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Assignment Rubrics Lesson 1 Set 1 - Nonfiction Text Features 0 No Text Features 1 1 -3 text features 2 4 6 text features 3 7 9 text features

res 4 10 or more text features

Lesson 1 Set 2 Classifying Text as Fiction/Nonfiction and Categorizing Facts From Nonfiction 0 No passages classified correctly No facts categorized correctly 1 1 passage classified correctly 1 2 fact categorized correctly 2 2 passages classified correctly 3 4 facts categorized correctly 3 3 passages classified correctly 5 7 facts categorized correctly 4 All 4 passages classified correctly 8 10 facts categorized correctly

Lesson 1 Set 3 Main Idea Labels 0 No labels are main ideas 1 Half or less of the paragraph labels are main ideas 2 More than half of the paragraph labels are main ideas 3 All paragraph labels are good, strong main ideas

Lesson 2 Set 1 Text Structure and Authors Purpose Characteristics/Definitions 0 No text structures characteristics/definitions or authors purpose 1 1 2 Text structures explained using characteristics or definitions 2 3 4 Text structures explained using characteristics or definitions 3 5 Text structures explained using characteristics or definitions

1 types of 2 types of 3 4 types of authors purpose authors purpose authors purpose explained or explained or explained or defined defined defined

Lesson 2 Set 2 Classifying Text Structure and Authors Purpose 0 No passages classified by text structure and authors purpose 1 1 2 passages correctly classified by text structure and authors purpose 2 3 4 passages correctly classified by text structure and authors purpose 3 5 Passages correctly classified by text structure and authors purpose

Lesson 3 Classifying Questions as literal, inferential, or both 0 No questions classified correctly as literal, inferential, or both 1 Some questions classified correctly as literal, inferential, or both 2 All questions classified correctly as literal, inferential, or both

Lesson 4 Presentation of Using text features, classifying questions, labeling paragraphs, and evaluating answer choices 1 Poor or no use of strategies for questioning, predicting, and connecting text features Correct labeling of no paragraphs Correct classification of no question types Poor use of strategies for evaluating answer choices No answer choices are correct 2 Fair use of strategies for questioning, predicting, and connecting text features Correct labeling of few paragraphs Correct classification of few question types Fair use of strategies for evaluating answer choices Few answer choices are correct 3 Good use of strategies for questioning, predicting, and connecting text features Correct labeling of most paragraphs Correct classification of most question types Good use of strategies for evaluating answer choices Most answer choices are correct 4 Excellent use of strategies for questioning, predicting, and connecting text features Correct labeling of all paragraphs Correct classification of all question types Excellent use of strategies for evaluating answer choices All answer choices are correct

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