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Lecia a aptesprezecea Lesson Seventeen

GRAMMAR GRAMATIC Verbele modale - Prima parte

1. Modal Verbs - Part One

Verbele modale primare ale limbii engleze sunt can, may, must, ought, shall i will i exprim modalitatea n care este svrit o aciune. Ele se folosesc mpreun cu verbul de care depind i despre care ofer informaii: I can go sunt n stare s merg I may speak - am permisiunea s vorbesc I must see - trebuie s vd I ought to know - am datoria s tiu I shall come sunt decis s vin I will open - vreau s deschid CAN = BE ABLE TO = A FI N STARE S I can go sunt n stare s merg you can go eti n stare s mergi she can go este n stare s mearg he can go este n stare s mearg we can go suntem n stare s mergem you can go suntei n stare s mergei they can go sunt n stare s mearg Forma negativ I cannot go/I cant go you cannot go she cannot go he cannot go we cannot go you cannot go they cannot go

It is not a problem, we can do it. Nu este o problem, noi putem s-o facem. He is weak but he can walk. El este slbit, dar poate s mearg pe jos. MAY = A AVEA PERMISIUNEA I may go you may go she may go he may go we may go you may go they may go am permisiunea s merg ai permisiunea s mergi are permisiunea s mearg are permisiunea s mearg avem permisiunea s mergem avei permisiunea s mergei au permisiunea s mearg I may not go you may not go she may not go he may not go we may not go you may not go they may not go

May I open the window? Yes, you may! mi permitei s deschid fereastra? Da, o putei deschide. May I shut the door? Yes, you may! mi permitei s nchid ua? Da, o putei nchide.

May I smoke in here? No, you may not. mi permitei s fumez aici nauntru? Nu, nu putei. MUST = A TREBUI I must go trebuie s merg you must go trebuie s mergi she must go trebuie s mearg he must go trebuie s mearg we must go trebuie s mergem you must go trebuie s mergei they must go trebuie s mearg I mustnt go you mustnt go she mustnt go he mustnt go we mustnt go you mustnt go they mustnt go

I must go right now. I must be there at seven sharp. Trebuie s plec chiar acum. Trebuie s fiu acolo la 7 fix. You must tell him what they said about him. Trebuie s-i spui ce au spus ei despre el. 2. 10 Irregular Verbs Infinitive to read(a citi) to ring(a suna) to run(a alerga) to say(a spune) to see(a vedea) to seek(a cuta) to sell(a vinde) to send(a trimite) to set(a aeza) to shake(a agita) 10 verbe neregulate Past read rang ran said saw sought sold sent set shook Past Participle read rung run said seen sought sold sent set shaken

General concepts
At the Hotel I want to book a room in a hotel close to the centre of the town close to the stadium close to the ski slope close to the harbour close to the airport close to the station Id like a room in a cheap hotel Id like a room in a luxury hotel

Noiuni general
La hotel Vreau s rezerv o camer la un hotel n apropiere de centrul oraului n apropiere de stadion n apropiere de prtia de schi n apropiere de port n apropiere de aeroport n apropiere de gar a vrea o camer ntr-un hotel ieftin a vrea o camer ntr-un hotel de lux

For how many nights? Pentru cte nopi? Do you have any vacancies? Avei camere libere? No, Im afraid we are full Nu, mi pare ru, sunt toate ocupate We dont accept telephone bookings Nu acceptm rezervri la telefon You must come in person Trebuie s venii personal The price only includes breakfast Preul include doar micul dejun We accept payments both by Acceptm pli att cu credit card carte de credit and by cheque ct i prin cec account cont, factur reservation rezervare to book a reservation a nregistra o rezervare air conditioning aer condiionat penthouse apartament de lux la ultimul etaj suite apartament double room camer dubl single room camer pentru o singur persoan spltorie laundry Each person has his or her own rhythm. Some are morning people while others are night people. Do you sometimes wonder why you are always going to bed very late at night while your husband or wife is ready to fall asleep before eleven oclock? Fiecare om are propriul lui ritm de via. Unii sunt matinali n timp ce alii sunt noctambuli. V ntrebai uneori de ce v ducei mereu la culcare noaptea foarte trziu n vreme ce soul sa soia dumneavoastr este gata s adoarm nainte de ora 23?

An Early Bird or a Night Owl

Matinal sau pasre de noapte

Jim Patrick: Excellent choice. You have chosen a very attractive subject matter to talk about. Im very interested in this field. Well, I am definitely an early bird. I have no doubt about it. (Excelent alegere. Ai ales un subiect foarte atrgtor. Sunt foarte interesat de domeniul acesta. Ei bine, eu sunt cu siguran un matinal. Nu am nicio ndoial. ) Minnie Jones: We are also early birds, me and Al. But I am the earliest: each morning is a real workout for the entire day: I spend my time preparing freshly squeezed juice for breakfast and watering my plants. (i noi suntem matinali, eu i Al. Dar eu sunt cea mai matinal: fiecare diminea este un adevrat antrenament pentru ziua care ncepe: petrec timp pregtind suc de fructe proaspt pentru micul dejun i udndu-mi plantele.)

Jim Patrick: I perfectly understand you. Unfortunately, my wife is just the opposite of me. Paulas morning ritual consists of dress, eat something rapidly and get out the door in fifteen minutes. I will never be able to understand her. (Te neleg perfect. Din nefericire, soia mea este exact opusul meu. Ritualul matinal al Paulei const n mbrcare, nghiit ceva pe fug i ieit pe u n 15 minute. N-o s-o neleg niciodat.) Minnie Jones: An early bird will never understand a night owl. Im just joking. (Un matinal n-o s neleag niciodat o pasre de noapte. Glumesc.) Jim Patrick: Well it isnt a joke. We have many problems because of these different rhythms of life. (Nu este chiar o glum. Avem multe probleme din cauza ritmului diferit de via.) Minnie Jones: Psychologists say that when couples are mismatched, they have significantly less marital adjustment and more marital conflicts. (Psihologii spun c atunci cnd cuplurile nu au bioritmuri similare, soii au mai puine puncte comune i mai multe conflicte.) Jim Patrick: Of course: they spend less time in serious conversation and spend less time in shared activities. (Firesc: petrec mai puin timp purtnd discuii serioase i au mai puine activiti commune.) Minnie Jones: I always wake up before the alarm goes off. Sometimes Im in the kitchen already preparing breakfast and Al is in his favourite armchair reading the morning newspaper. (Eu m trezesc ntotdeauna nainte s sune ceasul. Uneori sunt deja n buctrie i pregtesc micul dejun, iar Al este n fotoliul lui preferat i citete ziarul de diminea.) Jim Patrick: It also happens to me. On the contrary, when the alarm goes off, Paula rolls over in bed, moans and presses the snooze button. We are an odd couple, arent we? (i mie mi se ntmpl. Dimpotriv, dup ce sun ceasul, Paula se rsucete n pat, geme i apas butonul de alarm. Suntem un cuplu ciudat, nu?) Minnie Jones: No, you arent. But you have to be more careful with each other and try to be more patient. You cannot change your habits overnight. (Nu, nu suntei. Dar trebuie s fii mai ateni unul cu cellalt i mai rbdtori. Nu v putei schimba obiceiurile peste noapte.) Jim Patrick: My question is: do I have to become a night owl, or does Paula have to become an early bird? (ntrebarea mea este: trebuie s ajung eu pasre de noapte sau Paula s devin matinal.) Minnie Jones: You must be as you are now. Only more patient and more careful. (Trebuie s fii aa cum suntei acum. Doar mai rbdtori i mai ateni.) Vocabulary: workout = antrenament rhythm = ritm morning people, early birds = matinali, persoane matinale

bird = pasre while = n timp ce, n vreme ce night people = noctambuli night owl = pasre de noapte owl = bufni to fall asleep = a adormi subject matter = subiect to talk about = a vorbi despre definitely = cu siguran doubt = ndoial freshly squeezed juice = suc proaspt stors to squeeze = a stoarce to water = a uda(despre plante) opposite = opus morning ritual = ritual matinal to consist of = a consta n to get out = a iei to joke, to kid = a glumi joke = glum psychologist = psiholog couple = cuplu mismatched = nepotrivit marital conflict = conflict conjugal to go off = a porni to roll over = a se rsuci to moan = a geme, a se vita to press = a apsa snooze button = butonul alarmei odd couple = cuplu ciudat overnight = peste noapte account reservation to book a reservation air conditioning penthouse suite double room single room laundry to ring(a suna) to run(a alerga) to seek(a cuta) to sell(a vinde) to send(a trimite) cont, factur rezervare a nregistra o rezervare aer condiionat apartament de lux la ultimul etaj apartament camer dubl camer pentru o singur persoan spltorie

to set(a aeza) to shake(a agita)

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