.(Rahu and Ketu do not have a 5,5,10,1il,20,20 placein this DasasYstenr). the Janma Nakshatra is Mrigasira' Example--SuFl'rose of the Dasa of Mars' The methods in was Thereforethe birth the sam: be would birtft at f)asa of balance calculationof the the l)asaspanof the by takinginto account earlier as explained JanmaNakshatra' the of lord of Dasa,ihe Bhal'at and Bhabhog


Brihat ParasaraHora Saslro

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,Chapter 46


q,{{i 6riil

rrztilr6fi;g$f qrEq qT qie'rl qqqfqatttl{tt

fin r*g-Sn-rr Te-{s-{r*rqil: I e{ffiTt: nqr|qt iqr dr<ilq?fir" llQrr

count fronr swati to the Janma-xur.ti,aira and divide this numberby 7. The remainder will indicate the DasaLords in the following order. The Sun, The Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter Venus and SaturniRahu and Ketu do not get a piacl in this system), The Di:ia ol'eilrh planet is of 12years. fl:r*:nple-The Janma Nakshatrais Mrigasira. Ihe lord .of i',-' fir:r Dasais of Mars. The expiredand the balance of the j)asa lraveto be workedout according to Vimsottarisystem.

iqrgrrfuw iqr BTeal {ql{ri: EFqqilletl rra qqtfuT w{ei fehgfi ;r$r:niil{ | afit src* qrq, cri qr {cilqfai ulctl tq"tr*lr imT t{ fryrafasqr6qr r fiwladeearsfr gfti qlniiT nTErtE ulerr
37-39.T'iiicDasa system" is ionsiOered suitable;;;\ wher'. rhe lord of the Ascendant is in 7th. *.-) \-count fiom h{oolr to the Janma Nakshatra and divide the numberby 8. The remainderwifl determine the Dasalords in the followingoriler. The Sun. ihe Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,Venus, Saturnand Rahu tKetu has no Dasa). In this Dasa system all the eight planetr haveDasa of 9 yearseach,


Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra'




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Chapter46 \-

----:--ShastihaYaniDrsa- )

d{Td wr<rfmqRwmr qfcesrlrffiTI llvoll Eraq ati qgqi q ad ifr5q' $iT: iilTr.qtt: I W,FWami iT EvTI?{t (tnEiF6T: llYlll at:
wherethe Sun is 40-41.This Dasa my be adopted in cases Dasa lords in this of order The posited in the Ascendant. Mercury' Moon' the Mars, Sun, the iyri.. is as follows-Jupiter, (which is in table following Thc V;;;;, Saturn and Rahu. falling nakshatras the shows slokas) with the above accordance Jupiter' the Sun untler the various Dasa lords' The Dasas of planets have Dasas remaining years. The and Mars are of 13 of 6 yearseach. Example-The calculations are based on the method is ailopted for Astottari System' Tlt Janma Nakshatra Sun. t"triiasira. Thereforethe birth was in the Dasa of the The-Sunrules over 4 nakshatras. Thus each Nakshatrahas a Dasa spanof 2.} yearsor 30 months each. Amongst them the throughthe period of Rotrinihas expired. We should,theref,ore, Bhayat and BhabhogCalculatethe already expired Dasa and add it to the expiredDur" of Rohini. By deducting the result of Dasa at birth' form l0 years, we will getthe balance Shat-trimshatsrma Dasa

sfErrTtrlrfTfqrqE dqr egkwrfvat t ara-<itwrqilfa-w-nqe: Itv RII {lGt {Fn I n tqrtfilt' fr tqr: {rr q {flfEIq

6ni fEfssiilrrqi

q;aqlwrf fqfit ttxl tt

42-43. Count from Sravanato the ianma Nakshatra and divide the numberby 8. The remairlderI etc. will indicatethe order will be as follows-The Moon, the Sun' Dasa lords whose Saturn,Venus and Rahu' Their Dasas Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, bp, " wiit Ue 1,2, 3,4, 5,6,7, 8 yearsin that order. U-Jlq *b-irtb and Sun the of Hora in the be and the Ascendant day the during

Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra
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Chapter 46


be in the- Hora of the if tlc birth is at night and the Ascendant would be preferable. DaSa system this U@Ed-ooFfibn-ol This Vimsottari Dasa Systent. Janma is like Exemple: Nakshatra is Mrigsira. Jupiter is thusthe first Dasa lord. The Dasa span of Jupiter is 3 years, from this the balanceof Dasa at birth may be calculated after taking into account the Bhayat and Bhabhogof the JanmaNakshatra. Note : According to the Venerable Sage Parasara to all. The Vimsottari is the main-Dasa system applicable other Dasaslike Astottari etc. are meant for use-in special

@raq5q tqftqr atf.emfir: s+1faaq t llYtlf SQI(ITI: fqrtq tffif{q, luiiat fqltrfi: Trudnrw qfam fsrtfaq'aqt: t llvqlt qfrat tt ung?wtTqqcrcrn Eyr;TlfslRt e q En ?utn Elcrn E{rilfcnl I s{iTr[T quiqruq*qfi fafqfq{qq ltv\el} G$

fr{n wsqfiqEql


fa[ef.:{iq I

fled qqtf$d' wi qalaki


gqifq-iwwn f;rsd qvlTqri$t

it ?Ftt?Ti

dqq I

tF'tFltiilfi{ llYqll

4449. 5 ghatikas before the sight of the semi-disk (half) of the setting Sun and 5 ghatikas after that, and 5 ghdikas before and aftel the rising of the Sun, that is lO ghatikas in the evening and l0 ghatikas in the morning are called the Sandhyas (twilight) of the evening and Sandhyas morning respectively. The total period of both tbese have night of the ghatikas 20 is said to be 20 ghatikas. The given been have day the beennamedPoorna (got) anOthose -of The Sandhyaat the time of Sunrise the nameMugdha tg*1.


Brihat Parasora CoraSastra

at the time of sunset is calledKhanda (ew) and the sandhya are of l0 is said to be Sudha (gur). Both these Sandhyas ghatikaseach. If the birth be in Poornaor Mugdha, its past shouldbe multipliedby 2 and the product be dividedby -ehatikas into years, 15. The figureso arrived at should be converted monthsetc. By multiptyingit by the serial numberof the Sun and other planets (1, 2 etc.) in their normal order (that is the Sun,the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu), we will get the Kala Dasaof theseplanets. If the birth be duringSandhya(twilight) then its past ghatikas should be multipliedby 4 and the productbe divided by 15. The figure so arrived at in terms of years,month etc..shouldbemultiplied b3rthe serialnumberof the Sun and other planets(1, 2 etc') to get the Kala l)asa of all the nine planets' Example : Ista Ghatikas is 3/25' This is within the sandhya at Sunrise. Therefore its pastghatikas 8 /25 multiplied by 4 would be 33i40. This productdividedby 4 will amount to 2 years,2 monthsand 28 days.Multiplying this figureby l, 2 etc. (the Serialnumberof the planets) we will get their Kala Dasaa s shown in the Table givenbelow : Kda DasaTable 69 67 45 123 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

2 2 28

46 57 26 24

ll I 20

l3 4 l8


l5 7 l6

l7 10 l4

20 I l2

Chakra Dasa

<tal trrirf{drar*fei ariYerafaaq t

(?efiqi fqrqlq(qriqr qlsE{|T {d': 111oll i{rnfqft: t EqTI qqtfur q|{im*ftq *rrpimfprdr;rr-o,?fcilmtfl faqlaq ! lttlll

Chapter 46


50-51.If thebirthbe at night the Dasa will commence from the Lagna rasi (the sign of the Ascendant). If the birtb be during the day, the Dasa will start from the rasi in which the lord of Lagna is posited. If the birth be during Sandhya (period of twilight), the Dasa will begin from the rasi of the house. The Dasa of eachrasi is 10 years. As it is the second Dasa system of the 12 signs(rasi) in the Zodiac, it has beeu namedas Chakra Dasa. Exmaple: The birth is duiing the day and the lord of is in Scorpio. Therefore the Dasa of l0 years the Ascendant signsSagittarius, from Scorpio and all subsequent will commence Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra will have Dasa of l0 yearseach.

ar|t|Q qT*d qfiqnr $ srrt lr fl.trfffir lltRll rcrn: qrt gqgiq rqli fiqi?En ! t
{Iqrs{r{qn6qllti 4qr qraGt qfusril:ll{1ll

52-53. The Sage said-O Brahmin ! Now after making the Kalachakra Dasa. to Lord Shiva, I shall describe obeisahce Whateverwas related by Lord Shivato GoddqssParvati is being explainedby me for the useof learneds to be utilised for the welfareof the people.

r Alir{tr< fa-{fi faripienrq qFFe s&seel fat[| feq ! lltYll TErEr{dr tiriq t GtitqiRqm}t,}g<rd\ i@ q?i an{trr$ngri q,nrq"qalftq lltrll
54-55.By drawing verticaland horizontal lines prepare 2 charts-Savya (eaa) and Apsavya (wtac) of 12 apartments (+}ca) each. From the secondapartment in eachchart fir the signsAries etc. Then nakshatrasmay be incorporated in the manner indicated hereafter. These charts indicativeof the 12 signs are called Kala Chakra.


Brihat Parasara Hora Saslrtr

qfudr&ari Reqqrd q* q{ftqfi ttttlqqrF{dd qqqsat .qqftq


r u{qtl
llt\f ll

qqerfqflri a

qfr{rqfqfil-6aei-1er}raq{|fr tn:

5Fn qfi

enE\ r
6lmT$F't: l.

afr<raft-fawrf -tqtq:

q *HtE utqtl

in the Savl'a Chakrr 56-58. Write Aswini etc. nakshatras and Rohini etc. 3 nakshatras in the Apsavyachakra. Therr incorporate3 following nakshatrasin the same order in thc Savya and Apsavya chakras. By doing so therewill be 15' nakshatras in the Savyaand 12 in the ApsavyaChakra,(Becausc' for the l2 Rasisthereare l2'padasof 3 nakshatras-Navamsas), The padasof Aswini, Punarvasu,Hasta,Moola, Poorvabhadra, Swati, Uttarashadaand Revti of the. Savl'lt Krittika, Asblesha, chakra should be reckonedin the sar"- nanner as the padastrf Aswini.

tq*e} nd {teql ia{arari qig it I fq{r{ ilrcfr.rt q iiq I wqrn;gq

jg. Uo* I shall describein detail how the Oetra (t6) and Jeeva (dla) should be reckonedin the padas (quarters) oti nakshatras.




ETttGnrorcq q I q|f{|qtw r{nfuqt: ttQolp

60. In the first pada of Aswini, Aries is indicativc o[ (life). And of Jeeva Deha (body)and Sagittariusis indicative the lord of the signsAries, Taurus,Gemini, Cancer,Leo, Virgo. Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius are lords of Dasas in thc aforesaidorder..




rTrl r


<tfrtqnq qrnfqqr;uqln

Chapter 4i


padaof Abwini Capricorn is Deha and 61. fn the.second and lords of the 9 signs from Capricoro to Gemini is Jeeva, Gemini are lords of the Dasas.

E nfaevtanlqi EaM Gq ! t Tr}iA] feeff dtsl et'mrdqnnrgqt: uqRtl

62. ln the third pada of the 10 nakshatrasbegining from Aswini.Taurusis Deha and Gemini is Jeeva. The lords of Signs 2, l, 12, ll, 10, 9, 1,2, 3 (Taurus; Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius,Aries, Taurus and Gemini) are lords of Dasasin that order,that is, the lords in.that order are Venus,Mars,- Jupiter, Saturn,Saturn, Jupiter,Mars, Venus and Mercury.


Emfqqaq: TTnqI

qfirqTfEEtfrv-ai ag{arui aqruq1rl sfitfE?GRtfvtqt: t oqi*a} ?6*al

Enrft{rnrq fe*qr qii

Gqfff,q ! uqvtl

63-64.For the 4th pada of the 10 nakshatrasbegining and the lords is Jeeva, from Aswini, Canceris Deha and Pisces of the nine signsfrom Cancer to Pisces(Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, Libra. Scorpio, Sagittarius, namely,the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.Saturnand Jupiter are the lords off)asas.

I ETTfrr(fiT:

ga$t=rile.qrqnt q<lqral Fdfffah lllttt

65. In the four pada of the 5 nakshatrasBharani' and Uttarabhadra, Deha and Chittra, Poorvashada Pushyami, as for Bharani. are the same Jeeva



t{T<t: rrqm{- qq}dtgrlqtefo aqi


56. In the first pada of Bharani, Scorpio is Deha and 8,7,6,4, 5,3,2, l, is Jeeva, Pisces and the lords of the signs


Brihal Parasara Hora Sastra

'', :
'l; ij[

12 (Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Cancer, Leo, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, and Pisces, namely Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Moon, Venus, Mars and Jupiter, are the lords Sun, Mercury, the of Dasasin the aforesaidorder.

qrqGfrqqfirq t6**

qersi I

R -{sr-T'rrfu--{rqtE*tuaq'*{Egl: ItquIt
67.lnthe2nd pada of Bharani, Aquarius is Deha and Virgo is Jeeva, and lords of Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Afies, Taums, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo, namely,Saturn, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Moon, the Sun and Mercury are the lords of Dasas in that order.

,,i ^,



Uctg.i t

68. In the 3rd pada of Bharani, Libra, is Deha and Virgo is Jeeva, and lords "of the signs ,-.cra,Scorpio,Sagittarius, Capricorn,Aquarius,Pisces, Libra and Virgo are the 5s1-r'gior I)asa lordsin the aforesaiderder.

qFqg'i Gq t r n-d1 ttl qtffi iEsTqrfiq+eg-g{m{ngtrrq:'nletl

feqrt'tql<qEd qqqrrrr{ | era{rn ffi;q{i f,iq( Gqtrf,q ! tt\sott qeurki
69. In the 4th Pada of Bharani, Cancer is Deha and and lords of the signsCancer,L.eo,Gemini, is Jeeva, Sagittaruis Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Sagittarius, Taurus, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, namelythe Moon, . Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter are the Dasa lords in the aforesaid order. Note : As already pointed out in Verse 65, and in the Chittra, Poorvashadaand Uttarabhadra, 4 padasof Pushyami, Deha and Jeeva and the Dasa lords are the sameas in the .4 padasof Bharani.

fafrqrflg s$g fqqmq aq{ffirfkiE I tftqfrq qqtfrlt: mutlifaqlcEqq ueltl

Chapter 46




ptarfiEclan ! t
df{'fr{fiTftwiq ttsltt


7l-72. O Brahmin ! I lravethus given you the description of SavyaChakra, Now I shallgive thc descriptiorrof Apsavya and from the Chakra. Preparea similar chart of l0 apartments place from Scorpio onwards the signs 2nd apartment onwarcis Libra, Virgo In thir etc. Scorpio, order, that is. in the rcverse for Rohini, Makha, chart Deha and Jeevawould be the same Visakhaand Sravanaas for Rohini. Note : Sirnilarlytlte Dasa lords would be the sameas has for the SavyaChakra. beendcscribed

ETT q&itaad

*A-*el ?5'ital

mftqtirl r
ilelr l

: a I fa .aurgi-g-ianaleqGq*{sq

gaftaul I



tqcte} qets} |
ilsttl e*.f I ll\eqll

73-76.In the first pada of Rohini, Canceris Deha and is Jeeva. Thc lords of tlre signsSagittarius, CapriSagittarius Aries, Taurus, Gemini,Leo and Libra corn, Aquarius, Pisces, namcly Jupiter,Saturn,Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury. ihe Su,r and Venus will be the Dasa lords in the aforesaid ordqf. In tl',e2nd pada of Rohini, Libra will be Deha and Virgc and the lordsof the signsVirgo, Libra, Scorpio,Pisces" Jeeva, Scorpioand Scorpio, narnei',', Aquarius,Capricorn,Sagittarius, Mercury, Venus,lvlars,Jupiter,Saturn,Saturn,Jupiter. .Jupitcr, Mars aud Mars will be the Dasa lords in the aforesaid ordct'. In the 3rd pada of Rohini, Aquarius will be Deha and Virgo Jeeva. The lords of the signsVirgo Leo, Cancer,Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius, namely, Mercury, the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus,Mars, Jupiter"

,, 534
Bril'dt Parasura Horu Sa.ttra

Saturn and Saturn wifl be thg Dasa lords in ti:e aforesaid order. In the 4th pada of Rohini, Scorpio, '";ill be f)*h" and Pisces Jeeva, and the lords of the signs Pisqes,Arir:s, Taurus, Gemini, Leo Caecer, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio,nameli',Jupiter, aud Mars. Venus,Mercury, the Sun, the Moon, Merct:i,", Venue crder. i\fars will be the Dasa lord in the aforesaid

qrtdaqqnirsr-fqeri-ercqreqq . qffir*rc FqfrfTnti qr.?qq {qr{ ite'etr


llr :ik


77. In the 4 padas of the Apsal'-vanekshatra';.Mrigasira, Aridra. Poorvaphalguni, I-Ittalaphaiglni, .An*adha,Jyestha, Dhanishta a;rciSatabhisa. The Di!. . ilni Jeeva, ar,c the Dasa lords will be the Someas for rliriqrr;ila.

qd tl ael crt<l gnuswi Bq ! t

arrrare*qrk-t"fi1;a<tfq|ql{it <qrfuqt: tleqll

.fr{d fqt'f dts} fafiqqrroi $ t I I t\eQ.l faad t6-utel qtnaQ E*aard q i r

fasTqrf;u-r'"rq{q-F d{Ta{*rqtt:


ulwTal qgiqri


$ t

Eltrfirfl : ||c 1It

78-81.Intire first pada of Mrigasira,Cancer is Dehaand is .,eeva,and the lords of the signsPisces,Aquarius, Pisces Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo and Cencet, Capricorn,Sagittarius, namelyJupiter,Saturn,Jupiter, Mars, Mercury,the Sun and the 'lo{oon order. will be the Dasa lcrds in the aforesaid In the 2nd pada of Mrigasira.Taurusis Deha and Gemini is Jeeva, and the lords of the si.gnsGemini, Taurus, Aries, Capricorn. Sagittarius, Capricorn,Aquarius,Pisces, Sagittarius, Vrr:'is, Mercury, and Taurus, Pisces, Aries Aquarius, fnamel1, and Venus will te Saturn, Mars Jupiter, Mars, Jupitei,Saturn, aforesaid order. rtheDasalords fn the

Chapttr 46


In the 3rd pada of Mrigasira, Capcicorn is Deha and Gemini is Jeeva. and the lords of the signs Gemini, I"ec, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,Pisces, Carrcer, Aquarius and Capricorl, namely,Mercury, the Son, the Moon, Mercony, Venus,Mars, Jupiter,SaturnanJ Saturn will be the Dasa lords in the aforesaid order. In the4th pada of Mrigasira, Aries will be Deha s.'! Sagittarius Jeeva, anrl the lords of the signsSagittarius, Se*rpi-., Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer,Gemini, Taurus and.4.rig5,namely, .Iupiter,Man, Venus Mercury, the Sun, the Mercury, Venus and Mars, will be the Dasa loids in the aforesaid order.




Qsflteanfeq r



qfl nqRtl

82. The Sage said-O Brahmin ! the descriptionof the f)elia and Jeevaof the padasof the Alravya nakshatrasand the I)asa lords is the same as narrated by Lord Mahadeva to Godess Parvati.

*qtq rfa sqtfur q{inrdi q6qr!?l ?ynql rmqilrfls' ftlr(E$T'5rqeq t ttcltt

guid me 83. Maitraye said-O Venerable sage! Now please about the Dasa spans of the Dasa lords describedby you. Please also demonstrate how the commencement of the I)asa, its expiredand the remaining periods at the birth are to be calculated.


mfeq*cnlatlq: I F(<t{frii Tilfqi} qwE trcvt! Sqta,triEqrrdt$:

84. TheSagasaid-s,21,7,9, 10, 16 and4 ycars are the of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus Dasaspans and Saturnin that order.


Brihat Parasara Hora' Sastra Tebh of Drsrs

Rrs! f EE$-qg$F.F$iE


Dasr 716 921 5 9 t6

c s. , t s:: = q 5

fl b

3 s F E


= F 'b E

7 L0 4


i-{Fr q?lttl*


q{lt6: I


r{qtg$}arcrqdTi{rq dqrril qqd mafrurgsl

qsq* r rtn: ncqtl

85-86. The span oi' life of a personis determinedfrom the padas(Amsas) of the nakshatraat the time of they birth or querl' and thc yearsallottedto the 9 signs(Rasis) commencingfrom it, (the pada of the nakshatra). Some learnedsare of the view thlt the person viill enjoy full spanof life (gorigl if his birth be at the commencement of the padas,he will have middle spanof if be in the middle of the padasand short the birth (trrq) life if the birth span of life (eiarq) or uillface deathlike sufferings be at the endof the padsof the nakshatra.

qfuraqenrei <t*rt{nrl

flriqif TtEfsarii qnriqt wrtl gu: r q$ftil trq uqert EcqI& ilgfiq{t: rrdilr(|Rafi{*cilT, {id *q agrlurqr

q\ rr.crr.



87-8'i. According tc this principle we sh.ouldbc acquaintqd with the yadasof the nakshatras. Now I shAlltell you now the calculationsare made according to the proportion of the padas of a nakshatra. The number of Aswini etc. whichever may be the past nakshatras should be divided by 3. Thereafter the remainder should be multiplied by 4. To the figure so made available the pada of the present nakshatra be ad,Jed. The product will be the Navamsafrom Aries onwards. Example : T:c birth is in the 4th pada of Mrigasira. The numberof pilt r:akshatrasfrom Aswini to Rohini will bc 4. Divide it by 3. The remainder will be l. Muitiply I by 4. The product will be 4. To this add 4 (4th pada of Mrigasira)The Sun will indicate the Navamsa of tbe rasi. In this case 4*4:8 will indicatethe Navamsa.which falls in Scorpiothe 8th sign from Aries. \ 5)xplnnation: In 3 nakshatras there are navamsasoI l2 'There in one nakshatra. It is for are four navamsas sigas. we divide the number of past signs by 3 and this reeson,that mu!':ipy the remainder by 4 and add the number of pada of tho presntpada to know the sign in which Navamsawill fall. Now will be describedthp number of years allottedto the placed in the Kalachakra. :igns

qnsaild frtgn f,ql: I f{qf ffltqr: krrqr: TFn: *i {Ri ?isand || nf isfrrrcr: frraTcdrqrfia(-fas}ltd: ||qe.
89. The numberofyears (PoornaAyu) are as under : For the Amsa in Aries 100Years For the Asma in Taurus 85 years For the Amsa in Gernini83 years For the Amsa in Cancer86 years. The numberof years will be the same for rasis situated in the 5th and 9th to them.


Brihat ParasaraHora Saslra Illustretive Table




100.8s 83 86 100 85 83 86 10085 83 86

qil misr+ qral qaar*qilfEfq: r a{{Teq EtteEr: c=stfrfqqTfwrT:ueotl Qar: qq r6nwRrv) q+iyrman rqrE I quri:qeq*ii ittnrrl: r+tfaaq uelll
90-91.Multiply the pur, gt,u,itas of the padas of the nakshatrain which a personis born by the existingghatikas and palas and divide it by t5. The result will indicatethe expired period of the Dasa in years,months etc. By deducting it from the total numberof years allotted, we get the balance of Dasa at birth. The Dasa shouldbe takenas commencingfrom that sign (rasi). We give belowthe Savyaand ApsavyaKalachakra ChartsExample : The birth is in Mrigasira 4th pada. It is in the Apsavyakalachakra. The lord of Deha is Mars and that of Jeevais Jupiter. The Bhabhogof Mrigasira is 59i31(59 ghatikasand 3l palas)and Bhayatis 58/15(58 ghatikas and l5 Palas){ of the Bhabhog comes That wouldbethc to t4152144. Value of one pada. Multiplying this by 3 will get ghatikasof 3 padas,namely,44 38115. Deducting this frorn Bhayat the past ghatikas palas etc.of the 4rh pada, will be l3!6la5. The full Dasa yehrs are 100. Multiplying this by 13136145 we get 1300i3600/4500:l36lll5. This divided by 15 will give the )expiredperiod at birth namely 90 years and 9 months.

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iBi ll

Chapter 46


See the Kalachakra. There we count from Jeevaetc' and Deha. In the 4th pada of Mrigasita Jeevais in Sagittariusand Deha in Aries. Therefore by deducting the total years of Sagittarius from Gemini namely 7? from 90 years9 months we get the expired period of Taurus, namely 13 years,9 months' By deducting this from the present 16 yearsof Venus,we will get 2 years 3 months as the balance of Dasa at birth' Accordinglylike Vimsottari Dasa, the order of Dasawill be Taurus, Aries, Sagittarius,Scorpio etc. Illustration Table RahuS 7 65 43Rahu Moon

The planets at birth

Mars 2

1 Ketu 9

Lord of TaurusAries Sagit-ScorpioLibra Virgo Leo CancerGemlnt tarius Dasa

2 Years Months 3





qerq q{aFarna:

qd aa: r TErE?'+fi{

qqlTrifqadtEd, *d q|il{ fen}fuaqueRll

92. Multiply the past ghatikas,palasetc. of the present pada of nakshatraby the numberof years and dividethe pro<tuctby the fourth part of Bhabhog. The years ':^' so obtained from the total Dasa period. Th" result may then be deducted rvill be the balanceof Dasa at birth in years,monthsetc. Alternatlve Method.


qra{qls' 'iri fu faueqr

EfdI: FqT.q{tatdl ilttl: I

ril 1&:llelll


Erihat Parasara Hora Sastrs

93. The past kalas (tw) of the Navamsa in which the Moon may be posited should be multiplied by the yearsallotted to the Moon and the product be divided by 200. The resulting yearsetc. wilt be the expiredportion of the Dasa. By deduct' ing the;;rnfrom the total number of years, is obtained the balanceof Dasa at birth. Note : In modernterminology we mentionthe longitudeof the planets in rasi. -degreesand minutes. The 'minutes' are kalas. that at the time of birth of a person Example: Suppose in Krittika nakshatia the longitude of the Moon (Chandra into kalaswill be 2090. Spast-*a rctz) is ll4l5D. This converted Divide by 800 the kalas of one nakshatra the resultwill be the will be 490. 2nd nakshatra namely Bharini and the remainder Thesewill be the past Lalas of Krittika. There are 2@ kalas in one pada (Navamsa). Divide 490 the past kalasof Krittika by 200. We will then get 2 as past padas and the remainder 90 will representthe pastkalas of the presentnakshatra. By multipl,v-ing this by 83 the Dasayears, we will get 7470which divided by 200 will indicate the expiredportion of the Dasa as 37 years,4 months and 6 days. By deducting the yearsof Dehamsacommencingfrom Taurus in the order Taurus,Aries Pisces, Aquarius (16-+7+10*4:37), we will get 0yeare,4 monthsand 6 days. This will be the expired portion of Capricorn. Deducting this from 4 the Dasa period of Capricorn, we get the balanceof Dasa of Capricorn, namely 3 years,7 months and 24 days. Seein this connectionthe Savya Kalachakra. Illustretive Teble l0



Capri- Sagitta-Aries Taurus Gemini Taurus Aries Pisces Aqurius' corn arius 3 7 24 107 16 9 16 7 lO 4 Years month days



gqra* nqq' rqqinl q: r tt gfr quqt r qnqtqrl df{ dfqia: rzrr< fqalqqqqat* rrtvrr i6tt{ qq}q qel *qf?iqqq;q* t q{ fqf,rq iqilsaarircsqqrR{i( ||ett l
94-95.In the Savya Chakra the first Amsa(ain)is called Deha (f6) and the last Amsa (ein) Jeeva (t'le). The opposite is the casein the Apsavya Chakra (firstAmsa is Jeevaand the last Deha). Therefore, the calculations shouldbe based on the 'on and Jeeva in Deha etc. in the Savya Chakra etc. Apsavya Chakra. (Gati q[d) of Rasis(Signs)in the Kalschskre Movements

rFrFfit.Trrfil:c'lqar faur girqftfx: I Trq?frcrn q16qt6r qfftdawsqil llQ.qll fq6rErftfiqlcar it*t qftq1frat r 3f,qiq qqi fsil $rss1qi rtfe{allcall gaal qqd alq c'f*dad ererI ErurFiTmqrftd qfa: frrqr<alnat llecll
(Gati) of the 96-98. There are three kinds of movements namely, Mandocki (qq^+"t), in the Kalachakra, Rasis Markati of one The movement (fu6-5rr)' (eatft) hnd Simhavlokan jumping as Mandook motion. known sign is by over one sign Backwardmovementto the previoussign is called}larkati gati (rfo). The movement of a sign to the 5th and 9th sign is said to be Simhavlokan.

qfa:t faqualfqdf tte.ttt nwqe qsFA srfa: oft*t|qstlt?i dta-1franakilqlqfr: frF6it rrfa:t
q-.fl-s'rfeql: fi qtrTflT. f{:id t"titEltEnlsal lllooll
99-100. Movement from Virgo to Cancer and from Leo to Gemini is Mandooki gati. Movement from [.eo to Cancer

I 5U

BrihU Parasara Hora Sds',.'n

is Markati gati, Moverdentfrom Piscesto,Scorpio and from gati. to Aries is Simhavfokan Sagittarius [ffects of Dasesof signs as a result of thcse movenents(rrfe)

qrs6qfa6'rt fqaH

Q qd qrqqi fMtqaqdrrf{ai

wttr I qq{ llioill

eqcfd <rq*fa

qrg{qqrqrftria t
qr Rfhwdq,i s\llloRll

i0l-102. The effects of the Dasa of the signs with Mandooki gati in the savya chakra are distress to friends, relations, parents and elclers,and there is likely to be causefor trouble from poison, weapont' thieves and enemies' In the Mandook Dasa of the movement of sign from Leo to Gemini, there is likelihood of the death of the mother or self, trouble from Governrnent (or king) and possibility of brain fever'




frgt<orrrccri ailrnni ? zt qf6;111o1t1

103. The effectsof the Dasa of sign with Markati gati agricultural (rrla) in the savya chakra, are loss of vealth, father or an elderly clore lroducts and animals, death of relation,and feelingof lethargY'

REi fe6raal* g q*fa{ri;1unq

gqr"qifisit nioYtl 6{ arft qqn} fqq{Rarfhrci $Ptr11 - arflrd qai qrfq arqfa:Tq{dr{r?q llto{11


The effects of the Dasa of the signs with 104-105. of gati (rrfd) in the savya chakra are, possibility Simhavlokan neaf to injury from animals,lossof amity with friends,distress ,"iutionr, drowning in a well, falt from animals,possibility of and destruction of harm from poison' weapons and diseases dwelling. residential

Chapter 46


qTi r*'gmfa-rfirq t qqcml *fd ai1 frr: rqfd{ ll 1oQll csi q vcrq{rE {siAqqe ilsfq qf,{ffd qaPtkt t frqatqi Iq*d , gtrtroqrc'i qet ttt"stt qrl qq$in: fqg1 I f"i*"* F'
ailrti .qfilqtsfq a,f,t{ fifi-'aiE ll i ocll

106-108'IntheDasaofthesignswiththeMandookiga to wife in the Apsavya chakra, the efficts will be distress feverish of and.conditions and loss of children, possibility of loss Position. conditionsand signswith the Markati gati there may In the Dasa of t-he to from watery flu"tt, loss of positiont distress be danger -punishment the in from Government anJ wandering i"1n"r, forests. gati in the In the Dasa of signswith the Simhavlokan of the dwellingand Apsavyachakra, there mly be destruction deathof father etc.

litilq g $q+ qri aeq]qqfa faf{qa: t

i6?rnil: 6*i qre EqE?qfqqrflt{


qe gt'l fma;uqfa fqsrqrqFN "qrqqir{si qrtizX* qtl{ ll111ll #

kArq fngt mt fiaqt eqrfu{i( HErt I rdattq 6t1 ort sa) qqft tfqan ttllott

109-lll.IfthemovementbefromPiscestoScorpio from Virgo naiive may suffer from fever' If the movementbc If it be kinsmen' and to Cancer,there may be lossof brothers If it be wife' of the iil health be from Leo to Gemini, theremay from be it If die' from Leo to Cancer, the native may similar and uncles of S"gitt"tiu. to Aries, ih.r" rnuy be death adversc refitions. If the sign be in conjunction with a malefic' Favoursign' that of in the Dasa conditionsmay be expected able cffectswiit be feti in i1' Dasa if the sign be in conjunction with a benefic.

' 546

Brihat Parasara Horu Sastro


nd awlq{ qlfq c,rrqlr'inrTilnrrr I <tfnf\vmal qrfq TqtfEferrawarqIl 11R || qEira{ afqlrewt aqmeet 1un{ | nMqm{.q |rqTrflq! rrllin s{qi
ll2-113. O Brahmin ! In the kalachakraDasafavourablc and unfavourable effects may be predictedafter taking intoaccountthe directions of the signsand planets.

'n;qrd: mdi rrTi $wrt qq.flrq I sat ?nrTrfbr?q {$n rrraT qfsGqfrn11yrl

qTqr-lET crt xt|i rqa wai $derq ull\etl urraut eqrfmhul q ilqrli {Pd{E( | (rr( r*crf'd{q ftrailaq! ttllctu 1fta* g gc qtt qfsqqi mffivq I firflaq raii

tkArq |t1f nR 1{uni f<<ei\ r qrqftfrsfq q it?qt e<iqmrqfrEqfd n11{u oqi.tE fka ar* mniqrfara Efhuir dirqi f<{rcTf6T?q r*{:;rcrqi rr*a rrllqrr dlnn lfia* afr .raqq-'''sfil egeq I


gwdn q{

gnq* q{

qcrrr ullen

If the movementbe from Virgo to Cancer,good lesults are realised in places located in the East and at that time journeysto the places in the North prove fruitful. Unfavourableeffects will be felt in placeslocated in the Westand journeys the South. It will be advisablenor to undertake in thosedirectionsin the Dasa of thesesigns. If the movement be from Leo to Gemini, no journey chouldbe undertaken to placeslocated in the East. However. thejourneysto the South-Westwill prove fruitful in the Dasa of thosesigns If the movement be from Cancerto Le6, the journeysduring that period to the Southwill proveunfavourable and result in loss, and the native has to returrrfrom the South to the West.

, ,i

Chapter 46



If the movement be from Piscesto Scorpio,there will be distress if the native goes to the North. The samewould happen if t'he movement be from Sagittarius to Capricorn. There may be ill healrh, imprisonment or deathif the movement be from Sagittarius to Aries. There may be gains oi be from comfortsand property and marriage if the movement to Scorpio. Sagittarius to undertake journeysto the West It will not be advisable during the related period if the movement be from Leo to Cancer. But favourableresultsshouldbe predictedif the signs if the conjunction are in conjunctionwith beneficsand adverse be with malefics.



frnatli q+qarfr 6'6t{i Tqfa{\ niQotl

qc{lqi{'q 1qtfl+ |

6?qi{i qfiea} c\ r Wt qrErrnFq{q g-.Titil <rqrral Tqnt lRq$id q firiil nlRl tl aqii ilTtrrq?al qs{i{i q qrqfiaI $$qirt q qfornrnt {tqiqi enqrTqr;tnlRRtl

120-122. According to the above mentionedkalachakra person the born in the Amsas of the various signswill bc as under:Aries Amsa-Brave and a thief. Taurus Amsa-WealthY Gemini Amsa-Learned CancerAmsa-King (or like a king) Leo Arnsa-Respected by king (Government) Virgo Amsa-Learned Libra Amsa-Minister or Adviser SagittariusAmsa-S inful Aquarius Amsa-Businessman FiscesAmsa-Wealthy.


qrdl <fcdtqrfiragfq, t
rqr{ 1Eqlt il 6,tlfilntllRltl

Brihat Parasara Hora Ssstra

'iil ':f

Tafli ffif fti *? gli r{E wrr I sTTfr ffi nil avtwlqftafqriiE ultytl qgf"t farrrd et fiqq$, q q<rrqgd il?ilnlR{tl trrr{Sfut r iuq: I <r-qd<rf<*ftnq Tffi
qP6flqt <ql iqr Sqit rt Erfrr(Fq{ nlRqtl



qd a t gi vnawr ftsr ETaqrqr q?qElfl{-{t *qr rrd H fraq rrtrqlllRsu wa) .{u} ffisraT W: I t-@ lllRclt
gcsqqo<r: ri ig* , _fqamts tq-qfro-fa;t$fi?n: fq?i rsdqqlt;TrndI
123-128. lf the Deha or Jeet'r: ''' '.; be in conjunction with the Sun. Mars, Saturn or Ra!:r ,r!'native will die' Worse results may be expected if the ronjunction be with two or all of them. If there be a malefic in Deha sign the native suffers ill health and a malefic in a Jeeva sign will make the native very timid. If the conjunction be with two malefics there will be distress and diseases. Three malefics will caus premature death. Four will cause definite death. If both the Deha and Jeeva sigus are. occupied by malefics, there will be fear of the king and thievesand death of the native. If the Sun be in the Deha or Jeeva sigrr, there will be danger from fire' Moou will there cause danger from water, Mars from weapons' Mercury from windy troubles' Saturn from gulma (gec) {a disease), and Rahu and Ketu from poison' If the Deha Jeeva signs ard occupied by Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, the native will be wealthy and will cnjoy ail kinds of comforts and good health. Mixed results may be expected if the signs are occupied by both benefics and malefics

qrqqiaamfl* t6dta1 g g:fH r

qqr*ftYnclt {d qqfil ftfvaq lllRe.ll




fqarq".rrr qil | fqqqfl illr nt l qrl

129-130. In the Dasa of the signs owned by maleficsthc body and soul will be in distrcss. The effectswill be favourable in the Dasa of the signs owned by benefics" lf a malefic sign is occupiedby a benelic planet or if a benelrcsign is occripied by a malefic planet, the efrectswill be of a mixed Effects of Kalechrtrl llasa of the signsin the Ascendant rnd ofher houses.

q-fldi q;rsle g ul nfinalwrFl: t arq qrFq{rfirfr }6r}ni qg qtq illllt| qi {qgd, qfi A q}nfewqq: r

qtrirt-fl-4qrTlr{q: nliq tt

l3l-132. In the Kalachakra Dasa of the sign in the Ascendant (Lagna Rasi) the body remains healthy and the nativc spends a life with many kinds of comforts. If that sign be a beneficone, the good effects are realisedfully. If it be a malefic sign there is likelihood of ill health. If a planet in exaltation or in its own sign occupies the Ascendant, the natil'e is respected by the king or goyernmentand acquires wealth.


EnqTi q * Trf{rc-fiq qrE{rr qiil | iTirT qqhi gfrdtgd il r?rF?r:t.uliitl q qrftEaqrinrcrrrrqrql frufiaa\ngid qqd s,trii qrq qrq* qFTrFqqT nlivt.

133-134. In the Chakra Dasa of the sign in the :ce*nd house,the native receivesgood fooi, enjoyshappines; of lvife anrJchildren,gainswealth, achieves progress in thc educational sphere, becomes a clever conversatlonalistand movesin good socicty. If the sign be a benefic, good effects are realisedin fuli, otherwisethe effects would be of a mixed nature.

nfrqwerr TG{


qfi t

ner EriTqd {it{ *{ ilfq

qQqq uttut


Brihat Parasara Hora Sssrra

Tqurtq{qrqearf"c: qrqti <rq*qf{ | Tqr( qrqei sfrrrqer nllqtt q*d su*i

135-136. Happinessfrom co-borns, valour, patience, comforts, acquisition of gold, ornaments and clothes and in the recognitionby the king or government,are the effects in If sign sign the third house. the the be of Dasa Kalachakra good are realised in full, adverso results otherwise the a benefic, effectsmay also be exPerienced'

tfiFtiltsiltt ltirl I qgrnT|rdqiu qfq-rrFqTaq-qqlcifir: ttllell ail qqd qr<}rl*in1qq" qgaTqali {qq I qmi tmtrl?qvt llllsll qqd {ilwi ilri
Good relations wil,h kinsmen, acquisition of 137-138. and clothesand enjoyment land, houseor kingdom,conveyances of so'.lndhealth, are the effectsof ttrc Chakra Dasa of the sign in the fourth. house. If the sign be a beneficone, the good effects are realised in full. If it be a malefic sign adverse resultsare alsoexPerienced.




EFrdTiTrtiilIT rrfl |

fqaiqq: i l 1 1 e l l

i't q' fqdl]Eq: t fis'qlaqa]ilr* lllYoll {$rtl{il {d T!fi qt'if $FntEFn

139-140.Being blessed with wife and children, favours from Government,enjoyment of sound health, good relations with friends, achievemc-,tof fame, good progress in the of the educationalsphere, patience and valour, are the efrects be a sign If the house. Chakra Dasa of the sign in the fifth be the sign If in full. beneficone the goodresults are enjoyed a malefic one, adverseeffectsare also experienced.



qil I




Chapter 46

551 gq?r: I

qrqdqqfti, TqrE qqt' frurnflariq utvRtl

l4l-142. Danger from the king (government), fire and weaponsand possibility of suffering from diabetes, gulma and jaundice are the effects irr 'the chakra Dasa of tne-signiniie sixth house. If the sign bc a malefic one, the above aOverse effectswill be experienced in full. There will be somemitigation of evil effectsin the caseof a beneficsign.

wr[ilwqtrdeifq $.rFfrTsq{rr qqTI aET flfqq6: eef,t-gaurrnf<rS qet nlyttl q6a{r: I Ufqor)-wr-qra#rT'q1qr qc{ry* co TUfi qFK{r} q il{ffr trlynrl
143-144.Marriage, conjugal happiness,beingblessed with children, gain of agriculturalproducts,cowsand clithes, fuuouo and recognition from the king (government)and a"hiev"meot of fame, are the effectsin the Chakra Dasa of the sign in the seventhhouse. The beneficialresurtswill be cxperienced in full if the sign be a beneficone. Meagre good effectswilr ur r.urir"a in the caseof a malefic sign.


t6.reriF[i{Yn iR1 I

Teriqr{i rqq g:d qtTild

qiqrq{ illv{tl

q fafiria r aMeafqqpqfiT qrr{rlfrEd $[ vrrrrnil q qqi ulyqtl

145-146,Destruction of residlntial house, distr$s, loss of wealth, poverty and dangerfrom enemies,are the effects of the .Chakra Dasa of the sign in the eighth house. ff* ua""r* effectswill be realisedin f"ull if the sign be a maleficone. some mitigatiorr in evil effectsmay be eipected in the caseof a benefc ,sign.

; u{qrflraqteq


qqr I

ata rtlYsrt


Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra

housc' 147-148.Felicity in respect of wife, chiidren' pious 9t"{t' agricultural activities, performance.of g.o-oi and and privilege of moving in the inclinations religious in ;;; t--lhakra Dasa of greaireligious leaders,are the effectstn *"i,y The good of thc sign in the ninth house (Dbarma Bhavr'i' sign' Vcry ,"rotr, *i-tt fr" realisedin full in the casesf a beir{eiic in the event of the sign **";1r. good e{fectswill be experienced 1cing a malcficci'e. slalllit{Il {iil I

{F{Tdl $



q aqqq tllvsll

<rvwrnar^nnrrert tail{tftli

qq{ lllYelt

sii.ifemt 6!6rrrFr{ |

Acquisition of kingdom (very high positionin 149-150. government),...ognition from the king (government),happiness in'ventures and performanceof irom wife and chiidren' success piorrs deeds,are the effects in the Chakra Dasa of the sign in be ih. t 4ttt house (Karma Bhava). The good results will will effects realisedin full in the caseof a benefic sign. Good be fcw in the eventof a sign being malefic I


n,eig"i {rra{il qfrfrlq rlltoll

:,tl i

i! i:


Felicitt' fron wife, childrenand kinsmen,receipt 151-152" government, acquisition of wealth and clothes from favours of with good people, are the effectsin the Chakra and association Dasa of the sign in the eleventh house (Labha Bhava)' The good efrects witt Ueenjoyedin full in the case of a benefic sign' lery fittle good will happen if the sign be a maleiic one'

rr{TI il1tlu I EFreRenfq<rqlad wraearfq<rini {rRi Rsrq Erlrra qFsaq q llltRll rrrrcI{ft sEiTi qrqqrfr



flEI I



qqqfa1 ltll(ltl

Chaf,cr 46


rnfirsr' q,*ffi sfi errfu alq r qFrflfr 5,rt e?i Tr.qrii q nqq lrltvtl
pain in the body, 153-154. Failure in efrortsand ventures, loss of position, poverty and unnecessary expendituresare the efi{:ts in the Kalachakra Dasa of the sign in the twelfth house (Vyaya Bhava). 'The adverseeffectswill be experienced in full in the caseof a malefic sign. Some good may happen:f thc sign be a benefic. No&s : A sig* t'.med by a benefic planet is treated as bencficand that own;d by a maleficas malefic. As dcscribcdabovc thc efrects of Kalachakra Dasa of the signsin thc 6th, tth end 12th house are adverse and thelr are favourablefor the signsin the other houres. The Dasa of the rigns witlr Mandooki, Markati and Simhavlokan movements (gati) arc i.,iiavourable and thc Dasasof the other signs are favourahk.


arrfraqqq{:d Trri trfi $ r f,rqlE aatnqrft<t *qrqa ant frg: t|tttrr qqqtqqe $q r ffi-fafafidd' T{r6qrFri rnqt ttwrT arffirq sl rrltqrr
t55-156.Now I shall desciibe to you the CharaDasa of the Signs(Rasis)of the twelve houses. In this Dasa systemthe number of years of Dasa is reckoned from the Rasi up to the house in which its Iord is posited. The pecuhar feature of this systemis that every three signsfrom Arfes etc. have four padas. For the odd (1,3)padas,the countingis donefrom Rasionwards up to the Rasi in which its lord is housed. For the evenpadas (2, 4) this counting is done in thc reverseorder.

qflqFlfbrdtal a*g-rtelqlEv


rrfq-<t$ ? giwrerFqtfqqt qf$tfda} nl{\en

157. In this system Mars and Ketu are both lords rJ Scorpio. Similarly Saturn and Rahu are lords of Aquarius.


Brihat ParasaraH.oraS,

fauidqn t ftqe frnq*aq\G qf{ ttqtstt arffilqftfkr ! rrrdlTqeiferdl fa;a\ r ffi a itfifq +i arEqnd qf< *fiqat llllelt qr: e*arfrrq?g rta qfiFIg qrsi aui a}q t fqd iri{r$Er?r
alqqqEifi a\ iq ac'l{ei q d edl lliQoll Tfiaqilq qtrd 6rdt lllqlll

aa q{ aw Inenxw. *rnr* faq: ! t


aie q-E] c} i1 adt aaftr+nr(:t

*r{q}rscnri iti crf{rEqK q

lll qRll

iqT{"aRanAret: ztsr* qawfaq' t agauT sdt rr?1.rr1q1tt ilfaqtaqqnii qfE dtiqra: t qn: *a'hana{?I$il: q-<a

rr6fmyadat{ qrf{rrfizi|EAY- 'i 111qvll i-'aIAE{q aExri qri*d q fafer\ t ats alsdatq q{i*{i favi}u\ ontt q\ lllqqlt qti vri eqrqlq EtrFrE6',Er
o u 1e g t h e Norv I will tellyou about the workir-rg 158-166. Dasa yearsof Scorpio and Aquarius. If both the lords of lhe trvgr Rasis-scorpio artci Aquarius-lre posited in tlteir own r a s i s ,t l t e i r D a s a u ' i l l b c o f 1 2 S c a r s 'O t h e r w i s e t h eD a E aw i l l b e of'the number of years, irtdicated by the nunber countedfrom tlrat rasi to the rasi occupieclby its lord. If one planet be in his ov,u sign and the other in any othcr sigrr. ttre Dasa will be of the rrttmberof years coutrted from the above lirst sign to the otlier. If the iords are ir different signs the counting is to bc done up to tl'resign rvhich is stronger. Tlre sign lvhich has a more powerful than the sign 1rilttretpositedin it, is cortsiclcred rlitltout a planet in it. If both be rvith planets in them, the one v.ith more planets'.r'oulcl be consitjeredmore porverful. If both sieusare housedby an equal number of planets, the strength of the sign itself shoul'rJ be taken into account. The principle for the strength (tc) of the sign is that the fxed sign is considering



considered stronger ihan the movable one and the dual sign is consideredmore rrowerful than the fixed sign. tf therJ be equality in the strength of the signs, then to deterrnine rhe numberol yearsof Dasa,countingfshould be done up to the sign with bi:ggcr number. If one sign be occupied Uy a ptanet in exi*ltation, the counting should be done up to ihai ,ign onty. ln addition I (one) shourd be added in the number of years in lhe caseof sign with an exalted planet and I (one) shouid he deductedfrom the number of yearsin the crqe of the sign with a planet in debilitation !'hc prediction shourd be made after calculhting the Dasasin this lnanner. tqrgfifrTiT] ?Trsfq u{wrqq-6q61


ttqrc$rt fffi{qEE{rt qtn rtlqrglt

lb7. It t.hesign in the ninth housefrom the Ascendaat be in an ocd prcia, the counting should be from the sign in the Asc:;rdant<.rnwards. The counting would be in the reverse order if ti,.r paCabe even. The Dasasof signshaveto be fixed kecping in view. Errntple


Ascdt. I ilf .:re ur,v I Jupiter I Venus I


lJs76$ ttr'tr Briho Parasara

In the above Libra is the sign in the 9th house in an od'l pada. Amongst tbe lords of the Asceiidant Saturn and Rahu' Rahu is associatedwith a planct. Therefore, Rahu is more powerful than Saturn. Therefore, counting should bc done up io Rahu. Aquarius is in even pada, thcrefore, counting has to be done from Aguarius up io Rahu in the reverse ordcr by which the Chara Dasa i.rr Aquarius would come to 8 ycars' Aries is in odd pada. Tberefore,the Chara Dasafor Arics will be one year" The Dasa of other signs should bc calculated in the samemanner. Illustretive Teble Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer


Dasa Years Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn




Dasa Ycars

After the expiry of these Dasasonce,Aquarius will again becomethe starting point for the Dasasagain'

StNrr Drsr

a{sre is{qqrfq fWdt EniBEt ! t (q?n: lllqqll st q.t Rqt qrsel Fa iq Rqr: ftqrsr=a a{IrdEriiRq<rdfr Gmst t

qfqiit ttlqelt

describethe' 168-169.The Sagcsaid-Now I am going to years and 9 years 8 sthira Dasa. In this Dasa system 7 years,

Chapter 46


are the Dasa spansof the movable (r<),.fixed(Rlr) and dual (fre<rrra)signs in that order. In this systern the Dasa of the 12 signsbeginsfrom the Brahma Grahashrit rasi. The Dasas are countedonwardsfrom the odd signsand in the reverse order from the even signs.

frsnl tgtq: Et{r! tr{i s aru* iXi ! r t6 qear ft Wrtfto qf{ A qfq ul\eorr qudlqeqqqdq d Efr fqqf,dr: r qGaRqal *ntrgi dirn ir;rwrrl: rrleltl
fitTsrGeftft qr lQrrsF4qqrflr: t rrfr qR q q6i rQn ae$radqq:trlsR|l
T{q} qflln?Frftn


Bi{rf,rut {flfq{fl{

ffim rg&rt: trls?tl

17&173. Maitreya said-O grcat Saget nor please enlighten nnehow the Brahma Graha is pickcd out in a chart. The Sagesaid-From amongst thc lorde of the 6th, the 8th and the l2th thc planet who nay pomcss the greatest ctrength and be in the Alcendant or the ?th with strength,the one posited in an odd sign within sixth houec from the house concerned,is called the Brahma Graha (ltrr cA). The lord of the 8th liouse in tbe 8th is also aeceptedas Brahma Graha. If 'Saturn or Rahu Ketu obtain Brahmatva (rgt<-qualifications ,of rlrahma Craht), they becomeBrahma Graha. If a number of planetsobtain Brahmatva, the one with largesi number of .degrees would becomcBrahma Graha. If there is parity in thc degreesof such planets, the most powerful amongst them would ,become Bra-hma Graha. Note : If the lord of the 8th is in the gth, he would bc Brahma Graha. Other planets positcd in the gth house are treated as Brahma Grahas. If there be no planet in the gth, thc planet in an odd sign within 6 signs from the Ascendant'oithe ?th would become Brahma Graha. If a number of planetr qualify fof this position, the one with more degreessnouta be taken as Brahma Graha. The actuardegrees of Rahu would be those which are arrived at aftcr deducting from 30.

558 Exemple:

Brihat Parasara Hora Sasts



It""' Rah,r

Mercury Jupiter Venus



r I

of planets) Grahe Sprst (Longitudes s RDM 53 36 29 9 Sun 58 2 2 6 2 Moon 2 l 0 5 6 I Mars 26 1 3 6 l0 MercurY 58 4l l3 l0 Jupiter 2 4 20 l0 Venus 27 2 4 1 3 7 Saturn 34 -1355 2 Rahu 5 28 16 10 Ascendant be etc. after deducting from 30 would Rahu's degr"ees 16'-4',-26". learneds in Hindu Here it may be mentioned that some the Srrnonwards from countiog Astrology adopt the method of Atmakaraka from counting of *nii" .ifi*t foltorv the system from reckoning of system the oo*n"rdr. we are of the view that this in practicable and Atmakaraka onwardsis more logical Dasa system. '



fn accordancewith the system described in the chapter dealingwith the Atmakaraka, tbe Sun herehas traversedthe rnaximumnumberof degrees,will be Atmakarka and Venuswho comesnext with degrees, wili be Amatya (Afreq). After that comesRahu, Karaka for brother, Jupiter Karaka for rnother, Saturn Karaka for father, Mercury Karaka for son. Moon Karaka for gnati and Mars Karaka for wife. Illus trativeTable

Atma Karaka Sun

Amatya Brother Mother Father Son Gnati Wifc Venus Rahu Jupiter SatutnlvtercuryMoon Mars

Thereis no planct in the 8th house but therearethree in the Ascendantand they aspecttheZthhouse.Thereftrrq benefics Ascendant would be trear&rr as the strongest. Counting back_ wards upto six signsfrom the Ascendant, we find that th lord of the 8th Mercury occupiesthe odd sign Aquarius. Thus, lords of the Dasasof the 12 signswould be from Aquariusonwards. Illustrative Tsble

AquariusPisces Aries Taurus Gemini 8978

Cancer 7

Leo 'g

Virgo 9

Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn '1 8 9 7


Brilut ParasaraEora Sastia Yogtdh. Drs.


q trrmr{ affimiqfimt


sr.iR llltsYll

174. Thespansof Dasasof the signs in the Yogardha Dasasystem arehalf of the totalof the of Chara andSthiraDasas. from the sign of the Ascendant ot the The Dasa will commence seventhhousewhicheveris stronger. The order of the Dasas of the 12 signswill be counted onwards if the opening Dasa sign is an odd one. If it bc an even sign the Dasaswill be in the reverse order. ' Exemple: It will be seen that in the birth chart giveir earlier the sign of the Ascendentis stronger than the sign of the ?th house. It is an odd sign. So the Dasaswill start from Aquariusonwards. The Chara Dasa of Aquarius is of 8 years and Sthira Dasa is also of 8 years.The Dasa of Aquariusin the be of 8 years(| of Yogardha Dasa system will consequently year and Sthira Dasais 8+8). The Chara Dasa of Pisccs is one of 9 years. Thus the Dasa of Fisces here will b? of 5 years (* of l-r9). The Dasasof thc rcnaining signs may be worled eut in thc.samemanner.



Sign Dasa" Years

Aquarius 8

Pisces 5

Aries Taurus Gemini Canccr 4


Sign Dasa Ycars




ScorPio Sagitt-


arius 51

Capricorn 4*

thapter 46 Oasa(i;rik Kendradi awt)


qrasc6qql*et ql (rftr{eqq

rraq !

na: };nfs4iprTii 11qitils:Eqtl*m( utu{tl treFri *aie Q t filtnlafq rr{iitt lllsqll atTreErqq<qciqr: dalai q Tq$Trqfh

175-176. In this system there are Dasasof fixed signsin from the Ascendant or the 7th house,whichetc. the ke:ldrz, or the ?th with strengthbe in If the Ascendant lver is stronger. countedin the onward order' afe ctcan odd signthe kendra If it be in an evensign th; countingwill be in the backwardor order.In them also the Dasaswould be in the order of reverse strengthof the signs.The order of Dasas would comparative be the sameas reckoned.from the Atrnakaraka. The spansof Dasas would be the same as they arc i;: the Chara Dasa. In .calculqting the yearsof Dasdsof planetsc;runtingis done from the planet to his own sign. Tlre yearsof l)asas would be the number arrivedat by countirlg up to the sign of the planet vhich is strongeror more in number. Dasasare of two kinds-namely, Note: Under this system Lagna Kendradi (err *rarfa) and AtmakarakaKendradi (enew$r<*'*r-srfe). There are also Kendtadi Rasi Dasa (*;arf< <rfu Dasa (f;arfe r srtr) in both thc Dasa ?fi) or Kendradi.Graha t systemmentionedabave. Amongst the given earlier. chart Example: Seethe birth is stronger the Ascendant AscendantAquarius and the 7th Leo, and thereAscendant Therefore, the first Dasa will be of the In the Scorpio' and Leo ,after of its kendra signs-Taurus, Taurus, be of will strengththe Dasas order of the comparative 'Scoprioand'L,eo. ln the Panaphara houses(2,5, 8' 1l) from 'Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius, in order of .amongstPisces, ,gomparative strengththe Dasaswill be first of Gemini and then from and Virgo. In the Apoklima houses Pisces of Sagittarius, :amongstAries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, in order of comparativestrength, the first Dasa will be of Capricorn and thereafterof Aries, Cancerand Libra. Daseyears-As iudicated in dealing with Chara Dasa Aquarius is in an even pada. Consequently countedbackwards


Brihot pat,asara Hora Sastrs

'from its lords Saturnto Rahu the number is more. Therefore, 'the Dasawill be of 8 years. The )'ears of Dasaof othcr siens may be calculated in the samemanner. Illustratire Tsble

Sign Aquarius Taurus Scorpio Leo

tuemini Sasittarius

Dasa years

Sign Pisces

Virgo Capricorn Aries Cancer Libra

Dasa years

Similarlyamongst AtnrakarakaSun and his 7th Cancer, the sign Capricorn occupied by the Atmakaraka is stronger. This is an evensign.Consequently at first there will be Dasas of Capricorn etc. kendra signs in the order of their strength. Thereafterby going in the reverseorder there will be DasasofApoklima signs.After that will comethe Dasas of Scorpio and other Panaphara signsin the order of their strength. Exanple of Atmakarake KendradiGraha Dasa " Th. Atmakarakais the Sun in Capricorn. Capricornis anr even sign. Consequently the planets occupying Kendra,. Apoklima and Panaphara houses will have their Dasas in the reverse order according to their strength. Capricorn is occupiecl, by the Sun onlv, the first Dasa will, therefore, be of the Sun There are no planets in kendras to him (signs?,4, l). In Apoklima (signs9, 3) are the Moon, Rahu and Ketu. Amongst5!* them in the order of strength, the Dasa lords will be Rahu,



Ketu and the lV{oon.In Panaphara houses (signs8, 2, I I ) in the order of strength the Dasas will be of Venus,Jttpiter, Mercury, Mars and Saturn. The span of Dasas will be equal to the number up to the own sign of the planet concerned(in orders).Here the Atmakaraka Sun is the onward and reverse an evensign. Therefore,by countingup to his own sign Leo i11 order the Dasa of the Sun will be of 5 years.The in the reverse Dasa yearsof the other planetsmay be calculated in the same manner.

un\wanfu r fMerq-*crq rFttfiTq ?{II (rII: ll\eeu sqqlqfurfi ieqt

the Sun and the 177. lf a planet ownstwo signs(except Moon and barring Rahu and Ketu, all the planets own t\ryo signs),the Dasayearswill be equal to the number which is greaterwhencountedfrom the sign occupiedby him. Kerrke Desr etriwFt(lFqr($rT |[,rcFTGrIrtltI lFnt t

irnrq firtsqri?d *qrqa eui feg: ||lecrl

l?8. The system under which the first Dasa is of the Dasasare ol the remaining7 Atmakarakaand the subsequent karakasin their order is known as Karaka Dasa.In this system the Dasayearsare equalto the numberof signs countedfrom upto the Karaka concerned. the Ascendant : The Atmakarakais the Sun. He is in the l2th Exarnple to the Ascendant. There is thus a differenceof 1l signsbetweenthe Atmakaraka and the Ascendant. Therefore, his Dasa will be of I I years. After this comesAmatya Karaka Venus. According to the principle ''griilqw 6E" etc. the Dasa of Venuswiltbeof 12 yeari. The Dasasof other Karakashaveto be worked out in the samemanner.

'564 .

Brihat Parasara Hord Sastro


Illustrative Table


Atrna Amatya Brother Mother Father Son Gnati Wife Sun Venus _Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mer- Moon Mars cury ll 12 4 t2 91243 years


years yearsyears years





fbt[ ! r

q} nfn{eeq



q+ *ur ilcftcfqr(l ir6: afio'frq11qil fat.aai q fHar: teq<q;q EltT grn: ulqorr
179-180. Under this system the Dasa commences from the Ascendant or the 7th house whichever is stronger.If the sign of commencemsi-ri is an odd sign the Dasasof 3 Moveable signs,3 Fixed signs and 3 Dual signswill be countedin the onwardsorder. They will be in tbe reverse order in the caseof an evensign.In this systemthe Dasa yearswill be the sameas in_ Sthira Dasa system(7 years for Movable signs,g yearsfor Fixed signs and 9 years for Dual signs). In this syst;m 6rery - Dasa is of the next 3rd sign (after leaving out tryo sigrrs).For exampleafter Aquarius Dasa comes the Dasa of Taurus aftcr leaving out Piscesand Aries. After piscesDasa comesthe Dasa of,,Gemini after leaving out Aries and raurus. It is for this reason that this systemhas been named as Mandooka Dasa. Example-In the birth chart given earlicr, the Ascen&nt is strongerthan the ?th. The sign of the Ascendantis odd and the first Dasa will be of Aquarius followed fi*"_d. Consequently by the Dasasof the other Fixed signsTaurus,Uio and Scorpio, .4 Dual signsand four Movable signs.

Clupter 46 lliubtrative Table


lieo Aquarius Taurus

Dasa Years

Leo 88

Sccrpio Pisces Gemini


Sign Dasa Years

Virgo 9

SagittariusAries Cancer

ihra Capricorn

( i"* Shoole ' \ Dgsa



fqqrtr{ ,f;,ftaslqEqt r*ral I ffiqqq c|ranraqf,l qilqqlqT rqqr{ qia ttlqltt 'fqq - s6qrgpwrd: ti t ! ilETRffi qft:.lllcltl qfqqlrt* wt ilT: fisrEaa
Dasa the'Shoola l8t-I82. $ome learnedshavedes-igned Dasa the system In. this for deteJmilifig the.Jiss-ol{eath. is whichever 8th house from the 2nd or the 6ffien""s of Dasa of the order stronger. If the sign be an odd orre,the the signswill be onwards.It will be backwardsin the case of en even sign. The Dasa years in this systemare as adopted for the Sthira Dasa. There is possibilityof the death in Dasa oi' the Maraka (killer) sign which has greaterstrength. birth chart givenearlier' There Example-Seefor example But the lord of the 2nd from 8th. or lre no planetsin the 2nd than the lord of the 8th (Jupiter) stronger is the Ascendant i2 signswill commence the Dasa of the (Mercury). Consequently order. t from Piscesin the riverse


Brihat Para,garaHora.Sastra IllustrativcTable

Sign Pisces Aquarius Capricorn Sagittarius Scorpio L ibra

Dasa 9 Years

S:gn Virgr,

I-e r-l



Tau;.u* Aries

Llasa 9 Years

Trikona Dasa

qrqaTilasJvig a) <tf.yrEfqil{ qiq r

ilqr{sE{atq utwl q{q4tqq<{wq utcitl nwgEE\lrdlrqi fanhi faqi q* r

famlqrqE{tr silq=, I til{r atqFrRIiTEfiI:| | 1 qv I b 183-184. [n thir r,)'sten the first DasaCommences from the strongesr amongstttre si-sns in trine (ariw) to the Ascendant i.!, -<,9). Tlref)asas),.slem i: si,nilar to the Chara Dasa.Here ;rlsotlre Dasasof the signsriii.l b': in the onlvardsorder in the ,ss of odd signs and in the reverseorderin the caseof el.en . .:ns. The Dasayearswill be srmil:ir to that of CharaDasa. ' i1 been rrarnedTrikona because of tlre commencement of tlrc l)asa frorn ty'-re signsin Trinus. tixample*Refer to the birrh chart given earlier. Amongst the Ascendant,5th and 9th, 1.hcAscenCant is the ,trongJrt. Therefore,the order of the Dasaswill be Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Pirccs.Crncer, Scorpio, Aries, Leo, Sugittari.,r,Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Clwpter 46 Illustrative Tabfe





Libra pisces C:lncer Scorpio

I)asa Yeers





Leo SagittariusTaurus Virgo Capricon

Dasal610972 Yeals

Dirga Dasa Qr;trE u{eq dqE'rslwilqi q q{tTFf,t: t

\ \a

q atq ga: trlqur imrqFqq il{E6er{Tvitai

g6'rEqt?qaEEce(lvftiti fiqqq{ qqr: r;rqTEl a{rrercqq {{'{{iri aa: F{iIr lllqq[ feq(* {q I ErtqJtql: at agrrnal qTIT f,eq* rqal a;* qlnq) EiEqI( ql irlc\err
185-187. In this system the order of the Dasas is as \ follorvs(l) The ninth sign from the Ascendant. (2) The signsaspected by the sign in the nintir house. (3) The signin the l0th from the Ascendattt. (a) The signsaspected b;' the sign in the lOthirouse. (5) Thc signin the llth from the Asceudant, and (6) The signsaspected by the sign in the llthihouse. r\s this s!'stem is mostly based on aspects, it has been i namrxias l)riga Dasa. Three differentpiocesses ar,e adopted for the Movable, Fixedan<iDual signs, iiom the 9th, lOth and llth houses.


Brihat Parasara Hora Sallrr*

According to thern the aspectedsign from the Movable sign is. counted backwardsand the aspected sign from the Fixeil ;risn is counted onwards. In the case of the buir, sign if it is , ddthe counting is onwards and the order is backwardsin caseof aneven sign for the aspectedsigns. Note : Thc intention is that from the poir:t of v;ew of sign should be started iro:'o tbc of aspected aspect,the process which is nearest. In way in the caseof Mr,vauiesigns, this sign tlie rasis at tbeir back ipreviousto them) are r :arcit :o lncm. of Flxld sigr,s the signs after then are ct'nsiderld In i!'l*case in respect of aspects. In the caselof l)ual signs. the as neard-{t signs on both sidesarb trea.ted equally. I'l ;s fos this reason that in their case diffeience of order has bcel rnade fcr cdd and cven signs.In this connectioi r:; may rcrrr to Rasi Drishtikathana Adhyaya (Chaptir !,r Verse 9 and the table after that. Exrmph-In the examplcbirth chart the sign of 9th house, nami:ty Libra, is a Movable sign. Therefore,the first Dasa wili be of Libra and thereafter will be the Dasas of the Signs. by Libra, namely Leo, Taurus, Aquarius. The sign of' aspcted l0th house is Scorpio (a fixed sign). Therefore, the first the Dasa will bc of Scorpio and thereafter will be the Dasas.of' by Scorpio, namely Capricorn, Aries and Cancer. rigns aspected (onwardsorder). The sign of the llth houseis Sagittarius (a Dual odd sign). Therefore, there will be Dasas of Sagittarius, Pisces,Gemini and Virgo ur that order. The years of Dasa will. bc thc sameas prescribedfor the Sthira Dasa. Illustrative Table Sign Libra !"-;asa 7 Years Sign Aries Cancer Sagittarius Pisces Dasa Ycan 779 9 Gemini 99 Virgo Leo 8

Taurus 8

Aquarius Scorpio Capricorn 86't

Aaper 46
Lagnadi Rasi Drsr


q* qqrfamfrii q{n <tf{r<rtT qiil | qftrF{qti r{rii tfrfqfiTud w{ ulcetl

qYsd qtwna'ara<nwml dn{rfrfqa{r

rin$q nqr<ti aw *qtrnqre qi rrlcqrr
thereare Dasas of all the 12 signs 18&189.In this system includingthe Asce;i:nt in every nakshatra. Consequently the Bhay,at at birth ma1 be multipliedby 12 and then the product bc dividcd by Bhabhog. The Rasi, degree etc. so available may be addedto the longitudeof the Lagna (Ascendant). From thc rasi, beconing availableby doing so, will start the Dasasof the12 siens(if that rasi be odd, the counting will be onwardsIt will bc irr the reverse order if the rasi be even). Exarnple-The Janma Nakshatrais Mrigasira. Bhayat is 5E, 15 (58 ghatikas and 15 palas) or 3495palas. By multiplying itby 12 we get 41940 palas. Bhabhog is 59,31 or 357I palas. ily dividing41940 by 3571we get 11,22,20, l7 that is 22 degrees,20 minutes and l7 seconds.Adding this to Pisces thc longitude of Lagna, namely10,26,28,5, we get the rasi (The actualtotal is 22,18,48,22. From as 10,18,48,22 ctc. this 12 Rasishaveto be deducted to get the actualrasisetc). the Dasasof the 12 signswill start from Aquarius. Consequen'ly The yearsof l)asa in this system will be the sameas adopted for the Sthira Dasa.

irrneal $ttttqlqfir fgnat fa6rn: EFtq| .

eetfer id qhd fl?r{ f<n}fuaqttleotl 1;<ti

190. For frnding the balance of Dasaat birth, muliiptythe degree etc., by tl'reDasayearsof the first Dasa signand expir,.:d diviCe it by 30. The yearsetc., so arrived at, may be deducted from the l)asa yc:rrs. Thc result will indicatethe balanceof montln etc. Dasaat birth in years, ' Example-The expireddegrees etc., of the Dasacommen18,48,22. By muhiplyingthem by8 (the Dasa cingsignare yearsof Aquarius)ryeget 150,?5, 56. By dividingit by 30 we


Brihat Parasaral{ora Sastra

'years get 5 0 months 23 days, 23 hours and 12 ghatikas Deductingit from 8 years we wiil get 2 yearsI I months,24 days,0 hoursand 48 ghatikasas balanceof Dasaat birth. IllustrativeTable

Sign Aquarius Pisces Aries

Taurus Gemini


Years 2 Months l l Days 24



Virgo Libra

Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn


Panchswarr Dasa

Brtnrfq q(q qsq sqrf ffiqtE TwtqI fite6r?nifi'f,dqavrQTTfluluvurlfcaiq ulall q=q-q5q-fq$tTqil: t f-tiq ,ifmn*qis
xt{dr silun ?Tqt ilT{Ta} qGa * qfnteRrr nq qafia ilil irTr rrcrcrce qqrr[ra I qEf Tqt ?rTTrflerwi: Fqr( a?(Et(tqrr: il1eltl qq q{mff{rt: fts'q atqrEtq{Tr6{6r:I FTflurt ir fiElaiqr: Esfir:riai{rfttlt: illQ.vtl

191-194. Beginrring from Akaradi (ern1tk) 5 swaras (q, q, g, q, t't) write underneath them the Varnas (eu'i)iri 0 lines. Leave the letterss, S and q because out they are not usedin names. If they are found in any name, rf may be substitutedfor a,

{hapter 46


3f for t and g fnr $ for working out the Dasas and making prcdictions. irr this manner, the Swara under which the first Varna of the name of the native is found, will determinethe order of the Dasasof the five swaras. Dasas are qf 12 yearsfor all the five swaras. In the Dasa of every swara,therewill be Antardasas of all the five Swarasin the sameorder. Example-The birth is in the 4th pada of. Mrigasira, Therefore, the lirst letter of the name will be Kakar (rrn) Its swara is eI: Therefore, Dasaswill be of five swaras commencing from atr.

Prrlcn Swarr Teble ar q E q3r)

ts' Ett ga ct

PanchSwaraDasa Table




qTT qlT

I t E T rr 6 ltZ sr s Varnas if rt$ rt q( TT 7 qq a

12 t2 t2 12 12

12 12 12 1212
Yogini Dase

giia tlt nlril qriaTn {rrGq ! | {rfr wtil *qar wqe q}frrit a{n nl e{rl

qs.GTr fcgar erfi $ilrfr rrfrm aqrr

sFr,T fr doet q frflFqlssalq+'lfailr:|| 1eqII

rger*swe-'arr: frsmal

fce61; 1

qilTri* tq{*}o[< qrq**sqK gisr: rr1terl qfffinl lal wamfrriFrr: {riq-fi: I tffi wtql cnir: bin'etttrtr*sstEtil ulQ.crl wqqi q fafqffti qefqqtrrqr;tf, | qfif{ri fqiat "461o6',qgf,rfitr: uleetl


Brihat ParasoraHora Sastr

195-199. The Sage said-O Brahmin ! I have already given you the description of Panch Swara Dasa. Now I will acquaint you with the Yogini I)asa as described by Lord Mahadeva. There are 8 Yoginis namely,1. Mangaia,2. Pingala' 3. Dhanya,4. Bhramari, 5. Bhadrika, 6. Ulka, ?. Siddhaand 8. Sankata. The Moon, the Sun, Jupiter, I\{ars, Mercury' Saturn, Venus and Rahu, are born from Mangala, Pingala, Dhanya, Bhramari, Bhadrika, Ulka, Siddha and Sankata, in that order.Add 3 to the Janma nakshatra and divideit by 8. Thc remainderI etc. will indicatethe Yogini Dasa of Mangala etc. The Dasas of Mangala, Pingala, Dhanya, Bhramari, Bhadrika,Ulka, Siddha and Sankata are of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 yearsrespectively. The balannceof D::isa at birth should be worked out from the Bhayat and Bhabhogetc., as already explained earlier. Example-The JanmaNakshatra is Mrigasira.Its numbcr is 5. By adding3 to this number we get 8. By dividing8 by 8 we will get zero as remainderwhich meansthat the birth tookplaccin the Dasa of 8th Yogini, namelySankata. Pinde Amsr Nisarge Daba



srtrdr{rt ltnrql: | '

;rqaqrarilql$rrt Tqd qloi q erqiE ltio o11

lqi qErq: dqhii iqs{id fasricrqr

dHE *qi EflT*qT'iut, aidlfqs{iqr lqqoitl Rfr FFiI*qiFIurt rrTtrcrtspgl qq 1 rrc*ErfErnrat q :iqr Ereiqrrttkr: llQoQtl
' 201-202. The Pinda Dasa,AmsaDasa and Nisarga Dasathe be will same as Pindayu, Amsayu and Nisargayu, the methodof determinationof which has already been explained previously. The order of Dasas will be asfollow. The first Dasa will be of the Lagna (Ascendant),the Sun or the Moon whoever is stronger. The subsequent Dasaswill be of .planets in Kendra to them, then of planetsin Panaphara houses and lastly of planetsin Apoklima houses.The Dasas and Antardasasof tbe Lagna and seven planetswili also be in the same order. (Rahu Ketu do not find place in this Dasa system).

Chapter 46


qGeq{iqiffi siTrfE qRffiar Ertae{{{Tniilt: anfqei: 1*qftft: uRottl

203. The effects of these Dasaswill be in accordance with the Ashtak Varga Bala (araar a,i ev), which subject will be .dealt with later. These Dasas are also called Ashtak Varga Dasas. SendhyaDasa

rtrgefilil cFrcirq trrsrfi s*fam r aFrarcr{qr*il nnq ffclrlqm r{in trioytl

2M. Sandhya is the DwadaramsaAyurdaya (ar<sfivf 'mtEfq) of the Paramayurdiya (r<w wacta) (maximum possible life span). In SandhyaDasa the Dasa of all the signs from Lagna onwards is of ;\the years of paramayurdaya. Example-In the example birth chart the Lagna is Aquarius. Therefore, the Disa of all the signscommencing from Aquarius will be of l0 years as the paramayurdayais l2Oyears. Illustntive Trble

Sign Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurustremini Dasa Ycars t0 l0 l0 t0 l0

Canccr l0



Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn

Dasa Years








Brihat Parasara Hora Sastro Dasa Prchaka Desa in Sendhya

q?trn 1eTUn mat q..aaf66al t6'fi{ |

irqrdcqt nN ?rqf fa$ fa;a*qttQo111 faqnt aq+le8g fe?rrq rmei a\ t q?i aTE{Irrg qnrslft c6cqk 111oQll
By multiplying the Dasayearsof SandhyaDasa 205-206. by 6 and dividing the product by 31, the years,months etc.,so' arrived at may be put in one apartment of a Table. Thereafter' half of theseyears,months etc.,may be written in the next three apartments. The remaining8 apartments may be filled in by years, months etc. In this manner. one third of the aforesaid can be Dasa of every Bhava (house) PachakaDasa in Sandhya worked -out and predictionsmay be madefrom it. f,lample-The SandhyaDasa of the Lagna is 10 years' By multiplying it by 6 we get 60. By dividing 60 by 3l we get 1 year 11 months6 days (round). This may be written in the first apartment.Half of this period viz.,O years ll months and l8 days(round figure)may be written in the next three apartments. one third'of the I year, 11 months, 6 days Thereafter r rn&Y be written in remaining 8 apartments.This processwill completethe PachakaDasa Table which is given below : Illustrative Teble Taurus Gemini Cancer

Sign Aquarius 1 Years Months 11 Days 6 Sign



Aries ll 18

000 1l l8

11 18

00 77 22


Scorpio Sagitta- CaPricorn rius

0 Years Months 7 22 Days

000 777 22



00 77 22



16 Tara Dasa


tirrilrrlEfmrsar*Raqanrrtr ?TilrI
ilT{tF't: llR oglt

Er?q-Fqq-frqt-*q-riqR:awnl au; r qd qtc*d q *rreqql'i{a} qgtr uRoqtl

*qr rr<tilflT fqq ! TTqgFErqqirET I

q *;*ftqa: dslEfiri atq qitfrarnioeqg

207-249.O Brahmin ! Some learnedshave given consieration to Tara Dasa which is like VimsottariDasa.In this )asaJanma,Sampatetc. in their order replace the Sun, Moon .c.,housed in Kendras. This Dasa is aprrlied in thosecasesonlv 'herethere are planets in kendras. ti itrere are a humberof lariets,the first Dasa will belon-s to the strongest anrongst thern. Example-In the birth chart given earlier, Jupiter is ;rongest amongstall the planets in Kendras. Therefore,the rst Dasa will belongto Jupiter. Dasa yearswill be the sameas rescribed for Vimsottari Dasa. lllustratile Table

lanct Jupiter Sat. Mercury Ketu VenusSun Moon Mars Rahu afil- Pratya Sadha Vadha Maitra Atim- Jan- Sam- Vi- Kshem altra ma pat pat ears1619177206t0Zlg

rfa e qfmr fqs ! ?{rfrr s{*fiqrI garnrirni*1 rqfqeqtfq rT{n: uRlotr

210. O Brahmin ! I have now completedthe description thc different kinds of Dasas (that are followed by the lrncds), I will give the description of their,rntardasas(Sub rriods)later. '



Effects of Dasas
tilla agar *at emni q qcn $ ! t
qd' q oif$r aTd Sqwt i tgqaq ? ttl tt

l. Maitreya said-O Sage! You havetold me about the different kinds of Dasas.Now be kind enough to enlightenme .with the effects of Dasas.

rurli fsfq|qtq eqnii fafkd sil{ | ett-dslfildtit it lllll Tr(twiq tmiq

2. The Sagereplied-O Brahmin ! There are two kinds of and distinctive' The natural charaeffectsof Dasas-*general cteristics of the planets causethe generaleffectsand the dis' tinctive effectsare rcalised by their placementsetc.

qmq ? r,ri i'f lqfrqtgfitq sru*sr& na qwtrt sFi llq Trrrd qrci rrnf qcqi66ruTftqt q?esci EfrqTt zqd di q q{i

l rlltt t ttvtt

3-4. The effectsof the Dasas of the planets are in accordancewith their ,strength. The cffects of a planet in the first Drekkana are realisedat the commencementof the Dasa.The planet in ,the second Drekkana makes its efrects felt in the middle of the Dasa. The effects of the planet in the third at the end of the Dasa. If the planet Drekkana are experienced be retrcgradethe effectswould be in the reverse ordern that is' the effectsof such a planet in 3rd Drekkana arc felt at the comnrrlcement of the Dasa and that of the retrograde planets in the first Drekkana are experiengedat thc end of the Dasa.



Thc Dasa effects of Rahu and Ketu who are.always retrograde above. will alwaysbe realisedin the reverse order described


Ecnfr'n qr{t
I {{

qrv{qqt r
c e \9

sq* Tfi*

E{nt6'ctqtrttl iTTTt

qr6rs6aqe4q(t q {tarwfrgufrqt r q{amqitrqrtqtt uqri am{ qrsq $

5-6. The effectsare favourable if, at the commencernent of the Dasa, the Dasa lord be in the Ascendant,in his sign of exaltation,in his own sign or in a friend's sign. The results are unfavourable if the Dasa lord be in the 6th, the 8th, or the l2th house, in his sign of debilitation or in an inimical .sign. Efrectsof the Sun'sVimsottari Desa

qqfas),n *A

diii en crshst t r{rrq6'qtftfi{* rrstt *,.sfafttqiilq* fteariae{t t *6qrart {q aftFE n qqq ltri u;rtrr$nfE*qq{ llqll sriwd qmsanaq{qiiFqrf{qi qq{ |

qt{rq ir

fqqfa ttett q$E?A qqrrqfqrHq t

lQaqq5a1q56 llloll

qaen$t it


$rrgfcafrnrcq: tardtn: gcft iK: I

TtAqlFrrT$Rq <Tltqi qffia]

(i: ll11ll

7-11. During the Dasa of the Sun, there is acquisitionof .wealth,great felicity and honoursfrom Government, if at the time of birth the Sun be in his own sigrt, in his sign of exaltation, in a kendra, in the (l lth), be associated with the lord of the 9th or the l0th and strong in his Varga. The native sill with a son (children) if the Sun be with the lord of be blessd th sth. He will acquire elephantsand other kinds of wcalth if with tle lord of the 2nd. He will enjoy the Sun be associated if the Sun be associated with the lord of conveyances comforts

Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra of the king (Government)and enjoysall ll9l:1. o-l -boeneficience happiness. Thus during the Dasa of a stro;g (and llftnds Sun,there are acquisitionsof clothes, agrlc,itturai ll[avo'rable) lhro rlrctc wcaltL L^-^,.-^ ^,) ^- - , roducts, wealth, honours and conveyances etc.

I P: lP



attains a highpoiition likethat of ArmyChief



(tqs}q: gcfrcRq Trartlsl Er?Etrr: gtl ill cqqfigr fqf,mqwd qEt ,lt ieqrta q nlyll

trg*gtrqr* 3:rnnfuldte trlRtl afiwer* cErftct gqurqfqarqTFiTI

R:G g{fr wd,gi r


q fffafr r qtt5fr"att q{ qrl afrqp qqfq?gqq tl qrqrrtor ll;[i .ttiqrq$d iru: nlt(,tl



12-15.During the Dasa of the Sunthere will be adverties, loss of wealth, punishment from Government, exilc, rfamation, opposition by kinsmen, distressto father, inaus'cioushappenings at home,distress to paternal and maternal nclesetc., anxietyand inimical relationswith other peoplefor o reasonwhatsoever, shouldthe Sun be in his sign of debili(Libra), be weakin the 6th, rhe gth or the l2th house. lftion with maleficplanetsor the lord of the 6th, the gth lB associated r the l2th house. There will be some favourable effccts at rnesifin the abovesituations the Sun be aspected by benefic lanets. The effectswill always be unfavouraUt" Uy thi aspect i meleficplanets. Effectsof Vimsottari Dasa of the Moon

qq S4a,d fcr frviHtq*nq rqH rffi *s qqqt"r i1lt

t idrgFad qrn.l ulQrr Tt er;rarrrntrq *.i nrqfarlurt r $ wi qq{Aul\et}



n{qnnfut,fst Te g qtmraifw

ar6ina&{i t
| | 1q tl


qr{n (IqE{r;I{ | qerorqleifqfq:eaq 1Q oe*oalq6q lllqll fqaqrrqffEqrni trcqtllri qQrgq{ I q qaaqtaTfqda*a ttRott BrsEFE}-o-qrfEq$i


rl6rrluaigal t

qti gS+ eqeiaisfq EI llRlll uqrsltq* qrq1fq{qqq q I " 3liqutil$i fqeiq(Iqs;qt{ fqsrf,I$i it fetafa lllRll the effectsof the O Brahmin! after describing 16-22. of the Dasaof the Sunin brief,I will nowcorre to the effects Moon the Vimsottari Dasaof the Moon.Duringthe Llasa of and opulence from its commencement to the end,there will be

functionsat glory, good fortune, gain of wealth, auspicious home, dawn of fortu-ne, attainment of a high position in of conveyance' Government(acquisition of Kingdom),acquisition clothes,birth of children and acquisition of cattle,shouldthe Moon be in her sign of exaltation,in her own sign, in kendra' by benefics' or aspected in the llth,9th or 5th, be associated the l0th' of lord the with associated powerful be be fulty and wealth of gains ordinary exua be will the 9th or the 4th. There house. 2nd in the be and luxuriesif such a Moon

{hi Er fior*i qr qrr{rfiffstqfil t gfrqqt rirq3* fqiq'tad lafqaq{ llRlrl

g*t vrlriglt

rr?q{lsr qsarceqzqt tri

qrqiql m\:<i

tqcrsu' rra'lw1t t as, ttRv fa-<6rfrntqqiarar


qrqiqt t

qqqrqlfarfl{rtq llRtlt

qseri rrirari *6crsu' qqleqqt g:rt a;i u*{o* lafiacilSwfaqeq tt

Qwuu' qqfqc*E$r;tul da {d ftriq lrtttt


Brihat paramra Hora Sastra

23-26.Shouldthe Moon be in her sign of debilitation or waning,therewill be lossof wealthin her Dasa,If the Moon be in 3rd house,therewill be happini"s off and on. If the Moon be associated with malefics there will be idiocy, mental tension, trouble from employees and mother and lossof wealth. If the waning Moon be in the 6th, the gth or the l2th or be associated with malefics, there will be inimical relations with Government, loss of wealth, distress to mother and similar evil effects. If a strong Moon be posited in the 6th, the 8!! or the l2th, there will be troubles and good time off and on. Effectsof the Vimsottari Dasr of Mars

q{q}Eqq* ql}

raql;qr|Eqar{{ fr.avrqwea ir I qfqqaeq qrlts{rrrqrtrrqq uRetl [*fq


esfr*Fafam}ri qTFT?r.i. rr ffrtsf{ tnnlqtl


tnmnFaircnfr xc {qqfr rlq,rrtln

eqtactigri r{q1 qwivr* r a-v_aa$ Tfn*O q;tqrrltkflqq nRerr qrfrrni Tlq{rrTrq ierlr.Rrtlrlrrt'r fqi P<t{HT{q *rrrqf qri qie rrlorr tri lrt ETqll gfi'nt w{gil r

ill {rsnRqniT qcaqilirtil rrrd qsflqlR {rrrQ nlRtl


27-32. ShouldMars be in his sign of exaltation,in his moolatrikona,in his own sign,in kendra,in the l lth or thc 2nd with strength,bc in a benefcAmsa (Navamsa) and b-' associated with a bcnefic, there will be during his Dasa acquisition of kingdom (attlinsrcnt of a high administrative or political position in Government,gain of wealth and land, recognition by 6overnment), gain of wealth from foreign countries and acquisitionof conveyances and ornaments. There will also be happiness and good relations with co-borns. If Mars with strengthbe in a kendra or thc 3rd touse, there will be gainof

Clnpter 47


we_alth through valour, victory over enemies, happiness from wife and children. Therewilt, however, be possibility of some unfavourableeffectsat the end of the Dasa.

33. Shouldthe Mars be in his sign of debilitaiion, be u,*a.ic be in an inauspicioushouse(6, g or 12) aspected "._;;-;;;;;r;j-;; by malefics, there will be, in his Ddsa,loss *."rri, distress and similar unfavourable "f effeos. Note : Mars being lord of a kenrJra and trikona, is a Yogakaraka planet ftrr the Cancer ancl { eo AscenOants; lord of the 2nd and 9th, he is also very good pisces for rhe "Jr;; Ascendants. For the natives of these Arcena"ntr, therefore, Mars gives very benefieialeffrcts during his Dasa if he is not uinirtro in any way. Effectsof the Dasa of Rahu

qlt rafsqtfrAr *ilfrgseqrqet qrTEd nqT?ft il qm tteilfqil ul lrr

Srtrrdla1fl rlml wqr-itrl q *Efqd r

qr* Tglaqi q

nt$- Wri *a)1fiad gg{mq r lvfkduni iiri T{ ilq s}* ; ut{rr

qq {A'lrq ta}rq marrrrfq TQrfaq I aqlivnqrrilili aqrsi ewq;ea!'rrlvrr

fwangernfara a{tatJEfarhi q{tEFilT rqleue: nlull fnqrermqrt' .rftnqgrrTqq{ |

q"ErFrnRwqEI{ trlq,tl sr{" ga{rrrl?r:I




allmrwig* rrlerr

{T{rflqnQr +rQf(ItrTrrrrrE;r

il 3f*a*t qv<rfirt r
eqrqRr<ttq{ ilietl fi,Fq|urHrq* tlQ+l Ti

34-39'tr.Inorder to crarify the effects of the Dasa of Rahu, r shallfirst merrtion the rc srgns signs ot of exattatron exartation and debilitation debiritationnf and of

Rahu and Kett:. The sign of exahation of Rahu is Taurus. Tbe.


Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra

sign of exaltation of Ketu is Scorpio. The Moola tikonas of respectively. The own Rahu and Ketu are Gemini and Sagittarius signsof Rahu and Ketu are Aquariusand Scorpioin that order. haveexpressed the view that Virgo is the own Somelearneds is the own sign of Ketu. sign of Rahu and Pisces " ShouldRahu be in his sign of exaltation,etc.there will be, from acquisition of during thc Dasa of Rahu, great happiness wealth, agricultural products etc., acquisition of ioft'yances constructinn of a new with the help of friendsand Government, housc,b'rth of sons(children),religiousinclinaticas,iecognition iiorr Government of foreign countries and gain of wealth' be in or aspected by benefics, clothes,etc. IfRahu be associated a beneficsigriand be in the [st, the 4th, the ?th, '.hel0th, the will beduringhis Dasaall kindsof llth or the 3rd house,there of acquisition the beneficience of thr C-o.'crnment, by comforts and felicity sovereign a foreign Governrnent or through wealth at home.

t;* qt eq{r} <tQlr{rt


uvo1l t,carrrf<riq

qr(nrtdgt r

flqqtfirmRqfq {rdd{il qatlqqr uvlrl ftrqn Er{garqdgFffdrii ir Sqi{ | trvlrr {{nal iqitrr q FrqqraqfaFa: qililI{S6 ?mq* g t}etf Tqq rqa{i | a{rre nreqrci}|a eqan} rr*aqq1uyitl
40-43.If Rahu be in the 8th or the l2th, there will be 'during'his Dasa all kinds of troubles and distress. If Rahu be associated with a maleficor maraka (kilter) planet or be in his *ign of debilitation (Scorpio), there will be lossof position, of his residentialhouse,mental agony, troubleto ,jcstruction wife and childrenand misfortuneof gettingbad food, Therewill be lossof wealthat the commencement of the Dasa, somerelief .and gain of wealthin his own countryand distress and anxieties 'during the last portion of .he Dasa. Notes: Rahu becomes a Yogakarakaif he gets associated .with a Yogakaraka planet. In these circumstanceshe gilr:.i

5g3 very beneficialresults in his Dasa if he is well placed and urralflicted. Effects of the Dasa of Juptier


rr: eig qniltq gifagx: Tqr: I tTT *iaqar+a swrfrT ?vn$Frrr nyytf
Now I am going to describe the effects of the F;a Jupitcr,the great benefic and preceptorof the Gous. of

r,ffi {{ril dii *;a vrqfanM r

Tlfirfttqin* Er {rrtti tqintsfq il uvul <taqtnf qAr*qd q-qs*nr.lirq r qg{rfrfi{qfti tlngurTq.\',,"q,, {T(3aTf{(}qi q ilQ?rtEr<ttlrTnTrr I rlrferrifqfa: rqr*amaruqrftd uvetl q{I{rrrwtqsfiqgsq: gvrq11 qr,Afflq,rfailwq scqTrirt qgqqq rtyqtl gr{rwFailmrq BTEaErt q&',
45-48.If thdJupiter be in his sign of exaltation, in his orvn sign, in his moolatrikona,in the l0th, the 5th or'ttre-gthl in his own or exartedNavamsa, there wil be auring irr"ir"*, acquisitionof kingdom (attainmentof higrr poriticaior adniniJ trative position in Government), great ieticity, ..;"d;; ;; Government,acquisition of conveya,ces and clothes,Oevotioi to deities and Brahmins, happiness in iespectof his ,ir.- uia ch'dren and success in performance of rerigious .""rinJ* (oblarions-wmd)




qindii qRarq gawsrwqqr4i I rl.{Raarftrq friqrarH' iTd 1{o11 Brrct t,Ee$Ff lt qgqrc*qf,r*ri r rTgqTeqqqrc*ffi rwrcrfliliqql ntlu




Brihat Parasara Hora Saslro'

49-51.ShouldJupiterbe in his sign of debilitation,corrrbust with maleficsor in the 6th or the 8th, rherervill in association premises, anxiety.rtistress be during his Dasa lossof residential to children, loss of cattle and pilgrimage (visit to reiigious places). The Dasa will give ssme unfavourable eflccts at ite only. During the later part of thc Dasa, therc comrnencement witl be good effectilike gain of wealth, awardsi-rsm ard recognition bY Government. Efferis of the Dasa of Saturn

q,r q{g r*ig *sfrE{:

fl{Er qlffiqlinq tnqqlfq

r*faa: t
Eqrr(Fi{q ltt?tl

to 1uu the effects of the Dasa of 52. Now I will describe the',ii*st and most inferior (6Ta), the Saturnwho is considered amongstall the Planets'

rqeiai wt fqaqiisc qr qFEI ffi qcfarlci qrri ql dqi{i inilsfq il u{ltl $wt Frrqt *e trqqrdiqq{ r qdtfrdfiilqqq fqenqrcfEi]fi n{Yn qqqrEaqqq{ I qEr(|Errr6&q *anfrvtrrqc3Gr{ uttll rrqqlf ssiiid qe{tfiercrfqffft <tsrrf,r$ mtfa q r orutsifi$qrtr{ksarfewvFq ||{ ql I TI
53-56. ShouldSaturnbe in his sign of exaltation,in his moolatrikona or friendly sign,in his own or exalted or own and in the 3rd or the llth, there.will'be during his l'lavamsa by Government,opulence and glory, name recognition Dasa, in eCucationalsphere,acquisitionof conveyand fame, success ances and ornaments qtc., gain of wealth, favours from Government, attainment of a high position like commandc;r of goddesr of an army, acquisiticn of kingdom, benevolencc property gain and birth of children. of Lakshmi,



EnI qcaF;sdqata lra fri arsTf,gfrsfq

fqq{rrarfE{tsr q {tlldsi{i qqqqq tlt\ell

fiqerqf<u'tri q

t ar<qafe{teaq
c'u{ 6qi 11{cll


qf+a q?t

qlqa6sq{qfr 1

*elartqqi* m {tat mri*' wit tt:tetr

<crrowi nqliur{ qqlqqlsc(igem ll!oll
If Saturnbe in the 6th, the 8th, the l2th, in his " 57-6A. sign of debilitation,' or combust, there will be durirtg the Dasa of Saturn, ill effccts from poison. injury from weapons to wife and children, disaster from father, distress separation 3tc' If imprisionment of Government, as a resultof displeasure be in Kendra benefic, with'a or associated by Saturn be aspected of therewill be ,acquisition or trikona, in Sagittariusor Pisces. Government), position in high a of kingci,::n { attainment and clothes. conve)"a;ices i\iotes : Saturn being lord of Kendra and trikona, is a llogakaraka planet for the Taurus and Libra ascendants.He resultsduring i'iisDasa if wil!, therefore, yield very beneficial he is rvellplacedand unaffiictcd. Efrects of the Dasa of MercurY

3T{r u*an}tg 4: SqK: sfrfilfr: t

rrrr aRflgaq tE',{rqifq E{n$cquqlll
61. Now I am going to describethe effects of the Dasa all of Mercury who is called a Kumar (in his teens)amongst the planets.

Tqhi *aeiadnlt *aarqfamM r fqaeiawrqr{t e}} Ett qqqq ttqRll

q?dtfauilrrr{r{ | ilrilfinzi Tql'itk {{m{yraaqq ilqItl gqEIrIR-RlsIi q tqn'tui csqq I
sftrr?qrRi{ni q Stq qlqi qtqi Elilql(rcT$Til Et;r{ uqYtt

trr lf,'r,,!r;


.8iri:i',itParasara Hora Sairra

qqBftag* *Q qrt *qfflrt iufs I BrrFrqrl cqqf,t ur{ti,ttrrfarr uq{tl

62-65.If Mercury be in his si$ir <rf exaltatiorr, in his own.sign, in a friendrysignor in the I tt!,. sth or the 9th there will be during his Dasa, acquisitionoi wealth, gain of ,.pui. ation, improvement in knowledge, beneVolence of Covernrrrcnt, auspicious functions,happiness from wi[r: and children, gooj health,-availability of sweetish preparatlons,profits in business. ,:1". If Mercury be aspected by a in the 9th, or bc lord of the lOth, the aforesaid beneficial results will bc experienced in full and therewill be great {.eticityall round.





*fttaq r

qrNq dFQ {etE'gqtto= lqqq I nrcarcaqcuri *sA mqqlqpr ;rnil\ ltqetf ?ffifrsi q{ qrqtf AfafEriq r "d q $dffiqt'tfil Fftmtftfltqq niqtl q{tnll trtqrili q fsfiwd qqqq I

fqe{ffi{ . q*{ nlqtr

: mqri utHrqFqntqrr quq qtrff{rnrfi gd qfftqfr nuou

66-70. If Mercury be associated wlth a Malefic, there will be during his Dasa,' punishmentby Government, inimical relationswith Kinsmen, journey to a foreign country, dependenceon othersand possibility;f urinary troubres. ri t"t.rcury be in rhe 6th, the 8th or the l2th, there will be loss of wealtil due to indulgence in lasciviousactivities, possibilityof suffering fitni Rheumatism andjaundice, danger-oi thefts and malevo_ lence of Gevernment,loss of land and cattle, etc. At the commencement of the Dasa of Mercury, there will be gains of wealth,betterment in the educational-sphere, birth of children and happiness.In the middleof the Dasa,there will be recognition from Government. The last part of the Dasa will be distrr..ssful.

Chaptet47 -Efiectsof tbe Dese of Ketu


aeq HR{rfi

r6q?u: tF,grte l&: t t fi'{rqrfq ilmq{ nel tl


71. Now I will tell you about the Dasa of tsr.etu who .a hsadless trunk (ttf;a) amongstall the plancts.

lt;i i?r ilq m* tFnFi fa*.ilqln n nqtwil Ttrrwil g*ftri r qTeqfih,qilTrqneRtl S I forqi


tt qQn


q frR

lErfirqm r

ir{ gcrqu ueltl

gftq* qqqri lr tipt} gE fqlrEtrsytl qtsd n,Afd Md rrqqrffimqr q|-ftilrrf,q c{rt{d q($rqAnsul ffi wR T<ta;f *{ t{fTq'qof iTqtr | qi r?* afi *il qrqfGEgtftr* neqtl 'q 'rqRufrf Rqd r?Ennf q*atr{ r lrrrgfaard l Fat tn$$cr1 ueetl
72-77.ShouldKetu be in a Kendra,trikona or the llth, in a beneficsign, in his signof exaltation or iu his own sign, therc will be during his Dasa, cordial relations with the King Government), desiredheadship of a country or village, comforts of conveyanoes", happiness from children, gain from foreign countriesn happiness from wife and acquisition of cattle. If Ketu be in the 3rd, the 6th or the llth, there will his Dasa, acquisitionof kingdom (attainment of a high position in Government),good relations with friends and opportunities for acquisition of elephants. At the commencement of Ketu Dasa, there will be Rajayoga.During the qiddle portion of the Dasa,therewill be possibilities of fearlrrlness and in the last part there will be sufferings from ailme::i;s and journeys to distant pla.ces. If Ketu be in 2nd, 8th or ilth, or be aspectedby a malefic, there will be imprisoninent, destruction of kinsmen

rglqtatfrqi{rqFE I

I .




Brihat ParasaraHora Sasta

premises,anxieties,company of menials, and and residential diseases. Effectsof the Dasa of Vedus

qq Tit o' qEFr qEsqq fa56fat irIr *englfar ! $'c[4]& {{rr6'q{ ll\ecll

78. Now I will dcscribethe effects of the Dasaof Venus who is the incarnateof intoxication, ecstasy delight and pride all the Planets. amongst

qqqlwq* q* tqH reda*;st I ll\eell .lrlrsffi5-gs$frdqt$IlsrtnTqq{

qErT{aqqail{ q f{iTi fqsffqrr}qqq t
llqo ll



fafiqn\ fai aRrl (|cqTfTE(rqE:llqlll

q Tt


ft<qkeamatfut il{rfuqei
i[e(tsqrd{5rfEil Tt

I ga$-izTTqrEqqq E6'c-fiERFnqqgI



?9-82.ShouldVenus be in his sign of exaltation,in his own sign or in kendra or trikona, therewill be during his Dasa' cattle acquisiiion of fancy clothes, ornaments, conveyances' day, every preparations of sweet availability and land etc., and ofsongs functions luxurious sovereign, recognitionfrom the If Venus Lakshmi' Goddess of dancis etc. by the benevoleuce be duringhis Dasa,therewill definitely be in his moolatrikona, Governin position (attinment of a high of kingdom acquisition grand ment;, acquisitionof a house,birth of children and of a attainment of marriagein the family, children,celebration friends of visits of an army, like the commander high position in a ,.-on.ry of iost weaith,propertyor kingdonr(reinstatement high position).

q66Tq{raq} q'*


qI EqrRlf{til llqlll



3Tr?Ctrqqqad ET(TalffigT


rrErqrrrrffiii tEE rilrQsarfa6rfaqt

be in-the6th, the 8th or the 12th,there \ If Venus 83-84+. distress with kinsmen, will be duringhis Dasa,inimicalrelations \ destruction of cattle and separation 1 to wife, losseiin business, from relations. / '

Eil erltrTir;crfl{dq5il llcY'}ll -r

crrn?n{d(Tf{Ii llqRll rrFqfi'qtfuqrtr q6lcd tvrnqTfirqn-rfi| AEqIITTT tteqtt riu6: tararrrcrqftXom{q BF?rEri eqiqlcd fti{ fq'5gFaq}q(q t

T*qaqf,rttE: llqell 85-87.ShouldVenusbe in the 4th, as lord of the 9th or the l0th, therewill be during his Dasa, attainment of'rulership like building of pious deeds of a country or village,performance in charity' etc', grains giving and temples of reservoirs, in work' vigour day, every preparations availability of sweet children' and wife from ;n8rneand fame and happiness

ir*nE: *fascq{t

qftag t Tqqrd strfti FqlaEeirq?arfa

fadtqs.aat* g ?6{ler qfilqfa llqqll aflunftqr<r{ ei qr aqrcti qt( |

q aa} viq ttcett q{Fft Eemrrt'lni ai TTi

88-8g.SimilararetheeffectsofVenusinhissub.periods. there If Venusbelord of the 2nd or the 7th(two maraka houses)' get To troubles' and pains physical will'be during his Dasa, perform alleviation from those troubles the native should prescrihed the in Japa Snut..uar."ya (wotfE) or Mrityunjaya manner and give in charity a cow or femalebuffaloe' ts a Note : Beinglordlof a Kendra and trikona, Venus ascendants' yogakarakaptaneifor tle Capricorn and Aquarius planet be-ingtora oi th" 2nd and the 9th, he is a very auspicious yield for the Virgo Ascendant. During his Dasa Venus will if he is well of theseAscendants, resultsin respect rery beneficial wayany in plated and is not affiicted

Chepter 48


DistinctiveEffectsof theNakshartrr of the lords Dasaor of the Dasas houses (VimshottariDasa)of various
wnfqfhq{iiri qci irii ggrai: t fir* rrrinqr{rqrcsilrfr rqqrqEq ultl
housg l. Ifthe lord ofthe l0th be placedin an auspicious favourablebe effects will his Dasa etc., in his sign of exaltation The effectswill be adverseif the lord of the l0th is in his sign of debilitation and occupiesan inauspicious house. This proves' planet in his sign of exaltatioil etc., will not that an inauspicious houseand produce infavourableresultsif placedin an auspicious posited in an and being of debilitation a beneficbeingin his sign produce adverse I will effects. Now inauspicious house will describethe effectsof the Dasa of the lords of various houses who are relatedto each other.




gq{ |

st{Rq qrnqig liu}lt


1qa} qq\ultl

id rtqrri ilqq I scnftqtEqrtqi g T{Ttdgd wiq rrlrr qeq}rrcq vth q fqufa: gacigqq I cli{tu Enrnr* Q$cr R**lq rtvtt
24. Therewitl be physicalwell beingin the Dasa of ihe lord distress and possibility of deathin tbe Dasa of of the Ascendant, 2nd, of the unfavourable effects in the Dasa of the lord lord the acquisition of house and land in the Dasa of the lord of the 3rd, progress in from tha educational sphere 4th, and happiness of the

Chopter 48


children in the Dasa of the lord of the 5th and danger from enemica and ili health in thp Dasa of the lord of the 6th.

ffit{rcq n+g rt'tfrvr Iqil rrrn I qte+{rqmsri qrq*ftrf{arfr: rrtrr

q{flq afiqi q qf<ar* rm:lflrr I Eqr+{reltrflA Frrmt F*sfq rrqrr iliqrcq flrsfi flri etwt qo*qtq r sqtus iRlT Tori it6flsrrEr Eq ! nrrrr wr<li qmrnh frqaqrfq qd rq r

erqrTerrrmi{ grearfi a n}qi{ rrqrr

5-8. There will be dictress to wife and the possibility of the death of the native, in the Dasa of the lord of the 7th, possibility of death and financial losses in the Dasa of the tord of the 8th, improvementin educationalsphere,religious mindednessand unexpected gains of wealth in the Dasa of the lord of the 9th, recognition from and awards by Government in the Dasa of the lord of the l0th, obstaclesin gains of wealth and possibility of diseases in the Dasa of tlre lord of the I lth and distressand danger from diseases in the Dasa of the lord of the l2th house. A planet positedin an auspicious house like trikona etc., at the commencement of the Dasa,produces favourrble rcsultsin his Dasa. The planetpositcri rn the 6th, the 8th orthe l2th at that time, yields only adverseresults during his Dasa. It is, therefore, essential that the placementof a planet at the time of birth and at the commencement of the Dasa, should both be taken into accountfor the assessmcnt of the Dasa effects. Note : It has beenstaredthat the lords of the 2nd, 3rd" 6th,7th,8th, llth and l2th will produgeevil effdts during their Dasas. The 2nd and.Tth are known as maraka houscs. There is possibility of death or death like .suffering duting their Dasas. But these two other houses have many other good indications,for the 2nd house is called the house of wealth. Thcre will definitelybe gainsof wealthduring the Dar,ea of the lord of the 2nd if he is well placedin the birth chart. Similarly


Brihat Parasard Hora Sa$ru

marriage amongst other things. If the the 7th house indicates placed, there will be auspicious Iord of the 7th is well ceiebrationsduringhis Dasa. 34 it is staterlthat the Iord of 3rd, 6th and In Chapter llth will give evil effects. Our view which is based on long if cxperience, lordswill not giveunfavotrablecffects is that these they are in the 3rd,6th and llth respectively in their own signs' The pl:rcement of the lord of the llth in the 2nd and of tlte lord of the 2nd in the llth giveriseto a very powcrfulDhana yoga. (inauspicious houses). The 6th, Sth and l2th areDusthanas agree in this respect. All authorities But on Hindu Astrology authorities have made some recognised eveufor these houses, In this connection it would exceptions in certain circumstances. of the readersto Chapter VI of be relevantto invite attention Mantreswara's Phaladeepika.According to Mantreswarathe lords of the 6th, the 8th and the 12thalso produce yoga effects : in the follorvingcircumstances (l) If the 6th houseis occupied or aspectedby malefics (6th, 8th or l2th), such and the lord of the 6th is in Dusthana personborn in Harsha yoga. The produces Harsha a disposition enjoyrnent,good fortune yoga will be endowed with happiness, and a strongconstitution will overcomehis enemies,and will a friend of be afraid to commit sinful acts. He will become will have wealth, people. splendour, He illustriousand prominent friends,fame and sons. is placed in the 6th, the (2) If the lord of the 8th house is known as SaralaYoga. The 8th or the l2th, the yoga caused personborn in this Yoga will be long-lived,resolute, fearless, prosperous and will be endowed with learning, children and in his undertakings,overcome riches. He will achieve success pure celebrated. and widely his foes,be (3) If the tord of the l2th be in a Dusthana and be aspected by or associatedwith malefics,tho Yoga so produced is calledVimalaYoga. The personborn in this Yoga will spend little and savemuch money. He will be good to everybody. He will be happy and independentand will have respecta,ble professiorror conduct .and will be renowned for his good qualities.

Chapter 48


It is but natural tilat the abovelords will produce Yoga cflectsduringtheir Dasas.

qTA(xT 6gsRrT E{rI qI}ITI ast'{ic rT{?tTI[ q,{neqfaqilrrql llQ.ll wqfrq lEil(lr qEtqlfq a{tT EITI I lr10ll a{n udlx*aen a{TI q{qqilsTdt




nI {ff |
egttqqr ll11ll

rnineq rTEiTTItqrI{rREnfq

qa lamlurawrai*';rrqrai qut: {$rt: I

it *'tinni E{tI:{$TI: lllRll nrn +\qfeqd'r;ri *tin: mlqqtqw: t,loin: *rarr] qfa t lli?ll _ aqlini qrrt ngcaTfla:srnafa* EFII:

9-13.Ifthelordofthe 9th and 10th bein conjunction results' rviththelord of the 5th, their Dasas produce beneficial his the 5th, with the lordof If any otherplanetbe associated lOth the Dasawill be'favourable. The Dasasof the lords of favourable effectsif they be associatedwith and 4th prorJuce the lord of the 9th. If the lord of kendra be in a trikona or the lord of trikona be in a kendra,their Dasasprove extremely favourable.

' qrarreqEqqrfrm srlq t}oini{at | iqi e{rTsfq {rral 6'fam e;m+}fqi:rllvll qfE t *?qrq: *''in} qfe m}uFT: sH{r} dara {taX{arq *ird: tll{ll arsqi rrqaq ?ni qqsai r6f<aiel isfi{ailfrr' t


q{qT{q} ?r{{fr iriq} qfq tllqtt q{|r6,t gqq{R{Eqq: I qdrg qraqfqrcql vrlqr: 6*wrq{: lllell r{n}


g <ru{fl* on<ryc{ttlrgitt

The Dasa of the lords of the 6th, the 8th or the 14-17+. with the also become favourable if they get associated l2th or in a trikona be kendra a lord of the of a trikona. lord llf


Brihat parasma Hora &ura

the lord of the trikona in kendra, the Dasa of the planet associated witi eithcr or them, becomes favourable. tne pasa of a planet aspectcd by thelord of a kendra or trikona is also favourable. If the lord of 9th, .be in the Ascendant and the lord of the Ascendantin the 9th, the Dasas of both of them will produce extremely beneficial results. Thcre will bc acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in Government)in the Dasasof the lords of the Ascendant and l0th, if the lord [of the l0th be in the Ascendant and the lord of the Ascendantbe in the l0th.

q kqsmrarfi qqnmfq drrii

if $atemFl?rtrTi q qrt6?qrqrrrti

F*qsTqrer$q tllqtl
E{n qrF6Ftriil |

qrt'hqqn& rrlerr qmshstTs{rr




18-20.The Dasa of th ,..rd of the 3rd, 6th and llth, of the planits positediit :Liim and of the planetsin conjuhction with the above, will prove unfavourable. The Dasa of the planetsassociated with the lords of marakahouse, namelyttre 2nd and ?th, in the 2nd or 7th, and of the planet positedin the 8th, will produce unfavourable effects.Thus the Dasasshould be considerecl favourable after taking into account. the placement of a planetand his relationship of oneplanetwith the other. Notes : What the above is intended ro conveyrs that theDasasof the lords of kendras and trikonas and of the planets relatedto them will be favourable and the Dasas of the lords of other houses and the planets associated with or aspected by them, will be unfavourable. It would be pertinentto point out at this juncture that it has been statedearlier that the Dasa of Rahu and Ketu if positedin the 3rd,6th and llth would be favourable. This. should be kept in view. There are some contradictionsin almost all the ancientclassicalworks and they shouldbe made useof in judicious manner. Rahu and Ketu give favourabls results in the 3rd,6th and llth, the threeUpachaya (ww) houses.

rJ,*n,( K* u t-^l^
tnTqq?fi sTeT E{fF[Ftf$Ittr[: ltYfll
Ctapter 49

Dasa Effectsof the Kalachakra

slprtgrr{r fri;f ! swqtfq{rFrct{ | il-dnf <rftmrqni qat&.atsri littrtt
<lfifqflTf?n] fifu ErT{qtq Hq qtrrqqFs,iqtE t

rrfr rrRrr

itri qFqTs}d Siqrdqil|

sqrdi q uqTdiq rEI tfaESHq

TQfft{ rrn}: saq ttvtt @aftqrQra ilvtfq{{ qq(g:g $tfw: ui: neq t qffins{rlset1 ttttt qmtlfqdii
t-5. The Sage said-O Brahmin! I am now going to describeto you the effectsof the Katachkra Dasa' During the Dasa of the rasi (sign) ownedor occupiedby the Sun, theie will be ill health due to the blood or bile troubles' In the Dasa of the rasi ownedor occupiedby the Moon, there will be gain of wealth and clothes,name and fame and birth of children. In the Dasa of the rasi owned or occupied by Mars' there will be bilious fever, gout and wounds' In the Dasa of by Mercury, there will be acquisition the rasi ownedor occupied of wealth and birth of children.In the Dasa of the rasi owned and occupiedby Jupiter theie will be increasein the number of children,acquiiition of wealth and enjoyment' In the Dasa of the rasi owned or occupiedby Venus, there will be acquisition of learning,marriageand gain of wealth' In the Dasa of the rasi occupied by Saturn, there will be all kinds of adverse happcnings.

qd dtfr rcqtq arqr*f lqefa: t


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastrz

The effectsof Dasaon the trasisof the Navamsa of eachRasi

The effects of the Dasa of padas of Aries

in g rlafrcr q $*
fqqi aFtttrrt??{"Fi

qFqrd{{ |
uqqlariia rretr

qrqqfiad $q+ ilrf=d+

ifi'-4r wlqi {r{qrgl q cF?ril falqt q ;TT{FT{ | HqH HCH {cTqfqT

wut wiq rrurr

6-7. In the KalachakraDasa of Aries in Aries Navamsa, there will be distress due to troubles caused by the pollution of blood. In the f)asa of Aries in the Navamsa of Taurus, there will be increase in wealth and agricultural product. In the Navamsaof Gemini. there will be advancementof knowln the Navamsa of Cancer there will be acquisition of

wealth, in the Leo Navamsadanger from enemies, in the Virgo distress to wife, in the Libra Navamsa kingship, in Navamsa
pio Navamsa death and i- rnc Sagittarius Navamsa isition of wealth. Such rr, .r be the efflects of the 9 padas of

In assessing the net effects, the, nature of planet upying the rasi shouldalso be takeninto account. Notes: [n thc exampleof KalachakraDasa in Chapter46, )re wasbalanceof 2 yearsand 3 monthsof the Dasa of Taurus the birth. The lord of Taurus is Venus. Therefore. there
ld be advancementof learning during the Dasa. In addition

a result of the Navamsaof Taurus in Aries, there will be in the agriculturalproducts.But at birth Mars occupies (see example aurus horoscope in Chapter 46) and there are aspects of its lord Venus and other benefics. There l, therefore,be medium increase in wealth and agricultural

of tte Dasaof Navamsarasi of Taurus

qqeq ffrrTrrt*r srriilrfr qiqri qnt qrqq,qtfur lri qrfqwqtq ir uqtl *i qqitlqtala lfra*caFaa) waq r dfatt Tri{FqrEr ff'qrri yrqqdqquetl

Chapter 49


{rfl{t* qqsrdrerrteQ a iqfEttq5q I fcqi lfaenn Fqr(lqqwr qqi{* nio11

8-10. In the Dasa of Capricorn Navamsa in Taunrs, therewill tre tendency to perfo.rrnundesirable deeds along with more adverse effects. tn the Aquarius Navamsa there will be piofits in business, in the Pisces Navamsasuccess in ali venture:-:, in the f)asa of scorpio ].lavamsa-dangerfrom fire, in the Dasa of Libra Navamsa-recognitionf,romGovernment and reverence fro^irall, in tbe Dasa of yirgo Navamsa-danger from enemies, in the Dasa of CancerNavamsa-distress to wife, in the Dasa of Le' Navamsa-diseases of eyes and in the Dasa of Gernini Navamsa-obstacles in earning livelihood. Such will be the effects of the 9 Navamsas of raurus. similar interpretation shouldbe madeof further verses on this subject" Effectsof the Dasa of Navamsa of Gemini

qil qtcq

fri g wflnufrfa: 11l rr $r* -n-qsq?iq

v$ilr utfq qTTa?riq\r


?{aif,rqffi ii


li g nradanl 1vt nitql qaErrlRrr

ll-12. In Gemini, in the Dasaof the TaurusAmsa, there will be acquisitionof wealth, in the Dasa gf Aries Amsa_ attacksof fever, in the Dasa of pisces Amsa-affectionate relationswith maternal uncle, in the Dasa of AquariusAmsa_ increase in the number of enemies,in the Dasa of capricorn Amsa-danger from thieves, in the Dasa of Sagittariu, A-ru_ jn the Dasa of Taurus increase in the stock of weapons, Amsa_ jn injury by some weapon ancl the Dasa of Gemini Amsa enjol'ment. Effects of Dasasof the Navannsa Rasisof Cancer

fqi aqifl* r {eqpq}fa fq3q* sqie ng;atfia: ftt {Tqsfi}q5(11i1 6?qrqi rrr{Tqr a dtfq+ fxqwtq: r $a* fiqarw {qq ilt ilt;rent{q: ntvt}


Brihat Patasara Hora Sastra

rrdt w{frFa: +qrefir{ fleqk{dqq I

dti ir rtq{IrrTRr: o$esq ffriE+ ttl{ll
13-15"InCan@r,inthe Dasa ofCancer Amsa the"will be distress, in the Dasa of Leo Amsa-displeasure ofl the Sovereign,in the f)asa of Virgo Aursa-reverencefrom Kinsmcn, in the Dasa of Libra Amsa-beneficience, in the Dasa of by father, in ttrc Dasa of Scorpio Amsa--creation of obstacles Sagittanrs {msa-increase of learningand wealth, in the Dasa of Capricorn Amsa-danger from wator,in the Dasa of Aquarius in the production of agricultural products, and in the Dasa of the PiscesAmsa*acquisition cf rsore wealth and cnJoJment. Effecis tlf tbc Delrs of the Ntvamsa Rasls of Leo

$F$ rnr6fur flfut gfmisq I

ffiqnfiqftinqtq wtt*

{|r{rfE6l lllqll

ftrt r llrrirrltr tsgi rqmiq t $: rg6q{|snT* furi qrfr uq t aqrrmtttletl f-rE{q fli q frrfqral Fqrq
16-17. In Leo, in lhe l)asa of Navamsa of Scorpio thcre yill be distress and, in the Dasa of Libra Amsacxtraordinary gains, in the Dasa of Virgo Amsa-gains of vealth, in the Dasa of CancerAmsa-danger from wild animals, in the Lrasa of Leo Amsa-birth of a son' in the Dasa of in the Dasa of Taurus Amsa Gemini Amsa-increase of enemies, *"gains from saleof cattle, in the Dasa of Aries Amsa-danger from animals and in the Dasa of Pisces Amsa-journeys to *:stantplaces. !:lfects of Dasasof Ntvamsa Rasisof Virgr,

$q q qftnTt{it uqfq qqiwil



rqil$tsq I

lrfH q fraqi fifla: ttQ aflfifTqdiq tl l t ll


lefient nqfiFi{ r

li',i wqfq*dil{ ulsrl

chapter 49


l8-lg. In Vireo" rhe Dasa of AquariusArnsafherc will il be acquisitron of weatth, rn the nuru ot Uapricr:rn Amsa._ financialgains,in the Dasaof Sagittarius-Amsa*minglingwith kinsmen, in the Dasa ot.eries Im.l]i"pp,n"rsfrom mothe.r. in the l)asa of Taurus Arnsa-_birth of Gemini Amsa*inci-easein enem;;;. Jiirrn, in the Dasa oi i; rt;;;asa of cancer Anr:sa -love with somewornanj in the Dasa .ii; A.msa_aggravstijn


andin the nasa of v;;; f,nnsa_birrh of more

Effecb of Drsr of Navemsa Rasi of Libra

gains, the Dasa of pir"e, a.ral_entangt"meor "?ttJj*;'jn#:Hi with cnemies, in the Dasa of- Scorpio ArnrujOirput* ;lrh;;;;, in the Dasa of Libra Amsa_dairg; fi"; water, and in the Desa of Virgo Arnsa-more nouo"Iat gains. Xfiects of the Dasrs of Nrvrmsa Rcsis of Scorpio.

inrbe'o"*-.i aqLriu. 'in

20-22.In Libra, in the Dasa of Libra Amsatherewill bc gains, financial in the ,I)asa-9f irr;e;-a*ra good relations *ith kinsmen, in the Dasaof Sagtr;;;il Amsa_hlppiness from {ather,in theDasa of Capiicofi;;j -aoou_uiri;

gFTrqrsmilrtry aryefq uiolp . Tffi qlt q ar*eie* qdi.1qt|bd| ig !-! g-dnfiilq{q *t vrMuRttl q?fr qrrrtfr*rfiq qil q kfiuil r {rfiqi Ercrfr: TqrqqilTqriqrrq* nRRtl

ffqtqt !a{k,


Tlii grfarww fe ffifunr qttenrra $i wsricnnoq ltlll F fui wtlE frfil, rqr'*i *< wq 11q1 | Sr* anqn* vrql qstsfq uciw{i,rr,, qrt { Er;rcTrur: ratt sfiqlrtq r*tn*-rlfv*ri
23-24+.In Scoroio. in the Dasa of Cancgr Amsa there will be financialgains,in ,t. ourr-Ji"o'irru_oppositir.,n to


Brihat ParasaruHora Siastra

in the Dasaof GeminiAmsa-acquisitiou the king (Government), of landl in the Dasa of Taurus Amsa-financial gains, in the Dasa of Aries Amsa--danger from reptiles, in the Dasa of Amsa Amsa-danger from water,in the Dasaof Aqilat'ius Pisces -profits in busineis,in the Dasa of Capricorn Amsa-profits in business,in the Dasa of Capricorn Amsa-possibility of A;nsa* and in the Dasa of Sagittarii:s sufferingfrom diseases, financialgains. Effects oi the Dasaof )iavamsaRasisof Sagittarius

ie q awTq: (qI( 1n $lfr<ai''q ll"'{ll fqgi wifefa: Tqrtssii triftfurq i ne"6)udqrl?qlt fa?E .l51fa, rarm?qtsi afffi qr{ilq' TqT( {iq+ (trrfi5qtq t qqqin* llRsll TqFqIErq ini ( qqE:
in the Dasa of Aries Amsathere 25-27.In Sagittarius, will be financialgains,in the Dasa of TaurusAmsa-acquisition in ventures' of more land, in the Dasa of Gemini Amsa-success Dasa in the Dasa of CancerAmsa_successall round, in the Dasa the .of Leo Amsa-increase in the accumulatedwealth, in of Virgo Amsa-disputes,in the Dasaof Libra Amsa-financial gains,-in the Dasa of Scorpi'' Amsa-afriction with diseases' ind in the Dasa of Sagittarius Amsa*happiness from childrea (birth of son etc.). Effects of the Dasaof Nevrmsg Rasisof Copricorn

trrqfei{ I rre6tgaaw: TqIFETS llRqll {i qequqFq}fil $q* fqsarlerat alfffi e+iarqcq ffiqpd {rqEciq I qrf{ri fhqqri}ft fst tr TrrsTftral tllell
28-29. In Capricorn,in the Dasaof Capricorn Amsafrom children,in the Dasa of Aquariu: be happiness will there proclucts,in the Dasa of Pisces agricultural of Amsa-gain Dasa the of Scorpio Amsa-danger fro'rr in Amsa-well being, gains,in the Dasa Amsa-financial Libra oison,in the Dasa of

Chapter 49


in the Dasa of Cancer of Virgo Amr ' increasein enemies, Amsa-acquisttion t'rf property, in the Dasa ot' Leo Amsadangerfiom witd animalsand in thc Dasa of Gernirti Amsadanger of falling frcm a tree. Effectsof the Dasa of Nevrmsa Rasisof Aquarius

eTerqftil ? rwrq ilq{nqt I fq asq qFftrt[{it rTcttt nfffirrqq plorr qT* g ^'{EraT Tlnq'sq aa-f<adaq r q6t aeffiE: Fq|qlq n-"aficfq nllrl

qtqfq<rrrrc $t rnli q\ t {A rmqrqrTFalfrSrrrtq amivt* ttlRtl ii

30-3?, In Aquarius, in the Dasa of Taurus Amsa-there of in the Dasa of Aries Amsa-diseases will be fir:aricial,gains, places, to distant Amsa-journeys the eyes in the Dasa of Pisces in tns Sasa of Aquarius Amsa-increase in wealth, in the Dasa of Capricorn Amsa-successin all kinds of ventures,in the Dasa of SagirtariusAmsa-more enemies, in the Dasa of AriesAmsa -loss of happiness and enjoyment, in the Dasa of Taurus Amsa-death, in the Dasa of Gemini Amsa-well being. Efiects of the Dasa of lhe NaramsaRasis of Pisces

t,lfi qqfe: Trrq tht g asl1sFr\|

gT|ItrtwrrnqlqrE ill1r1 Fq(qralffr irr+ {rdfqqdq I $a* wqTfqrlu{q gr$ qafRqilr nlvtl ti t'ti g srislqrni dlqrq iqqm*'u?Yhr
$?qTqIqqFilTR!I 33-34*. In the Pisces, in the Dasa of CancerAmsa-there will be increasein wealth, in the Dasaof Leo Amsa-recognition by Government, in the l)asa of Virgo Amsa-financial gains,in the Dasa of Libra Amsa-gains from all rources, in the Dasa of Scorpio Amsc.*fever, in the Da.,a of Sagitiarius Amsa-more in the Dasa of Capricorn Amsa-congujal disputes, enemies, in the Dasa of Aquarius Amsa--danger from wAter and in tbe Dasa of Pisces Ansa-good fortune all round.


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

In this manneron the Kala-chakra, prepared on the basis of the pada of the JanmaNakshatra,the Dasasof the Navamsa rasisand their duration can be assessed and prediction can be made for the whole life of the native. Appropriate remedisl (recitationof trtantraS, measures oblations etc.) should be taken 1o alleviatethe adverseeffectscause by malefic Dasas.





gfil iqiqa: slcd

arsr{ qamfi lt gqq.rr *w}q 1u:r

qq *fti qrsr*rrrEl i*r?:q& q qE $c{ ul qtr RFfirsaltrrcr{ nl\erl

r Satfaawvr:

36-37. The effectsof Dasa in Rajayoga etc. havealready been described in Vol.I of this book. The same should be applie/ in a judiciousmannerin the Kala-chakra. Theseare in brief the effects of Kala-chakraDasa.


Ctopter 50

Effectsof the Charaetc.Dasas

qr-fhrcrfE-dsrrrr?rrr: *mr: X<rfew Ir drui nlqrfq ir{n$n:il1tl , nmqrse qrarfs-an[rdilqi qrqril qqqitdi r qqtqla rr?rr aarrqfrrrsiqr qtrrfu amaq* q qT{it{i qrfi aet ilar l6iTq I rTiE w{e qcd ftr*i fqq{q;11111
l-3. "fnc Sagesaid-O Brahmin ! I have already described the chara rtc. Dasas. Now I am goipg to teil you the effects bf thcseDasas. The effecfsof the Dasasof the rasis should bejudged front the strengthof the lords of rasis and whether they are benefics or rnalefic". lf the lord of a rasi possesses full strength,the ,effecmofthe Dasa gf the rasi will be realis.Cin full. The effebts of the Dasa will be of m.ediumnature if the strengthis medium. If the lord of rasi possesses little strength,the effects , will be expcrienced accordingly.

q] d eltrsr& ttf{rFf,q rqFam}qt r wvdagi fqr ! agnr g:cafatr rrvrr q*nwail rtn afifE: qfHtfaa: r qrrrqn ra qr q qTFq:tr{tr qrrr$ q {* qrt qrq} qqfr filf{qil: r qtu ErF-* rrF* qw*aqfr feq !rrqrr {n*i A an*: q{ *{ iilnq,cr{l


{qqemt ltstl


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastre

qrd qq'dqct T{ dc{ erc}qwl t qK*A qrq$e w a$t edgeatttett qx*aavn <tqfr glt wnq$Ew ! ttett
qlilfuffirqi cqTqt t $ s.a gq qx*.i qd {rc{ lrqfr qS stt{ tlloll
in the tth, the 5th and the 9th 4-10. If therebe matefics from a Basa rasi (that is, the rasi whose l)asa is in operation)' the effectsof the Dasa of that rasi will be distressful. If there be the 6th from a Dasa rasi, the effects of maleficsin the 3rd+and the Dasa will be victory over enemies and happiness. If in the 3rd and the 6th from the Dasa rasi, there there be benefics will be defeat in its Dasa. If there be benefics or malefics and happiness in the II fromtle Dasa rasi, therewill be conquests in its Dasa. If the Dasa rasi be ccoupied by or be ownedby a benefic,the efrectsof its Dasa rvill be beneficial. If a Dasa rasi owned by a benefic, is occupied by a malefic, favourable effects in the first part of the Dasa and they will bo will be experienced adversein the latter part. If a Dasa rasi owned by a maleficis occupiedby a benefic,the effects of the Dasa wiil be the same. A Dasa rasi owned and occupiedby a malefis will alwaysyield infavourable results. The reverse will be the casein the case of the Dasa rasi ovmedand occupiedby a Uenefic.If a Dasarasi owned by a benefiots oucupied by both benefic and malefio in its flrst part and plaoets,the effectsof Dasa will be adverse favourable in the latter Part.

eiln q=q* ulrt 1*11*fi4\ rlal t qrn aa qe iqq{q a(W ll11ll

qg{ g {d dqflqtli ir u{{i{4iltrmlc'i e*a} qi r q q ulRtl aat

fqrQn fqqdfr m fq,li sstfaa{ r eeftst rieqqr ulln ltt dt q q1q16q'

$al q|sqlqnqt flt {rdatFrei r qq{ T{r;rflfa: Tltilreql Xafrca1 u 1Yn

Chapter 50


q{A frfr{rfc: qtqqi f@ca1t qft fiut rqt qflf{rr nltrl "ilre s*-tnqaqi rtt aa:du{ fqfiftrFq r tamqrqn drt elrr: ltqqq${:ulqtl u;qorfirqttqifi wrlqrqffi r
fcilf: r664i ffirrf{tETrlsil{ lllutl
of ihe effects of the Dasaof thc tl-17. Thc assessment Dasa rasi should be made after taking into account the disposition of the planets in the rasi at birth and the disposition of planetsduring the Dasa. If the Dasa rasi be well disposed both at the time of birth and during its Dasa, the beneficialresults will be realiscdin full. [f it be ill disposedduring the Dasa, the effectswill be of mixcd nature. If the Dasa rasi be ill disposed toth at the time of birth and during its Dasa, only cvil cffects will be expericnced.

qll trRr: n!n$rdn} qT winEqrrqil: I rq{n qqil skil fffie fEq{q: nlqtl , fkt}q<srM: nqqi: qqtsqq{ | q qEaar{ q,q iqfffi Im uletl ilflnqt
18-19. The cffectsof the Dasa will be favourableif it is .occupiedby a beneficand there is also e benefic in the rasi previous to it. If the rasi be o,c'.ipied by a malefic, the effects will bc of adversenuture. If there be benefics in the 5th and thc 9th, thc efects, of its Dasa will be favourable. Revese will bc thc caseif the 5th and thc 9th are occupiedby malefics.


lr}{flnrtrerfr qr rftnrent qiat \# fiqt rfa ,e6rnlnl .Tru;Teqrnnut: u?1tl

20-21. Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio are Badhake housesfor the four moveable rasis-Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, in that order. In other words the I lth rasi*d 'e

TTen reTrirfi sFrlftn 3irqrftkE"f{qrFl: | | 1 0| |


Brtfut Parasara Hora Sasto

moveablesign is its Badhaka house. If there be a malefic in the houseoccupiedby its lord or in Badhaka bouse of that rasi, there will be occasions of great sorrow, imprison ment and diseases during the Dasa.

qltri qamq: t siqttr*qt "6qsg{ wnf,q{u iI irtrllEr llRRll 4"6-?d iqelqti

22. The Dasa of a rasi will be favourable if it is occupied by its own lord or an exalted planet. The Dasa of aTrasinot occupiedby any planet will be adverse.

ETqfiawFrsc* tTdqqe qt<rrqq I crqni EiErdqIEfr twtqlsr fifl{q llRlll qarflT(t$r{q} qf{ilu{il ftqar qfa I
arrfvtt{d} qf,?i <tqrtqq rrq{qqq llRYll

qfq t $ianfvrfa.slri q dtatie: frqa}

arT{il il t* ;iti qrt {qqti

q\ llR{tl

during a 23-25, There will be great danger,imprisonment enemies, journey, displeasure of Governmentand danger from in the Dasa and Antar Dasa of the rasi from which its Badhaka house,the l2th, the 6th and the 8th are occupied by Rahu. of the king and danger dueto the displeasure There will be losses of the rasi that is therefromin the Antar Dasa (sub-period)' occupiedby the Sun, Mars, Rahu and Saturn. Therewill be possibilityof deathif the 5th and the 9th from the Antar Dasa by a debilitatedor maleficplanet. rasi are occupied

gflarrvrl rqqgr* fasli qrfq m

;rq{qIqiIs|iur gildt{

qql tf{aE{rl sTtifi ain q]sd qi;aq: tllqlt

tIrTIqq\ |

rn'Frillt tfi<rrwi ir *nqai qQtqn{ uRdt} lr*qsql dtq+a: gwtRrRw) qfq I ga dE{ilrli urnFa{gri Sawqetutillqrl
26-28. Therewill be enjoyment, acquisition of chiefship of a town or village,birth of a son,financial gains, well-being,

Chapter S0


dawn of fortune, attainment of the position of a commander of a-narmy and progress all round if therebe an exalted ptanetin the trikona from the Antar Dasa rasi. Therelvill be in lis Dasa financialgains,well being and birth of a son if the planet who is the lord of the Dasa be in a benefic. sign and be aspected by Ju'piter.

frlfeawgrm{q Weq ftgnna, r dfqalfqqaqi;Elql"qq frgrrna,nRa/

eritFn{qalRman il?q ?Ter: { ( { l

<trrql f<qs: T v T i i l : l l Q o l l

yalfeyawqt-avrq} fqq* {*: I fe6rfemdannrqqr{rr frg<rvrq, ulltl g{ qe?arrri fffa*s}f{a} Gq ! rrlRrr

29-32.Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Aquariusand Gemini are the inimical rasisof the Sun. The inimicalrasisof the Moon and other planetsmay be reckonedsimilarly. If a planet be in an 'The inimical rasi, his Dasa will be full of adversities, effects of the Dasa of rasis and planetsshouldbe Judgedafter taking into account the abore rules.


q <tcqirrEt n q ttgrr-.rrlitt qdr: I q{rnal fefagriwt: uqr: {fi$FTlRr: illgtl q{ilsrq}nfewral r ilE{rTqi qq qrqlsR qqeql?t{{tiT: {rta: ?qil:uRvtl
33-34.The Dasasof' that planet will be favourable wlio is Rajyogakarka,who is disposed (that is, between two benefics there;l* benefics in the 2nd and the l2th houses to that planet) and who has benefics in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th houses from him. A maleficplanet becomes favourable if he is disposedbetween benefics

qirr qqq{nwrf qW q}+rrcqn}lrar r ilitrr {qr q4 flam}qqqwq$fq II$rqEr


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

ql(rsrra] f{aqrr<wa}rifaw* gq t
qff,{rqtsmqrq' fqqcq ftqci q?fr ttlqtt
35-36.The whole of the Dasa of a planet who is related to a friendly and beneficplanet at the commencementand the end of the Dasa, will be favourable. In an unfavourableDasa, favourable' the Antar Dasa of a benelic(planetor rasi) becomes in the 5th or the The Dasa of a planetor rasi who has benefics gth from it, is also favourable. In this manner the effectsof the Dasa should be judged after taking into account the and at dispositions of tl'replanet or rasi, at the commencement the end of the Dasa

inqsqrc{iam}ui q q"t'i q qqqrqtE I

qrq<tn\ {t$Inri E{n rqrefaq+ffrl lll\ell

qrrrfrtlqil lrq{iq{rnri


({at I

u$nqrrii6erT*fa cl(Eqeq wi atq lllclt

3rr{TTi wqqr{ft .n q?H g{* fac ! t

t'tqrEl aE{nua <iqwrwfwiaqttlett

and rasiswho havebenefics 37-39.The Dasa of the planets in the trikona from thernis favourable.If the Dasa of a benefic rasi commences in a beneficrasi, it will be very favourable. If an evil Dasa comrnences in a benefic rasi, it is also favourable. Thereforethe commencement of Dasa should always be kept in view in assessing the results of the Dasa. There will be lossoffortuneifatthecommencement of the Dasa therebea maleficrasi or the lord of the Dasa rasi be in debilitation.

.ilsq {titq: I m ftqal ;1qffili qeq-'q) {tqia*: llYoll itstt rwrtqet fr $nrstrT fqqtafti qrltiq Fa*qq ! r

u;rulFqtfa$fa{q A


aqr uvltl

40-41.There will be lossof lbrtune, wealth and agricultural productsand infliction with diseaseduring the Dasa of the rasi octupied by a debilitated plangt, or if there be a

Chapter 50


.debilitated planet in the 5th from it or the 9th or whose lord be debilitatedor related to a debilitatedplanet.

tr$: Hlq Srqrfalfianfa q{cgq\ f w* aa Tlqr<r$rrilq{TFriq{ qiq nvRrl

42. Four rasis from Aquarius and four rasisfrom Scorpio belong to Rahu and Ketu respectively.If Rahu and Ketu be in any one of the aforesaid rasis, the Dasa will be productive of beneficial results.

qqfi{t {d tqri{ i;qntdftqa: I qfiq{ <rvfrEnta:TrrmftrT{ E 1*sfeqt ttvl tt

Tt?ist fsqil cl

TqtrrqslqlaiHq: I

?w<{iaftqii <tggcetilsfq rTT uYvlt{{*: qr* a fqfq;rd Gq}f,q ! t T{ma ;Ts(rrit ;r frkrqfqq 'Eq{ nvilr$'
43-45. If a planet whose Dasa is otherwise considered favourablebe positedin a maraka house,or if the rasi in which by Venusor Moon, therc his Dasa comesto an end be aspected rvill be in his Dasa displeasureof government and loss of rvealth.


saitq"r{fr q(qqrqi l
?fi qrtnce qT T{nqt nYqll

af<-arlumil qrE frlawlg:errf<*q I qq qqr$T farair <iq ru: llYtsll {{

46-47.There will be loss of every thing, imprisonment' deathexile from the country and great distress at the end of the Dasa of Rahu. The above effects will definitelybe realised if therebe malefics in the 5th and the 9th from Rahu. Beneficial and adverse effects shouldbe predictedin this manner.

q*qfE lrarqrf'lTaqfnra aa rrisfq csTsd fffa{tq

iaqrHq: I lpffirir:nyqtl


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

aYrrt:rfi Eflral qr,qn+ f,;q {r}lr"q I aR$is ? rgrifimlul FEqitqri: nyetl qa {.rTfq]ari rrq} irfi$S fear{rrq r .vgfqta) qA ugdnfagq u{otl !1Qsiw:
48-50" The samewould be the effects in the Dasa of the by malefics rasi occupied like Rahu etc. The associationof a marakaplanetwith the rasi at the time of commencment or end of its Dasa is not productiveof good effects. If suchplanetbe Rahu therewill be imprisonment or lossof wealth.

irrnrl aTqi inqmlql q?r<aEr{ | qfE wln*q rra edsrfi661 eqqT utltl q;Fq{} u+ fEs ! qfa rNri qrriaH:r q{rnr* EqTrA q fi"}qrqfc{ $cTt u\trl
5l-52. The natural r:-:rracterstics of the houscoccupiec{ by Rahuare harmedat the commencenlent of the Dasa. If suchhousebe 2nd, there will be lossof wealth. If the Moon and Venusbe in the l2th there will be losses due to the displeaof government. If Mars and Ketu be so disposed therc "sure will be deathor dangerfrom fire. There will be acquisition of kingdom if the Venus and Moon be in thc 2nd at the commencement of the Dasa. This means (goocl that the effects or bad) of the housein which the Moon and Venusare positeci at the commencemellt and endof Dasa,are stren_ethened. Thus in the 6th, the 8th and the l2th will produce their disposition only adverse effects.




wfnaq r

rRq qrq: g*il arsfi uq{iadaourie lttlrl

*a ro{fmf fi.{ lrEFzrr*qmeq* | qfE rrie*6ea;r fqqr'tarofi{fi sil: It{Ytt il{wq?q EwTqTT{ fhqtlnsFf v&a r Hi1dsfq{S larfiafavt*ifaq}eq! rr{rrrr

Chanter 50


53-55.Similarly the learneds have described the effects of the house with Argala (urrio). If there be an auspicious Argala causing benefic oi malefic ptanet of rasi and the Ascendantbe aspectedby him that rasi will prevail. Here Ascendant is the secondarycondition. lf the planet causing uninterrupted Argala, aspects a rasi, that rasi will prevail, I; other words, good effectswill be derivedin the Dasa of that rasi. The Dasa of the rasi, which is not aspcctedby auspicious Argala or of a rasi with VipreetArgala, wi[ not be favourable. The Dasa of that rasi rvhichis aspected by a benefic will also be favourable.

q${tfqrqilirtgHdq(: I ?qrfl1$Tl{E{rrqig 3{iwqqqfosal il{qtl a{fi*n: Tfleinf{rqfufarsfa q{qfd I ?Irm{qF|ilw$'re qrTqrq} qfl(: tr{etl qrqrEerrqqa) q{{ rq{IFri E;refq:I q{qrfta$'}wn: {TTR3E[tirTTrq;tr{T;rq il{qtl


Saqrfq:feg:{tsr qq(ilq} rcq qiq I qrqfinlur{fi f1:srriflrnkHdsrr: lt{qtl

56-59.Financialgainswill be derivedin the Dasa of the rasi which is occupied by its benefic lord or by an exaltedplanet who is aspccted by him. There will be lossof wealthif sucha planetbe in the 12th to the rasi (or house). There will be destruction of all goodeffects, distress to childrenandfather and mental agony in the Dasa of the rasi if there be rnaleficin the 5th and the 9th flom the rasi. Evil effectswill be experienced in the Dasa of the rasi which is occupiedby the lord of the 8tlr, the lord of the l2th, the Sun,Mars or Saturn.



*tafqegt r
Rqatrr gE:Rr uqltl

r{d *q qt qeulotl

4(srirtc6trE* luladaaa: <lrruqgrital tS: .iter


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

zTT{liqqai: T(: TqqxrlQeiarnvtnT I q{ErfaraeT q}* TEIE: nqrqsEilqqtl {rq} EqqFi TqRHi rtcTrs}'rtq I wI{ ttqlll u{eE6tut {rqt fqqsHct'
to children, 60-63.The Dasa of the rasi will causedistress disturbancesin his exile to a foreign country and continuous rasi. Therewill the life if Rahu and Ketu be in the trikona to in the Dasaof the king and disease be dangerfrom enemies, rasi the 6th and the 8th from which are occupied by malefic, debilitatedor combnstplanets. There will be destruction of house,land and agricultural fields if there be a malefic or debilitatedplanet in the 4th from the rasi. There will be lossof housedue to negligence if sucha planet be Mars, heartpains and danger from governmentif the planet be Saturn and all round, danger from poison and thievesif the planet losses be Rahu.

qrrrrq qnqi

il3. guadtut*i uiq I

n]qqdq(: ilqvtl

{{rrtF[TftqrTtrqgi[dl: rIiT: rT=EtltfiIrtTftqil:

fsaraiu{{in*rflfaq}rqfeaq: qaal(r[Eisftadqqqr

qQir<T I

uqul ,uPqTt$rlr{I:

feqrar: trqqtl afl$rrErraifsfq: ruliE-a) uhrlana: lrqqtll

64-66L.There will be pilgrimage to holy places in the Dasa of the rasi who has Rahu in the l0th to it. Therewill be gaiu of earnirrg, rcligiousrites, gain of wealth, renownfor good in efforts and ventures in the Dasaof the deedsand success by rasi the l0th, thellth and the 9th frorn 'rvhichare occupied from wife benefics.There rvill be birtl-rof children, happiness by Goverumetttin the Dasa of the rasi from and recognition or which the 5th, the 7th and the gth are occupiedby benefic (rasis) occupied During the Dasaof the houses exaltedplanets. by the lordsof itre Sth, tlie l lth, the lOth, the 4th, the 9th, or (goodcffects). houses therewill be growth of these the Ascendant



of tltc cil.'cts wiii be in I'rspstlltn to tiie strength The gcrocl them. ing piilnets occup) and lirc houses

afte1 Teqtqslqt {twif qfq dftqa:nq'eu

eddqfqiqilrqa'iurq I $?[nut wqa{t ggdar: q$rqlit q{q EI lrtrqlt
qrEqqlq('trtlqq ta q;i

qqdt I I q tTTq: q'iRirgqFrrtmfisa: || qQ.l


qFtqsqtr{ t 1d faul fafusnFad*ar Itu ott aa ffi laslfEElqfii$Qt;

67-70.In the Ilnsa of rasi (house)therewill be well heings' increase in opulence and glory and devotion to deities and Brahmins, if it is occupied by Jupiter,Venus.or lord of a trikona. There will be acquisition of rnore conveyanceand cattle etc., in the l)asa of the rasi (house),the 4th from which is occupied by an exalted planet or lord of a trikona. The Moon there will give things like grains, ghee etc. Full Moon will favour with a treasure and jewels etc. Venusthere will provide enjoymentfrom music etc.

ffElfreifta'dTi q 6{riE}fn5l {fi

cqqfnqTre{Iq5{qqq}qa: qq ilf,$Tr*{fffii{'


qiTqtGftranq llsRll

7l-72. There will be enjoyment of the palanquin like in the Dasa of the rasi (house) from which the41i conveyance is occupied by Jupiter. There will be successin all ventur.' of a kingdom (attainrnent and glory, acquisition grbatopulence of a higli position etc.), during the Dasa of a rasi (house)which lords of the 9th and has the yoga of the lord of the Ascendant, the lOth, an exalted planet or benefics. The effectsof the Dasas of various housesshould be judged in this manner.

q6n\am q Sqi* feaftSq ttslll fm,f ,RfqEui


Brilat Parasara Hora fustra

qsqni awtqagv{fr1 {qfat}ur* {d Fdirfqaq6iq i rruxrr msrdg* A writrrq i Fwrr I {raNsfqf(N q rr\etrr *qrff{cttri q<qiu* r a*rrr<qts: {tqqra ikri *qrf(qd Rqd qqf trt}qt lteqn
qafimrq q I dmq qqt ftfwlq qftr'rKtTq rs E-r:::'dkffr:rmqi: $Fer tt\th'otl
73-77. The effects of the Dasas of each rasi c; planet (Nekshatra Dara) de1'endon their lli diflerentkinds of conditions, They are deep exaltation.;xalt';;,"'n. dispositions on r.ignrAdhimitra sign, their either side, Moolatrikona, {.,r.,:! Tatkalik Mitra's sign, netural sigr'. eilemy'ssign, Adhisatru's sign, decpdebilitation,debilitatedor enemy's varga, own varga, dirfccii.iorrin a kendra, disposition in a trikona, defeated in planetarywar, deepcombustion.


o1{i*{sqFqa: r rq*qfral qq qqqtcqr E{n irzl qrdqTilrqttrutiillletrll

fu<nrelqrn t
qsqla|rdTqdt inn *qtfimqq ir ileetl eg*rarfafwmfq esnll I lvricar
sft{tqqfrmfq q6r !! tte o11

ftrm rqfrrasirqr rqramriqfrs{ t

qglrqwlTftfQ!fr llqlll


fqahq{rEltFa?q qarflGil Entu arr t

*atarpawwd {rri qr*Quii
qcFneqT ilqtiFtFFrqI:

rtDrFRqiT ncltl rt I dffigqtnqatq




qnrt,t* qqr fln: uql*tl

78-83+. Aquisitionof kingdom (attainment of a high position in government), enjoyment and acquisition of more

a busas giveresults according to their nomenclat,ure.

D-angers oruuriou, kinds, disrress and,.rl'Jfit!:ffJ|,njil; of thc Dasaof such planet.

qlqq{*;Eqrfafqr Ircv || qiqqfq qrqlrmqffat{ r adg sTtrfi) qFg qFral Hrrqqlqsiil$r q: ilq{tl
e$Fft afnen1a{q;mifq q drqn r 'ilqqtl givrarqef sFrilirr flrrd: ilTilrqftgss{;fl a{n $ar,6qqar, , rq*';arfgei eqi tnrfaifa.q.Rqrn ttqetl rrF|flrgqsrffsi!

f1a , ,n* ptanet who . rn a condition in betweencieepcxaltation and cteep dcbiiitation is kp6s,11 as avrohini (irfi)ftqft";rr"."i,"*1. The Dasa af the planctin exalcationor in a friend,s srgnis caliedl\4adhya (ruat-of middle order). t his Dasa alr", i.fA"_"a.r;,;;;,;i; effects. The Dasa of a planct placed in a conditionin between deepdebititarionantt Oe-pexatiatioo i."*ff",f rohini (itf6oit_ ascending). The Dasa. of a planet placecl in between the debilitatcd and cnemyNavamsa i*.uff.O'A"

ross orwearth ,"qyrifiJ:lfif::h4*:J*ffi: or::y"h a ptaner.rh;


u,, propcrty are the effects of the irhole Dasa cfl the planet whois in deep . exaltarion onO l, iutty'Jou,po*o wit&-ali tireix kindsof strengrh (Shadbaia), orili"n." anri glcry with .gr"ui some possibirity of affictionwitir ctisease are rhe effects of the planet placedin his sign Dasa.of' planet a in deep a"uiri,"l-.,,,"1"."::;::"T'Jj:',"3" "f "*rr"rioir-

Chapter 50

84-87. The Dasa^ of other planets become auspicious and augrnenr t.u fortune if the rord of the gt' and Jupiter are in any way relatedu'ith yoa, kendra -oigood or the house concernecl efc. The planet with vosa f;;;";; ui- i,rrn produces good effectswhen he i, ri". frJm retiog;rion uno becomes direct. The weakness, inabitities and;i';ther planets should also be taken inls account in their effects. All those Dasasgive fut, mecrium.and ;uAimg iittiJ rF..t, in accordance with


Brilnt ParasaraHora Sastrc ,: of the planetsin the kendra, Panapharaand the disposition houses. Apoklima frqTsqsrrfl: (E-TE-q{nEJ (EFf,Ftit?lT: t TTrqSFfltETilqqll T?til{IFi t6!t{?r; i

srtqlaqqf{rqa{il Tulaqq{fi' dal:

fqs{Rce a..tle {ei Ewr {Hft lrcett i;Eq.'}lt nsq|aiaqr 6EE aGqriqqfrfi{iq
'{ire pl:r:;.-is Shirshodaya rasis irrivTcc <rfii) in 88-BSi. Ubhayodaya(vval<a) fi.asis and Prisiithodaya{Xrr}at) Rasis, of tlic yi;ld their vesultsrespectivelvat the commencement of Dasa. end the Dasa, in the middle of the f]asa "',itiai thc All the planetsyield auspicious ,':,ults in the Antardasa of Naisargik (ieftrn, natural, {',nstant) andTatkalik (miwfer *according to position)friends. The results will be adverse in the Antardasa,ofinimical planets.

qim{iarnEqrtqR$q EraurfrclllQ.oll rTti.{rEril{Rr{itii ewqfta r[rFFtl\ I qqoqrirqt aa {irq*ffifq{t tteltl ?ri rreqfqsrqkqrird nnfi<\ t


l l eRll


f*gqwteqftaqflq ' mqqlqiqr

r{luneqi* lletll 11QYll


q firTflrqTqta (qrdrinqq I :E Afq


t sriErF{<tfltiercq arenfruqa}rra:

rafrra*qr?ieq n.fri{rE qq?atil t

qr*e{qrwi ? si Tqrf,atnnfq lleqll
gG96 (Antardasasof rasis). There are Antardasas of th12 racis commencingfrom the rasi in nhich the lord of thr'

i; '1f; ; ' F ' j: r "F

clapter 5o


f)asa is positc, f i,*0" w'l be auspieious $ resurts rike acquisition of kingdom-(artb.;nmentof a trigh posirron ,n govsfnnilent) in the Antaradasa of a rasi which is occupied uv ri* own iil;; a friendly pianet. Thsre wilr bc inauspicicus o*rtn rit*lor* of wealth, disputes, rJangerfrom diseals etc., in the Antaradasaaf the rasi rvhich may tr* the 6th, the gth or the l2th or occupiedby a lielefis. dcbilitatedplanet or a planet housed in an irrimicarsign. The rapi wrrichcontains more auspicious marks -ii, Ashtakverg; rn,ill yielcl benefic effects i" ,i" 1n_.,U: Antardasa ACverst} i t U" the effects of the Antardasa of the rari rvhichcontains&r.rreinauspicious marks. For J;_ results,the rasi from which the dasa "rr"*,"S commences, should be treated as the Ascendantand the houses trrereafter shoutr, be assumed to have the characteristics as if they are so from the A'sce*dar''; Thus the 2nd house from trrat rasi will -- bc --";- the Irou:o-rii tlie wealth,the 3rd of cn-borns and so oo. T-r-.;rlryill be gains or losses of Dhatus (urq) etc. assigned 'r.q'r 1::i{ rasis and the planets in the Antardasa of the rasis conccrrid. rn judging the effectsof the Antardasas of the pranets, their beneficand maleficnature, relatiorn with the malelicor bcnetic aspectson them- and the;r dispositioi il;;'il;,h" 8ttr or the 12th etc. should alr br kept in "ie*.

97. Ihe results of the Antardasas (Sub.periods) and )ratyantar dasas of the rasis, be assessed in itre ;"*, :xp:rained in this chapter.

trof,rn) <ttwnfre n F?q qfliF*a r Brat;$i{ri r{tqt fqqv{,i rresrr !{: E;T:

qqr$ff{qfienr:nt ttl
hqrH qrfa Eq|til Blftr{rr RIeFT $[tq

(sub Working out of Antardasas periods)of planetsand rasis in

q{rrT, ?qFrffir-{t: rftfraqtfqil:


rcrr<q{fifE$r: tlllt

l. For finding out the span of the Antardasaof a planet in the Dasa of the samor another planet, multiply the Da:a yearsof the former with the Dasa yearsof the latter and divide planet ihe product by the total Dasa of the sameor any other years the etc' planet. Multiply another of in the Antardasa planet other and years the of Dasa the of the Antardasawith by the total Dasa years of all thc planets. divide the procluct The figure so available in months etc. witl represent the Pratyantar f)asa of the former. Notes : We have to find out the period of the Antardasa of the Venusin the Dasa of venus under the vimsottari system. The Dasaperiod of Venusis 20 years'Total Dasa yearsare 120 will be 2o X29:400+ 120 of Venus years. The Antardasa :3 yearE 4 months. There is another method of finding out the term or Antardasa. Multiply rhe number of yearsof the Dasa of the planet by the Dasa yearsof the planet whose Antardasa is required' Then cutting off the last digit of the product-multiply it by 3 and keepthe figure so availableas days. Suppose'we want to find out the Antardasa of Mercury in the Dasa of Saturn' Mercuryt Dasa years are 17. Saturn's Dasa years a1'c19' 11x 19:323. By adopting the above methodsthe Antardasa

'Chapter Si

6ry of Merc,r- ,,rji be 32 monthsand 9 days, or 2 years,g months and 9 da,r's. Prafyentrr Dasa

We have io find out the pratvantar Dasa of Venusin the Antardasa of Venus. ,Ihe Antarduru ,i Venus is bf 3 years and 4 months or 40 morrths. The Ouru y."r, of Venus are -years 20 rir 2"{0months. The Desa yru* of all the ;i;;;"# ' 'l 120 years or rl nonths. p*tyuniui Olsa of Venuswill be_ 40 X 24t}," 9600 months; 1.440 months: 6 monthsand 20 davs. ETIETE?dIilIT

qqtrcxf,imel q

qmq*rarfialsqqr: r :id f{qat: nqtl fi*

i. In everv Dasa the first Antardasa belongs to the ,lord of tl;* Dasa' Tiren the r"trrr-ieTo".i"r* berong to the other il ;:larietsin the same order as foffowea-for the Dasas. The. sannrappliesto pratyantar Dasa. l{otes : For ready reference, is given a Table of Antar'dasas,under the Vimsoitari Dir;;;;;*:"" ., Trble ofAntardasas

Sun'sDasa 6 years Antardasas y.M.D.

Sun Moon Mars Ji:piter Rahu Saturn Mercury Yenus

Moon'sDasa l0 years Antardasas y.M.D. Moon Mars Rahu ' .Saturn Jupiter Mercury Kbru Sun 0.10.00 0.0?.@ 1.06.00 1.07.00 1.04.00 t.0j.00 0.07.00 0.06.00 10.00.00

0.03.18 0.06.00 0.04.06 0.09.18 | 10.24 0 . il . 1 2 0.10.06 t.00.00 6.00.00

Mrn'Drsr 7 years Antardasas Y.M.D. 0.M.27 Mars Rahu Ir.oo.18 0.t 1.06 Jupiter 1.01.09 Saturn 0.11.27 Mercury o.04.27 Retu 1.02.00 Venus 0.04.06 Sun 0.07:00 Moon 7.00.00

BrihatPsasaruHora&sto Xlln't Desa l8 ycers Antardasas Y.M.D. 2.08.12 Rahu 2.04.24 Jupiter 2.10'06 Saturn 2.06.18 Mercury 1.00.18 Ketu 3.00.00 Venus 0.10.24 Sun 1.06.m Moon l.00.lE Mars 18.00.00

Dasr Jupiter's 16years Antardasas Y.M.D. Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu. 2.01.18 2.06.12 2.03.06 0.11.06 2.08.00 0.09.18 1.04.00 0.11.06 2.U..24 16.00.00

Srtum's Drse 19years Antardasas Y.M.D. Saturn Mercury Kctu Vcnus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter 3.03.03 2.08.09 1.01.09 ' 3.02.m 0.ll.l2 . 1.07.00 1.01.09 2.10.06 2.06.12 19.00.00

Chqter 5l Mcrcqryf Dur l7 yean Antardasas y.M.D. Mercury 2.M.27 -Ketu 0.1t.27 'Venus 2.lg.00 Sun 0.10.06 Moon 1.05.00 Mars 0.11.27 Rahu 2.06.18 Jupiter 2.03.06 Satrun 2.09.09 17.00.00 Xcfi'rDrsr 7 years


Antardasas Y.M.D. Ketu 0.M.27 Venus 1.02.00 Sun 0.04.06 Moon 0.07.00 Mars 0.M,27 Rahu 1.00.18 Jupiter 0.11.06 Satura r.01.09 Mercury 7.00.00

YcnncDrsr 20 ycars Antaradsas Yenus Sun Moo{r Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Y.M.D. 3.O1.00 1.00.00 1.08.00 r.02.00 3.00.00 2.08.00 3.02.00 2.10.00


The Tablcs of hatyantar Dasas wiil be given later.


Erihat Parasara Hora Sostro

Itc htrdrses of CharaPhnetsin Chrn ctc. Drsa

qR't ftsrc dq

frqretn ;Ilan ?nTI ?qrq qfrtrriant !!Fat

qEidltfiti aa: illll qsqq{Trfq{q I



f{Strcrd 1iQftra:rtvtt

3-4. The Antardasasof the Charadi (lttF<) Kendradi (*;rrR) Dasaof the Planetsare worked out by dividing the' Dasa yearsby 9. The first Dasa will invariably be of the lord of the Dasa. Thereafter there will be Antardasas of planets' posited. in kendras, Panapharas and Apoklimas lrespectively aeordidg to their strength. Anterdasasof rasis

qfnEnt trtitfrii Tqr( qt( | UrnsEiqr

qffit*{fld{ F?qr Ff,q$i{ Eiq utll
5. The Antardasasof rasisis worked out by dividing theDasa yearsby 12 (in other words, lll2th part of the Dasayears of a rasi is the period of its Antardasa). Pratyantar Dasas of are also calculatedin the samemanner. the Antardasas The order of Anterdssrs of resis

ernrqrdqdfi qti {mafi

qt <rftr{qqirda: t qgltt:qrf,tiIFFIFl: st ttqtt

6. The Antardasaswill start from the Dasa rasi or fron the rasijth therefrom, which ever is stronger. The Antardasas are in the onwards order if the Dasa rasi is odd, in the reverse order if it is even.

qaruqq] finiqlsRa rftfu neq El ! t qfs$ffiqlrt: wq qqqqrfetr: f(qt tt\ett

ssi wat,lq *n crnFFrlqqnn: I
slq lql sa: ttqlt qqfrqGeqtillGqliT:





fag ge5 qrqi qffiq*sfcil{


q qF rrlrr<tfrt: Tqm qqh tqt sqa: r BTrnr{ znzrfaq: qrr: qqtt aa qwil niopl ilrrrrr arqfilql rrlq: qaR ffi Trf,r{ r qtqqh-Rqqqaffiafr: ||11tl a|a* qttslqc+Fsqq r farlqrcqEwpi ir qrh qli q qrqrct' lqfrcr qqlaqqrnlRtl

qnqrfNtrit rra.rr

7-12.O Brahmin! Now I will acquaint you with the special characteristics of the order of the Antardasas of the rasis. If the Dasa raSibe a moveable one, the Antardasas of the 12 rasisare in the onwardsor reverse order. If the Dasaasra),a (<uf arrfa) rasi be a fixed one, the Antarclasas wjll start from it and thereafterthere will be Antardasaof every sixth rasi. If the Dasa asraya(<wrea) rasi be a dual one, the first Antardasa will bclongto it. Thereafterthere will be Antardasas of rasis in kcndra to it, rasisin kendra to the 5th from it and rasisin kendrato the 9th from it in that order. In the caseof all kinds ofrasis, namely moveable, fixed or dual, the order will be onwards,ifthe Dasaasrayarasi be an odd one,and in the reverse order if it be an even one. The so calledDasa asraya(<wrarc) rasi is known as Paka rasi (rrr trfvr). ln the first order rasi which is Pakarasi is also called tshoga rasi (rr).r<rfrr).tater if the Dasaprad(<vnw) rasi be thrn the Bhoga rasi will "n"n, be that which is at the same rasi distance as the Dasaasraya ' rasi is from the Dasaprada rasi. For the Chara, Sthiraand Trikona Dasa, the paka and Bhoga should be determined in this manner. If paka and Bhoia rasis Ue associated with malefics, there will be pain in the body and mental agony. There witl be enjoymenet if they be associated with benefics. Notes : We have to workout the order of the Antardasa in the Chara Dasa of Aquarius. Aquarius is a fixed and odd rasi. Therefore, starting from Aquarius there will be in onwards the Antardasa of every sixth Rasi. Thus the first Antardasa will be of Aquarius, then of Cancer, the sixth rasi


Brihat Parasara Hora fusta

from it, and larer of Sagittarius, the sixth rasi from Cancer, and so on. The Dasa ycarsare 8, therefore the Antardasas of the 12 rasiswill be of 8 monthseach. Ilh:stretirc Table Rasi Aquarius Cancer Sagittarius Taurus Libra Y00 M 00

Pisces 0 8

0 8

Rasi Y M

Leo 0 8

Capricorn Gemini 00

Scorpio Aries Virgo 0 0 0 8 8 I

HereAquariusis the first Dasaprada rasi. There it will be both Pakaand Bhoga rasi. In the example horoscopeit is associatcd with benefics. Therefore, the native will be endowed with physicalwell being. The next rasi in the order of the Dasas is Pisces. It is a Dual rasi. In its Dasa the first Antardasa will be of Pisces itself. Then in the reverse order there will be Antardasas of its kendrarasis; namely,Sagittarius,Virgo and Gemini. After that there wilt be Antardasasof the kendra rasis from the 5th rasi from it (Scorpio),namely Scorpio, Leo,' Taurusand Aquarius. l.astly there will be Antardasas of the kendra rasis (Cancer)namely, Cancer, Aries, Capri' of the 9th fi'om Fisces corn and Libra. Here Pisces is Paka rasi and is 2nd froiu the first Dasapradarasi Aquarius. Therefore,the 2nd rasi ,from Pisces, namely, Aries will be the Bhoga rasi. Auspieious and inauspicious effects should be judged from their dispositions. The Paka rasi and Bhoga rasi are also knownas Drvara(atr; and Bahya (crg) rasi also. In the order of I)asas,the Dasa iwill be of Aries. In the f)asa of Aries therewill be Antardasas of the 12 rasis (including Aries) in onwardsorder as Aries is Moveableand odd sign.

Chaptcr 5l


In the kalachakraDasa like the Vimsottari l)asa system the spanof Dasa should be multipliedby the span of the Dasa of the rasi whoseAntardasais requiredand the product should be divided by the total Dasa years of the rasi. The years, months etc. as arrived at will representthe Antardasa of the rasi concerned. Notes : We will explainthis by an example. Please see in this connection the noteson verse9l of Chapter 46. We have to work out the Antardasas in the Dasa of Aries. Multiply the Dasa years7 of Aries by 7. Then dividc the product 49 by 100the total Dasa years. The years, monthsetc., so arrived at, namely 0 years,5 months,'26days and 24 ghatikas will be the periodof the Antardasaof Aries. In the same manner to arrive at the Antardasaof Sagittarius multiply 7 (yearsof Aries Dasa)by l0 (Dasa yearsof Sagittariury) and divide the product 70 by 100. This will give the Antardasa of Sagittarius in the Dasa of Aries as 0 1'ears, 8 monthsand l2 days. All the Antarof variousrasishaveto be worked'out irr the samemanner. dasas For rearJ;' reference a Table showing Antardasas in the KalachakraDasahasbeengivenin Chapter64. \\'orking out of Antardasas in Pindaetc. Dasas

mrt agtfr*,) qiit ilE: ltlvll qd u-aRw: der: stqqfia fqq: ftqm: t l I 1 tt I sqqialsar: qICflT et'nts6aFqqfqilI: qsq{tE?t sicrqlqfsctFqRt: r E{rt6al: Brdiqtr rrE;ii{ disilr;diwfaw: il1qrt
{q{q: qrart

fqosfamewuriE t*sq;atwfafuq t q{ a{rrqfil*(qrq aad Ra dqa:trlltt famlqrrradtqiqi flatwag<igq:t


13-16. Now I will tell )'outhe methodof workingout the Antardasas in the Pinda, Amsaand Nisarga Dasas.Tlie lord of Dasa is l)asa Pachaka of full part (]) of the planetassociated with, is pachaka(rrtr) of I part the planet in frikona from him, is pachaka of -1 part and the planet in the 4th and 8th from him are pachaka of ]- part and the planet in the Zth


Brihat Parasaia nora- sistra

from him is pachakaof part of the Dasa. No planet in l. any other houseis Antardasa pachaka. In this mannerthere are Antardasapachakas in the above mentioned houses from the varioushousesincluding the Ascendant. In any of such houses if therebe more than one planet, then the one who is the amongstthem will Uettre pachaka. Take the fractions(as mentioned above)and reducethem equivalentfractions with a common denominator. Add ;t the aliquot parts of the Dasa representative of the various numerators leaving out the denominators.The Antardasas rvill be arrivedat whenthe variousaliquots are convertedinto years, months etc. within the main Dasa and divided bv a commonfactor. Notes : The calculations given above are not the literal translationof the text in the Verses concerned; but their actual meaningand sense. This has been got confirmed by checking ,up with similar information given irr Kalyana V.rrma's Saravali and Varahmihir'sBrihat Jataka. The,, ,uay be referred to if necessary.

qq fq{r}affiq
qrrEflIFeTE{tr$FilgqF[: I t R||
Chapter 52

Effectsof the Antardasas in the

Dasa of the Sun accordingto

Effects of Antardasaof the Sun in the Dasa of the Sun

pqh* eqi Rm: qaTcri *i fadq* r rce{rrqir<qm} ir a?-uratfe-mu5q rttrt

dtqrilvrqrrfqrr* fqqq"tii qci faria I

fafiau^rafisf iengXu4 a\ trqrr qtf, r afleft6rni s-.q=qqq,i ttl tt nrf;a gulanlraaeut Eififawl
t-3. Good effects like acquisition of wealth and grains etc., are derivedin the Antardasaof the Sun in his own Dpsa, if the Sun be exalted,in his own house, the llth, Ke4dra or trikona. Adverse results will be experiencedif the Sun be debilitatedor be in an in auspicioushouse or sign. Medium effectswill be realised if the Sun be in other houses. If the Sun be the lord of the 2nd or 7th, there will be danger of premature death or death like sufferings, The remedial measures to be adoptedare Mrityunjaya Japa or the worship of the Sun (by recitation of appropriatemantras,charity etc.). Effectsof, the Antardasaof tne Moon in the Dasaof the Sun

qiA ttrtr&?ilfat}uft t qfrqrsrffie qsTsni q ffiur;q{qfaUq ltYtl fW


Brihat parasara Hora Sasta

iT qT{ryRr.q(t{ | ftwarfqfk qTsfq gS sr eqqti Enstai qinwn u{tl gamrEd *q slei , qrcnrqmqq I rqnmrruta gcaRkgu.nq{lqtl
4-5. Functions like marriage etc., gain of wealth and property, acquisitionofhouse,land, cattle and conveyance etc. will be the effects of the Antardasa of the Moon in the Dasa of the Sun, if the Moon be in a kendra or trikona. There will be marriageof the native,birth of children,beneficience of and favours from Kings (government)and fulfilment of all ambitions, if the Moon be in his sign,of exaltation or in his own sign.

Htuf .rT qrc{q* arqarleflwq r qeqqffiqr{rn{ u\err iqni inriEnt q{tiftilr(r{Hq{ | rrcne{ , far'ld q66lues;qt q;i qil*fr q*atil{ rrqrr q;el;r rlqqtci q rqHf{ilff,fir(l6,rr I g:arTi qrfq fq*a Erqriqfqr6q-,,e,, f"f*iq gftrar;i q alrrfqtetcr{l {aS;arfEiqqq t6,fter afi qi{ rrlorr
7-10. Distressto wife ancl children, failures in ventures, disputes with others, lossof servants, antagonism with the Kinj (government)and destructions of wealth and grains, will bi the effectsif the Moon be w,-ining or be associatedwith melefics. Effectslike danqerfrom water, mental agony, imprisonment, dangerJrorn-diseases, tors'oi-fosition, journeys to difficult places,disputes with coparceners, bad food, trouble from thieves etc., displeasure of the King (government), ur inary troubles, pains in the body will be experienced, if the Moon be in the 6th, rhe gth or the l2th house.

(lrT{flFfiTqslal q t;f a*meqtqrilrt *;* tr gtdX* r qlqqrrqfEg;illqErqarfEqdq{ ill1t| |

Chaptcr 52


_ {rsqrlftft rqtrlui evnsrFdq rn"d',q r fqqiqqatrai ?r grrlcqrERqqqq ||IR1I qqe gafiafa qqqain{ rrlilrr {Ai
I l-12-1.Luxuries,comforts, pleasures, dar."'nof fot'tune (rrrd<r), increase inthe cnjoyment from wife and child,,-*n, acquisitionof kingdom, performanceof marriageanri reli;i...,.; functions,gain of garnlents, land and conveyauce and t'. -rr of chidren and grand children will be the auspiciouseffects if there be benefics in the lst, 9th, kendra from the lord of the Dasa.


Eqi in

qh{t *q fratau5;nt rr


eiiEfqelllltl emeqiqfi{Eqfilt

prvmu{fieafa rr

rlai qi qftqT EuIiEtfif, guiqereal trlyrl

13-14.Unpalatablefood or coursefood, exilc to outside placcsetc. will be thc efTects in the Antardasa, if the N{oon be in thc 6th, the 8th or the l2th from the lord of the I)asa or be weak. Thcre will be prematuredeath if the Moon be the lord of a maraka house (2nd or 7th). To acquire peaceand cornlbrt, the renedial measure is giving in charity ot'a white cow and a fcmale buffalo (qfqfr). Eficctr,of tlc Antrrdrsr of Mers In the Dasa of the Sun

qlt Ts]6i rq*trilqt r Hlrrqrraftl q1 flqold ff.1rikrfafttui FqrfEtq lt1{rr 5f,qtrnt it Enqrdqffiliq{ r $Trd ilr{ q (ftrqrarfqrnqgiT nl qtl K*rrf{ tirqrfEQt iqail dcd rrvfnd ltq r rrrailtn@Ft ilqr*r

qfqrqfr nletl



valpl r
illI lllqll




Brihat Parasara Hora Sasta

l5-18. Auspicious effects like acquisition of land, gain etc., will br cierived of wealth and grains,acquisitionof a house in the Antardasa of Mars in the Dasa of the S.,ii if Mars be in his sign of exaltation, in his own sign, i,, kendraor trikona. All round gains, attaiument of the position of a peacecf mind, of the army, destruction of enemies. commander comforts,and increase in the .number oi ,::-borns will [amil,"" be the effects if Mars be in conjunction wiih .!''":icrd of the Ascendant.


sntXt qfti'q
slrEsqfir*d' ct

flq{u* q' *fuit t' qr.rlt.ilt{ irte.rl ffib





19-20.Brutality, rnen'al ailment, imprisonment, loss of kinsmen. disputeswith brothers and failure in ventures will resultif Mars be in the 8th or the l2th from the lord of the with malefics or be without dignity and be associated Dasa, itrength.


en g{i


rrq{ctlnqTq: I

fafruu^e4q q "at ancq' q*aq{ uRlrl


rnta gfia

ir sfrilf atq ir I fefmrq<rnqfqfailq llRRll

2l-22. Destructionof wealth by the displeasureof the King (governrnent) will be the effect if Mars be in his sign of the mind and body will if debilitation or be weak. Diseases 'esultif Mars be the tord of the 2nd or 7th. Recovery from in adventures are ll health, inc;ease in lbngevity and success :ossible if remedial measure like recitation of Vedas,Japa, grashotsarga (Et}ewrt) are perforrned in the prescribed nanner. Ifriets of the Antardasr of Rahu in the Drsa of the Sun

rrdt filqmqfii

qffnqil qtlqq{{ttlrl

Chapter 52


qtqrRf,ulq'lfil{q affi qqralfil


tErf,rri qiqret <rql

qrrqcf{ qqiknd

'{q I qlq6t {6{gA uq{rl r {tcftFqrrsnfqvrq

{nTiqr* ilRYrl


art1afe{twq uRqrl
iFoqrqalqrrq trqq+tl

n*runF<wald 1e

23-26*"In the Antardasaof Rahu in the Dasa of the Sun, if Rahu be in kqndra or trikona from the Ascendant,there will be in the first two months lossof wealth, danger from thieves snakes,infliction of wounds'anddistress to wife and children. ' After 2 monthsinauspicious effects will disappear and enjoyment and comforts, sound health, satisfaction,favoursfrom the King and government etc. will be the favourable effects, or be in the Navamsa if Rahu be in conjunctionwith benefics Recognitionfrom the King (government), good of a benefic. fortune, nameand fame, some distress to wife and children, birth of son, happinessin the family etc., will be derived if from the Ascendant, house (3,6,10,11) Rahu be in an upachaya with a yogakarka or be placed auspiciously fron be associated the loro of the l)asa.



ET qqqfqi ttRell


ffeaq{tfaqq q{utnadtqflvnq qeqHflfqrlqrq


t nr<msfEinaq ttqctl angarfeeiirtt rr6*afe<rnq t

I plfamrrfafrslt{ tlRa.l

27-29. Imprisonment, loss of position, tianger fr*rm inflectionof wounds,happinessto wife and thievesand snakes, of cattle,house,agriculturalfields,diseases, chilciren,clestruction consumption (get-enlargement of the skin), dysentryetc.n wiil be the results, if Rahu be weak or be in the 8th or l2th from the lc.'rdof the Dasa (the Sun).


Brihat Parasara Eora Sastra

. gain.of wealthfrorn rnany sources,will be the effects if Saturn be in h.issignof exaltation,in his own sign, in a friendly sign and in conjunction with a friendly planet.





qtqiq* r '

Erdqile.{roqlftrcaqrfr nrqfr=a{
ir?ui wiqrfaw


qEqqq I fqffir{} Erqrlrafqq{: ilYYtt

43-44.Rheumatism, pains, fever, dysentry like disease, imprisonment, lossin ventures, lossof wealth, quarrels. disputes with coparceners,claimants etc. will be the effects in the Antardasaif Saturnbe in the 8th or the 12th from the lord of the Dasa or be associated with malefics.

ft,F"-qiqgrqq1 | triqrel fna6rfa:*waret

3ril strt6{ iq fwqHflq*q{q

fldtqqcn* q qqg$d wiq rrYqrr qi qflrdt {sr;tqsqqqq qtE i $'qi

sIqilq eEqrq?sETrtr[,Il uYstl
45-47.Therewill be lossof frien,Js at the commencement, good effects during the middle part and distress at the end of the Dasa. In addition to other evil effects, there will be separation from parentsand wandering, if Saturn be in his sign of debilitation. If Saturnbe the lord of the 2nd or 7th, therewill be dangerof premature death. Giving in charity black cow, buffalo,goat and Mrityunjaya Japa, are the remedial measures for obtainingrelief from the evil effects of the Antardasa. These help to achieve happinessand gain of wealth and measures property. Eftectsof tbe Antardasaof Mercury in the Dasa of the Sun

qti Aqi atq q nyul qTrrmq{ ilefi |

qntrnr;a{l e}rl rqki qTT{dilsfq {r I qq *-l|at}qcrqrt <rildrit rverr


Brihat Pgrasara Hora Sastrs

Sqi qi nfiul elarcorFaqritq{{r{q r|?eIr

effects like prematuredeatl'1,antl cla:lger 30-31. Adverse nvillbe derivedif Rahu be in the 2nd o/ iih or from snakes, !'i'*rsbip with the lords of either of these hy'ous^:*, be associeied (]r,di!err,Ilurga, rif giving Jat;r, in a bllck charity cf c)w or 'l';medial irre': bull.:la tlrr, i'.. measurcs i riilerliiiion af the femair from tiru.r. or totz:!escape abovecvil efirlcts Efiects of the Antanlass of Jcgriter in thc Drsa tif tlii: iiun

trQI artqr-;nfqlti{i r qqTEIqq +{ {$fr{q qsqaa ulotr ' gqfq{ q 3dh srro{ Rrffi{q 1 iltI

sftn flffi:*:xfilulu:rt giwnrafi I rrtRrr tqH fq'arq q{T+ f4$t trvcrt'<q Eftrrrqrffi{rq ir tatl{{ rttqql r qfl(rrsRra;r ul?tr traqrqltatnFE *gufsramrni fsqqeafemqqE rrt t +rl
32-33*. Marriage of the native, favours by the King gain of wealthand grains,birth of a son, fulfil(governmerrt) and of the sovereign ment of the ambitionsby the beneficience gain of clothes,u'ili i:,r the auspiciouseffects derived in the' Antardasaof Jupiterin t;\r Dasa of the Sun if Jupiter be in in his sign of exaltationin kendra or trikona to the Ascendant, his own sign or in his ornnYarga.

firqsqtfilqq{rrrrwrqt{ at1 Gq ! trlrrr ilcrr{mhta T{riilind dgllcq r a&rmEwrrftRii rFrrafr: gqT{r ul{rr et{u{,fsqr{ca} *qriqlrdfrq: t qqmqlfEirq: rrl qrr Tqqfrfl{'arffq:
34-36.Acquisitiorr of a kingdom (attainment of a high' positiorr in government),comforts of conveyancelike palat" (motor times),gain of position etc., wili car in the present luin if be lord the of the 9th or l0th. Better fortunr,. Jupiter result



pharities, reli: ., :'$ inclinations,worshipof deities, devotion to preceptor, ,u:iiimei,t.of ambitions will be the auspicious effectg if'Jupiter be well placed with reference to rhe lord of the Dasa (theSun).


Ertqafe6er TIq*fui rilrtrlflrryE *d!{i tqrrai r*wq llQelt tEui<rd $tgfit riqqrsri q spt r rt,qi TfTs{qhi ERqr(bqnfEf( rrterr
37-39. Distressto wife and children, pains in the body, displeasureof the King (government),non-achievement of dcs:ired g-tals, loss of wealth due to sinful deects,mentaiworries etc.. *rir iesult in his Antardasaif the Jupiter be in the 6th or the 6rh f'om the lord of the Dasa or be associated with marefics. Givirlg in charity gord, a tawny coroured cow (afrol rnr) worship of lshta lord (era te), arc the remedial measures to obtain alleviationof the evil effr:cts and to achieve good health and happiness. Etrectsof the Antardasaof Saturn in t[e Dase of the Sun

ili il qniqfr r k$sr q1rq nierl

srigmartR ^rri
Tqil{il r6uleri

qr;n*;rFarM r
T?TFqqt;qnitnrTq( nyotl

fraqrfaqntrisq Tt aer {waqq 1

Td* qrqTr;lrriqftfrxq


eqaiai q?e q$WqFqe uyl tl

uftrqr r
;rl;tT.t(auilFrq: ilvRtl

40-42.Destructionof foes,full enjoyment, some gain of grains,auspicious functionslike marriageetc., at home,will bo the good effects derivedin the An'ardasaof saturn in the Dasrt of the sun, if saturn be in a kendra or trikona from the Ascendant. Well ireing, acquisition r:i more property, recognitionby the King (government),achievement of renown in tnJ country,






angafedtq'q t ild{rr.r(qqlt|r uYetl fiq-{tigil{ rrve}tt

48-49+.Acquisition of a kingdom (attainmentof a high position in government),enthusiasmand vivacity, happiness 'from wife and children, acquisition of conveyance through the of the Sovereign, gain of clothes, ornaments,pilbeneficience grimageto holy Dlaces, acquisition of a cow, etc., will be the good effectsin ih: Antardasa of Mercury in the Dasa of thc Sun, if Mercury be in a kcndra or trikona from thc Ascendant.

qin tt{ott qrftrqrwfrftle qtqfest q?qr* Fqfr fi r qrr+iqrr6{Tl nrttl qwiqtqQt< $ilrcr*i1
tltl'll firqr(: gErqrrr.T:
very beneficial if he getsasso50-51+. Mercury bccomes ciated with the lord of the 9th. Reverence from and popularity amongst people, performance of pious deeds and religiousrites,devotion to the preceptor and deities, increase in riealth and grians,birth of a son, will be auspiciouseffects, if Mercury be in the 9th, the Sth or the l0th'

erlqrrEqqf{r} ulEqgqi q6[q utRtl anq{q{Rn{ t nsrfqd ITilFq q{atrTrfgcrqilfr arrcqqqnsfqil u{ltl


rri;qr: il{l*tl

toblations, charity, per' 52-53+.Marriage, offering of formanceof religious rites, narle and fame, becoming famous anothernatrle' good food, becoming happy like by assuming wealth, robu and ornaments, will be the by acquiring Indra be in an auspicious house like trikona etc'' effectsif Mercury from the lord of the Dasa (The sun).


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastrar

crtnrfrgttmt ftcst

ramql g;lrr<'lfa rui finfutqqgtqQ{ wreqrql ut{tl

q?* q qtcSfuq qqqnqd aqn I

ftrnfq n utvtr nqgaft,frciq r

Fdtt u^Rrt q *qilsq' we@ utqtl frtqqrqqQa' a praerr q rrrin I qgagfilrnri gden}llfvel rrturr
54-57.Body distress, disburbanceof peace of mind, distress to wife and children, will be the evil effectsin the Antardasaof Mercury, if he be in the 6th, the gth or the l2th from the Lord nf the Dasa (Mercury cannot be in the 6th or 8th from the Sun). There will be evil effectsat the commencement of the Antardasa, somegood effectsin the middle part of the Antardasa and possibility of displeasureof the king and exile to foreign country at the end, If Mercury be the lord of thc 2nd or the 7th, there will be painsin the body and attacks offever. Forrelieffromthe evil effects and to regain good hcalth and happiness the remedial measuresare racitation of VishnuSahasranam (fngqW nr) and giving in charity grains and an idol made of silver. Etrects of the the Antardrse of Ketu in the Dasg of the Sun.

qfrar:a{* *a}

tAfrgr rrtlaqqrr
Fqafireeqrr{ ill(qtl


vrarfwta iqft sn* slci u"trtrrerI qat aatvrqrqlfa TdqTtfu{ qe{ rrterr
58-59.Body Pains, mental agony, loss of wealth,danger from the king (govcrnment), quarrels with the kinsmen,will be of the Antardasaof Ketu in the Dasa of the Sun. If the effects with the lord of the Ascendant,there wilt bc Ketu be associated at the commencement,distress in the middlc somehappiness part and receipt of the news of death, at the eud of the Antardasa.

Clapter 52




fr?nqqi *E

TAfi?Etq grrfds ilQo11

fraqrfr fqa+fa:r qgfq iltlrr rqfrw

60-61. Diseases of teeth or cheeks, urinary troubles, lossof position,loss of friends and wealth, death of father, journey and troubres from enemies wil be the i.csultsif fgrcisn Ketu be in the 8th or the l2th from the lord of the Dasa(Sun).

wilgqEa +rl T qt'{i qTqf ir fiRaqraqrq{q

drrqlqmiq* r
qttq{qa}aq: uqRtl

gaqmfrRlc{ ? {r;a}f

&aqiqq 1

avfr1fa: qcnruqitl &t'faer.".t* ?n Vc1qsTri <{ r Ertqi q S{fr Brd qcran uqYtl
62-64. Beneficial effects like happiness from wife and children, satisfaction,increase of frienjs, gain of clothesetc. and renown,will be derived if Ketu be in the 3rd, the fth, the 10th or the llth from the Ascendant. If Ketu be lord.of the 2nd or 7th (or be in any of thosc houses), there will be danger of premature dlath. The remedial mcasuresfor obtaining relief from the evil effectsare recitationof mantrasof Goddess Durga (ShatChandi Patha vrosu-dl wo1 unC giving a goat in charity. Efrects of the Antardg$ of Vneus in the Desa of the Sun

{ripqr;aft lffr firftfoi *aisfq an r TTH firarqq|irtsqtueFfrqlrqrrGrm: nq{tl

Ttr1Tifrtqwoi rlsqqI$T) ir ilElllqtE{i?11

q'rqruRrrqiflf{r{ fqcararr}wqq r
qqdrdrfl f qwt{

r6)rur6vraarqriste{ ||I Q rr



Brihat Parasara Horo Sastrc

Fnilrttlrf,tq-{rftlq "qlqwaihfrrq: qfr@:1qstl irilr(:

as desiredfrom wife, gain, - 65-68. Marriage and happiness of property,travelsto other places, meetingwith Brahminsand thc king (government officials), acquisition of kingdom (attainment of a high position in government),riches, magnanimity and majesty, auspicious, functionsat the home, availabilityof sweetpreparations,acquisition of pearlsand otherjewels,clothes, cattle, wealth and grains and conveyances, enthusiasm,good reputation etc,, are the auspiciouseffects of the Antardasaof Venusin the Dasa of the Sun, if Venus be posited in a kendra trikona, be in his sign of exaltation,in his own sign, in his own Varga or in a friendly sign. q6516aTaqi


niwpcafrt r


{|-f,tt} quq{ rTEt qTq: qrq6t niq r sr* q{il-{rrr{ q ?qnd'qrqqrfq .n u\eotl

r|;t:qa{|: Sasa'ten"r{ItT{ ilqQtl

Fqad qa< Erfq nN{AFT{

Qrq1qffqu{fr | qt( rrsRrr lqtwmq riai qi qffi EsT"fitrr.dir rntq r

at: flFrqqFatfil m*<tq rrcnqa: nsltl
of the king mental agony and distress -effects .59-71. Displeasure to wife and children, will be the in tFe Antardasa of Venusif he be in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th from the lord of the Dasa (the Sun). The effects of the Antardasa would be moderateat its commencement, good during the middle portion and evil effects like disrepute,lossof position,inimical r6lations with kinsmen and losi of comforti. will be derived at the end. If Venusbe the lord of the 7th (and 2nd) there will be p?ins in.the body and possibility of suffering from diseases. There will be premature death if Venusbe as-sociated with the lord of the 6th or 8th. The remedial measuresfor obtainine relief from the evil effects are Mrityunjaya Japa, Rudra Japa] and giving in charity a tawny cow or female bu-ffalo.

qriA u-Tilt g it <:qFeqcqrg{t

qrsq' eqlqqq ueltl

qeT q;il?if{{Tf$F[Tsltt{: il{I tl

Chapter 53

Effects of the Antarda$asin the Dasa of the Moon

Effects of the Antardasaof the Moon in the Dasa of the Moon

qqlai rseiat wi fa*qr arwlsfq anr wnqwqilErErtql qqrqqrssqdgrrq rtlrl tqnT{rqqf{nw yurqar}mrkfirirq r <tcrrar$fr cFRJG?i lulfa, qera6r urri q;i qui $ Tff tqrqni qqqq{ uRln
1-2$. Acquisition of horses, elephanrs and clothes, devotionto deitiesand preceptor, recitation of religioussongs in praiseof God, acquisitionof a kingdom (attainmentof a high position in government), extremehappiness and enjoymentand nameand fame will be the beneflcial results in the Antardasa of the Moon in her own Dasa, if shebe posited in her sigh of exaltation, her own sign, in a kendra or trikona or bc issociatedwith the r..,rd of the 9th or the loth.

qTqcesxmT wA *i cr fqeqqcairrlu ais,il EFrdil{T: lq6pqfieirfc{qrfq il | Tr?drql Tlqfrf}af+tq5( ilYtl tqltwl nalg:<i f{qs ffEr;rmil{ |

fa*aqant t6crcv'


ai qi qfEqT Eqra(Erq{rrariR fea} rrqrr

3-6.'Lossof wealth, loss of position, l-ethargy, agony, antagonism towardsthe king and minisiers,distress to mother,



Brihat Parasara Hora Sasta

imprisonment and loss of kinsmen, will be the evil effectsin her Antardasa,if the Moon be in her sign of debilitation, be associated with malefics or be in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th. If the Moon be the lord of the 2nd or 7th, or be associated with the lord of the 8th or tne l2th, therewill be pains in the body and dangerof prematuredeath. The remedial measures are giving in ctrarity of a tawny coloured cow or femalebuffalo. Effectsof the Antardasaof Mars in the Dasa of the Moon

qqrzmafe rr}t irrnli+irfa+lqrit r g}nrri TrstTrrTrqq(aTqwt{qq{ uetl qcTrq rrqf?iffarg rfieafa q inq: r .qqqlt qA rriq ttctr nqeiafrlfava cdet* {iq}GdTq}i {aiat ner rre}rr
7-8!. Advancement of fortune, recognition by government, gain cf clothes and ornaments, success in all efforts,increase in agriculturai production and prosperity at home, profits in bussiness, will be the favourable effects of the Antardasa of Mals in the Dasa o[ the Moon, if Mars be in a kendradr trikona. Great happinessand enjoyrnentof comfortswill be derived if Mars be in his sign of exaltation or in his cwn sign.



qtcqqesq qr qfq trQ.rl

arinr<wrreqfi l6aafa6fara
'{r.qEiT fifl}


fRuaq r

Es{QTt ilqI Hfa: 111o11 fqr:arrrrqqq il11t1

fafti u^rar* E qrli rreilfuql qET I a-'olqqfi$<r.i {t6rqqrs{;i atq rrlirr

9-12. Distress to body, Iosses at home and in agricultural production,ic"rsses in business dealings,antagonisln, or adverse (employeesl relation;rvjthservants and the king (government),

Chapter 53


separation from kinsmenand hot temperament,will be the evil in the Antardasaof Mars, if he be positedin the 6th, the efrects Sth or the l2th from the associated with or aspected by malefics in the 6th, the Sth or the l2th from the Iord of the Dasa(the Moon). Efrectsof the Antardasaof Rahuin the Dasa of the Moon

iTraqr;iTfe ilEl vrarc*afkqlqil r sTrd F{FqSd iid {Iafrer c{TTql il1ltl

qlrrQnqrfftqq s$qrcdtsftcn{ | ffTI{TTi feaqfaqfq6rfa*alaarn| | 1v ||

13-14.There will be sorne auspicious results at the Jommencement of the Antardasaof Rahu in the Dasaof the Moon but later therewill be dangerfrom the king (government), tirieves and snakes, distress to cattle,lossof kinsmen and friends, loss of reputationand mental agony, if Rahu be positedin a kendraor trikona.



qlrrfir{6'ra;ei qfrqi qtt qqkisqqcrqq: I it'ti Enilrgq(Fnrt{E ricantqt{ffesE ulqtl

rtraqE}sfq Enr q?imrqieiffffAtrq rr1tr r

l5-16.'Success in all vent lres, gain of conveyances, garments etc.,from the king (government) etc.,in the South-West direction, will.bederivedif Rahu in his Antardasabe aspected by benefics, be in the 3rd, the 6th, the l0th, rhe llth or be rssociated with a Yogakarakaplanet.

atnner (;E[F* eq* in qa(."fqil t Tarrdsi{it ra\td galtnl q6{rrq{ trlull

anqtsr*qfqqiqr rafaqwr$ aqlqq{ |

1ftan{iftrulqqtfrvq}rrfqryfisaq ulqn
. 17-18.Loss of position,. mental agony, distress to rivife and children, dangerof diseases, danger from the king


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra.

(government), scorpionsand snakes etc., will bappen if Rahu be weak and be in the 8th or the t2th from the lord of the Dasa( the Moon).

EtfurnhE*Q <r gftaEt clrttisfq qr r

q a i l l a tl
I qfqr:qfld nQo11

fitfrqs^qrTfwt* ?qarur

nfrqqftEnr{ aalrTai


tqrqta r ?qnlrri qqpe 1?ltl

. Pilgrimage to holy places, visits to sacred shrines, ^19-21 beneficience, inclinationtowardscharitabledeedsetc.,will be the results, if Rahubein kendra,trikona,3rd or llth from the lord of the Dasa (the Moon). There will be body troubles(physical affiictions),if Rahu be in the 2nd or 7t| Rahu Japa and givinga goat i. Jltarity, are the remedial measures'for obtaining relief rrom the evil effects in the Antardasaof Rahu. Effectsof the Antsrdasaof Jupiter in the Dass of the Moon

Trilrr{ ttti XfqqqafqqGeaquRvtl ' q6rtrqsil+{ siwfqfq: {uta6r utyu}tl

wksilei ,Etr{u?Etl rqfqrqf{d iln {ftrr{firqtfqr Te Frerfr:t,era5,(|

ffEFqraft dti arqrs;afarluri r t'{A arqi Fqhi <|Eqi?l* cEtdqq: rRRrr <rq$fd?iimq: r

. .22-24+.Acquisitionof a kingdom (attainment of a high losition in government),auspicious celebrations at home, gains rf clothesand ornaments,recognition from the king (government) rcneficience of the Ishta lord ({sa iset), gainsof wealth, land. ronveyances, success in all ventures by the beneficience of the .ing (government) witl be the beneficial effects in the Antardasa ,f Jupiter in the Dasa of the Moon . !f Jupiter be positedin

Clupter 53


kendra or trikona to th Ascendant,be in his own sign or in his slgn of exaltation.


*n fri {rmgfr qf< rrRrrr

lgarfaanr<q 1
qr{ illqrl
ilE-dtrTc{tlraq I

nqltqd lni w6go1 lqrffieanna

<tftmta*qi qr gftwninqisfq qr ltRetl qlcd 6tfa q r frvrncq<qnilfefid

qmfegqrqfi1 qtriqqrsq{ 1Rtrtl &{ qf, {t-fcEtrR-qrcqrit-wrtrsqq: ttRcltt

25-28+.Destruction of preceptor (and father etc.) and children, lossof position, mental agony, quarrels, destruction of house, conveyances and agricultural land, will be the evil effectsin his Antardasa,if Jupiter be in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th, combust, in his sign of debilitation or be associated with malefics. Gains of cattle, grains,clothes and happiness from brothers, acquisition of property, valour, patience, oblations,celebrationsJikemarriage etc., gain of a kingdom (attainmentof a high position in government)etc., will be the favourableeffects, if Jupiter be in 3rd or llth frdm the lord of the Dasa(theMoon).


zqi fl

rilqfqil uRQ,tl

t.nft, gf,tmrd ? fqayrrrqd iln I {Aem{ qdHulotl nliqrEl {ilq{ ffi lralas^aqtr q gqq{'firrafa r
aelqqfu sqofilnGfr qia r iqrqqlaa{n frfi {6qi{qrrt,rr' ulltl

29-31. Effectslike unpalatable food, journeys to places away from the homeland,-will be derived,if Jupiter be weak and be in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th from the Moon. There will be good effects at the @mmencement of the Antardasa and distress at its end. There will be


Brihat P.arasara Hora Sastrc

prematurc death if Jupiter be the lord of 2nd or ?th from the Ascendant. Remedialmeasures for obtainingrelief from the aboveevil effects are recitationof Shiva Sahasranam Japa (fua iI(Fa ;ilrT wr) and giving gold iu charity. Effectsof the Antordasaof Satur4 in the Dasa of the Moon

waqTq{ie Tr;e

qrili+aftrfi}sri r

TsQie eeint ia
$rl{teqe ilsfc lafwalriqsqffl'


qgtni$ uQlrl

qni ?il acigil r

qIFc$RrqFIrTIq llllll

errET{rrrrT?qilfuqri Tt *arfe1ke1 r gaafr$T{ir 6F.rTui {rcrTtilEirlErrr illvtl

32-34.Etrects like birth of a son, friendship, gain of wealth and property,profits in businr," with the help of Sudras, increase in agricultural producti,l, gainsfrom son, richesand by the beneficience o{ the king (government), will be .glory 'experienced in the Antardasa of Saturn in the Dasa of the Moon, if Saturnbe in kendra or trikona from the Ascendant, or be in his own sign, in his own Navamsain his sign of exaltation,aspected by or associated with benefics,or be in the l lth with strength.

ffe ali qr qatsfq qr I a{Tftqrd $qf,tt rqri *q g a{itq ni{rr 3{t{',.Taarscs {tTafrsT qfqaqfd ilt{;tl
35-35j. Effects like visits to holy places, bathing in holy riversetc.,creationof troublesby many peopleand distress from enemies, will be derived in the Antardasa if Saturnbe of Saturn lh the 6th, the 8th, the l2th or the 2nd or be in his signof debilitation.


aninre*;rqrftRt fksl'n qeisfc ErT nlqtl qqfqruJcduaTfia{iT errTafE{}u5qI fefaqu^cq;q$ ?6arw qfqcqffr ui\stl

Chapter 53


qiq=qEcc a*eqft6nr{ q\r D6!ri rrt qttfr Ear{niEn}qrnHil nlqrl

36-38. Effectslike enjoyments, and gainsof wealth some timeswhile opposition or quarrelswith wife and children at other times,will be realiscd,if Satuln be in kendra or trikona from the lord of the Dasa (the Moon) or be eudowed r.r:i., strength. If Saturn be irr 2nd, the 7th or the gilr, there viill bc physicaldistress. The remedialmeasures to :e adoptedfor obtaining relief from the evil effects,are Mrityunjaya Japa, giving in u "fr"iiif black cow or female buffallo. Efrectsof the Antardasaof Mercury in the Dasa of the Mson

q-rFqrili* Rhi *,'asmfanlqt r ?qei frqi{r* fihA g$ ar aa*X} rtlQ.n. uincl {rqqttlsrr.arfaqrq5,ar fffiateq{rtH arasfe: rya,r aragfA: rrrarrr? gcrTqQT llvolp

TraTngrfEfi: F{ils} qrfqsqra{6nq?.a I arsadt{anrflqg.r{-f,TTtTE ilYltl


39'41.Effects rike acquisition of wealth,recognition by the king (government), gain oi clothes etc., discussions on Shastras(religious scriptures),gain of knowledgefrom society with learnedand hory peopre,enjoyments, birth of chidren,satis'acquisition profits in uuiiness, ction, of .onu.yu,i., ornaments etc., will be experienced "na i' the Antardasa of Mercury in the Dasa of the Mo'n, if Mercury be in kendraor trikont, in his own sign,in bis own Navamsa, in his sign or exaiiat,,., cndowedwith strength.


anu{vtffi${ trv111 fqEvqaqrrFrq: r ?rrffTr.Rqqd{ $-dlqfqrarFnfn lvlrr qnlrqnlfilatei q Rlqqnifu {'qt irvn+rr

ftrcql qnfur ? qqffin<ria

il ari il qaisfq qr r


Brilnt ParasaraHora Sastra

42-43t. Effects like marriage,oblations (qn), charities, 'of performance religious rites, close relations with the king (government), social contacts with men of learning,acquisition clothes,orttirments' of pearls,corals,Mani (ewels),conveyances, of fioma rasa drinking enjoyments, good health, affections, (Frlr rc) and other tasty syrups etc', will be derivedin the Antardasaof Mercury, if he be in kendra or trikoti;', the llth or the 2nd from the lord of the Dasa (the Moon).

erin@ar* ptr eai Tr ffisfq .n llvvll a$qfr t{qm il oftfiqfqillt?s{ | ERgarFdtffi{ llvtll w<rFEfutq fr*uru^rntt g cefiet qq$q t sFmri sgda F{qrfir{ad qtE ttYqtl
4+46. Pains in the body, loss in agricultural ventureg imprisonmen! distress to wife and children, will be the inauspicious effects, if Mercury be in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th irom the lord of the Dasa (the Moon) or be in his signof debilitation.If Mercury be the lord of the 2nd or 7th, therewill be fear of fever. to be adoptedfor obtaining relief The remedial measures Nam and are recitation of Vishnu Sahasra from the evil effects, giving a goat in charity. Effectsof the Antardaseof Ketu in the Dasa of the Moon




q?Fnri qE6qc{ llY\ell gtiwt ffii$t qaqrrfidcd q fqfqtti n'tfa q t 1ltqtd arErfa: rqr.qcqi qcfiqqq llYcll
47'48. Effectslike gain of wealth, enjoyment' happines to wife and children, ,.ligiout inclination etc', will arise in the Antardasa of Ketu in the t)asa of the Moon, if Ketu be in a kendra, trikona or the 3rd from the Ascendant and be ;i:a endowed rvith strength. There will tre somp loss of wr

Chapter 53


al the commencernent of the Antardase. Later all will be weli.

qiTd'qil qvnEl *{fEisi{ rqrq.erar s{Iffl g g EAI( at( tqi fTfql qitrfrfq llYqlg

Erivnr*rrerri arr fils'hi

rfuFQcqrfeqt{ a n*ea;i qFfn?Tqq ilveirr

49-49tr;Gain of u'ealth, cattle etc., will be the -,ieers if Ketu be in kendra,gth, 5th or I lth from the loir! of the Dasa (the Moon) and be equippedwith strength.There will be loss of wgalthat the end of thc AntarCasa.

u{orl Toi eti{rrr?ETR:$t mniffi: rnEs?Tfiifi-rTt] {q{ | Tqil, Fa-frau-anflrei rrntrd qE$Tq{u{ttl


Tqwwqarq Frft

sris?qirErrrq r
s*rinr: ..tRtl

Vnf;cqqrcqlfil {rgrrq

50-52. There will be obstacles in ventures due to interference by erremies and quarrels,if Ketri be in the gttr or itre l2th from the lord of the Dasa (the Moou) or be aspected by or'associated with malefics. If Ketu be in the 2nd or ?tn tu"." will be dangerof afriction of the body with diseases. Mrityunjaya Japa will give reriefin alr the evil effectsand will ensure gairrof wearthand property with the beneficience of lord Shiva. Effects of the Antardasaof Venusin the Daqeof the Moon

q;arqr,il{} *raqrqfan}qt {* Fqttn eearai qrfq qreqFrTqfiq)fil qntltl qTgrFer(qqurq u6a-cm+;t I


Tqrqrqilrfil.{dnq il{Ytl

aa-rFrqfiqtut fH fqGorfl*qq I q|r'qqEqqrFqrf{(gqraTn}rTsrqEq 1t1l

Effectslike acquisitionof a kingdom (attainmentof a high position in governnent), gain of clothes, ornanents, cattle,


Brihat ParasaraEora Sastra

to wife and children, construction etc.,happiness oonveyances elery day; of a new house, availability of sweet preparations health' wcmen, sound beautiful with affairs perfumes, of use Dasa Venus iir the of Antardasa in the experienced be will tc., th" the llth, trikona, a kendra, be in Venus if Moon, of the exalin his sign of be or Ascendant, the from 9th 4th or the tation or in his own sign.

c{nfirtq rdgrt Qelwi trtq.qq t i l l q rl w+ifiquwa*Sa1qtiafa1faa{

of 55. Physical soundness,good reputation, acquisition of the lord will result,if Vertrrsbp with more land and houses, the Dasa (the l'Ioon).

qfaraFrEllttsll $raTqr: gakarfennd Tqralqalt 1qq}tlF(tteltl igoqrr,f,tqQrfa,

57-57t, There will be lossof landed property, children' if Venus be in wife and cattle and oppositionfrom government, by or associated his signof debilitation,combustor be aspected with malefics.



n:* qnrqgtfwiI

EA?qnqqe t , E r.i* e*aiXt utqrl I w6euiei T iTr{' gar$r{rt faltmt{

rrrfqqra: 6<tqel utQ.ll rTtrqilqr&itFe qqrqI I qTlrqs{n?t tafqG: ?<crqurqfqnqq gnf<gralqsq llloll'

58-60- If Venus be in the 2nd in his sign of exaltation or in his own sign or be associatedtherewith the lord of the l lth, there will be acquisition of an underground hidden treasure,gain of land, enjoyment,birth of a sonetc' Advance' ment of good fortune, fulfilment of ambitions with the and devotionto deities of thc king (government), Beneficience Brahmins,gain of jewelslike pearlsetc., will result if Venusbe in conjunctionwith the lord of the 9th or llth.

Chaper 53


arirnrqrqt q* fanlri tr;rtsfq nt I qt*afr1Efir fTn6{Tq}{gqE{ uilrr

61. Acquisition of property and agricultural land, gain of wealth and enjoym.nt *itt be the good effects if Venusbe in kendra or trikona from the lord of the Dasa (the Moon).



lliltt 62. Deportation to foreign lands, sorrows, death and danger from thieves and snakes will be the results, if Venus be in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th from the lord of the Dasa (the Moon).

fqi{rqrq:r;rfr Sqaluft frsi q

?Tl qIRfET I

siili Tti iqd


$TeFr I

Trq(q lwer

ar-sFi q sr{ri( ilqltl qul;Ef;mn?itiqd{rq: I ilsa fiqt fqqr(qn ilqYtt

63-64. There will be danger of premature death, if Vernrg bc the lord of the 2nd or Zth. The remedial measures to be addpted for obtaining relief from the evil effects,are Rudra Japa and giving in chirity a white cow and silver. Efiects of the Anterdasaof the Sun in the Dasa of the Moon


rTtal Fq'lEd


famlsim* {r qi .n qlE{riri uQllr

radaiSt I

srrETrsErtrqxrfr(|T |6FqruHilqa{ | t fqmrqc(raq nqqlqrEqrq$l ilgQrr


crcft: fieTa*E{ r

[{@rt Q

qflqaqfr ltqutt errf,Tztaa1-4q1E1

65-67. Recovery of the lost kingdonr (hign positionin government) and wealth, happiness in the family, acquisition




Erihat ParasaraHora &stra

of the friends and of villagei and land with the kind assistance birth of a son, beneficence the king (government), of Goddess Lakshmi, will be the beneficial results in the Antardasa of the Sun in the Dasa of the Moon, if the Sun be in his sign of in his own sign, in kendra or the sth, the 9th, the exaltation, llth, the 2nd or the 3rd. At the end of the Antardasa,thereis likelihood of attacksof fever and lethargy.

q;H{ri Eqn il lrTd{e r cqT*rlrfgrqrl: || qq|| 1ralnQt'tftra R?wqqi ilfr fiqe t {nq: t fa@c"ri q aqqfrcl qf{6qfir uQerr iliqqRr<rcff f{rq15i ir ffqiq r ittt: {||rarrqrcq}ft {rq{Fq rtrF[r: ueorl {ri{rnfq
68-70.Dangerfrom the government, thieves and snakes, affiictionwith fever and troubles in foreignjourneyare the likely results if the Sun be in the 8th or the 12th from the lord of the Dasa. If the Sun be the lord of 2nd or the 7th, there will be from fever in his Antardasa. sufferings Worshipof Lord Shivais the remedial measure to obtain rclieffrom the aboveevil effects.

gtE fiEilE{fiitl{TttrfiFfTstll4: ||{Yll




ehrpter 54

Effects of Antardasasin the

Dasaof Mars
Effects of the Antardasaof Mars in the Dasa of Mars

gq eara,ii &c.!. armt..rAtlqri r qr* qr qti1tfr gf{q{n utiXt rr1rr

nrqfqEq itqt


{tailsqr6*qq{ r q arg<taqttilTqza ri I i t,q,_"':

gataaftwalel {t

*ertrrgeq rrrlrr

l -2'1-. Effectslike gainsor wealth by the beneficence of the king (government), beneficenceof Goddess Lakshmi, in high position) and recoveryof lost kingdorn (reinstatement weelth,birth of a son, will arisein the Antardasa of Mars irr his dwn Dasa, if he be in ken<ira, the 5th, the 9th, the l lth. the 3rcl or the 2nd or be associited with the lord of the .{scendant.

*elri il rqeit qlt Tqt* qr aaiX* rrlrr 'rqrtarfWan fiel6eafamqrq I

rrrffiTlrt;r riqfqa: trlqr uvtl
. 3-4. Fuifilment of ambitions by the beneficenceof the ki'':i (gsyslnment) and acquisition of a house, land, cow, truji;lo etc., will be the effects if Mars be in his sign of exaltation, in his own sign or in his own Navamsa,and be endowedwith strength.

qrqrldqdg} 1 srqrsEeqar4 qll {arye^rtdrrm 6qrfqT* wnqwm iltrl



Brihat Parosara Hora Sastra, qilrFqq{rHq:

il{+tl 5-5+. Urinary troubles, wounds, danger from snakes and the king (government)will be the results, if Mars be in the 8th or the l2th or be associated with or aspectedby malefics.

Frdtd qffirt

qiqsr{ ia qea) qi1

aHqr{ q rrda r srqqrEq gvelufa1nirrrgrr

q-lq: {rg{q ${TiiRf: I

{ Qwreu' $ilaarryp1q11

srrtri giEi aerr r{wqfaErr+,{ ncrr

6-8. There will be mental agonyand body pains if Mars be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th. Lord Shiva will give relief by restoring health and providing gains of wealrh and happiness, the person ,if concernedperforms Rudra Japa and givcs a red coloured bull in charity. Effects of the Antardasaof Rahu in the Drsa of Mars

SiwramfRqI61 rqH lafarM r vr*qq* {tqE ra *;Enrnqfha\qi rrqrr




TBrTfsrrr{arqT( |

qlvaTailtq: Tltt*eqrulffiaTfrroq nlo tr trSI$IFrsFTTerifid fqi{rq{rf dcrT io}tl

9-10+. Effects like recognitionfrom government,gain of house,land etc., happinessfrom son, extraordinary profits in business,bathing in holy rivers like Ganges and foreign jouri:eys,will be the auspicious effects in the Antardasaof Rahu in the Dasa,ofMars, if Rahu be in his moolatrikona, in his sign of exal{ation, in kendra, the llth, the 5th or the 9th from the Ascendant and be associated with benefics.

ilcTrsErqara {rd
qtTE{uT*fa{q ilafqileqlSFil:

qrcRisq aftn il t t rr
qlcqlc*q?Tl{Iiq I



Chapter 54


ffiqrd tr{ilTq I tTcaqeqr*i {rsfq g{$tqd IrEtrlttl an1qi sglma kmgw$qaq I {q=qqin{ Safatgntlrqq;u* ulvn



1l-14. Danger from snakes, wounds, destruction of I cattle,dangerfrom animals,diseases due to imbalance of bile and wind, imprisonment, etc., will be the results if Rahu be in the Sth or the l2th from the Ascendant or be aspected by or associatedwith malefics. There u,ill be loss of wealth if Rahu be in the 2nd and great danger of premature death if he be in the 7th. .The remedialmeasure to be adopiedto obtain relieffrom the aboveevil effectsare Naga Puja, offering foo,l to Brahmins and Mrityunjaya Japa. They will help in the prolon;: tron cf Iongevity. Effects of the Antardasaof Juplt:r in the Dasa of i,Iars

Erqr;a{i dti flaq}i laqli fr'aiistq tt I il* er arilfi.qgi{i sqt{isfq qr ulill qffi"tdt <twerqr{ HEat;qFq 1|AW r r| 1q|| TE m'6qlqrwqfflafrgafaarqq(
15-16-Effectslike good re;rtation and renown, honours by government,' increase in wealth and grains, happiness at hom, gain of property, happitress from wife and chiltlrenets., will be realised in the Antardasa of Jupiterin the Dasaof Mars, if Jupiter be in the 9th, the 5th, kendra, the llth or the 2nd from the Ascendant, or be in his exalted or own Navamsa.

qrimi+;arr&RE fa6li


enqtsfqsr r aqafwi$ il1sil qrqq{il r {qi{i {'Fqturgsqq: il1qtl TA


Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra

| I1 ql l rms|tFEitfi{rq: eqr(eqqilfiffiilfur{ <rq{rflffiriqqq lllelll st{gadui q

ll-lgt. Acquisition of a house, land, well being, gain lf property, sound health, good reputation, gains of cattle, to wife and children, reverence happiness in business, ruccess iom government, gaiil of wealth etc., will be beneficial :ffects, if Jupiter be in kendra, trikona or the llth from the with the lord of the ord of the Dasa (Mars), or be associated or being a benefic )th, the l0th, the 4th or the Ascendant rlavamsa etc.




q6srsEaqqa dta: * i

qrrdrri qft ttRott

Eci er g,ie qf( t

iaqrfl tilFillt:

nRln fqaqlqrksuqqq
q}e{rqi faamaq t

Gdtaqaar\ g gqtqar<rfarl tt qqdttRRll ilAqqFrqr<t{ f{tqmqm;

20-22. Danger from thieves, snakes, wrath of the king 'government), by goblins(fr6)' loss biliousdiseases,oppression if Jupiter be in the rf servants and co-forns, will be evil effects, 5th, the 8th or the l2th, or be in his sign of debilitation,be msociatedwith or aspected by rialefics or be otherwise weak' Ihere will be sufferingfrom fever or danger of prenraturedeath if Jupiter be the lord of the 2nd. The remedial measure to be adopted to combat the rbove evil effects is recitation of Shiva Sahasranam (frtl e6e nw) Effectsof the Antardasaof Saturn in the Dasa of Mars

givqr.aie q?e rqd hafamlqt t {cfafttsr*i ar ggi{i Tqi{riafanRltl . Frr;nfrrcfr{r flfq qqfi;a{Rsfuilt
<tvqt}@i nvr}1fa: rqfli En?qqfqgE ttRYtt



gaqfaffir$il TI fiaaitq: r F?T?rR(Nrirrqtd rqqrt galfETE ilR{tl

23-25. Effectslike recognitionfrom the king (government) increase in reputation, gain of wealth and graini, happiness from children and grand 'children, increasein the numberof cows etc., will be experincedin the Antardasa of Saturn in the Dasa of Mars, if Saturn be in kendra, trikona, in his moolatrikona, in exalted or own Navamsaor be associated with the lord of the Ascendant or benefics. Resultswill generally fructify on Saturdaysin the month of Saturn.

qlqrfEq,iai ri=oerictqri





ilxnsEeEqr(If{ri I tl;GrcrnfEimaq uRqtl

waarnqq n1t,+tl

26-26rr.Dangerfrom Yavana kings (foreign dignitaries), loss of wealth, imprisonment, possibility of affiiction with diseases, lossin agriculturalproduction, will result,if Saturhbe in his sign of debilitationor in an enemy sign or be in the gth or the l2th.




qGqq{ ||Rell <tqaql rrilaqql 1

qMqTqfrsr q ster<fqaT{Kq nRqtl rqdq, srnivq *n-6rfrrq silqe I

qtfrft: srfr'TrnrcT

niul !a'ErefE{t-sr{
{IErsc} qE(qq{ nRe.Btl

27-29t. Effects like great danger,loss of life, wrath of king (government),mental agony, dangerfrom thieves and fire, punishment by the king (government),loss of co-borns, dissensions amongst members of the family, loss of cattle, fear of death,distress to wifCand children, imprisonment etc., will be felt, if Saturnbe the lord of the 2nd or 7th and be associated with malefics.


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra



ET fafi]qi


fqewqr{ 6T${e Ba+lfrfqfqer iltT I fqrd agwtafaQ{rfi: niltl fqqqq:eiaqrfriv eqrrufnl qalaqqrr tui qttqqs*e rtam;s6*U(rrqq pllrl
i0-32. There will be journcy to foreign lands. loss o.o repuIiltioir, violentactions, lossfrom sale of agriculturnl lands, Ioss of^ position, agony, defeat in battle, urinary troubles etc" iisrturn be i'kerrdra, the llth or the 5th frorr trrelor<iof tlie Drsa (Mars). -r*otes : Normally a good position of Antarclasa lord with ret-erence to the Dasa lord brings about ver1, ausp'icious results but in the case of Saturnin the Dasaof Mars; tltr.'efiects lvill be very inauspicious parasara. accorcling to sage Tiris importantfact is rvorthnotingby the readers.

ettwnq r* Eil Eqa ET wil* r qwf r$T{a} iiti y<)aRrtsilr ulln qrafter ? qartaarfavrEvriwta rrlvrt aqlul|r6nrei g(qsqqqq a\r

ail: guqqrrilfil


STTTEA: il1{tr

33-35. Efl'ects like death, danger from the king (government) and thieves, pains, danger from the rheumatism, enenv and members of the family, will be experierrced if Saturn bc irr the 8th or the l2th from the lord of the Dasa and be associnted with rnalefics. Thcrewill be relieffrom the evil cffects by the bcnellcence of loid Shiva if Mrityunjaya Japa is performetl in the presclibed r11Anrler. Effectsof theAntardasa of N,Iercury in the Dasa of il{ars



erqt*iqFr+ltuTi r


ufltarqu{T: ulqtl



ffirrfwgw t|qmiqe

fqi?i fncat;arrlwrqr
it tll\ell


\e* fsflustqqilsq$Rqqr{ rr rrQ

36-371.Effects like associatiou n'ith pious and holy pcrsons, performancc of Ajapa Japa (rreqt qq), charities, '.rbservauce of religious rites, gain r:f reputation, inclination towards diplomacy, availability of srveetish preparations, rcquisitionof conveyances, clothesand cattle etc., confernment of authority in the king's retinue (attainrnentof positionof tuthority in government), succcssin agricultural projects, ctc., rvill be experienced in the Antardasa of Mercury in the Dasaof Mars, if Mercury be in kendra or trikona frorn the r\scendant,

ararg* atfq qrsatteaqqtsfq il tilqtl I Eld craTf{{q fiqc e;e{aTn;rq f,ti


F4rq{,5tnsdtaamal rr1t.rr

38-39.Diseases of heart,imprisonment, loss of kinsmen, distress to wife and children, destructionof wealthand cattle ctc., will result, if Mercury be in his sign of debilitation, combust. or be in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th (from the \sccndant).

ewrfirqa in+R vrqlflg{,arrq{ | qrrr*-rnraqq s ltvotl fe?nqq{ tq {Hart fqc}ucq fieT6: (qqtsfs uvoirl
' 40-40j. Therewill be journeys to lbrgien lands, increase irt the rtrmber of cnemies, a{iiiction rvith many kind of rtilmcnts, antagonism with the king (govemment), quarrels with kinsmenetc., if Mercury be associated rvith the lord of the I)astr(Mars).

Ettsir*';rfla*1t qr +s]=i {f;TTliirrrrtaIty I || sriqu{;rru{ed <tq{Fq;lq qI



errrrFq(Fqxqqq nvRtl

I p

Arihat parasara Hora Sastra

qf<eq*lrTf" qsgq{ | lasi4 est-fqqkfrqfl *a?n(rlrurrTlyltl .t q"tfefrq?i G Fn{t: terwqErrvl}rr

| 4143tr. Fulfilment of all ambitions,gain of wealth and recognitionby the king (government),acquisition of a lins, (attainment of a position high in government), gain of lgdom and ornaments, attachment to many kind of musical fhes [ruments, attainmentof the position of a commander of on Shastras hy, discussions (wrra-grrw-religious and puranas ipts),gain of riches to wife and children and beneficence GoddessLakshmi will be the very auspiciousresults if rcury be in kendra,trikona or in his sign of exaltationfrom lord of the Dasa (Mars).

rTrf "':{r1qlrE6{ 1y1l E$F',qqIFFFfEqit?r q:i*mal t i vtq : trvtl tr

U-45+. Effects like defamation, sinful thinking, harsh rh, dangerfrom the thieves,fire and the king (government), rrels without reason, fear of attacksby thieves and dacoits ing travels,will be derivedif Mercury be in the 6th, the gth, he l2th from Mars or be associated with malefics.


Ertvnrqraft:qt rri ?n tlltRt4t uvvtl tEIi rr;rqfq: flq1<1ferq TrElt I



g q?ila
fqq !



feaurt4l**Ua6qI mffioeqvn;rat ttv\err

46-47. There will be possibility of critical illnessin the ardasa of Mercury if he be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th. Remedialmeasures to obtain relief from these evil effects recitationof Vishnu Sahasranamand giving a horse in 'ity. cts of the Antardasaof Ketu in the Dasa of Mars

g,qrrrr;af* *a] faq),i *?aisfs sr r gf{q{n irrrri qtsfq {rr$A $ilHt uvqtl

Chapter 54


qgdqi uEfirFI: I rrqqr({nfanq gaflIqtE llYell flftqmi{ E{rrel g $rFrr$t:


qg[[IIa*qilTqTE llvettl

gain of 4849+. Beneficenceof the king (government)' Dasa the of wealth,Iittle gainsof land at the commencement authority of later, birth of a son' confernment and substantial resultsin the by gou.rn-ent, gain of cattle, etc', will be the Antirdusa of Ketu in the Dasa of Mars, if Ketu be in kendra, be trikona, the 3rd or the 1lth (from the Ascendant) or with or aspectedby benefics' associaied

qiqq|teli5nfr{: tqrqEi



an\1@"Q ac*:

qQi{qq lltlll

in reputation, beneficence 50-511.Birth of a son' increase from employees'attaingains of wealth Ldkshmi, of Goddess ment of the position of a commander of army, friendship officials)' with the king (cordial relationswith high government performance of oblations,gains of clothesand ornaments,etc' t"itt U" the.beneficialeffects, if Ketu be a yogakarakaand be endowedwith strength. Notes : Ketu assumes the role of a yogakarakaif he is associatedwith a yogakaraka planet (lord of a kendra and trikona).

Tqr-dfi{Ei qt'e

qrrrrqrrf<qqqq ll{1ill

Etimtqc6f(:w* sRQl $at}{r{q

$* En tTrftrtr il{Rrl s'}rEqlqrmsq{ t ut(ltl


aqrfu$f*qfa t
elr{uFqlfqcE{fq |1{Yll

from 52-54.Effects like quarrels, tooth trouble, distress wjfe to distress and thievesand tigefs, fever, dysentry, leprosy the the 6th, in be if Ketu and children,etc.,will be experienced in (Mars). be Ketu If 8th or the l2th from the lord of the Dasa


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

the 2nd or the ?th from the Ascendant there will be diseases, disgrace, agony and lossof wealth. Notes: No remedialmeasures have been prescribedhere. Perhapsrecitation of Vishnu Sahasranamand giving a goat in charity will give relief from the evil effecrs. Efrects of the Antardasaof Venusin the Dasa of Mars

TqlEi qr rqdi




?rTsfqq$rqTrrftrtsrrfl ltt{tl

qTGETFfTTilTTEIR}GTi TNrT{ETTGET$TGIqTq I qrrrfqta QlsffcI la<nrfeaeirqiltqtl

Blrts) qfaiq+i

$rrqfq{ci uiq rrrQ.}rr

55-56j. Effects like acquisitionof kingdom (artainment of a high positionin government),greatenjoymentand comfort of luxuries, gain of elephants,hn1sx5, clothes etc., will be derived in the Antardasaof rr.,is in the Dasa of Mars. if Venusbe in kendrato the Ac:crrtlant, be in his signof exaltation, or in his own sign or be the lord of the Ascenclant, the 5th or the 9th. If Venusbe relatedto the lord of the Ascendant, there will be happiness to wife and children, opulence and glory and increased good fortune.

arivnr*anlqpar qli qr qarisfq qr u{\etl ilifira fqqqTrq]fil taFrts qige{ | Tqq$r){? cffR}c{ uqlrrarfaqr$rter utqtl rTil{rcTqila;t qtqwrqfqflr$TEq I
$Trirr;e qflqp*Fil

goaf,friearrnarri gofuricurqnasrrt

rfta1;qrfeilrrrqr u{etl

m,qtfuqffifisfr r
qrtfqcqla llQoll

57-60.Gain of pioperty, celebrationson the birth of a lon, gain of wealthfrom the employer, acquisitionof a house, and.villagesetc. by the beneficence of the sovereign, will be :heresults if Venusbein the 5th, the 9th, the llth 1r the 2nd lrom the lord of the Dasa (Mars). In the last part of the Dasa

Chapter 54


there rvill be functionsof songsand dancesand bathingin holy waters. If Venus be connected with or related to the lord of the l0th, there witl be construction of wells,reservoirs etc., and performance of religious,charitableand pious deecls.

ed{rrc?aftEqF* q68 at qn{q* I stft g:qqT6Fri t6fret erqeIEH ilqttl qtqdtqTfqrfrfa-*q q I Tt 6n*s

?trgarRqlsi ir


6l-62. There will be sorrows, physical distress, lossof wealth, danger from thieves, and the king (government), dissensionsin the family, distressto wife and children and destruction of cattle, if Venus be in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th from the lord of the Dasa lMars) or be associatedwith malefics.

Fadtqqqani g t6arcn i{fq6qfdr q*ai {i qftrtft EsrErt(r<Fa1at ltqQtt

63. IfVenus be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th, therewill be pains in the body in his Antardasa. For regaining good health, the remedialmeasure to be edoptedis giving a cow or femalebuffalo in charity. Effects of the Antardasaof the Sun in the Dasa 0f Mars


qrfqsdfldgt rrqvrr a{sls?r}qr$i a"lfr gai{r{ q ftrefil r u{ur.qq{f{: fi( Te rn6qTqeqa: lt111l q{aq eiqnlai {rqqF.T qEqq{ |

gqqr?a{e W

Ts}* esdahai r


(t!Tq{rq{ ilqqtl

(4.6(r. Effects like acquisition of conveyances, gain of reputation,birth of a son, growth of wealth, amicable atmos- . phere in the family, sound health, potency, recognition bythe the hng (gov.:rnment);extraordinary profits in business and


Brihqt Paraiara Hora Sa,ctra

audience with tbe king (meeting' with high officials of in the Antardasa cif the etc., will be experienced government) Sun be in his sign of cxal:ation, if the Mars, of Dasa the Sun in trikona or the llth along with kendra, be in or sign in his own lth. the I lOth and the the lords of

ariqfiiqqf1Q ?r ?qi ql nligt r rtrtetlrt: wiUfa{AqrTrmi1qs11 Wcr f{r{dril qqrrFq{q'ertrsrqqqfq il riqeltl

to the body, agony' failure in ventures, Distress 67-671. possibilitiesof suffering from troubles in the forehead,fever, dysentryetc., will be the effects.if the Sun be in tire 6th, the 8th or the 12th from the lord i.r,the Dasa fMars) or be associated with malefics.

qilfrstrTri irq


s'ieqfqqT$q{ ttqctl {nfia gafwfrfu r

EFtc[Fqi{{ ilqr ilqQ.ll



68-69.There will be attacksof fever, dangerfrom snakes to son if the Sun be the lord of the aod poisionand distress 2nd or the 7th. The rrrmg6l.tme!:.ure to gain good health and wealth is , manner. to perform worship of the Sun in the prescribed Efrccts of the Lntardasaof the Moon in the Dasa of Mars

Sicrffrftrqa qri 6tfd

qlci rq*a*ri


t fqgcf rxati q;qq1@firerctfecq

rftgrrtri Xoaurtfedr6l tt\elll rsFt arqnRt@q t ftcrq\aeanrtfi't






t eaFutrgctfaq'q
FTiqqii wiq ttultt



Chapter 54

70-73.Acquisitionof more kingdom(promotion to a higl positionin government), gain of perfumes, clothes,construcof reservoirs, shelters for cowsetc., celebrationsof functionslike marriage etc., happinessto wife and "urpi;i; childrt good relations rvith parents,acquisition of property by t beneficence ofthi sovereign,successin the-drsir"a prol,_ will be the effects in the Antardasa of the [{oon in ttre ij. of Mars if the Moon be in her sign of exaltationor in ner o, sign. or be in kendra or be in the 9th, the 4th or the lOth or the Ascendant alongwiththe lords of those houses. The go effectswill be realisedin full if the Moon be waxing. Wini Moon will reducethe irnpactof the effects to someextent.

qut advrrfEqr:rr*'r *qrfcqsu'c* T<ct qnsdrori 6',c{ wfrfEnqxq ileYtl q{fl?qHuR*q qlqrfiqq*faTq r fkfrqqr;nQ q ile{tl rqTit*Fq6qfil *Ewrev' wlg:d Errt q*qlt1q a\ r {Aili Ti qQqT qqrEiilrMqqia ueqtl

74-76.The effects like death, distress to wife and childre lossoflands, wealthand cattle and dangerof a war etc., v be experie'ced,if the Moon be irr his sign of debilitation or his enemysignor be in the 6th, the gth or the l2th from t Ascendant of the lord of the Dasa (Mars). There will be pos bility of premature death, distress to the body and men agony,if the Moon be the lord of the 2nd or the ith" The remedial measuresto be adopted to obtain rel from the above evil effects, are recitation of mantras of t Coddess Durga and the GoddessLakshmi.

31eT 116;aqnqilsflrl: 1{{tt


Effects in the Antardasasof Rahu

of Rahu in the Dasa of Rahn Effects of the Antarrlasas

gft $a* t;aeai qlqisfq il r 1161 ErraqrEiqqqqlllll r.qglal ttqwxtd


rqrui qf{qi

qri EnTrTrHqqIqq( llRll (rQl qxqgRfa* t



ulrrnnt{Xt rtltt

<r-'qcr{ qffi

rrqffi qflqq{ | arqarftaai{lt ttYtl sqwqFc

of like acquisitionof a kingdom (attainment 1-4. Effects relations cordial government), enthusiasm, position in a high from wife and children with the king (government),happiness properi.1,, in will be derived in the Antardasaof and increase Rahu in the Dasa of h*hu, if Rahu be in Cancer,Scorpio, and be in the 3rd, qhe6th, the 10thor the Virgo or Sagittarius I lth from the Ascendant, or be associatedwith yogakaraka planet in his signof exaltation.

aqi qTil flqTqRsq fifR r dtqrReqfrsr s q{*d rrQ{ac ! ttttt \ pe-<'tSfeiIT{FIq (Iqartwteq I





inq: ttQrl

5-6. There will be danger from thieves, distressfrom' cf wounds,antagonismwith government officials, destructiot'i in the 8ih be Rahu kinsmen,distress to wife and children, if with malefics' or be associated or the 12th from the Ascendant



t Gftw;'awQ en tnawen{qT&ra t qEt rJd! q{rqsd mfin 3u?aarfaGr

BTTftrriseqeaie qfqcqf'? aEIfaq ! ttutt

7. If Rahu be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th or be in any and diseases' therewill be distress of thosehottses, evil effects Rahu should the above To otrtainrelief from (by recitationof his mantras) and by givirigin be worshipped charity thingsconneciedwith or ruled by Rahu' in of Rahu Effecis of the Antarilasaof Jupiter the Dasa

qritt+?Efamlsrit qF rrq}riarrt pq.tA sEciai srfq ggrEeil{risfqqI ttqtt fiq{!{I q{igq\ t 'xqdr$i qilsq tlelt r:qfifrnt qJd qa'tsdte {TqEde q'{n I fet fat lfa<fq femqm q{{fr fiuadqaq llloll ErEirfEu{' r{R

tse ti qRqn rrrn srqwi {tttEfqq t ll11ll qqanrdciffa: tarcqd Xatsafa at.iqrfqq{wqt flqqrl?ti sqsl{]



***r6roqqt{ tllRll fqc6r"aq\w{{ lllR+ll

destructio 8.12+. Effectslike gain of position, patience' (govern*:nt]l king the with relations cordi-al of foes,enjoyment, growth oi regularin"reus" in the wealth and propertylike the Paksha)'gair the Moon of the bright half of the month (Shukta king (higt of conveyanceand cows, audience with the W-:t^'-: the journey to go"*n-.nt officials) .by performing hometano to return ventures, iq the desired SoutirEast, success of a diong good for Brahmins,visit to troly places,gain 1lt18e childre wife' from devotionto deitiesand Brahmins.irappiness daily and grand children, availabilityoi sweetishpreparations o Dasa the in of Jupiter in the Antarclasa be Cerived, ir sign' own his "t".,-n"ill Rahu, if Jupiter be in his sign of exaltation,in


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

his own Navamsa or exalted Navamsa, or be in kendraor to the Ascendani. trikona wifh reference


qrsra$.i ETfq scsrceaqqq[f{|i rrllrr qrqqrt q{Frfq{fqsqfa {TGfqrct r qiarq qlqe t{fqail rrtUrwa lttvtl rfFcnratfteT ir A*.il umnilq nlY+tl

l3-141. Loss of.rrealth, obstaclesin work, defamation, 'children, heart disease,entrustmentof distressto wife and governmentai authority) etc., will resultif Jupiter be in his sign in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th from the of debilitation,cornbust, or in an enemysign or be associated Ascendant rvith malefics. Notes: With so manv cvil effects as a result of the position of Jupiter. it is difficult to believe inauspicious that a good effect like getting a position of authority is possitrle. somernistakein the originaltext. It appears Thereis perhaps that there will . be punishment by government in such c ircumstances.

qri{rrr*irnhi ETT FII$T sr uqtsfq ETT ulttl





q{ErA <rnl$Jqttq fafld *6{teaq r qrafqarfEftcqq aicaurgfqilnqq ulerl

15-17.Therewill be gains of land, good food, gainsof work, cattleetc., inclination towards charitable and religious if Jupiter be in kendra, the 1lth, the trikona, 2nd etc., (Rahu) from the lord of the Dasa or the 3rd and be endowed with strength.

<tiflftqro$ri " qr

fq:G il

qrqiqt I

qfqrqla trtqtl il<$a] ut{fa: Tqre6ctsr uTt gqq?$fstqft t fa'dtaqrrrt *qqirq rfaqtqr{ f,rrqqeiq i6r(A(ulQtl

Chooter 55


*mniirq nm?r q1qel

Gqlnq ! r



*nfta gntfiaaur: ulotl

18-20.Lossof wealth, aud distress to body will result if .Jupiterbe in the 6th. the 8th ..rrthe l2th from the lord of the Dasa (Rahu) or be associatedwith malefics. There will be dangerof premature death if Jupiter be the Ioid of the 2nd and the 7th. The person will get relief from the above evil effects .andenjoy good hua tir the, beneficence of the lord Shiva if he worshipsHis idol made of gold. Effects of the Antardasaof Saturn in the Dasa of Rahu



eqh* lafamlui qr gf{q{Aqrq{rffli uRltl a{trd} {{i: *qr (qftfadt {en I faarqlevamratfw Eeer loqrfq rrfcn: uRRtl sTrrrq{'(i tEd} asFf qr<fqsqfa r rftuadlQ: naqr!r{TrfEceeTr$ft nRitl
qfcqi rilTT C\TTilIATq(: I ?6wcri $'eileq?{ rsE{T qqtsqfttil?Ytl
\ 2l-24. Effects like pleasureof the ring for devotionin his scrvice,auspiciousfunctions like celebrationof marriage etc.,at home,construction of a garden, reservoiretc., gain of wealihand cattlefrom rvellto do personsbelonging to Sudra class, lossof wealth causedby the king (government olficials) duringjourneyto the West,reduction in income-due to lethargy, retur.n to homeland, will be derivedin the Antardasa of Saturn in the Dasaof Rahu, if Saturnbe in kendra,trikona in his sign bf exiiir.ation, in his orvn sign, in iris moolatrikona, the 3rd or . the I lth.

arar*;afat}fi r

q;l q;* qT eqqisfq EnI fiqdai q?<gafa{tclq ulttl a'lqrf(rrqt'tfa{q 3mqq tlqrrciTt,f arrrrEqafqq{| aqqrt q saq6{ff1Tqqr ariqrrqqrr



ParasaraHora Sastro

distress 25-2.6.Danger from menials, king and enemies, the with disputes to children, distress kinsmen, anll to wife but sudden with others, disputes in dealirigs co-parceners, gain of ornaments, will result if Saturn be in his sign of debilitation,enemy'ssign or be in the 8th, or the l2th from the Ascendant. gain of Note : It is not clear how there can be strdden placed' is badly when the Antardasalord ornaments

ariqntqGafqt TrlSsr iil qrmr{il | feqrc: waqtcaq ttRell 6alql qrqfftss

I srTqeqrTfEgs?Tql TFqsaqrfbqltqaE gqlqi stfr{rfE crRg:etquri rriq, ttle tt


qsutini qF$I asrqrffi*(

Qlqqiq$fhqfk t


27-29.There will be heart disease, defamation,quarrels, dangerfrom enemies, foreign journeys, affiiction with.[Gulma (enlargementof skin), unpalatable food and sorrowsetc., rf Saturnbe in the 6th, tire 8th or the l2th from the lord of the Dasa (Rahu).Prematuredeathis likely if Saiurn be iord of the 2nd or the 7th. Remedial measure to obtain relief from the aboveevrl effects and to regaingood health,is giving a black cow or shebuffaio in charity. Effects of the Antardasa of Me,rcrry in the Dasa of Rrhu

<r6lrarii ft.q rnri qrdisfq qr r g$ at };aqlfqrc.iXa ar Eqisfq erulotl (|cTqt{t sSaA 'TA $Fqrund;rt l

ericTFrfqslitlufqflr{q, II 1| |

faarqkvaaratfur qsqrcrf,tqf,IqTq ul*qqtt r6.deri ?q-drt TrqEfiq ullrl


sa'tdrd arfrvifvrqt
{q{t: llllll




i thc in being like Raja yoga' well effects 30-33. Auspicious wealth in business'comlbrtsor gain of and profits an-d amily, functions' increase marriageand other auspicious ,onuayon"rr, comfo-rtsof bed n the number of cattle, gain of perfumes' of Mercury rn ilornen,etc. will be derivid in the Antardasa of exaltation'in lhe Dasa of Rahu, if--M"r"u'y be in his sign strength' Good kendra or in the Stn anA be endowedwith king and gain-of results like Raja Vogu,-f"ntn"ence of the on wednesday wealth and reputation, *iff be realisedparticularly in the month of MercurY.



qt 3Rq{A qrq6{i

f{qref qae'tfrt

g6effa: gqrqu lllYll S3lqqqsnf{sq t q er{s{EqTR,6{ ttlttt

34.35.Soundhealth,IshtaSiddhi,attendingdiscourseon of oblations' ?uranas and ancient history, marriage, offering attitude towards charities,religiousinclination and sympathetic llth'the 3rd others, will result if Mercury be ln kendra' the (Rahu)' the 9th or the 10th from the lord of the Dasa

qanfq tT65r6eq6zri *En lifw* t qr1{n66R:'t il q?ti EtI qrq-ine lllqll qlq{rqfEsfqd: t tt tqqrElurfffil el t qiq8ila Bt fq{q1{Iftlqm=qq l |1 3N6'qRfFfFT?r lagaTfEql{taq I ?rqaTP{fuflq lllqll eniaqd rrqfrlq]
36-38.Therewillbeopprobrium(|fiEr)ofdeitiesand Brahminsby the native, lossof fortune, speakinglies' unwise quarrels' thievesand the governmentn actions, fear from snakes, to wife and children,etc., if Mercury be in the 6th' the distress by Saturn' 8th or the 12th, or be aspected


ErI grrriqqq

vtq ttlett




Brihat ParasaraHora Sastro

39. If Mercury be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th, there will be fear of prematuredeath. Remedial measureto obtain relief from the aboveevil effectsis recitationof VishnuSahasranam. Effects of tbe Anterdasaof Ketu in the Dasa of Rahu



qcqf rrqa} $Tqq I

qEgqlc*qTfi{! ttvo 11 q*eqqr t *6wrsq



qI$TE 6E


utrp1r:I {1116,* wiq ttvltt

40-41.During the Antardasa of . Ketu in the Dasa of Rahu, therewill be journeys to foreigncountries, danger from rheumaticfever etc., and lossof cattle. the king (government), If Ketu be in conjunction with thp lord of the 8th, therewill to the body and mentaltension. Enjoyment,gain of be distress wealth, recognition by the king (government),acquisitionof with or gold etc., will be the results if Ketu be associated by benefics. aspected

qr;nfrrEr1 qrq?A Esafqk: g<rrEqr I

i{r{Tfqqqrgi art} qr qqfa B?r{ llYRll irflEqrc*arqrq: eqr&;i Trq fanlqi tlYRltt
42-42t. There will be Isht Siddhi (coafqla) if Ketu be with relatedto the lord of the Ascendant.If he be associated the lord of the Ascendanttherewill definitelybe gain of wealth. in the number of cattle, There will also definitelybe increase if Ketu be in a kendra or trikona (from the Ascendant).

qisrerFr{a+al Eqi il qqqfq+ nYlrl qg{a} agr}r: qr=q:@caqt

frrarnilfEqlqqq qrEa*

Gatqscar* g ?6eiur agluffiqrcni ErTqr{ q

qalrw ilvYrl qfqsqft r

EFI({il uE{tl



43-45. Effects like danger from thieves, and snakes, distress from wounds, separation from parents, antagonistic relations with kinsmen,mental agony etc., will be derivedif Ketu be without strength in the 8th or the l2th from the Ascendant. If Ketu be lord of the 2nd or the Zth, therewill be distress to the body. The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is giving a goat in charity. Effectsof the Antardasaof Venusin the Dasa of Rahu

i{rft*;-cfa+M r qlTrsma{qrHt uyqtl ilr$i .Tt aeiql* ', fallmaamfraqTrQumfemrq'q {*

galeenf<uralul G E6tqtlrer$tr; ltyetl tirqri {Nr{rrqT{rrcqqrq} qsqq\ uye}u
46-47tr.Effectslike gains of wealth through Brahmins, increase in the numberof cattle, celebrationsfor the birth of a son, well being,recognitionfrom government, acquisition of a kingdom(attainment of a high poritiooin government), great enjoyment and co{brts etc,,will be experienced in the Antardasaof Venusin the Dasa of Rahu if Venusbe with strength in a kendra,trikona or the ltth from the Ascendant.


ffi EilFqqiil<rfw qTuyctl gHr{r seiarrsfc 1a{ pFaefui fairi fwsar;nrtcal r s'qagafqqq fqariq: gqtq{\ uyerr sr?Tilt' fqri fH EnErrrffEtiq: r qilflarc{req Ar$ns:q(Trla{[{otl qemrw?rnerf-{qri faarq}clfbqfi ua\ ||{ o+||
48-50+. Constructionof a new house,availabilityof sweer _ preparations, happiness from wife and children,association with lriends,givingof grainsetc.,in charity, beneficence of the king (government), gain of conveyances and clothes extraordinary profits in business, celebrationof upanayana(vwrut) ceremony of wearing the sacred threacl (wiu), etc.,will be the auspicious


Brihat Parosara Hora'Sosta

if Venusbe in his sign of exaltation,in his own sign' in results, his exaltedNavamsa,or in his own Navamsa.

qrareqaqi q* iri {qG feqt trutt qlqqrf$q r q;Er<qfqniqsil il{qqal

O*q{-q-6tfQ qf

fwgafq*quq ll{Rll
qi{tcf,q I


dqc$-dE{*q ?qrc}: Ter 1q5q lltlll q qr<lrnf{wqq: lltl+ll sqElafrq

quarrels, separationfrom 5l-53+. Therewill be diseases, with co'parceners' to kinsmen, disputes the son or father, distress to wife and unhappiness employer, or self to of death danger the 6th, the in be Venus if etc., pain stomach in the children, of debilit' sign his in be Ascendant, the 8th or the l2th from Mars or Satrun, with associated be ation or an enemy'ssign, or Rahu.



qr (qf'iqe 111Yll

danan6aur t iTIt En t{qlfirct c+d rrtttt gffrrsTaqrcqrfa nFFilsqq 1r fqqergsqF.qal IItt l I saqrq{rrtrttt:
gain 54-55;, Enjoymentsfrom perfumes,bed' musicetc" if results' the be will of a dlsired object, fuinf.tnt of desires, lOthfromthe Venusbein a kendra, trikona, the llth orthe lord of the Dasa (Rahu).


Eql ?n nlti1il ll{qll

farrQlwl<t Rqa5=o.rqq $q{

lltell lt6ralfurl <]q: SRear;d fqrqlaaql 1lqEuqa;tflrt: I 611rrl{qAwit qI ETl1alfEnt{Iat lltqll fadtaqaart srriqfrsT qri iq qqTqqd qtq I
guf-ae{tcti gqtq f,il: gclqqrlqlE ll{all



56-59. Effectslike danger from the wrath of Brahmins' snakesand the king (government),possibility of affiiction with .diseases of urine, diabetes,pollution of blood, like stoppage availability of only coarse food, nervous disorder, .anaemia, imprisonment, loss of wealth as a result of penalties or fines imposedby government, will be derived if Venusbe associated wiih maleficsin the 6th, the 8th or the 12th from the lord of the Dasa (Rahu). There will be distressto wife and children' danger of premature death to self if Venus be lord of the 2nd or the 7th. Remedialmeasuresto obtain relief from the above evil effects are worship of GoddessDurga and GoddessLakshmi' Effects of the Antardasa of the Sun in the Antardasa of Rahu

qq*at;ri t lt!,o{ krH crqi qrsfq ilSii TqidtistqiTT q$q I {rqfifktt nr{qeursE


Sd qH

u;tul;qRq-fiaqq ElFqTrtn qqqr{l llqlll q a6qcnsl qfM6 nql+ll Br6qqrdrfuq?d

60-61]'. Effects like cordial relations with the king (government), increasein wealth and grains, some popularity rispect, somepossibilityof becominghead of a village,etc', will in the Antardasaof the Sunin the Dasaof Rahu, be experienced in his own sign,the l lth' if the Sunbe in his signof exaltation, .a kendra or trikona (from the Ascendant)or be in his exalted or own Navamsa.

qi{ia firl'lfai llqRll wnaaQuigl* aeil | lrETIe;ztl cEsitfilfrirrqq?i

?ltfuqrqq}rrrq qqlsritFcxEli it
rtEil{EttrElxEtul{ | l q 1 | | gafiFrrTulrrrEq | | qr 1I ||

62-631.There will be good reputationand encouragement by government,journeys to foreign countries, assistance and of the country, gainsof elephants' the Sovereignty acquisitionof of ambitions,happiness fulfilment horses,clgthes,ornaments,

Brihat Parasara llora Sastrc 'aspected to childrenetc., if the Sun be associatedwith or by thc lords of the Ascendant, the 9th, or the lOth.



{r ftqisfq il ltqvtl

n,qql <teftwq:r qrq1fRq ya}dia{tcilc trq{tl

64-65. Fevers, dysentry, other diseases, quarrels, antagonismwith the king (government),travels, danger from foes fire etc., will be the resultsif the Sun be in his Sign of thieves, debilitationor be in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th from the lord of the Dasa (Rahu).

artvne*rqN qr efsss* anTisfc sr r

fsati TtctqEqri fi'Fqlli q qqrqE{ uqqll
66. Well being in every way anb recognition from the kings (high dignitaries) in foreign -.runtries, will be the results, if the Sun bein a kendra,tril...ina, the 3rd or the tlth from the Iord of the Dasa (Rahu).

fa-dtErilaqrt g qgr*Tr] rrfqaqfa I Eiwn{ lrrf:a q gdar<lrmrqilq uqetl

67. There will be danger of critical illnesyif Sun be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th. Worship of the Sun is the remedial measure recommended to obtain relief from the aboveevil effects. Effects of the Antardasaof the Mogn in the Dasa of Rahu


wi ead* rqhsisfq sr r
n fqad qqi$



urF[r$tEq I

Brrtrri qqoi
Td a;i


fraratXarrqa: uqQ.n,

ni{ p{ nETntFrT qflqQ{ |

ERCTEtTETqTrT: TiTtlTEqrarfe1fqqq l teoIr,



.68-70. Effectslike acquisition of kingdom (attainment of a high position in government), respect from the king (high ofrcials of government), gains of wealth, soundhealth, gains of garmentsand ornaments, happiness from children, comforts in house and landedpropertyetc., will ofconveyances, increase be derived,in the Antradasaof the Moon in the Dasa of Rahu, if the Moon be in his sign of exaltation,in his own sign, kendra, trikona or the llth, or in a friendly sign aspected by benefics.

Erlvnffiqqrrqr* q{fiTrffqfq: qiftlft-ffqsqr{


n ilwisfq


llsltl Te tnrqprfisqq:
TqrfiuriqqTatFl I Q6qaqrq?Tqrqt{ IrsRtt

of the Goddess l-akshmi, success all 7l-72. Beneficence in wealth and grains, good reputation,worship round, increase of deities,will be the lresults,if the Moon be in the 5th, the 9th, kendra or the llth from the lord of the Dasa (Rahu).


zqt fl

ilelr l

fr*r<qraarsniT"tffi imiq
qIfr q}rqd *q aqnfsrq

rtlEqq r

qeErruvrr frfru.aaaat*s3rqTigTaqr qlti fi qQqTamq farranMtat t irrTQsmEa: netu rir: dqtgrfrfr .

at home and 73-75.There will be creationof disturbances in the agricultural activities by evil spirits, leoparis and other wild animals,dangerfrom thievesduring journeysand stomach disordcrs,if the Moon be bereft of strength in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th from the lord of the Dasa (Rahu). There will be possibilityof premature deathif the Moon be the lord of the 2nd or the l2th. The remedial measure to obtain relief from the abovs evil effectsis to give in charity a white cow or femalebuffalo.

Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra cts of the Antardasaof Mars in the Dasa of Rahu

trrTTe.qlqfarlqir Si <rqluii ErT *?i qr qqtf$R rqlri Fqeiatsfq neqrl targ qei ileqtcrrrjrrltf afvfaqq trftrTr{qsrrrria tt\e\e tt $Eeqcweq
fqqr*anilr{idtcti rrqrrnrdrqqt{fid tt rrrge-}
76-77*. Effects like recovery of lost kingdom (reinstatet in a high position in government)and lost wealth, )erty at home and increase in agricultural procluction,gain ealth, blessingsby the household deity (qqaa), happiness I children,enjoyment of good food etc., will be derivedin {,ntardasa of Mars in the Dasa of Rahu if Mars be in the the 5th, the 9th or kendra from the Ascendant, be , ctedby henefics, or be in his sign of exaltation, or in his sign.

Ettvnt*lam'lt ar gfia*t cTqisfq Er usqtl T{irq?arfailq: Ftniltlnqi (tqadq I

ga{i{ t6'Fqrqi Fqg$il{q {Afiqq lleQ.ll


qelisrEl rilaqfqqFn: useltl

78-791.There will be acquisition of redcolouredgarments, re1,s, audience with the king (meetingswith high ofticials rvernment), well beingof children and employer, attainof position of a commander of the army, enthusiasmand of wealth throughkinsmen,if Mars be in kendra, the 5th th, the 3rd or the llth from the lord of the Dasa(Rahu).

afivnq;srR:d TTq6e ucolp gaat{lfeQfr{ir qlE<tqri q rtsaq r Tqrqti{il ||q 1rI E;u?TriqTTtAferlual

alsrQeurilfaw tae{q q

ttsrq r

silelcil{rq< *q qsfi;e r}carrlaq

Chapter 55

80-82. Distress to wife, children and co-borns, to position antagonisiicrelations with children, wife and , closerelations,danger from thieves, woundsand pain i body, etc., will result if Mars be in the 6th. the 8th or the from the lord of the Dasa (Rairu) aspected by malefics.

faf,taqaaA g
3{AS.E|I ? Tri

?qraed qq${q{.l
qsrilltrqqq?tGer} ile !il

83. There will be lethargy and dangerof death, if J be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th. Remedialmeasure to obtain relief 'from the above effects is giving a cow.or a bull in charity.

qq *qraiurrncfrg{rq:n{
Chapter 56


Effectsof theAntardasas of Jupiter

Efiects of the Antardssaof Jupiter in the Dase ef Jupiter


FilEri *qeiai fra qrar*;rf;nnl'qir q+rrrfffr{r} rr qr$f, qrtnfiua:u tl l

zrF?tEnffr\quTq 1


6ninrnd'{a{ nRtl


sTE{Fr\ il1tl

eqsqtfa?q arcXmfelrrxg,q ul lrr

l-33. Effects like sovereigntyover many kings, very well endowed with riches, reverred by the king, gains of cattle, clothes,ornaments, conveyances, construction of u na* frouia, and a decent mansion, opulence and glory, dawn of fortune, success in 'ventures,roeetings with Brahmins and the king, extraordinaryprofits from the employer and happiness to wiie and children, will be experienced i' the Antardasa of Jupiterin liis own.Dasa, if Jupiterbe in his signof exaltation, in his own sign,in kendraor trikona.fromthe Asceudant.

t'tqqrfvrrt qsatrEaqqqtfvti ttvtr t'taegl 1619:<i aannrfetq: r u-qAl ;r fmrileq T{st6.{qlqsE il{tl gaarfdara erqErr;qlaiErfi5( |I{+t I
4-5$. Association with the menials,great distress, slander by co-parceners, wrath of the employet, danger of prematu.:e death, separation from wife and childrenand lossof wealth an<! grains,will be the results,if Jupiter be in his signof debilitatiw,


679 in hi: Jsfililated Navamsa, or in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th from the Ascendant.




agl,rvt6ra,f fvravr6ard qta r q rfrErdgqfE Tefis*aeqant,,o,, aacTFrT

6-7. There will be pains in the body if Jupiter be tire lord of rhc 7th (or 2nd). The remedialmeasurb to obtain relief from the at_iove evil effects and to get furfirrnentof ambitions,is recitationof Rudra Japaand ShivaSahasranam. Effectsof the AntarAo.*oi Saturn in the Dasa of Jupiter

dtqe{;affr q,a T*E* rqqafqa$r crw1Tifi,;tfA*ur*tf Ffllr qr qcdqfri l q t l

trffi}cTi Eftn$rtqr{iqflq I



rdtqrq) Egq]qgilltetl

Et iffIIFE{rt{Atk +1VlW: (stT;tRl$tFit I gaFearfaeled q fiilTizT]rrfi rr1o 11

ftqqearleorqrq f,tenq{ trqt q q: r qfsqct fenqfa{eq qqpi {rcTEqt;q rt1ltl srinqr{qni q fqfe{i;qqtfrag rr11*n
8-li ]. Eflccts like acquisition of a kin-edom (attainment of high positionin governmeut), gainof clothcs" ornaments, wealth, Sou]Tlconveyances; cattle and positior.r, happiness from sol and friendsetc.,gainsspecially of a bluecoloJrid horse,journri to the West,audience with tlie king and receiptof wealth from him, will he derivedirr the Antardasa of Satum in the Dasaof Jupiter,if Saturnbe in his sign of exaltation, iu his own sign, kendraor trikona endowed with strength.

. ffteittiqrfqilnqq

6qt ffisenis'qr) rrlRrr

a.Ti{tst q*aq: t


Brihat Parasara Hoid'Sasts

ltlltr e*Xarfag frsr st {qrrqtfa{qEwiq q.qErrlRfis?{ t .l racrs*rqtfur quoraffut

sqefr qfqrqff,ltqvrl

12-14.Lossofwealth,afllictionwithfever,mentalag inflictionofwoundstowifeandchildren,inauspicioustlvert antagoriismwi"n 'llinstneu ito*", lossof cattle and employment, 6th, the 8th r''rthe t2th in the if saturn be *ttt be rer,ults an enei'ly'ssign' be in or be combust "o ir-* ,1. Asceltdant,

Erlqrt+taotqTr* qr* il uq*sfq r qir ttlttt cemsql{iilrtrq tilf,TqgGi a s rr r l t + t l niuf6oorfaarwa qF{il?r

son and cattle' l5-15*. Therewill be gainof larrd, house, enemy' etc'' ifl through-the of ,i.h"t andprop:rty acquisition from the lord 2nd the or llth the Saiurn be in kendra, trikbna, of the Dasa(JuPiter)'



qt !n

cnrite ulqtl

veilqwgl ffi:

Fuf{afTtq5q I FEarit;ti q<qq{ ltlell

16.lT.Effectslikclossofwealth,antagonisticrelati painsin the body' ,n industrialventures, with kinsmen,obstacles if will be realised etc., family the of dangerfrom the members of the lord the from l2th or the Satirnbe in the 6th, the 8th with a malefic' Dasa (Jupiter)or be associated

Gq.dr{rfFrq wa pnr5$fqeqfat aqls,rf'qrttri fawrerqad' qEqtllctl

grsurilri qQft EaTEeir0rrru6i*o, q?elr{qsrea qFT Re Gqlaq ! tllett

1g-t9. fhere will be fear of premature death,if Saturnbe lord of the 2nd or the 7th. The remedial measuresto obtain relief from ihese evii effects and to enjoy sound health, are recitation of Visiini



Sahasranamand giving in charity a black cow or female buffalo. trfects of thc Antardrsr of Mercury In the Desa of Jupiter.

!itc{qr?Ff* illrt *qilqfarM r rcH qr q*t qfq qmfrrrsqffi nRolr q{qrq} t6r1c{ nrl(fiT$ qQ( r\ | tQlsrrrtrn,l;f feufsfA: lrclit{r il1111 r.{u11.}ll
2U21+. Effects like gains of wealth, bodily felicit-v, acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in goventment), of the fulfilment of ambitions by the beneficence kirrg (government), gain of conveyances, clothesand cattle etc., rvill be rjerived in the Antardasaof Mercury in tlie Dass of Jupiler,if Mercury be in his sign of exaltation,in his orvnsign or in kendra,trikona or be associated with the lord of the Dasa (Jupite.r).

qlfe: grffIr: uR?lt "nr.Rnqlilm{ lra ar{RitrTRfrrrqilRR+rl



22-22*. There will be increase in 1[r numberof enemies, lossof enjoyment and comiorts,loss in business, afliction with fever and dysentry, if Mercury be aspected by Man.

iltrnEqnqs'Fi qr *ri

.n g.g"(rffltn1itl



vrqfqasHFd: ilRYtl


23-24.Gains of wealth in his own country, happiness from parents,acquisition of conveyancesby the beneficence of the king (government), will result if Mercury be in kendra, the 5th or the gthfrom the lord of the Dasa or- be in his sien of cxaltation.


rtrmqq$Erct qTT1fq&EA

qt fl qrqiqi r rT qlTsr"qqftqft: lti{ll


Brihat ParasaraHgrg,.$gstra




{ttT ' q},{sd ; it{tT I



qrrntqrqRsm: ilRqtl

25-?6: Therc wil! .be,i9$, ,gf weallh,, journeys to foreign dangerfrom thieveswhiletraveliing, wounds,burning countries, t*andbrings sensations, eye trouo-les, in' foreigrr lands, if Mercury be in the" 6tli, the iSth or ttre i2th frtrm the lord of Dasa (Jupiter) or bei4ssociqted1vj1-fo of a withou.t, the,Aspect ,4.analefic benefic. .'.:.

qr qa qI qrqda*;t r;,. rfTf,ttsts6lErqsTra Erneqt?lfi,'iTETi*q G f@<wwu ltRetr '111';'ji"i' qg$ilv*aqrfrla qft 'atq ?i qq{igqTi *c {wri $fl} vaq rrqerr
27-28. Distress without reason, anger, lohs of cattle,loss inbusiness, fear of'lremature deathetc., will:be' the results if Mercury be associated with a rnalefic or malefics in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th from the Ascendant. {TqEEE

qtilqq': r qfi&A an*s{' snql {r$i a{fiad .rqilEa{stnfr rrteu

Brrilg Errflidruqreqslct' rr wrq*u?e"lu

29-291r, There will be enjoyment, gains of wealth, @nveyances and clothesat the commencemdntof the Antardasa,evenif Mercury be associatedwith,a malefic but aspected by a benefic. At the end of the Dasa, hgryeyer, there will be : : lossof wealthanOboaitVdistress.
. t',

fadtaqant er gqTq*fqaqfa ttlott aqlurftqnni faqar6ad qk I srq1fqft-r *s ni*qnqErffiq ill1tl

death may be expectedif Mercury be 30-31.Premature the lord of the 2nd or the 7th. The most effectiveand beneficial for prolongaliolvof longevityand to obtain remedialmeasure relief from other evil, effects,tl recitation -of Vishnu Sahasranam.

Chapti:r 56 Effects of the Antardasa of Ketu in tfte Dasa of Jupi{er



ffi {,TTtlqqfqe r s{eq{TlEqqirflfia: gdffir"ilq *qq ill Rll


*q arrrrci flqqqraffi

q ulR*tl

12'32*. Moderate enjoyment, -others, moderate gain of wealth' ^coarse food given at the time of food or food given b! and acquisitionof wealth through undesirable death ceremonies means,will be the rc,",its, in the Antardasaof Ketu in the Dasa by berrefic' 'of Jupiter, if Ketu bc associated with or aspected


qrffiifr aogfh:


6qt qr qrqig* ullll t T.Fi tqfisq{


q*w: lllvll

33-34. Effectslike loss of wealth by the wrath of the king' diseases,loss of physical strength, antagonisrrl .inrpriso*n:.ent, with famdr and brother and mental agony' will be experienced if Ketu be in the 6th, the 8th or thd l2th from the lord of the with malefics. .Dasaor tre associated

artnrqarrra* r<srqr*q{iT
eqErqKsilfq{d q?rdst{qraT


r{tsfq il t

Tqt{qtccr(rrs.qq llltll I Tncatilqteicrl$T.6'tt

u-qEdTfqinqtEl | 1q+lI

35-36{. Acquisition of a palanquin (motor car), elephants etc., beneficenceof the king, successin the desired spheres' 'profits ir, business,increasein the number of cattle, gain of etc. from a Yavana king (muslimdignitary), will wealth, clothes be the ruspiciouseffectsif Ketu be in the 5th, the 9th, the 4th or the l0th from the lord of the Dasa (Jupiter).

firfruqi-{t* g ?qeiu, qfqtqfa lllsll Ftnnt Egfril qs'+qqad a\ t gutfamaaiulqtl s{*q}q{rq;il {nffi


Brihnt psrasars Horc Sasffa

37-38. Thcre will be pbysical drstressif Ketu be thc lord ofthc 2nd or rhe 7th (or in the 2nd or thc Zth). The rerrediarmeasureto obtain relief from the aboveevir effects,is performanceof Mrityuhjaya Japa in the prescribed EAnner. Effects of tbe Antrrdesr of VenusIn the Drsa of Jupiter



qrq*rinrfq* r

fiFqrqf q rqrfifr: frErqgqrqr,,rf ,, t<arr3t,xfma sr;qilt d{fierT I qqqrfq trsTqr1\trdft filrq tlftqr,uvRtl ,rratcqt iftn Edrra atq q r qrri sqQl TdTIE rngafafrvr{ rrx111
39-43. Effectslike acquisition of conveyances like palanquin, elephants etc., gain of wealth by the beneficence of tn" xlng, enJoyment, gain of blue and red articles, extraordinary incomefrom journeysto the East, well being in the family, napptnesslrom parents, devotion to deities, construction of rese,rvoirs, charitiesetc., will be derived in the Antardasa of Venusif he be in kendra, trikona, the llth from the Ascendant or be in his own sign, and be aspectcd by a beneficor benefics.

6il* il qaufvr* Tq** qqitt illqrr aqflaqtrnq Wm{rrqr{m: t qErtrFrrrfl*{ qEqq{ tl vrwrfqrd *srsq<rqri <ttilrii m'rnqq ,qfqsqfil nyol; ! nflli q?TGT7$FF1 $eai ftfsr ffi;r |

ffqT1:(tEfrgra} TnQ} Ir{il}

Falqqrta6qq RlEtsr faqrq;

qq I

{qqtrfiq6tfren nvvtl TerFm;qqpqrgfa; rrvxlrr

U-44t. Evil effects like quarrels,antagonism with kinsmcn, -ir distressto wife and children, wil be fett venus be in the 6th, the 8th or the t2th from the lord of the Dasa of Ascendant

Chapter 56


,or be in his sign of debilitation . There will be quarrels, danger from the king, antagonism with the wife, disputes with t-he fathcr-in-law and brothers, loss of wealth etc., if Vcnus be "associated with Saturn or Rahu or with both.


il qpqtsfq En'v{tl
*ffq} ?Iq{qitq



qq$nigqg{ r

I tYqtl


Raq6q1o6 atc{


4547tr. There will be gain of weatth, happiness from wife, meeting with thc king, increase in the number of childrcn, conveyances and cattle, enjoyment of music, society with men of learning, availability of sweetish preparations, giving hclp and assistanca to kinsmcn etc., if Venus be in kendra,trikona or the Znd from thc lord of thc Dasa (Jupiter).

frnqqret 116 aq{rTqi a;nilfa: pyqtl qqTqwi arr d1qrelqqtF{il: r ncqtlrrrq {nrfl{ {rTfM nyqpg rri qfetr tH qsqsilt{ itt: gqlrr{r5qrq lttotl
48-50.Loss of wealth, fear of prematuredeath,antagonism vith wife etc., will be experienci,l if Venus be the lord of the 2nd or thc 7th. The remedial mcasure to obtain relief from the evil effectsis giving a tauny coloured cow or female buffato in charity. Effects of the Antardasaof the Sun in the Dasa of Jupiter

iritqqrddri* qfr ff eqeiaisfq fl r q gfrqrn qTqMq il u{ltl *;i qrsqfarfrsi qt qT aaiXi qrt{nn a*a ir r rrcilt uqFtlrT: T{talwnfrtrqtqqq iltRtl


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

rr$rrfiq{?tfaqeui fi{qn1q{nfirri {fli

S?rttffT?r I

q$T{1 il{trl

5l-53. Gain of wealth,reverence, happinessand acquisition of cbnveyances, clothes. .ornaments etc., birth of children, cordial relationswith the king (government), success in venturesn etc., will be the auspicious results in the Antardasa of the Sun in the Dasa of Jupiter,if the Sun be in his sign of exaltation, in his own sign,in kendra,trikona, the 3rd, the llth or the 2nd from the Ascendantand be endowedwith strength.

FF?TrEczrTaxri qn arqwAT ats q r f{Rh}qrfqfrcr q atn+sr nciq q rr{Ytl q?fi{s qar $r: ltqori-qqilqr I s'ia qqfqdql erriqsqf{q}lrrE n{ul ' q6,wririln*{ *{rqrrilrii qql rrtt+rr
54-55+.Effectslike nervous disorder, fever,'lazinessor reluctancein the performance of good deeds; indulgence in from kinsmen attitude towardsall, separation 8ins,antagonistic without reasons,will be experienced, if the Sun be and distress in thc 6th, the 8th or the 12th from the Ascendant or the lord of the Dasa (Jufiter).


lt{qll eenq qfqGqfa


cta r
FIitit: ll{\eli



56-57.There will be physical distress if the Sun be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th. The remedialmeasure to obtain relief from the aboveevil effectsand to enjoy good health is recitation of Aditya Hridaya

natn(arftt+q-<r rra).


Efrects of the Antardasaof the Moon in the Desa of Jupiter

aft<urmi| a;A *;i crqfkmlurtr Teh{ q1 eqq{trflrr* qd *e *"{t u{qtl

Eupter36 nAqqtrf{Rt
l a




Tfatg$q|;rq$rqq I HRtutT rnEtt Aefi

r \


i6{ q asn *"tfa: laqtarfa{inr r ' 'u;Trqet: \..,. rr6rtrtnlcr?a ltQoll ttidei .' 3|?t6qirgq ir tlqo]ll arauntfeit'6:
. sa,oo+:'ef;cts like" iiom the"ilqrg(government), oprilence'and glory, happinessfrom wife and children,availa-' pility of good food, gain of reputationby pefformance ofgood all deeds, children, increase in the numberof chiidren.and'grand (goveinmerit), religiouscomfortsby the beneficence of the king and charitable r*'lll be derivedin th.e..Autardasa inclinations,etQ., of the lvfoonin the Dasa of Jupiier, il the Moon be in kenrtra, trikona or thet:'ilth :frbni"the Ascenddnt,be in het'sign of exaltationor:in,her own:sign aad,:befull aFSr strongand in an iter). auspicioushouge{rog ttre,lold of.,!,11e, Qasa (JuO

',':,;rc'i*,G[[SFeTfeq]' ?;* Rqt qr r{rrrigi nqltl , fl*crTisc6(;Ei En aqi il ,ssdR t i t,i i ttqqtt , fq?{rqmaEqfl(: , ..- qrilqE?Errtt{it
it t amr<arf<r6i $-d<tfEcfsr qwqTfqfqqlq{q ats it ltEltl cr{frsr o.,

wander6l-63. There'willbe lossof wealih :,nd kinsmen' (government) and king ings in foreign lands, danger from the .with''c'o.:paiceners, frodl maternal quariel$r 3paration' threves, ts:mo(hgr etc.,if the-,Moog be wcak or'associated uncle,disfress l2th from the ol,bg in the 6th-tn.,9,h..ot, with malefict rthe or the lbrd of the Dasa(Jupiter). Ascendant
i :', .1 I-li: '.: !'t:'"":': i: . .i



cfquEfil t ?tffsr ,{r,,j ,. rGfrqq$q}*{i q, ,,sr-(t( IlEVll ri;:.aqlwftqnn{, ,3akfi ir.,

if the lvloon be 64. Physicaldistresswill be experienced ihi torc'br the 2hd or the'7th.' iriI :"1'1s ;"medial measure to obtain relief froinj'th'i abovee$il cfects is'D irrga Saptashatifatha' (grri stasrdt qra). i i


Brihat Parasara Eora Sastra

f,fiects of the Anterdrsa of Mrrs in tbc Desr of Jupiter

cfrsqrrfife !fri ffqr&rfarM r TqH {r dt q|& g$.i'i i{rtsfq qTuqttl fku@ftr




65-66. Effects like celebration of functions such ag marriageetc., gain of land villages, growth of strangth and valour, sucress in all ventures, will be derived in the Antardasa of Mars in the f)asa of Jupiter, if Mars be in his sign of exaltation,in his own sign, in his cxaltedor own Navamsa.




il u{ts& qI I qiqT;qrfEgsqa: uqetl qq{ | T|qffirr

c.ftslei q gildrfit:

$qtr{si{ iln uqcrl

67-68.There will be gain of wealthandgrains,availability good of sweetishpreparations, pleasureof the king (governfrom wife 1nd children and other auspicious ment), happiness effects, if Mars be in kendra, trikona, the llth or the 2nd with or aspcctcdby benefics. and be associated

qrt{rtrnqri il ql qI f,qisfq qr r qrq{E*frri Tfq qr;qrsfqffrnrqlulett rlnnlqqri g:d ia<Mqsqq: t mqqfffiqq<rd {6tqe{ ueo11 1afd efrqq3aTt iI t6qreq' q*eq: I lqlTrr 5ril{ g ristTflETqrq ileltl
69-71.Lossof wealth and house, eye trouble and othcr inauspicious effects will be the results,if Mars be in the 8th or the l2th from the lord of the Dasa (Jupiter)or be in his sign of debilitation associated with or aspectedby malefics. Thc cffectswill be particularly adverseat the commencement of thc Antardasa. There will be some mitigation of evil efects later.

Chapter 56


There will be physical distressand mental agony if Mars be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th. Remedialmeasure to obtain relief from the above evil effects and get gains of wealth and property, is to give a bull in charity. Effects of the Antardasa of Rahu in the Dasa of Jupiter


qQl Tfui qt Hsfq ?il | qlr* ir trrrfuqqFqA neitl $qq{efke qrfq qlqffi tr{rFriaI aiq rrslrr t{.qrat qeqqrsiqq qruT?qrfeS q lllrtstrE{tilT I iltrrrnfuq,rc frqrqrilit {qfilshi
l[',ilrTqqrqFfl{Simfumaq uv 1 1 1 1

r Xuaurlfe{qtr:
gqtit$ ueill
72-75. Effectslike attachmentto yoga, gain of wealth and grains during the first five months, sovereigntyover a village or a country, meetingwith a foreign king (high dignitary), well being in the family, journeys to distant lands, bathingin holy places,will be derivedin the Antardasaof Rahu in the Dasa of Jupiter, if Rahu be in his sign of exaltation,in his own sign, in his moolatrikonaor be in kendraor trikona from the Ascendant or be aspected by the lord of kendra or be associated with or aspected by a benefic

6ql En enigt r q u\eqtl at<rQant'tFcra {tqierq+q Efivn*qq Er



.qqrcil rrqfil qqq I

*Etsr fi*er: TqqEtti{qifcqE: ueell Tt iqqqsrqffqr g:Rrt;rTF{ttd{q{ |


qrE;qfq*rriFE lleqll

76-78.Dangerfrom thieves, snakes, the king (government), wounds, troublesin domesticaffairs, antagonism with co-borns


Brihat Parasara l{ora' Sastra

and'copaiceners, bad dreams,quarreli without'iaS:'on ;danger from diseases ete.,will resultif Rahu be associated with'a maicfic in the 8th or the l2th from the lord of:tha Dasa (Jupiter).
. ,i: .,,i:i ti jr'lr': ::-.:

Gwaqftqt tIQl ee{rui fsfifaiTf,t ,, q\ n\eElf er{eqft6<r{ Ee=qqqi ,i:;*l^}:t Brrr{T;i,cgdr a{ilq13Tq{|(!, .i, oll teqwwrta fI6g6ESI, Gqtnq! rre
79-80. Therp,willbe physical distlpss$."RahU,be in thc .' 2nd or the 7th from the Ascendant. The remedial measuresto obtain rehef froni' the abovc cvil effectsarerMrityunjaya{apa and giving q;g9a!";i4elmrity.
ii: ; T.i},l;i..",, ":i;f;11;;;;3trtii.iltl'ti-t,'::i:.i {rirF$} "91"


-J-r ..,

h'w^yri*rc;rpys l, rl'lrarriptsr

:ii{i:,1 rl.'.:

ti::.ti't,i! l' ..'j

1.r 1i11'r '.i ,ii-'.!3lli . il.iX.iJ,.::; ;: ,rtii f;i li:i'.Cj

r i;:,jtji.i.i,i .'iii:itll

, , ; . . j , . ; . ; l . r : . ti tl . ,s ,:r.r3;;i,.1 i. ; : t , . r . ii : , ; i : r j i . ' i l . r : ' i r . l i . i 1 ' , . i i r l l - . i t t. ;;'. ,: ' : 1 . " . t r , ' , I ,ri.i iri , ' . j , . ' j ; : Ir ] ! J i ( t .t:,irlrti r; ':{j l;?.:ji:r;rr,

t ffi.J,FsIS ;i!



lil;,:',,'.:"1; i;t$

:,:, : .i F

p'SFarFwl:r ul?tl]:x: g:lri.lvib I jsrie $iPw 'fBryrps pf16i;i:i:'i5 4f :;r:.{iii 1'HSts?FFFI'FtFr} .r;t.rei pf rlw

r irTil{ i,*piYp:pr:F r,'ifrrwrprt Fr

.i!,r:i1, { i# rp 1 . r . : i l l B ; i r ' E i * ' r 6 t g m , e * x i l v l o
; it l . r . ; , ; ; , r l ' i j 5 L i t ; . . \ ' i 5 n i i ' ; ; , i.-:!j i . ; 1 : ' .. n { J c ; ' i i l i : 1 l ; ' / i r :!: * 1 ; r i ; lr j i J . ; . , . : r .i.,:,-: ij;i;, i..,.:;ii'r,"i,r.,, ?;: . , ; : : i l l i i _ i i l , : : , i l . i r , : i i: r i ; : t i r j l , t , , , , , , ; i t ; r . l l ;

stet {trqfiE{tt$flIerTTq: ll tell


in the Effects of the

Dasa of Satufn ,i,,
Effects of the Antardasaof Saturnin the Dasa of Saturn


qtrfirlil'n raei Er ggraqtatsfr ar I eil rrltt <rqfrrrrfqig* *;afat}sril*

qcqmql cQialcd arvqafEqdq{ t



l-3. Effectslike acquidtion of a kingdom (attainmentof positibn in government), happiness from rl'ife and high a like elephants,gain of children, acquisition of conveyances of the clothes, attainment of the position of a connmander. of the king, acquisition'cf cattle, armyby the beneficence villagesand land etc., will be derived in' .the Antardasa of Saturn in the Dasa of Saturn,if Saturn be in his own sign, in his sign of exaltationor in deepexaltation, or be in kendta or or be a yogakaraka. trikona from the Ascendant,

qwwsGrrtrss,rt{llRll tqrqeqrfacrlq5qI ttltt $Vrrparf<emgq

arrt q;e flt sr wq(iXi t Frcrrsrct qlqStfflfqqfl ratRfrcqq ttv tt alwmel <{irf,rs} {rdlTtdl UfafftrRfisqt r

cst ql<rfE {tfil{q lvrqrr} rq}rq: tt{rt q?e qTqe-fr *e qriwflt{il Gq ! rrt+rr

getting 4-5{.'Fear or dangerfrom the' king (government) inflicted with injuries with some weapon, bleeding gulms,


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

dysentryetc.,will be the evil effects at ths commencementof the Dasa, if Saturnbe in the 8th or the l2th from the Ascendant or be associated with malefics in his sign of debilitation. Therewill be dangerfrom thieves etc., going away from the houseland, mentalagony etc. in the middle portion of thc Dasa. The last part of the Dasa will yield beneficialresults.

g {fqqfil rrqrr &frqamt ArqTq aqlwfiqr<r{ Tqsqqqi a\r

ail: vnfqqqrc*fil {F*(F4 5tfrri[it: lt\Ntl
6-7. Therewill be danger of premature death,if Saturn be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th. Lord Shiva will afford protection and render relief if Mrityunjaya Japa is performed in the prescribedmanner. Effects of the Antardasr of Mercury in the Dasr of Saturn

qaqFqmtie qlri fa6td r.*ttsfr Tr I {Trrn{ q q{I: fifil iqsrqr* sriTrq qilTrrq uqtl
6qe{i qqqlEilil

{r{Tfes'&{a{ l


t{lcd CSRIE ,lt mcrtlun1rqq\ | qnsi{rqr iar{teifl *c* f llto1l arfEnriqr

SI;;TEtatFT qa
. t,.

qqlqsrqunfcfq 1


fqsarrqtqrq || t 1tl

8-11. Effects like reverencefrom the people, good reputation, gain of wealth,comforts of conveyances etc., inclination performance towards of religious sacrifices (w), Rajayoga, well biengin the family,, pilgrimage bodilyfelicity,enthusiasm, performance lo holy places, of reiigiousrites,listeningto Puranas scriptures), charitiqs, availability of sweetishpreparireligious rtions, etc., will be derivedin the Antardasaof Mercury in the Dasaof Saturn,if Mercurybe in a kendra or trikona (from the tscendant).

Chopter 57


$sFaqeqt dsn

;iti qrdqi qfn r Ertvnn aq{ ir nlRtl

qu{ril qMs"q nlltl cqrSqiq qq<rrq{ull}tl

sldfrT{Tsrr* q
da-srf{ il{fiqtFr

l2-13t. Acquisition of a kingdom (attainmentof a high position in Government), gain of wealth, headship of.a village, will be the effects at the commencemeitt of the Dasa,if Mercury be in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th, from the Ascendantor the iord of the Dasa (Saturn)or be associated with the Sun, Mars and Rahu. Affiiction with disceases, failure in all ventures, anxietyand feelingof dangeretc., will be experienced in the middle portion and last part of the Dasa. Note : It is difficult for us to believe that very good cffectsat the comlencementof the Dasa can be' expectedwith Mercury so i2a.uspiciously placed. But we dare no[ question Parasara. I

Bri|trqrccrdtil rqlqqnqrtrrf

qf{6qFrnlVn qta r ftquqa*i

qq{trftqaTq6{ [1{tl

14-15.There will be physical distressif Mercury be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th. The remedial measuresto obtain relief from the above evil effects and to regain enjoyment in life are recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam and giving gramsin charity. Effectsof the Antardasaof Ketu in the Dasa of Saturn

q;Tqriltif tal qr nv{ttftR* Tqli

uugfteXtfR r

ulncrmiq* rrlqrr

ER?ffird qqr*


eqnqinl q(qq{ | g.aaRrfr;trqrir{ Sfa: illstt

rTgrrf'Eefaiqm.4 rqT I qrnrfAt{ ttglil qr* Rtqi Gnrrrq: nlqtl


ihat Parasara Hora Sastra

16.18.Evileffectslikelossofposition,dangers,poverty' foreignjourneysetc., will be derivedin the Antardasa distress, of in thJ 6uru oi Saturn even if Ketu be in his sien ;ii;i; or kendra in or exaltation, in his own sign, in a benefic sign Kett: If ;tik.;" or be associatedwittr or aspectedby benefics' be garn or be related to the lord of the Ascendant, there will vi:iir to a and wealth and enjoymentand bathing in holy places of the Antarda*sa' sacredshrine at tlte commencement



imEfaq t

afrqq<dht tltelt <1ffirS6}oi t qT llielll qqqT q,qfa{q *ti ilFlrlTrTtt:

19'19+. Gain of physical strength and courage' rcligious thoughts,audiencewith the king {high t:]:t:; ministers)'and all prime minisi-tr'governor, 'ment-likepresident, be in kinds of enjoyments, will be experienced if Ketu the Dasa *rOt", trikona, the 3rd or the llth from the lord of (Saturn).

ilnsq} qq{tri

qn fu] qdwar atq q llloll *q 5fffiraq ntcq r rfrre*<fnsr<q.{ eurqlrtfdgi{ uRlrl eiqafaatrrw isrt r{qft id3{ llRl}lt

' 20-21+.Fear of premature death, coarse fool, cold fever, ,dysentry,wounds,danger from thieves, separationfrom -wife .and childrenetc.,will be the rpsults if Ketu be iri the 8th or the l2th from the Ascendantor the lord of the Dasa (Saturn).

*6{ter qfqeqft uRRrl gir{1q|i qniia gqF.4ff,qrwr{ | gq{nFasqrqqq ilRlrl *qwqreRa


22-23. Therewill be physical distress, if Ketu be in the 2nd or the 7th frqm the Ascendant.

Chapter 57

i'iiii:' r' r' i

q1]+asurg to..btain.relief from-rthe,.4bove Remedial evil of life by ,tt9 -"lgneficence cffects andiotregain enjoyments of '
Ketu is giving a-goat in ch'arity.
i i _. :: ,r: I :..;:rrt:

of Venusin tbe Dasa of Satum Effects of the Antardasa '':,.,:i '

i:r:.i:-iit:li l.!i j: .;: i ,:


vr* tq1E* tqqiaisfq at r

*;i qr q[rrdq*" fadtoi qTqisfqqr irRvrr qQr(rqssrt{



. fieqqrri

rfea: t Tdruq ili{rr

Srefskt {qIETil | {TTq[il CTRTFITFT lsqareafqeTrrR nllrr frqrmtrerqrrr: arqal qf6fr ilqr I
qt?r{q{nqqFri g1{hilffqqurtsql


q EFTTT8{R: nRell



qlqqFiterqivwq rrR ui rr

24-27*. Effects like marriage, birth of a son, gain of wealth, soundhealth';'win"'b'eing in the family, acquisition of a kingdom {qltainncnt of high,p,osition in governrnent), enjoy-grentsby t\e beneficence ,of the. king (government), honours, and other desired t"onveyance clothes, of ornhments, lain in the Anfardasaof Venus in the Dasa objects,ivill be derive<l of Saturn,if Venusbe in kendra,trikona or the llth associated If duiing the period of Antardasa, with or.aspected by benefics. Jupiter be favourable in transit, there will de dawn of fortune and growth ofproperty. If Saturn be favourablein transit, there ol::Acf?mplishmeltof yoga ri.tes(frr rrill be Rajayoga!ftsl; ,..,r.j:i j far fvna). ,i*r.

'mental alony, tb wife, loss of position, Distress 28-'19. results, if the Venus will be quarrels with closerelationsetc., bQ in the 6th, the be in his sign of debiliiation, combust or 8th oithe 12th (fiorn the Ascendant).

qG6l6eq6qrnrfnri ttRqtt {* 'qttirR{tl e'qraarnl qqla"q: t A,Rilqil irqrqi rqwf,{iln: weig} cafarr6: nlett



Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

ilnm1rFqt *q ti

Et am{Xt t

qals*tcsqntq ll!o11 <rqitffrq,-t qq 'qrffiEqnnd I $'FT{ dttnaTfqd iqFaqqqlfEsq tll1ll rrcarrtmreneat arqarRt'tud q eqe qsa dnq: tti'lirt
of the 30-31+.Fulfilmentof ambitionsby the bene{rc':nce r;rea.tion inteof performance of religiousritbs, king, cl.arities, poemes, interest rest in the studyof Shastras,compositionof in Vedantaetc.,listeningto Puranas, happinessfrom wife and if Venusbe in tire 9tl'!, the llth or children,will be experienced, kendra from the lord of the Dasa (Saturn).

q1Q{rctrqtq* qG ar geisfnil llllll (EgcnilT(efqa: t *anitgr asrq{ q'qJ* fiaqlqrfq fq a tfts<1 llllll qi{{tfa{iratq} larfla?r$tEr: I ttqaR q"as: )Etqr farluaq lllvll
32-34.There will be eye trouble, fevers,.lossof good pain in arms, danger conduct,dentalproblems,heart disease, from drowning or felling from a tree, entagonism towards relations, with the officials of government and brothers,if Venusbe in the 6th, the Sth or the l2th from the lord of the Daea (Saturn). '


aTftTqenl t{fqqfilt

at rti qFfi

gwildte{ trlru "\ asrar{a*r{qEeq t

ilR: q<ffiaF;rqrdnlqrl

35-36.Therewill be physical distress if Venus be thc lord of the 2nd or ihe 7th from the Ascendant. to obtain relief from the above The remedialmeasures and to regain enjoyment and good health by the cvil effects of Goddess Durga and performance of Durs,r beneficence Pathaand giving a cow or a femalebuffaloin charii;. .saptashati

ChaP:1s, 57 Effects of the .Aotrdssa of tie Sun in the Dase of Saturn


q;irfqi.ilte gd siliFi rqeiatsfqqr r lrrqrF*n ffilllell iq*

qrqaftaat qTfq *qsqk" lr{qcrq I

Tt $Fnqdrqff,: garfa{qrtiq lllqtt Tq{r*q{qrlTf{rr}eilieigei 1qq ttlc*tt

3?-381.Effe,:'- :ike good relations with employer,well fronr children, gain of conveyabcing in thc famity, happiness nces and cattle, etc. will be derived in the Antardasa of the Sun in the Dasa of Saturn, if thc Sun be in his sign of with the lord of the exaltation,in his own sign or be associated Ascendant associated the from trikona or be in kendra or 9th bcnefics. by with or a:nccted

Fr-{I!qEqt qn [t'tTil qrtqfirlq

$aFqfqqllaq ilq-s?rqrf(trq

Eftnrn atq q lllQll qrti{il rrfteil | gEhrq fen*rq nYoll


ir 6{r5HiE q{ ilt

3941. Thcre will bc heart disease, defamation, loss position, mental agony, separation from close relatives, in industrial vntures, fevers,.fears, lossof kinsmen, obstacles loss of articlesdear tb thc person, if the Sun be in the 8th or the l2th from the ascendantor tbe lord of the Dasa (Saturn)'

Gfraqaqrt q tqenn rrfEqft |

rf,'{qfqrr<rqi flfTqi
r 6RllYllt
42. There will be physical distressif the Sun be the lord of the 2nd or rhe 7th from the Asce:rdant. Thc worship of the Sun is the remedial measureto obtain rclief from the aboveevil effects.



Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra

Effccts of the Antardasaof the Moon in the Dasa of Saturn



*<$auwfiqe r

rqhi rq$a*lar* farlqt aTqisfqqr nvitl qUT qxQ{*fr <rq*ftqqrrrq: i s


slrrnd gqtb ir Tnqi qftnrc{q r fqtqqgi aled q{rqfi a: qcrqErilvul

orrrilgarments, 43-45.Effects like gains of conveyance, ments,betetrment of fortune and enjoyments, taking care of brothers, happinessin both maternal and paternal homes, increase in cattle wealthetc., will be derivedin the Antardasaof the Moon iu the Dasa of Saturn,if the Moon be full, in her sign of exaltation,in her own sign or in kendra, trikona or the llth from the Dasa lord or aspected by benefics.

dG et




qrqtd q *qt r g*autsfr Err ltvqrl

rtqs}q} EFRrET: I fraqrafqqtrrrq geftgafa<ttE;tt IlYe | | ;rtErqlqrcsq ice ilrilqrd eFrcrtrt: I q}q{ q qwr{ B{6r* *qq}qqw ltYqn qnla&qratqrqrEl dretf q;rqq: nxqitl

46-48+.There will Qe great distress, wrath, separation parents ill, health of children,losses from irregular in business, administration meals, of medicines, if the Moon be waning,be with or aspectedby malefics, be in his sign of associated debilitation,in cruel Navamsaor in the sign of a cruel (malefic) planet. Therewill, however,be good effects'and somegains of the Antardasa. of lvealthat the commencement Note :'Our belief-is nothing good may be expectedif the.Antardasalord is ill placed.



ilqnsfq ennyQ.rl

Clnptcr 57



qqltTQT I

q uEtTIq: 11{oll ea'tslcTi f,r"qwqgerqtFa: franqanrfasa sriqlad t${taq 11{o}ll

49-501. Errjoyment of conve)'ancesand garmetRts' ha;lpinessfi'om kinsmen, happinedsfrom parellts, lvife, emplol-er etc.,will be the results if the Moon be in kendra, trikona or the llth from the lord of the Dasa(Srturrr). qttvnl,:Eqi qlqi r}qqRed q <;ri il qqqfq* lltlll


gqrqQ{ |



like sleepiness le , t h a r g y ,l o s s o f p o s i t i o n , l o s s 5 1 - 5 2 .E f f e c t s of enjol'ments,iucreasein the number of enemies, autlgonism rvith kiusmen, will be experienced,if the Moon be weak and be in thr 6th. the Sth or the l2th from the lord of the Dasa (Saturn).


9 e g

qtE u{Qn fao6)nrfem

t ?6med $TfEaq[d

rrs Ed q aeind' aoeetEr qqrfsfb t riai qi qQnft aellET|r(r{lqlat l{Ylt

53-54. There will be lethargy and physical distress if the Moo.n be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th from the Ascendant. The lernedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil eft'ectsand prolongation of longevitl' afe Havaua (aaC) and giving jaggery, ghee, rice mixed lvith curd, a cow or a fl'male buffalo in charity. EITectsof the Antarilasa of Nlars in the Dasa of Saturn

1 Fqqrmrie rr'tn |qqTffi5ffi rtt{,rt g1i F{aiat qTfq "EvnfuqqqFqe q{ilfkt{ qg{A ilmt qled uilITrq:I qfei qrrrc{crqq\ u{qtl <rqfifafi(


Brihat Parasqra Hora Sastra




farftur;awr* r

55-57.Effectslike enjoyments, gain of wealth, reverence gain of conveyances, the king (governnrent), from clothesand ornamcnts,attainmentof the position of a Commander of the in agricultrrraland cattle wealth, construction Army, increase of a new house,happiness to kiusmen, will be derivedfrom the of the Antardasa of Mars in the Dasa of very commencement Saturn, if Mars be in his sign of exaltation, in bis own signor with the lord of thc Ascendantor the Dasa lord be associated (Saturn).




FfftrlitGeaqqRst r

qtfq qierfi*f{cqfa tt{crt vnftag* alrrQmrearfeqF{rft nttfi raq

qnfqaf+ftEr il rlrrT{ffifqfiQ: ll{etl er{aqruqt{0filq gftnarru r}era1r

Fqtvrqqd qq


uiatq: ttloll

58-60. Therewill be loss. of wealth, danger of wounds, gout and other similar dangerfrom thieves,snakes, weapons, 'father diseases, distress to and brothers, guarrels'with copartners, loss of kinsmen, coarse food, going away to foreign Iands,unnecessary expenditure,etc., if Mars be iu his signof debilitationor combust,or bc in the 8th or the l2th from the Ascendant and be associated by malefics. with or aspected

qrcEqrnrt g frdtqstsqTt qfc r


rflwRg<r{ qlrilri ryfrr

|r(I$rq: ilq1rl rnFetH ir firta r '


uqRll wqtfrlaR?rqurq

61.62. Great distress, dependence on others and fear of prematurgdeath,may be expectedif Mars be in'the 2nd or be ths lord of the 7th or the 8th from the Ascendant. \ "\

Clnpter 57 701 The remedialmeasuresto obtain relief from the above of Havana(qaa) and givinga bull in are performance evil effects charity. Effectsof tbe Antardasaof Rahu in the Dasa of Saturn

rr?{Fqr6arie flQl $etE{if qE}eqan I ?6fisr ffrcaTq: Saeql aqlqqt uqlrl eirieqq) {tstqri F{q?rfEfq{lfuar r fElrme{ a uqYtl lqeiarfearqtT{
63-64.Effects I re quarrels, mentalagony.physical distress, agony, antagonism with the sons, danger from diseases, unecessary expenditure, discordwith closerelations,:danger from the government, foreignjourneys,lossof houseand agricultural Iands,will be derivedin the Antardasaof Rahu in the Dasa of Saturn,if Rahu not be in his house of exaltation or any other ruspicious position. i{lTIfertt


alrrmrmiqt r

uqttl ea};i Tq+iat *ni Ert{rTcflr$Tttf{rt qe*arfEqrqeq q}cd qaTqrtia s{TE} t q atq trriqtr taargurwi+a f,tcimarfqEi
' l a.

qSsqrcdtEiilq: eqr(G


qri g

uEetl <rq$faqq " gafnafe<\ual

in agricultural gainsof wealth,increase 65-67.Ilnjoyment, productioir.devotionio ileitiesand Brahmins,pilgrimage to holy places, increase in cattlewealth, well beingin the family will if Rahu of the Antardasa, be the resultsat the commencement r yogakaraka be associated with the lord of tlre Ascendant or a planet,be in his sign of exaltatio! , or in his. own signor be in kendraor the llth from the Ascendantor the lord of the Dasa (Saturn). Therewill be cordiality'rruith the king and happiness from friEndsin the middle portion of the Antardasa.

Effrnq* ETfq gdtt ?s* aql I {w?iqefqrfaiq uqctl firn}<osfuQg in


Brihat Parasara Eora Sastra'


Tgilrd(qlGq5E nqcitl

There will be acquisition of elephants, opulence 68-68-,rr. (government), gains king glory, with the cordialrelations and clothes, if Rahu be in Aries, Virgo, Cancer,Taurus of valuable or Sagittarius.i Pisces Notes : Even in thesesigns Rahu has to be well placed to the Ascendantor the lord of the dasaand be with reference unaffiictedfor attainingcapability of giving results mentioned above.



c5'{fa csqfd

rrfqqfil Brqa|d ir l6t{ia I

q<WqigqletE{ lleoll


69-70.Therewill be physical distress,if Rahu be associated with the lord of the 2nd or the 7th. to obtain relief from the aboveevil The remedial.measures effectsare Mrityunjaya Japa and giving a goat in charity. Effectsof the Antardasaof Jupiter in the Dasa of Saturn

q:qrqrnfft dt+ *,;i ilqfamlqil l qrilfuia i'nlt TqH qqdatsfq enu\eltl q?ifirqteifsfa: Trrrrs]$ri qqfr rrqc r qlTTqeqrar q;TqrEq$Tr[UI{ ileRtl rFlrrd xterqr{ fsq{TartilTvtriT I iqilrrraqftaqq fqasqaqqr{e: 1pe1lp
iil{garFEF[t$r{ir gasEtqT+qir{ uelr,tl
7l-731. Effects like successall round, well being in the family, gain of conveyances, ornaments and clothesby the beneficence of the king (government),reverence,devotion to deities and the preceptor, associationwith men of learning, happiness from wife and childrenetc., will be derived in the Antardasaof Jupiter in the Dasa of Saturn, if Jupiter be in kendra or trikona, be associated with the lord of the Ascendant, or be in his own sign or sign of exaltation.



qrqdqt u\eYrl Efta *i il qftrFqfqil{Itrl FrqRFdfftrqt.ui I (tqFATI+ qEiq: mf6la{fMa lletll




Sraqlrrfdrfirq'q: tt\eU | |

74-75+.Resultslike death of the near relations, lossof wealth, antagonismwith the governmentofficials, failure in journeysto foreign lands, affiiction with diseases projects, like sign of be in his if Jupiter be experienced will etc., laprosy the in the 6th, or be malefics, with be associated debilitation, 8th or the 12th from the Ascendant.

artqrr&.afioi qr ql qr ilqisR qI tteqll t <rq$frerilqrqE: arc}lnrd f{q{ qaa ?t Errtrqtfa{i tt\e\ett rTlqarsE{qJsri



aql I

gqrfift{<raqewfEmq Ileq||

to rvife, and glory, happiness 76-78.Therewill be opulence good food gains through the king (government), comforts of in the name and fame and clothes, religious mindedness, performance of relicountry, interestin Vedas and Vedanta, giving grains etc. in cbarity, ir Jupiter be in gioussacrifices, the'Sth, the 9th, the llth, the 2nd or kendra from the lord of the Dasa (Saturn).

aftqniq66r;* gqlq{



?il scqfqt t

a;qeq] w\:<i

6qE: qfqiqfil: ll\eqll {IStEogIAitqq I

gaT<rfefie;tq llqoll

79-80. Antagonismwith kinsmen,mental agony,quarrels, loss of position, lossesin ventures, lossof wealth as a resultof impositionof finesor penalties by government, imprison'ment, distress to wife and son, will be the resultsif Jupiter be weak and be in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th from the lord of thc Dasa (Saturn).

,tn 4

Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra



qq}Eq: r dvta:11q11q

EmqwEfiErq{ui qfqsqfr t

qta r aqlenf<6rtni fnwqari eqrtET{c$-fra ern}{t T{fir {e{ rrcqrr

8l-82. Thcre will be physicaldistress,agony,deathof the native or any memberoffarnily, the lord of the 2nd ol the 7th (from the Ascendant). Remedial measures to obtain relief from trrb aboveevir effects are recitation of shiva sahasranama and giving gold in charity.

q q lccla {l l$sl tstst


I ttI[I{: ll{qll


Effects of the Antardasas in the

Dasaof Mercury
[,ffectsof thc Antardasaof Mcrcury in the Dasaof Mercury

q*afeawmura arqffisqrFffiq r farrw6td dtfrqq ;Tilaxwe{xq 11111

angaftfiEmqqclEq\ | karfTts"r t't*set scarceaqq{rfvrt rrqtt

qtqqEes{rqT Eai

eFTuFrttTqtqu: I

srtr{s?ufqr}uqq qa<trrfaur$rrt: ||I|| qrq6'nioflQq eqEql uafa qaq rrllrr

l-3|. Gain of jewels like pearlsetc., 'learning,increase in happinessand perforrnanceof pious deeds,s rccessin the cducational sphere, acquisition of.nameand fame, meeting with new kings(high dignitarics),gain of wealth,happiness from wife, childrcn and parents will bc the effects in the Antardasaof IVercuryin lris o'wh Dasa, if Mercury be placed in his sign of exaltation or otherwise. There will be loss of wealth and cattle,antagonismwith kinsmerr,diseases pains, like stomach anxietyin discharging dutiesas a govcrnmentofficial, if Mercury be in his sign of debilitation etc.,or be in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th from the Ascendant ot be associated with rnalefics.


g ens&qil lTfscqFa ttxtt

.ilAqfiilRqrqq: I




c\ ttttt


Brihat ParasaraHora Sastro

to ;ife, death of members of the family, 4-5. Distress like rheumatism and stomach pains afriction with diseases etc.,will resultif the Mercury be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th. Remedialmeasureto obtain relief from the above evil is recitationof Vishnu Sahasran4ma. efrects, of Ketu in the Dasa of Mercury Effects of the Antartlasa

Berqrari* *a) q*id qq{qe

qlqqTqmHre?d ?EutftciletF|I$T:

qrari+?afatlurtr iliTfuqscFq* uqrl alqirt*;Eatrlt r

TElidiltur uilqs: l
g \

i ffuqqufefrqrrvrr t6u1red uETFqi{

TtTlFtst$Iqfliq llqll feenqitfassHqq ir Sqarqrqtcd ErIa] ratqeraq{ uslrl like physical fitness, *rle gain of wealtlt, 6-8$. Effects affectionate with kinsrnen. .ncreasein cattle wealtb, relations i:, educational incomefrom industries, success sphere,acquisition with the king and joining of nameand fame, honours,audience in a banquetwith him, comfortsof clothes etc., will be experienced, if Ketu be a$sociated with beneficsin kendra or trikona from the Ascendant or be in conjunctionwith the lord of the if Ascendant or a yogakaraka. The same will be the results the Dasa Ketu be in kendra or the llth from the lord of (Mercury).

Erivtrqfq rFut(t aA EI qrcita netl

EnEilitta{ *q ql<tfrrqqtfil{q qast{rftr$I?t: qrqtrita: I *.1 11ioll



;itaegfqi c\


9-ll. Fall from a gonveyance,distress to son, danger dangerfrom scorpions in sinful deeds, from the king, indulgence and association etc., quarrelswith the menials,sorrow, diseases with meanialsetc.,willtb* the results, if Ketu be in association



ryith malefics in the 8th or the l2th from the lord of the Dasa (Mercury).


*qvrsu rrfqcqfar
utrrErd q sT{iEu1Rtl

12. Therewill be physical distress if Ketu be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th (from the Ascendant). The remedialmeasure to obtain relief from the aboveevil effects, is givinga goat in charity. Effectsof the Antardasa of Venusin the Dasaof l\{ercurv

Frr* faqlqi r ltlltl luqsqFq fralg*nfara dacrrr: wci q*c r anfuqrr+';rqil far],i GTrrrisfqErr ltlytl a?sTtl farqct.a]|il qtqdttrilrqq:I
g \

stsqrqr;ariilE* *i Rifisnqqqerrifariq:



eqerqlxrtisFrrfelifd wrwmT{ftrfi ul{+ti

l3-15;. Effectslike inclination to perforrn religiousrites, fulfilme't of all ambitionsthrough the help of the kin; (government) and friends,gainsof agriculturallands and happincss etc., will be derived in the Antardasa of venus in the Dasa of Mercury,if Venusbe in kendra, the llth, the 5th or the 9th from the Ascendant. There will be acquisitionof a kingdom (attainmentof a high position in government), gain of w-ealth and property, canstructionof a reservoir, readinessto give charitiesand performance of religiousrites, extraordinary gains of wealth and gains in business, if Venusbe in kendra,the 5th, the 9th or the llth from the lord of the Dasa (Mercury).

qltfliqcatqe+ eql En Eqqfq* ultrr TrnTf?wr sq1Tftsll{terq I eiql

enerq;erfq*qqq dqR
3Trcq5Ge qfiRFTEIqS',

r{qfil Hq{ illetl

Gsqrq ! rriu*rr


Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra

' 16-171. Heart disease, defamation, fevers, dysentry, and agony will result pltl'sicrldistless from kinsmen, sep3ratioll the 12thfromthe lord Sth or rrt the u'eak tite 6th, be if Venus ci the Dasa.

gq{q{fEsaft ttlctt g finuqan* grri?atwa qt( r aqlwRqr<ni qrrarqTst'ra;T t?T: *r66rr+rtqff, lllQll
be deathif Venus iB-19. Thereuill be fear of premature th* lord of the 2nd or the 7th (from the Ascendant). measureto obtain relief from the above The remeclial Durga. of Goddess is to recitemantras evil effects of the Sunin the Dasaof Mercury Effectsof the Antardasa


laalui u;TiTIrit d?,ri isTisfc ErIllRoll 'f-qastqw?{e{ | Ttqcfl{ii}iird qpureia rtati qrq] Tqlrrqlftqi( llRlll uaIrITt{ | agdsj iEri arifaia qrqtrqrfaFTi$i q rrlqrlEq(qtcqF( llRRll
ii! ' of 2A'22. Effcctslike dawn of fortune by thc beneficence from friendsetc" tltc king (higlr goveiltmentofficials),,happiness in the Antardasa of the Sun in the Dasa of will be derived if Mercury, the Sun is in his own signor sign of exaltationor in kendra,trikona, the 2nd or the llth, in exalted or own Navamsai There will be acquisition of land if the Sun is aspected by Mars and comforts of good food and clothesif by the lord of the Ascendant' such a Sun be aspected

H{ rski

iqeia*at t



{r;qT(qfglqit* |

qt qt, afiqffrf rr?{il ert{nfrqr;sr{* qldiamafret a fqarfuE4 qfEsEfrt illYlt f{q}a'sqrqearq {Eq;erfaq}Tr6q

-l Chapter 58


23-24. Fear or danger from thieve!' fire and weepons, from mental agony and separation bilio-istroubles,headaches, 8tb in the 6th'-the sun be if the the results will be friendsctc., of the Dasa lord or thc or the 12th from the Ascenclant (Mcrcury), be weak and be associatedwith Saturn, Mars and Rahu.

a*qqfqqrd mFd

Sufuwfafu rlqtll

25. Therewill be fear of premature death if the Sun be the lord of the 2nd or the 7tb (lrom the Ascendant). Worship of the Sun is the remedial measuretr; obtain relief from the aboveevil effects. Effectsof the Antardasaof tbe Moon in the Dasaof Mercury

qlgrqratti Eri qril&;rfaslqt r ttRqtt TqH qr Tqdi qlf{ rrrEtisasqFqa qlqrrqcqrnfe?iar qlqtqfiqTfuqitt
p*en* qaqr* ir

qanEtttqEn llR\sU

26-27. The yoga becomes very strong for beneficial' effects if in the Antardasaof the Moon in the Dasa of Mercury" or be the Moon be in kendra or trikona from the Ascendant in her sign of exaltationor in her own sign associated with or aspected by Jupiter or be a yogakaraka herself. Then there will be marriage, birth of a Eon and gain of clothes and ornaments-

?ffIrFfirfrrs q fitzi fqezraqlqaq r rT {rRafqsrqf(r|qqilRqrt ftaqtnldd qfqrqi fq{rqftrq rqtsf q qflFqft I qfqtqftr uRQ.rl alqFaqrf<q{Hrqli ilrn*q


qtdqsarfu q$a rrte*rr

28-29t. In the . circumstances nentioned above, therc of a new house, availability of sweetish also be ,:onstruction


Brihat Parasara Hotra Sastra

preparation, etrjoyme'tof music,studyof Shastras,journeyto the South,gainsof clothesfrom beyondthe seas,gain of gems like peallsetc.



qfeaafa I t! o11

ertvrrc*Eqlure* gfcqsl qnrisfq qTr aa$Teerral Tuqdteirqnieaadaq u { ttl



fat*r*aarrrq{ nQ1}rr

30-31+. There will be physical distressif the Moon be in her signof debilitation or in an enemy'ssigir. If the Moon be in keudra,trikona,the 3rd or the ilth tiom the lord of the Dasa (l\{ercury), there will be at the conrrllencement of the visits to sacred shri,res,paticnce,enthusiasm Antardasa and gainsof wealthfrom foreign countries.

Eilnksrolrsi qr eq* il qlqdt* iliRtr alrrfrrySlara rdtqqrical viq r gffidaffira gfwlrarfaarqr5( | |i i ||

32-33.Dangerfrom the king, fire and thieves,defAmation or disgrace and lossof wealthon account of rvife, destruction of a-ericultural lands and cattle.etc., u'ill be the results if the Moon be weak,ancibe in the 6th, the 6th or the l2th from the lord of the Dasa(Mcrcury).

aqlqqfiErqri qTaqri ry"ta

GTrT(siilSQI+fl ilt:

fBdtaqaar* {

t6-ciar qM r gdtftwti a\ rr1;rr

sTrHfqqqtsQl I qcrrrTFTniT illtrr

34-35.Therewill be phrsical Cistress if the Moon b-e the lord of the 2nd or the Ttir (frorn rhe Ascendant). Therewill be relief,prolongaticn of longevityandrestoration of comfortsby the beneiicence of Goddess Durga if the mantrasof the Goddess are recitedin the prescribed manner anCclothes are gil'enin charity.

Chapter58 Effccts of the Antardasaof lVlarsin the Dasa of Mercury


ritcqrqrrrd* ril+

Fahd q1 Fqq{i qifq iTrqfqqq*qt nlQrr {rqTTrTTrrtrd Tt sFqTurE$FFT I q6a(rsqrafqFlqr(i | et I 1

trrilrfr;Efamtur{ 1


rJeinrkf,r$i q qqrt|iilqGarq'rrlorr rrw{tlffi( *q **ita{ arfau}rrrq 1itrzrtl


36-38+. Effectslike-wellbeingand enjoyments in the family by.the beneficence of the king (government;,increase i, or"p..iy, of lost kingdom etc., (reinstatemenr in a high p*iri.iri 11":u..t ln government),birth of son, satisfaction, acquisition of cattle, coneyances and asricultural lands, happinessfrom wife etc., will be derived ii ttre Antardasa of-Mars in the Dasa -sign, of Mercury, if Mars be in his sign of exaltation,in his own in kendraor trikona from thJ Ascendantor be associat.o wTtn the'lord of the Ascendant.

ttadavmg*t gos* qr E4tsfq il illetl nTqfi;agi ErFq tqfrer qa}oqsilr veiltrrgl tvrrEl T{qr* Eft;q;TI{Hq llVo11 t'fqneaevn{tai sTr{ attTcedqm{ ilYo}11
39'40+. Physical distress, mental agony,_ obstacles in industrial ventures, lossof wealth,gout, disiremiro- *ounOi and dangerfrom weaponsand fevJr etc., will be the resultsif Mars be associated with or aspectedby malefics in the g:.rr r: the l2th from the Ascendant.

advn$;ri q}l

fa+l,n ilrqisfq qt trytn

uarrfHqrluri rr*yrq r
avQtautq<ril w6frt: lyRtl


4l-42, There will be gain of wealth, physical felicity, birth of a son, good reputation,affectionate relationsetc., rviih


Brihat ParasaraHora Sastro

;, ,,,

kinsmenetc.,ifMarsbeaspectedbybeneficsinkendra,trikona or the llth fron the lord of the Dasa (Mercury).

rriqrnq $sr(E ern .r qnqqtqt r qqqf q61nq{ mrgftqn] rqninl uYitl XafeafRaal r Wiliaqlr$fa{q

qei dcd ffilrFr: u'dtsri (qtisi{il qiqn} w* 1 qtqrrtfa: ffi-q-pa1q$i{ilgeilfqirr u r)i Lrl

ru the 8th or 43-4+i. Il'Mars ite associated with malefies there will bethe l2th from ths lord *f the Dasa (Mercur,v.l, (1) Distress, dangerfrom kinsmen, wr.ith oi the king and with the son,lossof positiol, at the commencefire, antagonism ment of the Antardasa. (2) Enjoyments and gains of wealthin the middle ponion of the Antardasa. (3) Danger from the king (government)and loss of position at the end"ofthe Antardasa.

q fi*aqrart qlqri ir gqft

flr*(?q s{reT

qqtronwi qiq ttYttt lqsqErq{ r\ r

dr: {cqEnqqq ilYqtl

45-46. Theren:i!l be fear of premature death if Mars bs of the 2nd or th, 7th from the Ascendant. lord the The remedialmeasures to be adoptedto obtain relief from the above.evileffectsare Mrityunjaya Japaand giving a cow in charity. Efrects of the Antardasaof Rahu in the Drsa of Mercury

*;aqrqfrqlqi r du?ar;ilie rrd T$t TFfin ilfq srqrqi $ifq .n llYell r nqqrqrrftlfr ir q;i q sqfqGqft
trqt uYqrl iqarili{ lqqdtrirwtmd q r.{il r{tal-rrr{<err$r'Dtt t fqlTi Eriq?t dqd fefrtqiq uve11 E{iqR} QiEq'tsr



47-49.Ffects like reversnce from the king (government), good reputr.i":n,gain of wealth,visits to sacred shrines, performanceof religioussacrifices alrd oblations,recognition,gain of clothesetc., are derived in the Antardasa of Rahu in the Dasa of Mercury if Rahu be in kendra or trikona from the Ascendantor be in Aries, Aquarius, Virgo. or Taurus. There will be someevil effectsat the commencementof the Antardasa but all will be well later.





i;jryrqnq qriTa{$rdt0i{( utorl

50. Lossof wealth, rheumatic fever, and indigestion will be the results if Rahu be in the 8th cr the l2th from rhc Ascendant.

qTqqqa qomiilqq;*rfl



lfffsrw{tnq [{1ll

51.Therewill be an opportunityto have conversation or a if Rahu be in the 3rd. meetingwith the king (high dignitaries), the 8th, the 10th or the llth fromthe Ascendant. In this position if Rahu be associatedwith a benefic, there will be a visit to a new king (dignitary).


fqq( <rqslqffE eqrrsiqil qgTrq{ lttRtl ffirrf +qfi-sr ir fqsill*urnlEqql I

Eiql qTtqrfirq qi{rfa{f{Erffr lt{ltl

{rfq Er6e} qHiX* |

52-53.Pressure of hard work as a govemmentfunctionary, loss of position, fears, imprisonment, diseases, agony to self end kinrmen, heart disease,loss of reputation and rvealth, will be the resultsif Rahu be associatedwith a malefic or malefics foi the 8th or the l2th froo the lord of the Dasa (Mercury).






a\ rrtvrr


Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra

qiai il uQff

qrr<qtrqlqErfqfi{ | ttt: gqqqrtqr{ u{{tl

54-55.Therewill be fear of premature deathif Rahu be in the 2nd or the 6th from the Ascendant. The remedialmeasuresto obtain relief from the above effects, are recitation of mantras of Goddess Durga and evil Lakshmi in the prescribed Goddess manner and givinga tawny female buffalo in charity. coloured cow or Effects of the Antardasaof Jupiter in the Dasa of Mercury

qrqr&;rtamluni aftrqFaie *A r qni qr qaqlRri Tqki cn Fqqiisfq ntqrr tqdeti uiTr.nrdt qrqfifilFdte q r f<aqkuamratfw frai fmar;rt}wrq u{\stl
rilqfcq1|ailusor s(IsrElqunfqfi'qI artu{qc166q il{crl fqrqqqffid iT{nuts}tl

?*ar$qf{ass ramrillfava

56-58$.Effects like physical felicity, gain of wealth, beneficence of the king, celebrationof auspiciousfunctions like marriageetc.,at home,availabilityof sweetish preparations, increase in cattle wealth, attending discourses on Puranas etc., devotionto deitiesand the preceptor' (religiousscriptures) interestin religion, charitiesetc., worshipof Lord Shiva etc., will be derived in the Antardasa of Jupiter in the Dasa of Mercury, if Jtrpiterbe in kendra, trikona or the llth from the or bc in his sign of exaltationor irr his own sign. Ascendant

sr rrtQ.rl fr qRdq* qfq qt6r6a.qqisfq rrwRu6:t wqrqEaeiq*i sqQl q ahfaiqrtsr f\<qfamvrr{ uiotl qrirfl

r uaqrfa{faeala feerf6*<trter q afe$nf<rn{Fr{nqtu


59-61. Discord with kings and kinsmett, danger from thieves etc., death of parents, disgrace, punishment from



Chapter 58


government,lossof wealth, danger froF snakes and poison, fever, lossesin agricultural production, loss of lands etc., will be the results,if Jupiter be in his sign of debilitation, be combust, or be in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th from the Ascendant or be associatedwith or aspected by Saturn and Mars.

ed{nt?aqilut .n trrt fl qciqt r r'gg-dq$rd qq q qii& rtQtrr qqffunr}eErrq{riTfili sq r EtiqrrssqF* il qt Tr qqqffi uqitl ilffrTqrq irri tdnqr rrfMr ltqlll
62-63I. There will be happinessfrom kinsmenand 8on, enthusiasm,increase in wealth and name and fame, giving grains etc., in charity, if Jupiter be in kendra, trikona or the llth from the lord of the Dasa (Mercury) and be endowedwith strength.

merm:t{r*qF{ snrrfli6rrq{*fr:

qtHq: ilqvtl rmrnqr rqR} Eqa} rrq{ ilqu}tl

64-64t.Agony, anxiety, danger from diseases, antagonisn with wife and kinsmen,wrath of the king (government),quarrels,. loss of wealth, dangerfrom Brahmins(wrath of Brahmins), will be the iegultsif weik and be in the 6th, theSth on the l2th from the loril 9f the Dasa(Mercury).




fea$srflR+ reMrgrcr{

qfqtqffr uq{tl +6.{TEn q\ r f{rqmQri

q\E{qqE +{


aafrqft uqtrl

65-66. There will be physical distress if Jupiter be thq lord of'the Znd or the,?th or be in the 2nd or the 7th. The lemedial measures to obtain relief from the above effects are evil recitation of Shiva Sahasranama and glving gol{ in charity. a cow and


Brihat parasara Hora Sastn

Effects of the Antardasa of Satnrn in the f)asa of Mcrcury

fi"hrruqra{til rtte rfti raffi;Et r fi{6}qrqrqt qlfq ,it rrrrturETdilr nqetl {t6rtttT$i qt{{t{ Td rr}uaftnq lQcrl qrlrqqnsvrqrfi6 fr{nc ila{rfElhrrqclrr

!;7-65+.Effccts iike wel beingin the family, acquisitiono{ a kingdcir: (attainmentof a bigh position in government enthusiasm, increase in cattle wealth, gain of positi,on,viSits to sacredshrines ctc., rvill be deriled in the Antardasaof Saturn in the Dasa of Mercury, if Saiurn be jn his sign of exaltation, in his own sign, or in keqdra, trikona or the llth from the Ascendant.

ffe Ert{rrEr artqquQerr w<rflag:eaqrri arqarfEqtsqq I .r;s{;|lrf: m*arqilqalaat: uuotl tEt*qrl fqewrqd *q g:{eTwTrfqsq*tr{ | |s o+tI

q6e* qT 6ql

69-70*.Danger from enemies, distressto wife and children, loss of thinking power, lossof kinsmen,loss in ventures, mental journeys to foreign lands, bad dreams,will be the results, lgony, if Saturnbe in the sth or the l2th from the lord of the Dasa (Mercurl).

AGqrt qi



W{q{fqaqfa riulrr q\r aErrEr{Tr+fq?qt It\e u R

7l-72. Therewill be fear of prematore death if 'i Saturn --'-^" be "' the lord of the 2nd or the Zth from tfr" . ar".nJuntThe remedialrneasures to obtain relief from the aboveevil to regain. sountlhealth,are performancof Mrityun'.I:rt Japa ::1 and Jdva giving a black cow and female buffalo in . cnarltv.

Brq*rqFiliuffiFTrsqrq: rr{frr
Chapter 59

Effectsof theAntardasasin the

Dasaof Ketu
lectsof the Antardasaof Ketu in the Dasaof Ketu

*,;i frnlqcr*



qriqTiqt r

aeiYrsqfqi rrlrr
it qrqftfacahcr: nRtl


uqqrqTfE qeeqrc*afirq5? |



.lE ftu<{grq rrR}rl

l-2-$. Effects like happinessfrom wife and children, rognition from the king (government) but mental agony,gain land, village etc.,will be derivedin the Antardasa of Ketu in own Dasa,if Ketu be in kendra or trikona from the Ascenrt or be associated with the lord of thc .{ssgndsnt,or be atedto lords of the 9th, the loth or tbe +rh.

tr' li 3-4. Heart disease, defamation,destruction of wealthand tle, distress to wife and children, instabilityof mind etc.,will the results, if Ketu be in his sign of debilitation and be in 8th or the l2th from the Ascendant alongwith a combust ret.

{tarradad'gtil gsa.* aqqtsfq Enplll wlt;fi?rrq{Rq: rnqfrm I 6alrft q quvtl atqarRfier r;lqqiqtqlq

Effd ?Ta ifi* Bdtqqqqrtq qf,rir{ qF6'qqrfl{6rufq*q$'il

r || u l


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastrc

qtn I gile{tq{ glaFgqwqq,i gri e<rariR ffi ril: llwr.rrtqrf, nqtl

5.6. There will be danger from diseases,greqt distress and separationfrom kinsmen, if Kctu be related to lthe lords ofthc2ndorthe?thor be in the 2nd or the 7thfrom the Ascendant. The remedialmeasures to obtain relief from the above cvil efrects are performance of Durga Saptashati Japa and Mrityunjaya Japa. Efiects of the Antardasr of Venusln the Dasa of Ketu



rqti weiaigt r

qt TaqnQq dqi nuu *;afaftrsni q nlqmi fifiicilsqignq Itarst"ffa t ffit'rn farqqF{'rfr fiqt{vtdgi uett rrrETlsErqisnFEt gqqrnqaffr I igwrilfEri eqarE{t?i qggneu *q rrflAqsila" - qrq $sqrFfirqst ile*rl
7-9|. Efrectslikebeneficencefrom the king, good fortune, gein of clotheS etc., recoveryof lost kingdom (reinstatement in a high position in government), comforts of conveyances etc., visits to sacredshrines,gain of lands and villagesby the benefiencc of the king (government) witl be derived in the Antardasa of Venusin the Dasa of Ketu, if Venus be in his sign of exaltation, in his own sign or bs associated with the lord of the l0th in a kendra or trikona and there will be dawn of fortune if in suchposition he is associated with the lord of the 9th also.

flffi;rtl'n t6nlrri q{

il gRqqnqrqisfq il nlott iq Tt 'rrqtq{I}Ti{ |


lGll. Sound health,well beingin the family, gains of good food and conveyances etc., will be the results,if Venus

Chapter59 be in kentjra, trikona, the 3rd or ths llth from tbe lorr: ol the i-)asa(Keirr).

F{t fl qrqigfr | atrrrfd1cs* 3rfiEmisfi qq $nEFrl-rfqfisirr utltl I flq?t ffi flr{Tilrbsrte<rfini FqEriElEFrqqrq f{r}fhqq{teqq lrlirl qrr{rFd it g?rqr:.qq{Hqq I *ri oama*qrn: Tt5irr q trrfEliq ulvtt
12-14. There will be quarrels without any cause' loss of wealth,distress to cattle if Venusbe in the 6th, the Sth or the 12th from the lord of the Dasa (Ketu). If Venusbe in his sign with a debilitated planet, or be of debilitation or be associated in the 6th or the 8th from the Ascendant,there will be quarrels defamation' eyetroubies,heart disease, with kinsmen,headache, loss of wealth and distressto cattle and wife.

fadtaqmt* g ?qwstr' rfrwq r qta r gqtt*q'i aqlwfir6r<ni ai rri qfdi qaru$r<laqat n1{tl
15. Physicaldistressand mental agony will be caused if Venusbe the lord of the 2nd or the 7th. The remedialmeasuresto obtain relief fronn tle abc cvil effects,are performanceof Durga Patha and giving a taw. coloured cow or female buffalo in charity. Effects of the Antardasaof the Sun in tbe Dasa of Ketu

**r'mt* ffiqa$


TqH eqmsfq qr t n ttlqtt qw.amfritfeTe

TlqQlr6anqq 1 irefqfu: gqTsil nletl



of the t6-17. The effectslike gainsof wealth, beneficence king, performance of pious deedsand fulfilment of all ambitions' will bc derived in the Antardasa of the Sun in the Dasa of


Brihat parasara Hora Sastra

Ketu. If the Sun be in his signof exaltation, in his own sign or be associated gr aspectedby a benefic. in kendra, trikoia or the 1lth.

ficTqeqqql*r*tr qrcr*fil r($a)


f+tvmqd *q

qqqqqqf;qft I fr-dqqfdiln( ulqtl


trqfqafqqlerrq qlrnrsraqqrq: uleu nlqrlqqri *q qwrrfrr+ri cetq\ 11e+1

18-19+.Dangerfrom the king (government),separation a., rrom parents,journeysto foreign lands, destressfrom thieves, tlul": and poison, punishment by jovernment, antagonism with- the friends, sorrows,danger from-fever etc., rvill be the results if tbe Sun be associated with a malefic or malefics,in the 8th or the l2th from the Ascendant.

at*qfir*ram}vi sr wrt -qr qidRqe uRotl +qlcd qniilrTl $aqr* qqlE6{ | q{6rqleiRfq: Trrr?FqFannrnfuveaxq || ||


20-21. There will be physical fitness, gain of wealth, birth of a son, success in performanceof pious deeds, headship of a small villageetc., if the Sun be in kendra, trikona, tG 2nd or the I lth from the lord of thi: Dasa(tcctuj.


enaiqbl r{rEilnr** fu fsfiltE{iar fBatqsrdqrtft{i gqq$tawfa trRtrr

atq flTFil qg{fa
qrFi6T(.q lttil*T

in ftq* qr qqiqil r q*Sfa$quTaxq{qu. nRRtl


*{ sErct( | qqqqrtqrq ilRVtl

2L24. Obstaclesin availabjlity of food, fears, loss of 'ealth and cattle,will be the resultsif the sun be associated ''ith e'il planets in the 8th or the l2th from the lord of the )asa (Ketu). There will be distressat the commencement of

Chapter 59


the Antardasawith somemitigation of its end. There will be fear ofpremature death ifthe Sun be' the lord of the 2nd or the 7th. The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above cvileffects and to regain thebeneficenceofthe Sun, is to give a cow and gold in charity. Effectsof the Antardasaof the Moon in the Dasa of Ketu

tak?af* ffiqqr*


r*ni qqffisfq {T r e11 ui qqsqf.qt uR{tl

stqrui q qgq I
||Rqr| TXqrfail$TrFi{


*qnrrqrq{srRaqqqrisf irci

wFr I

ErFAnrtoTXEiqq ttR\etl

qaqr(lfaRld ir


fr uRqtl nqEE

25-28.Effectslike recognition from the king (government), cnthusiasm,well being, enjoyments, acquisition of a house, lands etc., abnormalgains of food, clothes, conveyances, cattle etc., sucessin business,construction of reservoirsetc., and happinessto wife and childrenwill be derivedin the Antardasa of the Moon in the Dasa of Ketu, if the Moon be in her sign of exaltation, in her own sign,in kendra, trikona, the l lth or 2nd, from the Ascendant.The beneficialresults will be f,the realised fulty if the Moon be waxing.

qrdTceEqrui{ri I qrFaTi q'rrifss{ qqEtTq{ ilRa.ll frEvrqfralri q i6wea' qil6rTsn{ | qemlqrd6d |Fce rT{ril{t $rri qtfi rrl ort ilert ili
29-30. Unhappiness and mental agony, obstaclesin 'ventures, separation from parerits,losses in business, destruction of cattle etc., will be caused if the Moon be in her sign of

Sqi qf qftcqlc{


Brihat parasara Hora Sasfiq

debilitationor be in the 6th, the gth or the l2th from ths Asccndant.

ariqrr$?rstsi ?tr Fnt qt redgt r it rfeq\fqani $aqq$erFrqq ||lltl T{-rqreqwvrtni qat aqfr{i qqq nRRtl "#, ar't g qrqrftk ir fa?crrTq{
qr.q|ruqaqtilq{ u?itl
3l-3?. Therewill be acquisition of a cow or corvs, land, agriculturallands,meetingkinsmenand achievement of success through them, increase in col's milk and curd, if the Moon be id kendra,trikona or the l lth from tlie lord of the Dasa (Ketu) and be endowed with strength. Thcre wilr be auspicious results. at the connmencement of the Antardasa:cordial relations with thc king (government) in its middie portion and danger from thc king (government)foreign journey or journeys to distant placesat its end.

irelTFrqfirifRf iT G



qri{rTiq66R:G il'


qiErrqtfqQrfil{q ralaargn*< ft illxll q wafter itgE E I ?qtrqqaii frqnfrrqEliur fasqcfai{e nlrrr


qr EtfEfqil !

Trdtfkstf ' *s


{nFt guhnfafu r qrq<nlrafuAirrtqrr

34-36,Lossof wealth, anxiety,enmity with kinsmenand distress to brother, will be the results, if the Moon be in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th from the lord of the Dasa (Ketu). If Moon be the lord of the 2nd, the 7th or the gth, therewill be fear of premature deatb. The remedial measuresto obtain relief from the above effcctsare recitation of mantras of the Moon anC giving in charity things connectedwith the Moon (See effectsaf Antardasasof the Moon in the Dasa of other planets).

Chapter59 Effectsof the Antardasaof Mars in the Dasa of Ketu


qlt *a'lr;ari* ffiaTifurfa+M r rdtri qqiat ilsfq qqqEtefgt nletl slTal qltsi{ ia mwqrrrfeanrqq I



qg6qTssfrsil$TfiE ||lctl Trqqq-E[$Tq{| qlcq+q q \arfi:

37-39. Effects like acquisitionof land, villageetc.,increase in wealth and cattle, laying out of a new garden,gain of wealth by the beneficenc: of the king, wili be derivedin the Antardasa of Mars in the Dasa of Ketu, if Mars be in his signof exaltation in his own sign associated with or aspected by the benefics. If Mars be relatedto the lords of the 9th or the l0th, there will definitelybe gain of land and enjoyment.


Erivnr*rarH n qfiad qrqtsfq qr r

gafwarfeelwrtiT IIYo||

40. There will be recognition from the . king, great popularity and reputation and happinessfrom children and friends,if Mars be in kendra,trikona, the 3rd or the llth from the lord of ihe Dasa (Ketu).

acrrsrdrfrraq]i ed{r6{isfq qr r gil o,*fr qwf fs+{t qnd qqq uvttl 6ttUR , qqtgqdfifbaqcfamlm uyRtl

4l-42. There will befear of death,disaster during a foreign journey, diabetes,unnecessary troubles, dangerfrom thievesand the king and quarrelsif Mars be in the 8th, the l2th or the 2nd from the lord of the Dasa (Ketu). In the above circumstances amidst evil effectsthere will be someauspicious effectsalso.





irrrrc?rqfqqr{qq1 l

tiq rrvl*


Brihat Parasaralfora Sastra

Bl{qqr $ailtq tir: rtdiaqqrrdfr

sfqrqqcTTErr I *nrgenil: rtvYtl

43-44. High fever, danger from poison, distressto wife, :ntal agony and fear of premature death, will be the results, Mars be the lord of the.2ndor the 7th frbm the Ascendant. By the beneficence of Mars there will be eajoyment and in of property, if as a remedial measure, a bull is given in arity. iectsof the Antardasaof Rahu in"the Dasa of Ketu

*ahra{* <rqt T'q'l-'i fqarqqrRrt r

t:Efat}ui qr* qr , gfrqEn ucin* nyq;1
ItfiT* EFTFTT$I: *o6gqn) qafa EIeilT I

FqEtrsttrrmegle{ sl?ftirF$Fanfarq rtvqtt qgrqTtr*qqt$t. F4[{Ttr:..ql|aqnrtE I t{ixn* *vrqr.*f.' *terlrA q}cErilcqqril ||ye | |
45-47.Effects like increase of wealthand gain of wealth, ins, cattle, lands,villagefrom a yavanating lhigh dignitary I foreign country)wilt be derivedin the Antardasaof Rahu he Dasa of Ketu, if Rahu be in his sign of exaltation,in his r sign,in a friend'ssign or i.nkendra,trikona, the llth, the or the 2nd from the Ascendant, Therewill be sometroubles he commencement of the Dasa but all will be well later.

qrlmatteaq r 3rl[rrrF[,6r qE siE qorrfatiquYqls fidtqe.aqtei ETT iT iG[I livf r61wq r ag}qqflercd gdt*sre atq rr{orr
q?t 48-50. Frequent urination, weakness in the body, cold r, danger from thieves, intermittentfever, opprobrium, rels, diabetes,pain in stomach,will be the results if Rahu


$li ET Eqqi 116t emd16eig* r q6nai T{i e vitacsqfqqqqq{ uvqtr

Chapter 59


rvith a maleficin the 8th err the tlili from th be associated and Canger Asceldant. There will .br:disrress if Rahu be !n tli 2nd or the 7th from the Ascenciant. The remedialmeasureto obtain rehei fron tle aboveev is Durga Saptashati Patlra. effects, Effec{sof the Antard{sa of "}upiterin the Dasa.of Ketu

*dntarre qt.i *;i qi$ larlqri i }E* Tqeiafr Er& Frfirferqq$q* ltx,lrl



aqlesrerrvryielcrnf*d ilqslk feliq rrtRrr , scqrqrwqftr sr}rsqq I {rttrr 1{ nElearq goqdtai Riq{ il , qqlq{ il{Rtl gce*{cset fqqd fir{firtls'a I


5l-54. Ffl'ects like jncreasein wealth and grains, bene ficence of the king, enthusiasm, gain of conveyances etc. celebration like birtli of a son at horreo performanceof piou deeds,yajanas,conquestof the enemyand enjoyments, wili br dcrivedin the Antardasa of . Juplter in the Dasa of Ketu, il Jupiter be in his sign of exaltation, in his own sign or bt associatedwith the lord of the Ascendant, the 9th or rhe l0tt in a kendra or trikona from the Ascendant.

qwrtgqaqi fia



?il |

qaarqr&qlrf t[ flmil{RTrqEq I wal qnwf qq wA qi{rsr qt1 n{qtl

q?qr'qtfffilqr+T{ il{{tl

55-56. Danger from thieves,snakesand wouncls,destru ction of wealth, separation from wife and children. physica disttess etc., will be the results if Jupirer be in his sign oI debilitationor be in the 6th, the gth or rhe l2th from the Ascendant. Though s,:me good effects may be felt at tb


Brihat ParasoraHora Sastra'

gommencement of the Antardasa' there will be onlY adverse results-later.

n gfva*i ilqisfq qr t eTAnr&;a6JQ 1qfifafrf?aTrs{Wqq | |te Il {}T$a

ir Tq6u!ffftrrqlrt I 5t?nmroi aAqleq tttqll c]e;n+qqqqqtR Ttqrcl wiq ttte ltt BI g rqriqilttrtftqrfiqq]

of garments' Therewill be gainsof many varieties 57-58+. journeys, ornamentsby the beneficenceof the king, foreign of kinsmen,availability of decent food' if Jupiter taking "urc with a beneficin kendra, trikona, the 3rd or the be asJociated 1lth from the lord of the Dasa (Ketu)'

Gdlqqqqrt aqlelft6r<rri





qk I

ll!,o1 RETqEzt;ilqIq{

death w;illbe 'caused if Jupiter 59-60.Fear of premature be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th from the Ascendant' to obtain relief from the above The remedialmeasures are Mrityunjaya Japa.recitation of Shiva Sahasraevil effects nama. of Saturn in tbe Dasa of Ketu Effectsof the Antardasa

*alq;arfii rt?a {qEqnqi E" fisaq t wEr]: qi{il q;RFtFRqc**u*qqE llldl

qE(Tq{ I trffTl{} 1t.Er$ril[FlEt Tqr;tlffi{ft: semr{" lrfr at$Fi qAE uqRtl aqq{m Erra(d qEq\ EIfFRqrEet llqRill'
to self and kinsmen' agony' like distress 6l-62+. Effects as a resultof imposition of wealth loss wealth, in cattle increase from the existing post' resignation government, of fines by journeys to foreign lands, and danger of thieves during



travelling,will be derived in the Antardasa of saturn in the Dasa of Ketu, if Saturnbe deprived of strength and dignitn Therqwill be lossof wealtb and lethargy,if Saturn Ue in' ti" 8th or the l2th from the Ascendant.

ftqfamlnri rTA gilut rqei'isfq Er nqltl

*;afamlqw* n gfra** ar quin* r



s{qufrisrq?q trqvtl

*qqq}rq qErqlc?i qqqi q qcrcrE{ | Tqqri tIGTRTEfr: TEFTTT TrqE{Ii{ ili{rr

63-65. Success in all ventures, happiuessfrom the employer, comfortsduringjourneys,increasein happinessand p*p"rty in one'sown vilrage, budience'with the king (visits to higir dignitaries), etc., will be the results,if Saturn be in trikoo" ln Pisces, in Libra (his sign of exaltation), in his own ,ign oi be in an auspiciousNavamsa or be associated with a bJnefic in kendra,trikona or the 3rd from the Ascendant. Nottis : According to Brihat lataka Saturn in Libra, pisces, Sagittarius,Capricoin and Aquarius in the Ascendantgives Rajayoga.

a&urqsafq:G qt Brua* qTqdqeI i6arn) <;rtrrrq:il{ iqsq) q6$rrq piqu


fqacTalffiHr?trT I


q{ ilqutl gq{qmi afluqg-*4 fcaqld q sr<tE I nqqtl TGot!qi qQqT <ereq(r<lq1an

67-68.Therewill be physicaldistress,agonlr,obstaclesin ventures, lethargy,defamation, death of parents, if Saturnbe associated with a malefic,in the 6th, 8th or the 12thfrom the Iord of the Dasa (Ketu). Fear of premature death may be expected if Saturn be the loril of the 2nd or 7th from the Ascendant.

728 -

Brihat Parqsara llora Sastra

The remedialmeasuresto obtain relief from the ahove seeds (lav) are performanceof Havanawith sesamum evil effects charity. in buffalo or female cow and giving a black Effects of the Antarilasaof l\{ercury in the Dasa of Ketu




ra*adglt {IFTIiTI$ilTr{dqqllqnl rffi er{fqk: gGnag i ?Rr6qpd{ri di lieoll YfiFTrq{iT qqrils&{: T' iw: B{qteru{Rfivee fqar6{q rrfqsqf# t qeal$Trei'T{rqq lreltl qqsc +,{ Tt
69-71.Effectslike acqui:;itionof a kingtlcw (atlainment gain of c,nj* .'uents,cirarities, oi'a high positionin governrnet:r), ';cLubration functions of religious wealih and land, birth of a son, and functionslike marriagesr.ddenly,well being in the family, etc., will be derivedin the Antardasa eain of clothes,ornaments of Mercury in the Dasa of Ketu, if Mercury be in a kefidra or be in his sigrrof exaltation or in trikona from the Ascendant, his own sign.


qlrq1f: qqrqEl I
mratrqJ qP{6qfaneRtl

?2. Therewill be associationwith the men of learning, if Mercury discourses, dawn of fortune and listeningto religious 10th. the or with the lorC of the 9th be associated

qGlraaql fqtul

qlri qTqq{{a



q(TTEfir|Iffi{ U\elll
r ilgYll ileYtll


clqd q1arRfieaq *a

with governmentofficials,residingin 73-74t. Antagonisbr other people'shouses, destruction of wealth, clothes, conveyancesauCcattle,will be the results if Mercury be associa,ed

Cheptcr 59



flrun or Rahu in the 6th, the 8th or the 121fu with Saturn, 1,4&rs the of effEcts beneficial some be the Asccndant. Tbere will bu; middle in the results bctter stllt of tbc Dasa, commencement at the end. inauspicious

fasH ilqdsfq qI tleltl {rA{ntffi ff tr{tiryfisf: gtcFq'rw{qc{ | ttrtd


q?m ltsqll

son' "15-76. Thereu:il bc good healt!, happines from arrd clothes ahd ooulenceand gl'ory, availabiity of good food trikone keudra' a if Mercury be in ulnotta proi, in business, Dasa (iietu) t\e lord of the from I lth tho or

e.r*wruusrC ln rqi |n Tfiqfcet lleell pe;qqrrrl qttrt'il ERTarf{Qs?Ft niq t qleisffacqr{r {d *{$t gqtg*f{tqft ttrsstt &*sgrdrrrf qfrr t Fryrqnqi
itil: qgqqFEilft rfrqtw lRtlll-f,:tl\et"ll
wife and 7749. Distrcss, unhappineis and trrubles to (government) utay tre chitdrgtr and dangpr from thc king be cf,poddat the comffncctnttrt of tlre Antardasa if Mercury ot wcak in th.e6th, the 8th or the l2th from the lorcl placesrn Dasa {Keiu). There will, however,bc visits to sacred will be th"iniddle of thc Daea. Fear of prematuredeath thc if Mercury be tht brd of ttte 2nd or the ?th from causccl Ascendanl. evil T'i,: rcrnedialmcbsureto obtain relief from the above cffcrts, ir recitation of Vi;hnu Sahasranama,

qq YTqfiI?ctETtTrEFtTsqIrT: ilQ o tl


Effects of the Antardasasin the Dasa of Venus

Effectsof the Antara"r$f l"enus in the Dasa of Venus

Erq eara''i* qfi qrariMarM r q 'rcrq m* ar aedgl* aqqgd qf nltl 'noqrrfis$rq: g*narfaeralel'lt nRtl qrqcrm;i troqerq) rr{eqq rrR*u Tqr-i

', "

1-2*. Effects like gain of wealth, cati,le etc., through Srahmins,celebrations in connection witL the birth of a son, well being,recognition from ttrc king (government),acquisition 'of a kingdom (attainmentof a high position in government), will be derivedin the Antardasa of Venusin hjs own Dasan if Venusbe in kendra, trikona or the llth from the Ascendant and be endowed with streirgth.

qli+ {r Htiit ar& ggivi et{rtsfqiil nltl TilflF{qf{qiui fqfli frwr;nrr}urq r

r<agakv{ e{aarf fq?i f{id 16uauw?a



anudfecrsrrq: r
qrilrcl{$Tqlrrt il{tl

.rFrrqrflhF[tfui{d qq6Fc* qr{5q I qft xqrqi qfqqt cT{flsErRrqSEilqtl

. 3-6. Constructionof a new house, availability oi sweet preparations, happiness' to wife and children, companionship

Chapter 6O


with a frieird, giving grains etc. in charity, beneficence of the king (Government) gain of clothes,conveyances and ornaments, success in business,increasein the number of cattle, gain of garmentsby performing journeys in the westerndirection, etc., will be the results,if Venusbe in his sign of exaltation, in bis 'own sign or be in exalted or own Navamsa.

q|.fiqqqA {F rqrETtfH r fraiti ggei*nffirrulr {rrqiTrql q.ffi {Tq*fr: {q|q{r I R @i1qlcrl

7-8. There will be acquisitionof a kingdom (high position in gov-rnment), enthu$iasm, beneficencE of the king (governmeriS] ."cilbeing in the family, increasein the number of *ives. ..r'rldren and wealth,etc., if Venus be associated with or aspi'.i'i )y a beneficand be in a friendly Navarisa,in the 3rd, thd:;,ti: or the llth t'rom the Ascendant.

qnireaquetl wia Eerqfen$rq I Erqganfefrsr q mia qafisq tnotl

9-10. Danger from thievesetc., antagonisticrelations with governrrent officials, desrruction of friends and kinsmen, . distress to wife and children, firay be expected if Venus be associatedwith or aspected by a malefic in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th from the Ascendant.

qqtFrqt qi *qTffiFcrq qiaq TrqaR


*fir* r


fiq* *qwi



g{rk{ ffi1<r{


firdE trtttl

I1.,' fhere will be fear of de, ih, if Venus be the lord of the 2nd or the ?th from the Ascendal:t. Remedialmeesures to obtain relief from the above evil "cffectsare, Durga Patha and gviog a cow in charity.


Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra

Effects of the Antardasr of the Sunin the Dasa of Venus

q{ {rlFqrde ar4TAsHAT*q


rrqtkqq: r



12. Therewill be a period of agony, wrath of the king (government), etc., in the Antarquarrelswith the coparceners dasa of the Sun in tbe Dasa of Venusif the Sun be in any sign other than his sign of exaltaionor debilitation. Notes : This versedoesnot appearto be correctlyworded the Sundoes produce good effectsin position other because than exaltationor debilitation. The position is correctiystated versionof this versewhich readsas under, in the Chowkambha Page 433 {tFqriTdt sd *Tnfu EIxnETq q;aFI \iqfq: {fq: I {ctrdl({ <rfsrt tl

irr qIS E ffiisfq il ttlltl ili{n&rs}i uaFn$T:(qlirtF{RdtusRtrttit:l ffi$rrl

gftrtg: nlYll sqndt{q fmrnal: gccrFr $rqnrsr gcrqEl I gctlqrr'{ gavrd a {Hil ulttl ftffi
of a kingdom (attainment 13-15,Effecis like acquisition and wealth, happinessfrom of a high positionin government) wife and children, happinessfrom employer, meeting wilh friends, happinc-s from parents, marrige, name and fame, bettermentof fortune, birth of a son etc., will be experiencd if the Sun be in his sign of exaltation, in his own sign in ker.dra tritrona,the 2nd or the llth from the Ascendantor the lord of the Dasa (Venus).

eqfrai W fffid


ffirsut .qn $


il |

fcqtr r atqrit ,, rrqilt frrlq(

il qrq+R iQarfr qirq: nlqtl *n eqqiqR{qiql} frs<mqurq I fu

Chapter 60


rq{kQilqr ililrtqrTd

q dtlA ir rTri asn I q{ peiarRn{Frq ulqtl

16-18.Distress, agony,distress to membersof the family, harshlanguage, distress to father, lossof kinsmen. wrath of the king (government), danger at home,many diseases, destruction of agriculturalproduction,etc., will be the results, if the Sun be in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th from the Ascendant, or be in his sign of debilitationor in an enemy's sign.



nE?TTFrrqfqGqfil I


qft'tth q

t,r& ulQ.rl

qffql?aie ffi l;;rarrrfamM r r* ?qEiat *q qirqiltiltr{i rrRorr

19-20.There will be evil influence of the planets if the Sun be the lcrd of the 2nd or the 7th from the Asccndant. Worship of the Sun is the renrcdial measureto obtain relief from the aboveevil effects. Effects of thc Antardasa of the Moon in the Dasaof Venus



\.\ lTcq;rrqq

qil |


qrilqlii ql$t ta q6qq{ illlrr


qqrtsq{qrfeda r



' 21-22.Effectslike gain of wealth, conveyances, clothes 'by the beneficence of the king, happinessin the family, great opulence and glory, devotion to dcities and Brahmins, will , be derivedin the Antardasaof the Moon in the Dasa of Venus if the N{oonbe in her sign of exlltation, in her own sign, be with the lord of the 9th, beneficsor the lord of the associated 10thor be in a kendra.trikona or the llth.


frailsqegf frfqEwriRrrrmrr finf6tarfa1lqla EqsTlsftrt,$iTq ui ltl qlqilrqrqt4 ir wqigmrluE\ ltRlltl


Brihat ParasaraHoro Sasfta'

there will also be 23-231. Inthe above circumstances, of and receiving learning of men and with musicians association abnormal cattle, and other gain of cows, buffaloes decorations, dining with brothersetc' profits in business,

qrgf,He qrfq qsarceEqqrrf{i ttRYll ffi arkmqrerf flfq <;ri ?n aqqttfvti I ai6'rt uiraRl: qrfl|5qia qQTqqqllRtll


qnraTfr trqaR R<\urq t

*e dt*iqrarfed $Fft llRqll

Er(gaGfrer q

uRq+tl faceFufqqlqqE

Lossof wealth, fears, physical distress' agony' 24-26+. wrath of the king (government),journeys to foreign landsor pilgrimage,distreis to wife and childrn and separation from ii"ro,.n, w.ill be the resultsif the Moon be in her sign of debilit' ation, combust or be in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th from the or the lord of the Dasa (Venus). Ascendant

km]li rcisfq il llRell erffiEilqTE iqrqwlfuqiqil I *e nqftff,mit d'f qvr: qd alftqtq.{rrs(Tqq llRqll
16rrrqrrtaslqftfnqiui qil(lqTE: I

rriq ttRett' t{aqnl t6ulwi Tqrfit ce{raqt

on,, a province or village will be sovereigniy 27-29.'There of the king (government),of clothes etc'' by the beneficence in wealtherc:' if the Moon of a reservoir,increase construction llth from the lord of the or 3rd the trikona, be in a kendra, fitness at the physical be will (Venus). There the Dasa in its physiial distress and of the Antardasa commencement last portion. Notes : Though it is not mentioned,it is but natural that the efrectsof the M6on being lord of the 2nd and the 7th will be thc sameas predictedfor other planetsearlier in everycase'

Clnpter 60 Effectsof the Antardasl of Mars in ihe Dasg of Vanus


ttqnt;akrlqri r {q}d qr ?aeii qlt trr* ar <aigt uQo11

ilirfqtr iqqR m{qrl}qr{q* r



a$!{a} qrqE}snF{Fq vfrq{t atq rr11rr

crcatlnqqrqlef(6af(fa: gqrqa trl1*tl
30-31t. Effects iike acquisitionof kingdom (attainmentof a high positionin government), property, clothes,ornaments, land and desiredo'rjects,will be derive<i in the Anpardasa of Mars in the Dasa of Venus,if Mars be in kendra, trikona or the llth from the Ascendant or be in his sign of exaltation or his own signsor be associated with the lord of tbe Ascendant, 9th or the l0rh.

ilrsra* zqt ilsfq Ertqrrn atq Erullu qfraeaqfetrsT ir fqqqqqqrEt I scqrsfrrm'(hrnq (ani$f{rf rrr}a'qT illlll ?qi|?qqffiiftqq {iTa} rrvfw6: r Erurcraqqltflqqi; vt I Ttqarrqfaq} I1 Q
32-34.Therewili be fever from cold, diseases like fever tr: parents,.loss of position,quarrels, antagnrism with the king (government) and government extravegantexpenditure offficials, etc.,'if Mars be in the 6th, the Sth or the t2th from the Ascendant ur the lord of the Dasa.



i far@rart

eEqrur qfhqlil ntrrl

35. Physicaldistress, losses in prot'ession,lossof villagc, land etc., will be the rcsults,if Mars be thc lord of the 2nd or the 7th from the Ascendant. / Notes : Though remedial measure is not mentioned, we trelieve that givinga bull in charity rvill enable the native to obtain relief from the evil effects.-



Brihat Parasara Hora fustra

Efrects of the Antrrdasa of Rdu h tkc Desa of Vcnns

rrTqFafa {rt} *trm{ftlrhri I qhmntrig* utqrl rffi n qmt$ arg:rrutrifeE: Tqtq qq*Irr&rrr{: ltl\eltl
36-37*.Effectstike great enjoynetrt, gain of wtalth, visitg journcys, gein of cattle and land etc., will of friends, succcssful be derived in the Antardasa of Rahu in the Desa of Venus, if Rahubeinkendra ortrikona or the llth, bcin his ei3uof exaltation or in his own sign or b,s aasociatedwith or arpectcd by benefics.

I a{Wa} q'6*ed rr snrrtRilqri gresqsmd{ rrlri t @llQell

qrqTqqqt lr$ r1$nr: 93fi qiE ulcrr

rrif{rn} rM

en*ftntfrllrtt t

EiioTfr {r<wnrtqrrQ ilqtrfr{q( rrlqrr

3&39. Enjoymcnts, destnrction of encmy, athusiasm, beneficcnce of tbe king, *ill bo the rcoulo, if Rahu bc in thc 3rd, the 6th, the lfth or tbe llth from thc Ascendant. Good effeccts will be expcricncedup to 5 months from the comsenst ment of thc Antardasabut at the cnd of tbc Drss thcrc will bo danger from fcversand indigcstion.

r *rkqrt rnififinrrrrfrft int qtrrd {rur<tr T( dli { rrrn$ ttroll l nTfr ffirq rnt l|fir wrsl I
q(l: rrrqftiftfin t{ltrrtn g!M{ ltrlll sq:rn't ilgq|d *{qmwi riq rrvtltt
40-411. /n tnc abow circurutalccs *c@t fbr obetrck in vcnturts and journcp, and wo6rics,tbere ryill bc etl cnjoyneatc like those of a king. Journoys to forcign landr will bring succtss and the pcrson will rctBrn safcly to his hodrld. Therc will also be bhssings fron Bnhmins rnd erspicirru t resultsconsequent to visits to holy plrcm.

Chapter 60


GR"tt s.a* qft ttmrt fafafariq r qrrt5errraFt agtqqfqrn{ sta trvvtt

qrtvrrffgrlrrqr* eqil EtI qrriq* ilvRtl qqil n{ 3r{d frdqrilq"Tq{b I qqfqeli s{a rrns{ fa*tq uY!11

42-44.There will be inauspicious effectson selfand parents and antagonism with people, if Rahu be associated with a maleficin thc 8th or the l2th from the lord of the Dasa(Venus). Physicaldistress will be causedif Rahu be the lord of the 2nd 7th from tfie or the Asccndant. Remedialmeasure to obtain relief from the above evil cffectsis Mrityunjaya Japa. Effects of thc Art rdeseof Jrpiter in tne\asa of Venus




rqti rsaia*ri r qrrt lt 1arrfwi nvlul


c*ni wnrrsd fiS;rq: uvq11 tmrrrn-+nlfr q q!{rqliTTfq-drqlr'?r I nrfis1FrfiTltrf {|rG1Frf(stwl ilvell



45-48. Effectslike recoveryof the lost kingdom(reinstate' acquisition of desired ment) in a high pqsition in (government), grains, clothesarid property etc., reverence from the friends and the king (govcrnrnent) and gain of wealth,recognitionfrom the king, good reputation, gain of conveyances, association with employer and men ol' learniug, industriorrsness in the study of Shastras, birth of a son, satisfaction,visits of close friends,happiness to parents and son etc., rvill be derived in tlre Antardasa of Jupiter in the Dasa of Venus, if Jupiter be in his sign of exaltation, in tris own sign or in kendra or trikona to the Ascendantor the lord of the Dasa(Venus).


Brihat parsssTsHora Sastre

qli{nrqra<rf{re* qi qr qmiti r tmqt<rF+iter iT t6r*sr qfrsqff, uyq11 .{qrcs-drai qr}aqT I eTRTrqfffUnae aqtw$e c{td q rr?ntd qlqrq u{otl
49-50.Therewill be danger from the king (government), tnd thieves, distress to sel. arrdkinsmen,quarrels, mental agony, ossof position, going away to foreign lands and danger of nany kinds of diseases, if Jupiter be in the 6th, the gth or the l2th from the lord of the Dasa (Venus)and be associated with a nalefic.

fef,tqq.aqrdt{i ?aqtn

qlesqfr r
q tq i l tl tl



51. Therewill be physical distressif Jupiter be the lc"rrd rf the 2nd and the 7th. The remedialmeasureto obtri^ ":lief from the above rvil effects is Mrityunjaya Japa. iffects of the Antardasaof S;,r,iurn in the Dasa of Venus

{TFqFaTrfr ff? eshi q q{chs{i I eqE{*;rfafi]qi gg{qi Tqi{risfqqr ntRn ntya) q6tlcd rnf+eq;Elqrlrt: I tlqart q qs{rd gfanwnwqq: ntlrl
Esql{q {Etmfir: alsgi si{rqFqqia
I 11Xytl

52-54.Effects like great enjoyments,visits of friendsanrl insmen recognition from the king (governmcnt) birth of a laughter,visits to holy placesand sacred shrines, confernment rf authority by the king (government),will bc derived in the \ntardasaof Saturnin the Dasaof Venus, if Saturn be in his igo of exaltation, in his own sign in kendra,trikona or in his. rwnNavamsa.


aerTssqTqfrrfiEElztrT I

qt q?a drtqnar a*q q u{tll



man"t fsfetn fict

.tqF frfr=t

q f,E

fqEqqqinfb r qnrfifsq: tt{qtl

F',iT I

fa-dtcs.aqnnqi t6eiur

cfilqf( nterl

55-57. Therewill be lethargyand more expenditurethan income,if Saturnbe in his sign of debilitation. Many kinds of distresses and troublesat the commencement of the Antardasa, distress to parents, wife and children, going away to foreign in profession,destruction of cattle, etc., will , be lands,losses the results, if Saturn be in the 8th, the llth or the l2th from the Ascendant or the lord of the Dasa (Venus). There wlll be physicaldistress if Saturn be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th from theAscendant.




gafuwdtvtuflqfq Er utqll Ta{ EI ilrqrur{rtt qan{rf{d qcrrfqfur tiT: vnf;aqqr.a]ft fn<rwnreiaa:
rernedial measuresto obtain relief from the 58-59.The above evil effects, are Havana with sesamun seeds (fire), (by Mritvunjaya iapa, Durga-saptashati Patha self or through a \ Brahmin). Effects of the Antardrsa of Mercury in the Dasr of Venus

' qftFqraft q]+i *i qrqfamlqi I \fl tqki oIr Tqq'ii qrfq ttqsitfatt qrq ||Q
qlqnri qrfitrnir


tl;fiqq: I nqltl





?rq qFEq r

Fqrqhq qqwlqi ftFi fqqar.iT*fiq uqRtl

60-62. Effectslike dawn of fortune, birth of a son, gain of wealth throughjudgement of court, listening to storiesfrom Puranas, associationwith personscompetent in poetry etc.,


Brihat Poror)ro Eora Sdstra

visits of closefriends,happinessfrom employer, availabilityof sleetishpreparations of in the Antardasa etc.,will be derived Mercury in the Dasa\of Venirs,if Mercury be in kenbra,trikona (or from the lord of the Dasa or the'l lth from the Ascendant, or Venus)in his signof exaltation in his own sign.

ql;{rrqsat* er;rrmqfailqqq

?n a$n qr ffiqfq*
itgttilc*q. ft'(


qn3oa qrqgce


qclistqtum: t ?EIqr\ it R?rq Afqtq i i$q: rrqvtt qsa qsrrscifEqiqr l}qd tsffiEl {ilqd

tivrm't *q rfuraaaqdEs'q nqul

63-65. If Mercury be in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th from the lord of Dasa (Venus)or be weak or-be associatedwith a malefic, there will be agony, loss of cattle, residence in othcr people's houses, and losses in business. Therewill be somegood effects at the commencement, mi..' . ate in the middle portion and distress from fever etc., 21 rireend of the Antardasa.



rrfraqfar fasgw6e* e t ( r r q q r r


'Ihere 66. will be physical distress if Merctrry be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th from the Ascendant. The remedialmeasure to obtain relief from the aboveevil efttcts,is recitationof Vishnu Sahasranama. Effectsof the Antardasaof Ketu in the Dasr of Venus

n*qr;ariR *al teIE'* qr rqdTrsfqqr I

qlqflqssrs+i rwq{t{imftqerrtrsrr sniqrc] clqcfrrrqrfiaei fqsar;?q'lq{c r


qHEcrnfe1faqq ||qqIl

67-68. Auspicious effects like availability of sweetish preparations, abnormal gains in professionand increasein cattle wealth, will be derivedfrom the vcry commencement of rhe Antardasaof Ketu in the Dasa of Venus,if Ketu be' in his

Chapter 60


signcf exaltation, in his own signor be relatedto a yogakarak:r planet or be possesscd of positionalstrcngth. Notes: It is not laid down any where in which housedoes Ketu get positionalstrength.

qqrrrqqfaeE qsi qti

. {flt


qiq r

{rdrR A qq *r xftqr* qq{ scr{ uiatr

qttq,rs qr{rtterqTfiqiq ,rieirr

69-69i. In the there wiil be definjte victory in the war at the end of the Antardasa. Morierate resultswill be experienced in the middle portion of the Antrrdasaand therewill alsobe {belingof distress scmctimes.

eTiwn;erqnTt qlrn .n qnd$ neoll stqrf6ilvr{lsr rr $amn} q6erlqrrI lns6snrrioeq stfr rr\e1rr fnqltt{
' ? FtFilqm aqattt: I




Thergwill be danger from snakes, 70-72. thieves,wounds, lossof power of thinking, headache,agony, qurrels without any cause or reason,diabetes, expenditure, excessive antagonism with wifc and children, going away to. foreign land, loss irr if Ketu be in tbe 8th or the l2th from the lord of the vcntures, with a malefic. Dasa (Venus)or be associated

fffitqqrilq aflelfr6d

*6amr qqsqqqri

qfqtqfil t

a\ rrulrr

,q{erltsewF6'qI cgft orrtfff q*frftm,.fi rnt?f, dt: gqrtemt.dTrnq nevtt

73-74.Tbere will be physicaldistress if Ketu be the lord the or the 7th from the Ascendant. 2nd of to obtain relief from the above Thc remedialmeasures jaya Japaond giving a goat in charity. cffectsare Mrityun Remedialmeasures for appeasing Venus will also prove beneficiai.

sTqT TiWilEnItFFTIEqTq: ltq lti


Effectsof Pratyantar Dasasin the Antardasaof Planets

How to calculatethe PratyantarDasa

FqeaasTrrrr*t;qr+ai{nfqfilq r Tqq qdrq?iE{flq}tr sci ${iqFar fiqtq ulrl

1. By multiplyingthe yelrrs_-etc. of Antardasaof planets separatelv by I)asa yearsof each planet and dividing the proriuct by total span of the Vimsottari Dasa, namely 120 yebrs, we rvill arriveat the PratyantarDasa of eachplanet. Erample : We have to find out the PratyantarDasa of the Sun in the Antardasa and Dasa of the Sun. The spanof Antardasanamely3 month 18 daysconverted into days comes to 108days. The Pratyan_tar L\rsa will be 108X 6:648+ 120 : 5 days24 ghatikas The PratyantarDasa of the Moon in the Antardasaand, D a s ao f t h e S u nw i l l b e 1 0 8d a y s \ l 0 : 1 0 8 0 = 1 2 0 : 9 days Tablcsar- givenbelowshorving Dasas the Pratyantar of all the planetsin the Antardasas in the Dasa of the Sun. Dasaof the Sun Pragantar Dasasin the Antardasaof the Sun SN MN MRS RH illths D:s Gh. 5 24 JUP SAT MCY KT VEN t7 6 t5 6 1818 18 0 00000000 16 t4 9 6 18 t2 2 4, 0 00000:


Chapter 6i Pratyantar tr)asas in the Antardassof fhe Moon MN MRS Mths0000000lti f)ays 15 l0 .Chatikas 0_ 30


RI{ JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN 27 0 24 0 28 30 25 30 tO 30 O 0

PratyantarDasas in the Antardasaof Mars MRS RH. .I[JP SAT lvlcr Months000000000 '7 Days 18 16 Gh; 2t 54 48 19 57 17 21 KT 7 2lVEN SN 2l 0 tG l8 MN

ttt - 3p

Pratyantar Dasasin the Antardasaof Rahu RH JUP SAT MCY KT 2l 18 15 l8 5454 VEN 24 0 Monthsllll'"1000 Days 18 13 Gh. 36 t2

SN MN MRS t6 t2 27 0

18 54

Pratyanrar Dasasin the Antarilasl of .Iupiter JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS RH

Month.i Days .Gh.

11101000r 81510t61814241613 2436484802404812

Pratyantar llasas in the Antardaseof Saturn SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS RH


I\{onths Days Gh.

I 24 9

1 18 27

0 19 s7

10001 27 r7 20 19 0630571836


Prrtyontar Dasasin the Antardasaof Mercury MCY KT VEN '0 0 Months I Days 13 I7 21 Gh. il 5t

SN MN MRS RH JP SAT .0 0 0 I I I 15 :5 17 15 l0 l8 l8 30 51 54 48 51

744 ,

Brihat Parassra Hora Sastro Pretyrntar Deses in tbe Antrrdrsl of Kctu KT VEN SN MITI MRS RH JUP 55,1 r.{CY 610 t8 30 0Ooi;O 7 18 16 21 54 4i{ t9 5'I '17 51

Months00OO Daysl21 Ghatikas 2l

in the Antadasa of Ycr*x' Pratyantar Da-sas VEN SI\ MN MRS. RH JUP FA.T i,{CY KT 31 24 l* 17 tl 2l Months2O10111i0 0 0 l8 Days Ghatikas00000000

of thc Sun Effects of Pratyantar Dasa in tLc'Iarq

(q..q.)fqsrElfqa6rfrra 6v'rs; fM EtqI I Fq?at Xtr$ti arq silr?at $crt llRtl

, 2. Sun-Sun(This meansP. Dasa of the Sun in the Anlarlossof wealth. dasa of the Surr)-Argumentwith other persons, cffects. etc. The abovc are generai to wife, headache distress effects will not bc prcduced if the Sun be in Such inauspicious trikona etc,, be the lord of an auspicioushouse, be in an auspicioushouse an; a benefic varga- AII other Pratyantar shouldbe judged tr, thiSmanner. effects

(q.*.) vin:

ena6vaa feqrfa{*aF,n I
qi ir.rqirmtt
$Frq il3tl

c6qrai fsqritna

3. Surr-Moon-Excitertent, quarrels, loss of nental egon) ctc. t

iq.d.) qrcdlfa:' lrqas{tRris{ e6ftaq r

{raal5561 freI Eqstqaf,t t6Frqilvrl
and weapons? 4. Sun-Mers-Danger -from thc king liom cnemies and fire. imnrisonment,distress a

(q,"<t.)$rsqaqTflr: vtrdlfrfdtiagfa{q-qrrqT r <Iq$rHfrefiar(} <rssiqrf,t sFr.q u{il _

u. Chap&r 61 74i

5. Sun-Pahu-Disorder <lf phlcgm, ditnger of rvcaporti' loss of wealtir, destruction of kingdom and metttltl flgon!'

(t. 1.)rrqil{ft qfr



q'Qq tlqll
lvcaltlt, gain' i i

6. Sun-.Iupitcr'-Victory, increusc in golil, garments,canveyancesctc.

I (q.n.)u;Tflfr: qn': frer t$in) qrq;

Brqri qiiqPffi nftsiqnt EIt: llell
of wealth, distress to ctttle, excit'-?. Sun-Saturn---Loss ment, diseases ctc.

(q.t.) fffi adqrql

I EqS M'ad;mq: $s?a;at tiq ttctt TiIqil

8. $uri-Mercury-Affectionate relations with kinsnrcrt' avail:rbilityof good food, gains of wealth,religiousrnindednes'' revercr:ce fiom the king (governmen$.

( srm{tfrni{Arii <tq{tftrwr faq:t

rqqfl5q rgqr& ffi: ftffi{t r\ ttett
9. Srrn-(etu-Danger to life, loss of wealtlt, danger fron-r trouble with the etremies' ttre king (government)

(q..ql finrft qqcErfq ilqlsrqeql wifa6 t q qs$Ftf: qnsiqFat wiq ttlott (EtFqI
10. Sun-Venus-Moderate effectsor some may be expccted. 'gains of wealtlr

Drsr of the lVloon Pratyertrr Dasas in the Antardasa of The Moon MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN Months00llll010 17 25 Days 30 Ghatikas 15 l0 0 t7 30 12 30 l7 30 20 O

SN 15 O

(46 .

Brihat ParasaraIlora Sastra Pratyantar l)asrs in the Antardasaof Mars

MRS RH JUP SA'TMCY ,KT VEN SN MN 00 \touths0l01001 ri l0 5 12 29 3 28 1 12 Da1's 30 30 0 15 45 0 15 Ghatikas 15 30

PratyantarDasasin the Antarilasa of Rahu

RH JUP SAT MCY \lonths2222 12 25 2l Dal's Ghatikas003030 16


St\i MN MRS '1 I 0 1 3 102715r 3000q30 VEN

Pratyantar Dasasin the Antardasaof Jupiter JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN MI.{ MRS RH \{ontlrs222020102 8 16 4 Da1's 0 0 Ghatikas 0 28 0 20 0 24 0' 10 0 28 0 12 0

PratyantarDasasin thc Antarilasa of Saturn

1SATMCY KT VEN Months32l3 Days02035 Ghatikas15 45


$N MN MRS RH JUP 1122 0 1032516 28 20 3 0 1 5 3 0

of Mcrcury in theAntarilasa .PratylntarDasas MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT 2 2 2 0 I 2'0 O 2 Months



2s 2s 12
30 30

2e 16




' 0


PratyantarDasasin the Antaradasaof Ketu KT VEN SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY Months010001010 5r' 10 12 OuVt 30 Ghatikas 15 l7 30 I 12 15, . 30 28 3 15 27 45



Chapter 61 .


of Veuus Pr*tyantar Dasasin the Antaradasa 't'EN SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT

\,Ionths311l3232l Da5's1002050205255 0 Ghatikas0 0

Pratyantar Dasasin the Antardasaof the Sun SN MN Morrihs 0 Days 9 Ghatikas 0 i: 0 ]\{RS RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN

0000001 102724282s100 3000303030,0

Effectsof the Pratyantar Dasasin the Antardasaof the Moon

t;i.rt ) {u}aqqffircFdt ':{sr{q?aFirt irf

(IFTqrqEqq{ | q'?iilrilt t6FTq llllll

tj. Moon-Moon Acquisitionof land, wealth and property, rev.;,ence from the king (government), and availability of i.: ir preparations. Swcc

td.*f.)nfalfa{qrgca: qd
sqrqq: {rqri

RE I E?qEI+:
q\ trlqtr


1?. Moon-Mars-Wisdom and discl',:tion, reverencefrom to kinsmenbut there peoplc, increase the in wealth,enjoyments will be dangerfrom enemy {ri" in.) Eiiffieqrqqrqdt qtqfqtwnqq: t


(I$ftqFat Gq ! rttttt

13. Moon-Rahu-Welt beingand gain of wealth from the with (Government), king dangerof death if Rahu be associated a rpilcfic.

(*i.X.l {eaqnft r$tc} {ein{ q Htg{'t:I

qiqq 11vtl
14. MoonJupiter-Enjovnrents, increase in dignity and glory, gain oi knowledgethrc;ughthe preceptor,acquisitionot: a kilgdom (high position in Golernment) and gemsetc.


& ihat ParasaraHora Sastra

(ii.{T.) Sfca a


t srdfrfrTfedffi: otGrss'at riq rrtrtt

of wealthr and 15. Moon-saturn-Bilious troubies' loss name and fame'

(.i.t ) SawrgnFafqarat* quri{f,t


| t r6tafa: rriq rrtQtt

son' acquisition of a horse 16. Moon-Mercury-Birth of a in education' progress' gain of success and other cGnveyances, white garmentsand grains'

qd qar$ttle.: qrreF: I (ri. - ' ilildr \ '' t.) Rn: ffi: $f,6t qiE ttl\ett cea qTqfr
17.Moon'Ketu-QuarrelswithBrahmins'fearofpremature' all round' and distrcss O.atn,io., ofhappiness,

(t. q.)qat*T* T@'rcEEr*r gmo"q'

fif-ilq fihhd SrFrRt


18.Moor-Venus-Gainofwealth,enjoyments,blll"|'-and cordial reladaughter, availability" of *tti fpreparations tions with 6ll'

{lttlrt: nqgfr: -qqFrq:I (ri.q.) \ '' ote<Fttr fqqqsfcd: gisart fru}: ttlett ppains and garments' "{19. Mmn'Sun-Gain of bappiness'
where' everY victories Drsr of Mrrs Mrrs Pretyrntar Dsrs in the Anterilnsrof MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN 0000 0 0 Months 0 2 t20824 l 9 22' I Fays 31 30 49 16 3 36 Ghatikas 34 0 30 30 0 30' 0 30 Palas SN MN 00 712 2l 15 00




Pratyantar Dasrs in the Antrrdasa of Rahu RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS Months I Days 26 Ghatikas 42

111 29 20 51 24

23 33

02010 22318122 3054303

Pratyantar Dasesin tbe Antrrilasa of Jupiter JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN MR'S RH Months1110l000l 17 Days 14 23 36 12 Ghatikas 48 19 36 26 0 1'6 28 0 48 19 36 20 24

Pratyanter Dasasin the Antarilasa of Seturn SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS RH JUP 2 Months I)ays 3 Ghatikas 10 30 Palas

10201011 26236196232923 30 57 15 31 16 30300003000




Pratyantar Dases in the Antardasaof Mercury MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT 1000111 0 1 Months 26 23 l7 17 29 20 29 20 20 Days 33 36 3l 30 51 45 49 Ghatikas 34 49 0003030030 30 30 Palas ' Pratyantar Dasasin the Antardasaof Ketu KT VEN SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY 192320 Days824712822 16 49 36 3 30 21 15 34 Ghatikas 3.1 Palas3000300-3030 Pratyantar Dsas in the Antardasaof Venus VEN SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT Ir{orrths2O102l2l0 52432632924 Days1021 Cihatikas000000304^-10


Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra Sun Pratyantar Desasin the Antarrlasaof the KT VE\' SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY

Montlis000000000 ;";610718 21 Ghatikas18 30


16 48

ler772r 51 57


of thc Moon PratyantarDasasin the Antarilasa KT VEN SN MN MRS RIt JUP SAT MCY Months0Ol010010 125329 DayslT12 0 0 30 Ghatikas 30 15 12510 45 15 3C


of Mars Efiects of Pratyantar Dasas in the Antarilasa

(*i.*i.) nqittk ota qX Gdatd th{5 t 'gftur.a*nrai q\ ltRott it gsnseFdt

quarrels, and fear from enemies, 20. 1\[ars.Mars_Danger diseases' of prematurcdeathon accountof blood

(d. <r.)*q{ 6il(:

<rqqgqi( ua6fa: 51}oq l' tlRl!} (rgsilIrfri qraE {rqfqfu

and kingdom(fal: 21. Mars-Rahu-Destructionof wealth food aud quarrelswith tbe ellen-r)'' of Government),unpalatable a

({ t ) qlarwrcaqt 3:d Fitrt: taq} uiq t f{qFi fqf.?ii tr{ gtl: xFr'fli r{AEllRRll

sorro\\'sz distress' 22. Mars-Jupiter-Loss of intelligence' quarrels and no-fulfilment of any ambition'

(d. n.)rerfqqwlwqt

,ftcr ui$fq{rqq{ | 6?[aKI] flA: rFat r{A( ilRltl

distress' 23. Mars-Saturr-Destruction of the employer' and quarrels anxiety' loss of wealth, danger from enemies, sorTows.



'Clwpter 6l

(d. q.) q{qr

uqrRs{ttilrli I Erarmg6{i qrvil qusilfri uiq nRvtt

24. Mars-Mercury:-Loss of iiltelligeuce,loss of wealth' feversand loss of grains, garnents and friends'

lethargy' premr-r25. Mars-Ketu--Distressfrom diseases, ture death, dangerfrom the king and weapons'

({.t.) srlqqdq fqrc:frsr qtctrfrslqrqfi t {rqfrfft {Raqrfr}*a} sianni niq llRtll

\\ s' (<'r41)' s.orro 26. Mars-Venus-E istressfrom Chandals vomlttlng' dangerfrom the king and weapons'dysentryand

(d. {.) ilusraftHggcdrq} ttctlr&rqd qa( l qfren<rsqeq{ qrq}:snrrrai wiq tttQtt

fqaqgfa:t ({.q.) q&enu\dwqffr' i "*'te} qq: tlRell , wia qsqrqlfr q-i: *ryai
(ri. ,i.) qTsqi fEf{r qiailq: feaveafaqtnq t if<k: s{flqt'uri fru}: sriq?ai qiq llRqu

wealtlt' 27. Mars-Sun-fncrease in lancled propert-v and ali round' satisfaction,visits of friends, happiness

south' Mars-Moon Gains of white garmentsetl'' from the in all ventur.'s direction,success Rahu SN MN MRS 2 1 1 18 2t' 26 0 4: 36

Desa of Rohu' Pratyantar Dasasin the Antardasaof RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN 5 "Months 4. l' 4 5 4 g' 12 26 3:l25 n"vr 0 42 4.2 5! 36 48 Ghatikas ]

tr,toqttrs344l4l.2 2 nays 25 16
Gnr:ikas 12 48 )A

Pratyauter Dasas in the Antarilasa of Jupiter RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS



11 13 12 ?9 3ti 0 24 12

SAT MCY KT Ilonths541513154 25 29 t2 Days 51 21 27 Chatikas

Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra Pratyantar Dasasin the Autardasaof Saturn VEN SN MN 21 0 21 18 25 30 MRS RH JUP 29 51 3 57 16 48

Pratyantar Dasasin the Antardasaof Mercury MCY KT ]Ionths 4 10 Days Ghatikas 5 1 23 33 VEN SN MN 5 3 l" 15 54 2 16 30 MRS RH JUP SAT I 23 33 444 17225 42 24


Pratyantar Dasas in the Antarilase of Ketu KT VEN SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY IlontlrsO20l01lll 3 10 22 Days 0 54 Clratikas 3 1 30 22 3 26 42, 20 24 29 51 23 33

Pratyantar pasas in the Antarilasaof Venus VEN SN MN \l0nths613254552 Days02403122421 0 0 Gliatikas0 MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT 33 0

Prttyantar Dasasin the Antarilasaof the Sun SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN \[onths 0 16 Days Ghati*.as12 0 27 0

0 l8 54

1111 18 13 36 12

2l l8

15 54

0l l8 24 s40

i:rat3'rnfar Dasasin the Antardasaof the Moon ,MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN Monthsfl2222l | t5 Days 30 Ghatitas 0 2l I 12 :: 25 30 16 30 I 30

30 027 00

Clupter 61 Pratyantar Dasasin the Antardasaof Mers


MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN \lonths0llll02Oi i)yas 22 26 20 Clratikas 3 42 21 29 51 23 33 22 3 3 0 l8 54 1 30

of Rahu Effectsof PratyantarDasnsin the Antardasa

I (<r.<r.)ffert' EEuT*rt EgEttd:'E$Tqq <r6;a*nrqi q id n6ai $Ft{ llRell

dangerof injurics diseasc, 29. Rahu-Rahu--lnrprisonment, :'[om weapons.

i<r. 1 ) nta qrri qd rrqn{ q rrrtFtrt{| afr<arivnai tr {<}: $iwai c{;t:ltQoll

evcrywhere,acquisition of 30. Rahu-Jupiter-Revereuce etc., gain of wcalth. like clephants Jorlveyanccs

(tr. n.) fiqd ETTqA alt qu6tFlri6qxaqt ner{ arartvr q ui: sia;ai qqq llltll
loss of cnjo.1imprisonmeut, 31. Rahu-Saturn-Rigorous alTlictiou with rltcumatism. :llcnts,dangerfrom enemies,

t (n t.) u{a a6ur wt: eetug'rcafcfrqa:

qravrqET fefu{unu;ai rriq ttlqtt

32. Rahu-McrcuryGain in all verrtrtrcs,abnormal, galn ilrroughwifc.

I \qT.+.){.fail{r} +rrifaea} ur6rfa{61$Trr{. lrrt{ ll1lll tttia o-cqla.rl tal: sffiti

from enemies, danger 33. Rahu-Kttu-Loss of intelligence, 'bstacles, lossof wealth,quarrels, excitcmcnt.

i<r.{r.)q}frFifq}wd qn<w6rft: gq}q

c*mn: gwi ulr

qfirir#Fri triq ttlvtt


Arihat parasara Hora Sasnl

34. RahuJVenus-Dahger,from yogini, danger from the king, loss ofconveyances, availability of unpalatable food, loss of wife, sorrow in the family.

(q. q.) eq<lql rr{r{tfa: ga+af{ter{ r

.r ETilttrt:sr{n?rq qi: slfiFti: qi( ttiltrt
35. Rahu-Sun-f)anger from enemies,fevgrs, distress tt, children,fear of prematuredeath,negligence.

(q.d.) gdqsq6t



ftf*oaat ?t fqul:<i: qiq?diiri( rriErr

36. Rahu-Moon-Excitement, quarrels, worries, loss ol to fathei. reputation,fear, distress

(<r.*) tr.F{rEf,r

ciOf{SdAn' S',rrEitra{
Dasaof .Iupitcr


<cafqasfTE;rq I

boil ir.''",.c 37. Rrhu-Mars-Septic tnus: (qq;E<), distrcss due to bite and pollutionof blc,'o, lossof wealth,exiitcment.

PratyantarllaSirsin the Antardrstiof Jupitcr

iup Montlis 3 12 Days Ghatikas24

sar McY ,KT vEN sN MN MRs 4 2 i + 2" t L 1 18 14 I 4.14 .8 36 48 48 O 24 0 48

Rt{ 3 25 12

PratyantarDasasin the Antardalr of Saturn SAT MCY Kf Montlrs'4415121 Days 24 I 23 Ghatikas 24 2 12 VEN SN MN 15 2 0. , 36 16 O MRS 23 12



44 16 I 48 36

Prrtyantar D*sas in the Antardasaof Mercury MCY KT Months 3 I Days 25 l7 Ghatikas 36 36 VEN 4 16 0 SN MN ,l 2 l0 8 48 O MRS RH JUP SA1 4 ,1,, 4 3 l7 2 18 9 36 21 48 t, az

Chapter 61 r


Pratyantar Dasasin the Antardasaof Ketu KT VEN SN. MN MRS RH JUP SAT TVIC:

Months0l00 19 26 Days Ghatikas36

16 48

28 0

01 19 27 36 24

I l3 48

1.: 23 17 12 '3(

Pratyantar Dasasin the Antarilasaof Venus VEN SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KI Months5tZl4454':Days 10 18 20 Ghatikas000000000 26 24 8 2 16 2(-

Pretyantar Dasasin the Antardasaof the Sun SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN

Months 0 14 Days Ghatikas24

00111 2416ri815 048t22436

1 10 48

02 16 18 480

Pratyantar Dasasin the Antardasaof thc Moon MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SI\


Months I 10 Days Ghatikas 0

0 28 O

222202( 12416828202-0 0' 0 0


Pratyantar Dasasin the Antarilasaof Mars MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN M\ Months011l1010f' 19 20 14 Days Ghatikas 36 24 48 23 12 17 36 19 36 16 0 16 48 2:>

Pratyantar Dasasin the Antardasaof Rahu RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN Mry MRS. Months4344L4l21 g 25 16 Days 12 48 36 Ghatikas 2 24 20 24 24 0 13 12 12 0 2(' 2*


Brihat parasaraHora Sastra

Effectsof the Pratyentar Dasasin the Antardasaof Jupiter

(tt.t.) tqqlql qroEfq q-u-qrui Ererleq:r .iqiwat{rui q qi( llctl T'ir6i 166rrr
Jupiter-Jupiter-Acquisition of gold, increase in -._38. * eal'thetc.

(1. {r) n}qfrqqqlq;


fqEl garnaR: u*: wrdi



qi( rrterr

39. Jupiter-Saturn-Increase in lands, conveyances, grains

(t.t ) fq-smrq)qqaeiql ilril?nq: qqlFqfrt: r

qEi qgq:

eiql $rrftl;ai

qia rrvorr

40. Jupiter-Mercury-Success in educational sphere, acgni:i-ion of clothes and gemslike pearls _t;., visits of friends.

{T.t.) qqrrtlnaan q}{ sqd n-nq}rri( |


qtr *at: heq;ai Gq ! rrvtrr

41. Jupiter-Ketu-Danger from water and thieves.

I T.q.) qnrfqar{rsfq{qqrafq{qqq qr: ilrr* rriq{ra}d gil: q?q;ai nyllt

42. Jupiter-Venus-severalkinds of learnings, gain oi clothes, ornaments, well beingand satjsfaction. ;:1cl,

T.q ) ?qttaTqraail fqaTfiqilal qrdalsfq il | s?ia flqR Tqt {i: niq?ai qr: rrvitl
43. Jupiter-Sun-Gain frorn the king (Government), ::'lends and parents, reverence everywhere.

ig.=i.) q{g:qf{q}fi

R<"-qf.a s{wqtfq fqq} geqrai fan ! rrvvrr

44. Jupiter-Moon-No distress, gain of wealth and conveyances, success in ventures.


Eqq ir r



(9.d.) lra$filta .ftct af6ruwaildtnr frer {rqgal qRit'ema;ri rri( rrx{rr

45. Jupiter-Mars-Danger from wcapons, pain in anus, indigestion, from enemies. distress burningin stomach,

(t.<r.)rtnsr*r fda: elrEqqrq t*ql aqanffi: r

6d *qrfli *d trfl: sirdi st{{ 1q;qli
46. Jupjter-Rahu-Antagonrsm with menials (Wusrenfb) through them. and loss of wealth and disiress Desa of Seturn P.ratyantar Dasas in the Anterilasa of Seturn

SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS RH Jt P Months5526 330 Days21 l0 Gnatikas28 25 30 30 30 Palas 13254 24031221 9t510272e 00300(,

30 0

Pratyantar Drsas in tbe Antrrd$g of Mercury MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT

Months 4 Days t7 Ghatikas 16 Palas 30

1512 26 ll 31 30 30000

l8 27

20 45

r445 262593 l1 3l 3000x



Pratyrntrr Desls In tb Altrrdese of Kets KT VEN SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY 1 2 I I 0 I 2 -0 Months O Days236193232923326 3l 16 51 12 l0 Ghatikas16 30 fr1 15 Fa|es3000030003030


Brihat Parasara Hora Saslra Pratyantar Dasasin the Antardrsa of Venus

VEN SN MN \lonths6132556r2 Days10275621 0 Ghatikas0 0

MRS RTI JUP SAT MCY KT 2Otl 0 30 6 30



Fratyantar Dasasin the Antardasaaf the Sus SN I\,iN MRS RH JUP SAT MCT KT VEN '' \fonths 0 I 0 I 0 1" I 0 i)als l'l 19 27 28 i9 2t 15 24 18 Glratikas 6 30 57 0 18 36 57 I 2;: Pratyantar Dasasin the Antardasasf the Moon MN MRS RH JUi: iJ,4,T MCY KT VEN SN \Ionths i Da.r's 11 Chatikas 30 I 3 15 2 25 30

232130 150203528 0154515030

Pratyantar Dasasin the Antardasaof Mars MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT Ilontlrs0ll2l02Ol Days232s23326236193 10 t2 31 16 Ghatikas 16 5t Pa|as3000303030000 . VEN SN MN




Pratyantar Dasasin the Antardasaof Rahu RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS

Months 5 3 Days Ghatikas 54

4 16 48

5415121 21 12 2s 29 2721510183051




Pratyantar Dasas in the Antardrsa of Jupiter JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN MT.I MR^g RH.

Months444t5l2 Daysl24g232tSt6 Ghatikas36 24 12

12 0 3d 0
23 12 !6 !,

. Jii'

Chapter6l l'lffectsof Pratyantar flasas in the Antardasirof Saturn


(rt. n.1?efrgr *t{ifaqqq'1qsqt+.1; 1 g:cmant anr nfr: s"attrvdq'nvurr

47. Saturn-Saiurn*Physical quarrels, distress, dangerfrom nrcniaJs.

({r.t.){faarw: m*qtflar;qnrrufeqrfaqar u.f,rfdsid *ra]: vrt: sttrrftTi gi rrxcrt

48. Saturn-Ilercury--Loss quarrels, of intelI igencc, dangers, ;tnxiet.v about availability cf food, lossof wealth, danger l}om cnerny.


r e ailr] eotqFa{gqm "-*T |q* fqfl rrd ars: *al $Fmaisfiiarrvur

49. Saturn-Ketu-Imprisonment in the campof the enemy, : lossof lustre, hunger;anxiety and agony.

(vt.q.) fqfad sfnif qg fiFrnufr*qi qq11 rnang;f6p fltEr:{n}: $euFtrtfFq ! rrtort

5C. Saturn-Venus-Fulfli:nent of ambitions,well being in the family. success in venturcs and gains therefrom. '

({r.g,.)<M}sitsftrfirfiFi Ta{a tilTqeqfe: r q : sr?q;ilt qnq utlll cEntfEaqTfirfrel

51. Saturn-Sun-Confernment of authority by the kinp quarrelsin the family, fevers.

qFE*sr 6T6iqq: *i.) daqfa{6r{E$il (qr. r qrqlutRtl agutfu: sd qlrft fqd: s?EFRi
52. Saturn-Moon-Development of intelligence, inauguraiion of a big venture, Ioss of lustre, extravagant expenditure, associationwith nrany women.


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastro

(rr.{.) eqQrfn laqrd} qffiilt Rfiriaq.r {rrfffiTil q'ter gulrrai q rrtlrr

53. Saturn-Mars-Loss of valour, distress to sot-1, Cangcr from fire and enemy,distress from bile and wind.

(q.q.) srraTrr} aea6fr{frrrvft wi viq r

1q*ltrtq* !q: <t} lta;ri nal li{vrr
54. Saturn-Rehu-Loss of wealth, clothes, hnd" going awry 10 foreign lands, fear of death.

(n.t.) ttg ff

?r n@ri Brrr

fsa eraTrqT fa*srqi r

Eql: srrdi

qkr rrttrr

55. SatrnrJupiter-Inabiiitv women, quarrels,excitement. Dasr of Mercury

tc prevent losses caused b1,

Pratyanter Drses in tbe Antrrdasa of Mercury

MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT 4 | Months 4 t2 t434 2 20 Days 24 1 3 1 2 20 10 25 17 Ghatikae49 34 30 2 t 1 5 u 3 3 6 1 6 Palas 30 30 C 300030 00 Pretyrntar Drses in the Antarihsaof f,etu KT VEN SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY Vlonths 0 Days 20 Sbatikas49 lelas 30

29 30 10 51

00ll 29 20 23 45 49 33 3000

17 36

1l 26 20 31 34 30 30

Pretyruter Drsns ln the Antrrdrsr of Vcnns YEN doatts 5 )ays 20 ShatXkas 0 SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT I 2 l5 4s4l 2t 25 2 9 3 16 lt 24 29 0 0 300 030303c

Chopter 6l


of the Sun Frafyrntrr DrsasIn the Antarddsa SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN Months00011l101 17 15 l0 18 t3 17 2l Days 15 ' 25 O 51 54 48 27 21 5l Ghatikas 2E 30 PretyantarDrsas in the Antuilasa of theMoon MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN Mcnths102222020 16 8 20 12 29 25 25 12 29 Days 6 30 0 45 15 45 Ghatikas 30 45 30 , of Mars PratyantarDasasin the Antardasa MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN I 23 33 0 I 17 36 0 110100 26 20 20 31 34 49 30303000 29 30 17 51 29 45

0 Months 20 Days Ghatikas 49 30 Palas

of Rahu in the Antarilasa Dasas Pratyantar RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS Months44441512t 3 15 16 23 25 l0 23 2 17 I)ays 33 54 30 0 3 33 21 Ghatikas 42 24 'PretyantrrDasrsin theAntardasa of Jupiter J{/P SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS RI{ Months34314l2l4 Days18925 Ghatikas 48 12 36 17 16 36 0 10810? 4B 0 36 24

of Saturn in the Antardasa htvatrtrr Dasas SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN hdRS RH JUP Months54 l5l2l4+ -3 9 r7 26 11 18 20 26 2s Dayt 12 2L 31 45 27 30 16 3t 25 Gbatikas Palas303030000300O


Brihat parasara Hora Sastra

Efrects of Pretyantar Dasas in the Antardasa of Mercury

(t.t ) gFafrurrier* er .raFrr* qqc{ t

, {eFErFirisnqlea {qf,iwri
of 56. IVlerplry-Mercury-Gain rsealthclothes etc.

il{qtt "aq intelligence,


(t t.) fiFoqFftq qrrrFaqEt tqreqq: r Trttef {Erfqd q *a}: scmri qt rrt\err

57. Mercuay-Ketu-Coarse food, stomach troubles, eye troubles,distress from bilious and blood disorders.

(t q ) snttiri qieqrql Qrfa: sqrfl sgGr{rq I slfq.flt| $rnTit Tql: ftq7iln riq rr{e rr
58. Mcrcury-Venus-Gains from the northern direction, lossof cattle,acquisitionof authorityfronr Government.

59. Mercury-Sun-Loss of iliseases, distress in the heart

(t.q, i tq}qrfniiA*TiTT'ftsr qirT fiirr I qrri fqniqazi (i: ,Gwili Xeilterr

splendour, distress fron ,

(1.-i I t*arwrqnifinrfn: {;rnilq} qai{ i

qrri s{a: Rt.{ fqd: srrai qE, 1Qo11 r
60. Mercury-lVloon-Marriage, gain of wealth and property, birth of,a daughter,enjoyments all round.

(t.d.) q{?itqr qraftd' {rcatniT: qlqseffili qiq rrqltr

- _61.Mercury-Mars-R.eligious mindedness, increasc in wealth, dangerfrom fire and enemies,-gain of redclothes,injury from a weapon.

(1. rr.7mvf, Errrri pf,rfrr$eqr{rTrr{Trrfq:.1 Trsr{rffiFiilqtftr:(Iq}: ma;ai fetil ! ttq?tr

Chapter 61


62. Mercur* padtr-Quarrels, danger from wife or some other woman, i, nger from thc king (Government).

qrqrffi {q.f.) qra?i fauq@la

qr lqr <tantn(qlnI gt: xrrat qdE ttqitt

63. Mercury-Jupiter-Acquisition of a kingdom, confern' . ment of authority by the king, reverence from the king, edu-' cation,intelligence.

(q. w.) q6fqsqqpfi';1

El?rfl{rqqFi}ft ti:

*6amqqxat t
qtFtt{ irfit: uqYll

64. Mercury-srturn-Bilious and windy troubles, injuries to the body, loss of wealth. Dass of Ketu Pratyentar Dasos in the Antardasa of Ketu KT. VEN SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY 0 Months 8 Days 34 Ghatikas 30 Palas 0 24 30 0 0 7 2I 0

000000 12822192320 15383361649 030003030

Pratyanter Dasrs ir llc Antardasa of Vcms VEN SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY Months20102l2l 21 5 21 t0 Days Ghatikas00030003030 Pratyentar Dasali SN MN MRS Months Days Ghatikas }l26 6 29

KT 0 24 30

ib Antrrilsss of ths Srn RH JUP SAT MCY KT

VEN 0 2L 0

0000b000 610?IE1619r77 18 30 2L 54 48





Brihat parasara Hora Sastra Prefyrntarprnsin theAntudrse of theMoon

MH MRs BH IUP SAT MCY KT VEN Montbs 0 0 ,l 0 I 0 0 I D"yr17t2 12B32gt2sl0 Ghatikac30 t5 30 15 45 t5 0 PratyantarDasasin the Antrrdesaof Mars

SN 0. 30

MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN Months00O000000 Days 821 g t9 23 20 24 7 tz Gh. 24 3 36 16 49 34 30 2l 15 Pa|as2G0303030000 hrtyrnt.r Drses in thc Antardesa of Rsbu

RH JUP SAT MCf KT VEN SN MN MRS MonthslIllOZ0l0 Days 26 ZO 2? 23 ZZ 3 18 l 22 Gh. 42 24 g 5t 33 6 s4 30 3 hatyrnter Dsas in tle Antrrdrsa of Jupiter JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS RH MonthslltOlO00l Days 14 2g t7 19 ie 16 zt 19 20 Gh. 48 12 36 36 o4& 3 6 24 o .
.PntyrntafDeses ir thc Antrrdsa of Sdun -

SAT MCY KT VEN Monthsito2 Days 3 26 A{ 6 Gh. 10 3l td 30 Palas 30 30 30 0

SN MN MRS RH JUP OIOII 193232923 15 16 57 033000



Clwpter61 Pratyrntrr Drsrs In tts Antrrdasa of Mercury


MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT Months101000tl1 Days 2a 20 29 17 29 20 26 23 t7 Gh. 24 49 30 5t 4s 49 33 36 31 Palas3030000300030 Effectsof Pratyrntar Dasas in ttreAntadasa of Ketu

. *aatstqfan .ftfr: qiffii



65. Ketu-Ketn-Suddcudisaster,going away to foreign lands, Ioseof wealth.


qr la*r: fqnlqqrr

UfiTrqglnrii ir gfr:mant niq rrtQrr

66. Ketu-Venus-Loss of wcalth through a non'Hindu ting, eye troubles,headache,loss of cattle. r\

tnlarq:I (*. q.) fq'*r qt ftrnqr< Freqrret: qfdd$ frqmq d: rs;at rilq ttqstt
death, 67. Ketu-Sun-Antagonismwitir friends,premature dcfcat,exchange arguments. of

(*.d.) u;qarril @:

qfaqq: t qnffitfqfisr srrat r\ttqett

' 68. Ketu-Moon-Loss of grains, physicaldistress, misunderstanding, dyscntry.

(t {") $aqrt" qtei f,firfr rttfrcq| | *wq$frfiail: rggvlu<ri qiE ttqett

69. Kctu-I\flers-Injury from weapons,distrgssfrom fire, dangerfrom bcnials and cnemics.


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastru

(*. qr.)r,rfffirql Ttf q5ri{qr *Rqqm: t qanfq qaaittr <q.l:str<t q\ tt\eotr

dis' 70' Ketu-Rahu-Danger from women and enemies, by menials. tresscaused

(*. {.) uaqrft{qttnra} wafraRama{ t

nda aqt

qA{i Er}: siq?ai $Frr uelll

71. Ketu-Jupiter-Loss'of friends, wealth arrdgarmeuts, opribrium in the house, troubles from cvery where.'

(*. qr.)rrlnQunFcr<ui
a?rdttlFtfFflqtfi-t nl:


t6q: t
$Ft{ iluRrl

phy'sical 72. Ketu-SXturn-Death of cattle and friends, gain of wealth. very meagre distress,

ftrargft{guuqt (t.q.) lfaarvrl qq'taq]


anlc aqq mrat .uq{ llelll

73. Ketu-Mercury-Loss of uuderstanding, excitenent' failure in education,dangers,failure in all ventures' Dasa of Venus Pratyentar Decasin thc Aqtrrdese of Venus VN SN MN MRS RH -JUP SAT MCY KT 10 0 0 0 l0 0 l0 0 20 0

Months62326565 0 l0 2A Days 0 0 Ghatikas.

2 10 0

Pratymter Dasas in the Arteritlse of the Sun

SN MN' MRS RH JUP SAT MCY Months0l0,l 0 l8 Days Gh.000000e00 21 24 11102 18 27


VEN 0'

21 21



Pntyrntrr Desrs in tte Antrrdasaof theMoon MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN 213I 3 3- 2 I Months I 0 2 s 5'10 Days2050205 00-o 0 0 0 Ghatikas0 0 Prrtyentrr Drsss in the Antrrilssa of Mars MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN 6 30 29 30 24 30 10 0 2t' 0 : 0

MonthsO2l2l02Ol 26 3 Days 24 0 0 Ctrititas go

hetyantar Drsas in the Antrdrsa of Rrlu RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS Months545526l32 12 124 21 Days Ghatikas0000O0000 3 3 l0 24 0 ?

of Jupiter Prrtyantrr Dasesin thc Antarilasa ruP SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN IURS RI{ Months45415131+ 16 2 I Days 26 l0 18 20 26 24

, Prrttrdr Drsrg in the Antrrdrsr of Srturn RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS 0 30 0 2 O

Months652613255 610275621 Days0ll 0 0 30 30 30 CUatikas

Pntyrnter Ilrsrs b tb ADtGdrs' of Mercury MCY KT VEN SN MN MRS RH ruP SAT Months415121545 29. 20 ?A b"V, i6 Ghetilns3o 21 o 25 o 29 30 3 o 16 o 11 30

768 ,

Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra Pratyantar Dasasin the Anterdasaof Ketu KT VEN SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY 524325629 :O 30 0 O 30

30 , Effectsof the PratyantarDasasin theAntardasa of Vinus

IUontlrs02O102t21 Days24 1021 0 0 Ghatikas 30

(q.q.) viarqqqwqEard fEtrrc*rffi gqq I qrrt {Tr,fli srrEfr qfisirr;f,t iilr: ltevtl
7.1.Venus-Venus-Gainsof white clothes, convcyances, gemslike pearlsetc.,association with beautiful {amsel.

({. q..) qracq{: fsr{:{tcr tta: qtet fdfq I qrq'eTqFqilqlsfq qi: {?ffili w{ $o*rr
7i. Venus-Sun-Rheumaticfever, headache, dangerfrom gain of wealth. and meagre i,heking aud enemies

(q. d.) iffqrerq

tta{rFd$r(drr&r:ffBseffilt riq rruqrr

76. \renus-Moon-Birth of a daughter,gain of clothesetc. of authority. fromlthe king, acquisitiou

Tqteil$T] E*al$Trqita: I

^77. many Venus-Mars-Blood and bile troubles,quarrels, "' kinds of distresses.

qA( r (q. {.) <*alqilfqr}rr{q E[cTQtttrEd q6rr{t{r} qiela gqrra;ili feq ! rreurr

I (q. <t.) oa61 qrq* e*fqqneql1$TqarsT.l:

srqtai u*q trcctt {tqff: {EIa: ftsr <rtr}:

78. Venus-Rahu-Quarrelswith wife, danger, distressfrom ltre kitrg and enemies.

(r!.q.) qq{aai Trqrcdaealnftfqqq* ,

Tr,!ilrrflfqEsrFil: Ti: r6{ffi uiq ttuett

Chapter 6t


of kingdom, wealth,gar79" Venus-.Iupiter-Acquisition ctc. ments,gems,ornaments and conveyatrce like elephants

(q.n.)stlq^@ilf4ffi{ ilqe eqrqtrsf vri:'romi


| q;r:llqoll

80. Venus-Saturn-Acquisitionof donkey, camel, goat, physicalpaiusseeds, iron, grains,sesamum

-knowledge, 81. Venus-Mercury-Gains authoof wcalth, rity from the king, gain df moneydistributedby others.

({. t.) erqf,rtqqcqrq} trq<taafatrfqar r fqeiqrTffqlsfq ilRr mrili rri{ rrq$r

(q.*.) qq{qqd


trrqlsfq faq j rrcRrr wqi qat*n1:req?ai

82. Vcnus-Ketu-Premature death, fgoing gainsof wealth at times. homeland, away fron

t ?nrQuraaw:

Chapter 62

Dasas' Effectsof the Sookshmantar in thePratyantarDasasof the VariousPlanets

llrqT eqrEa{TTEff:serffiemfhfk' I qErTrit{iln uiq ttltr ar$ffir qcT{-fif:Er:
1. The Sookshmantar Dasa is arrived at by rnuliplyingtltc' for each planet by thc periodsof PratyantarDasa separately Dasayears of that planets and then by dividing the product by 120. w/r ilave to find out Sookshmantar Example : Suppose and in his Dasa, in his Antardasa the Sun, in his own of Dasa years, Pratyantar is period 6 Sun of the Dasa. Dasa Pratyantar (5 days24 ghatikas)or 324ghatikas. The Sooksh' Dasa is 5124 antl mantarDasawill be 32+ X 6: 1944+ l2O:16 ghatikas 12 palas. The SookshmantarDasasof other planets may be calculatedin the samepanner. / Sookshmr Dasasin the Pratyantrr Dasa of the Sun -.) SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN 45 18' 54 43 51 18 48 27 Ghatikas 16 18 54 * .'-n 12 0 54 36 12 Pelas Efiects of Soolsbmr Dasesin the Pratyantrr Dasa of the Sun

(q. q.) ' AqqfififiGrFil srqnlrwi rqrdil{fr rqrErft: @qwe

qAEt t{} ttRtt

2. Sn Su-(This mcans Sookshma Dasa of the Sun in his Pratyantar Dasa of thc Sun)-going away from homeland" all round. dangcr of dcath, loss of position, lospcs

Clupter 62


(q. *i.)ielrgurtftr*rq fnqrfmtnqr r qrifiralr*q qA: gfifr: qwqt frqt rrlrr

3. Sun-Moon-Devotion towards deities and Brahmins, interestin piorrsdeeds,affdctionaterelations witk friends.

tlErrmfqtlmq :

qRfrsiq t qewrR gfr rrvrr ,

4. Sun-Mers-Indulgence in sinful deeds, distress from / cruel enemies, bleeding.

(q.q.) *<tffiqqfrFil

<oi qS: q<tiitrr: I

rnarfe{taw :


rrtrr 6rrr}

5. Sun-Rahu-Danger from thieves, fire and poison, defeat -. in war, religiousinclination.

qR1lm:r (q,.1.) 1rtlmr<tmq: tqt: ncaqfa: rTrtr: Wqorlt 1qlrrqrr

6. Sun-Jupiter-Recognition by government, respected by governmentemployees, becomingfavourite of the king.

(q,.n.) atrirrqrnnnt{ @t unqfr q+gd : qwrri qrql rr\err

7. Sun-Saturn-Causing'trouble to respected personsand Brahmins by theft and otber bold deeds,going away froir one's own place, mental agony.

(q.1.) fqGarrr<rfeqfiq{q fMffifirin r ${CffiFiRfirrq <i: qcq.ti 1i rrerr

8. Sun-Mercury-Gains of fancy garments,associatioo sudden suoccss in vcntures. with a beautifuldamsel,

(q.t.) .{earqiRilErrcr {urrtwrqcvr r rqffi <c: qewrri cqi ttett

: 772 . Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra

9. Sun-Ketu-Achievementof glory through wife and ':tnployees, lossof wealth,comfortsfrom servants.

(t.q.) gaframarfaercqwrr qq q I ilitfqefi q wqtl ri: qenr*qril rrtorr

10. Sun-Venus-Happiness from son, friends, wife, acquisi!ion of many kinds of properties. ' Effecti of Sookshma Dasasin the Pratyantar Dasaof the Moon

(d, d.) rrqui



aFrsiq Tai{ q


fr-eqewi fqqtrrqtrr

ll. Moon-Moon--Gainof ornaments and land, reverence, recognition from the king, anger, glory.

(i.{.) g:<inaf*<}wa gfutr. ttqq'fa:r qmfqaqqli6': fed: qeqq* qi rrttrr

12. Moon-Mars--Distress,antagonism with the enemy, stomachtroubles, deathof father, troubles due to imbalance cf wind,'bileand phlegm.

({. u.) *u* trreqrt tqrcarq}wTqnr: I fqtfiFqqssrffiaal: qeuatcuql ltlQtl

13. Moon-Rahu-Disharmoriy with friends and kinsrnen, goingaway from homeland,loss of wealth,imprisonment.

tq.l.) BarTrrnit{{d

q{a gunrca}Fa f*fr: qsqTreT{t lttyu


gassqE: r

14. Mbon-Jupiter-Opulence and glory with Royal :y-mbols, birth of a son, gain of , property, enjoyments all '.rund.

[ti.w.) <tw]qilE{tfa:



qlwi fqs{tfrrq fd:

qmqe {rd nt{tl

Chapter 62


15. Moonsaturn-Wrath of the king, loss of wealtli rii business dealings,danger from thievesand Brahmins.

(*.{.) <t-qil{

qgqTq} feivnaqrtf<nq t



qeqqeqti rrtQn

16. Moon-Mercury-Reverencefromking, gain o1 6,'nlthgain of conveyance from a foreign land, incrsease in the nu1r.;r.l of children.



RqqegsgrtrRfq: r


sqGul: geqq* sEi rrl\err

17. Moon-Ketu-Loss in the livelihood earned by saleetc. grains,medicines, cattle etc., dangerfrom and Sun's rays (Sun-stroke).

qfqilrqla eirawnq+${q\| (d.{.) f@ (IEKfi$T{rT s"ttil{qfau}: qeqqt vft ulcll

18. Moon-Venus-Marriage, gain of a kingdom, land, garments, reputation etc. .ornarnents,

({.q.) Etvntttvr: rninn: q{rqrqrnqilq, r rnaiquqtftlq fqq): ffiq{t <qtuqarr

19. Moon-Sun-Troubles, losses in ventures,destruction of grains and cattle, physical distress. Effects of Sookshmr Dasasin the Pratyantar Dasa of Mars

(ri.d.)qfrqrFa{r:dd Erqmit ir EqXqI



gd rrRorr
loss of lands,

24. Mas-Maru--Sonows on account of epiiepsy i4lrisonment, unhappiness

({.n.) srg.*q} v{reJftftr: $mt{{rfifldq r

rfff$fqli *{ q}i {sqtrtsqd nRlrl


Brihat Parrnara Hora Sastra

21. Mars-Rahu-Physical distress,dangerfrom the people .luc to unpopularity), loss of wife and children, dangcr f'rom


rriETT$zledlFtitFr(: I

d* Tqr oqlqqq dtt

qu{rrt gl ttRttt

22. Mars-Jupiter-Devotion towards deitier',''{antra iiddti, reverence fro:r the people (popularity), *njoyrn.r'iis.

! ,rf.n.i qFi;qryE{r*""{ gtrqrqqfcea: g|i} llRill ryan{ega:dlrrr1 rrlt qwn*

23. Mars-saturi-Release fron imprisonment, happiness ln accountof wealth, grains, clothesan<lselvants.

i{.t.) qqa oa{XEu; qlc'Tqt*t qcq I 5rqT{rqfaw fiq ntt qqwi 1d lttxtt
24. Mars-Mercury-Comforts. of Chhatra (e-a), Chamar (em<) etc. (receiving respect as that of a king), breathing roubles.

(nt.*.)t<if<agfan eiarsfq q

rrfqar r

sr{fq, urinreE rrll sEqqi sqi tt1ttl

25. Mars-Ketu*Indulgence in undesirablEdeeds at thc nstanceof others, always remains filthy.

fq'sEqlqi*lr: (*i q. I Eczro*rrlrrqrqff,

gedsrrflq f,rrrrq *i

qum* 1n} tttQtt

26. Mars-Venus-Enjoyment with women of choice, gains . ,,v:alfli,food etc.

({.q.) qqafr faqrne{: 6lqtfq$rq{qt: I a]*sfq fa;rcrlfr ql* qEq{e<q}tti\ett

27. Mars-Sun-Wrath of the ting, distress through Brahdrns, failure in ventures,odium in public (eln furr).




Ernlffrr qfq&


ftrr{rt fqul nRcrr

28. Mars-Moon*piousness, gain of *.ealth, devotion towardsdeitiesand Brahnrins,dangerfrom diseases. llffects of SookshmaDasasin the praty4ntar plsr of Rahu

q}ftiq-cq{E{q qfnrd qfilfuq: r (Sr.{T.) Wqilr faaelq: Tqq r*t qwqilsrql u { erl
29. Rahu-llahu-Tendering to createturbulence by people, hck of wisdom in perfromance of duties,afliction tt";il;.' "f


tiitirlrit qf6tq s{qi flqafa; r EFrErrilR:{rd} {t{: rcffi T{ rrlorr

30. Rabu-Jupiter-Affiiction with a chronic disease, pJverty but reverrcdby the people and .ire religious mindedncss.

(tt. vr.)gnmtqfeeahtrq gue{q q(tq6: r eTsi{Sqfat6} rq}: r*rni {ri} ulltl

31. Rahu-Saturn-Gain of wealth through unfair means, rvicked or mean nature, performing other p,ersons'duties, undesirable association.

(n.t) tatwqlrqfilqft{t *ms+rrt<nqa: t Er-.tfer!-6riltrqrfr {rQ}: qerrqe id r,lf rr

32. Rahu-Mercury-fncrease in desiresfor sexualacts with rvomen,eloquence, hunger, physicaldistress.

(<t.*.) wryi qTrqrf{{q E?q;i irnqrurrr I

waui *f{rfil-q

n6}: q*ffi

sqi rrllrr

33. Rahu-Ketu-politeness,Loss of reputation, inprisonruent, cold heartedness, loss of public money.

(q.q ) q+ril?qqi



rFrruTr{ p:{f[qqs uE]: qmtfr illvtt TTfr


PorfrirbFffsort' Brihat

34. Rahu-Vcnm-Fleedom from imprisonment, grin oiposition and wealtlt.

wtq a r (rr.q.) Effiflqfi rrsq*rtqq a q{ qrdt qtqqt t rq?ttt ErFf{gd

down in foreign lanuls, affiiction 35. Rah$rn-Settling eventemperamr:r:" comtbrt> (enlargement skin), of Gulnna with convcYances. of

{q. d.} qfcnraqqlqfiaftdflsarflq{rl ?er{irq] q,t?qT<rfl: qeurr* fqtfi ttQqtt

vealth, educatiott' 36. Rahn-Ltoon-Gain cf gems(nrani.), rlevotion towards good lrchaviour and prayers, to attaciment deities.

(<r.d.)faftml qafqlfiql qi xlu{q q?u:rqI *rfuilc<ftftei qrdt qHqA 3d rrlutt

37. RehFMers-Fleeing after defeat, anges'imprisonin thefts and stealing. ment, indulgence Bfiects in the Soohshml Dasas in the Prettantar Drse of JnPiter

' *trfmqqf@d Fnqnia{r Gt.q.){ilrtT{il {r6n vaigd rfrt qartre rrrl lllqtl

38. Jupiter-Jupiter-Banistiment of sorrows, increase in wealth, performing havans, devotion to lord Shiva, gains of marked with royal symbols. conveyance,

qtwr* f{ei qqildl{q I (E.{r.) ffiq* fqqlql a;qqrftq q<1: Eeqq* {ra} uleu
39. Jupiter-Saturn-Obstacles in fasting, agony, foreign' lrurneys, Iossof wcalth, antagonismwith kinsmen.

qwrrd siilqq: I (T. E) fhsqFdfelG{q q& ttYott R Tr{fqd alqi ri: qslrq*

Cftapter 62


40. Jupiter-Mercury-success in Education, increase in intelligence, from the people (popularity), gains of reverence wealth, all sorts of enjoymentsand comforts at home.

(f. *.lwr{ fqqqqrFsd {na$tar Rrardaq r gqi a{ir6}ei Ttiifrd{t: qernt rrvtrr
41. Jupiter-Ketu-Knowledge, glory, learning, study of ; Shastras, worshin of Lord Shiva, Havana, devotion towards Dreceptor.

(T.{ ) r}m$*a: g<i rr}rr} Etaen;TRttIIu: I

taEl(If{rfte{ q 1<}: uertt


42. Jupiter-Venus-Recovery from diseases, enojoyments, gain cf wealth,happin6ss from wife and children.

(f.q.) qraRnqrlq{q qisqliarg ilQst:I rwrnfufid' {ri{ Tr*: qtqqe ] ilv?tl


43. Jupiter-Sun-Troubles of wind and bile, stomach pain5throu,ah imbalanceof phlegmand Rasas.

(1.{.) iraarrwXfi {** larqa: I taglarm. frsr !t: qq{qt fqd ttvvtt
44. Jupiter-Moon-Glory with Umbrella with Royal 'nbols, celebrations in eyesand on the birth of a son, distress \ stu.- h.

(q.i.l Tdt{arta fqqtqtf,,ftsri q aq}q{q t Qnraqrrq)urf;a{t: qeqq* gi ttxttt

45. Jupiter-Mars-Administration of poison by wife, imprisonment,danger from djs^ases,going away to foreiEl Iands,confusion and misunderst:indings'

qtq I (t.q ) eqrftrtrr: ,TRxa:qarcalttrqd ttYqtt mifmrStfaw !*: qemtscwft


Brihat pqrasara Horasastra

46. Jupiter-Rehu-Danger frono thieves, snakes and sCorpios, diseases and distressc;. Effects of Sootshma Desas in the pratyaotar Dasa of Satum

({t.n.) ffiqrfui{rftfq:

fu;nrqrtt qqg:d ftqqsqe n-frrrysrr




47. Seturn-Saturn-Loss of wealth, diseaseslike rheumatism etc., destruction of the faqrty, talcrng meals sgparately from family, futl of sorrows,


dmqr" q-ff'f,: n*: qcnqe1d rrverr



SaturhMercury*proflts in business, progress in education, increase in wealthandlands.

(n.t.) at*megsafiqf<waRrgtqal I q{Ffrrfrst' aqrfrr: nl: qerrrt aqi nverr

49. Saturn-Ketu-Turbulence by thieves, leprosy, losc of livelihood, physical pains.

(lt. q) Qr*i+nqqr$qrq:I gqct*sffiaq I ' qriai unrTql q' .ri: qswr* Eil rrtorr
\ \ G

50. Saturn-Venus-Opulence and glory, learning usc of weapons,birth of a son, coronation, good health and fulfilnent of all ambitions.

(rr.q.)<mMfrrr,<{ lr3[ qrqi nR: r ' ftfirqifrgrrqe&nqrt: qeqqe <d rrtlrr

51. Saturn-Snn-Wrath family, physicaldistress. of the kipg, quarrels in the

(u.ri.) rntafa*6r<r* rrqilil r1EFT: I q{ qlcri r*g*rq ul: qaqG ffi ruRrr

Clupter 62


52. Srtn ;l"MoorDevclopment of intelligence, inauguration of a big projcct, lossof lustrc, extravagance, happiness from wife and childrcn.

qFdfifti ss: rfr: r (n..i.) *Wiri$Aril qrafwa-il fr$ ni: qaqqe gd rrrQu
53. Saturn-Mars-f-oss of lustre, excitement, burning in the stomach, .misunderstanding, quarrels, wind and bile disorders.

(rt <t) t\wrfirwna

q*a fqsilFi

qatg:td Taqqq |
111Ylt cr,{ri: qEq{Asrq-d

54. 5*frun-Rrhu-Death of patents, agony' extravagance, failure iE r.:ntures.


s"qrqkqdiq' t T.i uqn*wr*mf qF{e Tlt il{Ul ffi{tqRTssTrer, It

gold coins, teverence . 55. Srturn-Jupiter-Acquisition of (popularity), increase in wealth and grains, from the public acquisrtionof chhatra (w) wttir royal symbol.. r Efrects of SooksbmaDasss in the Pratyantar Dasa of Mercury

(q.f.) HlrrTni <v(qri Riqi fsqq{tr q

' qatrr;qlfEqrqr: t frvqerrrR ti ll{qll

56. Mercury-Mercury-Dawn of fortune, rwerence from the king, increase in wealth and property and affectionate rdlationswith all.

(t. t.) nvrSfiafrtan:

gqrtfrgftearrfra elri qqqe aqQtt{\ett

57. Mercuy-Kctu-Danger ffom fire, agony' distress to -wife, coarsefood and immoral tendencies.

S{ra-\F{E}qfiq I


Br ihat Par asaru-IIor.a Sastr a

(t.q.) qrqq

ffi:r qli vwrftfa{qm}rr}

qe{G Trr}rr{-rr

58. Mercury-Venus-Gain of conveyances, wealth, grains prqducedin water, good repute and enjoyments.

(1. q,) ilsi



s qlfi

$irsqq+qqrq r
qqq* cd tt{ett

59. Mercury-Sun--:-Injuries, wr6th of the king, confusion. lossof wealth,ridiculein public. in mind, diseases,

(X.ri.) gw:


ttnrcrcn?nrqq: I
qqqtfi fqa] rrioiln

{Cer ndart n}i

60. .Mercury-Moon--Good _-fortune, stability of mind, from the king, gains of property, visits of friends reverence and the preceptof.

(t. .i) BIfTE-{IAfqqtfiFf,dsci


qQ}eril rl& etr{re gd ttqltt ftrrxr{qq

61. Mercury-Mars-Danger from fire and poisorr,lidiocy, poverty, confusionof mind, excitement.

: (T.<r. ) wfrre{lwqvtfa


giaorefcarre:t qewRr4El uQRrt

62. Mercury-Rahu-Danger from fire, snakes and the victory over enemywith difficulty, opribrium froi'n goblins.

(qq.) g6lmrui

qad aFi qMEiqEq r qtErsRilETtrqf-nq}"d mqqR T* nqQrl

63. Mercury-Jupiter-Construction of a house, interest in charities, conrforts and enjoyments, itrcrease in opulence, gain of wealth from the king.


it I fMqqqie Erfslcq1iflqlq{q qqrqdiil*"d qew* rtq} uqYtl T-frqr$nnr

781 I 64. Mercury-Seturn-Profits in business, progress in .educationand increase in wealth, marriage, cirdumbienceor comprehensiveness. Chapter 62' Dasas in the Pratyantar Effectsof Sookshme Desa of Keto.

qI (*.+.) gaarnfasi g:Gi {raMq <rfcmq ftqlRra mn qemi sqi ttqttt

65. Ketu-Ketu-Happiness from wife and children, physi" cal troubles,poverty, begging.

qafrsriqi(a: t (*.q.1ftmrils{ilwq $frrr: rrqi: qRiht}:' qa|rqe qfi tlqqtt


.66. Ketu-Venus-Freedonrfrom diseases,gains of wcalth, devotion towards Brahmins and the' preceptorn union with membersof thc family.




eqt{t: t

TGsfnrrfd{q *a}:

qtmt <d ttqutt-

in foreign 67. Ketu-Sun-Quarrels, loss of land, residence [ands, disasterupon fricnds.

q3 fuiqtliql (t.i.) tr*areqF ilftril *l,rsirqr *.tr: qcrrrt fd

I ttqctt

victoryin war, good in sCrvice, 68.Ketu-Moon-Promotion 'reputationin public (popularity).

(*.{.)qTnf n@r {eqfrsl firt*rt: H: lqemft gi trqett

69. Ketr-Mrrs-Dangcr of falling down from,horseetc., distressfrom thicvesand thc wickcd, sufreringfrom Gulmaand hcadachc.

(t.<r.) frrm: dtltqi

qq{ {k ffti

q gle*sgmeei!:I
iitil: qe{qesq{qtlteoll


Brihat ParasaraEora Sastra

70. Ketu-Rshu-Destruction of wife, father etc., defamation due to association with a wicked woman, vomitting, blood pollutionqbilious diseases.

(t.1.) fqqlfTtq: rTe{fn: qEil qrtr{,qqtI lq*afaarunfil.. *al: qqqql nri rrslrr
71. Ketu-Jupiter-Antagonism with the enemy, increase in property and opulence,distressdue to. lossesin cattle wealth and agricultural production.

(t.vr.) Tqr trsr q+qFgdilft= FrcqrqI ?dtffiq: qrirtrfi: +rl: qerrrt $-{t rruRrr
72. Kefu-Sstun-Imaginary distress,little comfort, fasting, antagonismwith wife, indulgencein falsehood.

(*.t.) qrflf*rqilfrdrq fqrqtfrsRfisi{ r i ${rlrs1|a H: qevrri gn rr{ tl

73. Ketu-Mercury-Union and separation from many kinds of people, distressto. enemy, increasein wealth'and property. Effects of SookshmaDasas in the prrtyantar Dase of lenus


ltt3trqqfrfirfr: l f{qqeqrre tq} ueytl

74. Venus-Venus-Destruction of enemies, enjoyments, constructionof templesof lord Shiva etc., and reservoirs.

e.q.) sr*tnql qq{+q rrnlaf*ifteal I {efqctrm:lafia61frq"rrl: qeqqft fqql 1utr r

75. Venus-Sun-Agony in mind and [heart, confusion of mind, wanderings,both lossesand gains at different times

(g.* ) Brrttld tr;Frqfr:


rrcrrrt: I


rqraEfr:qerrri fqqtrr\eqn

Ctwpter 62


76. Vernrs-Moon-S6und health, increase in wbalth' in venturesthrough business de4lings, pro$ess in edu' oucccss of intelligence. cation and increase

I (q. {.) qcii fqnq-d a{rd{fr rrEEtFFt eqrfrg:qqtilfrT'rft: qH{qA gi ttuutt

77. Yenus'Mars-Idiocy, {anger from enemy, going away' from'homeland, danger from diseases.

- ?8. Venus-Rrhu-Danger from fire of kinsmen,resignationfrom position (serviceetc')'

I Sfmiqnvil qQeqqt (q.<t.) rraqfiil{sn qqq{resrrdtt'ectt rrniqfn{oq.tfat "}l destruction' and snakes,

qtanimfifr: t (q.f.) q{a wiilqre qeqrtt n* ttuett dwq!{qrafta1"fi:

in wealth increase in ventures' ?9. Venus-Jupiter-success purchase profits from abnormal pioduction, and agricultural \ andrale business.

({.r.) rtESUI uqqg:d qgqrilfq;rmiFr I

: rqr{ rffr: qgqqerr<lttcott
80. Venus-Srturn-Distress l'rom enemy' sorrows' destruction ofcattle, loss of persons belonging to the gotra (rfrr) of the native and elders(or preceptors).

qm:t (q.t.)ffig laqrflf*r: frci Eil: qeqrri gi tte1tt

81. Yenus.Mercury-Increasein wealth with the assistance of kinsmen,gain of wealth through business,happinessfrom rifc aad childrcn.

qtrrfrrr gfafnt}aw I (q.t.) srffi{t qFqilqt?qq: frcrgil: qtmt sri ttcRtt

I Brihat parasara Hora Sastra \ 82. Verius-Ketu-Danger from fire, distress from diseases, distress in mouth, eyes and foreheacl,Ioss of accumulatei we'alth,mentalagony. Notes : It will be notcd from the description of erfects in sookshmaDasasthat generaily,the effectsof sookshma Dasas of maleficsin thb Pratyantar Dasas of beneficsare not favourin the pratyantarDasasof malelics are ,able and thoseof benefics favourable. If the Pratyantar dasa and sookshna Dasa both arc favourable, there will be special auspiciousness in effects and if the both are unfavourable, there will be rgore inauspiciousness in effects. 784

Other of Hindu

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sfeT SMqmScilEIfTq:||q I tl
' Chapter53

Effectsof Prana Dasasin

the Sookshma Dasa of

the variousplanets
r Tqq emwnffq;an qern11rfefaq uq'ilffiafiafqr sronilfqfr: nltl
l. If we multiply the SookshmaDasa spans by the Dasa years of eachplanet and divide the product by 120, we will get rhe Prana Dasa. Exemple': The Sookshma Dasa of the Sun is 16 giatikas ' and 12 palas or 972 palas.The Prana Dasa of the Sun in his c'rwn SookshmaDasa will bepalasand 36 vipalas. 972Xd:5832=1f,9=r48 Thus 48 palas and 36 vipalas will be Prana Dasa in the SookshmaDasaof the Suu in his pratyantarDasa, Antardasa gnd Dasa. Prrnr Drsrs in the Soolshmr Drsr of thc Srm SN MN MRS RH JUP SAT MCY KT VEN Ghatikas 0 I 0 .2 2 2 2 2 0 48 21 56 25 9 33 t7 56 12 _Palas Vipalas 36 0 42 48 36 54 42, 42 0 The samemethod is to be edoptcd for all thc planets. Effects of Prrne Drsas in the Soolshmr Desr of the Sun

(q.q,.)mtrt{ fqqqrrTqr*<fia1Ti qqql s qomrnrri (fl rFIiIni qi rrlrr

2. Su-Sun-Interest in unnatural sciual intercoursc, danger from thieves, fire and the king, physical distrcss.


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

(q.d ) gc *qqrqfn: irrn] 1rAqqqr s<|dq'Sqfqqa (i: sTUtrIe fr41 ttlrr

3. Sun-Moon-Enjoyments, availability of good food, development of intelligence,opulenceand glory like that of a king by the benefidience peQple. of the generous ,.

(q.Ti')Wlqrarqqrt ilEr{r{r} qt1qqqI qqieqacs- r*: srqrrt gi rrvrr

4. Sun-Mars-Antagonism;with the king with the connivanceof others,dangersand great losses.

(q,qr.)era\wr r{rfrer fq*FTfrfqtrd: r qqtfffirr: qenl qi: -srur{ressrtl rrrrr

5. Sun-Rahu-Hunger, dangerfrom poison, loss of wealth as a result of punishmentby the king. 1

(q.t.) ilirfrariwqfr:

r:."qrql qrrq*: r


qet :

smqil T* rlqu

gain 6.. Sun-Jupiter*Success in rpanyeducational spheres, of wealth, succss in venturesas a result of exchange of visits with thc k'ing and Brahmins.

qr (q.n.) ead lmrilT{nrcr ffiima*s agqrff qU{rfr : sfone nq} rrsrr

7. Snn-Saturn-Imprisonment, death, excitement,otirtacles and losses in ventures. i

(q.t.) " - ttama*q:

q;rited : En?trT


{Tqqrds6eqqq t

rr"rtt qd rrcrr

8. Sun-Meruuy-Feeding frgm the i,ng,, kitchen, acquisition of Chhatra and Chamarwith royal symbols, attainmentof the positionof a high dignitaryof government.

(q.*.) qomsrd' rqEriE $e*m.adna

qgrfq, rT(lEFr: I qtinurq* urQ ttqp

Clapter 63


, 9. Son-Ketu-Loss of wealth due to quarrels with the preceptor (or elders),wife and kinsmen.

(q.q ) <Iq1srr rtrlqili

TdtgarFn{d gc{ |
qnnwi qrft rr1o11


10. Sun-Venus-Recognitionor reverence from the king, increasein wealth, happiness from wife and children, enjoymenis from eating and drinkirig. Efiects of Prrna lhsas in the SookshmaDass of the Moon

(i.ri.) T*g-{tfegd nai nqil 1a-drsqqI ffift mfilrrq facrglgr{rt fqqlrrttrr

ll. Moon-Moon-Happioess from wife and children, gain of wealth and clothes,yoga sidhi (ftr fefa).

(d.{.) {d tsi qq.{Fi rwflqr;{rilrrrr I q$imf{ qrtc fqq}: sruFrati rrtqrr

12. Moon-Mrrs-Consumption, leprosy, destruction of kinsmen, bleeding,creation of.turbulenceby friends and goblins (evil spirits).

(i.<t) o{Sfrfnfrnur

fftEHH qfu{il fqd: rrqrresqqlrrlirr

13. Moon-Rehu-Danger from snakes, creation of turbulence by evil spirits, weakness of eye sight, confusion of nind.



(d.t.) q{fq'


ttwtn{ firlr<frgrq rsmre

$ rtlxrr

14. Moon-Jupiter-Growth of religious mindedness,forgiveness, devotion towards deities and Brahmins, good fortune, neeting with near and dear ones.

({. n.) tqqr

wqei q


IraqaEt?tffn I

urfirfrd{q?rrnqqi {rft ltl{tl


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

15. Moon-Saturn-Unexpected and sudden,4physical 'cye creationof troublesby enemies, distress, weakness of sight, gein of wealth. '\

(s. t.) irrrwsawnrifr sqci u{1ig

rrcriqrq] !{ttriT:I ilaxrurrri gi rrttrr

16. Moon-Mercury-Gift of Chamar and Chhatra by tho king, acquisition of a kingdom, evenmindedness in people.

(+.*,.)nearfirfigw{ffl firqrFa' nfqq}fTrar t

gaarrfaalrrw iTr{rIlFrA e+Grrlutt
172Moon-Ketu-Danger from weapons, fire, the eremy and poison, stomach troubles, separation from wife and children.

(ti. {.) gafq6q,qarFafqtrtrEq u?rFlss I qRrqEqff,(d{q ryit ttlett

18. Moon-Venus-Acquisition of friends and wife (marriage), gain of wealth from foreign lands, all kinds of enjoyments.

(d. q.) Trm


I srqQtfrdt}eqEn


e6rdtfal.q;armui qi ttlttt

in anger, fear of death, 19. Moon-Sun-Brutality, increase going agony, away from the homeland, dangers. Deslof Mars Effectsof the Prana Dasasin the Sookshme

(i. *i.) sild I f\fqifrq: T{dfqilfq*q*: nTUr{rAtmlq ltiotl fqqqeqEflm?t tq

20. Mars-Mrrs-Quarrels with the enemy,imprisonnent, bilious and blood pollution troubles.

(d. fl,) frtqa:


rrlriflTfr f{,i+{

eraE-{tefifga: r q}qnqtt-sq{l nltrt

Clapter 63


21. Mars-Rrhu-separation from wifb and chi/dren, {istress as a result of oppression by kinsmen,fcar of deattr, poison.

({. {:) t{*ir(: sfrdrrqqqnds(: r ' gartaqurlrffi"qmunt Tfr rrqqrr

22. Mers.Jupiter*-Devotion towards werlth, compctence in mantra rituals. deities, gain ot

(*. lr.) qtl;rflqr


q{qfil: r


qTnl rr1lrr

23. Mars.Srfinn-Danger from fire, death, loss of wealth, . loss of position but good relations with kinsmen.

({.t.) frqm<sgdTfffi.{rqer{Ftr:
24. Mers-Mercury-Gains ncnts, marrie \ of

frcng.ttar: qrrtF. tt qxpme gi rrRvrr

splendid garments, orua-

(*i.t ) qaaffigr s iaafrd qE{qq I lsilf.r( raq{rfilq qlqstgFTi s{i rrRtrr

25. Mars-Ketr--Fear of falling down from a high place, cye troubles, d1pgerfromsnakes, loss ofreputation.

({,q.) qranfiqTqfinfiTmqtilr


qlqsrqr{ri Trfrrrqqrr

!!errq1 1

26. Mars-Venus-Gain of wealth, reveronce among$t people (popularity), enjoyment of many kinds of luxuries. \

({. g.) ertarra: qfrsirq rrqf*+qcwq:r td'ftfr Eftr: rqr(Sqlrqq* rsl rrRsrl
27. Mers-Snn-Fevers,lunacy, loss of wealth, wrath of' the king, poverty. \


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

(d. t.) qtffiTfaqqsrfqrirarrqqri gstt I rtlqlwFri ffinRqrr fiftqanffier. " 28. Mars-Moon-Comforts of good food and garrucnts,
sistressfrom heat and cold. ,, Effects of Prana Desrs in the Sookshmr Drsr of Rrhu

(qt.qr.) w{rrtl

firqrd fqqd|fffiaQq q I
slqrqa ;r:iq rrtttl

qTFRr-diil""tqq {

29.Itahu-Rrhu--I"oss of taste in eating, dange.rfrom pois.:i1,loss of wealth through rashness.

u-trnl| (qr.T,iBrgtcri fqf{*frekn*q qt$r irrrmfr **:mqerxmit Tqtttlott qiq I (qT.vr.) TI{: {rtt q ftA'{r{a {rE}: nunt rt} ttlltt aqrq?qarnrrtr
31. Rahu-saturn-Danger from fire, wealththrough msnirll, imprisonment.


gain of 30. Rahu-JupiterrPhysical well being,.,fearlessness, quarrels menials. witn and l*rnveyancc

diseases, loss of

\ \

(q.q.) Tsnfqqql

td ttiqtt Wr-{F$q{trqrfq qt}, srurqe

TeTri.6r(qei{ |

32. Rahu-Mercury-Devotion towards tilo preceptor and of wealth through his beneficience,good qualitiesand increase well cultured.

(tt. h.1 tfrfadEfqtu{q

rrTGnG*qonEfq r

ilem-ctrqgnn-q <r$: xrqrrtsqi nQ ltt

33. Rahu-Ketu-Antagonism with wif,e and children, going away from home, loss of wealth through rashness.

(q.t.) sEeffiqfr:

I sqftfqFnrsirq:

fnqcinlqrrcdtrr$: nrnt

Tqt rrlvrr

Choptcr 63


34. Rahu-Venus-Acquisition of. Chhatra, Chamar, conveyances etc., success in all ventures, worship of Lord Shiva, construction of a houso.

(n,9.)Elrtffrq]rfrftT{q r,srq}qETs$r{.l -allwrafaQrfrnv rrflr 5nlrqfrtq} rrltrr

- 35. Rahu-Sun-,{-ffiiction with piles, wrath of tbe ':irg_ lossof cattle.

qnq$fa*as{Ttqi<r{: nurG fdrrlqrr

36. Rahu-Moon-Development of mental power$ and intelligence,popularity, visits of preceptors (, danger of committing sins.

(tt. {.) qrlvtilrFiqw{dtfr: sqrqkflT{: qfqa: rerfegfara rrq): srqqe qEruletl

37. Rahu-Mars-Dangers from menials and fire, loss of : position,disaster, filthinessand meanness. Effectsof 'Prana Drsas in the Sookshma Desa of Jupiter

(f.f.) qFql sil|Mr{eti ftrerriaq r cr6i sadfa fTq srume T* ulctl

, 38. .Iupiter-Jupiter-Happiness, increasein wealth, perforrnanceof havana, worship of Lord Shiva, acqriisitionof Chhatra and conveyances.

(t.qr.)rdErFtfqqrR" fqet


rritrr eqH mqq{Tq {r}: lrprrr+ qr-d}

going 39. Jupiter-Saturn-Failure in fasting, unhappiness, away to foreigu lands, loss of wealth, antagonism with kinsmen.

(q.t.) frTtqfirfq1farq q]+ {cil Eilw: I q*fattQcnFa{r}: xttrrril -8'ttxott


Brihat PdrasaraHora Sastra'

40. Jupiter-Mercury-Progress in education, increasein to wife and children, popularity, gain of intelligence,happiness wealth.

(q.+.) ilFi fqwqqfisei mailFi ftnriaq t srF-f,{ti ttIifftTt-fi't: Erqq* s{q tlYlil
gain 41. JupiterKetu-Opulpnceand glory, learnedness, performance' Shiva, Lord of worship of Shastras, of knowlcdge c,f halanr, devotioc towards preceptor.

(t. q.) qWrd: gil{r<lfci

I gq *ril qaqrrqqfi{'1$t: etoi ntt: nur{fr rr{ft ttv1tt

enjoyments,. 42. Jupitcr-Venus-Freeiom from diseases, f,':m wife and children. in wealth,happiness increase

{f.q.) qtnfinss'fi q rtcq\Ad g" ilEq

q({|frrtFtt {q q*:

nurqt I'e} llYlll

43. Jupiter'Sun-Disgrder of wind, bile and phlegm,pains ofjuices in the body. due to disorders

(:.d.) tlainqrigld


gERF1no: I



{3}: rrmi

fd ttvxtt

44. Jupiter-Moon-Acquisition of Chhatra with royal qymbol, opulence and glory, increase in children, eye and stomach troublcs.

(:. d.) edtqirq


ilfaP{lr6: t


qrfiardq}: xlqqe Ti ttvttt

45. Jupiter-Mers-Danger of administration of poison by wife, imprisonment,foreign journeys, confusion of mind.

(t.<r.)aqrfuftT:ftqa: Tqralirqsi qq{ |

e{{ianS!frm q*: tlxqll sTolqtsrrqt
troublesfronr' from diseases, 46. Jupiter-Rahu-Distress " etc. from snakes, scorpions danger thieves,

Chaptcr 63 Etrects of Pru:

i Frses in th Sootshmt Drse of Srfurn


(rt. n) srtsr Eqfffiwftr: gwtr@ r qafiq5atq: *qrFqqnsTqenql trvstr

4?. Srturn-Srturn-Loss of lustre due to fevers, leprosr'. stomachtrouble;, danger of death from fire.

(n t.) qd qrni c rrgd

t.rf,tGtgftrfsm ui:


nut|Ie gittvett

48. Saturn-Mc'cury-Gain of wealth and grains, profits in business, revenece, devotiontowardsdeitiesand Brahmins.

(tt.t.)qiqifig:d q{ilrtfiFf,ad

q ni:

q*qrqs$rr<: t c{i nvetr nqq*

49 Saturn-Ketu-Death like distress, creation of turbu' lence h'.,,:','ilspirits, insult from a woman other than wife.

(u.q) gadRni: atcd fafimmfea:ttqq I qql tt{ott qFatei fT{Ara ui: snqrrtfr
50. Seturn-Venus-Enjoyments through wealth, son and beneficrenceof the king, perfcrrmance of havanas,marriage

(n.q.) arftr{telfntaqTfu: dnqwri q,iq r u{Efa{Enia: ni: rrurTt G} tttltt

51. Seturn-Sun-Troubles in the eyesand forehead,danger from snakesand cnemies,loss of wcalth, distress,

(n. d.) qrftd gattrwrq rtrfkqlftanstiffi r

lqrrqqqfftT{q ul: nuFfi fqqt rrrRrt
52. Saturn-Moon-Sound health, birth of a son, relid, thriving strength, devotion towards r,eitiesand Brahmins.

(n.{.) grth:


srurflmq I


frft: ui: nqqi gd rrrtrr


Brihat parasara Hora Sastra

53. Saturn-Mars-Affiction with Gulma disease, danger ftom enemy, danger of death during hunting, d";;; f;;; snakes, fire and poison.

(qr.rr) ?weqrrfr$r{Sfilmgi -

wafq.quar {i,il {rr, *r"r.ris.qdti,*",,

fwrerlq I

54. Saturn-Rahu-Going away from homeland, dangcr from the king, bewitchment.Iafring'oi-poiron, troubles from wind and bile.

(n.q.) rtfrqrq: drrq: rewi: wqr l{rfief qlti Twrw6 rti: qrErri gt rrgrr
55. Saturn-Jupiter-Attainment of the position of a commander in the army, gain of land, associationwith ascetics, reverence from the king. Effects of Prana Dasasin the Sookshma Dasa of Mercury

56. Mercury-\, cury-Insasasein enjoyments,wealth and .. . religiousmindedness,\cven mindedness in all living beings.

(t.glgTrttni ffir rTqi?i ",,i{i!

faqnomi qd rrrtn

51. Mercury-Ketu-Dangerfrom thieves,fre and poison, . deathlike suffering.

(g.t ) algenwal dlfa: r<tnfqfqql1rreT: I t6ranwf g:d dqrrqrqi uTgrr{\err

. -58. Mercury-Venus:-Supermaiy over others, increase,in wealth, reputation and religious mindeAness, devotion to Lord Shiva, happiness from son.

(t.q.) ry* ffirrsqk: r1frni{: ffiqq r gaaRrfid fu Tqqrqqi qril,,1.,,

(t.ql Brd-{t0 fda{re} imqmrirfr fiaq: r


qiaffqfatqsTqFnn <ql rr{err

Cttqtu 63


59. Mer,:xry-Sun-Agoay, fcvcrs, lunacy, affectionate relationswitb wife and kinsnen, receiptof stolenproperty.

qrrFFr:I (t.{.) d{ilrqtr|{FrqF* rjqlr* ifri F{il: qftri 1ustwd ti6111qot

from wifc, birth 60. Mercury-MoorHeppiness all round. gain eqioyments daughter, cf wealth, anrl of a i

(t.ri.) $m: rs*ttr q 1tilmil.q{nl Barlft r qrdt ti ttqltt Srsmd

to indulge in nefarious 61. Mcrcury-Mrn-Tendcncy ,activitics,pain in eyes, teth and stomach, piles, danger from death.

(1.<r.)ffi *fnnrdlTli


firrikttt gmonis<r$ llqR,ll

of clothes, ornaments and $2, Mercury-Rrln-Gain wealth, :eparation from own Foplc, antagonism with Brahmins delirium.

qfmq: t uaeeftf16 {t.tJ guq rtrdfilt dti $rtsr{re T* ttqttt

63. MercuyJupiter-Subliniry, progress iu education, increase in wealthand good qrnlitier, profits in business.

qRnm (t u.)qtfq nqqrftfrqiii r qrqrftd frtigr $rrqmi rn-rl rrqvrr

64. Mercrry-Srhrn-Dengcr of dcath from thieves, povertv,bcggary. Dficctsof Pru lrrcls in thc SceLLr Drsr of Xctr

(t.t.) ilrrdi ffi



fierttft | uqirrqttt

quarrels 65. fctr'XcteDaogcr of fdlfrom a convcyatrce, committing iaadvcrtently. with thc cneny, amdcr

Eora &strc Erilut Parcsara

(tq.)ffi ffi qqrffiF

Eqs1drtqr{l tfr: sroFfr lFfrtrqqrt qr6tfrti*arnnI

nte tri: srqqd <* ttqstr

happiness, 66. Ketr'Verus-Gain of land andconveyance, in cattle wealth. of enemy,increase destruction

(t, q.) *qrFftl*fttr


67. Ketu-Su-Danger from fire and enemy, loss' of like suffering. wealth,mentalagony,dGath

(t.d.)fficg&: 1w frriqrdr.."nf gc{ r rdn ffi trr: tal: rFrrtt, fd rrqqrr

68. Ketu-Moon-Devotion towards deities and Brahmins, journeys to distantplaces,gain ofwealth andhappiness,eye and car troubles.

(*..i.) fHril aw1frfrue: qfhcrnq'1 slurrri qi trqerr rqqqifqAq: ffi:

69. Ketu-Mars--Bilious troubles, enlargement of veins, deleriun, antagonismwith kinsmen.

(t. qr.)f?riq: t*qardmT$fqG'rqri q r Tqqtqqrrtni{rfa:H: mwfi5tq6 ileoll

, 70. Ketu-Rahu-Antagonism with son and wife, going away from bome,loss in venturesdue to rashness.

(t.T.) nraaotfAnlfr
qffirqf{dq{q H: lnqrri n3l rrulrr
71. Ketu-Jupiter-Injuries from weapous,.wounds,heart disease, separationfrom wife and children.

g i r|l (t.u.) qfdfqtxreaFurd qwftr: qqffirETfst' g:ai hfr: rruFtli nal tt\eRn

Chapter63 -


72, Ketu-Selurn-Conftrsion of mind, teudencies towards nefarious deeds, imprisonment (in drugr on account of addictions ctc.), distress.

(t.t.l T$i ttq{ qlr fu{ dcrarRtqr uttd qqtgftd s ffi:srcrri lirrslrr
73. Ketu-Mercrry-Enjoymcatsof bed, perfumary, ornagoodfood and availability of all kinds of ments and sandal, comforts. Efiectsof Prrnr Deses in the SoolshnrDlsr of Venus


q?a'FrrE Eritrrrr: I



Tfi rrsvrr

74. Venus-Venus-Learning, devotion to deities, satisfaction, gain of wealth, increasein the number of children.

(q.q.)qhmrmlfrw qedcafffie:r stqrfrftrsi gS {,rrruFri <qlrrs{rr

75. Venus-Sun-Good reputation in public, loss of happinessin respectof chiidren, heat troubles.

(q. *.) ffit t{v.fa{ra*wtimq<:r uq*rnqgrqnn: lrnrrurqfr fd rr\eqrr

76. Venus-Moon-Devotion towards deities,competence, rclicf from mantras, increasein wealth and fortune.


ir qssrqFni qi usetl


, 77,Vcnus'Mars-Feyers, wounds,ringworms, itches,devotion towards deitiesand Brahmins.

(t.qr.) CTr{ rqwr frn lanfffi'w{q: r fRu: qq<i ftsr q{srrvrri$qd ueqtl


Erihot Parasara Eora Sastra

from cnemy'eye and stomach 78. Vcnus-Rahu-Distrcss with fricnds antagonism troubles,

(q.1.) Brq3r<ttrM

lm*mAqqq I q{ tt\ettt ||lar' lrilqrlna


longevity, sound health, haPPi79. Venus-Jup' -Good lo acquisition of chhatra nd childrcn, wife wealth, ress from and conveyanccs.

(q.rt.) <rq}qrrtil


qurfhigqq: I
ltq} tlcott

fri: eq frrr<n gfr: qrlFri


80. Venus-Srturn-Dangcr from the king, loss of happiness,critical discase,controvctsy with menials.


faerqrcrefa: rarqutqqd

Td ttqltt

81. Yenus-Mercury-Satidaction, reverence from the in king, gains of land and wealth from many directions, increasc enthusiasm.

I (q.t.) r{lfrnnmnWilia-fi?q-qftalq: sri qrrrrqil ttqltt strftIqnrR {:

82. Yenus.Ietu-Loss of lifo, wealth, and reputation, only some moncy is left for charitbe and suctenancc.


|rn ftc t t qlTrrqrrrt a wrrr<rqt

tfrd|;m idqttt ism: ncltl

83. Thc rcverred SageParasarasaid-O Brahmin ! here I have describcd to you thc effects of Nakshatra (Vimsottari) Dasasctc. The good or adversc predictions should bc made judiciously thc auspiciousnessand inauspiciousafter asscssing nessof all the five, namely Dasa, Antardasa, Pratyantar Dasa, SookshmaDasa and Prana Dasa.


Chrpter 64

Efrectsof Antardasas in the Kalachakra Dasa

qqfgdrq slmfa gu arfa r X<rf<un qfilarrerrrtniTlfr scrrtrlr{ ulu ilfr
l. The Sagcsaid-Now I am going to describe to you tl-,e effectsof Antardasasin the Kalachakra Dasa as relatedby Lord Shiva to the Goddess Parvati. Examplcof thcmethod of calculating the Antardasa in the Kalachakra Dasa (PleaseseeSalya Chakra in Chapter46). Trble shorlng Drcr yeers in Arles Amsr Rasi ARS TRS cMN CR LEO VRc LBR SCP SAG Lord MRS VEN MCY MN SN MCY VEN MR JUP Aries Amstr 16 9 21 5 Ycars7 9 16 l7 l0 Total 100 ARS-Aries, TRS-Taurus. GMN-Gemini, CR-Cancer, LEO-Leo, VR-Virgo, LBR-Libra, SCP-Scorpi.r, SAG-Sagittarius, CAP-Capricorn, AQS-Aquarius, FIC-Pisces, MRS-Mars, VENVenus, MCY-Mercury, MN-Moon, SN-Sun,JUP-Jupiter, SATSaturn, RH-Rahu, KT-Ketu. Multiply the Dasa years of Aries in Aries Amsa, namely 7 by 7 the ycars of Aries and divide the product by 100(the total yearsof Aries Amsa). This will giveus 015126124 (0 years, 5 months, 26 days and 24 Ghatikas) as the Antardasa of Aries or Mars in the Dasa of Arics. Multiply Dasa ycars of Aries 7 by lG the Dasa yearsof Taurus, thc product will be ll2. Divide this figure by 100. S-e will get I ycar, I month, 13 days and 12 Ghatikasasthe Antardasa of Taurus or Venus in the Dasa of Aries. The Antardasas of all the Rasisin all the Dasasof the other Rasis should be


Brihat Paresua lIora fustra

calculatcd in the samemanner. However, we give bclow this information in the following tablcs for ready reference by the readers. Antarilases of Resls ln thc Drss ol lrleo (7 Yeerr) ln Arics Ansr Rasi ARS TRS GMN Lord MRS VEN MCY Years0l0100l007 7 1 Months5 Days 26 13 16 24 L2 48 Gh. CR LEO VRG LBR SCP SAG MN SN MCY VEN MRS JUP Total 5 4 19 6 12 0 7 16 48 I 13 12 5 8 26 12 24 0 0 O 0

Aotardrsrs of Rrsis ln thc Drsr of Teurus t16 Yrrs) ln Arlec Amsa TRS GMN CR LEO VRG LBR SCP SAG ARS Total Rasi VEN MCY MN SN MCY VEN MRS JUP MRS Lord Years2l30l2l1t16 g 0 I 6 I 6 5 4 5 Months6 O 0 1 3 1 3 2 l 8 916 8 Days 21 '36 0 l2 0 24 36 t2 0 36 24 Gh. Antrrdasas fn thc Desa of Geminl (9) in Arlm Ansa Rasi GMN.CR LEO VRG LBR SCPSAG ARS TRS Lord MCY MN SN MCY VEN MRSJUP MRS VEN Total 0r00100019 Years s 0 7 5 - '.1 9 Months 9 l 0 5 76 1 0 8 0 24 16 8 2t 20 12 21 Days 36240362448048240 Gh. in the Dasa of Caner (21) in Aries Anse Anterdnsas Rasi CR LEO VRG.LBR SCP SAG ARS TRS GMN Lord MN SN MCY VEN MRS JUP MRS VEN MCY Total Years4ll3l2l3l2l 410 0 5 I 5 4 0 10 Months4 O I20 619 919 Days 27 18 20 1201236240 Gh.3602436

Chaptcr 64 l,nterdasesin thc Dase of Lco (5) in Arler Amsr


Rasi LEO VRG LBR SCP SAG ARS TRS GMN CR' Lord SN MCY VEN MRS JUP MRS VEN MCY MN Total 5 1 0 0 0 0 0. O Years 0 O Months3594649500 0 12 18 l8 Days 0 6 0 12 1S 6 .ch.0000000000 Antardesrs ln the Dasr of Virgo (4) ln Aries Ansa Rasi VRG LBR SCP SAG ARS TRS GMN CR LEO Lord MCY VEN MRS JUP MRS VEN MCY MN SN Total Years0100010lO9 0 5 10 7 5 910 7 Months 9 5 0 Days 1 5 8 2 1 2 0 1 2 8 1 6 2 4 21 0 0 Gh. 3 6 2 4 4 8 4 8 2 4 36 24 6 . Ant.rdesas in thc Dasa of Libre (15) in Arier Amsa Rasi LBR SCP SAG ARS TRS GMN CR LE( VRG l-ord VEN MRS JUP MRS VEN MCY I{N SN, lCY Total 16 Years 0\ I 2 | 3 | 1 I 2 O Months 6 I 7 | 9''5 6 5 4 0 8 F)ays 21 13 6 13 21 8 918 0 Gh. 36 iZ 0 12 36 24 36 0 24 Antcrdrsrs ln thc Desr of Scorpio (7) ln Aricr Anss Rasi SCP SAG ARS TRS GMN CR LEO VRG LBR Lord MRS JUP MRS VEN MCY MN SN MCY VEN Total Years000l0100l7 1 7 Monthss 7 5 4 8 5 I iDays 26 12 26 16 13 13 16 19 6 ch.24024t24812048t2 Anterdesrsin thc Drn of Sagittrrius (f0) io Arles Aure Rasi .SAG ARS TRS GMN CR LEO VRG LBR SCP JUP MRS VEN MCY MN SN MCY VEN MRS Totel Iord Yearsl0l02O000l0 l6l0?80 Months087l0 DaysO1262460246120



Briltat parasaraHora Sastro

Antrrdasrsln the Dasaof Cepricorn ({) in TaurusAmsa Rasi CAP AQSPSCSCP LBR VRG CR LEO cMN Lord SAT SAT JUP MRS VEN MCy MN SN MCy Total i Years0000000004 g MonthsZ 2 S 3 5 il 2 5 O Days 7 719 28 l 22524 Z e Gh. 45 45 54 3s 3 18 4542 18 0 Palas 53 53 42 t8 32 t4 53 2t t4 0 Antardasrs in the Dasaof Aquarlus(4) in TaurusAmsr Rasi AQS PSC SCP LBR VRG CR LEo cMN CAp Lord SAT JUP MRS VEN MCy MN SN MCy SAT Total Years0000000004 Months2 5 3 9 511 2 5 2 O Days 7 19 28 1 22.24 2 7 0 Gh. 4s 54 35 3 1'.. 45 42 18 45 0 Palas 53 42 18 32 14 53 2t t4 53 o Anlardasas in theDasaof pisces (10)in Taurus Ansa Rasi PSCSCPLBR VRG CR LEO cMN CAp AeS Lord JUP MRSVEN MCy MN SN MCy SAT SAT Total Yeaisl0llZ0l00tO Vfonths2 I 10 0 5 7 O 5 5 0 )ays32617Zt19t2L19t70 ih. 31 28 3E 10 24 45 10 24 24 0 'alas 46 12 49 15 42 53 t5 43 43 0 Artlrdases in theDasaof Scorpio(7) in TaurusAmsa lasi SCP LBR VRc CR LEO GMN CAp AeS pSC ,ord MRS VEN MCY MN SN MCy SAT SAT JUp Tstat fears 0 1 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 7 fionths6388483390 )ays 37 21 26 22 28 26 ZB 28 26 0 ih.3t 31 4s 3s t4 4s 35 35 28 0 'alas 46 10 25 t7 7 ZS 18 18 14 0

Chapter 64


Anterdgsrs in the Dasr of Libra (16) in Taurus Amse Rasi LBR VRG CR LEO GMN CAP AQS PSC SCP Lord V'ENMCY MN SN MCY SAT SAT JUP MRSTotal Years3f30t00t1t6 t) Months0 I21 11 I 3 9 910 0 Days 4 24 8 9 I lt7 913 Gh. t4 s2 3 49 s2 3 338 21 0 Palas" 7 56 32 25 O 56 32 gZ 49 tZ Antardrsas il tle Dasr of Virgo (9) in TaurusAnsa Rasi vRG CR LEO GMN CAP AQS PSC SCP I,BR Lord MCY MN SN MCY SAT SAT JUP MRS VEN Totat Ycars , 0 0 0 C I 0r 9 2 0 | Months 0 2 6 11 5 I 5 C 8 Days l3 20to 0 t3 2 2 2t 26 9 Gh. 3 2835 r) 3 28 28 10 49 52 Palas 32 r4r8 32 t4 14 35 2s s6 0 AntrrdasrsIn tbe Drsr of Crnccr(21) tn Trurus Amsa Rasi CR LEO cMN CAP AQS PSCSCP LBR VRG Lord MN SN MCY SAT SAT JUP MRS VEN MCY Total Years5l20021322t Months2 2 2 ll 1l 5 8 l1 2 0 Days 7 24 20 25 25 19 22 13 20 O Gh. 45 42 {l 28 45 45 24 35 3 28 Palas 53 2l 14 53 53 43 17 23 14 0 Anterdrsrs In Oe Dasr of Lco (5) in TaurusAmsa Rasi LEO GMN CAP AQSPSC SCPLBR VRG CR Iord SN MCY SAT SAT JUP MRS VEN MCY MN Total Years O 0 0 0 0 00 I 5 0 Months3 6 2 411 r) 27 6 2 ri Days t5 10 24 24 | 28 8 10 24 Gh. 52 35 42 45 42 t4 49 35 42 0 Palas 56 l8 21 21 53 7 25 l8 14 C

Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra Antrrdasasin the Dase of Gemini (9) In Trurus Amsr Rasi cMN CAP AQS PSC SCp LBR VRG CR LEO Lord MCY SAT SAT JUP MRS VEN MCYMN SN Totat l-ears000101O209 I!{onths 11 5 0 5 I 8 11 2 6 0 Days 13 2 2 21 26 9 13 20 l0 0 ch. 3 28 28 t0 49 52 3 28 15 0 Palas 32 14 14 '35 ZS 56 32 34 18 0 Antardasasin the Dasa of Taurus (16) in Gemini Amsa Rasi TRS ARS PSCAQS CAP SAc ARS TRS GMN Lord VEN MRS JUP SAT SAT JUp MRS VEN MCy Total \-ears3L100t13l16 l\lonths I 4 tl 9 9 il 4 I 8 0 DaysO5377:.,50240 Gh. 21 47 58 35 rr 58 47 2t 3;4 0 Palas 41 0 33 25 25 33 0 41 42 0 .Anterdases in the Dasa of Aries (?) In Geminl Amse Rasi ARS PSC AQS CAp SAG ARS TRS GMN TRS Lord MRS JUPSAT SAT JUp MRS VEN MCy VEN Totat \:ears0000001017 trIonths7l0441074g40 Days2311325350 Gh. . 31 36 26 .26 36 31 47 15 47 0 Palas 48 52 45 45 52 48 0 10 0 0 Antardasrsin the Dasr of Gemini (9) in Gemini Ansa Rasi cMN TRS +RS PSC AQS CAP SAG ARS Lord MCY VEN MRS JUP SAT SAT JUp MRS Years0l0l00l0l9 Months 11 I 8. 9 5 5 I 9 Days 21 0 24 3. 6 6 0.3'24 Gh. 19 34 t5 2t 8 821 t5 J'alas 32 42 10 42 40 40 tZ l0 TRS VEN Totat 8 34 42 0 .0 0 O

Cluptu 64


Anlrrdrsrs in tb; Desr oII-a (S) in CrnocrAms Rasi LEO vRG LBR SCP sAc CAP AQS pSCCR Iord SN MCY VEN MRS JUPSAT SAT JUp MN Total Years0000 000015 Months 3 6' ll 4 622630 Daysl48426 29 2323 29 19 * Gb. 39 22 53 30 t E 4 3 4 3 1832 0 Palas420 l42 9 25 15 9 5 0 Alterdrsas ln tbeDrse of Cancer(21) in Cancer Ansr . Rasi CR LEO VRc LBR SCP SAc CAP AQS PSC LoTd MN SN MCY VEN MRS JUP SAT SAT JUP Total Years5l2322O022i Monthsl22l085lltl 5O Days16 19 ll 1 5 g Z t 2 1 9 0 26 Gh.23293204373740 Palas 47 5 46 42 56 ll 4t 4t ll O Antardesas in theDrse of Virgo (9) in CarccrAmsa Rasi vRG LBR SCP sAG'CAPAQS PSCCR LEO Lord MCY VEN MRS JUP ISAT SA'f JUP MN SN Total -Years 2 0 9 0 I 0 I 0 0 I Months''ll 880550260 O Days 9 2 23 16 0 016 1l 8 0 Gh. 922 o 47 43 44 4t414 0 Palas 24 15 40 51 51 40 46 30 ll Amsa Antsrdasrs ln the Dasr of Libra (15)in Cancer Rasi LBR SCP SAG CAP AQs PSCCR LEO vRG VEN MRS JUP SAT SAT JUP MN SN MCY Total Lord Years2ll00l3019 10 11 80 3108810 Monthsll o 2 92727 9 4 4 2t l8 Days O Gh. 37 50 46 54 54 46 30 53 47 4l 14 22626 0 Palas 2 42 | 26


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastta

Ant$drs$ in theDeseof Scorpio(7) In CencerAnsr scP sAG cAP AQS PSCCR LEO VRG LBR naii Lord MRS JUP SAT SAT JUP MN SN MCY Vt,li Total Years0000010017 0 8 2 3 9 8 4 Months'6 9 3 0 18 Days 2 23 27 27 23 15 26 23 0 t 20 30 43 50 Gh. 1 12 12 6 0 14 Pala* 59 24 33 33 24 56 42 l5 (10)in CruccrAmsa Antardtsrsin thei l*sr of Srgittarius Rasi SAGCAP AQs PSCCR LEO VR(;l,Bn SCP Lord JUP SAT S{r JUP MN SN MCY VEN MRS Total Yearsl0012$11012 0 9 010 15 6 5 Monthsl 5 0 2 3 16 9 Days 28 17 17 28 929 0 I 4 46 4 1 8 3 6 3 6 3 6 Gh. 36 0 24 Palas 16 30 30 16 13 9 40 2 in the Drsa of Crpricorn(4) in Crnccr Ansr Antardasas CAP AQS PSC CR LEO vRG LBR SCP SAG Rasi Lord SAT SAT lUP MN SN MCY VEN MRS JUPTotal Years0000000004 258350 Months225ll 21 23 0 27 27 17 0 6,17 Days 6 43 0 37 4t, 54, 12 26 58 26 s8 ch. 0 .Palas 37 37 30 3l 15 51 26 33 30 Antrrdasasin the Dsa of Aqurrire (4) in Crnccr Ansr AQS PSCCR LEO VRG LBR SCP SAG CAP Rasi SAT JUP MN SN MCY VEN MRS JUP SAT Total Lord Years0000000004 3583520 Months25ll 23027nn7O Days61721 0 v 12 26 s8 58 26 37 43 4l Gh. rt 37 26 30 41 5t 33 37 30 15 Palasr \\

Chapter 64


Antardasas in the Dasa of pisces (f0) in Cancer Amsa r{asi PSC CR tEO VRc LBR SCp SAG CAp ARS rord JUP MN SN MCy VEN MRS JUp SAT SAT Total Ycars 1 2 0 I I 0 I 0 0 I0 Monthst560l0gt550 Days 28 g % 9 29 t6 ZB IT ,. tT ch. 36 418 34 46 | 36 26 2,; 0 Palas 16 13 g 40 2 27 16 30 30 0 Antrrdasasin the Dasa of Scorpio (7) in Leo Amsa Rasi SCp LBR VRG CR LEO cMN TRS ARS pSC Lord MRS VEN MCy MN SN MCy VEN MRS JUp Total Years -7 0 I 0 l0 0 I 0 0 Months 5 1 7 54 7 g f 5 O Days 26 t3 16 ts 6 t6 13 26 t2 o Gh. 24 1.2 48 t2 0 48 t2 24 0 0 Antarihsas in the Dasa of Libra (f6) in l,eo Ansa Rasi LBR VRc CR LEO GMN TRS ARS pSC SCp Lord VEN MCy MN SN MCy VEN MRS JUp MRS Tolal years , 2 .l 3 o | 2 1 I t 16 Months656956t7l0 Days 2t 8 918 I2t 13 613 0 Gh. 36 24 36 0 24 36 t2 0 t2 0 Antardasas in the Dasaof Virgo (9) in leo Amsa VRG cR LEo GMN TRs ARS PSc scP t,tsR

Rasi Lord MCy MN SN MCy VEN MRS JUp MRS VEN Totat Years0t00l000l9 Months 910 5 9 S 710 7 S 0 Days 2t 30 12 21 8 t6 24 t6 8 0 Gh. .36 24 0 36 24 48 0 48 24 o


Horu Scstr(l Brfiat Parasara (21) in Lco Amsr frtlrOrseg in t[r Dlsa of Crnccr PSCSCP LBR vRG CR LEO GMN TRS ARS 2 I 6 | 5 19 I 3 410 9 2A \



I 3 I Ycars 41 5 4 Months 4 0 l0 19 9 Days 27 lS 20 ch.366243612o123624o

vEN MCYTotal souMcY vEN MRsJUPMR's rrnon 2l

O 0

(5) in I*o f rner AnttrdrsgstnreOr"e of Lco LBR VRG CR ARS PSCSCP Ras! LEO GMN TRS JUP MRS VEN MCY MN Totat Lord SN MCY VeN nAnS 5 1 0 0 0 0 -0 0 Years O 0 g 0 0 5 4 f' g 4 5 Months3 18 O 6 17'12 0 6 O 12 17 Days (9) in Leo Amsa Antrrilrsas in the Dasaof Gemini SCP LBR VRG CR LEO Rasi 6MN TRs ARS PSC JUP MRS VEN MCY VMN SN Total Lord MCY VEN MRS Years0O000l0l09 0 5 910 5 7 "'o 7 5 Monthsg 0 2012 24 16 I21 816 Days 21 00 0 48 24 36 25 36 24 48 Gh. ln tbe Desr of Trurus (16) in Leo Amse Antarilases LBR VRG CR LEO GMN Rasi TRS ARS PSCSCP MN SN MCY Total r-ora VEN MRS JUP MRS VEN MCY 16 I 30 | 2 1 I | Years 2 0 5 49 5 6 | 7 I Months6 o 8 918 Days 21 13 6 13 21 8 o 24 0 t2 96 24 36 0 Gh. 136 12

Chapter64 Antardp *.: ;'1 the Dasa of Aries (7) in Lco Amsa


ARS PSCECP LBR VRC CR LEO GMN TRS Rasi MRS JUP MRS VEI\{ il,{cY MN SN MCY VEN lotai Lord Years0O01010O1i 0 'l 7 5- 4 7 1 5 8 Months 5 0 16 13 Days 26 72 26 13 12 19 6 48 12 fi 2.4 \2 48 1,2 0 24 ch. .' iu I : I Dasa of Pisces (10) in lxo Amsa Antardases PSC SCP LBR VRG'CR LEO GMN TRS AR'S Rasi ' -- MN SN MCY VEN MRS Total Lord. JUP MRS {nr'r '0 O *t? l' 0 O 2 0 I Ycars I *8 7 I610 7l0 I Montirstr 9 Dayr*12624662461'2 Anfaidasasin the Disa of Aqurrius(4) inYirgo Amsa Rasi tord AQS,CAP SAG ARS TRS GMN CR LEO VRG SAT SATJUP MI{S VEN MCY MN SN MCY Total

Years o, o-lo 5 2 Montbs2 719 Days 7 45 45 14 Gh. Palas 53 53 42

o 3 28 35 18

t) I l 3

o 0 o 0 5 2 ' 2 22524 28 284542 14 14 53 2l

+ O O; 0 0

(4) in Virgo Amsa in the Dasaof Capricorn Antardasas CAP SAG ARS TR'SGMN CR LEO VR'GAQS Rasi SATJUP MRS VEN MCY MN SN MCY SAT Total Lord Years0000000004 A g 2 5 5 11 2 5,3 Months2 O 7 2 2 2544 I 28 7lg Days o 4 s 2 S 3 ?s 4s42 3s 45 sl Gb. O 14 53 14 ' 53'2l 32 4? lrE Palas 53

Brihat Psrasara Hora Scstra in the Dasa of Sagittarius(10) in lirgo Ansa An-tardasas Rasi SAc ARS TRS cMli (jR LEO VRc AeS CAp Lord JUP MRS VEN MCy MN SN MCy SAT SAT Total Years10l120l0010 Months 2 9 l0 0 0 5 75 5 0 ^1. 19 19 Dals 3 26 17 2I l?t' 0 31 28 38 tO' 24 45 Gh. i0 24 24 0". Palas 46 14 49 35 42 43 35 43. 43 0 Antardasas in the Dasa of Aries (?) in Virgo Adsa Rasi ARS TRs cMN CR LEO VRG AQS CAF SAG MRS VEN MCY I\{N SN MCY SAT SATJUP Total Lord .Years0101000007 Months&688/1 Days 27 24 26 Gh. 31 2t 49 Palas 46 10 25 22 28 35 t4 17 7 83390 26 28 49 35 25 l8 28 3s t8 26 18 14 0 0 0

Antarilasasin the Dasa of Taurus(16) in Virgo Amsa Rasi TRS GMN CR LEO VRG AQS CAP SAG ARS I-crd VEN MCY MN SN MCY SAT SAT JUP MRS Total Years3130l00llt6 Months 0 8 ll 1l Days491389111724.0 Gh. 14 52.3 49 Palas 7 56 32 25 8 s2 56 9 9 10. 38 49 3 21 tl O 0 0

3 3 32 32

Antardasds in ihe Dasa of Gemini (9) in Virgo Amsa Rasi cMN CR LEO Lord MCY MN SN Ycars020000l0l9 I\{onths 11 2, 6 Days 13 2n l0 Gh. 3 28 35 Palas 32 14 18 VRG AQS CAP SAG ARS TRS MCY SAT SAT JUP MRS VEN Total Il 13 3 32 5 5 2 2 28 28 14 .14 0 8 21 26 1049 35 25 8 9 52 56 0 O 0 0

. I



in tle Dasa cf Cancer(21) in Virgo Amsa Antrrila-o'rr CR LEO VRG AQS CAP SAG ARS TRS GMN Rasi M]'.i SN MCY SAT SAT JUP MRS VEN MCY Total Lord Years512O021322I 11 5 8 2 11 211 O Montirs 22 20 0 13 22 11 25 25 7 24 2A Days 0 3 28 28 4s 4s 24 35 Gh. 4s4t ',' 0 14 17 22 43 43 43 .Palas 53 21. in the Daso of Leo (5) in Virgo Amsa Antardasas LEO VRG AQS CAP SAG ARS TRS GMN CR SN MCY SAT SAT JUP MRS VEN MCY MN Total 7 | 45 53 4 28 14 7 11 r6 l0 8 43 35 25 17 2 24'42 21 0 O t-.0 0

Rasr Lord

Years00000,00015 2 2 6 Months 3 2 4 1 0 2 4 Days i5 52 35 42 42 Gh. Palas 56 17 21 21 '

in the Dasa of Virgo (9) in Virgo Amsa Antardasas VRG AQSCAPSAG ARS TRS GMN CR LEO Rasi MCY SAT SAT JUP ITfRSVEN I'/[CY MN SN TOTAI Lord Years000101O20? 0 11 2 6 8 8 5 5 "0 Monthsll 0 13 20 l0 9 21 26 2 2 13 Days

3" 28 23 10 4s Gh. Palas 32 L4 i'+ 35 25


52 3 28 3s 56 32 14 18

o 0

in the Dasaof Libra (16) in Libra Amsa Antardasas LBR SCP SAG CAP AQS PSC SCP LBR VRG Rasi LOTd' VEN MRS JUP SAT SAT JUP MRS VEN MCY TOTAI Years31100113116 0 8 g g I 11 .4 11 4 Months |

Days(53773s0?49 ch. 2 1 4 1 ' 5 8 3 5 3 5 ,s8 4 7 2 1 34 33 25 .25 33 0 41 42 Palas 41

0 0


Brihat Parasora Hora Sastro Antardesas in the Dasa of Scorpio(7) in Libra Amsa


sbp sec cAp AQs psc scp tBR vRc LBR

Lord MRSJUP SA,T SAT JUP MRSVEN N,ICY VEN Total Years0000001017 MonthsT l0. 4 410 7 4 9 4 0 Days 2 3,1 I 3 2 S 3 5 0 Gh. 3r ia 26 26 36 3t 47. 15 47 0 Palas 48 52 45 45 52 48 0.10 0 0 Antardasas in,theDasaofSagittarius (f0) in Libra Amsa Rasi SAc CAPAQSPSC SCPLBR VRc LBR SCp Lord JUPSAT SAT JUP MRS VEN MCy VEN MRS.Tota! Years10010. 1tl0t0 Months.2 5 5 2 t0 lt I 0 tt t0 Days132323 13330330 Gh. 44 29 29 44 36 s8 2L 58 36 0 Pa.las 6 38 38 6 52 33 42 33 52 0 Antardasss in the,Dasa (4) in Libra Amsa of Capricorn cAP AQSPgC SCp LBR VRG LBR SCpSAG Lord SATSAT JUP MRS V-EN MCY VEN MRSJUPTotal Years0000000004 '4 g Months 2 2 5 5 , 4 5 0 g g Days I 23 7 6, 7 O l 23 ch.232329263583526290 Palas 52 52 38 45 25 40 25 45 38 0 (4) in Libn Amsa Antardasas in the Dasaof .Aquarius AQSPSC SCPLtsR VRG LBR SCPsAc CAP Rasi Lord SAT JUP MRS VEN MCY VEN MCY JUP SAT Totat Years0000p000O4 '5 5 4 9 Months 2 8 4 s 2. 0 Days923 176712390 ch. 23 29 26 35 I 35 26 2923 0 Palas 52 38 45 -25 /m 25 45 38 SZ O Rasi

Chapter & '


Antardases in the Dasa of pisces (10) ln Libra Amsa Rasi ,,PSC SCPLBR vRG LBR scP SAG cAP AQs LOrd JII.P MRS VEN MCY VIiN I{NS JUP SAT SAT TOTAI Years I 0,1 I I 0 1,0 0 t0 Months?'10 lt I lt 10. Z S 5 e Days1333033t32321'0 Gh. 44 36 . 58 2t 58 36 44 29' 29 0 Palas 6 sz 33 42 33 s2 6 o 38 38 Antardasas in the Dasa of Scorpio (T) in Libra Amsa Rasi SCPLBR VRG LBR SCp SAG CAp AeS pSC LoTd MRS VEN MCY vEN MRS JUP SAT sAT JUP Total Years' 0 I 0 I 0 0 7 O 0 0 '4 '4 g Months 7 7 t0 0 4 10 .4 Days2S.35Z3t13e ch. 3t 47 15 47 31 36 26 26 36 0 Palas 48 ,0 0 10 48 SZ 45 45 52 0 Antardasas in the Dasa of Libra (f6) in Libra Amsa Rasi ' LBR VRG LBR SCp SAG CAp AeS pSC SCp. LoTd VEN MCY VEN MRS JUP sAT SAT JUP MRSTotal Years 3 I 3 I I 0 0 1 t. td 1 1 Months 1 8 I 4 9 9-11 4 O DaysO240537,7350 Gh. 21 34 2L 47 58 35 35 58 47 0 'Palas" 'ZS 41 42 4t 0 32 25 33 6 0. Antardrses in the Dasa of Virgo (9) in Libra Amsa Rasi vRc LBR sCP SAc CApAeS pSC SCp LBI Lord MCY VEN MRS JUp SAT SAT JUp MRS VEN Toral Years0l0l00l0l9 g Ivlonths l1 g 8 g, I 5 5 I 0 Days 21 24 3 0 6 6 O' 3 24 0 Gh. 1934 1521 8521 15340 ?alas 32 42 10 42 40 40 42 10 42 0 '


Brihat Parasara Ho,raSastrcr in the Dasa of Cancer(21) in Scorpio Amsa Antardasas


CR LEO'GMN TRS MN SN MCY VEN Lord 3 2, Years 5 I 2 10 Monthsl2 1 1 26 1 9 1 6 Days 9,,3-0 232 Gh. 42 Palas 47 5 46

ARS PSCAQS CAP SAG MRS JUP SAT SAT JUP Total 2L 2 O 0 2 I 0 5 8 5 11 ,11 g 0 15 9 2l''. 0 + 3 7 20'4 37 56 11 41 41 1l " 0

in the J asa of f,eo (5) in ScorpioAmsa Antardasas Rasi LEo cMN TRs ARS Psc AQS cAP sAGcR SN MCY VEN MRS JUP SAT SAT JUP MN Total Lord,

Years o


4 53 I

23 43 15

0 0 O

Months3611 8 14 Days 39 22 Gh. 4 .20 Palas

4622620 26 29 23 30 18 43 15 42 9

29 19 18 32 9 5

in the Dasa Gemini (9) in ScorpioAmsa Antardasas GMN TRS ARS PSC AQS CAP SAG CR LEO RaSi MCY VEN MRS JUP SAT.SAT JUP MN SN TOTAI LoTd Years0l0100l209 '8 0 6 0' 2 5 ,8 5 0 Months.11 80 1l 160016 Daysg223 o' 22 9 44 41 43 44 41 4 47' ch: O 2046 40 11 26 15 40 51 51 Palas in the Dasa of Taurus (16) in Scorpio Amsa Antardasas rRs ARS PSC AQS CAP SAd CR LEO GMN Rasi VEN MRS JUP SAT SAT JUP MN SN MCY Total Lord 116 Years2l100l30 0 8 1 1 1 0 8 1 0 8 l0 3 Monthsll O* g 2 4 2 6 27;27'9 21 18 Days 0 40 53 30 37 50 46 54 54 46 Gh. 0 2'6 | 42 2 26 26 2 14 4l Palas



Antardasas in the Dasa of Aries (?) in ScorpioAmsa Rasi ARS PSC AQS CAP SAG CR LEO cMN TRS Lord MRS JUP SAT SAT JUP MN SN MCy VEN Total Years 0 0 I Q 0 0 0 | 7 .0 Months6g3398483t) Days 25 23 27 27 23 15 26 23 0 t8 Gh. 6 | t2r2 | 20 30 42 o 50 Palas 59' 24 33 33 24 56 42 15 t4 0

Antardasasin the Dasa of Pisces(10) in Scorpio Amsa PSC AQS CAP SAG CR LEO GMN TRS ARS JUP SAT SATJUPMN SN MCY VENMRSTotaI Lord Years10012011010 Monthi155156.0 1090 Days 28 l0 l0 16 28929 0 9 23 Gh. 36 26 26 36 018 44 46 r1 I .16 g Palas 16 30 30 O 40 13 24 2 Antardasasin the Drsa of Aquarius(4) in Scorpio Amsa Rasi AQS CAP SAG CR Lord SAT SAT JUP MN Years0O0000o004 Months 2 2 5 il Days 6 617 21 ch. s8 s8 36 37 Palas 37 37 30 41 LEO GMN TRS ARS PSC SN MCY VEN MRS JUP Total 2 23 43 15 5 O 4t 51 8 27 s4 26 3 5 2'1 17 12 36 33 30 0 0 0 0 Rasi

Antardasasin the Dasa of Capricorn(4) in ScorpioAmsa Rasi- CAP SAG CR LEO GMN TRS ARS PSCARS Lord SAT JUP MN SN MCY VEN MRS JUP SAT Totat Years O 0 00 0 0 0 0 4 0 Mcinths 2 5 11 2 O 8 5 5 3 2 Days 6 l7 21 23 0 27 27 17 6 0 Gh. 58 26 30 43 4l s4 t2 26 s8 0 7't 30 41 l s Palas 51 0 26 23 30 37


Brilwt Parasarallora Sastra

in the Daseof Sagittarius(10) in ScorpioAmsa Antardasas RASi SAG CR LEO GMN TRS ARS PSCAQS CAP JUP MN SN MCY VEN MRS JUF SAT SAT Total Lord l0 0 0 1 0 1 I 0 2 Years. | Mcrthsl560109l550 16 28 929 Days 44 Ch. 36 4" 28 FalaS 16 13 9 10 9 46 2 23 '1 24 28 36 16 t7 17 26 2(t 30 30 CI 0 0

Amsa in the Dasaof Aries (7) in Sagittarius Antardasas Rasi ARS TRS GMN CR LEO VRG LBR MRS VEN MCR MN SN MCY VEN I-ord 101001007 Years.0 tu{onths517547l5(J0 16 13 26 F3 16 19 6 Days 12 48 0 12 24 12 48 Gh. in the Dasaof -lntardasas SCPSAG MRS JUPTotal

26 24

12 0

0 0

'I'aurus (16) in the Sagittarius Amsa

TRS GMN CR LEO VRG LBR SCP SAG ARS - Rasi Lord VEN MCY MN SN MCY VEN MRS JUP MR'S Totatr Years2I30l2l1lt6 g 0 6 6,/ | 5 6 5 -1 Montlrs 6 0 13 36 13 I2l 918 8 21 Days 0 612 24 36 12 2 36 2436 Gh. in the Dasaof Gemni (9 ) in SagittarniusAmsa Antardasas GMN CR LEO VRG LBR SCPSAG ARS TRS Rasi MCY MN SN MCYVEN MRS JUP MRS VENToJaI Lord '0 9 I 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 Years 0 5 7 7, !0 5 5 I l0 Months 9 o 8 16 24 16 8 21 20 12 31 Days Gh.36240362448048240



Antardasas in the Dasa of Cancer(2f) in Sagittarius Amsa Rasi CR LEO VRG LBR SCPSAG ARS TRS GMN l-ord MN SN MCY VEN MRS JUP MRS VEN MCY Total Ydars4ll3.l 213121 -tJ 1 l0 4 5 -5 4 lvfonths4 0 l0 0 Days 27 18 20 19 19 9 6 9,20 ch.36024361201236240 Antardasas in the Dasaof Leo (5) in SagittariusAnnsa Rasi LEO VRG LBR SCPSAG ARS ITRS CMN CR l-grd SN MCY VEN MRS JUP MRS VEN MCYMN Total Years . 0 0 0 0 0 l', 5 0 0 0 l\{onths3594649500 Days0018606180180 in the Dasa of Virgo 1r) in Sagittanus Amsa Antardasas VRG LBR SCPSAG ARS TRS (iMN'CR LEO Rasi t-r:rd MCY VEN MRS JUP MRS VEN MCY MN SN Total Years 0 I 1 0 0 0 10 9 0 Morrths 9 l0 7 5 7 5 9 105 0 Da.vs 8 16 24 fi 21 20 12 2l 16 0 ch. 0 36 24.48 0 48 21 36 24 0 Antardasas in the Dasa of Ubra (16.tin the SagittariusAmsa Rasi LBR SCP SAG ARS TRS GMN CR LEO VRG Lord VEN MCY JUP MRS VEN MCY I\fN SN IIICY Total | Years 30 I 16 | I I 2 2 Months 6 4g t i t 6 5 5 0 Days 8 2l:13 6 13 21 910.8 0 ch. 24 0 36 t2 0 t2 36 24, 36Antaritasas in the Dasa of Scorpio(7) in SagittariusAmsa ,ttasi SCP SAG ARS TRS GMN CR LEO VRG LBR LoTd MRS JUP MRS,VEN MCY MN.SN MCY VEN TOTAI Years009l0l00lT O I 7 7 I 5 4 Monthss 8 5 16 53 0 Days 26 12 26 13 16 19'6 Gh.240241248r2048 120


Brihat farasara Hora Sastra

Antaritasasin the Dasa of Sagittarius(I0) in Sagittarius Amsa Rasi SAc ARS TRS cMN CR I.EO VRG LBR SCp Lord JUP'MRS VEN MCy MN SN MCy VEN MRS Total Years10l0ZA01010 Months0 8 7 tO I 0 t0 6 7 8 .Dayso126246o2461Pa Antardasas in the Dasa of Capricorn (4) in Capricorn Amsa Rasi CAP AQS PSCSCP LBR VRG CR LEO GMN LOTd SAT SAT JUP MRS VEN MCY MN SN MCY TotaI Years 0 4 0 0 0 0 O0 0 0 Months 2 2 5 2 S 3. 9 t l ,5 4 Days 7 o 7 Z 19 28 | 2 2924 Gh. _4s 4s Palas 53-"53 24 42 35 tg .3 32 28 14 4s 42 s3 2l 2g t4 o 0

Antardasas in the Dasaof .iquarius(4) in CapricornAmsa Rgsi AQS PSC ScP LBR VRG CR LEO GIyIN CAP LOTd SAT JUP MRS VEN MCY MN SN MCY SAT TOTAI Ycars0000000004 Montlrs 7 7 2 25 24 Q, 19 28 | .2 0 Days 2 5 11 2 2 5 9 3 5 ', Palas


4s 24 3s
53 42 '18



53 2l

28 4s
14 53


Antarilasasin the Dasa of PiscesffO) io Capricorn Amsa PSC SCPLBR VRG CR LEO GMN CAP AQS Rasi LoTd JUP MRS VEN MCY MN SN MCY SAT SAT Total Yearsl01l20l0010 () 5 5 Months 2:9 l0 0 5 7' o Days Gh. Palas 3 31 46 26 .17 28 38 14 49 2l 10 35 lg | 24 45 42 53 2l 10 35 lg 24 43 19 24 43 o () t)

Qhapter 64 Antardasas in the Dasa of Scorpio(7) in CapricornA4sa Rasi Lord



Months6388483390 Days. 27 24 26'22 28.26 '31 Gh" 21 49 15 t4 4s Palas 46 l0 25 l7 7 25 28 '35 18 28 26 3s 28 18 14 0 0 0

Antaritasas in tne Dasa of Libra (16) in CapricornAmsa Rasi LBR VRG CR LEO GMN CAP AQS PSCScP LoTd VEN MCY MN SN MCY SAT SAT JUP MRS TOTAI 16 1 .3 I Years 0 0 3 t I 0 0 3 910 Months 0 811 I 9 11 . l 0 g 13 8 Days L7 24 4 9-1 nch.-14 c 38 2l 3 3 52 349 52 0 Falas 7 56 32 35 56 32 32 4!9 11 Antaritasas in the Dasa of Virgo (9) in CapricornAmsaRasi VRG CR LEO GMN CAP AQS PSC SCPLBR LoTd MCY MN SN MCY SAT SAT JUP MRS VEN TOtAl Years0200001019 0 8 8 Monthsll 0 2 11 5 5 6 0 9 2 21 26 2 ..Days 13 20 10 13 0 4ss2 Gh. 3 28 35 3 28 28 l0 0 35 25, 56 Palas 32 14 18 32 14 14 Antarilasasin the Dase-ofCancer(21) in CapricornAmsa Rasi CR f,EOGMN CAP AQS PSC SCP LBR VRG LoTd MN SN MCY SAT SAT JUP MRS VEN MCY TOTAI 2 2l 1 3 2 0.0 2 I Years 5 A 2 8 tl 5 2 ll'll Months 2 2 0 25 25 19 22 13 20 7 24 20, .Days 0 3 28 45 45 24 35 28 4542 Gh. '31 O 14 43 17 32 53 14 53 Palas 53


Britat pansars Huv Sastra

Antardasas in the Dasaof Leo (5) In CapricornAmsa P.asi LEO GMN CAp AeS pSCSCpLBR VRc CR Lord SN MCY SAT sATIUP MRs vEN McY MN Total Years0000000015 Months 3 6 2 2 .6 7 4 Il 2 0 Ddys 15 '10 24 24 | Zg 8 l0 24 o Gh. s2 35 42 42 4s 14 4s 3s .42 o Palas 56 t8 2t 21 53 7 25 tB 2t .0 Antardasas in the Dasaof Gemini(9) in CepricomAnsr Rasi cMN CAp AeS pSC SCp[,BR VRG CR LEO LOTd MCY SAT sAT JUP MRs VEN McY MN SN Total Years000t0l0ZOg Monthstl 5 5 0 8 & 1l 2 6 0 Days 13 2 2 2I 26 9 13 20 IO,-/ g Gh.32828 l0:i5232E350 Falas 32 t4 t4 3j 25 56 32 ,l lB O Antardasas in the Dasaof Taurus(16) in AquariusAmsa Rasi TRS ARS pSCAeS CAp SAc ARS TRS OMN LoTd VEN MRS JUP sAT SAT JUP MRs vEN MCY Total \,'ears 3 I I .0 0 1 I 3 I t6 I{onths g g ll 1 4 il 4 I I 0 Days05377g50210 Gh. 21 47 58 3s 3558 47 2r y 0 Palas 4t 0 Z3 ZS ZS 33 o 4t 42 0 Antrrdesas ir th Desaof Aries (7) h Aqrerirs Ansr R.Asi ARS PSCAQs cAP sAG ARs TRs GMN TRs -ord MRS JUp SAT SAT IUp MRS VENMCY VENtotal fears 0 0 0 O. 0 0 I 0 I 3 i{onths 7 t0 4 g 4' l0 7. 4 4 0 )ays23.1 132S350 '36 36 2:,6 1', 26 31 47 15 47 o :!. '' 'rrRs 48' 52 45 45 52 48 0 l0 0 0

Chaoter .64


(10) in Aquarius Antardasas in theDesdof Pisces Amsr Rasi PSCAQSCAP SAC ARSTRSGMN TRSARS . Lortl JUPSATSATJUP MRSVEN MCY VEN MRSTotai I 0'0 O I Years I I I 0 Ii, 5 210 5 ll MonthsZ 1 11 t0 C ': 3 3 Days 13 23 23 13 0 3 3 Ch.442929443651si60 6 52. 33 42 33 52 Palas 6 38 38 0 (4) in Aquarius in theDasr of 'tquanius Anlardsses Amsa Rasi AQSCAP SAG AR.S TRSCMN TRSARSpSC Lord SAT SAT JUP MltS VEN MCY VEN MRSJUp ToraF '0. Years 0 0. 0 0 O 0 0 .+ O Months22549i9-i5O Daysgg23 l767t230 Gh. 23 23 29 26 35 8 3s 26 29 rr Palas 52 52 38 45 25 40 25 45 38 L-\ . Altardssas in thc Dasaof Capricorn (4) in-Aquarius Amsa Rasi CAP SAc ARS TRScMN TRSARS pSCAeS mia sAT JUP MRs vEN McY VEN MRs JUPSAT Total Years000,0000004 g Months 2 5 .,4 9 S S 2 0 ! Days923t376g7 12390 Gh. 23 29 26 35 8 35 26 29'23 (i Palas 52 ie 45 25 40 25 . 45 38 52 0 Anterihs*s in tbe Dasa'ofsagittarius (r0) in Aquarius Amsa Rasi SAc ARS TRS GMN TRSARS psc AeSCAp . Lord JUP MRS VEN MCy VEN MRS JUp SAT SAT Toral Yeari''Iollloloolo Iv{c'nths2 tO 1l I lt 10 2 S 5. ,0 Days 13 3 3 0 3 3 t3 23. 23 0 Gh.1/,36s82t5836ig2s2s0 Palas 6 52 33 42 33 52 6 38 38 0


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

Antarilasasin the Dasa of Aries (7) in Aquarius..{msa Rasi ARS TRS GMN TRS ARS pSC AeS C^{p SAc Lord' MRS VEN IvICY VEN MRS JUp SAT SAT Jtip "total Years01O10000O7 Months'1 49421044100 Days253523tt30 ch. 31. 47 ' 16 47 31 ' 4 8 palas 0 1il 0 48

36 52

26 45

26 45

36 52

0 0

Aniaidasas in the Dasa'of 1aurus(16) in AquariusAmse Rasi TRS GMN TRS A"QSPSC AQS CAp SAG ARS VEN MCY VEN MRS JIlp SAT SAT JUp MRS Total Lonl Years3l3li00tl16

Months I 8 Days b 24 2l .34 Gh. Palas 41 42

L4tl 9 40 911 0 5 3'7 7350 2t 47 58 35 3 5 5 8 4 7 0 4t03325 2s3360

in the Dasa of Gemini (9) in Aquarius Ansa Antardasas GMN TRS ARS PSC AQS CAP SAG ARS TRS Rasi MCY VEN MRS JUP SAT SAT JUP MRS VEN Total I-ord


8 lMonths ll Days 21 24 Gh. 1934 Palas 32 42

9 I 5 5 I 3 0 66 0 ls2t882t15340 l0 42 40 40 42

9 3 l0

8 24 42

0 0 0

(21)in Pisces Antardasas in theDasaof Canccr Amsa Rasi CR LEO VRc LBR SCPSAGCAP AQS PSC LOTd MN SN MCY VEN MRSJUP SAT SAT JUP Total Years5123l20022L Months12,2l0.85ll 11 50 Days 16 19 l.l 26 15 9 2t 2t 9 0 Gh. 2 32 0 9 30 20 '4 37 37 . 4 'r Palas 47 S 17 42 56 11 41 4t ll

Chopter 64

Anterdasas In the Dasaof Leo (S) in PiscesAmsr Rasi LEO VRG LBR SCPSAG CAP AQS PSCCR I-ord SN MCY vEN MRS JUP SAT SAT JUP.IfN Total Years00000Q001.s M o r t t h s. 3 4 6 2 2^ 6 6 ll 2 O , I)ays, 14 .! 4 26 29 23 23 29 19 ,8 -22 Gh. 19 53 30 18 43 43 18 32 0. g Palas 4,20 915 142 is S 0 Antardasas in the Dasaof Virgo (9) in Pisces Amsa Rasi vRG LBR SCp SAG CAp AeS psd CR r,EO Lord MCY VEN MRS JUP SAT SAT JUp MN SN Total Years0l010012O'g Month 11 8 8 0 5 5 O Z 6 0 Days 9 2 23 16 ri 0 t6 ll 8 0 Gh. 4 47 43 44 4t 4t 44 922 0 Palas ll 26 15 40 51 51 40 46 20 0 Antardasas in the Dasa of Libra (l 6) in PiscesAmsa RaSi LBR Lord VEN Years 2 Monthsll Days 21. Gh. 37 Palas 4l . SCP SAG,CAP {QS PSCCR LEO VRG MR.SJUP SAT SAT JUP MN SN MCY .3 0 \ I 0' 0 t I 3 10 8 l0 11 810 8 18 9 27 27 9 264 2 '46 50 46 54 54 53 47 30 14 2 421 26 26 2 26 Ioral t6 0 0 0 r

Anterdasas in tbe Dasa of Scorpio(7) in PiscesAmsa Totat

Rasi SCPSAG CAP AQS PSCCR LEO VRG LBR Lord MRS JUP SAT SAT JUP MN SN MCY VEN Years00000l.00l7, Months6933984830 Days !5 23 27 27 23 15 26 23 t8 Gh. 6 I 12 12 t20 30 43 50 Palas 59 24 33 33 20 56 42 15 t4

0 0 0

824 in the Dasa of Sagittirius(10) in PiscesAmsa Antardasas ;{asi SAG CAP AQS PSC CR LEO VRG LBR SCP ' 'i..iirl Lord JUP SAT SAT JUP MN SN MCY VEN I\{RS I l0 2 0 0 | : O '0 | I Years Mqnthsl55-1560t090 r) :3 9 9 29 16 28 17 17 28 I)ays i '14 04 l& 44 36 26 ?-6 36 Ch. 0 l ' 1 9 lqr 16 13 9 4A Tlrl,rs iir'30 (.i) in Pisei."Amsa in the llasa of Capricorn Anta;itasas CAP AQS PSC CR LFO VRG LBlt SCPSAG l{.asi -f<.rtll JUI> i-ord SAT SAT JUP.MN SN -Mra' Vi'NI I\.{RS Years0000000004 0 3 5 8 2 5 ll : 5 Months 2 27 17 0 t72l 13 0.27 6 6 Days .{3 0 12 26 41 54 Gh. 58 58 26 37 0 Palas 37 37 30 4l 15 51 26 23 30 (4) in PiscesAmsa in the Dasaof Aquarius Antardasas AQS PSC CR LEO VRG LBR SCP SAG CAP SAT JUP lvlri SN MCY VEN MRS JUP SAT Total Lorrl 4 4 Years 0 0 0 0" 0 0 0 0 Months 2 o 2 5 11 2 3 5 5 8 Days 6 l7 21 23 6 0 27 27 l7 ,0 0 ch. 58 26 37 43 41 54 t2 26 58 Palas 37 30 4l 15 51 26 23 30 37 0 IIa$i Antardasas in the Dasa of Pisces(f 0) in Pisces Amsa Rasi PSCCR LEOVRGLBRSCP SAGCAPAQS Lord JUP MN SN MCY VEN MRS JUP SAT SAT Total 0 10 Years ,l 0 0 0 I 2 I I 0 Monthsl' 5 1 5 010 9 5 6 0 Days 28 23 28 17 l7 929 9 16 i' ch.' 36 '13 I 4 t8 44 46 36 26 26 Palas 16 0 9 24 16 30 30 9 40



of tire Noles : Tlie above tables strow the Antardasas mannerthe Antardasa; R., , , in the Savyachakra. In thc same t': c.ln bc workedout for the Apsavyachakra.' It iS not possible space. for lack of tablcs here thosc 3ive ' Efrccu of Antrrdasa,

}rt{i imtt \fl* aq{{q tM{tG$t.t:t. rr{ <q} trRtt aan*;E*ie {oj,
2. Daseof Ari:. .mse-Therewillbe wounds and fever of M;rs (that is Aries or Scorpio)inthe Dasa in the Antaidasa the sameDasa and Antardasa of the Rasis In of AriesAmsa. Venus, Moon and Jupiter all kinds of Mercury, by owncd Danger from enemy will be be enjoyed. will happiness the Sun. Antardasa of in the cxperiencei

{raEna}sar}scrfl t ?neqrfi faelfr TqrrtEivt+ fsc ! qi aa ti nq ttvtt qrattri3tqrq{E dtqa}fi qEE qqq l q$qa-q?ag qqqr{irt+ 'r?r{ lltll
3-5. Dasaof TaurusAmsa-Effects like quarrels, diseases in Antardasaof Saturn (that is Capricorn or will be experienced Aquarius). Therewill be gainsof education and physicalfeliof Jupiter (Sagittarius or Pisces),going city irr the Arrtardasa away frorn home,deathor distress from feversin the Antardasa of Mars (Aries and Scorpio) and gains of garrnents,happy of the rasisownedby asociation with womenin the Antardasas VenusanclMercury. Danger from the king and violent animals in the Antardasaof rasi (Leo) owned by the may be expected Sun.

t 1uin mr;ai Rlt 641 r,ltrfrr$r-dr faamrqraat diq{i Xt aa ni n'eqttltt

Irrq sd


?qqilii$d cd r
gq"iFtlqFrrt: lllll lqqPmr: I




Tdrtsqrui rt fq$


g* ttutr


Brihat ParasaraIlord Sastra

6-10. Dasaof Grmini Amse_The effepts in the Antardasasof the rcsisconcerned rvill be as follows_ Venus (Taurus or Libra)*Gain oiweaftfr and garments. Mars (Aries and Scorpio)*Deati of parents, danger, fever,woundsand travelsto d'istant;r"*r. Jupiter (Sagittarius o-r pisces)_In"r"ur" in intelligence, successin education,_opulence and gl,ory, popularity and affectiontowardsothers, Saturn (Capricorn or Aquarius)_Foreigu journcys, Ciseases, fear of death, iossof weafrf, .nJ tiorrt"o. Mercury (Geminior Virgo)-Su*.r, in education, gainsof gilrments etc'' happiness fro'the wife and ch'dreo r*"rencefrom all quarters. "'oi-

mHilqrilrq.Erf{r ! faXi r*ilr* vrql rrerr eRgilfrNi qq{ r qeia qr{Ttr{}fa frgi TEi{rt du rr1.1s

1s{qilFrqr{" $e-fqilFffie{" rgfrqqqpgp:, d* qFnq t'tfil: fqgt ?{ffi nr} rrrrr qTlir{wf fqt{rqrrd Fm{|iq r

sqf rqtvmi - _q;i Xnilqd qE I uti nl+ qrr st[a nEq ;utitt Qvari
{n*q{s q{reqqq q?i BITftIEqIfEwzi *q ild TtErTiiliT ilfl |

eqtvqi qqlrrtRrr


qrd q{rl*q

frevreagmfh atctqrfa<rrTenq I frsi *q wFnlfr sd rilvmnqn i l l Y t l

aqleeafu ir I rsf* !u-{$r}: l l l

fqrE?qTffiqrq{q vrdtsfq qg irfl I sFrrrTFTm{tt iltrq firi' rqiyrqd g* l l l { t t fiilqrlqqd *t m{1ftar* rrq{ I qrrrtaalr{tailFn 66Tdt{mi nir ! l l Q t t

Clnptcr 64 827 ll-16.'$*ca of Crnccr emse-The effects in the various will be as followsAutardasas of the rasisconcerneil (Cancer)-Happiness wife and children, gain from Moon (popularity) public from the of wealthand reverence Sun (LeoFDanger from enemies, animals and the royal family, mentalagony and fear of diseases. Mercury (Gemini'or Virgo) and Venus (Taurus and Libra)-Happiness fr nrn wife, children and friends, increase in ueahh, popule.:' ,..rdname and fame. lv{ars(Aries rr Scorpio)-D_anger from poison, weapons .rnd diseases like fever. Jupiter(Sagittarius or PiscesFGains of wealth, physical ' felicity, honoursfrom the king. Silrrrn (-Capricorn or Aquarius)-Rheumatism, danger frorn :'l;r'l,es, scorpions and distress of all kinds.

ql* gwfrrrnd fnt{i trrintt ql* fa*q r

frflsqrlf-di trirr|rtnq{q
wilq Tf,?{tflilq


ilTaaildceffq .il nlstl FdtqaTfEq1* ilqr I

lurniealfer ! kAi*

F?rrir<ecrlil: ulctl
t ?ETiqa.:'fiTrrTTIq:

fqt$nqi *s
qti rraql+{rvq q

fkt frt

Terrarfi fqql utetr Tqrilrii (sl rrRort

Gu-qed: r

artfeaqrfrrgr$I?T:I $fit



tkft T{rraf* g* rrrtrr

17-21. Dasr of Ansr-:-The effects in the various Antardasasof rasisconceraedwill be as follows-Mars (Arics and i:orpio)-Diseases of the mouth, bilious fcvcr and dangerfrom weapon. Mercury.(Gemini or Virgo), Venus(Taurus and LibraF Gain of clothes,happinessfronn wife and children. Moon (Cancer)-Danger from fall from some height, Ecagre gains of wealth, foreign journeys.


Brihat Potasara llora Sastra

fcvers,loss'of wisdonr, Sun (Lco)-Danger lrom enenries, fear of death. Jupiter (Sagittariusor Fisces)-Gains of wealth atrd iir grains, beneflcence of the king and Brahnrins, progr'ess education. here are of which are beingdescribed Notes: The effects lords Their ltave beetr rasis conierned. of the Antar<lasas the (rasis) according yield to the effects they because mentioned when wc describc For example, lords. of their characteristics are of the Antardasaof Jupiter, it meansthat the cffects effects Sagitterius narnely by Jupitcr, of lasis owned Arrtardasas tire of This clarification-has beengivenso that thcrc may and Pisces. irr tlte rnintl of tiie readers. be no coufusiorr


6?qlqi rqiqrt tlt msa rF*fr ttFl?t: I aqFf q aqt *e s{rld irtr{' ilail lt?Rll

qE{ffsl(rlnrrq{ | fqsqfarsrrqlla qeqrqt Tqt{r+ tr} n?,itl fqasqqqar {tsr fqtfr qq{ ?rerT r {raEtta]sfii$ft{qqiftfiqiqrat gd ttlvrt
$tiq-gaIsrt{Tqqir Gtu$firtEtwr6l
C \




;TI?IgreTgTTTqTT: I q trfi({i{ne$ ilRill

Fqrqi q){qlfaqa fid0 q;ufc: Tr?rfla$Td *q 6'rqili {i{rt


r* rrqqrr'

22-26. Dasa of Virgo Amsa-The effects in the variorrs Antardasas of the rasisconcerned will be as followsSaturn(Capricornor Aquarius)-Many kinds of troubles, travelsto distantplaces, from hunger. fevers,distress Jupiter (Sagittariusor Pisces)-Gains of wealth through the beneficence of the king, arrival of friends and kinsmenand success in education. Mars (Aries or Scorpio)-Bilious fever, travels to distant p,laces, danger frorn fire and weapons. Mercury (Gemini or Virgo), Venus (Taurus and Libra) and Moon (Cancer)-Gains of wealth through sons and employees, many enjoyments.



Sun{Leo)-Travel to distant lanrls,danger from diseases, 'quarrels by weaponswith kinsmen,dangerof assaults

gA Er'a{A q* tEfara gu}ac:t tlRetl digaur-erarkqrcl qqfil {qfcqa: cqiEq: t fqEm- -6qft ftrttftft fqqqrtarfi{Sfaqqge FTraqe 3d trlett
Eaerqiilf{iilq{q u{rni ;Fn?t-q: t

eria gsn flfiargt


nd trle,tt

qfatq ir I qqraiq rraqTfq: ffi: tq{ftx a wfg gt r{irn* uq} q llQollga-q?q q{slfct: Ffrqti a ra:fruq t



rar;afe 1i ttlltt

27-31. Daseof Libra Amsa-The effects in the various .Arttardasas of the rasis coucernedwill be as follows' Venus(Taurusand Libra)-Wisdom, comforts, happiness etc. from wife, children,wealth, garments Mars (Aries or Scorpio)-Distress to father, enmity rvith friends, I danger from disease of forehead, fevers, poison, tc *'eapons or Pisces)*G;.,r of wealth, bcquisiJupiter (Sagittarius tion of a kingdom, performantcof religiousrites, honoursfrom all round. the king and happiness Saturn (Capricorn or Aquarius)-Travels to distant places, loss in agriculturalsphere, dangerfrom critical diseases, crremies. Mercury (Gemini or Virgo)-Birth of a son, gain of from wife, joy, dawn of fortune. wcalth,happiness


qn ?Tnr-emq-nnfiaeqt|ufqarlil n6q qrr uQ nqpfrnwd adtnriilqi fqgfq t nmlqlaqqqtrifa {iat taini <qt ttlltt


rain}g a t


Erihat ParasaraHora Sastra

32-33. Dasa of Scorplo Amsr-The following effects will bc experienced in the Antardasas of the,rasis concernedMoon (Cancer); Mercury (Gemini or Virgo), Venus (Taurus or Libra)-Gain of wealthand grains in differentwa1's, freedomfrom diseases, enjoyments of many kinds. (Leo)-Danger Sun from enemies, loss of wealth, distress to father, dangerfrom wild and violentanimals. Mars (Aries or Scorpio)-Troubles from wind and bile, wounds,dangerfrom fire and weapon. Jupiter(Sagittarius or Pisces)-Gains of wealth, grains and gems,devotion towards deities and Brahmins, beneficence of the.king. Saturn (Capricorn or Aquariuc)-Loss of wealth, separation from kinsmen, mental anxiety, danger from enemies, diseases.




qffi ({ifi gd rrlvrr stfrd{rraf{Sfnqq qritrs:rt lFr q irrr6rqtqq I qt qqsnnimr;ftfa {rq* rqi{ri ttl ntr,rl qrqt {n* qiqrqfqiT{t{q ar{n I
r|-"dqlql qilEqfiI1'fu* Fqffi uq} ttlqtt

irftqr{ v.rt sf{

il?tlfuqqralfil ilqiri Fsirt gi ttlurt fiff frniq drrrrli 11qFd13qgq I mt+.gArtqi ilt T{{fut fHE rrlorr qutffisani ir fird e actq qq I RqqHFrqrciTrilqi{i Fqi{rt <qlrrl err
qlEuriaqlqrri (|qlwrqF1lrrq I qrqiferqqrci q qrt s{in{r* {ql uv"11
34-40. Dasa of Sagittarius Amss-The following,.-ffects rvill be dr'rived in the various Antardasas of the rasisorvnc'd by*

Trrfui ffim: t

Chapter 64

8 3 1.

Mars (Aries or Scorpio)-Heart burn, fevers,cold, diseases of the mouth, many kinds.of troubles. , \renus (Taurus or Libra), Mercury (Gemini or Virgo), Moon (Cancer)-Increase in wealth and property and fortune. progressin education,destruction of enemies, happiness fronr the king. Sun (Leo)-Loss of wife and wealth, quarrels, dangerfrom the king, travelsto distant lands. Jupiter (Sagittariusor .Pisces)-Charity, self mortifications, honours from the king, increasein religious rnindedness, happincssfrom wife, gain of wealth.

tftqmqltt'mfr tqr*{ m\uqrf qntq'ig*ilit




{Til l t Y l l l

qli: gfr r

llYRll TnTrs;nc61q5o{ mfti aTt +{ fi.<tlreq|i ffiq r rgnfnnffiilqiw Trertwlli 5q ilYxtl ffi fqqrntai qtnqrfqqi f!+n I



Tri{reEtdt nfi 11vvtl

414. Ilma of Capricorn Amsa-The iollowing effects will bc experienccd in the variousAntardasas of the rasisowned bySaturn (Capricorn or AquariusFWrath of Brahmius, deitiesand thc king, loss of kinsmen,abandonment of the homeIand. Venus(Taurusor Libra), Mercury (Gemini or Virgo), Moon (Cancer), Jupiter (Sagittariusor Pisces)-Devotion self-mortification, towardsdeities, honoursfrom government. (Aries assaults of the forehead, Mars or Scorpio)-Disease and pollution on handsand feet, dangerfrom dysentry, blood trilioustroubles. Saturn(Capricornor Aquarius)-Loss of father and kir''.s' men, fevrs,dangerfrom the king and the enemies.


Brihql Para:s'u llora Saslra

.TrTrfqqrriqrcrq garalfwaci qql l ntlrnlcEiqed Er* rqiqrqi Trii rrvrrr asrifiaqJqil dtsl wquri qE{ rrqc i " qilEqqrqar.alfa qai{Rqr;at $ii rrverr ;r{sq q qc *a fisc'd q.{4, faq;q r qr:mnqr.qlfil gnrrinwin* qci rtv\ett qa tnfeqq1 t trgaannN q +rqeqfumr.a'ifla aqi{rrqi*t vr-frttvctt

er$i Xalrauara"lqrt

*q r*fsuq r

gnvineatvr} tri rtyttt

45-19.Dasaof AquariusAmsa*The following effects wili be experiertccd in the Antardasas of the rasisowncdby* Venus(Tturrus or Libra)-Many kinds' of educationai '-eains attainntents, of pro;:erty,happiness frorn wifc andchildren, soundhealthand increase in wealth. Mars (Aries or Scorpio)-Fevers, dangcr from fire and cnemies, distress from eucmies and rnentalagon-v. Saturn(Capricornor Aquarius)-Danger of troublcsf*om. u'ind, bilc arrd phlcgm. qunrrcis,foreign journey, danger of i :ufferiig frorn f uberculosis. Jupiter(Srgittarius or Pisces)-Freeclom from itl health, happiness, honours fi'om thc kingandjoy. (Genrinior Vir-so)-Ilappinessfrom wife, child- ,/ .I\fercur-v joy, incrcirsc ren and rvcalth. in -aood fortuug. I

fauqfarar:i)fla r*qtd EqlFfftrvtaq I qq:{t?fo *qivrrqiqrt fqq} u{otl {.TsS q?uRr:fiqd *q s}{$fil rt*:qq11 1 errrisi{rqqrilffl qfrincqinil rii rrxlrr fqqqqr.q]fr d c{Tfqgflrqqq I uqElasq clqiri ratvraliiuq{q}:ntRu



fqfl('tti feila=q ra'qirfq {rqoti qqqlra}fa *aiqrrqid uqq?tfiGraIUrt


q;tq: I qw rrrl rr


lfaaara6w {ilt dfqi{r+qt{t Xrt rr{vrr urqrni rrq*Frqi iqqrfu a qHrnqI vnl nttu. . e{ri{r{r} wiqafi {tEtqrcainil
50'55. Dasaof PiscesAmsa*The iollowing will be the cflectsin the variousAntardasas of the rasisownedbyMoon (Cancer)-Incrcase in wisdom and cducational attaiDmerlts, happiness from wifc, freedom frorn disease,&ss6ciation rvitfrfrier:ds,joy and happiness. Sun {Leo)--Quarrelswith kins:ren, dauger from &ieves, mcrrtal agony,lossof position. Mercury (Virgo or Gernini)and Vcnus(Taurusor Libra)Victory itr war, birth of a son, gainsof land and cattle,increase in rvealtlr. Ivlars(Ariesor Scorpio|-Bilious troubles, dissension with members of the family, clarrger from encmies. (Sagittarius Jupiter or Pisces)-Gainof wealthand graint, lrappiness from wife, honoursfrorn thc king, nameand fanne. Saturn(Capricornor Aquarius)-Loss of wealth, mental agony,abmrdonmeut of thc homeland on account of association u'ith prostitutes.

qq qrtra fqiid ftlqq{a{rr6'cr{ | sratmqd *q Erqeisctqlq ntqtl " g{ sFi qrn *ld uqisEr{gii -qsr I grfqfqfrpi qrsa ili?i $Frri iq;q, rrx,urt
qe'q]$a*fl qEqI qlqfarfq faqlaq ! t

qfwqrfq Rn}{*wqur

q sttfilil ntqtl

56-58. The Sage said to Maitreya*O Brahmin ! The effects of Antardasas in the Kalachakra Dasa which have been


BriJratParasaraHora Sastra

described above are based on Savya chakra. The effectsof in the Dasasof rasisin Apsavyachakra have to be Antardasas after taking into account the beneficand malefic natures *. assessed of the lords of the rasis. People have to enjoy th. # good or sufferthe bad results according to their good or bacl actions in the previous births. Every body suffers or enjoys accordingly.The peculiarity in this respect is that inauspiciou5 _ resultshave beenascribedto malefics.But if during the Antarbe a friend of the lord of the Dasa, dasaif the planet concerned rhe results of the Antardasa will be favourable. If the planet be a benefic concerned but an enemyof the lord of the Dasa, his Antardasa effects will not prove favourable. This is how the Antardasa effects have to be anatysed and conclusions arrived at.

qet Efiff,ifffiTqi{r{{nr6enE4l4:il Q{tt

CbAtGr 65

Effectsof Dasasof Rasis in Aries Amsa

in it $R$rnfr.r tqi sr;rrq?iqr nqfu'r ft{ qilfrfim rrlrr m
fiqi {rq{Tqr rltq teqrqidtwq rfirq I gci <tq{ftrti Tfrrt Tqil} qqq uRtl qffi irtil* fm rsrrntt t

sqti fun{tqq rrrfif

fuq}m ! rrQrr

t-r. tfr. following will. bp tbc cffectsin the Dasns of r: Rasis in Aries Amsa*
Aries-Distrcsg from diccemt ceusedby blood polluticn. Taurus-Incrcase in grain production. Gcmini-Dawn of knowledge(rrqt<q) Cancer*fncreasc in wcalth. Leo-Danger from encmies. Virgo-Happioess from wife. Libra-Ministership. Scorpio-Danger of dea&. Sagittarius-Gains of wcaltb.

lrtrt qrqrqttk t!.T qfrcqa} qa{ | mt wlHfilsrq Iffi rffial q ttYtl




rluqlql rr d;nqtqt qqa} qq I

sq frti

ffi.caq rrrT
qqqirr* nt*tl


4-5*. The following will bc the effects in the Dasas of rasis in the Taurus Amsa-


Brihat Parasara t{ors &sna Capricorn-Tendency-toinclulgein sinful actions' Aquarius-Profitsin business. in all venturcs. Pisces*Success Scorpio*Danger from fire. Libra-Honours from thg kin,e. Virgo-Danger from enemies. Cancer-Distress to wife. l-eo-Eye troubles. Gemini-Danger from poison. Et[t$t

?rtFTrrr: (eTr*d g cTqiqq: ttqtt

mi q rrgcfifa: q.r* nqr+ia1 t

q6t fqf qlra] rftlaqqri fqqrfqqdtq ttstt tqmtfr qt?i ftrq ttqtt

N B nradqral $ g ncq] xiE t


6-8. The following rvill be 1l'e effects in the Dscas cf rasisin GeminiAmsa'fiaurus-Gains of 1vr",,ti'l. Aries-Fever. with {n:rternal uncle. relations Pisces-Affectionate Aquarius-Increasein enemies. Capricorn*Danger from thieves. Sagittarius*Progress in education. Aries-Assaults from enemies. Taurus_.Quarrels. Gemini-=Happiness.


qoqrElfil fiTa qrtqal rm{l

6?rnqt d;rriT:g}ed ga* +lfawqqre 11q,,

1f{q* a frg: ota qrt ilqunrn: I qtt esqqil al* q1t <tFrsqa:Hft: rrlorr fri qqqqF*fa Fsti snfiErl1 iltoitl
The following effects will be experienccdin the 9-10.,.. D:ias of rasisin CancerAmsaCancer-Enjoyrnnts,

.) Chapter65 l';o"*'Dangcrfrorn the king. Yirgo-Happirress from kinimen. Libra*Cood reputation. Scorpio-Distressfrom fath0r" and wealtir. Sagittarius-Gainof knonledge Capricorn-Disg';lcr in public. Aquarius-Losstn business. Pisces-Travclsto diqtantlands. {q* *,ITE: dtst gq* ttl1tl *tGIT{rtt: 8t?

. l

sErTqi tltrErr?trffqmd tqwr< e{q{ | fA qaf q g:ci a frtli {rqqsirqrtlqll frtg Atiqrfir FqI( tsd{i t6i{c"tEvt{ulltl
I1-13. The fc'llowing will be the ellects in tlte Dasa: of rasisin Leo Ansa* Scorpio-Q uarrels, distress. Libra-Gain of wealth, happirress. Virgo-Increaseirr wealthand grains. Cancer-Danger from animals. and sorrows. Leo-Both happiness Gemini-Increasc in enemies Taurus-Gain of property, happiness. Aries-Distress. Pisces-Long journey'





u;tFn$t: qFqstsfq EnFIq: I xrqli q'tti ii qrEq<i saa ttlvtt ilt sqqaq

gadad q fqgi rrqa} qq{ | lui qd Ercqi: fifa: tc! dq|<Efaq tll{ll f,qrqt q qatff,' 6atri wdt{qr\ tllt'lll
14-15+.The following will be the effects in the Dasa' ci rasis in Virgo AmsaAquarius-Gain of wealthCopricorn-trncrease in wealth.


Brihat Parasarq Hora Sastra from brothers. Sagittarius-Happiness Aries-Happiness from mother. Taurus-Happinessfrom sons. Gemini-Danger from enemies. Cancer-Affectionatcrelation with wife. Leo--Inireasein ill health. Virgo-Birth of a son.

-qri ETft{rqfiq'frat qqn: Fu{ rttqtl tme$aai qQ qnfcd ?t llq t

tllell fffr qlfqc:tiit r* *i E q{rn+'xqq Tffi q Ralt: dtsr g*q.?Tdtqq1l gqsrrfwgcte $r*$q ltlqtl mflqi

16-18.The following rryilll-,.;the effects in the Dasascf rasisin Libra Amsa* Libra-Gain of wealth. Scorpio-Happinessfrom brotiers. Sagittarius-Happiness from brothers and unclcs. Capricorn-Distress to mothcr. Aquarius-Profits in buriness Pisces-Gain of propctty, happines" Scorpio--Dirn-*ss tn nrife. Libra-Danger,l on water. . Virgo-Increase iri propcrty and happiness.

qq t' qqFfrqiErf{: errrcfrt qqTqil rrfr*rwt lllell fr$ 1ati rr6Fr1.a: q qtr{rfrd( | ti g ({elqr fru *i
qFi qrfq-lqa} fi* qct q q{qtfr: llio11

ilq rr qsEqffiI"fusiti srf ftqq{ uRo+tl

19-201. The followlnj will bc the efrecg in the Dasas of rasis in Scorpio AmsaCancer-Loss of wcalth. Lco-Danger from gorrcmmcnt. Gemini-Gaia of landr.

Chaprer68 Taurus-Increasein wealth. Aries--Distress on accountof blood pollution. Pisces-Happiness. Aquarius-profits itr business. Capricorn-*Lossof wealth. Sagittarius-,Oajn of property,Lappiness.


*i q Er?Rrs: mr fn qiqfiqaiiq ftRql: '*"**u., q*fcfa: ftti rqrq d* , fA eriquHr: rnanqi fiFr6.rqrlRRtl gt erfarcaalqrq) iqsf qm r fiat qrt lagd iliq u$ri nef RqEq nRltl
2I-23. The following will be the effecrs of the Dasasof rasisin Sagittarius AmsaAries-,Gain of wealth. Taurus--Gainof lands. Cemini-Success in all ventures. Cancer-Gain of property, happiness. ' Leo-All comforts. Virgo-euarrelJ. Libra-Profits in business. Scorpio-Danger from diseases. ' Sagittarius*Happiness to sons.

- q6t t'ti gqri ndi m

gireilrt: Tqrq TcS trifqqdi{ | q6qrqqrffi 1f{q+ qqa} qqq u?vtl rlqiatt: rqta wqrqi {rgd} qq{ | farqtnrqlfr fe vrE q-tr{ qq nR{tl fqqal dtfal'rri* qcqtnq nR{}rr

24-25+. The following will be the effects in rhc Dasas oF rasisin CapricornAmsaCapricorn-Birth of a son. Aquarius-Increase in wealth. Pisces-Well being. Scorpio-Danger from animals. bibra:-Gain of wealth.

840 -

Brilnt Parasarallora Sastrtr Virgo-Danger from enemies. Cancer-Gain of wealth. Leo-Danger from enemies. Gemini-Danger from poisorr.




r{q{ ttRilt

itari {hiqrar rqq qr$ uaRatiaq r

FqttilE anfq{tidq

qE e'tqtoxfir: {ltq 1q* rwi w*q t fqg! {uerqg6' $rrtri qqdqfl\ nRsrl
26-28.The tollowing rvili be the rffccts in tlre Dasaspf rasisin AquariusAmsaiu wealth. Taurus--Increase I Aries-EYe troubles. lands. distant to Filces-Travels Aquarius-Increasein wealth. in all ventures. Capricorn*Success in knowledge andlearning. Sagittarius-Increase ppiness. lra Aries*Lc'ssof Taurus-Danger of death. Gemini'-Cains cr property, happiness.

6fia ualfa: tqIE ft rrnrr{ qk r

gil efcrcral qi{ ulail 6iqr4i ertrFrnfrr F?rqil frw qrt arasdeq: t {iq*
q6t sfiffiet: TqrE Tsi q qq* qqq ttloll


it rrritlqrd trm

aadQq r
q?a trlltt


ilFrT ftisd

29-31, The following will be the effects in the Dasasof Amsarasisin Pisces Cancer-Increase in wealth. ko-Assistance from thc king. Virgo-Increase in wealth and grains.

clwper 65 :1.itt business' Libra*F ScorPio--Di:tress from fever' Sagittar:ius-Increasein knowledgeand wealth' Capricorn-An t agonismwith wife' frorn water' Aquarius'*'Dailger Pisces*All kinds of enjol'ments'



ft6: flffi?"'i*',fr

nrFa Sqtq fq$ilt: t

q{rrqi !f i{tq: ltlRll

,t.15rrsis':r)doubtthatobrervanceofremedial rites destroy tlte lteasures in the form of prescribed religious yield happiness' and Dasas of the inauspicious evil eflects


of Astrolo$t -r. N. Bbasin

its kind' to compilean A uniqueand bold attempt,first of Dictionary' Astrological exhaustive owning such a useful book' Always prouJof ue will You puisuits of the unkown future' a GuideanAConpanlon in your

BtsTtsarFqqteqtrT: uq qtt

srr?rl ! qqarssqni uunnfesi Efiq I aFqqfq"qturrrnqrqtqi q erqaq ltltl druq affiant q wqrurtrrFaugrq r gRrlafil il si ilrzn qrgmi Ttt: nRll
q-f,} flq<arqi q qftlr

eialsovgfarrrri aq rmalaq tttrclt t rrQrr

anenmqgfqcftqT qR$rq r
Feil nvtl
1-4. Maitreya said-O Venerable Sage! You have described many kinds of effects reiatingto the planets and Bhavas (houses)after incorporating the views of many sagesand Acharyas(learneds) but it is nbt possible to say witir certaintyif particular effect is quite correct after considering the contra,dictions in the effects by the movementsof the various planets. As because of sinful deeds committedby people in Kaliyuga, their mindshavebecome blunt, be kind enough to describea methodwhich would enableeventhe shallowminded persons to ascertain their happiness and sorrowsand determinetheir longevity on the basisof the positionsof the planetsin transit.


nEnq I

ilq !q qr {gt qlnflanfiriil{cqq}

t rrrflfq ilil[il:


filid rqr unl msqrqrfq q*qrq r




5-6. Tbe sagereplied-O Brahmin ! You have put a very intelligent question. I will now describe the Shastra for the

Chapter 66


benefit of all-the shastra in which there will be no contradictions in judgirg the effectsof happiness and sorrows and for .determinationof the longevity. You now listen to me carefully.

qrqrfEaqqq{d $Fti{T:qqiEEt

qil1slla: I gqar ET {I}qil qil: llell


i parfani: dtri qrfrIftq{tqi: t wftqg $Fn: fiFqrQ'd(aTlr6l:llqll




gq (tTrtF{n: etqii qlavmaaqftfr:'l| uI qrlrrf, {r6(t t ffi latarafaafrar

BTrgqqqll6qrf,i q {waq|gt fili{ sq}qq{ il1olt aq rrm}fa qftc6} {I {Qwfil: l

f6 qi*tnsaa f+ilrnq 6al Xt rrtttt

are 7-11. If the twelve housesincluding the Ascendant occupiedby or aspected by beneficplanets, they yield auspicious results according to their characteristics but this happens where the planetsconcernedare in their sign of exaltation,own sign or posited in a benefichouse. There will be no good effects if suchplanetsare in depressionor posited in an inauspicious house. Similarly the houses associatedwith or aspectedby in depression malefics yield adverse or positedin malefichouses, results according to their characteristics. If such planetsbe in their signsof exaltation, the effects will not be adverse.This is how the generaleffectsbave beendescribedby the Daivajnas. I have only repeatedthose effects.The main purposes of this shastra(astrologyi are to determinetire longevity and joys and sorrows of the people but becausethe movementsof the planets are so subtle, even sageslike Vashistaand Brahaspati have not beenable to be quite clefirii*ein this respect. Then how can a c,orlmon man, particularly in Kaliyr:-tacan do so.

qmrqt{i} fq{iqilil affi t*rrd fau}Raqr iw: qnqFqrTFrq frrafimg fisqenlRlr


Erihat Parasara Elora Sastro'

12. Thcrc are two di,risionsor park of tbe Jyotish shastra (Sciencc of Astrology), nanely, general and particular. I have' alreadydcalt with the generai part. I now corne to the other part which dealswith this subjcctin particular.

mr ffilq

qFFrfir rlqi q|T{i sFq I

nM frfqrd ffi: ffis;anfrsfq

qr*t q{fifr{
qRl <Nfif$i?x{t r|Frrrr||i Iq
nmqGenq{Fq qrEd

tttln r
4dfi ttlut

qdwqqd qq ulYrl

xqq I

rwi eqd ffieMna1 nrfinssE]

oFthe twelvehouses arejudgedfrorr 13-15.As the effects the Ascendantand the Moon, effectsof the twelve houses and the various planetsare judgcd in the same manner. Therefore the inauspiciousplaces(ixrusesi narned 4s Karana (r'<w) from planetsbeginning fiom the Sun and the Ascendant thc seven (total 8) should be marked by dots (bindus) and auspicious placesnamedas Sthan (twa) by small vertical lines (rckhas) and on the basisof their assessment ,shouldthe judgment of the horoscopeand predictionsbe made. Notes : The above arrangementis known as Ashtakavarga. The meaningof Ashtakavargais literally the group of 8 things. Ln other words, it is the combination of the good and bad positionsof a planet with refereuce to the 7 planetsand the Ascendant(8 things). So it is the combination of the benefic and maleficmarks (rekhasand bindus) in a planet's chart with to the position of the 8 planets(here Ascendant is to reference be treated as a planet) Krnnrpndr housesin the Ashtatevrrgr of t&e Sur

inlqrri ffr:g* T t,it i

ryqtgftaf$*g 'TsI wt qisfur: r

qi q q: uqqrl

16. Fivc planctsin lst,2nd, tth, 3rd and thc 12th houses fromthe llun arc Karanpradr (dot cigeificeton). Similarly4 plaoetsintb,?th and 4tb; thrcc plancf,c ia6thend9tb; six

Clrupter 66


planetsin the 5th; 2 planetsin tbe lOth and one iplanet in the I ltb are dot signilicators.

efig-tfre-rynanrr* i nrrisfqq r
fe-rlqlqq**1 6{t *gfmam: nl\etl

sri qn f&rfca: ulctl $wrnrr* nstffinqfdqtn, d 13-nnt* r

Frr: 613i : rrlqtr
17-19.Thus thc AsocndantnMoon, Jupiter, Venusand Mercury five planets)in thc lst, 2nd and 6th from the Sun; tlrc Sun, lMars, Saturn, Moon and Jupiter (5 planets)in the l!th: Meffury, lvloon, Vemrs,Jupiter (4 planets) in the 4th; the Ascendant,Moon, Venus(3) in the 9th; the Sun, Satunr and Mars (3) in the 6th; Lagna, Mercury. Jupiter Moon (a) in the ?th; Vcnus(l) in thc llth the Sun, Saturn,Venus,Jupiter,Marr (5) in thc 3rd; Jupiter Vcnus(2) in the l0th; the Sun, Saturn. Moon, Ascendant Mars and Venus (6) in ttre Sth are Karanaprada or dot indicators. Notes : To identify the auspicious and in auspicious houses in'the Ashtakavarga,* chart should be preparedwith 14 hori" zontal lincs and tcn vertical lines. The formofthechartso preparedwill consistof 117apartmenrs(rlear). In tbis chart in thc first linc (horizontally)incorporatethe,rimes of the seven planetsand the Ascendant. In tbe first column (vertically)write the numbersof all the 12 houses. After this mark dots under the planet aod againstthe Karanprada houscs. By doiug so the karanpradahousesof all the 8 planets including the Ascendant will becomeknown clearly and whenever the Ashtakavargaplanet rvill pass in trarsit the dot marked houses, he wifl yield unfavourablc resuls.In his transit to other houseshe would give favourablecffects.The folloring tablc shows the dots in thc Ashtakavargaof the Sun.

gd fltrgq3rw

qt r uisnfffugarT


Brihat ParasaraEora Sastra Chart ShoningDots in the Sun's Ashtakavarga

SN MN MRS MCY JUP VEN SAT ASC Nrmber of dots I 2 30


0 0 0 0

0 0


0 0

0 00 00


0 0 rf 0 0, 0 0

50 60 7 8 9 10 1l 120

0 0 0 0

0 0

0 0 0

) 5 5 4 6 3 4 )

I )

It will be seenthat there are dots in the 3rd, 5th, 6th and l2th houses from the Sun. Therefore,those four houses are inauspicious,that is, infavourableresults will be derived whenever the natal Sun transits those four houses from him. The .transit resultsto.other houses,lamely l, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, l0 and 11 will not be unfavourable. Similarly the results of transit of the Sun in 3, 5, 6, 12 from Mars and Saturn and in l, 2, 4, 5,7,8,9, 12 from the Moon will be unfavourable.Similar assessment has to be made in caseof dots under other planets in the abovechart. Transit of the Sun to other placeswithout dots will not produce unfavourablc effects. f,arenapredt housesin the Ashtekrvergr of the Moon

qrrnqqhq qs irr1frfraq qsil ir I qrR?{Erfrts: gA iar eifrtiqd: uioll qqaf fimrrqgr ml qffi ilR1u





Chapter 66


2 0 . 2 2 . I n t l r e M o o n ' s A s h t a k a v a r g a , 6 . p l a n e tplanet sinthe9tlt 8th and the lst: onc 4th' the in planets 2ncl:5 and the inthe in the 5th: 3 planets in the l0th and the :.4 t + planets iIt Ascendant) and planets (? 6th and the 7th anO'ittn ieight Thus the Ascenthe l2th arc Karanprada (dot significators)' five in the lst : these dant, the Sun,Mars, Saturnand Venus' and Venus' Saturn the Sun' the Moon' IVlercury, the Ascendant, the Saturrt' Sun' thc ihese6 in the ZnA: lupit"r in thc 3rd : Ascenthe 4th; he and l{ars, theselive int Moon. the Ascen$ant 4 in the 5th : Venus' dant, the Moon, Jupiter and the Sun' these the Ascendanr' Mercury and Jupiter' *"t" I in the 6th : Mars' Saturn' and saturn, these3 in the 7th: Mars, the Ascendaut, the and the vfoon, ifr"r" n"" in the 8th : the Ascendant' -ft{utt, Venus : the.9th in Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter'these6 Sun, th-c in Saturnonly in the l0th, noo" in the llth: all theeight (dot significators)' 12th frorn their own pL".t are Karanprada (line signRekhaprada are houses other il;t;;;';;;;; ificators). Chrrt showingilots in the Moon's Asbtakrvargr NUMbCT SN MN MRS MCY JUP VEN SAT ASC of dots 5 o 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 00 I ) 0 0 000 4 0 0 00 3 000 3 0 0 0 5 000 Q0 6 0 0 0' 0 000 I 8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1t t2

the birth chart Notes: The abovechart indicates that in the 5th' thc when the Moon transits to the 1st,the 2nd' the4th' producedwill 9th and the 12th from the natal Sun, tbe effects by the be unfavourable. The retultswill not be unfavourable


Brihat parasara Hora Sastra

Moon's transit to othcr houses from the Sun. The results wjll be unfavourable when the Moon transitsl, 2, 4, 5, 7, g, 9 and, 12 from the Ascendanl F-orthc,remainin! t our., (3, 6, 10, 1l), the transit rcsultswill bc l'avourable. Krrrnrprudr houses in lhc Ashtakavarga of Mars

qlamtnfrfsadtqr: {fq: ci (r6.en: TTnqI eqqi{qgar*T q{ tn qqu*q}inlltl qer fqfrt d aq: eril r Elcngze):fl"rq1 a] Tq={rqftt F{rq r<!i Tf{qrq g uRytl cr;Trl* q t

rg*xTria wi fm1 q1q*,,


qcrm'tl r gggn frrT rr: nRqtl

|Eqa6;1 ilnE ilistl

rstfsifuar{RT: n<sinH

nta q.a qf

23,27. In the Ashtakavarga of Mars 6 planetsin the l2th, rlre 4tb, the 5th and the 7th : i planetsin the 2nd and the gih i 5 planetsi* rhe lst and the 8th i4 planetsi" tfr" lJ', fi;;;; in tbe l0th and 2 planetsin the 6th are X"runopruaui;"il;;; ficators). In the I lth no planet is Karanaprada. In other u'ordsall the planets in the llth from their own pf".., .r" R_ekhaprada (line significators). Thus thc Sun, the Moon, -\{crcury,Jupiterand Venus,these five in the Ist: the Asccn.dant,the Sun, the. Moon, Mercury, Jupiter il i;;;;;, these 7 in the 2nd : Venus, -the Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, thcse4 in the 3rd : the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus ana tbe Ascendant, these6 in the 4th : the Moon, ir{ars, lrpit.r, Vroill and the Ascendant,these5 in the 5th : Mars and Saturn, these 2 in the 6th : Mercr,ry,the Moon, the Sun,Venus, fupiter anJ the Asceudant, these6 in thc 7th : Mercury the Moon,'tnc S_l rhe Ascendant and Jnpiter, thesefve in the gth s the Sun, the Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venusand thc Ascenaant, l{.oo1, inesc ? iu the 9th : Venus, thc Moon and Mcrcury, these3 in the

Chapter G6


lOth : none in the I l th : the Sun, Saturn, Mercur-v, the Moon, the Ascendant and Mars, these6 in tUe iZtl,, from thcir own are Karauaprada(dot significators) lrlaces Chrrt showingdots in Ashtakavarge of Mars SN MN MRS MCy JUp UEN SAT ASC Number of dots


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

00 00 0 00 0 00 00 00 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

00 000 000 00 000 r0 00 0 00 0

0 0 0 0 0

5 7 4 6 6

6 5 7 3 6


Notes : The Chart indicates that inauspicious effectswill be dcrivedwheneverMaru transits the lst, 2nd, 4th, sth, 7th, sth, 9th and l2trr houses frorn thc natar sun. The resurts of transitsin other houses'arnery the3rd, 6th, lOth and llth will be_favourable. Krranapredr houses in the Ashtrkrverga of Mercury


qtTrcTri qrd g.d aqi qra: uRqll

T$[qTqr: $qlE I


qtndffi ffimnfq


.irTnttlf ft ws
qq q

g ntetl

qlflmErT|gil: r ilIfiT rft+aqr{6r: nlotl



28-301. In the Ashtakavargaof Mercury 3 planetsin tho lst, the 2nd, the 4th, the 10th, the 5th and the gth :2 plauetsin


Brihat ParasaYa Hora Sastra'

the 8th:6 planetsin the 3rd and the?th: nonein the llth: 5 planetsin-the 5th and the l2th are Karanaprada (dot significators). Thus the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter, these3 in the lst : Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury, these 3 in the 2nd : tfre Ascendant,the Sun, Mars, Saturn, the Moon and Jupiter, thesl' 6 in the 3rd : Mercury, the Sun and Jupiter, these 3 in the 4th : Jupiter,Mars, the Moon, Saturn and the Ascendant, these5 in th; 5th : Venus,Saturnand Mars, these3 in the 6th : Mercury, (r the Moon, the Ascendant,the Sun, Venusand Jupiter, these Jupiter' : 8th in the in the ?th : Mercury and the Sun, these2 the Moon and the Ascendant, these3 in the 9th : the Sun, Jupiter and Venus,these3 in the 10th : none in the llth : the Ascendant,the Moon, Mars, Saturn. and Venus these 5 in the 12th from their own placesare Karanaprada (dot significators)' dots in the Mercury's Ashtokavarga Chart'showing SN MN MRS MCY JUP vEN SAT ASC Numbcr of dots

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 t2

0 0 0

00 0 000 00

0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0

00 0

3 3 6 3 5 3 6 2 3 3 5

Notes: This chart indicates that tbe houses with dots and the others are auspicious. ere inaudpicious Kuanaprede houscsin the Ashtak vargr of Jupiter

a{ qilqq}: A} .ql qtt qispin: ttlltl


qsq rrfr: ri\

t aqia:

Shgqr{r: 3ilt

q?q{q tirrB lllRll

Chapter 66



w*q;*aq) dtcr<t#oaq:

q{uiftgwf,t a {

{ra} qi q;d fqar aqt r

qimtriqcr $ r qt 1u-q+wftqil: nllrl

warqrr(qJ 1a}rrlvrr
s'aui ir {tftEq uly-}tl

3l-341t.In the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter one planet in the 2nd and the llth,2 planets in the l0th, 7 planets in the l2th, 4 pianetsin the 6th,5 planetsin the gth and the 3rd, 3 planets rn the remaininghouses (lst, 4th, 5th, Zth, gth) areKaranaprada (dot significators). Thus Venus,the Moon and Saturn, these 3 in the lst : Saturn in the 2nd and llth : the Ascendant, Mars, the Moon, Mercury and Venus,these 5 in the 3rd : the Sun, Jupiter and Mars, these3 in the 5th - Venus, Saturn and the Moon, these3 in 4th : Mercury, Venus and Saturn, these3 in the 7th : JupiteroMars, the Sun and the Moon, these 4 in the 6th : all exceptSaturn, these Z in the l2th : the Moon and Saturn,these2 in the 10th : Saturn, Mars and Jupiter, these3 in the 9th : the Ascendant, Saturn, Venus, the Moon and Mercury, these five in the 8th, from their own places are Karanaprada (dot significators) Cbrrt showingdotsin Jupiter's Ashtakevraga


of dots

l0 2 3000 4. s00 6000 70 800 90 t00 ll ' .J 1 20000

00 0 0 0 0 00 00 00

I 05

0 00

4 3 0.5 0 o7 3 2 I


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

Notes : The house from a planetin which there is a doi (bindu)is inauspicious for that planet. The remaining houses r,reausplclous. Karanrprada bouses in the Ashtaka vargaof Venus


q6d feaqrq<}qr. Wid msRT d qi r qri risqfqfccafrqq;Er: q{ q sTq* ulqrl E{dqT fffirrmi qitntfi E* tf* r Rdsr"qutfrtqrr gxTrral tfr* aq ! rri\err qnr$qrtinqrrnqt: lld qai qi aql I

n1E[eEqdfiqE: il?{tl

d rtlerr
35-38. Int he Ashtakavarga of Venus,2 planetsin the Sth, and the 3rd, 5 planetsirr the lstn the 2-nd, the l2th, the !h-e-8t! in the 7th, 6 planetsin thc 6th, one in the 9th, ]t)th,.8 pla-nets 3-in the_4th. noncin the llth. are Karanapradas. Thus the sup, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Satrrrn,these5 in thc lst and the .1 Znd.:all the 8 planets (including {scendant) in thc 7th : Jupiter and the Sun. these 2 i- ,rre3rd : The Sirn antl Mars. these 2 in thc 5th : the Sun ",r 2nd : the Sun, Mercurv and. Jupiter, these3 in the 4th : ltars and Mercury, these Z in the 8th : Venus,the Sun, the IVIoon,Satunr, thb Ascendant anl, lupiter, these6 in the 6th: none in the llth: tle Ascendant. Saturn,Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, these5 in the t2th : the Ascendant,Iv{ars,Mercur-v"the Moon, the Sun, thcse 5 in the iOth, from their orvn places are Karanapradas(Bindu or dot ;ignificators). Chert shoningilots in rhe As&takaverge of Venus

10 20 30 10 50 60 70 8 90 r00
:i :l

MN I{RS MCY JUP VEN SAT ASC Number of dots 00005 00005 0Z 0003 000006 00000008 $02 00005 2



Chaptc.r 66


without dots (bindus)are considcred Irrotes: Thc houses auspicious. Kerancprub housesin the Ashtakavargr of Saturn

qmtsgi $q@g


iqr ei nat qR fl(I; illerl

fSil aal

nrpi qM ad':r qf{ fEit uyo tt G mulq trr{Td" ?afitaqkq

qai neH

sf rqei rni ilrflr<fqq;affir t Hrdf{ franiffi{I'ff: qrt qfa: ttvltt

;qt fir*aqr{rst: fgardrEraril$I: I tiYRu qil fd {qrfil" a f6arss} e qIAfT:

39-42, In the Ashtakavarga of Saturn, 7 planets in the 2nd, the ?th, the 9th, 6 planets in the 8th, the Ascendantand the 4th, 4 planetsin ihe 10th,the 3rd and the 12th, one planer jn the 6th, 5 planetsin the 5th, none in the llth, are Karanapradas (Bindu or dot significators). Thus the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, these6 in the 4th and the 'Ihe lst : Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus,, Saturn and the Ascendant,these7 in the 2nd and the 7th : the Sun, the and the Ascendant, these Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus,Saturn 'Venus and Saturn, thcse 4 in 7 in the 9th : Tho Moon, Jupiter, thc tOth: Jupiter, the Sun, Mercury and Venus, tbese4 in th"' 3rd : the Sun in 6th : the Ascendant the Moon, Saturn, the Suri. ' these4 in the 12th : Venus, the Sun, the Moon, Mercury an these5 in the 5th : tbe Moon, Mars, Jui:rter. the A,scendant, ' Vcnr:s, Saturn and the Ascendant, these6 in the 8th none in tbe llth : iiom their own placesare Karanapradas(bindu or dot sisnificatcm).The remaining plaes are Rekha"ptadas(linc signiScators) and are auspiciotts.


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra Dots in tbc Saturn's Ashtakavarga SN MN MRS MCY JUP VEN SAT ASC Nuraber cf <lots

1 2

00 00 0
0 0

4 5 6 8 9 10 l1 t2

00 00 00 00 0
I 0 0

0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 00
c) 0 r:i


0 00 0 00

o0 00 0

7 4 6 5 I 7 6 7 4 4

Note : In this chart the houses without dots are Rekhapradasand are auspicious.Those with dots are inauspicious from the planet concerned. houses in the Ashtakavarga of tbe Sun Rrkhaprada

srals;t Teil'Elirtt gfa rqd fqe{qT: r 3{q (cn{rr? \"i qqE}crrq qfrqq uyltl

rFErq{qf dtqEq} qe r fqtl *Eqrarfa arqrmffn,m,qr G rrvYrr A q *{ qri ils* r{ qai faar, aqa I FTcr{r{arqr: qrat * q dttqum* llyx1l
FNIRAdq s a9

43-45.The Sagesaid-Now I will describethe auspicious (r(ekhaprada) houses for the benefitofthe learneds : In the Ashtakavarga of the Sun, Saturn, Mars and the Sunin the 2nd, the 8th and the lst : Jupiterand Mercury in the 5th : Mercury, the Moon and the Ascendant in the 3rd : the Ascendarrt, the Sun, Satlrn and Mars in the 4th : the Ascendant, the Sun, Saturn, Mars, ivfercuryand the Moon in the 10th : the Sun, the Moon, Mdrs, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and th;

Clwpter 66


Ascendant in the llth: ihe Ascendant, Vsnus andMercury in the l2th : the Ascendant, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and the Moon in theYth : the Sun, Mars, Saturn and Venusin tbe ?th : the Sun, Mars, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter in ths 9th from tlteir own places (auspicious). are Rekhapradas Chert showingRclihasin the Sun's Ashtrkavarga


I ., 4 5 6 7



t3 13 13 114 2 115 ll 13 .1 116 ll7 113 4 5

lt 11

9 l0 li t2

\1 11 tl 111 llt

11 I 11 I

Auopiclous f,ekha Housesof the Sun's Ashtrkavaiga

SN 1 2 4 7 8 9 l0 l1 0







3135613 6256724 104691246 ll 7 9 0 8 10 0911001012 0101200110 0 11 0 0000000

1l 0 0

0 0 0

7 8 0

to 11 0

Rekhaprada houses'lnthe Ashtekavarga of the Moon


qdsffisfE{na: I

tcnql"' il*etqtf$ffr{rifTp ttvqtf


Brihat ParasaraHora Sistra

q'tqqqplt*lEt(1;'r dtq{frqr. <+qr<lftililfi. t*aniilqrfrqr:z snintftqr:' {*r* t Er s} qfiqq6}', g{urrti," aqmh6 qq'6 qfrd.rq

un\etl r lryqu

4648. In the Ashtakavarga of the Moon-Mercurl,.'thc Moon and Jupiter in the lst: Jupiter and Mar; in rhe2nd : Mercury, the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Saturn, Vrnu r and the Ascerdantin the li'l : Jupiter,Venusand Mq'rcury rn rhe4th : Mars, Mc;r;rv. Venrrsand Saturn in the Stir : ihc Sun, the jn Lhc6th : the Sun, thc Moon, Marr, $arurn a.,rtt the Ascendant Moc,n, jnpitern Mercurl' and Venus in the 7th: lhe Sun, Mcrcury and Jupiter in the 8th : Vcnusand the Mcon in the 9th : the Sun, Mercury,Jupiter, Yenus, the lvd<ron, thc Ascendant and Mars in the i0th and all the S ii. the llth frorrr their own placesare Rekhapradas. No planer i" R':kiraprada in;the I2th. Ritbas in th hloon Ashtakavarga SN MN MRS MCY JUP VEN SAT ASC Number of dots

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E '9 l0

1 11
I I I I I I t I

l1 l1 111 1l 111 ll 1ll lll

t I I

l7 3 4 l5 5 3

l7 18


0 Rehhapnde housesof tlc Meon









6 7 t 10 il

o o

t211333 3332456 65415610 765771111 9I07E900 to118l0lo00 o o ll 4O0000':!



Chapter66 of Mars Rckhrpraitaho, '.i , in the Ashtaklvsrgo


Frqq?qnql, qls}' $uaqfaatffir:' t *geif<nfalntd{t:u ilYqlt q?Enlr infru I :oqurmfrntfcanEil: rran{' al fs6oqqtf,fi " wi,' rmfra],: qq6i sftd{i?i feg{ur:1lxotl
tlre Asccndant' 49-50. In the Arbtakavarga of Mars the Ascendant' 'i' : 2nd the in l,t : Mais Saturnand Mars in. and Mars Saturn 3rd: the in Mercury,the Moc',r 'g ttt" Sun Mercury' thc Moott' in the 4th: Mercury arrdthe Sun in the 5th: in the 6th : Saturn Venus Jupiter,the Sun, the iscendant and in the 8th : Saturn Venus and Mars in the ?th: Saturn,Mars and in the Ascendant and in the 9th : Mars, the i;;, iupiter' Saturn frorl 12th' ths in Venus 10th : al! :n tl',e ltttr ani iopit"t and their rlwr piacesare rekhapradas' Rekhas ln tbe Ashtrk'vatga of Mars SAT ASC Number SN MN MRS M6Y JUP VEN of Rekhrrs I , 4 5 .6 7 r8 I I 3, I 4 , , I I ;. {-rl ,l '1 I I I I 1l I I I I I 6 2 3 I 5 8' ,

I I I 1r,



!' e
tl t2



Briha parasara Hora &stra Rckha pradr houscsof Mars

SN 3 5 6 t0 tl 0 0








3l 62

5 6 l1

86 108

O7 080 0100 0llo

12 12

00 00.

t7 43 7 810 9u 100


Rekhapradehouies io the Ashtakavargaof Mercury

FffrrtFiilTqqHn arrtsfgar*w:, I urral' waq?aftfmRr ilqiqniqT:5 n{fll

qfqqa{ri{qrt, r *taifqmffie q;EnniaqntEr:, al q qfit vtrnrqfd utRrl

il;TlFEnfq,-q;al:r0 _ lrirr 61**'F{T:,s il{titl 5l-52+. In the Ashtakavarga of Mercury the Ascendant, Saturn,Mars, Vemrs and Mercury in the lst : the Ar;;;;;; Mars. the Moon, Venus and Saturn in the Zna : Venus aii Mercury in the 3rd : the Ascendant,the Moon, Saturn, Venus and Mars in the 4rh : Mercury, Saturnand Venus in in, itt I Jupiter, Mcrcury, the Sun, the Moon and the Ascendantin the 6th : Mars and Saturnin the 7th : Mars, Saturn, th" A;;;;; the Moon, Venusand Jupiter in the gth , S"tu.rr, Mars, lhe Sun, Mercury and Venus in the 9th : the Ascenduni, Suiurn, il, Mercuryand the Moon in the l0th : all in the j"pr,";, llth Mercury and the Sun in the l2th, from their ""d o*n ptuor, rckhapradas. "i"

lwpter 66


. 1

Rekhnsin the Ashttl(rvarga of Mercury SN MN MR*S MCY JUP VEN SATASCNumberof Rekhas

I 1 I I 11 l-1 '1

3 ,l 51 6l 7 I 9l

'1175 1l1s t2
I t3 t15 I l 11

1 t2 1 115



6 5

ll l 12 I




Rekhrpradr boosesof MercurY MN 5 I MRS I

6 8 10

2 7
8 9 l0 11

MCY JUP .t 3622 11 6 g1258


t2 .0 0

110910 1201111



6 8 10 11

in the Ashtskavargaof Jupiter houses Rekhaprada

sitqf,'qrrrttenqi ll{1ll T*cfrA gd qrftatii t itr*d a gfra welqt6t:

q*fftilr;El{irrd FilA;?iqat nfltqrt;Ui
lU !ltw



'q* l1lYll ll{{ll-


t $1 rf,tar*qqar:

in the lt: u::l^rY^Jr'--J and Mercury uurr 4[v Lus Sun Mars, the Ivlall' ^-,r wan,rcin rhe ron and venus in thg tlt Ascendant, Mars' the Sun, Mercury, 11: tr---.- +r.or\irnnn

of Jupitet ,11".*:::::"1': 53-55. io tfrc Ashtakavarga



Moon' the : venus, 3rd inthe


Brihat parasaruHora Sastra.

the Ascenda't, Mercury and Saturn in the 5th : Venus, thc Ascendant, Mercury and Saturn in the 6th : the Ascendant, Mars, Jupiter, the Sun and the Moon in the 7th : Jupiter,the Sun and Mars in the 8th : Veuus,the Sun, the Ascendant,the t\4oon and Mercury in the 9th : Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, tlrc Sun,.Venus and the Ascendant in the l0th: all exceit Satuin in the llth and Saturn in the l2th, from their own placesare rekhapradas. 'SN !t :I 3l 41 5 6 7l 8l 91 Rekhasin thc Asbtakoargl of Jupiter MN MRS MCy JUp VEN SAT ASC Number of Rekhas. I I 5 1l I 7 1 3. I s I I I l l 5 _l I I l1 4 t t I 5 I 3 t t ^6' l1 ,l l1 I 7

1l 12


Rekbapreda housesof Jupiter

t sAT 4r.SC 3t 52 64 t25 o6 07 o9 ot0 0ll 00 00 00

SN MN T2 25 37 49 7ll 80 ,90 100 11 0 '0 0 00 00

MRS l'l 22 44 75 86 109 ll 0ll S; 00


,MCY JUP VEN t2 25 36 49 7to 811 10 100 llo 0 00 00 o 00 00



of Venus In rhe Ashtakavarga Rdrhrpredr houses


fqE: t

t anqt'qrd aqfqtl:a tl{qtt

;tfr' {F' fsffi{rrcqrrvr*rcq:s llltelt , qi rfr fraP {gerrqrra qtdi'o ' q lTi" gfrarrra:'t 6n{ WgFTq lltqll
Ascendant' 56'58. In thc Ashtakavargaof Veiius the ttc venus vcnus and tbe Moon in the lst : the Ascendant, 1pd Mer.cury' venus' tle Moon, Moon in the 2nd : thc Ascend&nt, Venus' tbe Moor' Ascendant' the : Slturn and Mrrs in thc 3rd Mercury' thc Scturn and Mars in tnc 4th : the Ascendaut' : Mercuryand Hoon, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus in the 5th Sun' the Moon' }f,rn in the 6th , ooo" in the ?th : Vcnus' thc Sur' and Saturninthe 8th : all exccptthe ropii"t, the Ascendant : all in thc in'tho gtb : Ycous, il;it"; uoOS"tono in the loth iUt Sun in the 12th: from their Itth : Man, the M#--""4 orra Olac1, bre rckhaPradas. Rchbrsin thc Ashtrlinvrrgl of Yeoue ASC Numbcr SN- MN MRS MCY JUP VEN SAT of rekhas , 3 I I
I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 1 11 1l 11

t2 3 4 5 6 7 8l 9 t8 11 l?

6 2 1 I 6 7 3 8 3

I l1 t .l 1l 11

lll 111 111 111


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastrc. Rekhapndahouses of Veirus SN MN MRS MCY JUP VEN SAT 8133s131 11 2 4 5 2 4 8 123669353 0499t0484 0 5 1l lt 11 5 9 08t200810-8 0 9 0 0 0 9 11 0 ll 0 0 0 10 0 0.120061100 ASC 2 5 g 11

Rckhaprada houses in the Ashtakavargrof Saturn



qrid' ErftrTrhl' *qq;qr<T: a{ qri ffir He utetl

' EqT qrt3sqs{qr: r



TF6rrTFir?r: I

qntqe frg,rrqorr

59-60. In the. Ashtakavarga of Saturn the sun and Ascendant in the Ist : the Sun in the 2nd : the Ascepdant, the Moon, Mars and Saturnin the 3rd : the Ascendantand the Sur,r jn the 4th : Jupiter,Saturn and Mars in the 5th : all except tl:re Sun in the 6th : the Sun in the 7th : the Sun and Mercury in the Sth : Mercury in the 9th: the Sun, Mgrs, the Ascendarrt antl Mercury in the 10th: all in the llth: Mars, Mercury, fupite,: rnd Venus,inthe l2th from thefr own places,are rekhapradas. SN

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1t 12

I I I I I I tl

Rekhasin the Ashtakavarga of Saturn MN MRS MCy JUp VEN SAT ASC.Numbl.r of rekhas . \1.,2 I I ll4 l2 I I I 1 I I ltl ll

lt3 tlll7

I 2 I 4 8 4

Chapter 66 RekhaPraila housesof Saturn ASC MN MRS MCY JUP VEN SAT


SN 1 2 4 7 l0 1t 0 -0


33 65 6 1l 010 11 0 o12 00 00 00

65631 6 8 9 ll 10 12 11 0 12 0 0 .0 '0 0 0000'0

l1 12 0 0 0 0 0

5 "3 4. 6 l1 -6 0 lD0 11 0 0 0 0

of the Ascer'ilant in the Ashtakavarga Karaneprarlahouses

ail qi

3 planets Asccrrdant 6l-64.In the Ashtakavarga of the : 5 planets' in the in tfre in the lst and thc +,r' ' i pfun*itt f1a olle 8th' the 9th and the 12th : 2nd : 6 planets in the'Stf', 'tt" Jupiter all'exccpt 6th : and olanetin the 10thr,fr. f f it and the signincators)' Thus thc ldot in the ?tli are I( ' "*"-pt"a"t in the lst : the ;\scenrJant' the Sun u"Jii"ft'f""n Ascendant, and Jupiter : in the 3ud Mars, the Moon, tf" irrrr u"a Saturn Moon' Mars' Merculy the ett"tOant' Mercury in the 3rd , iftt the Moou : the Ascendant' and Saturn and the;;;-i;1i;5th in the Jupiter i" 'ttt 6th : all gxcept and Mars in the 4th, it"" and' Jupiter the Moon' Mars' ;;-il"' ?th : the Ascenclant, Mars' the Sun' tlte Moon' Saturn in the 8th :'tt''" i"tnaant' Venusin the 10th : Venus in : Melcury and saturn-i;'ii'; 9th

ufA, q lRqEi ei qi {RI: I " qq dnmn<rfiqllqlll fagdtR:Gg stiRaqi 1t tutqt nr?Rttt<ui ftaeq t ffilfftEiqfsil: llqRtl Elaq{;aa}r f,rl aqdriatku:' t qtalr ttTilt"Etqlr *m: fin qr{ 5 faar llqlll ttsrrdqtu t "A q1xu} izlqiil u{ntfea} -fsilo lalqfr;lafqin't:lltrvll i.ioq1t" aqrrr {q}uq1


Brihat parasaralfora Sastrc

tlre llth : the Ascerrtlant, fuurr, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturnin the l2th from their own places are Karanapradas (dot significators). Dots in theashtakavargaof theAscendant

SN MN MRS MCY JUP vEN S4T ASC Number of dots i 00 0 3 .l 000 0 ,0 5 _00 3 2 4 00 0 3 0000 00 6 -l 6 0 ,7 000 000 7 $ 000 000 6 9 000 00 6 tr0 0 I rt 0 I r2 000000 6 The placcs marked with dots reckoncdfrom the planct conserued areinauspicious.The rcstare auspicious. Reth4niht In thc Ashtakavargrof tboAsccndrnt

qq fqtd {qqrfq Frurerfrsrgg.q I ugtor qlrdfunnr?<t: r rTrfrffi[ng{ttr:

wnt{ q eth{

rrnf frqgg<.!|

fpqr il"qF
itltt ;

*f 'tIT


gr6Rr{n q,* Tfr i Taffi"

ilr ffi

sfu!{ nut Ri qt finrerir

rlqft qfuq!$tmr: uqqrl

*tagaw |lqetl {Waqrr

rcn"' qr{Tqdthaq ltqqtl

65-68. In the Ashtakavarga of 'the Ascendant Saturn, Mercury, Yenus, Jupiter and Mars in the lst : Mercury, Juprtcr and Venusin the 2nd: the Asccndantn the Sun, the Moon, Marg Venus, and the Saturn in 3rd : the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter,


lruprer 66


Vcnusand Saturnin tlrc 4th : Jupiter arr<l Venus in the 5th, all except Venus jn the 6th : Jupiter in the 7th : Mercury and Vcnusin the 8th: .lupitcrand Venusin tlre 9th: all except \:cnus in the l0th : all except Venusjn the llth : and the Sun and rhc h{oon in thc l2th from tlreir own placesarc rekhapradas. Rekhrs in lhe Ashtakararga of the Ascendrnt SN MN MRS MCY JIJP VEN SAT ASC Numbsr of rekhag llllt5 fll 3 ',l I I 6 1 1 1111 5 2 ll lr I 1. 't 7 I l t ll ll2 ll 2 I ltlltt7 .t I r I I 7 I I t i2 Relihaprade bouses of thc Asccndent SN MN MRS MCY JUP VEN 3 3llll 4 63222 6 t06443 l0 ll l0 6 5 4 ll 12 ll I 6 s t2 0 r0 7 8 0 0 o 0 lt 9 9' 0 000100 b

I 2 3 1 5 6

ll t'r


SAT ASC l3 36 410 6 ll r00 ll 0 00 0..- 0 00

6rlf - frglrE ntd g,q1{tqrF{Gqrq | qRUi qq? rH rqd qqsqllq uierr

(r9. ln the charts of AshtakavargaKarano is signified by


Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra

a bindu or dot ( 0 ) and Sthana(ttn) by a rekha (line : l), Karana is inauspiciouswhile Sthana (rvn) is auspicious.


fadpatfiariq tqrvqqn t
iqftf q{fui sqTqe lleoll

Fniqeq Fls8g fkataqQat1 <tilir I llelll vrniqEqtut6+{ qr<qieqr ftni1 Gtrit: q*qd fuqRa aa rlut sqtatq qI t tt: qqrsqd ar&n ilasta sd qAEttsltt
7U72. The instructions given in this verse have bcen explained in the 'Notes' under verse 18. Example about Ashtakavargawill be given later.'

of A GiirrrPse

ls The present work A Glimpse of ..Kerala,A2lrology Kerala classics Kerala recognised three of conOdnsation whichareunique Ratnakara Jvotisha,Keralasutra andGlopala ot Kerata principles ;;y & speakout the essential, i,iih;';;^



ppbse oq t9"9 gt1lll le:nlishtened tosy. we su istro 100/fi's. ?YlF,s" AsrRoLoGv'


ETgT fla+]qvr]qnrsrTlrr: ||qetI


Trikona Shbdhana(rectification) ' irthe $shtakavargaScheme

qr eqrrdarrt


faatm}mi SEffi

fqumGatq,inq r

ffiui Fuqt i1w-m;qr{rrrcqnq grrlfaaacnil

urrr "ft-i fqt ! fe_fsE-ql.qq I



The sage said-O Brahmin ! After preparing the. ^'. !-2. Ashtakavarga of all the planets including tte ascerida,U Trikona shodhanahas tg bi dooe for each Rasi (sign). ^ Trikona is made of three rasis equidistantfrom each -(2) other. Thus (t) Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, (3) Gemini, Libra and Aquarius and (4) C-ancer, Scorpio and Pisces, from the trikonas of the rasis.



Frr:' tf((tt-(rt I


frtdg q a;qt' rqcd fag qil& r qnftq rqf qei aq firfttoi r nlui\ rrvn
q*iAT T{
fitlRrdT fidtfirMdnlqr{

wi<rvitnqreqfqtf eq*arrgrr dcftqietq: I


3-5. The Trikona shodhana (rectification) shouldbe.done. by rvritirrg the rekhas in the Ashtakavargas of the Sun etc.,


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastara

,[rderthe rasisAries etc.. Amongst the trikona rasis, the rasi which has lesser number of rekhas should be allotted rckhas arrived at by deductingits number of rekhas from the total number of rekhas of the three trikona rasis' No trikonaif any of the trikona rasi has no retha' shodhanais necessary be done if all the three of them havc equal Shodhana should is, a zero should be written against alt that rrumberof rekhas, of them. Thereafter Ekadhipatya Shodhana should bc donp in rhe manner describedlater. I

Eremph HorucoPe


Mrs * l*

Asc Mcy Jup Ven


Chapter 67 . Rekhrtbakra of Sun's Ashtskrvarga


o0ooo I



0000 lill


I0 0000

l-rr"l Mrs oooo I I"rr


lll 00000 M"y Jup Ven

t Sn lllll 000


t-ooo rtrrr
000 000 1 1, Sat 00 lllll

Kt llln 000

lr r 0000

Rehhr chekra of Moon's Ashtrkevrgr



Asc llll


Mrs llll 0000

Mn Rh 1llil 000 lIt 000000.

- t ,

Mc Ju Ve Sn ll 000 000 Kt nlll 000

I l ll r 000

1.ffi l,r,*, | ,-,


\ Brihat .ParasaraHora,sastra Rekha chrkra of Mars' Ashtakavarga l1 000 000 Asc 111 00000

-l ,biil

_M"l5f_b_ Srr
11 000 000

Kt 11111 000

sat I ll ilfoill ooooooo 000000 j

Bekha Chakra of Mercury's Ashtrkavarga 111I

;, Asc , 1 ll i l 000 N{c Vc Ju

'*J', ;,1,t |

Mn' Rh 1ll 1i 000

Mn Rh 111 11 000


1.llt1 i




1ll rll 00

111 00000

l1lltl 00

Clnpter 67 Rekhr Chaltn of Juplter Arhtakavarga llllil 0 Asc lll 00 Mc Ve Ju lu Sn 111 00000 11il 0000


Mrs il11 0000

I rlll | 0000

| ^an nr,

In11 000 11n 0000

Sat 1 1 1l l l 00 1 1 1I t l 00


Kt ill 00

RekhaChakra of Ashtakayargaof Venus

1111 0000
Asc llll 0000 Mc Ve Ju Sn llt 00000

il111 000

Mrs llt 00000

Mn Rh ill 111 00
lllt 0000

lll 00000 Sat 111 00000




lll 00

| "il"'


Br iltil Parasaru tlot'*Sa'r/tu


RekhaChakra of Saturn'sA:htekavrrga
il il1il



lvl rs I

Mn Rh

m00000 00000i)0

I o*o

Kt I111 9000

St 1I l l I 000

t I


Rekhr Chtkrt of Ashtakavuha of Ascenihnt

Kt l11l 0000

r111 | lrl ll 00 0000 |



Clupter 67


houtct from tht planc$in thc Notcr : All the auspicioue sith r rekhr (!.1 rnd the cxamplc chart have bcen rnarkcd inruspicious housee tlon th6 with e biudu (S) il the lrhtitarnr3a of thc Sun. It rill bo eocn thtt in tfroAebta' rnd k"u"rg" oitbe Sun netheprrdr hou*r ut 1,3,4,7,tr9r10 The bo r:*kod rith a rrlhr' ll. Thcse hotlso hev! to 'brvc to bc nErtcd eith I bindu' 12 rnd 3,J,6 t t"ioiog Sinilarlf autphiour and inrurpiciour hous rcclonod from itior pfto*s iinctudinl thc Aroc;drn0 hrvc to be sarkod rith rcthas and bindur ;ryocth,lty. Tbir ir tow thc tscthl prechrkras of the Arbn&ivrryu of tbc pluc0 hrvr to bc pared. Thc Shodhrnrhu to bc doncrftcmdl ForShodhanaoftltcAsbtrkrve4rofrplrnot,thcffrst ir to rce in which rari tto P]tY i: ryt* thing to bo ctone oe Ecgi;nitjfromrhat rtri, thcnrncr'of thcti2 Rarir rhould h porited llym written and thcn ttrc irno of thc Planctt rckhrs chould bo mcntioncd $rinrt tbern' Thoruflcr thc thon grinca by thet rari rhoJd bc vritton tlolow thcn ud efter Shodhul bclowit' Socin thir connec' iotUot c"tticved Arht*ry:rt8' rnd thc S1m'r hororcopc tion tho oxemple Tlltonr Stodhur CSn 1l l0 SN MCY JUP VEN Planet Reri and Numbcr of5 Rekhas
Trikona Shodhana 3 Number

br 6r Son'r Arhtrlrvlrge 2 3 4567 8


12 |


SAT KT 6523 6 5




done of In thc abovechart tikona Shodhana has bccn all the So Capricorn' in the Sun's Ashtakavarga. Thc Sun ir the in written been 12 Rasis bcginning frJm Capricorn hrvc


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

first horizental column of the chart. Ihe planets posited in the virious Rasis have aiso been showri ihere. In the column bclow it, have been indicated the rekhas gained by eachrasi. The trihona rasisfrom Copricorn are Capricorn, Tauius and 'Virgo. The numbers of rskhas are 5, 3 and 2 in Capricorn, Taurusand Virgo respectively.-The least number of rekhasi'; 2 in Virgo. By deducting it from tlrc number of rekhasin the three Rasis,there will be 3 left iu Capricorn, I in Taurus anci 0 in Virgo. Thb trikona of Aquarius is made up of Aquarius, Gemini and Libra with 3, 4 and 3 rekhas respectively. By deducting the lowest number Aquarius will be left rvith 0, Gemini with 1 and Libra with 0. The trikona of Piscesip made up of Pisces,Cancer,and Scorpio with 2,6 and 6 rekhas respectively. By appiying the method explained above Pisces will bo left with 0, Cancerwith 4 and Scorpio with 4. The trikona of Aries is made up of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius with'4,5 and 5 rekhas respectively. By applying'the same method Aries will be left with 0,. Leo with 1 and Sagittariuswith.l. These are the rectifiednumbers of rekhas shown in third horizontal column of the bove chart. This is how the shodhana (rectilication) is to be done of the Ashtakavargaof each planet (including the Ascendant).

qri6rftlq?qnhrate{rrr: etl ||Q

Chapter 68

in the Ekadhipatla Shodhana 'Ashtakavarga Scheme

1r ftr"M ifiEq qritri rqrqta sa{d Sqfuftqfarfrur1 ntrr lqq Tqqif,: sqrfr qrnqT iwlu\ qqr1 ttFi dl'n a ar;ufrq vM( uEeflqtr,,a,, ;r cna}iqinlt iqilsq:6'Etrr{|

s*ETA qtxrt qilfqhrrlri -'--'

w6afcilr qqTfer*Q{ue qr-qfes1erigeqiqrrvrr Bqqa u6xri qqea uneitnQqI aw6wq*egri. q?i rrtrr {vr}uawQ
1-5. Ekadhipatya Shodhana is done after writing the numbers for rasisarrived at by trikona Shodhana. Ekadhipatya Shodhana is done if both the two rasisownedby a planet have gained a number after trikona Shodhana. Ekadhipatya is not to be done if one rasi has got a number and Shodhana the other is bereft of any number. The following are tle rules Shodhana: for Ekadhipatya (1) If both the rasisere without a planet and the trikona Shodhana numbersare diferent (one is more than other), both given the smallerlnumber. shouldbe (2) If both the rasis are with ptranets, no Shodhanais to ,bedone.

qqr"q{rqa n}u}E


&iltat ParasaraHora Sastta

(3) If amongstthc two rtsis, one is with a plrnet ald ii planet nmrltcr irikona rc"iified nunbcr and the other is without the from *'iO bigger nuobsr, deduct thc smallcr number be planet should ;ttt"; " ou-ib"r, and thi number of the rssi with kept rrtchanged. (4) If the rasi with the planct has a biggcr 199be1 tlal ot that oi ihe rasi without planet, thc Shodhanashould be done thc of number the the numbcr of the rasi without planct and rasi with planet should be kept unchangcd' (5) If botb the rasis ere without planets axd losseEs,the be donc sarnenumb"rs, shodhanaof both the numbers should and the rcctificd numbersshouldbe rcducedto zcro' (6) If one rasi is with planet and the other is without any The planet, the number of the latier shouldbs reduced to zero' thcir Sun and the Moon own one rasi only (Leo and Cancer)' numbersehouldbc kcPt unchanged. " the Sun's Notcs : See thi Trikona ShodhanaChakra of Capriconr As Chapter' previous Ashtakavargagiven in the requiredto and Aquarius are both with pianets,no shodhanais and is number any bc donc for them. Sagittariusis without , so numberless' and planct with planet and Piscesls without a quo is maintained' g zerofrom their numbers,status ty dcductin and Thc sameis the casewith Gemini and Virgo and Taurus them' done-for be has to Libra. No EkadhipatyaShodhana illusration An imaginarY Rasisl23.4 and Planets I\{N MRS JUP SA'I' RH Trikona I Corrected Ekadhi- I patya corrected 4' .-




11 t2

4t 00

3 2

I 0


Chapter GB


Herein Arics is with onc planet and has a trikona corrected number (l) while Scorpio is planctless and hag a bigger number (3). Wc will, by Ekedhipatya Shodhana, grve thc number 2 to Scorpio and th+ number I of Arics will remain unchanged. Taurus is without planet and has a biggcr nuobcr (2), (t). gy Libra is without planet and has a smaller num,bor Ekadhipatya Shodhana,the numbcr of Libra will bo nduood tc zero and the number ofTaurus will remain unchaagod. Both Gemini and Vir{o erc without planct rnd posecss the same numbcn (4 in each). Thccforc, by Elrdhipatya Shodhanathc numbcrs of both thc raeis will bc rtducod to zero. Capricorn i! with planets and Aquariu it witbout s planet. Both posscss the same trikona corrootcd oumbom(2 in each casc). By Ekrdhipetya thc numbcr of Aquariuc will bc reducod to zero and the nuniber of Crpricom sill b6 tcpt .unchengcd. Both Segittariusand Pieccsrrc without plEncb. Srgitterius posrcsscs I and Pisccs2. By Eladhiprtya Shodhena we $'ill .deductthc diffcrcnccbctwccn2 arad l, thrt is l, fron both tho numbers. Thc numbcr of Sagittariw will bc rcduccd to zcro and tbc number of Pisccewill be rcduced to l. Alt this is shown iri thc abovcchart.

<t1ql: ffi Irqe*$q str{l dtffimt Q mt fil r*I*(llqtl

6. After doing Ekadhipatya Shodhana, Pinda Sadhana should be taken in hand.

srqrwsfirffirsrfirl:IIq{l I
Chapter 69

Pinda Sadhanain the Ashtakavarga Scheme

nita t {rtffit qtq {iffiqr* qtt*q arrqrt qrrit qriiE ttttt fqagtu: 6qe F i ' *** . StqTrr: ;$fqt"qt agfwrfwffi ttttt
u.afi{cgqN el qrrsQ qqqnqc}-'qe rrirr liql; Tsdewn 1gr e{|IlE?trRttltr6T:I dt<tqlnq}sqtat qsq {rqr{rqi q qri mRTF{d ?trflil ltxll

q qsaft: t

|.4.TbeSagesaid_0Brahmin!aftercompleting th in the Ashtakavargas of Trikona and Ekadhiputiu Sioai"na number should be multiplied by the all the planets,tne recti"nea anv planet inany therasi (<rftrqro)' If there be r."t*l"f should be multiplied by rasi, the rectified number (vitfae"ua) after multipyling the rect ithe melnure of the planet also' Then should be added up' The fied number of each *i, G ptoducts pinia of that planet. The multipliers total so arrived ar wilib and Leo' 8 for Gemini and (twd) of rasis ur" , io for Taurus Capricorn and Virgo' The Scorpio, ? for Aries and Libra, 6 for the sane as their trumbers multipliers of the remaining rasis-are Sagittarius' tl for Aquarius and namely 4 for cance; ffi phnets are : l0 for Jupiter' 12 for Pisces. The multipliers of and saturn' g for Mars, 7 for venus, b fo, Mercury, sun, Moon

Chapter 69


RasimrnsCtakra Rasi Ars Trs Gmn Cr Leo Vrg Lbr Scp SagCap Aqs Psc Multi- 7 10 r0 67 95 11 12
plier GrahemanaChskra (Multipliers of planets) Planet SN




Multiplier \ 5

JUP l0



Ilhstretive Ekidhiprtye Shodanankr Cbrfilr of the Sun Rasi Planet l0 1l



4567 SAT KT


Ekadhipatya Corrected 3 numbcr



Now by multiplying thc Ekadhipatya Shodananumber3 of Capricorn by its rasi measure5 *e get 15. The productsof othcr Rasis are : Taurus I x 10:10, Gemini- I X 8:8, Cancer4x4:16, Leo I X 10.=.10, Scorpio4 y 8:32, Sagittarius In the caseof thu other Ra:ls, namciy, Aqrnrius, I X 9:9. Pisces, Aries and Virgo, the Fl!:rjfoipatyaShodhana numberis 0. Tberefore, the product for theseRasiswilt also bc 0. Thc total of all thc products is 15*'10*8{-16+10+32*9:100. Thus 100 is tbe Rasi Pinda. Now we have to find the Graha Pinda, that is, thc Pinda of the planets. There are planets in Capricorn, .Aquariue Taurus, Gemini and Scorpio (Rahu an{ Ketu arc not taken into account). The Graha Pinda will be as under : For Capricorn 3 y5:15 ForTaurus ForGemini For Scorpio Graha Pinda lY8:8 1y5*$ 4 15:20



Briha Parasra Hors Sastra

by sunbcr of Aqueriur occupied Shodhana The Ekedhipetya it is out of calcuThcrcforc, is 0. Venus and, Mcrcury, - fupit* tction. Th; thc totsl of RasiPindr ctrd GrahaPinda,narnely of the Ashtakavargrs 100and4t-14t. Thc Pinda Sadhena (includingthe Asccn' plancts the othcr of of thc Ashta&avsfgss The total of Rasi manncr. dant)rhouldbc doncin thc samc Pinda' Pindaand GrahaPindais knownm Yoga


ll9 o ll

70 Chapter

Efrectsof the Ashtakavarga

rrfirwqnnfverq fqqfqm : qq t


q6{ q 1dt g ttttt Ti.reqr{ farr< tQgfcq ftut grrtnrw l $!il ftnqlEcqtftr dqwli ct Tr{{q lllll n*tr q fifiqnq t $tor"iG".i*t frlilfltd g:un\n-nwFrq llvll , f,lltr fatffiqt d6d q rlwi qffu ffwcc! ttrtt rrqrrmer{r Wtq ntnffiEgd irqgoqd qfc lqrtt
rntt ilfi tFq f,q qtq{qft fqfiffiE ttqtt

uqfrt W

nrif qfq "q!ry

t n&nnq

lllu {TrGE6:





fron the Sunand othet 1-6. The mattersto be considered -planets are asfollows and The Sun-The soul (wrcrr), nature' physicalctrength joy and father. The Moon-Mind' wisdorn' iovs and sorrows land' qualities and Mirs-Co'borns' strength, :tfi;;iht'. livelihoodandfricnds' dealinga, Mercury-Busincss Jupiter-Nourishment of the body, leerning, tol (children), wealthand ProPertY. prostituteand conveyance' vcnus-Marriage, eqioyments, I with women. intcrcourse s0xual Saturn-Longevity, source of maintenancc,sorrowg' \ ' and death. dtbger, losses



Hora Sastrc Brihat Paras,ara

The following procedureshouldbe adopted to ascertain the effects of a house. Multiply the numberof rekhaswith the with the Yoga Pinda (RasiPinda plus Graha Pinda) connected of that planet and dividCthdproduct by 27. The Ashtakavarga remainderwill denotethe number of the nakshatra beginning from Ashwini. Durirrg the transit of Saturnin that nakshatra, the house (Bhava) concernedwill be harmed. Itt other.worrls unfavourable. the effects of that housewill become The Sun's Ashtakavarga

B{6tfqaqt?qqq} rrf*:

qlrfqsstq' tt\eu ferr&q qrafE{r?qt qiqd qTfil qrasl: r rrEr aEr fm*tqr} qqfrff, ? drrq: trctr

nq $ FTd{|

aafaolum* Erfq fqil ftqurlsfn ar r q<oiarq snfrqrq fr" qr qutiq+il rretr

7-9. The 9th house iiom the Sun at the time of birth dealswith father. The ;ekhas of the rasi (of that house) as marked in the Suu's Ashtakavargashould be multipliedby tho Yoga Pinda and the'product be divided by 27 (the numberof nakshatras). The rcmainder will denote the number of nakshatra begirrningfrom Ashwini. The father will be in distressor he will otherwisesuffer when Saturnin transit passes through that nakshatra.Even when Saturnpasses in transit the trikona nakshatras (5th and 9th), fatheror relatives lilte father may die or suffer. Notes : The 27 naishatrasare as under : L Asbwini 10. Makha 2. Bharani I l. Poorvaphalguni 3. Krittika 12.Uttaraplralguni 4. Rohini 13.Hasta 5. Mrigasira 14.Chittra 6. Aridra 15.Swati 7. Punarvasu 16. Visakha 8. Pushyami 17.Anuradha 9. Aslesha 18.Jyestha

Chapter 70 19. Moola 20. Poorvaashada 21. Uttaraashada 22. Sravana 23. Dhanista 24. Satabhisa 25. Poorvabhadra 26. Uttarabhadra 27. Revati



in three equalparts the lst'-lOth By dividing the27 nakshatras The Sun is Pitraand 19th fall in trikona from each other' all about father is karaka (significator .f i"tft"tl' Therefore' from the Sun's Asl'takaturga' ascertained given earlier' Ttre Illustration-See the Sun's Ashtakavarga which is Virgo' ThereSun is in Capricorn,iht qih tusi from of Virgo 2 may bc fore, the Ashtakavarga rekha number 2:q Pi"au' sV-oiuiaing the p1od"T multipliedby 148 ,h"i";; Aswini from nakshatra by 27 theremainder*tli;; 26' The i6th tn" sutoto will passin transit is Uttarabhadra. il;;;ht; ct Ititona nakshatras Pushyami through Uttarabhadtl *i" inausan if place take Anuradha, thc deathliin" f"ntt will tima Should the Dasa be piciousDasa be it t;;;; "itnut great distress' o, f"no.uro'bi,the father will be in auspicious

t rn aril rt anfnqmiqq gqtf q'tqfqq qr{fl: llto11 a.tq5n{nqfr qqr rrtsFd t aqktlorqi6 crfr fr"m* ain a?q qtsq_'lrqrilqlll ftweernqt d s$i
tn" vogapindaand;;;;ffi
lumber I G'I I . If the Ashtakavarga rekha

is urultiplied b1

through the rasts ri will denote the rasr through which-or will causeharm or unfavou trikona to it, the ,run'i'oi 5u'urn of tbe father uiay occur if th rable efrectsto father". ;;'h If the Dasa b Dasa prevailing at tnai time be unfavourable' effects (like seriou favourablefather *itt foo only adverse illness). The nineth lT1-f'tot Illustration-The Sun is in Capricorn' by 148 (YoS number - it is Virgo. Multiply its Ashatakavarga remainder The by 12' Pinda), Divide tt'"--p'oJ""t 296 arc Canc which of Rasis teprcsents Scorpio inJ'*["""

bv f2'.the'r"t-iT5] is divided


Erihat thrasara Hora &sta

and Pisces. When Saturn transits through any of these rasis, death or distressto father may be predic"ted. Aristr to father

Eltqil{$T6t* tft

iriq qr{ TTqfi nt qrig*slu r qrqg.e gil lrfq frEtrri rt! g: u11rl qrilE grrtaf<na{{Trfre@: r

emfqq gfil {Af q?an qmr trcq*qTuq* frqAr Wqt ;RsttlRtt

frqmt: nlYtl

12-14. The death.of the father may be cxpect:d if Rahu, Saturn or Mars are in the Cth from tne Sim at thc time of transit ofSatum through any ofthe tbovc thrce Rasis (trikona Rrsis). The dcath of ttrc faUrpr will comc to pass by such transit if at that time\ (l) Thc Saturn associatcd with or aspectcd by a melefic bc in the 9th from tho Ascendantor the Moon. (2) Thc Dasa of the lord of the .tth from the Ascendaut be in opcration. Thc death docs not take pracc if a favourabreDasa be in brce at thc timc of saturn's transit. This shourd ue tcpr ii eind by the learncdswhite making predictions




qratsfr rr r lTrfrFd*ri

s gila a dnq;ntrrr

15. If the rasi of the Ascendant of tlc native be the gth ssi from the Ascendantlofthc father or if the lord of the gth rom father's Ascendantbc in the Ascendant of the nativc, he rkes over all the responsibilities of his father after the lattcr,s 'eath.

rvounble Yogrsfor father


gunaril anr:




GFitntnq TdrrqrtT{ fqriw: fqriw: r


Chapler 7O



itnt: frqrtrf*a; t rtRt: fiqEctrgu,nftr:I|l\et|



fqq"i..l q&rt: t
ililfq ffiq nlqll


in the Dasa of the 16-lS. (l) The father enjoys happiness Iord of ths 4Bfrom the Ascendant. (2) The native is obedientto his father if thc lord of thc or the lltb, or in the tlth or the lClth 4th be in the Ascendant . from the Moon. (3) If thc birth be in the 3rd rasi from the Ascendantor Moon of the fathcr, the native makesproper useof the wealtb irrhcritcdfrom hic fathcr. (4) If tho birth be in thc l0th rasi from the Ascendantor Moon of thc father, the nativc will inherit all the good gualitfes of his fathcr. ' (in the (5) If the lord of the l0th be in thc Asccndant distinguished will be more native the native), birth chart of the than his father.

TJd a?mt qtqtsfE q t Hqffi qfHq uletl qm* fcqT61grf{ rra Mcr aa qtt iftqtsfqq t Tnq\ 11Qotl Bfilesfqqql fri rtrrr{

functionslike marriageetc', shouldbe l9-20. No auspicious performedin the month of rasis(that is,whenthe sun transits that rasi) which has more number of dots in the Sun'sAshtakavarga' The sameappliesto the Samvatsarof that rasi [that is, when the mean (auw) Jupiter transits that rasil. Auspiciousfunctions should be performed when the Sun or the mean (rum) Jupiter transits the rasi which has more rekhas in the Sun's \ Ashtakavarga. Effectsof the Moon's Ashtakavarga

q{ qsrraqi q q?r q'q qAq Tf t tra aa q* wA g{ t{ qfimaq llRlll


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

*qEt wfl art qrE-ETfi f{afcrtq r aqtamlurrr* arfq vral qqeti qt rrttrr

qq-rRnq Nrfr-faanl I qraK qqsilE fqoitqdk {!q wqfu nlRtr


2l-23. In the samemannerno auspicious functieinsshould be perfornaedduring the transit of the Moon in thr rari ,rhich has larger numt'rr ef dnts in the Moon's Ashtakavarl:e." considc;ation re;ar$ing morher" houseand village should b.: done :ri::it the 4th housefr,rnr "\e Moon. Therof,ore, aul,;rply the :rurnberoi rekhesin the r, ftatakavarga of tbr IVIcon by the Yoga Pinda of that Ashtakavarlla and divide tii: prooilct by 27. Tire deathof or cilstress to ;;otb:r may be e:i.r*cied wh*n Saturn passes in transit through tne ...ll"st:*tra denoted by the remainder. Then divide the product *,, 1.2. The death of the irothei may occurwhen Saturrii'insits the rasi denotedby the remainder.Distress to mother may be predictedwhen Saturn trausits the nakshatrasor rasis in trikbna to nakshatra and rasi i:rdicated above. I Trikona-Ekadhipetya ShodhanaChakra of the Moon Rasi Planet 3 Moon 4567 8 9 SAT

t0 ll 12 | 2 SN MCY MRS

Number of Ttekhas

3543 0020 0000 30


T. Shodhit
$hodhit ,:'[ected)

20 20

2 2


T-Trikona and E-Ekadhipatya urtiotr of PindaSadhana

By nrultiplying the number of Ekadhipatya Shodhana P tumber2 by li the Rasimanaof Gemipi, the product is 16. vlultiplythe numberof Scorpio3 by 8 the Rasimana of Scorpio.



The product is 24. Multipl-vthe number of Aquariust by ll rhe Rasinana of Aquarius. The product is 11. Multiply 2 the numberof Pisces by L2, the Rasimana Shodhans of Ekadhipatya Pisces. The product is 2.4-. Multiply 2 the correttednumber of Teurushy the Resimanaof Tarrr,:s. The product is 20. As the i:kadhipatya nun:irer:;of otherRasisare zero,the prodrrit rvill alsc be zcro. Thus the RasiPinda will be 16+24-Fl i + 24*20:95. Then multiply the Grahmana of the Moon 5 by the rectified Ekadhipatya Sodhana number 2. The product is 10. Multiply 3 the nuruberof'Scoi'pioby 5 the Grahmanaof Saturn. Thc productis i5. N{ultiply 2 the nurnberof TaurusQY8, the Grahmanacf Mars. The product is 16. Multiply l, numberof Aguariusby the Grahmanasof Mercr-rry,Jupiter aud Vr'.nus, namely5, 10 and 7. Tlie products will be 5, l0 and 7. The Ekadhipatyanumberof other planets are zeros. Tberefore,the irroriuctwill also be zero. Thus, the Gral'a Pinda will be l0* 15+16+ 5+10*7:63 and the Yoga Pinda will be95+63 :!5E. Thc 4th housefrom the Moon falls in Virgo. Multiply the numlrer4 of Virgo by 158,the Yoga Pinda. The Ashtakavarga productis 632. Divide this by 27 and 12 separately. The first remarndcrdcnotesthe llth nakshatra, namely P. Phalguni' The denotes the 8th rasi, namelyScorpio. rcnraiuder The second d.rriug the transit of Saturn throtgh 6lrrlrcr will be jn distress and its trikona nakshatrasBharaniand P. Ashad. P. Plirrl.rrni The sarrrewill happen during the transit of Saturnthrough 'Scorpioor its trikona rasisPisces and Cancer. Effectsof the Ashtakavargaof Mars


ifq;?d qnFrsqerrifi{ |

qdtaat g'i,stEt{ FtnquRYtl gqrfqcrrq faqtuwitffi 5c-[I ft{ Tqiqfrrs' $e[{ | qlatqlsa rnqfqt rxqult qqd6q{ lll{tt

ulul eafa-Silq{ aletXutqm}wiE r

qlrh qa dtq;* aa iTli qt qfa: nRqtl


Brihat Parasarallota fuslro


fqog firqtii

q{aq t


{nl qr* qqsq

fqfnffiq n-retl

of brothcrs (Co-borns), valour and 24-27.Consideration patienceis donefrom M.'s' Ashtakavarga. If thc numberof iekha is larger in any rasi after Trikona Shodhana,there will be gains of land, happinessfrom wife and great happincssto brother when Mars passesthrough rhat rasi in transit. lf Mars be weak, the brothers will be shortlived. Therc will be distressto brothers when Mars transitsa rasi without rekhas' llere also the yoga pinda of Mars sliould be multiplied by thtnumber of tekhas in the Ashtakavarga and the product be divicledseparateli'by27 and t2.i The remainderwill dcnotethe nakshatra and rasi respectively. The hrother will suffcr whenevef saturn transits thet nakshatra or rasi (or the trikonrt nakshatrascr rasis). Trllona anrl Ekrdhlpatya Chakm of Mrrs' Ashtakavarga

Rasi Planet Number of rekhas

T. Shodhit (corrected)




12 I ll MCY SN JUP VEN 10 23


33000 33000

4 2

2 2


0 0 00

E. Shodhit I (Corrected)

Rasi Pinda 80, Grah Pinda 33, Yoga Pinda ll3 Illustrrtion : Mars is in Taurus. Cancer the third rasi from Taurushas 5 rekhas. Multiply 5 by 113 thc Yoga Pinda. The product is 565. This when divided by 27, the remainder indicatesthe 25th nakshatra (P. Bhadra). There will be distress in transit through this nakshatra to b'rother when Saturn passes its or trikona nakshatras. Then divide 565 by 12, The remaindenotes der Aries. The brother will suffer when Saturn transits Aries or its trikcna Rasis.

Chaptu 7O Etreeb cf ltlerr:urytI Asbtaliavergt


q* fui qg fb{i{ uR6tl D qnrfu* qrqrt as


TEnq{ S-ffi,

E '.r'Fji{ fqaiq q r


a'q*uq {i$qaf iTA nat I qrrilt"i q faftr*q 5q-*.*fi{trlgTi

in regnrdto fareil.v,maternai uncle ,-, ,:.ogt ,.+-21. ConsrJeratior: sho:;ki tr* *.i.r,tE from tire 4th house from hfercury. ;l'_ rnc laftilY etc., r. I . ,.loy happrnirs duri_ng the tronsit of Yrercury in the rasi r'.hich containslerg,lr nr.mberof rekhasin *,: Y:t *'s Ashrakavarga. After performing Trikona and aradhipatya Shodhana in the Mercirry's Ashtakavarga, the or lj-plj-""t]. 'distress of the famity should l:e predicred frcm rqc u.-',srt : "rialurn through tiie reiultant nakshstra and rasi Lirnfl ,,06, , ,rikona ic thrnr) l'rii nv,aandfkarlhiprty! Shodhcna Chakra of Mercury Ashtakavargr


lt t2 MC}' JUP VEN 43





l*'umber of rckbas
T. iihodhit (corrected) E" Shodhit (C,orrected) 2

552636 2t 010 2 50


1100 02 Rasi Pinda 95, Graha pinda 59, yoga Finda 154


Illustration: Mercuryis in Aquarius. In Taurus iy in_fthfrom Mercurythcre are 5 rr",hus. Multiply which 5 bt];; the YogaPinda.Th: prcducr 77A.dy dividing this by 2i ;;; -is 12separately, the'emainders denote r:ret+ttr Nu[sr,atraicnittrui anci2nd rasi(Taurus) respectively. Thefamily,tr., *itt ,utr ,


Brilnt Parasara Eora Sastra

wheneversaturn passes in transit tbrough this nakshatra oa rasi or its trikona nakshatrasor rasis" Effects of Jupiter's Aslrtakavarga

ga66a few"lqril tnqqei rrt ual r -m'mfatm: gri qd q farqiqmilAq u?ltl

*qq qs.qal ffi ?rf gei qfffiqr afiq qarfq*<t{ft tt;cnirri qq fqtmq iiQo11 qi{ qerqqqiqiil r T$G, gnrqre qf,tauq Gniru ilqft mafartn ltiltr sa*{aqidqq qFEi il ffrfrsiq I gilfiqsfrird ique d5q fEqE nQtrr

30-33. All about knowrslte, religious inclinatious of rhe native and son (progenyi is to be ascerta:neclfrom the 5th housefrom Jupiter. If the rekirasin the 5th housefrom Jupiter are larger in numberin the Ashtakavarga,therelwill be grcat happinessin respect of progeny. If the dots are larpr in number, the happinessin respect of progenywill tre meagre. The.numbrof childrenare equalto the number of rekhas in the Sth house(from Jupiter)providedit is not the rasi of debilitation of Jupiteror his enemy's rasi. In that case the number of children will be very timited. The number of children is also equal to the number of Navamsa in which the lord of the 5th from Jupiter is posited. Multiply the Yoga pinda of Jupiter by the number of rekhasin the Ashtakavarga and divide the product separately by 27 and 12. The remainders will denote the nakshairu aoi rasi respectively. The progeny will be in distress during the transit of Saturn through that nakshatra and its trikona nakshatras and of thai rasi and its trikona rasis. During that period the knowledge, learning and religious activitiesof the nitive will alsobe adversely affected.

Chapt* 7O TriLonr *r Rasr Planct llumber of Rekhas T. Shodhit (corrected) E. Shodhit (correctedl Rasi 'inet" '0.
:l ML'/

89I dhlpafya Sitcdhene Chakra of Jupiter's Lslt** qYs-q^.

234 MRS MN

5 6?

8 9


Ven::li 7 .4,



2A 00

2 2

0 0



Graha Pinda 65, Yoga Pinda ll5 Iiir.-,,..,1"o: jupiter is inAquarius. There are 4 rekhai in '. .,ni.n., ;i:; Sth fron Aquarius. Mulriply 4 by ll5 the ),oga p.,rda. .i)ividethe product 460by 27, The remainder will be l, that is, Ashwini nakshatra. Again divide 460 by 12. The rcmainder wil! be 4, that is" Cancerrasi. The adverse efi-ects mcntioned above will be experienced wheneverSaturn passes in transit through Ahswini or its trikona nakshatras (Makha, Moola) or Cancer or its trikona rasis (Scorproand Pisces). lffects of the Arhtakavargaof, Venus




qHqa silfn qtqifq frq aa E ulYtl qh fsi 6rr?i e rf,{t{fia fEfqfa*a r qrwFqf{q<fl qffaqrfsraal fhqart: nlul

wrfeaaqflanlorw-rfn-fe1-*t<rva I qri5:ri ftaqrfqq"i fM{sqe{ TiqE uiqtl

34-36.Therewill be gain of u'..rlth, land and happiness, marriage, whenever Yenus passes in transit tirougb the and which havc larger number of r"'khas in the Ashtakavarga rasis of Venus. TL,;se gains will be liom the directionsof the 7th


Brihat Pmasara Hora Sastro

rasi from Venusand of its trikona rasis. The effects shouldbe judged in the manner already explainedcarlier after multiplying the rekhas in the 7th house from Vcnus by the Yoga Pinda. Seethe illustration given below. TrlLona and Ekadhipatya Shodhena Chrkra of the Ashtak&v$gg of Yenus Rasi Planet Number of Rekhas 11 MCY JUP VEN 1 lzt 2 3 456 7 E9 SAT

10 SN


4 5



4 3 5 6
| 032

3 5
U2 A

T. Shodhit ( c o r r e c t e d )0 E. Shodhit (corrected)




Rasi Pinda 62, Graha'Pinda 10, Yoga Pinda 72 Illurtretlon: Venus is in Aquarius. There are 3 rekhas in Leo, tlie ?th rasi from Venus. Muttiply 3 by 72. Divide the product 2l6by 27. The remainderis 0 which meansthe 27tli Nakshatra Revati. Again divide 216by t2. The remainderis 0 which is the 12th rasi Pisces. The wife will be in distress durin_c the transit ofSaturn through Revati and its trikona nakshatras (Ashleshaand Jyeshtha), and through piscesand its trikona rasis (Cancerand Scorpio). Effects of the Saturn's Ashtakevrrge

{T+6-q1&ilrenTr-{cad {qq T{ir{ | qrtq: rqFi Frqw$qffiE tk ulutl

dtarq-sqft w{rd $f,rAra mr( r autrrseqeantqrtr i{ {qrfqri( ltlqtl q{ e;rTftcrnrd sqrira q}qtc r
?t$qq{ qmer ilq rg|ffi niq'rrle.,,

Cluptcr 70

qf 6d rftilrr$i Tq{ laqiqr qiuq: cmf$aern*t rrxotr lgi< a

37-40. The 8th housefrom Saturn signifies death as well as longevity. Assessment about longevity (Span of life) should be made from that housethrough the Arhtakavarga. Therefore, predict distressto the native in the year equal to the number of rekhas in the Ashtakavarga fto- thi Ascendant up to Saturn. The year equal to the number of rekhas from Satura up to the Ascendant will also be of distress. If in the year " equal to the total of the above rekhas Arishta Dasa be also iu .operation,there can be possibility of death of the native.

rrlkora ma nkranlpltJ;frXl"Tf clrtq otsaturn in_ .

ll t2t ASC Planet JUP VEN a MCY
|rlumber of rekhas T. Shodhit (Corrccted) E. Shodhit (Correctocl) Rasi



89 SAT





2 3 3


03 01

0 0

01.022 04 022

2 22

4 4

Rasi Pinda 123,Graha Pioda 74, yoga pinda l9Z IllustratJon: Here the ?otal of rekhas from the Ascendant (Aquarius) up to Saturn (Scorpio) is 30. Therefore, the native wil! have to face distressin his 30th year. The total of rekhas fron Saturn is 16. Therefore, the l6th year will also bc adverse. The total of the two 30*16:46. There can be possibility of death or death-like sufferingin the 46th year.

fqw derFq loft{

qriruaqri: qi: r


qn't rrxlrr


Erihat Parasara Hora Sastra

aqfa*wit nfq qrdrnq tfd n?q r qftdqqrsfrEr aafhrlrisfqf,RTaq uyRtl

4l-42. Multiply the Yoga Pinda by the numberof rekhas in the Ashtakavarga and divide the product by 27. The death of the native will take place when Saturn passes in transit through the nakshatft denotedby the remainderor its trikona nakshatras. Again divide the product by 12. The native will face danger of death when Saturn passes in transit through the rasi denotedlty the remainderor through its trikona rasis. Illustration: Saturnis in Scorpio. he number of rekhas in the 8th houseto Scorpiois l. Multiply 1, by 197, Divide the product by 27. The remainder 8 indicates Pushyami nakshatra.There will be possibilityof death when Saturnpasses in transit through Pushyamior its trikona nakshatras,namely. Anuradha and Uttarabhadra. The death will take placeonly if Marakeshadasabe in operationat that time. Now divide the product I97 by 12. The remaindersignifies the 5th rasi Leo. There will be distress whonever Saturn passes in transit through Leo or its trikona rasisSagittarius and Aries.

qri{qnwqfrS qa qrfta sci $ r ra ia qd ilrrr qEil qTR nirqq: nvlll 4a <nft qwful{ ila qr* lrit r sflarFru ry,id afiql mts qd 5Fr\ [YYtr
43-44.The resultswill be favourable when Satum passes in transit througlirasiswhich havelarger number of rekhas in the Saturn'sAshtakavarga. Satnrn'stranist through rasiswhiQ =have largernumberof dots wih produceonly evil effects.

l le 1ll slensreerttqEtqlsqll:


of LongevityThrough Determination
the AshtakaYarga
leeis6xeariunlml t sTqftnq: erdamtl trltt ffia'{ fqtqqi tctqi f{nid Gtcrqt fhtqqi finrdmqI ir$qrq tctq qndq'-df{i rttq llRll qsaterq eeJuq qt:{trn t

e*daelqqq I qtq qFrilIt: Fnq rqraq+i$:i av'1qllvll Pq;g16tt: aati

cf 1-4. The Sagesaid-I will now describethe method Ashtakavarga' the longevityfrom cletermining and of the Ascendant For this purposethe Ashtakavargas rasrs the in all all thc planetshaveto be studied' The rekhas rvhich has no rasi The life' of spans specific allotted fruueUe.n rekha gets1l'da1-s' rekhashas beenallotted2 days,that rvith one with 3 rekhas' one day for rnsi with 2 rekhas,half day for rasi with 5 rekhas' iot auyt for rasi with 4 rekhas,2yearsfor rasi 8 years for for 6 rekh"t, e J="tt foi z-rekhas and fy."tt be worked 8 rekhas. In this *onn", ,t'" spansof life should the sum total of from rckhasin all the Ashtakavargas' Half of on Asl'takavarga' rrlt will bc the longcvitybased



qilrct: lllll


Brihat Purasaru llora SaslEra Mustratirt :'lrart bssedon the Sun'sAshtaksrargt


ia SN





Sun, Total

Number of5 rckhas

Year 2 Months 0 f)ays 0 Ghatikas 0

0 0 0 00420 042 0 0 0 00000000 0 | 7 070 01000 30 0 30 3030 0 0 030 0 0

-?0 l8 30

Thus the longevity as given in the above chart is 14 ycars O months 18 days and 30 ghatikas. Half of this comcs to 7 years 0 months 9 days and 15 ghatikas. This will be the span of life as determinedfrom of the Sun's Ashtakavarga. By calculatingin the samemenner we get the span of life basedon the Ashtakavargasthe Moon and others as under : Moon's Ashtakavarga Mars' Ashtakavarga Mercury's Ashtakavarga .Iupiter'sAshtakavarga \rcnus' Ashtakavarga Saturn'sAshtakavarga Ascendant's, Ashtakavarga ' Sun'sAshtakavarga

YMCG 741215 4070 120445 120166 00t215 40w45 701245


The Sum total of longevity as by all the Ashta. kavargas comes to 66 years2 monthsN daysand 30 ghatikas.

BTet a{qtqlsefilTrtequ:ltsRu


Aggregrhtional Ashtakavarga
rnrnq Ritqd
qqcffirftt{aq r

ifraq sfadaqtE rrtrr


rra:qarfn iltaFTi f{irrrf{ fa*trq ! rrltr

. l-2. The Sage said-O Brahmin ! lVrite down a" birth ;hart with 12 housesincltrding the AscenCant. Then insert t.ho 'total of the rekhas in all the Ashtakavargas of the planc8 in thc rasi concerngd. The Ashtakavatga with sucf rckhas is called the Samud$ashtaka:varga or the Aggregrrtional Arhtakavarga. From this should g,ejudged good and adverseeffcctr of .the birth chart.

rq<tqfr{ qwfr

qrrqr* grtr<t: I fafifffiqar I 11 qsqffi.H{rra$flT rraaq51 rrffl: trltl Tfi: Sq$iil t * qmq: r6aE:w[r I qri sicoqtilT. <rrh 4e{}e(frqrii(: uytr

qrit{ faq(iq ! r


qr}s:narsgrTrir: nlul

3-5. In the aggregrational Asht;akavarga the rasi which has more than 30 rekhas gives favourable effects,that having between25 xnd 30 rekhas produces medium effects and that Rasi who has lessthan 25 rekhas yields adverse effects. Auspicious functions like marriage etc., trhould be performedvyhen the planet on whosebasis the tim6 anrl date of functions arc perftrrmed, moves into the rasi with favourable effects. Tho rasi u'hich is productive of advefse efleicts(that is with rekhas


Brihai parasara Hora Sastrc

less than 25) should be avoided for these purposes. For example, the strengthof the Moon (chandrabara)ls generally acceptablcfor all auspicious functions. Therefore, functions should be performed or startqd wben the Moon "irpi"iou, is in the rasi with maximum number of rekhas. The planet in the rasi with favourable number of rekhab producis auspicious effects and the planet in the rasi with qnfivourable number of rekhasyields evil resultq. i


arfu+rrlfff td d|+ gfr fqfqHn rrqrr

qct qaqsd trrT1 tf,{fiEqt(qqq
6-6*. Amongstthe 12 houses(including the Ascendant), more than 30 rekhas advance the effectsof a house,between 25 and 30 rekhasproduce medium effectsand the effects of tle housewhich containslessthan 25 rekhasgets damaged. ,Notes : From the above { :, i1 can be interpreted that if thQrcare lessthan 25 rekh. n 6th, Bth and 12 their effects tecoh,e favourable, The effccts wilt becomeadverse if these houscscontain ruore tlan 25 rekhas.

Traqr qrqqqrfa * r

silfsh ttrql aur( Sur{ra}eqq: ltetl qrri q,flTfH qeq qlqqrfli{r1 fE r: r ' qrRaq' qfttq ;t ilrq: rrcrt , ffiii
,-r. If in a birth chart there are larger number of rckhas { ir{ the llth than t}ose in lOth, and therc ire smaller numberof rekhag in l2th than those in the llth, and the Ascendant containslargestnumber of rekhas, the native will be wealthv and will enjoy all kinds of comforts and.Iuxuries

elrtetfqq qr<rai FRr aiearj qq;1 'Tr\ nqercd dg 6Es6t q?f, rrerr qqTI ffi{{d {d grftratftqsd ffi{r{ iilFrnErERqlq <igaqsi{ a\ rrlort
9-10. Divide the 12 houses in 3 sections. There w!il bc sufferings and distress in that part of the life which is represented

Chapter T2


by the sectionof the birth chart with more matrefics. There will be happinessetc., in the part of the life represented bttlr; seotionof the birth chart containing more benefics. There will bc mixed results in that part of the life when the rerative section of the birth chart has equal number of beneficsand malefics. The houses from the Ascendantupto tfe 4th signify childhood, thosefrom the 5th to 8th youth (adulthood)anJ thlse from the 9th to l2th represent the old age. Illustration : The Ascendant is Aquarius. There are 3 rekhasin the Sun'sAshtakavarga,4in the Moon's Ashtakavarga, 3 in the Mars' Ashtakavarg a, 2 in the Mercury,s Ashtakavarga, 6 in the Jupiter's, Ashtaiuuurgu, 4 in the Ashtakavarga of Venus, 3 in thb Saturn's Ashtakavarla anO 5 in the Ascendant's Ashtakavarga. The total of rekhas in the Ascendantis 30 in the Samudaya or Aggregratiorrai -.rshtakavarga. In the same manner the total number of rekhas should be insertedin the bther houses. The following birth chart illustrates this_

32 34 Mrs Rekhas Rekhas 28 Rek

- Asc Mcy Jup Ven 30 Rek Sn 25 Rek

Mn 32 Rekhas 38 Rekhas

27 Rekhas

4l Rekhas

Sat 43 Rek


29 Rekhas

28 Rekhas


Brihat parasara Hora Sasta

There are 30 rekhas in the Ascendant, which indicate bodily felicity. In the 2nd, 3r{, sth, l0th and llth there are 30 or nrore than 30 rekhas. The enhancement of these houses is assured and very good effectswill be producedby them parti_ cularly in the Dasa of their lords. The number of rekhas in the 4th, 7th,gth, 8th and l2th is between 25 and 30. These houseswill producemedium effects. The largestnumber of benefics is in the first sectionof the birth chart. Therefore, the rst part of tife will be full of joys, happiness and comforts. There is only 1 benefic (Moon) in the second section. Therefore the good results will ba medium. The last sectioncontainsonly malefics. Consequently there will almostbe no happinessetc,, in the last part of tn, nrtive's life. ',Evil Effects of the numberof lessthan 25 rekhas in r rrsi and renediel meastues.

fuf$T: q"ilFqft* nt lqwd Trq I qqf feqrfilq$ esrE d frqq{il nllrr qrt qcr"rft qr: I Mm<efffi
orQEqilfEflqnq ituRr\ s $q{ail

tcrfwiqfirqq* mt q{ w*rtgfn: *xti ulill rrE-rTF=dA tcrfsri{tfq{r* fit rrcawi aqT I EilqqsFTrqrcFi' fi'{{ dttq trlYrr qfqmqwi m iqr Glafi faq ! r faqqqerfuiqfu rrrrq sff,qi faql:rrttrr gEA nEqriqrftr*t T{qd qaEI q{rqqtq fanq Eeil {rqsFf rriq rrlqrr
fMfgqoqq*Fq SqtqqFat nl\etl {Fsqfqilicrfq{qfr ntil $fm r q(raqFdqi qsrE nqtq fafrfraq nlqtl

i$nl lllRtt rfqd atq t

3S G.

ilqt I

Chepter 72


frfqnnr qqrE*R@
@Mfqqq ailq

ila qaifsq i r
*{ Tg fier I qeq.mfqqqfi{ n1osl

ro *rnfntuq 1fr aeqirrtrs{rr

wftfn: $iltnt: rqpsrffi gaQ fruna: r frlflm TkqrqT:rarE miri ila gqk utttl
rltT{tBnti{flFn FgI{ lirriq?E q{nq I q'w{tQt|e' feq : l l R R l l mlffidtlt rknqqFtqq I w* dqoif sfFrqi eilce: {TrnclidsTs trR itr *rrfirrfq'iqeit ruq rrlaw$ 1r: t
G . rdqftnFrd aiq rrqxrr ftdr: cE;-qfimlt 1crn.a1ffi ffir 1 qqlqlnqrs.iuff,: pqltl Ttq rwffaurqfinaur: ilfi rr a.frfq{ftlrr $frct{if aa iiu\ r nefiwfmigct wt
Arfflq wiqr irlqn

Wflrlq frfrrr rdaq: uqrtferflr: r qFlitiflrdr qrfr lEnneqrrfqal riq rrqurr



qilq faqqq: r

tkltrr ldtnrqrfiaRfr

qtcrfrfq: uRsu

I1-28. Therewiil be daugerof death in the month of the rasi (dr:ring tbe period the Sun rransitsthat rasi) which has 7 or lessthan 7 rekbas in the samudayaAshtakavarga. To ward otl dtis cvil cfrect, 20 tolas of gold and 2 heaps of sesameseeds (fr.l) rcsembling the shapeof a mountain, should be gir.eniri charity. There will be possibility of death in the month of that rasi {Solar month) which has 8 rekhas. Tuladaua (gcrcrql .f 64mpher is rccommended m obtsin relief from this evil etrect.


Brihqt Parasara Hora Sastra

There will be danger of snakesin the month of the ragi frolar month) which has 9 rekhas. A Chariot with 7 horses should be given in charity to obtain relief fronr this evil effex.," There will be danger from weaponsin the filnnth :iii;he rasi (solar month) which contains l0 rekhas. Aa a: rnour togethcr with Vajra should be given in charity to ward cfy this evil effeci. There will be danger of disgracefor no causeir, tt,e ; ittnth of the rasi (soiar msnih) which has 11 rekhas. Ao.,.{;;r,rf the I ftrntr uiil!].: r)' 10 tt,,,::r Of gold shouldbe gir'3.1 in :irarity to effect" obtarrrrelief iiom iiris e.,"1 .--fhece rilljre *an6erdrea&ps ieleg "ar;nt&--*llJhcJril (solar month) Shlch has 9 rekha';. A r,l,rdd *irl;f horses I shouirlbe giverrin cnsrity to rciief r'*orathis cydeFect. i;i 'thr;. l,rorrih of the . There wili be dangerfronr '.v:,i,r,ons rasi(solar rnonth) which cori!;:.r i{r rekhas. An armour i 'be rcgeiher witti {aj ra shoulcl grven in charity to ward off this i evii e5'',:t \ There rvill be danger of disgrace for no cause in the I month of the rasi (solar month) wFich has ll rekhas. An idol I of the Mt.'on macieof trO tolas of gold should be given in charity I to_o!r1ai1,1el9|{tqn"r_thi.$ eyileffect.. . -;-t tiiir'e'will be danger of death from drowrii& io-tir--' mi.rnthof tbe rasi (sobr rnonth) wirich has 12rekhas. Land full of crops shouid be Ci\ -:."rin charity to obtain relief from this evil cffect" There will b* danger of death from nild and violent animals in the monrh of thc rasi (solar month) in wbich there are 13 rekhas. A Siraligram Shila (vrrfamrv fnrer) shouldbe given in charity to obtain relief,from this evil effect. Therewill be dangerof'death in the month of .the rasi iolar month) in which there are 14 rekhas. A Varah Moorti ,,, tqnfa) macle of gold should be given in charity to obtain retief from this evil effect. There will be danger of the wrath of the king (Government) in the month of the rasi (solar month) in which therearr 15 rekbas. An elephantshould be given in charicy to obtai:l relief from this evil effcct.



TJrere will be danger of arishta (calaurity, disaster or misfortune)in the month of the rasi (solar month) in which there are lf rekhas. A kalpa Vriksha (m.r1ef made of gold ; shouid be given in chariry to obtain r*lieffrom this evil eifect. There will be danger from diseasesin the month of the rasi that has t7 rekhas. A cow andjagg:ry shoul<!be given;:, charity to obtain reiief from this evil effJct. There will be danger of conflict in the month of the rasi that has 18rekhas" A cow, jewels,landandgoldlshoddG given in charity to obtain relief f,rom this evil effect. Theie will be possitrility oi banishment from the hc,meland in the month of tlre rasi which has 19 iekhas. Family deiry should be worshippedto obtain relief from this evil effect. There will be loss of intelligencein the month of the rasi rvhich ha.*20 rekdas. Goddess Saraswati should be woishipped to obtain relief frorn this evil effect. Ttir:rewill be rlistress f,ron diseases ip.the month of the rasi that has 21 rekhas. A.heap of grains, shapedlike a mountain, should be given in charity to obtain relief from this evil effect. There will be distressto kinsmen in the noonth of the rasi that has 22 rekhas. Gold should be given in charity to obtain relieffrom this evil effect. The nativc will be in distressin the month of the rasi that has 23 rekhas. An idol of the Sun made of Z tolas of gol{shouldbe gi';en in charity to obtain relief t'rom this evil effect. There will be death of the kinsmen in the nonth of the rasi that has 24 rekhas. 10 cows should be given in charity to obtain reiief from this evil effect. There will be loss of wisdom in the month of the rasi thal has 25 rekhas. Goddess Saraswati should be worshipped t, obtaiu reiief from this evil effect. There will be loss of wealth in the month of the rasi tbat has 26 rel*has. Gold should be given in charity to obtain relief from tbis evil effect. ' There will be loss of wealth in the month of the rasi that llp;s 27 rekhas. Sri Sookta Japa (rff Wil qs) shoutd be perto obtain relief irom this evil efrect. .formed


Brihat ParasaraHora Sastro

in severalways in the month of thc There will be losses rnr;r that has 28 rekhas. Havana (f-+t) of the Sun shouldbe performed to obtain relief from this evil efrect" all round in the month of t]rt; rgit There will be anxieties Ghee, clothes and goid shoultl bc given in tkat has 29 rekhas. charity to obtain relief from this evil effect. Thcr"*v;i!l be gainsof wealth and grainsetc.nrin tht ::;lntli of the rasi tl:at lras 30 rckhas. ]iRrrc The art,tlesto be given in charity, li, :,Ii:jt1t;oi1f."c and beyorir! wiii 1.,:.,rutG;,' xpensive thc t$'i 'ns cf an'i.:, evil r.,,s. 'file persoinsulTerrrrg.lroni crrlinary j.rt!'sorllloy,Lil.ri efle.:tsshouli givc in *harity the ! rrings r,:cil';ioit:'l oniy :rs a1rlchas ihcy r;xn afi'crri. ,tuspiciousefrectsof more than ll{} re*ilirs ix e Rasi I

;rqqlfTfi?fsmlf F{q

ierfi",;+.rgqutqT4: I

goqsfMfqe rrRerr

29. There will the all round increase in wealth, happiness of childrenand enjoyments in the Samvatsar, month in respect andnakshatrt of the rasi wlrich has nofe than 30 rekhas. in wcalth, property, children and Th,:rewill be increase goodreputaiicnif the rasi has more than 40 rekhas"

qaeq{q n qa: uirdg r s{a}sceefd{tbq?isqr mi5dg llotr

flIqErrlq'lqiiuri rt66t srFztes.Es'{ | 3{cEaf q sIFt ttlq{ fEs6i tiqrrlltr
30-31. The rasi whiclr is auspicious in Ashtrliavargrr :.Jrfluda)/a,is considered auspiciorrs for all auspicious tctir":ns" Consequeutlythe auspiciousness of Ashtakavargl ,rrould ire got checked before performin-e any function :l'c marriageetc. If a rasi is not auspiciousin r\shtakavarga, :hen its auspiciousncss should be checked fi'om trtnsit effects. lt is not necessary to checktransit efl'ects, if a rasi is auspiciorrs n Ashtaka','arga. Thus tlie auspiciotrsness of the rasi in thc \shtakavarga shouldbe considcre$ irspitramount.

srq(Rq$f,IE?n-q: lle I ll

Effectsof the Rays of the Planents

rq qritn sqscrfq q6Tori Gqq-f,q ! r

Rs.tifrqg{rilaltm: eH mrt qi: rrlrr ilrr C qrtrt *ril q{qq{"qqn.r.l qrGqfW rrqrr frfti { rt rnqtffii
l-2. The Sagesaid-O Brahmin ! Now I am going to tell you about the number of rays (qf{q) of the planefs. When the Sun etc., are in their deep exdltation point their rays are as underSun-10, Moon-9, Mars-5, Mercury-S, Jupiter-7, Vcnus-E and Saturn-S. The rays are nil when theseplanets erc in dcep dcbilitation, the number of rays would be proportionatc with the numbcrof rasi. The following methodis to be edoptcd for aeccrtainingthe proportionate number of rays. Deduct the dcbilitation rasi etc., of the planet whose rays trc to bc ascertained, from his longitude (rqwe). If the rtmainder is less than 6 rasis it should Ue'multiptied by the number of rays of that planet mentionedabove and the product should bc divided by 6. The result will denote the number of rays of that planet. fn caseafter deduction the remainder is more than 6 rasis, then it should be deducted from 12. The other procedurewill remain the same. Correction ef the ascertainedrays

ff{q$f qqira

qsJqtfiiq qar{vtpr: GrEFl: I qqr Rltrfstiq: $fq* uRtl

tq]-qi * fafurar: Tqfa6,hi fadnw: r Tqt fawr Giqqar ufuftalQ aqr nYtl


Brtha,Puasara Eore futra

iEf,r qlqd|Ril


rFilTrHrRS *t{t tE rfucr: tTr: ilUl arf{qR Brar: rrsqrnilr: ui qqr: r {rfq-q* frdr il$qqr mfr qil ofi,R,r q{dt s.{T:ge611frc ! fM r {lnfrqqq66 sFi qrgd fiqawi3s1e11
3-7. The Sage said-O Maitreya ! other Acharyashavc tecommended further correction of the n,rrnberof ,ayewo*"J out in tbe maqnsr describedabove. Tbe corrections bave to be made as follows (I) If the planet be in his sign of exartation the number of rays ascertained should be trebled. (2) If the planet be in his Moolatrikona, thc number of rays ascertained should be loub.led. (3) If he be in his oitn rasi, the number of. rays ascctl tained should be multiplied by 3 and the. product be dividcd

qqglrnEril: I


(4) If he be in the rasi of his Adhimitra (great friead); the numter of ray'sascertained s[ould be multiplied by 4 and the product be divided by 3. (5) If he be in the houseof a frieqd, the number of rays shouldbe multiplied by 6 and the product be divided by 5. (6) The number of rays ascertained shourd be harvcdif the planet be in the houseof his enemy. (7) If he be in the house of his Adhi_Shastru (grcat cnemy), the number of rays ascertained should ue nurtiprie-Jiy 2 and the product be divided by 5. (8) No correction is to be made if the planet is in thc houseofa neutrali The effectsshould be declared after computation of the nct numberofrays ofeach planet. Illustration : The longitude of the Sun (Surya spast)is 9129136153-' By deducring the rasi etc. of his deep debilitation namely6ll0l0l0 we get 3ltg136153. This longirude is less than 6 rasis. by multiplying this by l0 the number of .Th_erefore rays of the Sun in his deep poini, we get 33l16lg13L. "xattation

Clupter 73 Thenby dividiag it by 6, the numberof rays of the Sun ,": to 5133. The $un is in the rasi of Saturn. Saturn is neutral to the Sun. Therefore,the nct numberof rays will be 5/33. The longitude of the Moon (Chaodra spast) r is 216122. By deducting the longirude of the Moon in his aeep AlUintation 'Brdil;i;;
by 6 sives thg net nunler of thi *yr or'tn" Moon as 6/40. No further correction is necessary as the Moon is in the houseof ; r,r_.rJral. The longituds of Mars'is 1110156120 (Kuja or: Mars rpast)' ry deducting 3/38 the rongitudein his o.rp a.uititation point from it, the remaindei will be gtAS6nU""i] dcductingthis remainderfrom t2 we eet Zl27lil40.' Th"o;; multiplying the above resultant longitude by 5, the number of the rays of Mars in his deep exa-itation point and by dividing product by 6, we get the number of rays of Mars as 2l?J. !b_c Mals is in a friendly sign. Therefore,by multiplyi ng 2122 by 6 and dividing the product by 6, wc wilt get ZISOthe net number of rays of Mars. The longitude of Mercury is t}tt3lgll6 (Budha spast). By deductinglI/15 the longitudeof Mercury'in his deep debilitation, we get the remanider as rol2gl9l2o. as it is more than 6, wc will deCuct it from l2,,the figures then being llUSOl34'. M:lri?ll- this longitude by 5{the nirmber of rays of Mercnry) and divide the product slgjl3by 6. The rays so obtainedwill be 0/51' Mercury is in the houseof friend. Therefore,by murtiplying it by 6 and dividing the product - - iy -J S, rhe net rays of Mercury will be lil. The longitude of Jupiter is l0ll3l4|l 18 (Guru spast). By deductinglt from 9/5 the longitude' of Jupiter in nis aeep debiliation point, we get tll!4!!tg: By multiplying it by i tni rays of Jupiter and dividing ine proOuct6y 6 *. g"l T:gb.t:l l/30 as his number of rays. Jupiter iJin tne houseof a frieia. by muttiplying l/30 by ,f and dividing the proOoJ Jhele-fore, by 5 we get l/48 the net number of ,uy, of Jupiter. The longitude of_]_enus is l}l20l4ll. By deductirg from . -. it 5127 the longitude of venus in nis oeep' oebilitation

namelv 7l3lol9 set 7!3lz2tss. lojnt' {r9n it -we it from12 andmultip-ly?g the ;esult' Uyg ** e;r atj;t-h,; This when divided


Brihat parasara Hora Sastra ,

By multiptying it by 8 the number of rays of Venus eet q231112. rveget 3814132116 which when divided by 6 wifl give 6/3 as the number of rays of venus. As vcnus is in the houseof Adhimitra by rnultiplyine 6!3 by 5 and dividing it by 3 we ger g/4 the net aumber of rays of Venus. The longitudeof Saturn is7ll3!2172a. By deducting fronr it 0/50 the longitudeof saturn in his deepdebilitation pJint we As this is more than 6 rasis we will deductit eet 6123127124. from 12. The resultant longitude will be 516132136. By multiplying it by 5 the number of rays of Saturn, we get 2613113 which when divided by 6 will give 4l2r the number- of rays of Saturn.As Saturnis in the houseof an adhishatru 1gr.ut.o..yJ, by.multiplying4l2t by 2 dividing the product Uy S wi will get ll44 the net number of rays of Siturn. The.above rcsultsare shownin the chart below :


,(<frq) 3 3 4 0

Number of rays

562118127 50 1




Effects of rays of the planetssccordingto their number

gsTfE q=qq{i;d, dlqieqr qiala r Eftn a:qdaqil Brfq Errar:gelnl rrert qqalEYrdneq frdar $tRetlQs'r: I


FEtFrTt?tttEit qF[Ett: I $rfl{{rrrtFgar: elft {qkd fr.iqrr 1io11 Ara{tTqcqfqf,T{iT qlri+{rar fH iq aalew TqqET: I qq{rg qciiff q q}qnr: plttl Srqrci

ol3't rr1srl Efr ttetl




r<dvrnaa) qqilfqiqrt $mqq fefq: r trta{q . givnal q6rTiurTggfiea:11ltl

uaifeurrgwflqa: rr1R rr

Clapter 73


qfrfilqaftw*: ggf: c{ q qfor: {{q I qqtwqqqqri+fifaufa-qwq: utvrl <Frlftn: FqgEal afimfegqftqgr

BIIfc{rE qqa; sfiqn q{qtqqqFqa: r tmfrq{E *qe* wivq qEfsrdl"t: llqtl


Erqlti{rfil{qqq: nlill

8-18. Thc effects produced by the numb* of rays of planetsare given bclow : Nrnber of reys BetwecnI and 5 Betwecn6 and l0 1l 12 13 71 Eficcts Poor and unhappy even ifborn in an eminent family. Poor, carrier of loads and without wifc and children. Meagrc wealth and fewchildren Meagrc wealth, idiot and wicked Thief Wealthy, protector and maintainer of sevcral families, learned and obrctvcr of tle traditions of the family. Hcad of the family, achievesproficicncy in many kinds of lcarnings, good qualitics. This is what lord Brahma has said. Most distinguishedin the family. Employer of many servants. Maintainer of largc family. Possessor of name and fame. Blcsscdwith a largc family and kinsmcn. Maintainer and protector of 50 pcrcons. Charitable and kind. Wcll culturcd and happy

3n sni q srwarqi{rfeq t<refq r rrqni flilrRnr e6fifufran: nletl am autq !tne: iwnq fr<qnqfqr qrqfi $ uiq rrlen ra srtsifrg I

15 z 16 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23

910 Number of rays 24 and30 B'btween

Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra Effects , Healthy, powerful, favourite of the king, splendourous, possessorof a large family. Minister (high dignitary) and maiirtainer and protector of 100 to 1000 Pefsons. a very high adminisKing (possesses political position). trative or Powerful sovereign(v:ntff trw)

Between 3t and 40

40 and 50 Betrveeu 51 and above


sqfae.rftr-ilhmqwqq{ r


qd ( uterr

19. The effects should be predicted according to the nurnber of rays of the planets at thc time of birth, after taking into accauntthe status of the native.

a|iqr{fi.{af Tc{q

qr( *rfr ililr Krqtl qil6{Ffirtc ltlolr qffi} m

20. For example, if the rays are more than 50 in nunbcr, one born a Kshatriya king's family, will beconre a powcrful sovereign,one born in a Vaishy familg will become a king (c high dignitary), one born in Sridra family, will becomewalthy and; one born in a Brahmin family, will beiome, very learned aad will observeall religious norms.




gEr6tuiil: I qr$6Fmil: llRlll

21. The effectsof the plafets moving from their debili: tation to exaltation are full. The effects of the planets moving from their exaltation to debilitation will be lesserthan describcd obove.

qfrqqnrEFf t t qiqriq ffid qd ilstryi qr& sri qqft t|q nRRrl



ftqad frrr wqr ? s,d ilqqflr I tcrrr${ rsreiq aci ltid frqnui: nRlt
22-23. Auspiciour and inauspicious bffects of all the planets are according to the number of rays they pgqpess. The prediction will not be correct without the knowledge of tbe effccts of the rays. Therefore, it is imperative - that in the judgment of birth charts and declaring results, the effectsof thc nunber ofrays ofthe planets be taken into abcount,

Efer {qqfqq;F[eils{trT: lteytl


Chepter 7{

Effectsof the Sudarshana Chakra

q*iqe qqr Rn ! q ffir11rrqq r .stqntlltTs'rqrq q r'l rgur Tqqqltlll q6 g.cltt' ilrr qarq mqa qe r pi atlfewqrai il{ {r{il|il iqfrq rrrrr srq* q{wrtfE&qq{ | {qqfti qd Erscqlf { aqusdwFr: ultl
l-3. Maharishiparasarasaid to Maitreya_O Brahnin ! now f wifl impartto yoll the knowledge of a great secrcry and superior importance which was communicated to mc uv roiJ Brahmahimself for the benefit of the world. This is ;;h"il;; the nameof sudarshana throughwhichDevajnas will be predict the favourable and unfavourabrcresurts abroto for cvcrv ycar' everymonthand everyday from the time of birth - to - irrl --time of deathof a person.Listento this very intently: Form of Sudarshana Ctakra


gririillwi rrf ffiq TTad &c ! r

q n{Sqtt

qafrd qe$q rrvrr

4. O Brahmin ! Take a point and from it draw threc circles. Within the circles driw l2lines so as to provido 12 houseswith in cach circle. Tbis is how Sudarshana Cha&rais drawn.

qi cffilsr qTil A!{r: sq<r: I ?r{6qi qiilwr $n{f: asqfiqei: rrftr

Chapter 74


rEald qrha sqq qnr rqrfain: r


qiqrrTni aq aqq ilqtl

5-5. In the first circle (inner most) place tbe 12 houses from the Ascendantwith planetsposited theie. In the circle next to the inner most circle place the 12 housesfrom the rasi of the Moon with the planetsin them. In the third circle place the 12 houses from the rasi of the Sun with planets in them. Thus therc will be 3 rasis in cach Bhawa (house)of the Chakra.

'lrrcvll v



1 IJ U P




l0 SN


SndrnLrur Ctrlrrg Noic : This form has bcn adopted on account of its practicability.In this thc sign (rasis) should be countodanti_ dock-wisc.


Brihat Parasarl lIorc Sastra

Ra aa uqftuin*ri armrf gti':r a13f gr: qfr *qlwnrvrqxq: nqtl

qa U rrTrrl srTel mftgfafi{a: r d xnrtq ai tqi *n slr?il qilraq; ilgtl

7-9. The _significant aspectof this Chakra is that the" ^ Ascendant, theMoon and the Sun represent the first house. 2rt0-, 3rd, erc.upto t2th f.on ile fiton and the Sun wilt The' qealwrth the same subject astheydo when reckonedfrom itrJ Arcendant. Thcnthe risults strouid UeissesseO to the pluets iri eachhouse.In this forn of;l'th accordins ;i;rt]ffil; considered auspicious in the first touie -pr-oau.ri anainu.ii;ilil;;;;d: -irecis -if fc in otherhoises. Thefilefi;a d;;;i evl of cxaltation. i"-tnI. manner predictions llZ*t:i-*!:1 "jgn madc.after-considering the benefic and malific n;ti;; llglld_9_" qr rnepranets, therrdisposition and aspects from and on thern

qdsfq r*qqrf{rrq} r eerqqrqxq;1 qq {fiq{ mpnmi{- n\ nerr

ql qrc: Tqrf{a'ltqlsqt r {"+. q.EB}sqtqfr qlil nT qr6: rcrqt uiotl rli1dtil

10. A houi;e gets advancenent if it is occupied or aspccted by-thrrorddr ; b;;fi;:--triJio"t" wrticrr ii o-aupiii or aspected by a malefic is harmed.

W lrrig *erri qlrf Efte fkillqq q I ilr{ilstr qFqrh sillfi frqsf,q ! rrllrr

q"I. qd, *t.{i, qmfq+ q{ iqq{

id Trq6qrqrq rrftrffi sd I Ers(trT g rnrqqE$e(* $Frt 111111

fqqdqi: r il{rrrBrt utRtr

If the nu'lnbcrof InGTqo.nty amonlpt the beneficsand malefics. EcEGtrcs s trargcr.r&*the numbcr of malefics,the resultswiti ui

occr.piedby a maletic wittueinausiL,]oriiFJ.ti;?id;;;;; will E thcsemc. If a houscis inhuenitd-1u",-..i"riicilii',ii aspcct). anomateficJ, G;."ii;ilil-';.;;i;; Qth by benefigr

11-13.The effects with 9f a housewill be in accordance the pla-net occupying it or in iicoiaance witu tli---pranli aspecred 't no planct is in occupation ofthc housc. The ifiects or nouseoccuDied bv a beneficwill be auspiciousand the house

Clapter 74


auspicious.ff reverseis the caseinauspicious or evil efrectsmay be expected. Ifthere are equal number ofmalefics and benefics, tlose with greater strcngth will influence the results of that house.Mixed resultsshould be declaredif there be no difference in the streangth of malefics and benefics.The samewould apply to aspects.


qEriq rq, rftq;a EfiE6TqeRuq r iliil nqqTqsi *d mr'nfiT{{rdt: sq{ ulvtl

14. The effectsshould be declaredaccording to its lord, if tle house is neithcr occupied nor aspectedby a planet.


{lTqfil q@

qlfutwgrue: r gfttg grrnir: nl{rl

*-!q?q qr{qra qrrt iqc. $-qqrqr: r rrd: qcru fiqrq Grsfif arilrsrr: ltlqtl
15-16. A aatural beneficloseshis bcnevolenceif he is in more malefic vargas. Similarly a natural malefic loseshis nalevolence if he is in more benefic vargas (Saptavarga). A planet's own sign, his sign of exaltation and benefic vargas. are considered auspicious. And malefics and the vargas of an cncmy and debilitatcd sign, are considered inauspicious.

, qt elg e"g lriqfr


firqlil ! r

<Gtmq ?rfiffiqrftr&

17.The sagesaid that the resultsshould be declared only efter aesessing the auspiciousness of all thc and inauspiciousness Lous6. Notes : We will now clear it by illustrationsgivenbelov i I I.ongiludes of plrnets(Gnhr Spsfl SN MN MRS MCY JUP VEN.SAT Rasi92l 1010107 Anss 29 6 0 13 t3 20 t3 Kala 15 2, 56 941424 Yikala 53 5t 20 25 18 2 )-? RH KT
2 8 SigB 13 13 Degres. 55 55 minutce. U 24 seonds


Erilwt Parasara Hora Sa$rs

tr g


gaEg uEaH
- h. z?ir- r, *


33a He33E

H'RoH A a
g'FtF t I
E d R ir

FZs FggFg
(|) ^ u i . a



? *RR.^ E

t -F$s


f #'RoH E s s*o:fl

a t

?sa! F;! 'g 272 >i> g*Fg

z<z vt rt) a


fi-ot-tot ;o\0r



s E*p

sseHE Fs -> fiE E ESEAE





EIaE;!sg =H sai|xg


HFsggggF E s aFEEaS ? Epal#xgg


6 eBagBSBH


z33F aFiF
s -gngg fiEEEFEA.F



Brtha parasara Hoya Sasffa

The Sun is a natural cruel ptanet but in the Saptavarga thero are 3 vargas ofbenefic and one varga ofhimself. Thcrefore on account of the majority of benefo vargas the Sun loseshis malevolence. It has become of mediqm efrect. Thc Moon who is a benefichas also becomeof mediun eft'ectas her malefic vargasare larger in number. Mars is a malefic but having 6 beneficvargasand I exalted Varga (Navamsa) b@omes an planet., *{ercury also becomes auspicious bqcause of larger number of benefic vargas. The same is the c;ise with Jupiter and V*nus. S4rrn is a malefic and becomesiuauspicious because_of majority of malefic vargas" Rahu has larger number of beneficvargasbut as be is a onalefic he wii ! give medium cffects. Ketu is a malefic and has larger nunnberof malefic vargas. He will therefore produce cr:jl effects. Now let uSanalysethe twelvehouses in accordancs withlhe sudarshanachakra. There are s planetsin the first house. This has added strengthto the houso.ih" Suo, the Moon uiJ nun" *re productivc of only mediunaefects (not'malevolent). Jupiter and Mercury produce auspicious effects. Consequentlythe native will be physically fit, enjoy good health and will be well behaved.The first househas larger number ofbenefic vargas in tbe saptavarga of Bhavas(houses).As a result the nativi wilr engage hinnself in performing pious deeds and will bc Charitable. Thesecond house is inhabitedby beneficsonly, namely: Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. The native, will, therefoi", b" very wealthy. The 2nd has 3 benefics,3 ieutrals.(of medium enects) and one malefic vargas. Therefore the wealth will be acc'm'latBd through desirablesounces. The third houseis without pranet but is aspectedbv Mard and Saturn. Thereforethere will b" *""g., U"ppio"r. ir;*; of brothers. The native wilr have more sistersaud few brotf,ers. The effectsin respectof valour and sentinelswill be meagre. The fourth has larger number of benefic vargas. Mars is also beneficial. The native will therefore have i"ppiness in res,pec!ofrnother and gain of a house,Iand, and conveyance. The fifth househas larger number of benefic vargas. It has Moon, Rahu and Mars posited in it. The Moon and Rahu

Clupter 74


are neutral and Mars will produce bonefic effects. The native rrill, therefore,'be intelligent, learned and will be happy in respectof children. The sixth housealso has larger lumbcr of benefio vargas. Saturn. Moon and Rahu are neutral. Saturn is a malefc. The ho.yy js aspected by Ketu, Mars and Sun. The househas morc vu rnf,uences on it and produces evit eflects The seventhhouse has larger nurnber of matre$c vargas iahabited by Ketu a malefic. The house is aspectediy l:d_ir th! lun, Moon. Rahu, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.ilt-;-""j* gal life will, therefore, be just norrul. The eighth housg is inhabited by neutral Sun and aspected by benefics-Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. The house has iarger number of benefic vargas. The longevity will therifore ie good. The 9th househaq larger number ofbef,efic vsrgas and is occupied by Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. The native *ill, th"r"fote, be fortunate, successful, religious minded and charitablc. The tenth house has larger number of benefic vargas but inhabited-bySaturn a malcfic and is aspected by ffars. fhe resultswill, thereforc, be of medium nature. The eleventh has I bcnefic rasi and two nalefic raris. ft har larger numbgr of benefic vargas Uut is inhabited bti*; nalefics Ketu and Saturn. The native may earn.edequate wealth but it will be through undesirableruean"s. The l2th houseis inhabited by the Sun a neutral, Mars a beneficial planet and Ketu a malefc. Therefore it has larger number of malefic Vargas. The house wilt, therefore, produce cvil effects.

It has threeplaneri in it, ,aJrt;G

Moon, n"U"


nn qdilt{ e,ff ffi *fqilq I dei fr lfqff,: rr{cirilir sFf r1il{ nlqtl
18. Maitreyaasfef-O Venerable Sage! Kindly enlighten me on onepoint. If all the houses arejudgedin accorbance-with f,hc Sudarshana Chakra,why manytearnJ sages haveadvocated declarationof effectsfron tne'n;;;; reckoned from tls Ascendant in birth chart.


Eriha Parasara Eorg &wt

i{rd qrdcii eqqtfr r $rlqrrl qqsfq rrir.Fqa $RqnlnlQ,rr a?I q{{tnwnq mf qrni frqfflt: r q r i i l a a l n i q aeia.rrq sFiqeElQo1p
19-20. The Sagereplied-The results should be declared in accordance with the Sudarshana Chakra only when tho Sun and the Moon being in separaterasis difrerentfrom thc rasi of the Ascendant. If amongst the Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon, all the three or two of them are in the sametasi, thc judgment of effects should be made from the birth chart only.


Ercr fqr ! Fqts qf6qqffi

siTq I


rnnftTGilTT.rqflq ||R1tl

sq*ta r
fliqlrfq{raffit Eqr mla;atsrtff,Frnqrqt

<fg qrcq\ nlRrl

t6Ffg I ti[.tGt: \\

ii ii qrd sfiilqrg ffiffqrf<Ei frei t rrqtrr

2l-23. The Sage said-O Brahmin ! Now I will tell you about the efrectsproduced everyyear and every month by thc twelve housesin their Dasas and Antardasas according to SudarshanCakra. Under this system everyone of the twelve housebeginning from the lst is allotted a lDasa period of one year. Thus every year in 12 years a housebecomesthe Ascendant of the year and the remaining become2nd the houseof ' wealth, 3rd the houseof brother and so on. (This meansin thc lst year the lst housewill be the Ascendantand the 2nd year the 2nd house will assumethis role., Ultimately in the l2th year the role ofthe Ascendantis taken over by the l2th house). Every year every housewill haveAntardasa of one month. By following the method of the Ascendant of the year, herc llso, tiere will be an Ascendantof the month. The first Antardasa will be of the first houseand then will follow for 12 monthe. the Antardasasof the other houses, every house assumingthc, role of Ascendantby turn. Every house gets pratyantar Dasa

Clapter 74


of 2.} daysand V!d':;r of lh*ghatikas Tl.e samemethod is to the efiectsof housesin Pratyantar Dasas be adoptedfor juun"rn:; and Vidasas. Notes : This systen is meant to ascertain the effects of all the 12 housesevery ysar, every month, every 2* days and every 12$ghatikas.

t.{*qf!E* r}rqr: qqr{r: I tE aFcrrrm qri *Q*ql rr{q qrrcgftFq llRvtl Era trl'n fi qH i"t!ffr{wqfqerErq I

fl&tqtfrrrft, EfiftqqsrqfFri: qqq uRut

qmai qqfilflil q{ roltamtri* r EtTrsq?il er{{nti ?rrEqqe fr6Aq nlqtl
24-26. rq".r tbe time of commenceflentof a Dasa if there be beneficin *c lst, 4tb,7tb, l0th, sth 9th and gth, fa*ourable eff;:r":i,s will b* experienced in the concerned year, month etc. The housewhish is occupiedby only Rahu or Ketu bocomes harmful, The samewiil be the fate of the housewhich is occupied by a larger number of malefics. If there be benefcs in houseotLer tban the l2th or 6th, thehouseconcerned will produce favourable effects. In other words, if the benefics be in the 12th or 6th from the house conce.rned, unfavourabre effects will bE derived in the related year, month etc.. If there be malifics in the 3rd,6th and ltrth from the houseassumingtherole of the Ascendant, then tbese three houses will produce alrspicious rcsults.The etrectscan be ascertained for every year, month etc., in this manner. The total number of years in vimsottari Dasa arc 120years.After every 12 years the same metlod of deter_ mining the Dasas, Antardasasetc., has to be repeatedfor ths Ascndanrand other houses. Noits : In thc first year the birth Ascendant will be thE Arcendant of years. rn the sudarshana chakra given earrier lnorrgst bcnefics, only the Mcionjs ia the 6th house. Thus the 6tb houscwill produce unfavourablceffr:ts. But it is said that mrlc0cr produce favourable effccts ir the 6th house. Then fevounblc cilccts may be expectedfrom the 6th housc. Tbe 2nd aod thc 9th aic occilpicd by bcnefcs only causing increaseio



Erihot Ptasqa Horu Sastrs

wealth and fortune. The l2th houschas only malefics. Tbis will causelossof cxpbnditure,that is, lcssloss of wcaltb. As said earlier malelicsin llth houseproduce benefic effccts. Thc 4th which are oocupied by matefics will sufferin and lfth houses The other houseswill producc medium or ncutral their effects. cffects. In this system Dasa, Antardasas ctc., are calculated accordingtc solar months.

Illustratire Chert ofDrsa Chrkra ofthe 0rst clrclo of 12 yeers. Rasi ll

121,23456 I 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 c I I 00 00 I o 0 I 0 0

7 8 910 I t.r 000 000

I 0 0

I Years Months 0 Days 0

Antardrsa in the flrst year, Rasi 1l

0 I 0 0 I 0 0 l 0

34 0'0 l l 00 0 I 0 o I 0


i0 0 I 0

Years 0 Months r Days 0

0 0 0 llt 000

Prrtyantrr Desr
Rasi ll 12 I


7 8 910 0 0 2 30

Years 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 000 Months 0 0 0 0 00 0 q 000 Days 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 222 Gh. 30 30. 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20

W Sfif-{rrqlre qfqrqrfa{sil{ | nriTrilnlErddftq{qrwf qcfrdq: |lRstl

Chapter 74


vqqa ].qd A rTt$ q s?i qtq r

Rqffi{ qetfqnf ildatf q ffir$rfiq nRaii
27-28. After ascertairing the elfects of the years,months etc., in accordance with thc SudarshanaChakra, assessment of, effectsfor thc years, months etc., should be madeon the basis of Ashtakavarga. The beneficor malefic efecls wil be full if the assessment fror:: both produccs the same results. Tf they are different, the compar: +..lcstrengthof both shoulcibe taken into account to declar.; . r final results.

q?XqqqqqAq-dq1urrsrftxtr lte tlt

trpler 75

Jeaturesof Characteristic Panchamahapurushas

qsir-qqt1lqqflwrqI mnna{ tqqlE.qqa*;retrirefrrq Swfcft: ltltt rnwqqFq I r*d* wqit aqrl It{t{*a 1*: r{{gea: gaq: qfdl: ttRtl
l-2. The Sagesaid-O Maitreya ! Now I will relate to you (five types of the characterstic features of Panchamahapurushas personalities). When Mars, Itdcrcury, Jupiter, Venusand $at Saturn being in their own sign or in their sign of exaltation, be in kendra to the Ascendant,they give rise to Ruchaka, Bhadra, Hamsa, Malarryaand Sasayo.gas respectively. These yogasare yogasand thc persotrs called Panchamahapurusha born in these (five types of greatyogas are known Panchamahapurushas personalities).

alqtn* rrdlimd r<teffix{6qqr, qraqaffimq gefqTq wfiq: rqrr

1qd{qle}sf(6?-il1 q qfinfirdrgtqtr: t


rriluqruri frrmqliffiqtqs: nytl

aEq qq

lmi{$: ilul



qqi ilrpt

frit: qrifraq r
fdqggit ! ttqtt






wafa srn: I

T$rtffrt5rGm! ltell

3-7. The Ruchaka native possesses a long face, he is very enthusiastic, has spotlees lustre, is powerful, has attractive brows, black hair and is fond of all things. He loves to fight vars, is of dark red comp.lcxionn is victorious ouer enerfer] i, discrininative, is protcctor of thievesand has cruel temperament and slenderthighs. He is a devoteeof Brahmins, has marks of veena, varga, dhanus, pasha and vrasha signs in his hands along with chakra relfia. He is well versedin ocrult sciences. He, is 100angulsin height, his wastehasthe circumference equal 'tothelength ofhisface and is l00OKarshar (fi,f) in weight. He as ruler of Sahyachala and ltindbya pradesh dies after attaining tbe age of 70 by fire or mcapon's. Notes : Thc old nrpee had the weight of I karsha. 4 karshasare equal to one pala and 300 palas make one tula (Sun), accordingto Amarkosha. 20 Tulas are 'equal to one bhara (qn). Thesearc ancient weights and measures.

rfirlqrfnir qlilfir rrwfr: gFr'rI *ttw1qq: smTrgtan qlqfrr nqu flfqt: rfrqriqn @m:r f,r* rg.@*:tretl
g?Frr{rcaFqE Sq, EEqEeft*rTd [iorl T|rf?]: Ttffi erqtfr..{Hq:t qlqti $qe rrrq faaf ffi: qi: rrllrr qrrfra: qfrginfiqa:r gFqf gffi
--.6 \a!r-r<l-t.r!

** qqfr: qrftrqrqfui

nd rqr: trqRtl

8-12.The Bhadranative is splendorous like a lion, has very developed cheet(or chestwith ryell developed musclesi, has the gait of an elephant,has long and thick arms, is lcarned in all rcspoctsHe is well yersedin yogaperfornancc,is satwagunl and has beautiful feet, nrostachec and head. Hc is fond of


Brihat psasare Hora Sastra

luxuries and comforts and has marks of sankha (conch), chakra,. gada, arrow, elephant, dhwaja (flag) and hala (plough) in his hands and feet. He is well versedin Shastras, has black and curly hair, posscsses independcnt nature, and is protector of' his family. His friends shareiu the enjolment of his wealth. He is 20 tulas (one bhara) in weight. He lives happily with his wife and children and as ruler of Madhya Desha lives for one, hundredyears.

rdq6 qqfrrgn* rmwfrc ed: rr11rr

fr;nccT{rfi} $rfqtq: qa<orl TTsI rewqlill.u1: -du-rce-qaqrs:fqH*r IrI yt I

tel qnrrt

rfrq: gqEtrffinf66: I

dgl;rdrdf ifr q6ail{ | Erq*utrir: tldt iltul H qrfn mi wn: I frq{ ffigft.r Ffgri nkrrlqrr . Tdr?*
13-16. Tbe Hamsa native has voicelike a hamsa (swan), has a handso." and well developcd nose. He is a "ppl"tance king with phlegmatic tcmparament,honey like tawny coloured yes,redpoloured nails, sharp intelligcnce,sturdy cheeks, round forehead and beautiful feet. He has marks of matsya (fish),. ankush (the iron hook with which elepantsare driven), dhanus. (bow), sankh (conch),kamal (totus) in his hands and fcet. He is very passionate and his lust remains .unfulfilled. He is 96. aogulsin height" tle is fond of swinming and playing gamesin watbry placcs.He enjoystifc fully and as ruler of a land situated betwecnthe Ganga and Yamuna.dies after attaining the age ot100 years.

f@ifaw: qloid:tl


fiTF6td $ frqrti

lneuarq rrffiFddq:

gfla I

EftmNr{ ilqqfiffirq r H fq{ilt q erilqlqnlclt


EFfr ilfrfrrir; nlslr

Chapter 7S


flcrcdqrqrqrif,fq ed nftqfFq$ql W ewffiii Triqr arfr q1lcq ltletr

17-19.The Malavya native has beautiful lips and a slenderwaist. He is lustrous like the Moon and has fragrance in his body. He is of ordinary red complexion, has a medium stature and clean and beautiful teeth. His voice is like that of an elephantand his arru are long enough to reach upto his knecs.His face is thirteen anguls in length and ten anguls in breadth.He lives happily for seventy yearsas rulcr of Sindhu and Malwa and then leaves for his heavenly abode.

qst aTFT: qdEnq qfaqq crcHfqE nlotr EmtfcAtrg will tn*rlqr: {r{r:r qqqr* q dqql dmal$qqrrfiqn: niltl

alFavnu: q* ffa6cc:

Fq*E{: t

Wls,iqqqrqrfn *e1 urfacn: qcfrnRRtl

20-22. The Sasanative has small sizedteeth and f,ae but his body is not small. He is valorous. He hcs a stendcr rreist and bcautiful thighs. He is rvise and enjoyswanderirg in forests rnd mountains. He is well versedin the loopholes (weaknesecs) of the cnemy. He is lively, virjle and fo-..i of womcn. Hc murps other people'swealth. He has marks of mala (garland), lcena, rnridanga {musical instruments) and weapons in his handsand feet. He rulcs happily ovor severalparts of the earth rod then leavesfor his beavenlyabodeat thc age of 20. . !\otes : The rcgiong mentioned in this Chapter perhaps :xisted at the time of parasara.It is impossible to iOentify tnem

qiTrTilqF sTeT f,FTIsIfE[: lteqtl


Effectsof the FiveElements--Earth.

Airo Water, Fireo and Ether
eFt ilqil

}r fut

sefq ir
ET 6':rrlrr


1. The Sagesaid-O Brahmin ! Now I will tell you about the effectsof the five elements: namely earth, air, water, fire cnd ether.

qlsaTEq:I qi{{ ultl iTn<qcGtmEilq af,E{ir$rq 2. Fire, earth, ither, water air and ruled by Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Sbturn respectively. Thc effects are experierrced in proportion to the intensity of the various elements.

-rf,'A aF6cawn} ilqA qq:r rrlrr td nQtrew{: TqFmF',Rrssfa{<} arcR?rrrEnir q* rn'al6fa; ml r fq*fr+rtqqrq{q {tid Bqsnq ! rrvrr d{t
3-4. The native will have temperament according to the greater strength of the planet at the time of birtb. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn will respcctivelygive, fiery, earthy, etheral, watery and airy (windly) temperanent. If all of them or many of theseplanetshave equal strcngth the temperament will be of a mixed character.

Clnpter 76


TqqlrrqiqETrs,qi afqqffi eqwactrrn{tl

5. If the Sun be endowed rqith strength the native will have fiery temperament (tf6xafe). If the Moon be strong, the nativc will have watery temperament(onqS6ff,). All the planets in courseof theii Dasa, endow the native with bodily lustro relating to their elements.





*evr] rfrqa"qF{t


W: nr: na}sfaqem: I

qfaoEfn*l ;R: uqtl

6. The characteristic features of the person with fiery temperamentare-distressed with hunger, restless, lean and thin $ody, Iearned,consumes a lgrge r;uantity of food, sharp, fair .complexioned and proud.

n1<ltlerr;urctil q}rfr ficnsdt q* r erflqtil thq<nra r$lqfat} ir(: nutl

7. The characteristic features of a person with earthy lemperament (Tdt{Ffil) are-emits fragranceof camphor and lotus, is fond of luluries, comforts and enjoyments and is permanently happy, forgivcful and has a deep voice liko a lion.



srTilfr aniga: t
qlqgtfregqrr: nqll

8. The characteristic features of a person with etheral temperament(arrfiTvr*F'fe) are-dcquainted with semasiology, expert in diplomacy,@4iaot, learned, unmasked face and long r* stature. tF

stFaqtrqrwfl I fralqqftffi:r
$fr{q qq$Tfr{rsrl{!
9. The characteristic featurer of a person with watery eapQrament(W XAfe) are-is lustrous, can sustainburdens, is soft spoken, king, hasmanyfriendsandis learned.

Brihat Parasara Hora Sastre,

ilTffiillbril ilar *S iltsaifsq: I qlfut f,atd:, grrrgl ilail iitir: nlotr

10. The characterstic features of a person with airy (srg [61il) are-charitable, full of anger, fair fond of wandering, victorious over enemies,king has leanphysique.


rilffift6; gqT ifoa, winrqt{fskcr I

q;rfnTr" EfaqTqi silqe ill1t|

11. When the fire elementis predominant in a 1rcrson that the strengthof Sun or Mars is predominant, his face and y exhibitslustrelike gold and he has happy looking eyes. achieves success in all his ventures,is victoriousooeihir. nemies and getsgainsof wealth.


qqfttqqqrwrE qFqs'*:tr qiil

qfr;-.,,IrlgifrAl I

qi( trXqtt

12. When the earth element is predominant. (that is,. rfircury's strength is predominant) the body of the person mits variouskinds of fragrances.Hrs naits,hair and teeih are ,reclean.He getsgainsof happinessand wealth and is reliliousmioded r

qFFqer.trfi qi( I .rE|Fr qq{ETr BrTqT

q{I.E{quft1gt qg



t]. Wn* t}g other element is predominant (that is," i .. ppiter's strength is predominant), the person is a clever and becomes pnversationalist happy by learning to songsetu.

11: Whern thewater element (rhesrrength is predominant 1.. Mrron or predominant), Venus is person's thc bodyis. flthe good he'althand tasty foodlnd is happyoo pnder,he enjoys account. lrt

i |

irt w|Euur ro n{ r TgiTI TqrErf,r qefn leq:111)r1q *m*Re<reqd




aqr iT {r'll[,R?ilq} rtttism

qam furi ftrrra rn*{qqr: r

qil qt ||l{tl

15. Whenthe air element is predominant (thatis Saturn,s strength is predominant), the bodyis nitfry.fn, person becomes an idiot andsuffers from rheumatism, ,orro*, and agonies.

qei 'Ftr q*frii sq*g gurfag r tqit{ fa{ng ffir Ag ?Tffiai a6qrrg faq ifttqtl qq qE
16. The sage said-o Brahmin ! the effects of the five elements which I have described above wilr be realisedin ful if the planetsconcerned are endowed with adequate strength. If they are weak the effectswill be reducedin proportion to their weakness.

*<nqttlarfi stilffi: dt:


q.f qail |

Tqcaf";dtq qrqe ||l\eil

17' 'lf the planet concerned is in his sign of debiritatio' or be placed in an inauspicioushouse, the erementaleffects will be adverse.(thatis, opposite to the effects describedabove). If a planet is without strengrh, his elemental effects will be experienced only in imagination.

q|F|rawqrrll[ | iltgGEs6T{miq{qfq $q$rerT iiln iql qilqrdrT ;Trt:ttrq illqtl \


18. If a person'stime, date and place of birth is not known he should determinethe Dasa of a planet from the effectsmentioned above, and if he is facing evil effects he shotrldtake appropriate remedial measures to appease the planet concerned.

qeEttR|IqqqlsrlF[:ilg\etl sTeT

Ctapter 77

Effectsof the SatwaGunaetc.

y*trt sqqrfq ntf Gq tr utwqlat qnl q*eetslfqs:sS: rrltl qq:dAEA fqal rqlymqGEa:r aq:d*ql TqT rrieqraea*sfurfi: uRll qrfr quTgrgrrp werqal ilEt I q{ Tgfrflfqr ! q-;"s{ wr* Ifi rrtrr gf,fr quq$.ttq sat*n Eft lnqrE I *qigtn{t qafr arrqTftrurfarrlrrvn

1-4. The Great Sage parasarasaid-O Brahmin! When the Satwa-guni (eFr gurt) planets (the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter)are pledominant, the person born is Satwaguniand of goodcharacter. WhenRajoguna (passion of loveand pleasurd is predominant (that is, when Mercury and Venus are predo.minant), the person born is Rajoguni(r1ft"if) and inteliigent. }\hen the Tamogun(attributeof darkness) is predominand (that is, whenMars andSatrunare predominant) the person boin is stupid.Whenat the time.of birth all the planets are of equal domioancethe Jrersonhas a mixturc of all thc attributes lvrrr Xu). The personsso born (creatures)are classifiedas Uttama (s-rq) (most exceilent), madhyama (ww) (of intermediate type), adhama(uw despisable) andUdaseena (vertftr, indifferent or neutrar) in rbat order. Thus,thereare four kinds of animatebeings(rn*). r wiil rclate t-heir a ttributes which havebeendescribed by Naradaand othersages.



{ilii grFaqTfq}a q r rFql rrrRFT: qqlql qrqflfqi?i qi H?q|ftrt {JrI: u{rl

5. The natural attributes of persons belonging to Uttanx (most excellent) class are possrssionof control over organs of perception and mind, sicrplicity, truthfulness, patience and satisfaction.

fti iql qftqte{ $i instqqqna{ | Rrqitwui *fr Tun *qt $]sfq* rt&lt
patience,cleverness not retreating 6. Valour, splendour, in war and protecting the helymen, are the oatural attributes of personsbelongingto rajo guna (intermediatetype).



q I



qt aclsfrr* rrsrr

and doing senice of 7. Greed,f,alsehood, idiocy, laziness, others are the inborn attributes of persons who belong to adham class(despisable class).




qqq6t I


tw t ttqtt

8. Engagement in agricultureand business,protection of cattle and speakingboth truth and lies, are inborn attributes of pcrsonsbelongingto Udaseenaclass(indifferent or autral type).

rrtrq quQt{eq sqq} wq}suq: r setfrdrq fs*E ! ii t-cfiffq q'lqlq ueu

9. O Maitreya ! Classify the peopleas Uttama,Madhyama, Adhama and Udaseenaefter observationof the attributes described above.A person should be consideredappropriate-"for a job accordingto his attributes.

t Arqrit}sfqr] qrq f,Tqrfqf,i ffi q q?qql TUrHfs{ fqiti feqtrfq ! rrlorr

10. lf among$t Satwa, Raja and Tama, any attribute is


Brihat psasara Hora Sastrc

the most dominant, it is considered the nost predominantof alk C)therwise all have equal effects.



attr!-?:F t.

qEfiqlt{ t'tfilfqfr frc{r ntll

11" The affectionaterelationshipbetweenan emr:l;yer and employee(rnasterand servant) and man and rvomcr,,' lsband and wife) wili be ir:.,'ariableand stableif they possr..i ird samc



qluqjtf,* fqs !

rqqifiqqt TQrrtqrr

12. O Maitreya ! Among*' . c i:bove four dasses of if thereis any kind of rs1:.-ii.iriship Fer$ons, of evenAdhama with udaseena, of udaseena with n.._dhyama and of madhyafta with uttaaa, there will be mutuai affection and happiness.

aalsrc rrtq ln;ln *em: ffisq(:


qdcftrcqqr 6rfatl fErrtlrr l

13. If the bridegroom has better attributes than the bridge and the master has better attributes than the servant, there will be mutiiirl aff*ction (regard for each other) and bappiness. If the bride fir the Servant possesses better attributes, thc relationships*ill be full of bitterness.

tr{dd x{ilrr

rTtFr: qvfaeaqr I

ffieaqmlircr nlYu
14. The attributes of the native aro dependent on his father and mother, bis timc of birth and the persons hc gets associated with. Thcse are thp root causes of uttama etc., qu4lities possessed by him. The attributes endowed by the time of the birth and associationsare ctronger than ihose received from the parcnts.

rqftrrq?q vgrfrurat nl: r q*qtT qcf qFd fffi: wqt ii uttrr


Chapter 77


15. Copsequentlythe ljerson il emtallished rvith the attribuie (Satwa),raja or tama i*re+, tE {t ilc) whicirel,er is predomirrant at lhe time of birth. Tho predictionsshould iherefore be madeafter taking i;rto accouni. lh, rr*" of birth..

rmer: qilfc Xfirf{ rn?qq}iaqiqfr r q?ilr'lsrilqeqql qqqq fay rrlqrr trqq:

16. The Supreme lord of the Universe, ,,,rhois irrdes truclible and the Kala (6p.T). He rs the Creator, Protector and Destroyer of all moveableantl inmoveable.

awfta: x{fr: s}qartfaftfea{q?G{fi,r r

called nature. Divided by thesefacultirs tie impelssptible Lord Kala is alsc perceptible.

ecr fqq{R}sEqEalsfq Eqqfrqcfil*fqqq *letl 17.These rhiee faculties of rord Kara(vrr+rrtro.) are

qgqisqrrncinrr eqqm I qrqfrer.fiqt {E{ irur*;ilstr{: "!feu: {qrt ulcu

18. In accordance with the self created eualities -;f by thr Perceptible fr.m of Lord Kala, there a'e fou, kindr ;;; {parts) namely: Uttama, Madhyama. Udaseena and Adhama.

qfrfr sq[*i

(nql uqfais$ ? TFErl:1 qFr* ilssisuq: tnqtl gar*fr

19.From the iJttama, Madhyama,Udaseena and Adhan, parts are createcluttama, Madhyama, odaseena and Adhan (in tbat crdeg) types ofcreatures-.

.TfrqIS f$Kr-drq quqrn:il. T:+Fr{ | -".1tqiluRorr uivtrqqil*iqq{

20" TheUttamapart of Lord Kala is thehead,madhyama part both atmsand chest, thighs form the Udaseen" par.i the fest fall i:i the Adhmapart. "od



Brihat Parasara llsra Sastra


q3 Wraflea mmia: s-drqtr qttqt uRqrl crfid<rg aqQarcwrailsa

21. This is how a differentiationis madebetween ck*-,r* and immoveables according to attributcs a:td the of moveables parts from which the creationsare made.


qtd feqir
c c'

rqqli: (tr[q r

E-ftFrrra qr*ry

w*awqfauq tfqqtt

22. The Ct;aturvidh; {four sided) lord h"rla hss thtts irJiih his onu createdihis chati:rvidhaunivetseiti consonanee attributes.

qq qqsffifTffi4Trt: ll\s6ll
Cteptcr 7t

Lost Horoscopy
il?qrilqilnt{ sd ffi rw q* ! 1 cwrqffifrsilrnl id ssq qd rnq I rrtrr gqntFq rfq qTCGd r lfi twnld q{q3[fd rrqrt rfc nfuIrrqrdE d rtq
the l-2. Maitrcya said-O Sagc! You have so far dcccritred by a auspiciousand inauspicious cfccts to be enjoyed or sufrered lrrson on the basis of the timc of birth, but can thc auspicioue and inauspiciousbe ascertainedwhen the time of birth is not &nown. Kindly tcll me if therc is any way to solvethis problom'.

fit! Ta FFil Rr | .rrrrTrtrrffir r

qrf,Ri r


Ttntilffiettn1 ttltf
wq& $rtrlFflt: llvtl

is a good one and is 3-4. Thc Sagcraid-Your queetion your attachfor thc bcncfitof tbc world at largc. Considering mcqt, I will tcll you about thir problem also. If any or all rmonglt thc samvatear, aya[a, ritu, month, paksha, tithi, nekrhatra, Asccndant,rasi or. anuar Gtc.,of the birth are not tnown, thccc crn be asccrtaincdfron Prasna Llgne (Qucry char0.

mi wrlrtdf rlr{,

wrr qtqTt r qrd q<dt trttt



Brllut Psasara Hora Sastra



qriril ilqrl

5-6. The samvat3arof the birth of the querist will bc the same as that of the rasi in thc Dwadasamsa in which thc pragna Lagna,falls.(It meansthat Jupiter will be in that rasi at Lir,t l. Sarinyayana(Uttarayana the northern cour'c of thc Sutr) query will be in the srst Hora of the Lagna (Ascendant of the couree southcrn (Dakshinayana-the 9f chart) and Yamyayana itic suni will be-io its secondHora. The ritu (season)may b-9 determineowith refcrenceto thc lord of the Drekkana in which the Lagna falls. shishir ritlr will be indicated by the Drekkana of Saturn, grishmaby that of the Sun and Mars, Vasantar{u by -that of Venus,varsha ritu by that of the Moon, Sharad riiu by that of Merc,ury,Hemanta ritu by that of Jupiter.


q qfffi:



7. If there be any contradiction in the ayana and ritu, thc ritu may be detelminedfrom Mercury in place of Mars, from Venus in place of the Moon and from Saturn'in place of Jupiter.


srittnfird fafqfqr qrgfittqmqt feq !ttctt ql ar;qslutql f q, l acrnftcawcl .ta r{t{q ffqt{qilfttn aeq at{ a?q ttett
' 8.9. After the ritu becomes known,take the first part of the Drekkenaas its first month and latter 'part as the next of the Drekkana, amsas nronthof theritu. Then from the expired proportioiately the tithi or the amsas of the Sun' determine (degrees)' of the The Ista[aia (tertm) indicatedby the amsas Sun, will be the time of the birth of thti querist' From the haveto be workedout the longitudesof the tstakalasocalculated (Graha spastand Bhavaspast)' . Predictions planetsand houses of the with the dispositions accordance ihould then be madein and Planets. houses




p39 q\l


ft( qrnfitlqdt mq *q: qifttrd q ! ! l t 1 " u

10. Maifcya astcd-O Sage! Jupitcr rctutrs to ihe sane rasi aftcr cvery i2 years. Thsn from whicb circle of Jupitcr should samvatsat bc dctermined

illtnns{firsilvq r t rdsgnmeu ilntn nr{r [ut{ ulttl : rrifr ftft uril gqlfrfatlw: t
{rRrqF|t lrfi-d effiq i$rq: Trq tt; ntq!!
1i-12. The Sagcnaid in reply-O &{aitreya ! whcn therc is any duubt about the samvatsar,takc thc approximatc age of and add mriltiplcs.of 12 to thc difference betqteo thc q-uerist the riisi of thr Jupitcr it the tinoc of query and his raei at the timc of birth. Tde figure so arrivcd at should bc takcn as thc possiblenumber of -If ycars and the Sanivatsar should bc detcrby adding 12 there'may appcsr to- b9 inined accordingly. differencein age, the po.sition of Jupiter. should be frco accordingto guissedappioiimate age inihe trikona nri Sth or 9th of thE Praill Lagria (,{.rcndani of the query chart) as may bc found feasible.Then teking that as the samvatsar,tho Ayana' ritu ctc.,should be worked oui accerdinglyin the msnncr already .explained.

rnrT ni

qqhi 6lqil{

mt{ ,niq:t


t tf.t alnqqnam rttttl

13. Maitreya asked again-O Sage! How will thc tine of birth be known after ascertainincthe month and the amsasetc., .of thc sun. Pkiaseexplain this fdr the benefit ofthe people.

-enrtRe.qutrrqcAsf6 Gsiqaq ! t qfq*qfrr$: rorttftterftu qrrt{ ll\Yll T!frqil aqq'u1firyt rynFfawfanq I

ceriquqrftqrq qq ilqq

trfi llltll $tatq fiqfrqil t (t ar;te56frQ l5qlq i l l q rl ttqt rrrfba}tf.rfir$tfrGsfsf


elc.' thc rasi,amsas 14-l6.The Sagesrid-After ascertaining 'of the Sun at the ti-msof birth, thc longitude of the Sun (Surya' 'number spast) sbould be worked out for thc neit day after the


Srihat Parasara Hora Saatra

of daystakon by the Sun after'entedng into the rasi which will be equalto th! rxp;red ansaeofthe Sun. Then the diffprence betrveerthe l,:ngitudesof this rising Sun and the Sun at the timc of birth should be convertedinto kalas (+nr) anC multi' plied by 60, The product shouldbe divided by the Surya spast convertedinto kalas. The Ghatikcs ctc., so bccomingavailable thc lstakala of thebirth bcfore and after sunrise. will reprcsent of thc IBts Sun be more thail that of tbe rising longitude If the Istakala of. the birth will be go much after the sunrise. Sun, thc If the longitude, of thc Ista Sunbe lessthan that of thc rising Sun, the IstakalEaf thc birth wi! be so much beforc thc sunrise. Ilhrtrrtlor---suppose a person does not know his time of birth. His ageappears to be between25 and 30. The time and tithi of tbe query about his birth etc.,sas sanvat 2005,Phalguna, leta Ghati and Fais 5/15. At that time Shukla 3rd, Weduesday spastSuryt (longitudeof thc Sun) was l0l8l7145,Ayna4sa was 231230 and Lagna spast (longitudc of the Ascendant)was Thc query chart prepared on thebasisof these n!rclnlg. particularswa8as under :

bogus chart impossible



Jupitcr Mercury


til it"

Sun "8 Mars Venus

94t Ascendant falls in ?th Dwadasamsa of Virgo. This indicatesthat at the timc of birth of the querist,theJupitcr should te in Virgo (that is thc samvatsatwas connccted with Virgo). The Jupiter in thc query chart is in Capricon. Jupiter stays in one sign for one year. This indicates 4 years earlier than the samvat ol th" query, Jupiter wa* in Virgo. This also indicates that every 12 yearsbefore or after, Jupiter should bc in Virgo. :Thereforeby adding 72 to 4 we get the age as 16 years.As this is far away from the guessedapproxima,tcage, we will add 12 to 16 and thus get approximate age as 28 ycars. It will be possible for the Jupiter to be in Virgo in tbe 2Eth yaat,'thc age of thc querist can be near about 28. Thus it is indicatcd that thc time of the.birth of thc querist was in the Samvatsar 28 years before the tine and date of thc guery. So by deducting 28 from the Samvatsarof thc qury, wc gct 1977as the Samvat of thc birth. It was confirmed by thc Panchangaof 1977 Sanvat that Jupiter was in Virgo. Pracna Lagna is ovcr 15 Ascertrinment of ryur-Thc part rasi. Thcrsforc thc birth (degree) ofthe in the latter atrNas (Dakehinayana) wes i4 Yamyayane Rlfi-Th; Lagna is in thc Drckkana of thc Moon. Thc dtu will thCrefqrebc Varsbe ritu. Hcrc thoro is ao contradiction bctwccn aysna and ritu bccause Varsha, Sharad end Hcmanta ritus are in Yamyayana. Morth (rre)-The Prasna Lagna is in the latt6 Pert of thc ocxt month eftcr varsha ritu the 2nd prekkiia.'therefore (solar month). . Varsha ritu comprises would be Bhadrapada Sravanaand Bhadrapada. In thc solar month of Sravanathe Sun is in Canccr and in the solar month 'of Bhadrapada thc Sun is in Lco. \ilorhlng out of rmsGt of the Sun-The lattcr part of thc 2nd Drekkana is more than 15 amsac. Thereforc the erpired portion in amsas etc. is l/1719 (1 ansa l7 Kala and 9 Vikala). To kno* the amsas of thc Sun at birth convcrt l/17/9 iuto to 7719. Thc Kalas of thc 5 amsas Kalas etc. Tbis will e,ome part the Drekkana will bc 300. If thcre of of thc latter kales of the tatter part (5 amsas),the for 300 amsas, are 30 the cxpired amsas, namcly 7719will Kalas of for thc amsas

3o;3oo:?tll + to:tltzls+ 6": (t719)


Brihat Parasara IIoru Sastro.

(7 amsas,12 Kalas and 54 Vikalas). These are expired emsasetc., of the Sun at birth. Thus the Surya Spast(longitudcof the Sun)at thc birth of tie queiist will-be 7142154. Wo_fkingort of Ista Krh of birth-From the Surya Spast ii is a[farent that 7 amsashave the Sun after' his entry into Leo. Thus on the 8th day of the entry of the Sun in Leo, the longitude of the Sun (Surya Spast) should be calculatedat the Sun rise in Sdmvat 197?. This will come to' 4l7l22ll4with5812 as the motion oftheSun. Thelongitude' of the Sun worked out for the fime of birth is more than this. I , Thercfore deduct 4l7l22ll{ ftom 417142154.The difference --:/ comesto Ol2Ol40(0 amsa20 Kalas and 40 Vikalas). This may be convertedinto vikalas which will b 1240.By multiplying this. figure by 60, the product will be 74,400. By dividing this. product by the Vikalas of the motion of the Sun (58/2) that is. by 3842,the result will be 2ll5 (2L ghatikasand 5 palas). Since the longitude of the Sun calculatedfor the time of birth is morc tban the one worked out for the time at Sun rise, the Istakala of' birth will be2l 15after sunrise.From tlis may be worked out thp bo and then the horosbope longitudesof thc planets and houses castedaccordingly. Notes : Thc birth in a particular Lagua has its owns. spccific effects on the native. The Nasta Jataka can be rcckoncd yrith the fonowing information about each Lagna or Asceudar.';. Arics Ascetdrut-The nativcs of this Ascendant are of' a lean and muscularbody. They niddlc stature. They poss6ss arc'ncithcr stout nor thick. Their complexionis rough bnd they havc a f{rly long nect and fa9c. They have bushy cyebrows. ald havc a sharp sight. Thcy are activc and ambitious, bold eod impulsivc. Sometimes on aocountof a bad influence on, Mefl, thc lord of this Ascendant, tbcy become rqsh and aggressive,With good influeuceson the Ascendgnt they become., confidcnt, oourageous, eiterprising with high aims and also liberal. Thcl: have determinationand force of character. They havc exccutive ability but they make changes often. Thcy are vcry optimistic. They are good lovers and laye a charm which attracts thc opposite oex.With bad influences on th Ascendant, they bccomepassionate and jealous and go astray.

Chapter 78


will havc of this Ascendant TeurusAscendant-Thenatives broadn be mecliumstatureand plumpy body. The foreheadwill neck thick and stout, eyesbright, hair dark, complexion clenr' They will be solidly built with big shoulders and muscleswell have great endurance Tlte nativesof this Ascendant developecl. but when provokedthey becomeangry arr{ viciour and patience like a bull. They are slow and steady, plodding and perseverdo not They are conservative' ing, paticrttand persistent. -They not wastetheir cnergy' Thel' 112nta strong will' They are they Ascendant the on iuflueuces bad are If thlre impulsivc. good food becomelazy and self-indulgent. They are ,fond of and arc vcry much after money and other worldly possessions' are They arc ambitious,cheerfuland fond of enjoyment' They are They Lakshrui' Goddess of fortt,nateanclare favourites of fond are Tl'rey love' their sexy bui they are steadfast in and money hoard to like They music,arts' cinema,drama ctc. generally are cautious in spending. Their married life is Lnpp%"rini nativesof this Asce'dant are ta'. Ascendant-Trre long' Their upriglrt and,have a straight bocly,the handsbeing sharpand look eyes The is moderate]fair or dark' live Ascendant this "i*ir"*ioo with. The nose is long. Persons joyous' Their ".ri".. and *o.,fy in mind. They aie carefree restlessand like versatile, are fn.y strong. and ;;ii'"" writers' They and good readers very often. Thcy are "hoog" to all kinds of circunlstances' They like i.lnpt tiemselves are "n,, to travel frcquently' They are always of two minds and follow to incapableof taking quick decisions. They are ablc more than onc occupationat a time. Although they are lickl6intellectualqualities. Thcy are curiousto mindcd,they possess They are good husbands' things. know ncw concer Ascendant-Thenativesof this Ascendant have lr heavy bocly,, slender limbs and powerful claws' The uppcr portion of ttreir body is generallylarge. In latcr. age they get a promincnt.abclomen. They walk with a rolling gait.Their stature are change' short. The personswiththis Ascendant is generally the Moon Like able like tbe Moo4, the lord of this Ascendant. (ups and down). They are thcir life isfull of tidesandebbs irrrdalso sympathetic.They often cmotionaland over-sensitive


}:rfu Pmwa


ire timia &t onc timc end coee;pols rt othm timc. In public rnd rrt dro eblc to achievc lifc, thcy arc gcnerallyrucoosrftrl honours and wdtb. Thcy rrc fond of homc and family ir comforts. Thc mmicd slifc of psteotrsof thir Asccadant gencrally unbappy. nativo of Lco Asccndant haswcll ko Ascc*rt-The broad forchod. Hc is of modcrato a boncs and dcvcloped and murculer. Hir apperranceic digpifcd, well built Etature, imposingand conmandint Pltrons born with this Asccndant and tcncrour. arr gcnerallynoble,larjc boertcd, magnanimous ere helpful to nankind. Thcy havcgreat faith in fricnds Th_ey and'relatives.They bccom fcd of the organisation with 'whichthqyare conncctcd. If thoy arc in iovcrnocnt 6r eny commercial organisrtion, thcy ethin higb poritionsthcre. Thcy do not talk much" They rrc fond of authority rnd ero brilliant andlambitioup. ThGyerc kiod rud loyal. Theylitg pomp and show. Thcy rre frm in tbcir thinking and attitudcs. Whcn theyeretnlry, thcl roar tikc lions. They aro rpcndthrifts. They fidfc caixcity to fecc rdverrc circum$rnccl. They want to mainteintboir euthorityin tbcir houschold. Vcry oftcn thcir married hcalth f;lc ir not beppy. Thcy cojoy sound iftherc are no bed inffucnocs or thc Sun, tbo on thc Asocndaot lord of this Arccndrnt. Vlryc Ascendrt-Nrtivcr of thir Arcndent sro tall ?ith a rlcnderlbody. Thcir cyobrowrlrt cowrcd rith hrir growth. Their voict is vcry oftcri thin aad romctimcr cven .rhrill. Thcy rralk quickly and thoyrcldom hrvc r pot bclly. Ar thcy rre very rctirrc thcy oftcn rppcrr yountcr thrn ttrcir rctual a3c.Tho pcrsoJxt with thir Arccndrnt erc fond of quickchangcr. Howcrr6, thcy rrc vcry capaUcof brndlinj errcn wfevoursblo rituation& Thcy arc through,and mthodisel, practicel end dirciminativo but they lrck will power. lhcy rill bevodairc to rsva moncy. They havesound commcrcirl iostinct and thcy watit to grow rich rs quicklyas,pos.eible. Thcir memid lifo is not unhappy. L|bre Arcendril-Thc nrtivo of thir Ascondent $ow tall n'ith egcand haver wcll FropDrtioncd body. Thcir limh fro elcndcr but strong.Their appearencc is graccfulend attractivc. Thcy gct baldin adult a!c. Thcir noscis likc that of r prrrot. The natives of this Asccndrnterc lcvclhqadcd. Thcy wcightht

Chaoter 7E


merits and demeritsof a subjectand then expresstheir decision. andjust' Thcy are constructivecritics. They are reasonable and They are also modest,refined and gentle' They love happy life. They want peace at all costs' They seldom harmonious in their life and environ' losc their temper. They likc changes in them' spirit of sacrifice a have and popular mcnt. They are biilliant intuition' correct imagination, Thcy havc fertile of good things intcllect and phasant natrie. They are fond 'fife is generally and comforts. Their domestic and married happy. Thcy love their home, family and propcrty' Ascen' Scorpio Ascenilant-The body of the native of tbis long' generally are dant is urell proportioned. Hairds Th" stature is &ovc alerage.' Face is broad with commanding appearance. Such natives have generally a good personality' indift e riat iue of this Ascendantis a particularly determined move and vidual. He will crush the obstacles before him forward. He has a fertile imagination and sharp intclligence' iemarkable intuitive power' He Hi is emotional but possesses and has self assertion, courage' resolution, indcpendence generally forcefulness. He has his own likes and dislikes' Hc is setf,madc. He is highly sexy and has relations with many women. A good Scoipio native evincesgreat interest in occult and spiritual experiments.The nativcs of this Arynscicnces dant have a harsh tqngue.They are revengefuland vindicative. Thcy love to criticise others and cstablishtheir superiority' The domcstic lifc of a person with the Ascendant can be happy to him' onty if cvcry memberof the family is submissive Stgltterius Ascenrhnt-The natives of this Ascendant have e wcll-proportioned and wpll'developed body. They are gne' rally talt witb a large forehead, high and bushy eye'brows,long oort, btight eyes,graceful look, fair complexion and handsome and pushful' Theyare f3ure.' ihc nativcs are hold, courageous and greedy and have high aspirations' They face "itbitiout adversesituations with fortitude. They have self-confidencc' Thcy have cnergy' enthusiasm, vigour and vitality' In spite ofailthesequalities they are unable to take quick decision' Thcy are Gol-fearing und lo". only truth. They stick to their principles. They go In for higher education and are fond of


Erihot Parasara Hora Sastro

travelling. They are intuitive and their intuition generally prov6 correct. - Caprlcorn Ascenrlant-Tbe natives of this Ascendantare generallyemaciated and weak and grow slowly. Their body wilt not be plumpy or muscularbut slender.A native of this Ascendant grows tall suddenly ou becoming young and his constitution improveswith age. His noseis long and eyes deep-set. The hair is coa$p._ The native of this Ascendant is economical, prudent,reasonable, thoughfuland practicalminded.He is methodical,slow, steadyand patient. He is calculativband businessJike. A.Capricorn native is capable of taking quick defisionr. He will have push and confidence. He has special organisingcapacityand lot of tolerance, He will be honest' sincereand reliable unlessthe Ascendanthas evil influence on it. In the latter casehe will becomedishonest,selfish and even 6 criminal. The natives of this Ascendanthave to face lot of obstacles, difrculties and hindrances,but they bre capableof overcoming them. They are hard workers and are able to consolidate their position sooner or later. . They generally marry late, but prove good husbands and father of many children. Aqurrius Ascenihnt-Persons born with this Ascendantare' 'with generally tall full stature. They are strong. Theiris and appearancehandsome. They are intelli-fair complexion gent. They are good character readers. They act carefully after consideringthe pros and cons of everything. They are things, but once they get at them, they slow in understanding with handle thcm easeand confidence. They have a broad. can outlook and human understanding. They are unselfish,human and impersopal. Tney moye in sclectsociety. They are reserved in nature and great moralistg They have woiderful intuitiohal capacity. The mar,riedlife of an Aquarius native is bappy only if his partner is as intelligent as he is. These persons are stcadfastin their affectionbut they do not display it. PiscesAscendent-The nativesof this Ascendantare generally short in stature but they are plumpy with short hands and fect. The natives of this Asccndantare by nature philosophi'cal; r6stless, full of imagination and fond of romantic life. Thcy arc honest, humane and helpful. On account of their bcing:

Clupter 7E


they often hamper their own ovcr-libcral and orrcr-generous,. progress. They are very happy when they can spend their money to hclp othcrs and on charitable causes. These petsons are not steaay. They may easily change from one profession to anothcr. The married life of a Pisces nativg is generallyhappy but they have a jealouenature. 'Nasta Jatak' is very It will be seenthai the Chapter on brief in this book and appearsa bit complicated. For detailed and clearer knowlcdge of this subject, we recommend to the 'Nrsta Jrtalam' or 'Lostreaders the English translation of Horoscopy' by Mukunda Daivajna published by RanjanPublications,the publishersof this book.


sTeT X?lcfltrrlEilrr: ueftl

Chapter 79

YogasLeadingto Ascetism
qq fqs ! s{qqrfq dri rmffirfqqq r


qmta qrrqrq'ril,

TQq nltl

l. The Sagesaid-O Brahmin ! Nowl.will describeto you 'the Yogas leading to ascetismunder the influenceof whichihe personsgive up their homesand becone initiated in somc holy ; order.

qgrrfdirtoet: rren , tfilfi[ (Er: I rrurR&raqr* q rrqT* trnicqln I,Rtl qnad qfnrf,trt Rrifiqn: rrrq I *n ffiqfltq criq rgsrfr rrlrr
2-3, T\e yogafor ascetism is forned, whenfour or more planetr(5, 6,7),possesscd of strcngth occupy a single house. The person born will become a Tapasvi(-evtfl), a Kapali (Tcrdl), weara of red robc, one who kcepsa danda (qw)_ rIA, Yati (tdt), Keeperof a Chakra(ln), naked Sanyasin (qrfr), accordingas tle Sun, thc Moon, Mars, Mercury, trupiter, Vcnusand Saturn ic thc strong*t planct of the group. -with If a numberofplanetsare endowed strcngth, tha hoiy -acccpted order of the one strongpst amongst thcm ie (or ntered into). Notes : Thcrc is a similar versein Varahamihir,sBrihat Iatakawhich translated into English rcads as under : ..If at of stcngth, occupya lirt-h,lour or .morc planets posscsscO iinglehouse, the person born will becomea Jakya (oo*), I Jeevika(q1frn), Bhikshu(firw) , a Vriddha(1a) - b"*tnri, (

Clwpter 79


aCharaka (vmi, a Nirgrr:ntha (rhrf;r) or Vivasa (f<mv), a Vanyasana(*arct) cr Vanaprastha (enxw), according as Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, the Moon, \tenus, Satum or the Sun is the strongestplanet of the group. If the strongest planet be conqueredin planetary war by another planet or planets at the time of birth, the person will relinqnish that stagc of ascetic lifc and review to his prcvious condition of life." A Vanaprasthais a rcligious man engagedin the practice of rilorous and devout penance (i.e. he will be a Tapasvi (ard;, A Vivasa (fsErq) i3 a naked ascetic (that is qF,TtL dwclling in hills and forests. A Bhikshu (fvq) is an illustrious asceticwith a single staff for his symbol engaged ever and anon in the contemplation of truths of the sacred wandering scriptures.A Charaka (vrw) is a religiousnnendicant over many countries. A Shakya (rrr*t) is an ascetlc of tbe Buddbist clan. A Guru (tgt) is a celebrated teacherendowed is a garrulpus and vith royal splendour. A Jeevika (Vtml gluttonousmendicant.

qfqrsed ,mntffi *riqqftqat: I ar'Trt-{Tnltltq:llYll BrAfirdrtfl{T izn

4. If strong planets capable of leading tb ascetismbe obscureby the Sun's rays (that is they be corhbust), the person born, in'spite of having ieverence'for the holy order, will not becomeinitiated in that holy order. Notes : Brihat Jataka adds in this connection that if the ptanetsreferred to above be overcomein planetary war and be ispected by other planets, the person concerned will seek admissioninto the holy order witlout supcess.

qkimn fa{crviq eiraftt rfqd{r r iln tfqqfl fn rrtrcrn Gqqrq ! rrtrr

5. If the otherlplanets lose their strength (inspite of beinq in their signsof exalt'ationetc.) as a result of combustionwitb


Brttut PareraraHorasattra

the Sun,tbc nativewill enterthe holy order as signi8ed by thc a Tapasvi (etcTdl). $un, tbat io, he will becorne Notes: Tapasviis an asceticwho is engagedin tle practicrof rigorous anddevoutpence.

, l|ffir tdftrqrnqa
silaqrqFrdil(: llqll
6. If the lord of the sign occupiedby the Mooh (Janma Rasi),having no aspectof 'othep plsncts on himsclf'agpocts :Saturn,the nativegetsinitiatedinto the holy ordcrof the planct amongst the two. who is stronger

qrqirrlitl fiial tqtrtrft'iftRr: r rrtf rtfnw{tt{ rrccri sr5rnwn: nsll

7. If the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon be devoid ofstrength aid is aspected only by Saturn, the native becomes initiated into the holy ordcr signified by Saturn (tbat is, he qntrs holy order of the asceticsknown'a Nirgranthas (naked ascetics).

q qrfndlqnqtrtt t nfrcmtqiet ttqtt rtfafu fqql far rrsqr .ufqqrsqt

8. If the Moon be in the decanate of Saturn or in thc Navamsa of Saturn or Mars, and be aspected by Saturn, the an asceticand entersthe holy order signified by native becomcs Saturn.


qlrqq}sfqfl t Sqrfag udt gn: qls{r}


tn.r(qal rTat(

9. There is planetary war if Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,' Venus and Saturn are together (within one degree of each other), Venus is the conquerer whether he is in North or South, but amongstthe other four only one, who is in the North. is thc canquererand that in the South is coqi{ered defeated in the planetary war,




saEqrfi(fi: i tGruld q{|fqa: r att crurt qfiraeqi qfiRqqfil ai gt: ulorl

is . 10. If the planet who leads the native to ascetisrn, planet or planctsat thC conquered in planetary war by anoth'er time of birth, the person will relinquighthe holy ordbr in which , he becornes initiated.

rqEI 6r61fr
itcTgcqrfffiI ra


$Tt6q151qq1 T[FT: | -'

$ilsqT6ffrr. niq ! illlt|

11. Maitreya asked-O Venerable Sage! If thcre be many planets who are significators for ascctism, then rvhich holy order the nativewill get initiatcd intp ?

aq* alerq r{: sflwrfir{fiT qU: I ffir srcrilfr qriqi iqi q?{aq6iraEqilqRtl
12. MaharisliiParasara replied-O Brahmin.! lf all the planetsbe possessed of strength,the native entersinto thc holy ordersof all the planets.

ffirqqtr{tflTsli qaeqi

qrfa FIE$TII{ |

izrERT t&qql

alqrqi nrqlfaqr;riT: iltltl

13. Tire native gets initiated into tlre holy order of the for ascetism) planet(amongst who are significators the planets whoseDasagetsinto operation at first. Then he relinquishes of the Dasa this holy order of this planet at the commeRcemeut signified by him. plapet holy order and accepts the of the next

aeifiaFaiaorig nfqat aat nt: t <tqfrilsa qtilss] *rfa;trsa ri{q: lllYll

14. When Jupiter, the Moon and the Ascendant are .aspected by Saturnand Jupiter occupies the 9th, the person a holy illustrious founder of born in the Rajayoga,will become (or holy order)' ,a system of philosophy


Brihat por*o^itii.Sasrro

q*rqrm* qle uffifrefffir* r qrvr*isafr qra: r rtttr *ftralwin rrltrr .

15" Whe* Saturn occupiesthe 9tU liouse from the Asctndant and is not aspected by any iinnet; the Derson posecsccd of Rajayoga, . will rake himself to the hcly order bcibrc becominga lord of men. If there be no Rajayoga ,.he native (religious war:derer). becomeean asceric

sT{r TfrlaSI$4Iq: ltqotf

Chapter 80

, E$ur qqil ,,!'rd qcqrfinR{ $ ! r mrrfurt t,{ iqfrfil t $qqrqrfi nltl
1. Maitreya asked-O Sage! Yau have described the effectsof many kinds. Now be kind enou_shto throw light on Stri Jataka (femalelloroscopy)

edtqi ,!lr: u{ iid aqni fcqf{qar rrRrr fffiqtf,a q} tre: d*qq ifs{flfq a( | crfi*qd ?wn: ,rrsq* trsErftrryu?tl qtn* qfrslqrd isad faEt fa-q; r efisflqtrrT.f qail rffiFf frEdl <tq nvrr
2. Mabarishi Parasara replied-What a good question f listento wbiatI am going to tell you about the birth charts of females. All the elfectsthat have been described till now in the caseof male horoscopies,will apply to females also. Matters relating to her physical appeafanceshould be determined from the Ascendanqtlose relating to children from the 5th house, fortureofthehusband t'rom the 7th house and deathof the husband(widowhood) should be deduced from the 8th house. Those effectswhich are impossibleto be ascribedto the female, shsuld be declaredto be applicable to her husband. Notes-Brihat Jataka has enunciated these principles in mere explanatory manner. lVe give below what Brihat Jataka cays-"Of the effectsthat have beendescribed till now in the case of male horescopes,all thoss that oay be found in female

tq Tq


fqs ! aefq sE{TGqE\|


BrihatParascra Hora Eastra

shouldhe declaredas applicable suitableto females horclscopes io therflaiont':the rest shouldbe ascribed to their husbands" The'd*ath r,i th,,r husbandis to lre deduced thror.rghthe 8th place .(iroln thc !-agnaor the Moon rvhicliev*ris sftongeri" hliiiters rtlating to iier eppearance'i:erirty ete., should bo. fiunr the l"agnn and the sipn occupiedby tbe iVtoon. rleternrine*l or thc Moorl w!ric!r' ?th place (frorn the La_qna tlre It is fro*-, (irapSliness) and tbe naturc o[ welfir$ her thlrt evgr is strc:rgr) aucsrt*ine&" be $hould the husbencl According tc' $Iantreswara's Phaldeeplka "Whatev;r to ale declarcd for men" they are en::irelyapplicable efi'ects 'I'hc be to have prosperlty happiness and woman's wouleutcr.r. dedui:';i fiom the l;ri: pi;,ce (from th* Lagnc of the lvloorr is stroriger). childrerr should be dsclared from thc rvhichever b*aut;--*tc'' 9ih houseand mattei! relatingtu hcr appearance' tlre Tth placc ir frt'm It I;3ra. the fronr shouldbc delirmineC lnd thc husband) her ,,velfare influcncing (power oi tlrat he.r irer while ascertatned be sirouid neture of the husband exnminalrom an predicted be should lnd chastity associaticr, in those houses produce good tion of tlrt:4tl: house" Benefics are prorluctiveof evil houses the above in resultsrvhii* rnelefics rvhishcase the effects in houses, the tirev happentc, own unless will b': g+oti." As this portion of the chapteris very important we givc 'Jataka Parijata'also. of belolvthe vierrrs Jataka Parijata says that whatever effects may accruc of femals that are applicable only to men' from tlre horoscopes to the husband. The good and evil affecting shnuldbe ascribed from the Moon and the Lagna thcii pr"rtuirshouidbe calculated of thcm is stronger. It is from the 7th house from rvhicheve: the Lagnaor the ldoon lttrat ait that is worthy or unworthy in and ihe death ofthehusband shouldbe ascertained thc husband (from the Lagna or the Bhava Sth the through is loretold by the strengthor weighed be well should thir IUoori). Ali an annotlncebefore and rttaiefic, benefic plancts, ofthe weaknsss flnd which is Moon, the ,Jf and Lagna the ment is made, beauty and thc luck, this that to Etronger" It is with referense and Chi(dren announced. be etrengthof the women should



'wealth in abundanceshould be dcslared through the 9th tshava should be gathcrcd thcrefrom. Wcdded ttuppiot** or other'*ise ?th' Sonre from E'h* from thc 8tu thsva,";0"'busbahd'r fortune of the tLe reverser opine that :=herv*il ?ming or .tit*"gttt c*a bc *ltcrnrined ftcn' tL* 9th Bha"a' tturUan-d cut thr*ilgh the Someli'rld ttrst tbc wiCcwiroo*lis fsu;'d thr t'agne;thc Sth Biava; b*atrt:/, fame antl ibrtuta through tr&nelcee'iing ar the son tt rcugt, th 5th. assctisffiar weii illt:o"' 9tb thc through the plttiets occupl:ing qJrftf to "i'tomcn Bhsias or i,,gas are the sarne in regard the eff .i* tlua to both men and women. on ';he'xiews Shri V. Subrahmanl'aSartry in his comnien:{ efects rnay be diviiled on Brahat Jatare t"i.?t'onJtt-"Ttre to be ap5ircc to into 3 class.u, o"oirly : (l) thosc that bavc alono and (3) th('se ilrat wofiEn. (2) thogc i*.t *ott*rccn in3tanc6th."'fT :: may bc applicd to-trotn' Supposc for

in that of hcr husband' Thc aativcbeinga iernslc' absent be applicdto'hcr' .ln c&nnot fiorthc Adhiyoga dcssribed cfrccts fnr hcr bc dcclared should ofthc'yJga thc cffccts ;;;i; casc, of such yoga in hir not withstandingthi absence husband horoscoPe. -- ntw havccomplctelychangedOirt vicw ig that thc ttmes rs bcforc' MTI and thc womcnConot cnjoy thc ramcrtrtuE holding bi3h nnd occupalion fi"At of hwe tekcnup arc "ariirThcy rlo portJ oi icsponsibilitn 9t"up1il,g positions on thcir rot dcpendcnt arc "oo worcn Suoh positions' political high of cffccts bad and good o,'- Thcrcforc all husbands

tl':::trTJ: whitc horoscope'. diinit*anivoga in I womanis urr'

,remaindeplndant on their husbands' of which therc is some differcnce Another mat;; children to "i"* relating opinion is the houscfrom which matters to we givc preferencc arc to bc dcclarcdin a fcmalc's chart' dctermined be ' the view of Parasatathat these matters should or the Moon which is through the sth lousc from the Lagna ' logical housefor mattrs strongcr. Stn in our viit" lt tttt most rclating to childrcn.

t" 9."t alonc' whrt shri tioiJ;;;it their boroscoo., wbo applyto women s"rtri-i; #d rh-ould subrahmany"


Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra

mi;1 sqi qcqt: qI flrfr sqfiTfelal t IIqFIHqn ntrl c?q\kaTqilqat

5. If at the time of birth of a wornan, the Ascendantand Moon are in even signs,the woman will be truely feminine in excellent qualities, be of steadfast character. She will possess character,beautiful and physicallyfit. Notes : According to Brihat Jataka and Jataka Parijata the in the woman if the quatities abovewill be present mentioned 'with or aspectedby Lagna and the Moon are associated benefics. There is an apparent omissionin this respect in the above verseas is confirmed by verse6.

{itirdl qccr ferqt $qrnt<t

s ar ?6rwFent r g:rfror qrq*fqn*rrqtr

and the Moon are in odd signs; she 6. If the Ascendant will be masculinein form and masculinein bearing, and if they by malefics, she will be devoid with or aspected be associated of good qualitiesand be sinful. Notes : According to Jataka Parijat, if the Ascendantand the Moon be in odd signs, she would be masculine in form, fickle minded, masculinein her bearing and sinful, and if they by or associated with malefic planets, she will be be aspected profligate.

qrnnql q T"r&r fq{ f{arq,d qaEt RftdqT qdt ittrt sFi ta ffiea: ttult
?. If amongstth: Ascendantand the Moon, one be in an even sign and the other be in an odd one, the woman concerned should be declaredto partake the characteristics of both male and female. The qualities of the Ascendantor the Moon will be more predominantaccordingto their strength.

r tr.i;alqT Edt fq$ ! fanirfi'taaftrGai: r6afnnrn{. ila{ 5d tdtqi fdqa: ltstt

8. O Brahmin ! The effects in respect of women would

{hapter E0


particularly dependon the rasi and trimsamsaof the Ascendant or the lvloon, whicheveris stronger. l6?ttsTt ,R

gwr qlqhrint


Fqiliar Sqrfaqriri {il* q tFrqifiril lllqll qld fqrdcoqrsfiffiI *n {grPP, 1q1, qfffi, qrf* rili qrsTFil|nii ftft lltlll ' sld {$itiffir *e qr* q1Q Snqn r 6H rgunssid n?* qrqsiil rtar ll1{ll frisiqunF.rfiI I fqfrIai1Fr *& qrA iliqqft: frrdt, qr* *i.aqtsfs* u t tt 1 qrilr q qitsli dd g:rw tqt'qt I ii qfraar *mr {ra *eaaqm tllqll

rfrsTsd{i, ffdtfr4,6}i gerfraeit t n't* eamlw *i marqf{gsn riq ttl1tt qre 5tt{wri aa:t qn qunfr,

gafr a{Tr {ft*, Hqrat *qe FqdIllell tA ils*, {ri} {rfr, ild *S gt{rFqilr I llloll nt*ndtqt6rfi qr ddsqi q TUnfFrdI


' r


9-16. When the Ascendant or 1he Moon (whichever is srronfier)is in a sign belonging to Mars, the woman born in & trimsamsa of Mars, will have illicit relations with a man before marriage. If she be born in Trimsamsaof vonus she will after marria-ge, if born in a Trimsamsaof become uncbaste Mercury shewill be full of guile and adept in conjuration, if the Trimsamsabe of Jupiter shewill be worthy and virtuous, and will be menial or slave if birth be in a Trimsamsaof Saturn' When the Ascendantor the Moon, is in sign owned by Mercury, the female born in a Trimsamsaof Mars will be full of guile, sh will be a hard worker if the Trimsamsa be of Venus, will be possessed of good qualitie$ if thc Trimsamsa be of Mcrcury, will be of the nature of hermaphrodita, if tlre Trimsamsabe of Jupiter she will be chaste.


Sastra Brihat Parasard .Hora

In a rasi owned by Venus, a female born in a Trimsamsa if the Trimsamsabe of Venus' she of Mars will be deproved, of excellent qualities' if possessed be and will be well known be skilled in all the arts' will she Mercury of be tlie trimsamsa qualities if born in a' good all with she will be endowed if born in a Trimsamsit remarry will she of Jupiter, Trimsamsa of Saturn. When the Ascendantor the Moon happens to be in a of birth is owncd sign ownedby the Moon, and the Trimsamsa uncontrollecl, and willed self rvillbe born UiMars, the female if born in a character loose of and unchaste she will- be handiwork and arts in skilled will be she of Venus, Trimsamsa with all gifted will be she Mercury, if born in a Trimsamsaof she will of Jupiter, Trimsamsa a qualiticsif born in excellent of Saturn. Trimsamsa bccomea widow if born in thc rthcn thc Alccndaot or thc Moon happcns to be in the' be owned b1' sfn owncd by thc sun and thc Trinransa of birth will bc virtuous she talkative, bo wry will Iri*r, the fcmalc born bear masculine will shc Vcnus, of iiUoi" in a Trinsamsr be chaste will she of Mercury, i..rur"t if born in a Trimsamea will be thc Jupiter, of Trimeamra a in and virtuous if born Saturn' of Trimsamsa a uncbastcif born in Wbcn thc rising sign or the sign occupied by Moott, ic owned by Jupiter, the femalc born in a Trimsamea of Mars will bc cndowedwith many good qualities, she will be punschali if born in a Trimsamsaof venus, she will be well versed ftmfi) if born in a Trimsamgaof Mercury, she will itt-a*y sciences bc cndowedwith atl good qualitiesif born in a Trimsamsa of Jupiter, she will not indulgo mnch in ,"xud intercounc if bom in a Trimsamsaof Saturn. 'by Moon When the Ascendant or the sign occupied of Mars will to Saturn,the femaleborn in a Trimsarnsa belongs to according (barren be a rnaid servant,she will be learned will be she venus, Brihat Jataka)if born in a Trimsamsaof of Mercury, she will cruel and immoral if born in a Trimsamsa of Jupiter, to her husband ii'born in a Trimsamsa bo devoted ti; (addicted to men of lorv caste according shewill be unchaste of Saturn' Brihat Jataka)if born in a Trimsamsa

-95Y" Chapter 8o mostly the sarne as Notes : The effectsgiven aboveare horv' u"i'J"tuku Parijat' Brihat Jataka' eiu.n liBrihat Jataka Trimsamsa the to due 1".t, .Aat that the efrects described or those mentioned for the rising at birth (ot" f;t") to pass by the Moon at the time will come Trirnsamsaoccupied or the other is stronger' accordingas the one Tiimsamsa

rA qte{qq

nfa: mgtel qaE| \ lllell q*Eeaa awEfr: q uq q(* ratit gisea* qfatqEilI EIt a &u*r 5fr t mfa nriq luat{ lllgtl wrwq(rEd
sa"t fs$arf,Tlis qfi: Rlri?g lllQ'll flqardt: 1n* qI *qI fqarcclG{dl I fqefts{R* fqanl iq?mgqnrinns$al Rqr qtqs{I llRoll qrdi q ftqt *i qrfi* flfq erggri rr alit I q"* qrar (8 a{I artt *udt qqft slq{ llRlll qEIil t

without a planet (without 17-21.lf the 7th house be the fcmale born will have strength) and without l;";;;tptct' thE for her husband'When a coward and contemp-tiit" *"i"tt away be husband will always ?th housei, u *outadi" tign''tt" the be in. the ?th house' ' suto'o from home. rf ['r"rcotv ulii sttn the If be impotent' of ttrewom#ffi;t;;J;ii husband is abandoned by toot"'ntd occupiesthe ?th house, the woman ?th the femaleconcerned her husband. If il;;t ;" in the be in the 7th' a widow io t'* cftitanooO' If Saturn becomes a unmarried' lf there be she lives to an ofa lge remaining be a benefic u iido* while young' If there maletic, shebecomes and happiness marital enjoy in the ?th, thc female born will in the benefict and rnalefics will be chaste. If Jere be both If the effects will be experienced' ?th, both benefic Navamsa the in "nJ-"nif aud Venusbe Mars be in the Navair* of Vtout have illicit relations with will of Marsnthe femaleconcerned Mo.onbe in thc ?th the femalc other men. lf in tfris Vog" tU" the instance of her entersinto iilic-it connections at concernecl .\ busbrnd.


Briha ParasaraHora Sastra

qft* *qnq( -i{{a:6'trr: ,rilqqmqq: nR1tl qFr* r elqd il*{ Rkiri Eat {d{q qilt{t{gffifril qqffiF( lRvtr Brtq-da*ri qr qr;a: rr* qq: qfat r fqai fq$r,sd ili qtqr*eq crersrnfi ultrl

gq$ qr il,i{isre d** n'tq;t:qfr: r elawivr aw fqflq, 6crrqfagw:qeft: rrRRri *e e{qdlEa: qfnnil fRfiaq: I

22-25.If at woman'sbirth, the 7th housc or the setting ]rlavamsabe that of Mars, the husbandwill be fond of othei womenand will be of an irascibletemper. If it be a sign or Navarnsaof Mercury, her husband will be very learned and clever. If it be a sign or Navamsaof Jupiter, the husband of the woman concernedrvill be of grcat merit ancl will have passionsunder his control. If it be a sign or Navamsa of Venus,hcr husband will be tbrtunatq very good looking and rpill be liked by women. Ifithe sign or Navarnsa belongs to Saturn,her husband will be an old man and a fool, if tn" sign or Navamsabe I"eo, henhusband wilt bc exceedingly soft in his dispositio' and will be very hard worki'g. tf thc 7th houseor the setting Navamsabe a sign owned by the N{oon, the husbar:d of the woman will be love-sictand gentlc. If there be differentsignsand Navamsas in tbc 7th housc,the elfects will be of a mixed nature. The effectsof the signs and Navamsas *rd n'illldepend on thsir strength,


qmrg,t da1rfi, q



a;isreqqt il't grrfn gta* gfl | aranr{qQtil q qlffit arfarrftar nRen qiisawr* irrFrr q{nst @arr fqqqi fiFn&r q rfrrwafirg:fqin n?qtl qd,sq.r* trit? qf$rrrEu*taT fa{un stq{fin'nf tlsl

unariraqidf uRqtr

Chapter 8A


thc Sun be in the 8th 26-29.Ifin a female'slroroscpoc, house, the nativewill be unhappy,poverty-stricken, of deformpd lirnbsand without faith in religion. If lvloon be in the 8th, the wolnan concerned lvill bc of a defcctivcvagina, wil! haveugly with simster(impropitious)eyes, without robesor ornal.reasts, in the society. If Mars be rucnts, sicklyand will be defamed in the Sth, thc native rvill be of weakconstitution, sickly,widow, ugly looking and full of sorrowsand agonies. If Mercury be in the 8th, shcvrill be without faith in religion, timid, devoid of rvcalth,self r:espect and good qualitiesand will bc qurrelsome.

aIFIT fqqfuTr rmqqrdft: I {<tqqqi q?qt irrtiTl slTtr qiE ttlott qalqlEl6-rT gsTf,I g;TE{fuaI anil I sr*sseqqe qfFffir fqEr u6tar q sqeffiqirTuiltl qtal {tFrtrct 3:etqt?n qfusqqr I qq( cfiTgdesil ulRrl gaqrq(t {rt


qfrefrm r
aqft{qrfi(Eit ltiltl

calqeur *trlmr

30-33. If in a femalc'shoroscopeJupiter bc in the 8th, the u'omanconcerned will bc shameless and withsut vittuc, will havefew children, fatty handsand feet, will be abandoned by Iter husband and will be gluttonous. lf Venusbe in the 8th, she rvill be fond of pleasures,devoidof sympathy,religion,wealth, dirty and deceptive, lf Saturn be in the 8th, the woman concerned rvill be of wickcd disposition, dirty, deceptiveand devoidof conjugalharmony. lf Rahu lre in the 8th, she will be ugly, without marital happiness. crsel hearte$ sickly and unchaste.

{firq$ qr<r trrt qanr$qi Ta} aal l Er' r qqfr il irfr qi{,R qrqt|lgenlvn
$4. Thc woman wilt be barren (rrt), if in her birth 'chart, the 'Moon and Vcnus be associatedwith Satrun or Mars and'the 5th housebc oceupicdor aspected by a malefic.


Brihat Parosara Hora Sastra

Bqtisfrqe *f<'1d


ffit($tfl |

lll{ll qral iqr qwn qfdqctt$n

of Mars' the 35. If the 7th house be in the Navamsa will be diseased vagina (femaleorgan of the woman concerned)' she will have benefic' a of Navamsa the if tLe ?th housebe by her husband' "ii a well formed female org"" una will be beloved


horo' in a female's 36. If Gemini or Virgo Ascendant concerned woman the scopeis occupiedby Venus u-natttt Moon' of comforts' in her kinds all with tquippea is liveshappily and father's house.

qil qre{rqe frq ! t qr t{qcigat lllqrl fqE It ar0




t egulaarwnfiqat Tnq*q iarftqcq;tr gafaaquF<ct lllell

Ascendant' 37. If the Moon, Mercury and Venusbe in thc qualitiesand good with many trre *Jrnurr ron..rn.a-is endowed she is happy' wealthl Asceudaut, the in be ioppiorrr. If Jupiter and has children h,


"qffi' sEdql qil ulqll q?sltlss 6't!661?6rn ati

Sun and 38. If the 8th house be Leo or Cancer and the will be barren Moon be both placedthere, the woman concerned

rfrit@qql wrat

e+frril mt t



and ff tG gth rtour" beGemini,virgo or cancer


$ill Mercury and Moon be positedthere,the femalenative only one child (+n; ir;uqT)'

q?rnr{qite I qfi nfarge* rngsJaflar& T'sfl q'rft fmqqtqltlell

3g.Thewomanconcernedwillbedefinitelybarrenifthc and the be Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius Ascendant malefics' by Moon and Venusbe posiiedthere aspected

Chal'ter 80


<.<t0 Rtai grt o=qi nqixi r qfrv{<rqq}gcfr 5rcql il TrIrriE ttv"11

40. The woman conceruedwill give birth to an already deadcbild, if the 7th be occupiedby Rahu and the Sun or the Jupiter and Rahu be in the Aitr, anA the 5th be occupied ['y malefics.




if 41. The woman cotrcernedrvill not be ableto conceive or with Mars in the 8th house Venusbe associated Jupiter arr<J house. in the 8th Saturn Mars be with

nfrm fl3n\ art rreErrut sdtfaatllYlll

qtai et 3v.l rriq t

qTqr*R+ qrt


arffiT q nrqtfi |

ffirii fqqd{i q qfr?i{i faqFa r llvRlt

42. The woman concernedbecomes a destructer of her family and her father's family, if at her birth' the husband's Moon and the Ascendantbe Subjected to Papa Kartari Yoga in lhe ldirect maleficplanets in the 12th and retrogrademalefics '' 2nd).

qnftql qitwr:

qqTr{Irtnqt t r fqqrqr gqf(rr llYQll

43. The woman whosebirth takes place under the following condirionsis named as Visha Kanya (fav *w) ' 2nd tithi' Nakshara Aslesha . (l) Day of birth Sunday, 7th tithi" p"i Ktittika, of birth Satruday,Nakshatra t)j (3) Day of birth Tuesday, Nakshatra Satabhisha' 12th tithi.

qilunq nql afi al q$r} nqnfeual t qqrqTflr I tr?qtfqsrcqt qffitfaat llYvll

44, The woman will be Visha Kanya if at birth, the Ascendantbe occupiedby a malefic and beneficand two plancts bc in inimical signs.


Brihat ParasaraEora Sastra


finem ${ffiT a gfrn r




45. Visha Kanys giVesbirth to a child already dead (qa-qw|. She hasa defective generativeorgan and is bereft of robes,ornaments etc.

qraiw: qR q|fr qrdn qrnfr}sqqrr rr'Eal qr fqr{ q}i fEfn$il q d$q: nvqrl
46. The evil effectsof Visha Kanya are destroyed if the lord of the 7th or a beneticplanet be in the,?th from the Ascen. dant or the Moon.

sqi erssl gi r qfr ir qqErqltrEti fh Er iqn: rrvrgrr

47. The woman born becomes a widow, if Mars bc in the l2th, 4th, 7th or 8th from i"- .Lscendant unaspectetlby or associated with any benefic.

qrl aqt qd ilfq

afinl dt rlmar qfn $w frrF<rrr

afrrl dilsqiqril


qftlfrilT qq qfrAqft gnnRm r

'iqeqq]wq rrg.] rlft

qirit tFil itsfq iT uyqtl ff,{qqq.ltvetr

48-49.Theyoga which catres the woman to becomea widow also causes a male native to becomea widower. If the man and woman possessing this yogajoin in wedlock, the yoga ceases to haveany effect. Notes : Actually the man or wonun having in their nativity Mars in the houses meqtioned in verse 4? are called IVlangalior Mangalik. It is believed that if a Manglik girl marries a Mangajik boy, the evil effectsof beine Mangalik cease to exist.


fqdsqre* fHtpat ffiard ilfrnqit r

ffiat irfr rficd r@ utotl


aqfrcdt&: sfft{qilU<r r
gaqrsnfh{frfqfrqwq ! rrtlrr



50-rl.If &t a \toman'sbirth the risingsignbe that of Venus to and the risingNavanrsabe ol Saiurn (Aquariusaccording Brihat Jataka)and if Venus and Saturn a$pecteach othcr or each other'sNalamsa, sirewill be affiictcd with are occupying too muchlusiand rvill allal' her fire of passionwith the help acting the part of a mele' of other femaies

Sqn1{-r*la Efafc: SvtFilsisqTrT*qw ilit

sq* at} l rsarfiit tltltl

52. When Jupiter, Mars, lv{ercury and Venus are strong and whenthe risingsign is an evenone,the womanborn will be of ti": VedantaPhilosophy an expounder learnedin Shastras?nd

Tt qrdqt *fiaq
q1, !r?r$qi il{ra}ftr


nqi qft r


53. When a nalefic platret,is in the ?th and someplanet an ascetic. will become in the 8th, the woman concerned Notes : Brihat Jatakacontainsa similar vetse according the womanconcerneci to which wherra maleficis in the 7th house, answrjring will' witlrout doubt, devote herselfto the ascetis{n to the planet in the 9th house.

faqnnqt t?{: lrte

-q|q{lrq}qafqi (ht t tttvtt fqiqraTqr 1q,i dTrq:

54. The woman dies tlefore,fier husband,when in her nativity, there is a beneficin the Eth houseunaspectedby or with a malefic. associated

B{Eeiqqqrrl *q emi llcrtrfi} {et t ff rraf f,ar St snqiilcqqtfafannq ll{tll

55. If at the birth of d woman,thereare equal number of the same strength'she and they possess and malefics benefics will leavefor her heavenly abodealong with her without <ioubt, husband. Notes : Accordingto Brihat Jataka .the-yogasme-ntioned t'ith the, time of marriin connection applicable abovJbecome a girt. th.e time of her 8$, .and the tL. time of's'electing her' Jataka Parijata has iegardin-e "i", wten a queryis m.rde iffi6 the samevierv' expressed

gtq oinqtloffic[tsq?uf: ltl; ltt

. r ChaPter8I

of the Charscteristlc Effects the VariousParts CIf Features bodY of Womants

Eur qEar l}qd trrqqrflE qrnqq{ | ailgRwrfh arclunwgkdt sr 1* ! ltltt

ar&wrg.aqrlr I qfelt** ud awsq qnid t{rqr{ {F*lsf,qn llRu

1-2. Maitreya said*O VenerableSaget I have beenfully by the auspiciousand inauspicious effectsdcscribed enlightened to the Janma Lagna (Ascendantat birth) with reference tV iou Now I requestyou to favour me with horoscope. a in femate's inauspiciouscffectswith reference and auspicious of knowledge the variouc parts of a woman's of features characteristic to the body. Maharishi Parasarareplied-O Brahmin ! Now I will tell you what Lord shiva narrated to GoddessParvati in this regard. .Solesof the feet

firrd qlqati ?dfuri {gd qiqt glrr t q egnh-l<tltF{ lllll rlttiFRtalui qd qqd Efwii fqq{ aqr t ffi llvll rgwi il 3:qelqhqqrqfiq qrtmea
3-4. A womanwhose soles.areeven, gmooth, soft, well .developed, warm an{ shining in pink colour, without much perspiration, will be enjoying full happinessbefitting her sex. 'The roles are urifbout pink colour, hard, dry, coarse, ore n,

Chaptu El


like a win nowing basket qvi and bereft of shaPed uneven, flesh,lviil sufferrniserY.

I $H-rqfftr6-q{,lsas'san'dtnsscqmE otit, q.ail flqd aTfin faftllrffal nrtr wiq smfimqrc iln ffiuitfctt t tul; sqisq-mrnrwg:errf{ttnlfqsr:tt!'ll
5-6. The woman who has marks of conch, swastika' chakra, lotus,flag, fish, umbrellaand a long line rising.upwarCs and in triiJor.t, bec5'mevi queen and enjoys great happiness rat snake' of those like marks comforts. The one who possesses misery' suffers and and crow, is bereft of wealth Nrils of toes

flqfin: {tln: I qflf,T: ftilIEt 11TI: Gr6T: srqq{ErtF't:lteu ?rufrtls fcurqsrftc iil
pink colout, ?. The girl whosenails of toes are shining in smooth, raised and round, enjo;lsgreat happiness and comforts' Blackishand torn nails indicatemisery' The thumb of the feot (Great toe)

srial wieti*.1c*
qtl 6Tflq fqfte

<'{c$nlm: t
g:Ectfrrtrqqf,: llqll

smooth and round great 8. Raised,fuil (well developed), irregular in to indicateshappiness. The one which is small' .shapeand flat denotesmisery'

lAfrsF,tlifq: i'qtq{trq:

IfRtI q?rl lilwr qilrn: t Trlfqfdqfanl llell [fin

9. The woman's toes which are soft, thick, round and ycll developedare considerid auspicious' If the toeo are long' poverty' she will be of loosemprals. Thin toes indicate

f"qetfr{?rErfr ffiilrfq{q
fadn 1i o11


Brihat Patatara Hora Sastrq

qrqr qfq qpffir{tt

lrrnfqq: qqrGar:qHtq'Ie'frqqFa f | qfrifq qfil aueT qqiqr q RT rTaE utltl

rd qt: qg6aq I

rtr qiqFit q*qrr'| qaadawrla{tnqlrl

ris"ilslrrfqfi fffq qcqr {h q ie1*q r qfs*rTEt flr itt\i fqiqr faqsaq ! rtlvii

qeqr:efaftdr1 tfq rrts;?rrta {tqdq r <rQ tiqfa 6at fddtti qqt lfaqttltri


dgarq;ufatfrqfr r

cdngfem fiT qr{ qwrsr q rTir: rrl{rl ( sqd nalsd aq aat tlnt trie,4aq t qffirqrcqsq wilr* rqot TBulqrt

about tbe toesare as undcrt&l{, Olhcr effects - short life. Short Short and long (of different sizes)and irregularin shape - procuress and guileful. --FIat naid servaqt Spacedmore than average - Bereft of wealth Toes over laping oneovel the other "- widow and dependet on others .tf the dust is thrown up - unchaste and bringsdefame to when shbwalks all the three families-(of her father, of her mother, of her husband) If the smallesttoc does not - will destroy her husband and ii(:itchthe ground marry another .i. l .e middle.toeand the one nedr to it does not touch the - widow ground First toe (next to great toe) - will develop iUicit connection longcr than the great toe with a man befor.e marrige and will be of loosemorlas. (.tt u)


1 . " r -" ; - '

Clupter 8l BacL of tbe feei


qr&n oreleTl

tt fir{IFi iaerwqt

q'fqrcq' iq rngrit fHi

nR g{m lllell

. 17. If the back of the feet of a woman is raised,without pcrspiration, soft and smooth, she will becomea queen. If the are contrary she will be poverty'stricken. She will indicatio.ns befondof traiellingifthe back part ofthe feet be veined. Hair on that portinn nf leet denote that she will be a maid servant. If the feet ,,: bony or without flesh, she will have a defectivesexualorgarr. Hcels

gr{rn sqqlfGq: ra't ltqf6srqq 3{n t qcr&marrfruna {ttiqrfrwq g:fcat lllqll

'18. If the heelsare even,the woman concerned will have be stout' a well formed and desirablesexualorgan. If the heels high, she shewill have a defectivesexual organ. If the heelsbe will be unchaste. Long heelsindicate misery. Legs (portion below knees)

srt{i q Ri

fr<r& qpn cin gq$ |

uiqqel lllQll

fqfst q qqrl qr qqqi{t

19. Even, smooth, evenly shaped, round, wittrout hair' good looking and without veins showing up, are signsthat the roman will be a queen. Knees

q{Fi qim{ tinri


qqsa{ |

fuauq llQo11 ff,qfti qirqrRoqr fqtiauTsq'

20. Round, smooth, firm kneesare auspiciousindications' will be of loosemoral If the kneesbe bony the woman concerned poverty'stricken' be will character. If the kneesbe loose,she

970 Thighs

BriJmt Parasorallora Sastra


'nkt<mn} a{e} ga} qq} |

qqqriFsfn<r$al qI(Tdf wfa qaq lllltl

21,.If thc thighs are round like the trunk of an elephant' closeto eachother, soft and withour hair, the womaRconcerned If the will be & queen(it meansvery well off and respected)' and a thighs are flat and hairy she will be poverty-stricken widow. Waist

qql ofer t qgfqfq{rfilX*rntla qq;rf,frarqraEn swal Fqq Titq{IF{ ltq qtl f"tal fqq'er *qt fqqtfl 65gT 6fe: t g:uiuemfafiI llRlll as{I q}*: TTrrrt{ifT
fingers 22-23.Circumferenceequal to the width of 24 hips indicate that the woman will (,,tt{) with well devetoped caved tre fortunate. A waist which is flat, long, withcut flesh' widowhoodand rnisery' in or hairy forebodes Hips

q fqfiial qlqu] qrxil fqqfl 3{'rrr w l-

, qqe' r*w$aa} afa+q:

qqqlqlnre: skal ial

eiuc: g: t
3:ulalsqfi lllvll

2.1. Raised,fleshy and widespred hips in a woman are in i:ffects. if tnty are contrary they indicate inausauspicious piciousness. Sexual organ

r*uri {arfwqq:t rsiTlq] 1g*dn: t

$ft: liq6q6alr[:

: uR{ll

mlftatladfarr: t s(SqSGq\ tq{fr E{ctqlfr{q falantrsqwE: lllqll



6qIEI! g-d* <fq!fu{fr'r ffitaffiil ttifi lllsll ngtre,.t qq] Ergtr qI tffissill
curved like the back 25'27. Hidden clitoris' pink coloured' the 19af .of a. pipal tree of a tortoise,soft, hairy, shafed like If shapedlike the feel of I and smooth, is nigUfv iuspicious' with hard hair and with deer or opening or ul outi (furnace) the left side of the sexual raised clitoris, it indioatesevit' If will beget more {emale organ of a woman-'is raised' she boys' If the organ and if the risht side is raised' more ^ "hildr"o will be barren' like a conc'L,.she shaped is Portion belowthe navel

fqgqritTqgflirl I !fi afea: s{r*trl ?qr< q f{r<lil q tqg{ q q$$nt llRqll <.|cl6vt

Vasti (aRe) 28. A soft, spreadout and st$tly raised lines (folds) of is auspicious. Hairy, veins showingup and full (misery)' or wrinkles) indicatesinauspiciousness Navel


Eferqnqf,t atfq:

urigurat I


productive:f go* 29. A navel deep with right turns is and with knots is effects. The navel luitta, withleft turns inauspicious.

il lufllat1l Ttder:qql nr{ qe qosilSt

qfuotl ll{oll qiAE $ fih ffTdd q fifErunI u-.qta, qdtrrFl, suil iaqrfHt, Erfiqtqt fiq{ilsqil lll1ll

a well formed 30-31.A stomachwell spreadedindicates resemsexual organ and many sons. If the stomachof a woman has bles that of a frog, hei son will becomea king' If a woman 'a raised stomach she will be childless' If the stomach is

Brihu Parasata Hora Sastro wrinkled, shewill becomean asoetic. If it has circular folds,. she will becomea maid servant. R|bs


si qqii $e qTr{ , *qi wqser


fh(Iil qrsqqrrlRrr

the ribs is even,wcll developed - 3?. It theportioncovering and soft, auspicious effects may be expected.It will be inauspiciousif it is raised, hairy and full of veins. Ctest


fnil{ ff

Gfhrri R{ fiirgqlnfq I qH q fk*qqqrcq nlRtl

33. The chestof a woman which is even and hairlessis. 'auspicious. Wide spreadand hairy chestis iiauspicious; Breasts

sql ftil qal :!nt gcl rnal qdq* | F[qTql fqrnl {r6sldhf fu qrril nlvtl eftshiaqefrqr ilfr grqiit qenI qTqtiala* tilnqcrr *ffir !rmi: ul{rr


qrnffi qA{

1t+ rr

q F{i q|fq r {ilql nlqrl

{qrqqf ffi

34-36. The breastsof a woman signify good luck if they are ofequal size, fleshy, round and firm but close together. They are unluckyif they are thick in front, are not closetogethcr and without flesh. Raised right breast indicates that she-will have sons. Raisedleft breast indicatesthet she will have daughters. If the portion surrounding the nipples is round, goodlooking and blackish,she will enjoy good luck. .pressed in.and unusuallysmall breastsindicate bad luck. Shoulders

qlqrcrila?ial qsl fhrtenqul qlrt ul\etl

r*qi sffql cel gel lrlqdrdt {rrTsiil |

Chapter8l .


37. Even,well built up and without joints showing up 'luck. are signs of good Raised, hairy and without nesnare unlucky. Anapits

qqar.ti irfu g fd grrqeI rtr*t a q'i r+{,tt plcrl rd fffi

3E. Thc armpits if soft, with thin hair, well developed and 'smooth are auspicious. Those which are deep, without flesh, perspiring and with veins showingup are inauspicious. Arns

TFre* dqvlilfr Rftrrf q ffiqrl r trdqrdFt iqtqf {rFfi gfiEmlnQerr filRf rrlairruit Esql =rqfffi r rrt Tql q nrfruriltmq qRrftfail llvsu

39-40. Arms in which the bonesdo not show up and which are soft jointed, hairless without obviousveins straight and round are auspicious. Those without flcsh (bony), hairy, small, with obviousveins aqd irregular in shapeare furauspicious. Thumbs

q{(tdqx* l}rfi

6{fr {tl

41. If the thumbs of a lotus bud, they are auspicious. If they are without fleshand irregular in shape,they are inauspicious

g:qql nvltl " the woman are shapedlike

ttitrul tfrEqnqr




tqai{ qfti qToqtqraq'

qaqtfi'dqq?qsq I *r{ q{ggqEq ilYRtl

fqqm q fu*eq'a irft rntah;T Q rrvlrr

42-43. If the palms of the woman are pink coloured"arc raised in tho middle with fingersclose together (with no holes



fnin r


Brihat Parasara Hora Sasrrc

betweenthem),softand have very few lines, she enjoyshappiness lf the palms are full of lines she will become and all If "orofo.t.. a widow. If there ur" oo-liorr, shewill be poverty-stricken' alms' on live palms will she the veins showup in the Back of the bantls

qlfqqai qri 'tdturi gtd 1f<rlnrq t fqrqd qlni fns{ 3q-alRau-qat{ llYYll

built'' 44. lf the.backsof the hands of a woman are well be will It effects' soft and hairless, she will enjoy auspicious uP' showing veins otherwiseif the backs of the handsare with deepand hairY. tine on the Palm

rnqr: s13e tqr zqqil GAI il a{at r

q rrs{t<rff q{qqwfHt ttvxtt ftarur TUrt qetfi qqfi i{r eefim*a rqrFqat t llYqll sr}Qq q{it feffi: {rrqdt qr*qlqfcql qrqfr iar{d seftnq I 'u'taqaq'e8{lra qif,t \ ttvutt
45-47.Awoman enjoys happinessand all comforts if' full' there is a clearlymarked, pink coloured, circular, smooth' mark If therE'is is meant)' life (ierhaps line of and deep line mark of u nrU shewill be very lucky. She will be wealthy with She a lotus' of mark qotto with bu a witl oi.onustif.u. She umbrella of conch, has marks if she king will be the mother of a and tortoise

tur gaefr: ewttqsqf:TIIQ qfqs* |

qtntfqTrr$rl Eil 6t qln

tw rtilaqerqr {a fr{t,{ gdq I FdtqqTq qdt eqttssia Xtn at llYell qfaaatI qrnrs:,s{r-int{" (rqqd




48-.50 The woman who has lines forming the shapcsof a balauce,elephant,bull or horse becomes the wife of a business' man. The woman who has lines forming the shapeof 'a house or vajra is lucky and givesbirth to a son who becomeslearned in shastras. The woman who has lines forming the shapesof chariot, plough, yoke, becomesthe wife of a farmer (agricult. urist). She will becomea queenif she has lines forming the shape of chamar .(qrqq), ankush (an instrument used for driving the elephant), trident, sword.mace,shakti or trumpet.

BrsqnanqrFartrq tcr qfa nfrfiiamq t

r art tr-*

r6rrF-Trlss-qqft-i!6-1ftqn-qlfffi: I <rerrlq-feslFflttrtw 3:uxar: fran: ll{Rll

Tqr< Hw{ili qftttrdqlt{ttl

5l-52. lf in the palm of a woman there is a tine which startingfromthe root of the thumb gges,up to tbe root ofthe littlc finger, shebecomes a wido-w. If there are lines forming the shapeof crow, frog, jackal, wolf, 'scorpion, snake,donkey, camel and cat. the woman concernerJ suffersmisery. Fingers

qqqt',nr} dtet 1m: snq 6{rr: t {.q-m{q

'5.3-54.If thefingersof a woman are tender with good' looking phalanges, tapering at the end and without hair, they auspicious. If they are very small, without flesh, are considered irregular,widely sfacia (not closeto eachother), with hair, and they with more ltdan usual phalanges or without Phalanges, indicatemisery. Nails

erfa6ear: F{n Etr fq'{ar qtq{itfrr: t qTsfq eriflarre 3:qet:1111v11 {gqf{il

srrlqtl: {qT: F*qlrrs-qeq: qR.i'tfnil: ll{lll

qqffiqt qqRgg'r fqril fqmt,itat

(Tf{rct{-{ qqqqr: I qr $iqilr :qiiltrfit: nttll


Brihat Parasara Eora Sastrs

55. If the nails of the fingers are pink coloured, raised and shapedwell at the top, they are auspicious. Depressed, dirty-lookingor yelloworwhite coloured or nails with spots' are inauspicious. Back

' er'aflqqq{nrfiq $t TqFqittt{ qq{ | q-f{R irgrd <r ar atqwt{fiq u{qll

56. If the back of the woman is fleshyand well developed with flesh, it is auspicious." The back with hair, irregular in built and with veins showing up is inauspicious. Neck

qttt: r i*qi maotiatcrE*aery61ftqqq

TTiqR} qEq{iq w6r6riilqr6: il{etl

refttfr{: q fqqqr ftsfiq q fnqfr I

ETqI q fqftedt{r fi{fiil q ft:giil ll{qll
5 7-58. The neck of a wo4an with three lines(folds)' with bonesnot obvious,round, well (evelopedand tender, is auspicious. A thick neckedwoman becpmesa widow. An irregularly built neck indicatesthat the woman concerned will becomea maid servant. Flat neckedwoman will be barren. A woman with a small neck is childless. Throat

aicar aorfrt,t {uqt qtriHr q grrrf,ar I vtsqrf{Rftil r}utcqr F{ltrqrqfaarqw nlerl

59. A straight, well developed, somewhatraisedthroat is auspicious.One without flesh,with veinsobvious,with hair and irregular in built, is inauspicious. Chin

stttt !tT{ $e rrd

arTqd r}{ti

fqqr fisqt: r

Tqti tqrqcilr}rn{

,Chapter 81


60. Pink coloured, tender and firm chin is auspicious. A broad chin with hair and clefts is unlucky. Cheeks

do,gt*.l Fdtsri frq] 1R1 qrTqd l qlq{ft caq} ftea} fqqtst ilq$rn* nqltl
61. Firm, raised, firm and round cheeks which are hard skinned,depressed anrl withoutfleshare indicative of misfortune. Mouth

pdtqi tq q{' qai sdci e grrFtrq( |

gfea*i a ra)6rR lu-elwraqw6{ uqRtl

62. lf the mouth of a woman is of normal size, firm, round emitting fragrance,smooth and good'looking,it is indi' cativeof good luclc. lf othcrwise, it will be inauspicious. Lips

drtt: I a{o: {rdcr: fiq.urtqrtflqe1lf ralq<)serrl arur: qr rTa{ qrgTqnfiff llq?ll faqfs: F$:n) Esl Fwl fl {qrqqtifi':l eqqlsq<vqarftsri*wuatnqa+': nqvtl qsa]?q.qffi.$r: fearu sqqlsa) y\rnq r ' fmfls,qseihaalsrlqr tqqhrrrqal viq uq{tl
63-65.If thc lower lip of a wortlan is red like a lotus, stuooth, dividedin tlie rniddlcand good looking, she becomes rl quccn. Jf it be uithout flesh,coarsc,long, dry and blackish it is indicativc of miseryand widowhood. If thc rrpp*r lip of a woman is pink coloured,smooth and and sliglrtlyraised in the middle,it is indicative of happiness fortunc. lf be inauspicious. othcrwisc, it will *eood Tccth

qrrr: fkrra;Erqfrlrr: I r:tsri artlniieu-.rt:

sTERflrqf{car?q H{r;
Tiltqiflr{?{iil: ilqqtl


Brihat ParasaraHora Sastro

srqril<fqnr: qtar:wtrn ifd Gqgiraq:r fTfiar |Mq {Frr r qff: strr:nqetl

66-67.A womanwhoseteethare smooth,milkwhite, 32 in number and whoseupper and lower teeth tllough equal in size are slightly raised,will be lucky. If lower teeth are more in number, gre yellow or black coloured, fiercelooking, widely spacedand double, they are indicative of misfortune. Tongue

vftwrq* qnr fu6r ealcrngar*qi{T I

E:QRI q$qgtqt

fgaqr qrsi ali rilFrqI ui6hr

giurlslafamq lqqtl {qrsil $f,fsqr I


68-69.If the tongue of a womanis red and soft, she enjoys. great happiness and comforts. Ca',-l in the middle and spread out in front indicates misery. '"hite tongueindicates deathin water. Dark tongue indi,ates quarrelsome nature. Thick poverty. Long tongucdcnotesone who is omnitongui denotes vorous. Long and broad tonguedenotes lunacy.


rqrcftar iltt fw6ur q fq{fiqqr r qfr{.ri qrai{ *dtqt n}m{ atq{r}w{ ueotl t arqfr *qai {tt sefq'dr riq r

sei $(tfH rrplri rsrts.afaflarrwq

70-11, Red like lotus, soft and smooth-good luck White Widowhood Yellow Ascetism Black Barrenness Dry Laughter

rilfawraitqi fnftraqgecrfrarqr
Rrd gwi iqq?qrn ilqqsEq usRtl

Clap.ter81 '


-are raised and 72. When a woman laughs,if her cheeks teth are not visible, she will be.lucky. If it is otherwise, slre will not be lucky. Nose

qtrlqEer ilm ilEftsaI {$lEEt I TqFmt qsqftrrar fl t r{t&n Hfi$n{ ileQll {{amrssfifitqilqr Enilil *qaquRuit t Erit w fqfcrfl trql EeqI efqt nfrfxqt lleYll .
73-74.If the noseof a woman is evenly round and I''as small nostrils it is auspicious. If the nose is thick in its front part and flat. in the middle it is inauspicious. If the tip of the nose is red or shrunken, widowhoodis indicated. Flat nose indicates engagement in a menial job (maid servant). Too small or too large nose denotesquarrelsomenature. Eyes




T{aIa 56utiil{* t


fqn? qfFq.& 5svnernitlletll

srirardl a itatgl ars qc|EI uiq t

qrTqfr rqfegrut qetlwrawfq{ttt'eqtt irqdt qwrnrurrdtEisqr sffiqqrfqfi t qrtr*f,rdt g:ritat qilqft iq {ftffir lleell


75-77,Black pupils with cow's milk like white portion of the eye large and broad, smooth, with black eye lashes are lucky signs, Raised eyes show short life. Round eyes denote loose moral gharacter. Honey coloured eyes indicate good fortune and happiness. The eyeslike those of a pigeon indicate wickedness. Eyis like those of an elephant indicate misery' If the left eye is blind, adulteroustendencywill manifest' Blindnessof the right eye indicates bqrr-e-nnes-s,

9E0 Eyelashes

Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

78. .d woman with soft, black, compact with thin hair, 'yelashes is fortunate. Eye rashesini"t, scattered and with tawny coloured hair indicate misery. Eye brows


fq(t: sfr+ Fsqffhh qiwrfth'nuorr

$fqr qewfq:drii:

qd: eunqrr r


mwyt fFr.i T6'i qdqe r 'qqaffi+

tftqroil qq{i


79. If the eyebrowsof a womanare round,shaped like a bow, smooth,black, not joincd and with ,r"f, friir, ,U, i, blessed rvith happiness and fame. Ears fi!il" *e1" nmq,rt"

80. Ears of a woman long with a round turn indicate .shaped, clitjrel and happiness. Small, uneveuly *ry ,nii, ' with veinsshowingup causeher misery. Fore head

vta$ifr{Qat farql ftrrrq} lfaa} Tvil rrcorr


f{rqfqfed} rrFr: fraTqsd{r|vrslr: r ufrraranqleraluri grrlrnwlqa: u;ltl

elteecfFfrn,Fr6nq qr* <rvqs:ftaqr: r qqr-q} qlq{rriq xiq{T" g:*T: TTir:rrcRrr
8l-82. The fore head of a woman without vcins showing through, without hfr, shaped like a half -ooo,withequal to three fingers (s{qq), are signs "u.o] of a fortunate woman blessed with husband and children. Sign of swastika oa the fore head denotesa queen. Very long, highly raised anJ hairy forhead causes miserv-

Chapter 8l Heed


s??Tal ffirnFrnq] lel {qtgq:faqr: I qid q;qqlqtrqqEs: nqltl (Tql *dslel

83. Head of a woman high and round like that of an clephant is indicative of happiness. A head which is spreadout, flat, big and uncven indicatesmisery. Hrir'

{tefra dtrrn r TFen:$}rrqr:Twn:qeq?

fvgct: T$n stil k<qr trqqlsqw: ucxrr
frg.qr rMqt


wttrll.rl: {qrercil:qfl: I

rf(rqrqfr fqrilnq ilq{tl

84-E5. The hair of a woman are indicative of good fortune. If they are soft, black, long, thin and yellow, they indicate misfortune. But honey coloured hair of a fair complexioned woman and black hair of a dark complexioned woman are also consideredauspicious. Most of the characteristicfeaturesdescribed inithis Chapter apply to men also.

pqR tl sTeffd6frfted6i;tt66fTttttltl:

Effects of MolesoMarks, Signs etc.o for Men and Women

emn tg-*rclai qisani
anqtht faqni

cFi 1a I


q qqrfiai fqiqil: ttlll

l. Maharishi Parasara said-O Maitreya ! Now I will to you the effectsof mole, ttarks, spots and signsfound describe on the body of women and men.

eqqni iT ?nqit afww$ Tofi{qq l qffir{ ldcolS qr titrqi q{qqtR EtT llRll / friTrfE-eriei T*uri 6fa q'tqrrqqqn\ t qlil fatrmcigl ttitt qrzn qfarurq*i
2-3. A mole, spot or figure formed by hair on the left side of a womanand right side of a man is auspicious' If there is mole on the chestof i woman' shb will be fortunate' A woman who has a red mark like a mole etc., on her right breast' besetsmany cbildren (sonsand daughters) and she is blessed and comforts. wiin all kinds of enjoyments


w ffdfufr qe

T{irt{ fffiEi qeqn fsaqteTi eai uiq ttvtl

4. The woman who has a red mark (mole) on her left only one son. breastbegets


gtn gq qiltasrn qEdla Ri fag: I Tiri ll{ll faq* qfi,{oi geitgqar iqt
5. The woman who has a mole on her right breastbegets many daughtersand sons.



qqHb? tr{E qI eli6{ <tqqqs\ | 6qlA q{rs} <Eil} faai fqc6rilaprin: ltqtl
6. Therewill be gain or acquisitionof a kingdomif there is red mole etc,, on the foreheadcr in the rniddle (between)of if the eyebrows. The personwill enjoy sweetishpreparations thereis sucha mark on the cheeks. t Notes : Perhaps these effects apply more to men than women.

ilTsri il=se qqd TIsrqFrTT:sqrre I F6utsoiqrrcql:nr ira* fsuqtsq il llcll qriqq] Tqt ?*urt il5oFi q{ra{ | "q od .roi qt eTsfqmG'etstqqFilsffrrlltell qqq}qFq{ dql I - 5rT{rr$ ga id faqrfEilrEgFt fqq ! tFst{i q E:gaq lllott

$rrr?rraftrti qft ais{ qR q}fqc:r il Qy*qR' qrfr qe il qlfh qa1 rturr

7-10. The woman who has a red mark (mole etc.) on hqr nosebecomes consortof a king (or high dignitary). If the mark or be blackish, the woman concernedbecomesan adulteress widow. All the marks below tbe navel are airspiciousfor both men and women. If there be molesetc., on the ears, theeksot neck of a man, his first issuewill be male and he will enjoy good fortune and happiness. The man who has moles etc., in the thighs, suffersmisery.

' faqcrqfa fr6 q aqTi qfE wqe I lll1ll tt* <rqfstt ilt {qfil{q it rrErE
11. The woman who has the sign of trident on her fore' head becomes a queen. Sucha mark on the forehead of a man nakes hirn a king.

qfa rlql et a1a}t Elsqi xafwwa-<T



qta} {rsTlqaTqrtqe: lllRll


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

12. A right turned circular hair formation on heart, navel' hands, right part of the back and in the portion between sex organ and navel, is auspicious. Left turned formation is inauspicious.

dtPtt elqlrqqst: t fi$i gQsuawsa*T q .iq*oitut?tl qsqqG s?t $a qalt 6q8 qa *q.e Trsqlrril a gift t faqlf,q i ttlvtt BrrraT a W: e*qi gr Elsfq
13-14.Sucha hair formation on the waist and private parts proves inauspicious. If such a formation be on the will becomea widow. If it Dc.. stomach,the womanconcerned in the centre of the back she will becomean adulteress. It will if it be on the neck, ftrrehead or centre of the be inauspicious head. Notes : It appears that the effecis described in verses 12-14apply to women. It is not clear whetherthey apply to men also.

ilsErr eqfial
alqlqq iffi

qfq trEr{ri

qfal r

rrETFqEq ul{tl

. 15. A man with indications of short life, will get his longevity prolongedby marrying a woman with auspicious or lucky marks/symbols. Notes : Now-a-days we comeacross girls without horoscopesibirthdetailsetc. In somecases the correct horoscopes are not produced if it happensto be'below ayerage standard' or indicationsfor the husband with inauspicious to be. In such cases, perhaps the Anga Lakshanas given in this and thc qrcviouschapter, will prove very useful.

116 4|t ewr$rr;n"s-tpwktilqrye:

ChrPt't 81

.[nthe Effects of Qwrses previousbirth

qqfi I wmr:iltf qd Ffrqi 1vi 1;q t u\ftrwrfw rre'l *qfkqtq{ttttt "q.t qgfisr qfnaitir wr*tg qut nt ! i ag*t tq qrh qri{tfw {E sq} ! ttqtt
{atwrf{If,t tlrttlFi 6'{ rqplw 6nfur;$ tqfT{t qtqn giq*rafiq tt{tl

! You h.ave .1-3.Maitrcya ceid-O Vcncable Sage 'pen and rvomenin a by exprienccd with effecto tho' soul of a person to Shastrag ""qotL,.At. of waye. According ;;nb"t with a nst blcsscd docr not.rcst in pcaccaftcr f,ig dcath if hc is a without son? ron. What ainOocra pcilon committo-rcmain by him to And what arethe,.t di"l mcasur$ to bc adopted mc aboutthis' gct I son?J(indly cnlightcn

replicd-I will now tell you what' 4. MaharishiParrsara Farvatiin this rspect' ovcrLord Shivatold Goddccs

(ltt 1i nn ftr I wqil fq tw rn t llYll qdi{E fe 1dr fnlr nf$i g<r

'".S.CoaOeorParvatiuidtoLordShiva*OmyL'ordtw ncn' of childrcnafiroRgst ir{c einwhicb caurcsdogtruction for ifJ* iiU mc wbat uJ tm yopr-,(planctaryconrbinations

q|h mqisqrqfltq I t til qtli, tqt q rnoilqni Uqqrqrqlttrltttt


Brihu psasara Eora Sastra

iuch an effectand what are the remediarmeasuresto protcct the"cbildren


ilq $e iwr lfr t T'{q|fr ilqrsrqrI

aftilqtq*Tf,r1 nirl
6. Lord Shivareplied-O Davi ! you have asked a vcry relevant question. Now I witt tell you t&e yogas for toss of - childrenandthe requisitcremedial miasures. Yotrs for childlersness (Sonhssness)

g{.rilfu.{RrFgarqtrrrfang rr I e{g qilAig Triran FFFrflinr n\rtl

7. A pcrson witl be without a son if Jupiter, the lord of the Asccndant and the lord of the 5th arr ail dcvoid of strcngth.

qnrR-wg-{rdq: TttFtr: garill||n: I qq F[rrerl: qa;r<tt, iliilstqilil

8. The same will happcn if the Sun, Mars, Rahu and saturn endowedwith strengthbe in the 5th house and thc significator for children (putra karaka) namely Jupiter and lord- of the 5th etc.,be bereft of strength. Yogasfor vrious klnds of curses cubninatlng h conlessness


frtfqt r lftfliTre qQr 3-ril q giv*aqe {rsfq s,iwmq qffit'r:ilqtl


gart wqr'<t r

t;iq Cg* E etqnqq q!fia: nio11 nr(t ,rfqg* gii qil{ffi r rr, SwfT{t n'inrqq qiwrr:nlltl



qA rr rrsqt I

gtFnrqfqt gr?q q'inrqr{ llifiF{: ntRtl

Clwpter 83


qlqiri qawl

rlriqet gcd*

qrf <rE{TIF?qn


*mett t
giRTII: lltlll

g** <r5qil |

ftq*a gil fisfq s{mqlq !!artt: lllvll g{fql fitrFrrq: rqdt nfqrqlsfffql: t q,{{tqr{ g!frtt: ttltll fEr{d gFwffi


<t6m* { c{unq

*rt{XR t
StHa: lllqll

9-16. There will be no male issue due to the curse of a serpant if at birthby Mary' (l) Rahu is in the 5th houseaspected and the Moon Rahu with associated (2) the lord of 5th is Saturn, is in thc 5th houseis aspectedby (3) the sigaificator for children (Jupiter) is associated rritl Rahu, the lond of the 5th is devoid of strength and the lord of the Ascendantis with Mars, (4) the significator for children (Jupiter) is associated with Mars, the Ascendant is occupied by Rahu and the lord of the 5th houseis in 6th, the 8th or tbe l2th house, (5) Merpury as lord of the 5th being in the Navamsaof Mars is associated with Mars, and thc Ascendant is occupied by - Rahu and gulika, (6) the 5th houseis Aries, Scorpio and the lord of the 5th is associatedwith Rahu or MercurY, (?) tnc 5th is occupied by the Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Macury and lupiter and the lords of the 5th and the Ascendant are devoid ofstrength, and (8) the lord of the Aecendant or the Jupiter is associated with Rahu and thc lord of the 5th is in conjunction with Mars' Remedld measurei



rtnssaqgei t T.n qrqqi ' qqnw{ lllstl

rfhcdi tn\qfi:
qqt qqta\


Fr{ft qqfrt qFI


&riiwt Farasara l{ora ticstrE'

.ig;qrfq tr:{Iq fu r;i"E-ff,,Gr 4? q-frct"Q

q{ ss

;gtqe, I

a{*qsqmq edfr gGry illerr

i?.1*. Re'nedial measufts should be .rJopted ro obtain' pr.rieciion iiom t*: er,'il efft:clsof'the ebove yoga$. These are' l-ord) made in golc and gctting an idcl .tf Naga Ra;* ($',""pant pretc;lbed procedun:,. accr,rdar'r,e wit& it in aftg1 uo;'ihipping ge.q:1.mii.1\t, seed$ and g*l'{ son'; I G."'wr grving in .;!arity (Naga s:rpents the Lord;rf measures et{" $y rdapling the person con* gratified and by his ben*rScencs Raje) v rlt bu bi.'i fanoily li-neage of a son and tire will be blesrisdwith ce.rned vill be prolonged. Yogss fi;s la*k eif c mcle lssueas t rsult ,.'f th* birth eurst of tb* f*s&erin the prevloris

T;rs{r* qe fiS tr
wfeql; qtlFdt

writm{iqa t
qf,firt: ll.Qott ![ittwt; llRllt

dqFTd'n Rqdtqq qrq{E} ftqmwq

ymtrt:f-qt qr5rfirfiFqil

' wrd ftrrtri effi{itfr t !fte $fi ffn1e i

qr* q qrqrili ftqnmq gwt: rlqRll

gin nt1ftRt rFtli f** ti $i efi qrqgt fiqrnnq qffilq: liliu ffirqrqrfqQ E* X*i nfq 6{t 1

qrrifiru' fr{ntEtit {trtfitt ttRstt X* cri r fqq?$trfh* qlqr gitr qqfiqfi: I ilT'h g* fqq,flt qrt qtrftmuar{ liittl trtE* qrqfffift t fqE*srilfbt t:tt *"qTfi Xaerffi fqqmqrq qilqHr ilqqtt
q?fltsqqqlutFEtT qnl-rtq-niNt(t! |

qri f$e <tg-$f fqqrnqiq{ns{: nq\etl q|fRtEEt ffat $?t qqflt 1 ng*ntfr n* qr* gt{l: uRqtr t*tt

Ckapter 8t


c*ri la<rfri I aqtri vrrwqtQ fmeqrfiFut ttd fqqntqrE qafrq:llRell



frETqrflfut f<lt t
fqEntqlq lftqrr: llloll

cursc 2G30. There will bc no male issue as a result of the of the father in the previous birth, if at birth of the nativc'(l) the Sun in his sign of debilitation and in the Navamsa .of Saturn, is hemmedin betweenmaleficsia the 5th house' (2') ih. Soo aslord of the 5th posited in a trikona witb by .a malenc is hemmed in between malefic'eaod is also aspected a malefic. (3) Jupiter occupiesthe sign of tbe Sun, the lord of the 5th ale 5th is with tnt Suo and the Ascendant and the 'occupied bY malefics, ' ' (+) tire lord of the Ascendantdevoid of strength is in the and sth and'the lord of the 5tb is cermbustand the Asccndant the 5th are occuPiedbY malefics' (5) there ii erchangeof houses between lords ofthe 5th by and the lOth and the AGndant and thc ,5th are occupied rnalefics' with the lord (6i t"tars as the lord of the l0th is associated housesarc lOth the .of the 5th and the Ascendant,the 5th and .oocupied by nialefics, (?) the lord of the 10th is in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th' the Ascendant and Jupitcr is in a malefic sign and the lord of with malefics, the -'-- sth arc associated and Saturn at-e tl the Ascsndant and Mars Sur, itl the theSthandRahuandJupiterareinthe8t'hnrrdthel2th,(In Sun' tr4ars and ifri. yogu it is not stated which amongst the be in the Ascendant and the Sth and which ,i"t*n'tttould and Jupiter should be in the 8th and the 12th' ."r""hu if any W. pirrot. the purpose of the yoga will be fulfilled anongst the Sun, Mars and Saturn are in the Ascendant,and and thc the 5Ib arrd amongst Rahu and Jupiter in the 8th bc for should interpretation logical most thi l2th. However, 5th' the in Saturn and Mars Ascendant, tbe Sun to beiin the 12tD. the in Jupiter Ralnr ia the Sthnand


griha parasta Eora Sastra

(9) the Sun is in the gth, Saturn is in the sth, tho lord of the Sth is associatedwith Rahu and the Ascendant is occupied by a melefic, (10) the lord of the t2th is in the Ascendant, tle lord of the 8th is in the Sth and the lord of the toth is in the gth, and (ll) the lord of the 6th the Sth, rh lord of the tOtlr is in the 6th and Jupiter is associated with iahu. Renertlel Ectsnres



rTgsrq qtqiEEr q{d .il gtqs{illlrr Brq|Tr cFEmritr;f TilAFi q (tnir\ t qri q* ftg: mqqlqe rnsa inq: rrlRrr qdil ? gq il{q I 5aslaftfr: qnrT

rrqnnii ir {rn}c I


{3rq fqqqq: ngltr

3I-33. To get deliverance form the curseof the father the rcmedial measures are(1) Performanceof Shraddhaat Gaya, (2) to feed ten thousand, one thousandor 100 Brahmints a$ one can afford, (3) Kanyadana (to perform the marriage of a girl) (4) giving & cow in charity. By observingtheseremedialmeasures, the personconcerned' free from the curse and the family lineageia prolonged becomes by tbe birth of sons,grandsonsetc. Inportunt Note : In this chapter where the words .child. 'issueJess-ness' lessness'and are usedthey should be interpreted to mean want 'cf male issuebecausc it is the male isue who by porforming the last rites of his father and mother ensures etcmal peaceto ttreir souls (q.rfu) Yogrs for lrct of nele lssuers r result of the curse of th mother in thc prevlousblrth

ffi IFfsrilfqi qnqt Ert A3*

fli qr rnrrqsqi r lmltnqrll t[rwr: nlYrl

Clwpter83 991

*i q?n

qEtqi q?g q qrEd$

q|EFnn qrffi t
qqlrttqq qtqq {ilfrq: ltlttt

gawnrfat g,* qQri ffiut


qaffq: lllqll

q-ii qrqirrite t

v,f g,i q qrqreq' qq{nqtq {ifina: lllsll



mca6@* |

nfa<rgarH I eqwrnfkt qli i q?awqqt q* qn qT g;afrqq:lllqlt ftm: t f,t"rrrrn{'frlt4"fr q?i qrafuq: qqfiqlE qinm: tlYoll frgnvnfilfi iri qtarqn{il qqrql aqt rrafur: qt t q;E-frql qtq.4G}qlmqrE {twt: llvlll
qrqqgaqe qfr, ff q?i q Rqpt I gtnq: llYRll ilEge <rgmal rti!fiqlq g* q*i arrmtitt t ilnrqrarfqE qr,q|aqil g,TE qrE{ftqrq {i$Ha:llYlll q?rqiii rnfi qA gm<rge<kt t r;*rel fairql (q{nqr( !!an: llvvll qtf gF $ fG Wrl qtfr <fq' nfa: t 'g:Ffr qlEmqq qilru: tlv{11 xrqerarfa*

qrQ il gaw* il IR1IIT'II( {awa: lllqll


rre St gnc6ctF<t t

gaturt q?Equl ff"dnnq g@a: tlYqll qi*ti 1&Eq3 fHm iqiqirrifi | sitqr lrfiaffiqt llY'gll frt: san<w{ rnlrfiRfriaqfl r reiid tgr{rf rT4: friql , r{ari lwrFl'iit: llvqll ftqqti


ErihatPorasara Hora fustm

ilgqrl iliai


grfftlrq I

qq O* q6ffr t rnw.{H qfrtqfn r ggti qqt qrlq $rt1Ert qtqt trtott

34-50. A pe6gn will be without a male issue as a result of curseof the motfier, if at birth(1) ttre Moon as lord of the 5th is in her sign of debilitstion or is hemmedin betweenmalefics and the 4th and the 5th arc occupiedby malefics; (2) Saturn is in thc llth, the 4th is occupied by malefics and the Moon is po3itcd in 5th in her Signof debilitation, (3) the lord of the Sth is in the 6tll, the 8th or the l2th, thc lord of the Ascendantis in his sign of debilitation and the with malefics, Moon is associated (4) thc lord of the Sth is in the 8th, thc 6th or the 12th, the Moon is in a maleficNavamsaand thcrc arc maleficsin thc Asccndant and the 5th, (5) the lord of the sth and the Moon associatedwith Saturn, Rahu and Mars; are in thc 5th or tls 9th, (6) Mars as lord of the 4th is associatedwith Saturn and Rahu, and the 5th and the Ascendant arc occupied by thc Sun and the Moon rcspectivcly, (7) thc lords of thc A3ccndantand the Sth are in the 6th, thc lord of thc 4th is in the 8th and the Ascendant is occupicd by the lord of 8th and the 10th,l (8) the Ascendantis occupiedby the lords ofthc 5th and thc 8th, the lord of the 4th is in the 12th and th" Moon and Jupiter associated with malefics, are in the Sth, (9) thc Ascendantis hemmedin betweenmalefics, wening Moon is in the 7th and the 4th and the 5th are occupicdby Rahu and Saturn respectively, (10) there is exchange of houscs betweenlords ofthc 5th and thc 8th and thc lord of the 4th and the Moon or in the 6th, thc 8th or the l2th, (ll) the CancerAscendantis occupiedby Mars and Rabu and the Moon and Saturn are in the 5th,


qrdqwts{ uvetl

Chapter 83


(12\ Mars; Rahu, the Sun and Saturn arc in the Ascendant' the 5th, the 8th and the l2th respectively and the lords ofthe Ascendantand the 4th are in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th, (13) Mars, Rahu and Jupiter are in the 8th and Saturn and the Moou are in the 5th. Remetlial metsures from tbis curseand to beget a male issue,the For release person@ncernedshould take bath in the sea with bridge of - rockg betweeoIndia and Sri Lanka (+gru), recite one lakh Gayatri mantras, give in charity things connected nith cvil planets,feed Brabmins and go round a pipal tree 1008timcs. By performing these remedial measures he will not -only begeta son, the lineageof family will also be prolonged. Yogas for lsck of male lssueas result of the curse of the brother in the previous birth

.Brqlfrm" raurfq $rnwrq{Ttqql

.nnilr?ar$TFr{Hr{qid got< fqqfior: il{ltl



gam?rmt <?d qqmqq lFfiq: il{Ril q'i qrq<tfrt qA qi gq srqt I rK-fr imqtqtQ qqmqrq {rffc: |l{ilt rnrs rrnrrqt qft r srqonf {trili ?TrTFfltit qr{r* qqmqrq qmflr: trtvtr qlq: qeilFil qfq r iTrwarfqq ffi qqrlrwq lii ({qgiri tlinm: titul q|qqrq.rt qrqqd fft stsfq q r

SqrrgcqFqi I

garvri r lqde nfa-qrg-sqGqe foi fqcnl fqid srq{rmE !F{q: n{Etl

g,sfr vtq{nilE {ilrrrrrlttqtl ilf{qafr qqrr<d 'rqg{t, dqr qi I s{t qqmqq gilrm:ntel gat $qst*


Erilut Parusara EoraSasts

tlfi* ttqrrruR+ qq?qrdlfai qt I trnuqqil qrt qq{nqq !f,irfirr;ntetl wr*ril T.iqflq* gmt m,Rh ir{il | qrgmqtt utotr 1d qrqrrqq lydrwr: gi Hqiftn r{gt r ilmqrqrfqi q?d wafniglt sq{rrqrq lffifrq:nqltl
5l-61. A personwill be without a male issucas resultof the curseof the brother, if at birth(l) the lord of the 3rd with Rahu and Mars isin theSth and the lords of the Ascendantand the Sth are in the 8th. (2) the Ascendantand the 5th are occupied by Mars andSaturn respectively, the lord of the 3rd is in tbe 9th, and Mars. the significatorfor brothers is ln the 8th, (3) Jupiter in his.signof debilitation is in the 3rd, Saturn is in the 5th and the Moon and Mars are in the 8th, (4) the lord of the Ascendantis in the l2th, Mars is in the 5th and the lor&of the 5th as.. rred with a malefic is in the ttb, (5) the Ascendan' and the 5th house are hemmed in betweenmaleficsand the lord of the Ascendantand the 5th are' in the 6th, the 8th or the l2th, (6) the 3rd is occupiedby the lord of the 10th alongwith a malcfic and a beneficis with Mars in the 5th, (7) the sth house in a sign of Mercury is occupied by -Saturnand Rahu and Mercury and Mars are in the l2tb, (8) the 3rd is occupiedby the lord of the Ascendant, the lord ofthe 3rd occupies the 5th and the Ascendant,the 3rd and arc with malefics, the 5th houses (9) the lord of the 3rd is in the 8th, and Jupiter is associated with Saturn in the 5th, and (10) the lord of the 8th is in the 5th along with thc lord qf 3rd thc and Mars and Saturn are in the 8th. Xcmcdtrl Ders[res for getting deliverrnce from fre brotter's curse

qrarnqft*qr{ dneq qqlt tt: r ilFgrqlirtq qrq rriqt frrwgf,ffi nqRt

Clupter 83


ilrqiqrqlq{ FqtR qnn^ilq arqtq r qiiltr*r gitq{fr auq silrftTdr{ uqtn gd q, q mnn qriqcqr trqFqr: r

rrqvrr {q aw vnq ta: rvlfara qrqe

62-64. The person concerned will, without doubt, get release from the curse, will be bressed with a son and ihe prolongation of his family lineagewill be ensured if the following remedialmeasuresare adopted(l) he should observe the chandrayana fast after listen;ng to Haribansa Purana, (2) he shouldplant a saplingof front of Saligram on the banks of the Caveri river or on the Ganges (mklrr) or Mahanadi and offer prayersto it, (3) he should give l0 cows in charifv through his wife, (4) he should give in charity lar:d with mango tree$ planted on it. Yogrs for lack of male lssue rs s resutt of the curse of maternal urcle in the previous birth

gd?qfi Td dti ilt q?a qnrqnl


tq-qE-qqf;si r iq) rTTgtnnqir: nQ{rr


*d qrqqnnr{rorraTq' tt;afaqq: nqqtl qi gafqt nri q"n* rnrqqt r

iltil $nf$A a?qfqg?afaqq: uqetl

r Ts-qlmftriqFl

mMut ilt eq*r eqf;qtr vfnslsqqi l* ffiq: wafauq:rrqqri

65-68. A personwill be without a maleissue as a resultof' the cune of the maternal uncle,if at birth(l) the 5th houseis oocupied by Mercury, Jupiter, Mers and Rahuand Saturnis in the Aseendant, (2) the 5th ie occupied by the lords of the Ascendant and thc Sth alongwith Saturn,Mars and Mercury,


Brihat Paraswa Hora Sastm

(3) the Ascendantis occupiedby a combust lord of the th (perhapsthe Sun will also be there), Saturn is in the ?th, with Mercury, and nd the lord of the Ascendantis associated (4) Lords of the Ascendantand the 4th are in the Ascen' aat and the Moon, Mercury and Mars are in the 5th. emedid Measurs



*gqaltq llqQ.ll

qfa *qilntd



gqtE fEaaq: lleolt

69-70. To get releasefrom the curseand for being blessed . o ,ith son and for ensuringthB prolongation of the lineage of are to be adoptedhefamily, the following remedial measures (1) Installationof an idol of lord Vishnu (2) Construction of a deep or ordinary well, dam or eservoiror all of them. iogas for lack of mole lssm as a result of urse qf Brahmins In the previous birth



reil rquwrawa*t
awqrqq qT6ftqq:llslil



gTata qar (16: xi ficnwtsn: I q{Tqrnrfut mt ilgrttqq qnffir:lleRll gaqrqt gi!ft qT{rdir&r s{{i llelll cfrlrctrgnr{,* ilqfiqIE qaqTq: aqtti qasnqiI u{qrErflEt frq rrflq*ffre {rfq ilg{rTqq qtfttt: llsYll fri *qqi <Al ilti er Xr<rfR t 1au{rrrf{n g:el rgmqrq ![tuc: llsl(ll qartrnfqt *f <;ri *wqf;{i t $i. sr*qFi qr {g{rnrq {4fr4: lleqll

Ctupter 83

:s? qMr{*r


,Trqrtg* '*i

g,*d qurrcrfwt {gmrqlpera: ure\etl w{+ WEi q?i qrrt rqevfu* r t*t qt W{fgt* g{fiqrE gtrwa: ueqrr
7l-78. If a persori mad with power and v,ealth, ir#ults a. Brahcnin,h* rernainswithout a nale issur in the nexi birth, A person wil! be without a male issueas a result of the curseof e Srahmir, if at birth--(li Ratruis in the signof Jupiter aod Jupitei is in fhe 5th, (2) the lord of the 9th is in rhe 5th and the lor<! of the 5th is in rhe 8th alongwith Jupiter, Mars and Rah,-r, (3) ttre lord of the 9th is in his sign of d*bilitati;n and thc lord of the l2th assoclated with Rahu is in the 5th, (4) Jupiter is in his sign of de!:ilitation, Rahu is in thc Aecendantor. the Sth and thc lord ot'the 5th is in the 6tb, the 8th or the l2th, (5) ttre lerd of the Sth and Jupiter associaied with malefics are in the 8th or the lord of the 5th associated with the Sun and tle Moon is in the 8th, (5) Jupiter being in Navamsaof Saturn is assooiated with Saturn and l\{ars and the lord of the Sth is in the l2th, and (7) Jupiter is associatbd with Saturn in the Ascendantand Rahu is in the 9th or Rahu with Jupiter is in the l2th, Theseare yogas which reveal the curseof Brahmin in the previousbirth. Eelsures Remedial

f,rtr rlqrq {mwr"l rqtwrrrrqd qq: r qm e{ Ewq dir?,rrl ileeil .

quqtanfr tqrfd gaokfqafa q I rrgqq qlvth qrqruqrnfttfNt}tq I rrqorl

q{ qi

g gri rrqt qqr inq: r -

!!'nnnl finqfiur ( fi:

?9-81.To obtain relidftffi.the

.galt|t ilslrl

cvli effccts of the abovE


Brihat ParasaraHora Saslra

(l) to obscrvc-Chandrayanafast and to do penancc thrce limes and (2) to give in charity a cow and five gems with geld after feeding Brahmins according to one's means and giving in cash (cfwqr). them presents Then thc person will be released from the cur&e:*nd will after performing the above remedial be endowedwit[,. ha.ppiness

Yogasfor tack of mds isi ',': rs c rcfult of tb curseof the rlfe in the pre*iors blrth

rrt} I {rt{i gan,rr* flttrsfrtt llqRlt gni nt{r<rth* qaftni*{' $flHrt: rq;{i q*xi Gnnqfri r il,'dotr gilfiq: llqlll t,r<$ qmqlt qrfi{rnq
fiqq 1?Etqlftla l.

[,rt* qg g* qtqQ$A

qafrmqq gilfrrt:ucvll anrqtkt t flqt


gilHq: llqtll qtf{fqraq* il{I-(rf{tt I c|t{i {d sA gfr q qrrctl' q-dmqq lfdqq: llqqll

qrfqqtifut qn
qaF{te cqt trri qe qR


rqcfut t

llqell g:?qrriE {|rafacfq:

{rEffl1Trt^Iqe t qdfiqq !g{tt: ttqqll

q r?Ari lat' <<l t <ral 6q* qdmrq g$rtt: tlselt lrf {qqqq$ ga& ggmri t qi ti rqt rili qrft{rtq E !Bwt: tlQ.oll nf{qflil I* firr{td gnqQ qQrnt t rnqrql


qFftmqq !f,flfltt:llelll

Chapter 83 i{clq5qrrflil??qr,qI: EFTI( |


t;Erra* gaqlkft


82-92. A personcloesuot beget a male issue, as a result of the curseof the wife, if at birth(l) the lord crf thr: Ascendantis in the 5th, Saturn is in the Navamsaof the lord of the ?rh and the lord ofthe ith is in the 8th, (2) the lord of the .zth is in rhe gth, rherord of the r2th is in the.Srhand Jupiter is associated witl a ;nalefic, (3) Venusis in the 5th, rhe lord of the 7th is in rhe gth and the sth is occupiedby a malefic, (4) the 2nd and the 5th are occupied by a malefic and the lord of the Zth is in the gth, (5) Venusis in the 9rfu,the lord of the ?th is in the gth and the Ascendantand the 5th are occupiedtry malefics, (6) venus is lord of the 9th, lord of rhe.5th is an inimical sign and the lord of the Ascendantand 7ih and Jupiter are in the 6th, the 8rh or the l2rh, (7) the 5th is Taurus or Libra occupiedby the sun and the Moon and the l2th; the Ascendantand the ZoO u*"r"upieO 6| malefics, (8) Saturnand Venusare in the ?th, the lord oi the 8th is in the 5th and the Ascendantis occupiedby the Sun and Rahu, (9) Mars occupies the 2nd, Jupiter is in the 12rh and the Venusand Rahu are in the 5th, (10) the lords of the 2nd and the 7th are in the gtlr, Mars and saturn occupy the ith and the Ascendant respectivelv ' -----'J and Jupiteris associated with a nalefic, and (l l) Rahu is in the Ascendant, Saturn is in the 5th, Mars is in the 9th and the lords of the Sth and the zth are in the gtb. Remedialmeasures

rrtRrl tFqTq:


iT iwrnqi ffqi nflqqrq\

qr;flqri'q aftF<q161oqE{fsqf}{dTq ne.l tl ?qq TittilTtit fqr ! endlwfimq r qTd iT qTqfr}qi {FIri sqsf fEv<ruq *Q,vtl


Brihar FarasstaHora Saslra

from the curse The personct]ltcernd gets release 93.,it4., an with a soc' ii- ire perfortns ths marriage of anA:s nressed a girl (Kanyadana)' ';r if'suck a girt is not available fer;ilc cirw, a bed, r',-n&inints ".*"JtO ..jJ ,4" of ,tnc Lakshmine;ayauao coi;pie' to a Br;hnrin fad g*tnoents 'Ka':yadann' does eot : Noleg AccorrJirrgii! cur view ';!:'arit1' but helping in'"i": Ferl'onnauceof .."r* *;iiig a giri in girl not his orvrrdiurgirter' i'rr"-**thgl of un **tnotrled a rcsult Yoaas for lack of malc issueas scul deParted a of ihe eurseoi

q{ eeq q*E W} qlrqlftHq qrdi t urtn\q fqEUtI tt ia$li arlt sreil tletll qHIqFi: lqfqft | acq Satq tt$nsq . qrqqriilq f,qsqq{ | | E\ II ralsa 6tE{tq *tnq q??qqT EfrqqrErq wnQ t Xafflal eul <qrf,tal nanwq lflwq: llq\ell q,t gqw$Tlf-qE q?t ilI{R*, flTflt ti I rrt* ;ilflrTri q ianrwq gdfqt llqqtl qrl qrt rqt rrrt} qi qRTfne}qqt: t

lteetl g*tft q?Hqta(E iannrq qdmqs cqqt{at gR' gatt rrla;rQ t ",4 rrfr q awrqfm* ianmq SilHq:lllooll q?i Tlr'{te f,qI I i,t 1td t-q*ct

wifr WilfnTq
qarqnrfqQ dt*


q\q<tftil t t

$rr{4: lllolll

rftrwuqgt q

iarnnq qryl'llloRll

tqrf wl- gi rrql $d ff$qfiql

.ql' qlia dqtt iawrq Sawt:111oQll qilnTqnfuq g:t\ Xe qrrqqfiqt ! t lllovll qrqfftlqqe iln imnntq $ilHq:

Clwpter 83


rEtqlF ,${i


nfaq*erFli t
iaqrqq gdfrq: ltlo{11



95-105.If the personwhose duty is to do so does not birth' of hit futh.r or mother in his previous perform Shradclha of he is deprived and spirit an evil into d.purt"d soul is formed following by the is revealed This birth. a male issuein the next at birthyogas (l) Saturn and the Sun in the 5tb, the waningMoon in the ?th and Rahu a ! Jupiter in the l2th' (2) Saturn8s 'rrd of tn. 5th in the 8th, Marl in the and Jupitcr in the 8th, Ascendant (3) Malefics are in the Ascendant,the Sun is in the 12th' Mars, Saturn and Mercury are in the 5th and the lord of the sth is in th 8th, . (4) Rahu is in the Ascendant, Saturn is in the 5th and Jupitcr is in the 8th, (5) Venus,Jupiter and Rahu are in the Ascendantasso' ciated with the Moon and Saturn and thc lord of the Ascendant erc in thc 8th, (6) the lord of the 5th and Jupiter are in their signs of by debilitated planets' dcbilitation aspgcted (?) Saturn is in the Ascendant, Rahu is in the 5th, the Sun is in the Eth and Mars is in the l2th, (g) tbe lord of the 7th is in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th' the Moon ic in the 5tb, Saturn and Gulika are in the Ascendant' tnd (9) tnc lord of thc Eth along with Saturn and Venusis in the 5th and Jupitcr is in his sign of debilitation. RclCid melsorct

sREr AqEq ltr?g{

Tqtanq qqrqtq t



lllolll mlEAE

q{ rcavrd q irrn fuqfu feq t t nqrtrq rftq\ vrrrqlrna ?fwrt ffiq tt1ostt
qq qn qicqtlt


lqrqfr t



utqi ttlostl


Brihu Parasara lIora Sastra

tOe,tOti, The person concerned gets release from the curseand is bressed with a son if he underta&es the foltowing remedial rneasures* (l) performanceof a pinda dana (fraeen) (2) Rudra abhisheka(l,r erfrr$r) (3) Giving in charity a gold idol of Brahma, a cow, a vessel made of silver and a neelamani(flerfur) (4) Feeding Brahmins and giving them presents in cash

(sfs"r)$ures for mrle issuels a result of malevoience of planetsat birfh

iFn ilqTi dtqr'?Se

Ai gafta: {Ist1il{r{ | fqc ! waq?alqq|fi|ld: ttloetr

TgEf tTqnlfr"rq qrin qffiaq r ftnna tgi *n q"{q$rqSiwsslhdniio

qftrffiqFliqi I

di,iqrfiqrsrftqr *aaqr fqf{fl laq ! rrtttrr

109'l ll. |f a personis deprivedof a mareissueas a resurt of malevolence of planets at birth, he wilr be blessect with a son if he undertakes tlre following remedialmeasures(l) worshippingrord shivaif the harm is as a resurt of the malevolence of Mercury and Venus, . (2) recitingof SantanGopal mantra,wearing and worshF pping appropriate yantra and taking suitable medtines, if thc childlessnessis a result of thc malevolenceof Jupiter and the Moon, (3) Kanya dana if the childlessness is due to malevolence of Rahu, (4) worshipping of lord Vishnu if it is due to malevolence - of the Sun, Rudriyalapa if it is due to the marevolenceof - -(5) Mars and Saturn, Listeningwith devotion to Haribanshpurana removesall . Klnds ot' blemishes (<te) and blesses the personconcerned with a son.

ststT{ffiqgrffi; llqYll
Chapter 84

to obtain relief Remedialmeasures

of the planets from the m"trevolence

qqfslq qE ! t N riloTi alqmtq{ qrdilii Qrrqtq ddqq Tqqr {i ! lllll
for 1. Maitreya said-O venerableSage! please describe the good of the mankind the remedial measuresfor appease' " ' ;' meni of the nalevolent planets. !

qqr qateu:q{ mr frrdl faq}tq I r wriqt w{cqrt mfii gtnsgqt llRll

2. The Sagereplied-I have already describedthe names features and qualities of the planets. Joys and and charactestic the creatures in the world are dependenton of all sorrows planets. Therfore persons desirousol peace,wealth and these prosperity, rainfall, good health and longevity, shouldworship the planets(by prayers, recitation of mantras,charity etc.).

grnFanrrl qr *srq) ar giam r ?rqr(

' gfsamd fl eqi rd enra\ trltt :!GErwg: mFewamqrarlE rqoirEql t rrxliil <Ettrriprr: itwq t,ttqtE nal: tnq qr:uYtl qqT{t: tqTqqfrt qi isn fHai: t rtrqrA{sEig?nlltll r*frEaFeti{Trig

3-5. For the purpose of worsnipping them, the idols of the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu should be made of copper, sphatika (rock


Brihat Parasars lfora Sastrd

crystal), red sandai vocd, gcld (of both Mercury and Jupiter) tilver, ircn, glas: and bellm,-:tal respectively). Alternativelythe sketches ol'all t}e aboveplan*tss|ou;d be drawn irr the co'lours belongingto thernon a,.piece of,cloth by sandel etc., and th_qy shr:uldbe placedin their *wn directions. Forms of the phuets l'or worshipand ccntenplation

qqqRrd: {g{fl: qtwartrqla: r sciTTrETtE{trqrq fegwa ieem,<: rrqrr

6. Contemplate of the Surr werl adorned with two arurs ccatedon a lotus, with a lotus flowerin crne hand, red coloured like lotus, and aboard a charioat of seven horses.

ria: qtillqr)

*q} qflry?r: liarrqq: r

ilEr$al frergy fqwffiql fuqE-* ! trerr

7. Contemplateof the Mcon as white coloured, dressed in white robes,with two arms carrying a rnacein one hand and a vara (ar<)in the other, adorned with white coioured ornamcnts and aboard a chariot of ten horses.


nfu-nq*rErrt: t


8. with a red necklace, dressed in red colourccitrobes,with four arms, carrying Shakti (rrf*c) Shoola(W), g.a" (mace) and vara (l1) and mounted on a hmb.

"gqf6ig"nl Contemplateof Mars

{ferrnrilsqqu(: tfrttrc<qqfor , !g.q-qf-mr-qrfq: ft6ul atel Gru: nqtl

9. Contemplateof Mercury with a yellow coloured garland, dressed in yellow robes, with four arms carrying a sword, a shield, a'macc and vara (ff), mountedon a lion.

TFg*} {flE
$sql qrll



r,lfr" wqadrlus{rr1o11

Clapter M


t0. Contemplate of Jupiter as yellow conplexion, and. of Venusof fair complexion, both with four arms carrying a danda (qoe), akshasutra (uer qa), kamandal lqrqlsq) and vara (a-<).

ll;r@fr: qrfr


ft*dsdg* feq! rrrirr


ll. O Maitreya lcontemplate of Saturn withthe lusCle like that of Indraneela (E;r*e) , with foui. arms carrying shoolr (T,t) ,bow, arrow and vara (a<), mountedon a donkey.,






gnqtqt trlqtl

12. Contemplateof Rahu with a hideous face, with four :aflrrscarrying a sword, a shield, a shoola (qq) *a a vara(q), blue coloured and mounted on a lion.

q1wl frer6r:

u{ rrfqfi fignrrn: t

Tsrrwn fu

*aq; r{q$rfl rrlQrl

,. 13. There are many ketus. All of them are of smoky .colour, with two arms carrying a mace and a vara. (<f), with a hideousface and mounted on a donky.

ci ffiEr: r6rqt qF: dt-rF?rrrfl: r rqtqtf,]ftFrar fE*: {rilqtfrt {retntytr

14. All the idols should be so madc that thcy are 108 fingerstall by one's own fingers (.ftq). Notes : Such a measurement is taken from the middto ,finger. Procedurefor worshippingthe planets





q r

qd *ql qfrr*l {tr tarq .3q5!r tttr,tl qTq q6Tqq{req{d qqir aelfrelr ffi ir* scraa{ qftat*{ inn nltrr


Brilat Porasara Hora Sasta

the 15-16. Dedicate with devotion to tbe planet concerned flowers and garmentsof the colour belonging to him, sandal, deep (ft),gugguletc. (rrmcrf<)' his metal and the grain* things to Brahmins to appeasc dear to him and distribute all these planet. the Mantras of plenets

'g116tuli'Ed ?il, qF{qt Rq: qE l s{qu{dft q'-ai{q qtq'qrqt' ltlelt qFirq ftqav*fa, t {Fril *ffi 'oqt afiqa' rQd lllqll ft FEqCilTtTilqI wfi ail fq{ft ilft{r mqfi lqlRtgtr I faqqrT BFEagpq sraffgretrtq rr nleu Eefi: icqt: qEHETI flrtitqr: Etlfrat: t



fewgsq ! ttRott

17-20. The mantras of all the planets and the prescribed number of their recitation are given bclow. The recitation of mantras should be done after worshipping the planets as indicated in verses15-16Plmet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jrrpiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Mantrr aTrSEri{ r56n etc. fc aqr srqFretc. qFttqtfqn: ctc.

g(ttE{t4 etc.

Prescribcd numbet 7000 11000 I 1000 9000 r9000 16000 23000 r8000 r 7000

etc. 6vfr qfrr<nT

3{ftIrq qfqo} 1lt etc. ,r;q1*df<lfiser etc. firn ilfs=rerBITIE erc. (arera*n? etc.

Chaoter 84 Proccdure for Hrvane (qea)


q*: Tttrrt:


sgrr<: u* gat g;vr{qefqq: fiq ulttl* qg{Fq$qi Esir dttq il !!r: r g*nra iEEewaqrerffilq qr trRRtl
2l-22. Havan should be performed with Aak (wm), Palash(c-{rnr),Khair (dr) , ctrirchiri (fv<fr0), Fipal (i}qqi, Goolar (Tqr), Shami (srt't), wbod 'pieces, Doob (ge) and Kush (Tvr), for the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Vcnus, saturn, Rahu and Ketu respectfuely, mixeclwith honey, ghee,curd or milk. The number of o.fferings to the sacredfire is 108or 28.

fqtqv: r

T*eri flqi

qwt1 rTmr*t fEiEfr qlqt fatnt r Tfrdal :il qqTil{ tri trior<leis{ ulvtt
2?-24..To-appcase the Sun end other eight planeis, h , I'ranrnlns, shoutdbe fed with (l) of rice cooked with jaggery, (2) rice cooked in milk, (3) havishya (tfsoq,l , (4) paddy cookod in rnilk, (5) curd and rice, (6) rice with ghee.(7) rice cooked *itb powder of sesamum scedslidv) , (g) rlce *itfr;; "oot.J (9) rice cooked witlr cereats (, reipectively

dturfiarq r Efq.d " qid fqarqtq q ultrr fEtTnfi

d1: ngwwsre.qq tq qr* Qq: T{rE I ?ilwnt sFr qrr qdqrfhfirtn: 1wtt trRul
25. To appease the Sun and other planets the things to be . given in charity are (l) cow with catf, (j) conch, (l) uuuock, 14).gold,(5) robes,(6) horse, (7) black cow, (g) weapons madc of iron and (9) gobt, respectively.

lTrrqdq 4iil !r:T{r:q d qiaa 1qtEl

gqiflar q* er: ,,ff,ar:1vfew<', i,tq,,

BrihatParasua Hora fustra


qu?i-fi sEtuzr: qirnrR q r

q q|td t{ttl rv46q1TEt: llR'ell

26-27. The planet who is the causeof adverse elfects to a personat any time should be worshippedantr appeasedbecalse brahma has btessedthe planetswith the boon "Do good to thc personswho worship you." And the developmentand, progrcsg ind downfall ofthe people and the creation and destructionof tte universeare all undei the administration and authority of thc planets. Thercfore they are nost venerable.

glqs{I$tst?qE6qillgxil{: ttq {lt

Chapter 85

Births Inauspicious
3r{il$qq isqenfq

gtrt qu$afet
rr?cwnsgwr<{ lllll
iln t


twnqaricqi f{G?lqt *Eqi

erfrrtilTFagfi mrerfr faffisfq qr t

\\ qgg0asrttt





*c<wq ir ilQtl

srililqqrq{ | iti sa.rtrr fffifr qqfa 66qlri rgwi q qntqllvll qrr@r

I will l-4. The Venerable sagesaid-O Maitreya ! Now inaus' are births the describeto you the circumstancesin which p;.iout in splte of the Ascendant and the planets being well

disposed,A|though$eAscendantmaybewelldisposedbirths (the last wiii u" iirauspicioui it/they take place on Amavasya (l4rh tithi) the dark half of the month), on chaturciasi J"v in "r Karana' tCristrnaPaksha(dark half of the month, in Bhadra and thc nakshatra of the brother, in the naksbatras of father mother, at the time of entry of the Sun in a sign (tnrFe) ' tho eclipses' at' time of Pata (rra) , at the time of solar and lunar the time of Vyhti pata (aq-dlqril), in gandantas of all the three kinds, in yamaghant(qqqrc),Tithikshaya(fet wl) , in Dagdha yogaetc.Thebirthofasonafterthreedaughtersandbirthof a iaugnter after three sons and the birtb of a freak are inaus. piciou-s. But there are remedial neasures for obtaining rclief irom the evil effects of such births which are being described in the foregoingchaPters.

qq q{iWqlrTftesrtTq: ueQtl

RemedialMea$uresfor Birth on Amavasya

q*qnni qrilfqalRrf,r r **q ! rqleqP6o* vnfia Sqt( fqsewr:rrtrr wnrqn{ r T?.fi qq{ fifu$q qeqqiilqr s3sa<qmftqqani nltt g-frgsmi a qvrfa ?a* \ra Rfafqk r dq<eilfn fqftFq eeaEla irat611111

ts{ e1r' Efr arssifpafaEia a r qm.-eq sqri a=q rwqt qf6rM,rrvrr

qdTq tqdrqrsq rrrr-rrmrtql: srfi( | rfu ewiqi fqrri rrqdt mqqi ireil n{tl 'qrcqrqFi'filqraqr,trfqnl'qqqrf,lq q t sqqri: rrmrar aal Aq trlnqtE rrqu fifqEra qa fqaq rfror WarRrfi | wrpn 'gftaq?*q' glql ialg, qFGr: neti rdaq{rii ilfq Erqrrttqrfrtqqt r BrtHri aur gaQ Ermqlrqrqml: rrqrr qqd ferbd *q qo"r,iT{q afelw I ilqqq qlqtE qrmqriln: drrrqfiqq|q netl
l-9. The SageParasara said-O Maitreya ! The person l-'ornon Amavasyais always poverty stricken. It is therefor,l

Chpater 86



to obtain relief from the cssentialto adopt remedialmasures wil efiectsof such births, which are as follows Take a Kalash (qqqy water vessel)and then put in it fresh baves of Goolar (a wild fig) Vata (banyan), pipal, mango and neema(margo) trees and cover it with two piecesof cloth. Then instal the Kalash in the Soutb West direction after r etc., mantras. Then reciting ({t-i qgfQ , etc., and (qtc] fqs.6r) the Sun and Moon ruling deities of worship the idols of the gold respectively copper and silver mixed with Amavasyamade of by recitation of (*rcrr+e<), mantras etc., for the Sun and (gfsm) etc., mantras etc., for the Moon 16'o1 5 times' Thereafter perform havana with 108 or 28 oblations of the mixture of prescribed fuets(tftar)and cooked tood(<t) with recitation of mantrasof the Sun and the Moon Later sprinkle the water " on child born and his parentsand offer in charity gold, silver and a black cow togethertvith feeding fhe Brahmins according to one's means. By performing theseremedial ritcs the child born gains freedom and protection from the evil effects ofthe birth bn Amavasya.

qer FcqqEiqfiwq qTlftrtsqTrl: uqetl

' CheptcrtZ

Remedies from the Evil Effects of birth on Krishna Chaturdashi

wn iq snrtrrt aEr id qd faq i rrtrr Fdfrl fH d;e qKR qqffir ugai nrqd *r r=q* {nilrrq rrRrr
wsi g ctEFtT{f:Tqrqt" . rt rmr gl ?rT t



sci dqq I

rqlqqF<Errrtwr1.d 3rh

rqttn: nitl

l-3. The fiage said-Divide the ,span of Chaturdashiin 6 parts. The birth in the first part is auspicious. The birth in the secondpart causes destruction or death of father. lThe birth in the third part iesults in death of the mother. The birth in the fourth part takes away the matsrnal uncle. The birth in the fifth part, destroysthe entire family(qe-gencrarion). The birth in the sixth part causss loss of wealth or dcstruction (death) of th6 native. Therefore, ii is essential to *takc imms{ia1s remedial measures to escape theseevil effects.

fnqrq sfirqi gllh Rh'mttisfimr{ r qrsfqqqrffti q*gq rryrr aEqtrifffii

drtnffiffieGrq. rirqnqTfrrlFrflr r




T{rwmttqq nill

4-5. Have an idol of Lord Shiva made of one karsha

Chapter 87


(oq*l in weight to the former silver rupee) of g*r!dor of weight one can afforil. The idcl should(l) have a Ncry M,:on on the forehead, (2) bave a wl:ite garland round the neck, (3) have three eyes(one being on the firrehead), (4\ be dressrdin white r:rbes, (5) b seatedon a bull, and I (6I be two armed, and (7) carry Vara (T<) and Abhaya iwrr).

'qqlqqo efn q?eq .1wi gaffir*: r rTrsafqq;sqs1 inqrg lrcfti*(rqTd 'iltw 'rd t {ai'*i q141'r{qr gl, r (ffd rl' eqwfr q ttetl ., .tt;l} 3rl'Er{fiqr

*ry F;rrfiq$q Ta}{ qftFrd: fiqq I '{r i'lrrti'ftWd q'qfi erilq'SmrT rtctr lFFrr gaqglt q 't6i'fa arn qir. r rrg..<eqrfiFiqi i qtlEi ir i6.r(43 iletl qfremqGT&q ffrirqrqi{q $iqn r

rdq'6ftq1'5q ffiTq aar6fkfreaw t q6.d{ a ftfuaq gte *{ aa} qiq utRtl qftTfti q ailitrr aftqakilfr qrafq{ r qW{ qfr: rt11rr qqh aal qqmftarqq
6-13. Then after invocation with Varun (<tur) mantra, worship should be performed by chanting,aqrqfr' etc., oantras. Thcreaftor a kalash (t-ctt) should be placed in the North East direction with chanting of 'qri * TQgT','ilT{t{tft', 'gqtfrqri' nantras followed by Japa of ,Bft *gft'etc., and'qffqrtTT'

qdwmi' q?fr g6qr{ fifq*qr ilsftdairqr rr A{ Wh. lqq 1uTultrr

Ufqq: nnr: rt1ott


Brihat Parasara llora Srctra

'51*af<' mantra. Then- after suktas and the chanting of sprinkling water over the idol of Lord Shiva (ufrfifi), the nine planetsshould be worshipped. This should be followe.d by havana by using ghee,powder of sesamum seeds (lee), urda (qTs), sarson (T<df) and wood pieces of Pipal, Pakar, Palas and Khadir trees.108 or 28 oblations should be nndc separately for tf,e nine planets. Thereafter alongwith chanting "':'rg'qrffi' seeds etc" mantras, havan should be performed with sesamuno Kalash planets. Lastly the water of'ths {tke; for tbe nine should be sprinkled on rlib native and his paFeRts,and thc Brahmins should be fed .rccordingto Eeans.

qglqq?ifrrrs?fiE4Eitt4: EtaT tteEtl rs'


Remedies from evil Effectsof birth

in Bhadra and fnauspiciousyogas
armd imailnfq qarunqd* ffir r


qmuarfe* q qq n1l

qrqn(qsrf *qd aeq {nfiilfqk feq t r

*F rr{fa3misnFnq*?qfaanq:uttl
l-2. The Sage said-O Brahmin ! Now I am going to describethe remedial measures for relief from the evil effectsof birth in Bhadra, Tithi Kshaya (fefr err) Vyatipata,pafidha, Vajra etc., inauspicious yogas and Yamaghants etc.. Tfte remedial rites should be performed on the day when the same inauspiciousYoga operatesagain.


qFortqqd aenttltt Tqd tqinai iI rn*q{{rsfqiqi q ga*i fnqrdTt r st[H H gnt<laerea talqrqrq ttYtt
fqqlEiur {raqGe}flt gS: l Qqi llqrqnl *qnq {Frflntr: ffiqrwn"1qrf, 11111
3-5. The remedial rites are to be perfoninedin the following order by the parents of the child in the above inauspicious Yogas-

qrsfq qFfi gfEi t8 r


Brihd Parusara Hora Sastra

(1) pooja (worship) of Lord Vishnu and othcr deitieson an auspiciouJ Oay and auspiciousLapa on the advice of a proficient astrologer, (2) burning of deep (*c) with gheein a Shiva tenple' (3) abhisheka (orf$n) of Lord Shiva' (4) going round (x<ftsurr) a pipal tree 108 tiares prolongs Iongevity, and (5) perform havana with 108 oblations alongwith the r:cit*iof - rsft Krdq"-fkqTR' nantra of Lord Vishxu and brahsii:1sto the best of one's ttean$' (4) fee,iling The observance cf these rcmedial rnnsrures will give dcliverance to tb-enaiive from all the evil effects of Fig inauspicious birth and he will enjoy happinlss' -

.a qeffi ffil{ qftf{rFi4s4trt: ttqU

Chapter 89

Remedies from NakshatraBirth



qralqt fragaa): r

sH{HYq aalqqrwimeu farqq:rrlrr

ntFa sq$qrfq qnffffiqqTfqaq I

qvawai. siaaRlcrqf;+t rrRrr gfe+ fearfqfaufqqsi ir qqt mfianratq I nlttnrafelurt nuaqlcqi qrrq rrlrr a;aelahaq;iqr 1qtq rqcrlqR r rcffisriq dorq Eraq.*a iseta uvrt gafefiand ilett I rqsemqt{drnfor ga*ic ror 6iasala< {ril{ u{rr qfqE;nrgi. srqftqflrrd}e Q r mt{i qfqid ita: gqfErsrirq a*rfq rrqrt qEfrEr$ql efqqi eilarqTqiq fssiqa: t \. rrlctl rrceEn fsffnaqF{qfqa: Ir\ert TrEtgrq
1-7. The SageParasara said-O Maitreya ! if the birth of the brother and the parents, takesplacein the nakshatras death takesplace,without doubt of the brother and father or mother or they have to undergo death like suffering. Therefore, the remedialneasures to be adoptedto I am going to describe escape from these evil effccts. The remedial rites should be


Brihat ParasaraHora Sastara

favourable and on a day on which there is no Rikta-Bhadra dosha (qlq). The remedial rites should be performed in the following order(l) Instal an idol of the JanmaNakshatra on a Kalasha (+.Ssr)in the north east direction from the fire. Cover it with a red pieceof cloth and then warp two piecesof clotb round it. (2) Worshipthe idol by chanting the mantras of the Janma Nakshatra. (3) According to one's gotra (rrla) perform havana 108 times with the recitationof the same mantra, facing the fire, rvith ghee and other havana material (described in earlier chapters). t+) fn.o the priest performing the pooja should sprinkle water on the parentsand brother (whoever is concerned). (5) Give presentsin cash (sfltrrrr) to the priest and his colleagues associated with the ceremony, to the best of one's means,and (6) Then feed the Brahmins to the best of one's means.

For Details

please Consult


qatdmrfuwq{nfrqsqlrr: ttott
Chapter 90

Remedieifrom SankrantiBirth
aclr t q1<r-seifr-qa.o1rail q?ETfi6ft

fqqr q qqit qriiaFa: Eineae ttttt g:qlqlql inr;a}q ri cnl wiq aTRan tntar sqqrrdft aa: nrfnlFqfq 1i ttttt
Brahmin t the names of the l-2. The sage said-O Sunday sankranti on the rru"o duy, ofthe week beginning from (qQ|{1T)' are Ghora (qlq|,Dhhvankshi (eett't), Mahodari (fwr)' and Manda (wqr), Mandakini (r;<rft,'ff), Mishra in that order. The pcrson born at thc' Rakshasi(rrtif), sankranti (entry ofthe Sun in a new sign) is poor and unhappy are well to do and happy if remedial measures but he becomes measurcs remedial the undertaken. I am now going to describe to nullify theseevil effects.


T{q $far1wti

t. Sqtq Er(Etidtq*r*atq

llvu q5q*qfqd ur*mai ' arg&ilcn tt Gqq(q ! t aai q fk*: 3qffir qrnr faarq{il eI fitdae<{ qq! ll{ll EqqIE!q I i* ilqfqm g- **f 'rfd q;Erircqd' qntiat*fqr *fq{q ttqtt


g *fe'cf{r qm& t




Brilut Parasara Hora Sastars

3-6. The yajna of the nine planetsshoutd bc performedto. obtain relief from the evil effects of the birth at Sankranti. A clean spot in the easternpart of the house should be purified by besmearing with cow dung. Then prepare three separate hcaps of the following(80 seerslof paddy (er&) (lI 5 dronas(2) 2t dronas (40 seers) of rice. (3) 1* dronas(20 seers) of sesamum seeds (fre). On theseheapsof granis make a figure of lotds with eight tr(F), and then decorate theno,.with flowers. leaves (eNe-c-T After doing this, seleciand invite a priestwho is well versed in. the performanceof religious rites and recitation of mantras.

cfng rqrqtE gpfir{qq qqi}Qqq I ,eqlwrrFcTirq qn'*i fifrq*a netl .iqqzri fqtaa c[T43]q icaia r F*,ilqR rq*E Trii qec{eq ifiaal rrerr qfaqi (qrqi( aa sTfitliqferesfrr{|
Blfsed siil. qrinr: qiqfuiEt{ ttett j

wnfaeqrs'dt qrsi qet inrFa*itq r fari qti t{ Ra{r{ frie}q ui os1 tarqfk$w ,a1?q;e!rTqtq I ta't *qsqha rtn{nfarTi Tqq( ullrr 'veqd' fd ffaqr qq1qt {TrrrirtE I
,e{FqrdFi'|il q?eq ffFTqi qqTq\ nlRtl

qlevrfsnin q=qlqqra*: r sqqR: qer{qfilci FT{IT utltl lainir rr;*q qrsqcalnq{rd. ctq r artelawq qrfq q*wd rq{Raa: 11vrr c{qrsrafan?iT I Ttr*sq:qf{q} ii prfictsfiq cm'eq}a wlgl*af<urtn 6"rrtr. wrqaraal ttlnl

Clapter 9O



qaior fircrdq{q cniq ni\etl qqiutr rc'fimaqd gen-efufti q fira r rgurq qlqk

T*dorqfqaraqq'c? Anr.r an wueltneq'a sTdalil{{rii qelrttlqtl watsvrfrffiq qlh ili tq$f{Gft r

qrfla{ vr#aqqrqfiE uqqtl

7-18. The religious rites aic then, to b-e peiormed in the following order(l) Instal Kalashas withqut any holes on all the three heapsand put in eachofthem water from holy places. Saptamrattika (n eqfom), ShataushaUtri (wf,vflu), panchapallava ({ffiem) and Panchagavya (,isq6q). Then wrap the Kalashas vith pieces of clotli. i (2) Place small earthen pots wrapped with thin cloth on the Kalashas. (3) Then instal the idol of Sankranti along with the idol or symbols of Adhideva (wfaie) anA pratyadhideva (rialu*a). ($ere the Sun is Adhideva and the Moon is pratyadhideva). Their idols sirould be placed on either side of the uain idols of Sankranti. (4) Two robesmay be given as offering to each of the idols. (5) Perform worship of all the three idols according to prescribedprocedure. The main idol should be worshipped viththechantingof,6qr45 qt61q{'ete., the idol of the Sun with mantra ,gq{'and the idol of the Moon with the mantra 'qFqlqsq' sfs.. The worship should be performed with Shodshopchar (wtsvlrvr<) or Panchopchar (,i<}wn) as may be possible. (6) After touching the main idol, Mrityunjaya Japa should be recited. 1008 (o{6eliT( T() , lgd (ersa}r< aril), or 28 times as may be possible.



c\ Hora Sastio 'Farasara

(?) Meke a small platform in the west of the installed the prescribgA{l9s' kalastlas, kindle fire on it and perform with Samidha ii.o p"*otm havana 1008, 108, ot 28 -tines

seeds lghee) and charu (powderof sesamum dr;ii,-;*t '7qrq5 one's mans, alongwith chanting of in"1 *itttin Tffct' etc.'mantra' first with the fuel of sesamum iA) aguitt perform havana, mantra' recitationof Mrityunjaya alongwith seeds (Reeaac)havana' svistkrita another (9) After performing parents the holy water on the child born and his sprinkle
(10) Lastly feed as many Brahmins as one can afford' the evil iy performing the '"rrtdiul rites described above' enjoy parents his effects are nullified and the native and happiness.


qeTTQoIcfIiT{TIiiqeqtrT: tff ltf

Chapter 91 .

Remedies from Birth in Eclipses

goFoe"i nril iei !ilrq q*{ Gsil! r aqrler:nae qEt|raq'*vi gqwrf qiq rrttr olf,:ynFr qEqrfq qmqi lEamrqrwr r gq{n g*fr iq*q mal\ r +qnfraa:rrln ate iT I


ffinraq* stf . qtiilt qrioi traQ q;asf

q-{.t qfrqqi. o*r1'tr ,,1,1 -


innrttra;nernl aqeqrfni iT{Tt I qf wTqtdqrflFctrifla iT qrErfi:netl acnq?a '{t tfl' qft $*q rrfmil: r ,rqt q' ff, rreilil: f,qffq, ptrqi u!ol1

.nryd vicgw afiFErrq<rf*I r <qn q rqaai Fwqpcnq<tfrsq 11r,,

tlrmd rftnrrornrqqrRqq 1 a;aQ s-{Tn6d ffasitFanq q qE neu

lg,ifa frs*r fqqerq: rrvrr "g_":qat tfi n{ Fqr;f q}qir oAo+o , ila runil Erd 1ar gnal6{ rrrrr i aqrqn+{ sqmi wrq{ aJ w<\ r qqrt rancli qffifa* q qquqtr


qt Drthat Parasaro llort &$ra

qdrel<rFwarnsfqqqqfgaT( TqIq I ? lttlll mr q qrtl: nleq{ Satfnfecef,q inn gitqq gn:I m{nafeflrra i[m,{i aa: Str affirt cqrfra*: tllltt inqrf qun$iiln qnr;al fq&efiiqs t rrgun1 qMqi{T g aurnftafcuti\ ttrlu
i\' qq q1qqrf,Tq qntla seqt fqtrrrfi: t q-lqrrri sqeiq: lllvll TrifEEFifqfifqiq

t-14. The Sage said-O Brahmin ! a person whose birth takes place at the time of solar or lunar eclipse, suffcrg from ailmenls,distressand poverty and faces danger of deAtb. Thcrefore I am going to describefor the benefit of the mankM required to be 6ndertaken to uullify the the remedialmeasures above evil effects. The remedial rites are to be performed in the following order(l) The following idols should be got preparedaccording to one'smeans(a) in gold of the deity of the nakshatra in whioh tho eclipsetakes place (for details regarding deities of nakshatras see'notes'ooverse l8 of Chapter3 Vol' I), place during solar O) in gold of the Sun if the birth takes and cclipse, ' (o) in sitver of thi Moon if the birth takes place during lun'ar ecliPse (d) in lead of Rahu. a clean spot on the ground (in the housc) (2) Besmear withcowdung,coveritwithanew(unused)beautifiulpieceof cloth and instal the three idols on it' (3) Make offerings of the following to the idolsof birth during solar eclipse, all things dear to i"i in "ut" red, sandalt the Sun, and red coloured akshat (wwe'rice)' plothes etc" garland of red coloured flowers, red (b) in caseof birth during lunar eclipse, all things dear to etc'' thc Ufon, and white sandal, white flowers, white clothes

1*npvr 91


(c) for Rahu, biackish clothes,blackish flowersetc' in which ia) *nit" flowersfor the deity of the nalchatra "the eclipsetakesPlace" (4) The worship should be performed as follows'311-5;sfrt' etc', mantra' iai of the Sun with the chanting og 'q*t t{T' etc'' of (b) of the Moon wjth the chanting 'mantra, and (c) of Rahu with doorva (gat-a kind of grass)and with the chanting of '$qrqkqa' etc., mantra. (5) Thereafterhavana should be performedasfollowsthe (a) with the fuel (qftur) of Aaak wood pieces for for (b) with the fuel (tfuut) of Palas tn le wood Pieces thc Moon. (c) with doorva (qd) for Rahu' wood pieces for tho deitY of the . --.-. {.d) fuith bipal tree 'Hshatra. (6) Sprinklc the holY water of the Kalasha on the child 'born (and his parents) ' ,'': (7) Offer worshipful regardsto -the priest performing the rites, ancl remedial within one's (g) Lastiy feed as many Brahminsas possible oeans. -'=-des' By performanceof the remedial rites in the nanner ofr wiped are birth inauspicious 'cribed above,-evileffectsof the good: with blessed is and the native enjoys happiness and ,fgrtune. sun'

qugTtTailrT sTet il l"cr.fEuTTr[:nf

. ,ChaptergZ "


Remedies from Birth in Gandanta

fafq-ae{a-q$TTit qosrd lafqsi Tsilr I

qinGqq{s{ trlrr
l. The Sagesaid-O Brahmin lGandanta is of the three kinds,namelyof Tithi,_ NakshatraunJi"g"". Birth, travelling tnd performance of auspicious functions" lik. *"il;;-;r;.: luring Gandanta are likely to cause death of the person :oncerned. fithi Gendenta

Wltfieraqfrfiasql:qrd ar$agrsqt I srq se{ q iriq ! fafwwarn"qtrrqrr

2. O.Maitreya ! Thelast 2 ghatikas o, tithi (jth, 0th, lsth) and [the first 2 ghatilas "oorou of NaiOa tithi tst, 6th, Ith) (total4 ghatikas) are known as Tithi Gandanta(feFr aeFd). bkshatra Gandentr

tq*Elwql: srriqqql: {Irft1ea}: t s?ql a*aqosrfl*i irsliTgtaq{ nltt

.3. Similarly the last two ghatikas of Revti and first two ntikas of Aswini, the last iwo ghatikas of Ashlesha and st two ghatikas of Makha and the last two gbatikas of esthaand first two ghatikasof Moola (tolal4 ghatikas) are. rown as Nakshatra Gandanta.

Chapter 92 Lagns Gandanta


ffql ir flrirrrrsr"aqu ss{ aflfnaq ttxtt
a. 'The last half ghatika of Piscesand-first half ghatika of ghatika of Aries, the last half gnaiit a of Cancer and first half of ghatika half Leo, ihe last half ghatika of Scorpio and first Sagittarius,are known as Lagna Gandanta' .

qg intqa{FrlcTi cElfsE?rqt{dq r

q?q} TsqlcaqfsfiI: EnFIitll{ll f'rflanqfr: of Jyestha the last6 ghatikas Gandantas these 5. Amongst lr4ocl:r as Abhukta known of Moola are andfirst 8 ghatikas inauspicious' extremely Thisperiodis considered t.t*tq"i

snrTr!rrffiiltrrqfwr]: nrGaf<tb Ei t
qwI?FtEFIF|SnAeq irdFiqfE* fqat ttqtt

qI Sqtqq{AE irlttftt1 fnqq I qnFdqQsf6 fafqrrsr;t ame *1te q llull 1e{ ir--*i qrtrruerR aarcqlewn;at t Bnsqri scntq frgvaruftiaal ttett fedtng ftrnletg<fuun q mrqtql
to be 6-8. Now I will tell you the remedial measures its evil from adopteAto releasethe child born during gandanta The father should seethe child born only on the morning on any auspi"f.i*. i"*i to the end of the days of Sutaka (qat) or The cious day after the perfrumanceof the rernedialmeasures. remedial measuresare(l) Giving a bullock in charity, in the case of Tithi Gandanta. (2) Givine a cow with calf in charity in the case o! Nakshatra - -Gandanta. (3) Giiing gold in charity in th,ecase,ofLagna Gandanta' the child alongwitl i+) performing Abhiseka (wfrrQr) of father if the birth is in the first part of gandantaand alorrgwitl motler if the birth is in the secondpart of gandanta'

| 028

Brihat parasara Hora Sastre

ilrqqq ulw\ qqqRd alerunwt r alrgn*rriqed wrr.Elfa fqi fEi rrl 1rr

raeiq qclrfsif Gqtflq t r fafq*qrfEsi ? Fiqr etaunFeaqrrelt swrtiqrlrRa ffiqilqf( 1u\ | qfq$mi6Td gutsqrfqfq 5r* u! o11


9-11. Performance of pooja on the holy Kalasha of ttrc dol of the deitiesof tithi (in caseof tithi gandanra), Nakshatra in caseof Nakshatra Gandanta)and Lagna(in case of LrgFa 3andanta) madeof 16 masas,g masasor 4 maias of gold as nay be possible followedby havanaand abhishekalccoidingto rrocedure'alreadydescribedearlier. At the end as *ny Jrahmins as may be possible within one's means shouldbe fcd. Theseremedial measures.will ensure long life, good health tnd prosperily for the child. Notes : Uplessone is himself fully conversant_ with fin ^ Brformanceof religious rites, the remedies recommendedin his chapter, earlier and later chaptersshouldbe got perfon6sa y and underthe directions of a learned priest bbcause the full ffectswill be derivedif the rites u.. p.riorred correctly antl ccording to procedureprescribecl in the religious scriptures oo his subject.

Eqfl aq {l l"r.,le.{ t.,l :



Remedies from Birth in Abhukta Moola

ctturqqqfrriwr<tbc|fEr?rnsnql r6r*oq a*: ufia{6n}wna:TTa:rrlrr
yi g.rT qwfq qRisi( | ugraleii BTTflstqrrrd ilewq?i a f<eHq rrRrr
l-2. The SageParasara said-the ruling deity of Jyestha is Indra and the ruling deity of Moola is Rakshasa(rrre). As both the deitiesare inimical to each other, this gandanta is considered as the most evil. A boy or girl born during the pcriod of Abtukta Moola shouldeither be abandonedor the father shouldnot seethe face of the child for 8 years. Now I shall describe the remedial measures to obtain deliverence from the evil effectsof birth durnig this extremely inauspicious period.

aglelfr6rrraiqq nrfrafqfer T.l I iTalss] alwargraq levnf:'afarrse ttlrr]nawft ar aEd {r vri fEi r
ErRr(Ir qlsel sd qnfdil taq f<mm: ilvtl
inauspicious effects of birth 3-4. In view of the extremely the remedial measures to during Abhukta, I shall first describe obtain relief fromMoola (1k vrrFa). The religious remedial rites should be performed after the l2th day after the birth, the


h' BrihatParasara Hora Sastra

next JanmaNakshatra day or on an auspicious day when the Moon and the starsare favourable.

gtt ir qi Tarri qlqialqilfqe r qrs{ Ttq srtqrtftqi?n stFqiq u{tl


alwrr*raqAaq r
d1Ef{q tmriq rrqrr
aEqteiq fl grs I
tt\etl fqqnilra:



qqn{ui qild q taf.Trttqi Tfirq

Gnilq fqt ffi( s|d

reraaqf,rsri tqtq

$'lttl?iltq llqll

5-8. Erect a canopy (qosq) with four arched gatewa)'s with festoons (fr<onft t qriFie) on a sacredspot embellished with cow dung pasteto the east or the north of besmeared house. Preparethere a pit (gu-s) or (place there a squarevessel of clay or metal) for performing havana. Then according to (the one'smeans prepare or get preparedan idol of Rakshasa deity of the Nakshatra) of 16, I or 4 masasof gold as may be possible within one'smeans. The idol shouldbe with a horrible looking face, black in colour, with two heads,two arms carrying a sword and a shield on a deadbody. and seated

gqqfi q{iqrd lir: {nTaT fafiaaq rreu

of ?anidol a pieceof gold of the weight 9. In the absence mentionedaboveshould be used for worship, as gold is dear to all the deities.

gq!fiTn q {Fri al rlrqfqrel qoia

srrqr{ qriq q{qq eaftaaraagirq t i[A[{TTEITFT6,qtd lttoll ealqfrrafewiil: q=qqaqtfad erat tqi q fr{Erft r $alqsq|fa,f t?t uafiwei fqh rrtttr





Chapter 93


{qtqtd q irqFq


* qfsqfiqqq r

$ii aafu*i

td q*e<rarqirfafq:utRtl
q qFf Earfqtqaq r
qqqq ulitl

rqqmq}qaqr*q sqrirfil

?nfutqffrqc{ r A}{ qataurfafu B{ca}ataa' qr nd il frqiFrq: ulYtl r;d sqqqiqk r lqnvrrnd a


qnrqlqfeuaeq urdtgmr


?qqfqinreirTrirtt( n l{tl

wafrq r

qtqtqT qtilstrrq qrilq ftrqrfqiqqirtqrt



aweqtm: uletl

q{ TqRqiT quTtqutq q nFma:r

:efi<pa) atiruri u}wiq II1c ll Esr<{rgoriqqrfq

qrqniqrq * a]:wd q{rnic{qRqir{ r arq{ qqqrv{ e{ qedi gfaa q Edq ttlen

utia g q.eor qrqqrcd faelmiq t

qaawlqtadri q?iqri sqrqlil uQoql
10-20. Thereafter the remedial rites should be performed in the following order(1) Selecta learned priest to perform the religious rites .accordingto prescribedprocedure. (five arti(2) Instal a kalasha and put in it Panchagavya cles'yieldedby a cow, namely, milk', curd, ghee, dung and urine Shataushadhi(vrrlvfu) and water of the holy river (Gangesetc.). (3) Then instal'the idol of tbg Ra'kshasa of facing west on an earthenpot (ee) with one hundred tiny holes. After placing bamboo leaves on it, perform the worship of the idol by offering it white flowers, sandaland clothesetc. (4) Also perform worship of its Adhideva Indra and Pratyadhideva Jala (wc-water)

1032 '


Parasaraflora &ctw

the deities' Accor(5) Then perforn havana to appease obl"tioot should be offcredin fi-Oi'tilOg ding to onc's means the havana' from death' Mrityun(6) After obtain deliverence and prayers offered it"rt"a J""rJut iavamantra(aarr+; ';;t "t" of Abhjsheka' ;" deitiesroi tle purpose child shouldthereaftertake" the una (?) The father, to'f"' parent$ two -kalashas' Then the ;i';h; bath from the water besmeared paste sandal uti *ittt dressedin white croth"es "nite with calf as a present cow a give should and on their foreheads' fttd '1'" 6ther priests the ttiti:'iiiJu";;J {Efe1on) to to one's means' Brahmins according etc" (see verse l9)' (8) Lastly uft" t'"iting the (E<qTq) seethe reflec' mother uia tn"'ctrnA stroun mantra,'the father' ghee)' facesin the ghee(melted il;;U;it rites in the manner remedial tit are By the p"'ro'tul'-""""i Liitn autiog Abhukta Moola all evil toi"tt described, "iint wiPed out' comPletelY

qq $hqlft qlGffi$ilnn'Iq! llXII

";hntfrr 9a

from Sffects of Birth K*rnet3ies

Gnndantr ln Jsesth*
riqrerfq wrqfitq t

q qfft. I winurq{rrrifiqffi{! fqgl Fqtn lrtil aw rfi{hrfqfu qsi s{fqs*q{fi*4

tfrtst ter-q, ter-q,

lllll figfltqtcrrsqcttnnr I ffirhkilsqnsnq{


ilfi fqs ! qn* r'afatrrtq t " gatfectlurrm ttltt qq|dfinr qdr


ftr{ qlrqlilqfitftqfiq"t
gqt{ ngq*ctqq

nrcrgsnrmtiot qfirn{irr-8{ I

gtitl ttv,tt $qttflwrrfd{: t


I will describe 1-5, The Sage said-O Maitreya ! Now relief from to ensure adopted be to to you tne rernedialmeasures a canopy of erection tne evit effectsof JyesthaGandanta' The etc" will priest of Kalasha,selection of a i**ol, installation 'been recommcnded for the bc done in the sarnemanner as has Indra ccremcny thil In Abhukta Moola in the previouschapter' the (Firc) and Agni bc will be the Deity-in'crrief, Adhideva will ' ' Pratyadhidevawill be Rakshasa

Frqfti lrt1 rrrvrrd



rttfftr{qFtqr( llqll


wr i


j034 t 'F


ParasarctHsr; S.$trl

6. ThentlrerernetJial rttgg rhot:ld be perlc: r-r:ri j;r th: ii.,llowing nrder*

{!) Ingtal c:r a Kstqshei.ull of pacidyi jc i.i: j.!ot of g;i6 (accorciir'.e ro o*e'$ Bre;rns) with iniJra sesred Lra Airli;t ,.:q*i wirh Veira.{nkurli:r in hir harrds, {' i?i Pe;flo'n wor:hip cf the ".hicr-<icit1{nir: along rvith ' thasof thc Adhiri*va and the .laryadhidera with thc rc;liation oj-their rpfr':priatc rns4irt$, (3) frrlbrm hevara"Abkisi::kaand i:ilen feedtbc Brair;ui.n; irr iecr--rd:nce with rflc s means In adciiiion to the al,ovs alicr <!oir:gln,Ir:rsullia an. Mrityu:;ja1'a.lapas,pfayflrs nr| tre offerecl ii: InCra. 1., f'hesa nlessurss wiil wi.ueout the e.rilrilbcts cf thi. G*,ndanl:i.

e{i? s? rffifqqH il qqtq n}rrnffi lq I irr: frqffiqqrqq . qlilqqthfiFqt rr\err

7. I'o csse the perfcrmance .'f rer*edriir ritcs dc$ctitrcd absveis beyondthe heans of any p{.i.son, he should giy * coo rn charity. tbis will also appease tbe dcitiesarld ,rrolotp rclicf Itom tbi: evil efi?ctsof thc Gantlanta.,Becaureth* gfuing a c:oro in charity lras hecnconsiceredir $uperiorrcmediai meseurc thsn git'ing irr charity gh thc iands a prrson.

$tr Qmrrwrr* naq qqt nE{ | rilt!il fin1w$f qlrri q fewn6,,.,,

rqrrd r
8-9. According to prescribed remcdial measurcc, 3 cows rre to begiven in charity in the case of Jyestha Moola and Ashlcsl;rMakha gandantas, 2 cowsin Revti'Ashwinigandantas yoga. If and l-covrin other gandantas or in any inauspicious cow or cowsans not available, their actual value should bc givenin cashto a Brahmin.

iltwrl ir frrtq qirq ilo{Fqac e nerr

gdFl nil

A rq|qiq!

qetrqq r ciaeraxaw rfffl f{f,a1fFfi fqlfrwffiqEln:{r r6;tr| t+refaa't nio11 irTEn:rqn6rtsal qlqrf,qfq $Iliil |


Crupta 94



lO. A girl born in Jyatha nakshatradcetroys (ia thc causo of derth oO the cldcr brother of hcr husband and a girl bom in fourth qusrterof Visakhanatshatra destroys (is the cau* of death of) her husband'eyounggr brother. Thcrefore, a oow sho-uld be givenin charity at thc timc of the marriagc of ruch girls to wipc out the aforesaidcvil cffccts.

fficql rqrgtfr $r: rrlt

$nqfirqtqqtrntttl rdltrFr qNrFFq I

qqtfril?l(r(lB I tqfq sqr,*irtlll


etrtrf|nmq q'tl[quqrl

rnfarWt{ frraq: ltilrr


!! i

ll-13. A boy or girl born in thc 2nd,3rd or 4th quartr . of Ashlesha nakshatradestroyshis/hermothcr-in-law and a boy or a girl born in lst, 2nd or 3rd quartrr of Moola Dakshrtrr becomcs the destroycr (causcof death) of his/hcr father-in-lew. Therefore, suitablc mcasurec, as may bo posriblcwitbin onc'c rncans,shouldbe laken at thc time of thc mariagc of suchboyr and girls. there will bc no evil effmt if thc husband bar no elder brothcrs (amw).

Chepter 95

from Effectsof Birth-of Remedies a Daughterafter 3 sons

q{Trs-'{( dqqaqfq r.qclqnt ftq t I gaan gilruffi ilEai gffi?q *q rrlrr -tttsfqrawd *d fiqrrqqeri r

ra rnFafrfs qqh finrrnarlffira: rrqrr

1-2. The Sagcsaid-O Brahmin ! I will now tell you aLout otbcr kinds of inauspiciousbirths. The birth of a daughterafter thc birtli of three sonsor the birth of a son after the birth of three daughtersis omineus for both the maternaf and paternal families of suchchildren. Therefore remedial meastues described below may be taken to get dcliverence from theseevil effects.

qnnrfrsl rn r5i mn r qi fti r

lrrqd1filql r(zrqfr{<lt u-rl !!sT qttfu-gf-il{r: rg-@ tqfqt: qqri I qfina; ttvtt Tqn{ mlnrfnwqwm rnrtf( rq{ilfi rnfnqrnfa siu: t frr q6l qlq itrn,rn r qfrim: uul qrrrfr qt6qrfla qfr<rvqftciqqq I arriaq {f,'{r. nd qrsrg} a frnfc1 rrqn rqrrfqa{ii$q: ttnilr-rririlmrir: I 'Fii\fr erc:fr{Gasii $tlffr qiiltstl

Claptu 95


Brfriri r lnfrFr FlEIrfq wtiq r



tffiwi rrt! ffirq dnqr qr mrFr riic t qrftri ffitrrrr

qMil rrqrr

3-9. The rites should be performcd on the morning nert last day of Sutak (r-er), or on any other a uqpicious to the . day ' ' in the following order(t) After selectinga priest and someBrahmiqi to perfiiim the rcmedial religious ri0cs, the pricrstafter paying-bbeisan@ to Xhenine planetsshould instal four Kalashaeon a hecp of paddg, place tho idols of Brahma, Vishnu, Mohcsha and India madc of gold on them and perform their worghip in thc prcscribcd !canner. (2) A Brahmin (an assirtantof thc priest) aftcr taking bath .etc, should recitc four Rudra Suktas and the wholc of Shanti Sukta. (3) The pricst should perforo havana with samidhs ^ ({flcs$, gheeand sesamum sicas1fce1f00g, tOg or 2g timcr (ar may bc possiblewithin one's means) with the recitation of thc 'prescribed mantras of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahcsha and Indra. (4) Svistkrataand poornahuti (fmafc ct(Ti wrgftr) and abhishekaof the child with his fanily should bo donc and prescntsin cash should be givcn to thc priest and his assistants 'accordingto one's means. (5) The Brahmins should be fed-this also bc done accor,dingto one'smean. (6) The fatber and mother of the child should scc ihcir rcflections in the ghee kept in a bronze vesscl. (7) Lastly graias and clothes should bc distributcd to thc poor and the necdy. By the performancc of the aborreremcdial ritcs, the cvil 9frectsare wipcd out and the child and his parcnts ctc., enjoy happines.

srq $qqfrqrF(fifrq$riltT: llqll

Ctrpter 96

Remedies from EYil[frects of UnususlDelivery

utrst {inlrqfq fiwt rm}q3rq r
q lTGq trtltl iilsffFe wrcrer rFTFr , irmt nsfq* ;rit sqi qn wq* l rr n ftfnqr Efirqwqr rrR ' farg.krdimffi 1lrlt qrnuftrrtfq qq3rfr rqufr: l fuarnrqlqqrqt rqer ffi rrlrr
1-3.The Sage said-O Brahmint I will now tcll you about \ and by womcnwhich arc ominous inarupicious unusaldelivcries ior tle village, town and the country. These may be of thc ' lollowingkinds(1) Doliviry.of a child 2,3 ot 4 monthsearlicror later lrom tlc approiimateduedato" (2) Dclivery of a child witlout handc, feet or any other limbc,without heador with two headg. (3) Delivcry of an animal sbapcd bcing by a womanor a a humanshapcd bcingby an animal.

qs ftaqf: qqilqr foirc:m*tql:r qfu qG Rq $sfq q qqd qiq ttvrt g1l6tl:. rWN rnftr: ;pt

qfi nqf*finfq

qftmwr Qplftwrtrrt



4-5. Defiteries of tfir:i;e kinie by womc* or cows erc., lrr a houscarc omiuorrsfor all th* mem*ers of tho famity llvrng tbcrc. Thercrure remediai'meafures ar e$Fential-for cl:laining rct jcf fronr ti:eir evil ertcets. Tiu best remedial me&sru will be t+ abatdon (t;r" tUrn ouq ironn the hausc) such women antl animals (corvs,marcs ete.)"

tf?qi: qutltf ilr{ fi;*il qtslltsfq q? r rrsti il qq* nsfr a {srq sqrqif*qtr

fuq<tf?rfiu*&* rt{srt {efi ffil | nqir rErfwf AGew{ wfr firflqfs,,*', ffrtl"n{T srltr( ni mFa rrft trrretq r ;gfrB1qtnl{t s{rql *r fffi 16q11 f,* {tfleEi rrti Wh t'rrqwiie*! r ml $l qS {ftr sriqlt, rgeu* rrr.rr

6-9. It is considercdinauspicious for a girl to bccc prcguant or to delivera child in hcr lSth or l6th year f birth" If a cow delivers when thc Sun is in Leo,or a fe, buffalo delivers when tbc Sun is in Capricorn,they. a. disasterouc to their ownerand the psrson who looksafter them.\ Therforeeither suchcow or bufraloshouldbe givcn away to a Brahminor suitableremedialmcaflmcsshould be taken to cscape from the aforesaid evil cffects. Tbc rsmedial mcasures to bc adopted are the sameasgivenin vcr$rs 3-9in chapter95 (prrvioupchapter).

qi ?qfiGe trtrFn fir fifr qrtfit q: r

wiq mrr*ercalfr furm* gfr rr: nlotl

10. Thuswhenever therqis any kind of arishta(, adoptionof appropriate remcdial measures will cnsure long life, happigcss andprosperityfor the person concerned.

q*wiqrfiuqrqr trtslr
Cbrptor 97

wrui rtFW ry
rlt tft"Tfiffi ilq{tirq

weffi qgnqtr
d!Tf; pTfi efifw itrirl tn uqtl

c* nn cqr $irf gvuglrirqr firq t r

ltne{ qqfffrnilq

) ( \

qcrirq r tfr'dHrr fffifiTrt rnflnt meq{tit rrirr tqtrng!ftmq *ilfqi fkfrilq' w{ ntilqtrrq r I gtld sqlff mraqqql dlqrfrTrqqrrvrr
l-4. Mahariehi Pararara Bid-O Brahmin ! I havo dcr cribcd to you the Jyotisha Shastra ar narratcd by Lord Brehma to thc SageNarada and by Natada to Shaunaka and other Sagcr from whoml rcccivcd thc knowlodgeofthisShastra. I havc narrated the sameJyothish Shastra which I learnt from them. Do not impart the knowledge of this Shastra to ono w\o ir insignificative,slandersor calumniatesotherc, is not intcllilent, is rvickedand unknown to you. Teach this supremeV*danga Jyotish Shastra(Science of Asrrology) only to one who is gentlo and amiable,devoted, truthful, brilliant, and well known to you.

qnnftrtrrcnr{ a} rqef'rt q dfh{ftq t tlurreafrrri erqq r frwrqrftrrilstn!u{rl Srmwrtmq* ?qqq ftfqtfisq: t qqrs[d $Fi {ftr qrr{ iEq{ q*l rrqrr
adequateknowlcdgo 5-6. Only that personwho possosscs (nakrhapositions andconstellations of time of planets "oO.-,lr

Chapter 97


personwho fas) can undcrstand this llora Shatra' Only that is truthful' who and Sastra Hora knowledgeofthe t r, predictions' ""te unfavourable ,canmake correct favourable or

n g{nt* trstiiti i qr "weFa qfiaa: | ln: TFttllell eatqg{Fi fqii {atR


?. One who rsadsor listenswith attention and devotion ic to this most excellcntHora Shnstra, becomes longlived and pput' good and wealth strength, in his with increase blessed ation.

qtanrci qtr'r{ | td rflntqlqii fqfcurcurqilaqttett iqqq*d nd qqtirfirqd iiqrq feqori I iei

til rqRii guaamtEd {ilq( qi: ltett
&9. Thus was narr4ted by Maharishi Parasarato Maitreya' this novel Hora Shastracontaining invaluable and uncommon for thc material from (many) ancient scriptures on Astrology' on usage into benefit of the n'orld at large. Afterwards it came the earth and receivedreverenccfrom all'


q?tsfiiql lqrrsqrifqqqr fsfidf{rilI: t

qfra*nlsmr<n" !ar:

deeq q?q tt llloll

dri{q afaimrq ufvql t fkisq.i tllltl qfiq afawsw faeol sTlqsr*aeil

qrerf,i q EilDxilql qrinltqm{ aql I srs6rqr$i* FtGa'daEfaaqeieiqlllRll dt: TqEc.ttns4ltt: EFe56gtatuq{ | ll1lll qd qlqqd aaaiqT ?qet tfiT$Ft: gq q I dfqfllFlEqTq Tt(si{lsi{ arqqr fqfrqr qlqwq"iqlrilsddtrrq: lllYll qmfrrreea: qlqtl <rqsreFq*qEfi:t qrftsqwwt: llltll {ileqm}rTnq q}n


Erllat Parasara Eora Sasto

qqqftfiimq rqtlrrrr: qarGrar:r qnrnmmrqrrnrtrentnanq:Cgtri:r,,rqh

EFil{Frt<-rr0T-qsqiil{rr cqfrn: r qqt3cttltrrl Faqffiq ll,stf fqossmqiq r

rffiqnuarqqh tqarfr sqrfiq illctl aalsqrEtrqh:eud q rr: rrcr I qllmaqtrTn{-rFrfDqET: qficr.qe: nlerr ' q<fteaatuam: gntrw{ aqr r rqrfqqfq6rfr rqqawfa rr nios1.

I "'

!firanqqsnfa q ttlltt



igaqrr<qil:uRRtl s?tlawqqtqrlrr
ril ffqsqfqqiril*FasqrfMrqnnq


rfanfrm: t
i llItl

q" qir

nrrfiilfrfrrr*q d*tsr nafrra: r rqelT fqrrqnq nfrar: rnfaitar: uRytl

srrf,{d{sa wanq{sa FrIqEeI fqfq6a Flgr[I: fqqn: fiilI I

1G25. 'In these verses have been described the subject matters of all the chapters contained in this book and their importance. This information has been given in detail in the Table of contntsin Vols I and II of this book.

k{Tq fqqrternq rt.1l;q an: firaq uRul


,ufrls Sx r, , 7rtB
lt ;I :FF,


14. t;

t!sf, qnpil

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