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Elizabeth C.

Kolb ECED 329 Fall 2013 Assessment Plan For my last ELA lesson, I decided to teach my kindergarteners a lesson that I came up called Rhyming Words. This lesson has included a pre-assessment, during assessment, and a post-assessment. The assessment were used to cover the objective and to test the students on the understanding of the lesson. The objective of the lesson was that the students will be able to apply different rhyming words that sound the same but are different objects. The game that goes with this lesson will test the students on the ways they see what words rhyme and work together as pairs to come up with the answer. The game is using hula hoops and actual objects that rhyme with same ending sound. The point of the lesson is to use rhyming words in poems or other works in different subjects as the students progress in each grade. The other point of the lesson is for the students to be creative and come up with their own rhyming words, i.e. coming up with different words that rhyme with their name. The purpose of the pre-assessment of this lesson is the students repeating the names of the different objects already in the hula hoops. Before they repeat the words, the poem used in the beginning of the lesson will be another pre-assessment. The assessment for the introduction is the idea of listening to the words that rhyme. I will be calling on students individually to come up and point out the words that rhyme with each other. Any knowledge before this lesson would be sounding out the letters in a word. The purpose of the during assessment of the lesson is for the students to be in pairs and work together and put the correct object in the hula hoop. The knowledge of this assessment would be the students having to say the word out loud to themselves and really think about what rhymes in that particular hula hoop. The purpose of the post assessment is the students doing their own individual rhyming word page while applying the game. The pre-assessment is more of a listening assessment to where the post assessment is the students applying the pre and during assessment. In the beginning of the pre-assessment, I would bring up that they could come up with rhyming words for their names. This would be the first part of the pre-assessment to see if they can come up with some rhyming words for their names. The second part of the pre-assessment would be picking out the rhyming words in the pumpkin poem. I would read the poem out loud to the students and call some of the students up individually. I will ask them to pick out some of the words they listened to that rhymed or sounded the same. The example objects in hula hoops, I will say the names of them and ask the students to repeat after me. This part of the pre-assessment will help them in the game later to put their own given objects in the correct hula hoop or correct rhyming sound. The preassessment will give me the data needed to see who listened to me say the name of the object or the word in the poem and see if they can depict what rhymes with them. The during assessment will be the game that the students will do together in pairs to put the correct rhyming object in the correct hula hoop. The during assessment will have a checklist involved where they will be scored an X, an /, and a +. The X indicating whether they dont know which hula hoop their object goes into. The / indicating they had help from their partner to put the object in their hula hoop. The + will indicate that they did not need help to put their object in the correct hula hoop. The post assessment will be the individualized rhyming word page with pictures they have glued on. The higher students will get 6 pairs of rhyming words with one of them being a challenging pair. The middle and lower students will get 5 pairs of rhyming words and they will

Elizabeth C. Kolb ECED 329 Fall 2013 match the pictures together according to the rhyming sound at the end of the word. I will ask a higher student, middle student, and lower student to do an extra page for me to use as an assessment whether they understood the lesson. The differences to see would be whether they glue the picture straight from left to right without a line being drawn there. For my accommodations, my students with hearing will sit in the front of me on the carpet as the lesson is being taught. The lower students will receive help from the teaching assistant and my cooperating teacher. Another accommodation is for these students to work with the higher students so they can get feedback from peers. My formative assessments that I picked for my students were to see if the students got the lesson of rhyming words. My pre formative assessments for the students to repeat after me were the words that were rhyming words. I believe this evidence is important for me to take note is because part of the during and post assessment, I wanted them to repeat the names of the pictures being used. In order to see if the students got that they had to repeat the words was for them to hear the similarities like car and star rhyme. The during assessment was whether the students actually put their object in the correct hula hoop. I wanted to see if the students could do without their partners and from what I could tell most of the students were able to. The checklist was important because I wanted to see particular students do it without a partner and using the checklist, it was able to provide me a visual to look it and see yes they did it without a partner or no they didnt. The post assessment I chose was important to see if they can paste the pictures that rhymed by themselves. I picked three particular students to do an extra one for me as part of the analysis. The post assessment was important because this time they had to do it without any partner help. I wanted to see if they could take the pre assessment saying the words of the pictures and hearing which ones rhymed together. The during assessment was tied into the post assessment because it was all about pairing the pictures with their matching rhyme picture. The evidence was important for the post because I wanted to see if the students could tie the pre and during assessment into their post. Assessment Plan Table: Lesson Objective(s) Use of Formative Assessment (TWS section 7) Students will be able to apply different rhyming words that sound the same but are different objects. Use of Formative Assessment (TWS section 7) Pre: The idea is to hear the students repeat after me and I can ask different words to rhyme with an object that I said. Higher students: Give them an extra word on the post-assessment, a more challenging rhyming pair. Let them help out the During: I will middle and lower observe the students during students working in the hula hoop pairs and taking activity. turns and check off who understood the Lower students: Accommodations


During Assessment

Elizabeth C. Kolb ECED 329 Fall 2013 lesson and who didnt by using a checklist of the symbols X, /, and +. Post: The construction paper and gluing the matching rhyming word pictures will be my way of assessment. I will ask for an extra copy for a high student, middle student, or low student. Have them in pairs with the higher or middle students to do the hula hoop activity. Let them work with Ms. Bolden or Ms. South during the post assessment.

Post Assessment

The three extra rhyming pages will be attached to the assessment plan as well as the checklist for the pre-assessment. I will also provide the rhyming page that I did as an example for the students.

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