Lectia 1

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Lectia 1 Pronuntia literelor in engleza a - Se prunuta uneori o small , wall, warm - Se pronunta a girl, ago - Se prununta ei lake, take,

ake, make ee se pronunta i see oo se pronunta u - good ai se pronunta e - airport eo se pronunta i - people oe si ue se pronunta u th se pronunta t through w se pronunta u world

Formule de salut Bun dimineaa-Good morning Bun ziua-Good afternoon Bun seara-Good evening Noapte un-Good night !a revedere-Good "e #a-B"e Salut-$ello-$" % zi un-Good da"-$ave a ni&e da" Ne vedem mai t'rziu-See "ou later Ne vedem data viitoare-See "ou ne(t time #n data viitoare-)ntil ne(t time

a. Pronumele: (Pronouns) *uvintele+ I, she, they sunt pronume personale, -at pronumele personale ale lim ii engleze+ - eu .ou tu $e el She ea -t el/ea 0pentru o ie&te, animale1 2e noi .ou voi 3he" ei, ele b. Zilele sptmnii (Days of the 4onda" - !uni 3uesda" - 4ari 2ednesda" - 4ier&uri 3hursda" - 5oi Frida" - 6ineri Saturda" - S'm t Sunda" 7umini& ee!):

c. "omente ale zilei ("oments of the #ay)

- -n the morning dimineaa - -n the afternoon dup-amiaza - -n the evening seara #. "embrii familiei ($amily members) father /dad / dadd" tat mother / mum / mumm" / mom - mam parent / parents printe, prini &hild / &hildren &opil, &opii son - fiu daughter- fii& rother - frate sister - sor grandfather / granddad / grandpa - uni& grandmother / grandma / grann" - uni& grandson - nepot granddaughter - nepoat un&le- un&hi aunt - mtu8 &ousin veri8or, veri8oar nephew - nepot nie&e nepoat

*-3-9- 3:;3)! 7: 4<- 5%S + =:<7 3$: 3:;3 + I li%e with m" hus and and m" &hildren at the &ountr"side, I am a do&tor, I usuall" go to work in the morning, I ha%e man" friends in the village, 4" friend, !ouise, she is a tea&her, She goes to s&hool in the afternoon, ever" da" of the week+ on 4onda", on 3uesda", on 2ednesda", on 3hursda" and on Frida", She #oes not go to s&hool in the week end, She teaches :nglish, 4" father, m" mother, m" rother and m" sister li%e here, too, They are farmers, I li!e&en'oy living in nature,

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