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Anything that increases the likelihood of behaviour occurring.

Something that is added to increase the likelihood of behaviour occurring. Doesn't mean positive as in "nice Can you think of an example?

Something that is removed to increase the likelihood of behaviour occurring.

escape avoidance.

Name something's that you don't like. What do you do to escape or avoid these things?

Anything that decreases the likelihood of behaviour occurring

This functions as a suppressor, punishment does not change behaviour you must have a reinforcement procedure to teach a new or alternate behaviour.

Something that is added to decrease the likelihood of behaviour occurring.


Something that is removed to decrease the likelihood of behaviour occurring. Example???

4 Types Fixed Ratio Variable Ratio Fixed Interval Variable Interval

Number of behaviours to receive reinforcement. FR1 means that one behaviour will receive reinforcement. This scheduled is best used for teaching a new skill/behaviour or increasing the likelihood of a low rate behaviour to occur more often.

When a behaviour is considered learned or the data shows it's occurring more frequently you thin reinforcement. Every 2 behaviours receive reinforcement this is an FR2. If someone is on an FR 8 how many behaviours have to occur before receiving reinforcement?

Behaviours are reinforced on average a certain amount of time. This schedule is good for maintaining behaviour over time. Example: a slot machine This is a sample if the amount of behaviours occur before reinforcement: let's figure out the schedule: 5, 3, 1, 6, 6

Behaviour is reinforced after a certain amount of time has passed

FI1: if the behaviour occurs within a minute reinforcement is received once the minute is complete.

FI5: means?

Reinforcement is received on average of an amount of time passing. This method slowly steadily produces responding. Good if you have a behaviour that you want but to occur at low rates.

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