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Meaning = keep someone informed of the latest developments or news.

Synonyms = inform, update, notify , Ex: she keeps me posted about the fight

Meaning : to write a letter or note to someone casually , Synonyms: communicate in writing Ex: Drop me a line at the usual address.

Out of touch
Meaning : lacking up-to-date knowledge or information. im out of Ex: He seems out of touch with this modern touch with recent word!!!!! economic thinking

Put them in picture

Meaning : to explain to someone what is happening Ex: Jim had no idea what was going on until I put him in the picture.

Spread like a wild fire

Meaning : to spread rapidly. Ex: Rumors spread like wildfire when people are excited

Stool pigeon
Meaning : a police informer , acts as informer to someone. Ex: the one who informs about a criminal to some officials

Touch base
Meaning : briefly make or renew contact with someone, contact some one for first time or renew communication. Ex: They are travelling back to Star City, where they plan to touch base with relatives"

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