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Khurays Janubia Display ENodeBAlgoSwitch -----------------------Handover Algo switch = IntraFreqCoverHoSwitch:On = InterFreqCoverHoSwitch:On = UtranCsfbSwitch:On = GeranCsfbSwitch:On = Cdma20001xRttCsfbSwitch:Off = UtranServiceHoSwitch:Off = GeranServiceHoSwitch:Off = Cdma2000HrpdServiceHoSwitch:Off

= Cdma20001xRttServiceHoSwitch:Off = UlQualityInterRATHoSwitch:Off = InterPlmnHoSwitch:Off = UtranFlashCsfbSwitch:Off = GeranFlashCsfbSwitch:Off = ServiceBasedInterFreqHoSwitch:Off = UlQualityInterFreqHoSwitch:Off Handover Mode switch = EutranVoipCapSwitch:On = UtranVoipCapSwitch:Off = GeranVoipCapSwitch:Off = Cdma1xRttVoipCapSwitch:Off = UtranPsHoSwitch:On = GeranPsHoSwitch:On = CdmaHrpdNonOtpimisedHoSwitch:Off = CdmaHrpdOptimisedHoSwitch:Off = GeranNaccSwitch:Off = GeranCcoSwitch:Off = UtranSrvccSwitch:Off = GeranSrvccSwitch:Off = Cdma1xRttSrvccSwitch:Off = UtranRedirectSwitch:On = GeranRedirectSwitch:Off = CdmaHrpdRedirectSwitch:Off = Cdma1xRttRedirectSwitch:Off = BlindHoSwitch:On DlIcic algorithm switch = DlIcicSwitch_OFF_ENUM ANR algorithm switch = IntraRatEventAnrSwitch:Off = IntraRatFastAnrSwitch:Off = IntraRatAnrAutoDelSwitch:Off = UtranEventAnrSwitch:Off = GeranEventAnrSwitch:Off = UtranFastAnrSwitch:Off = GeranFastAnrSwitch:Off = CdmaFastAnrSwitch:Off = UtranAutoNrtDeleteSwitch:Off

Omantel Display ENodeBAlgoSwitch -----------------------Handover Algo switch = IntraFreq = InterFreqCoverHoSw = UtranCsfbSwitch:On = GeranCsfbSwitch:O = Cdma20001xRttCsfb = UtranServiceHoSwit = GeranServiceHoSwi = Cdma2000HrpdServ = Cdma20001xRttSer = UlQualityInterRATH = InterPlmnHoSwitch = UtranFlashCsfbSwit = GeranFlashCsfbSwit = ServiceBasedInterFr = UlQualityInterFreqH Handover Mode switch = EutranV = UtranVoipCapSwitc = GeranVoipCapSwitc = Cdma1xRttVoipCap = UtranPsHoSwitch:O = GeranPsHoSwitch:O = CdmaHrpdNonOtpim = CdmaHrpdOptimise = GeranNaccSwitch:O = GeranCcoSwitch:Of = UtranSrvccSwitch:O = GeranSrvccSwitch:O = Cdma1xRttSrvccSwi = UtranRedirectSwitc = GeranRedirectSwitc = CdmaHrpdRedirectS = Cdma1xRttRedirect = BlindHoSwitch:Off DlIcic algorithm switch = DlIcicSwit ANR algorithm switch = IntraRatE = IntraRatFastAnrSwit = IntraRatAnrAutoDel = UtranEventAnrSwitc = GeranEventAnrSwit = UtranFastAnrSwitch = GeranFastAnrSwitch = CdmaFastAnrSwitch = UtranAutoNrtDelete

= GeranAutoNrtDeleteSwitch:Off = CdmaAutoNrtDeleteSwitch:Off = ExtendIntraRatAnrSwitch:Off Redirection switch = LoadBasedSwitch:Off = GeranFlashRedirectSwitch:Off = UranFlashRedirectSwitch:Off MRO algorithm switch = IntraFreqMroAlgoSwitch:Off = InterFreqMroAlgoSwitch:Off = UtranMroSwitch:Off = GeranMroSwitch:Off TPE switch = TpeAlgoSwitch:Off UlIcic time switch = Uplink Intra-eNB ICIC switch:Off UlIcic freq switch = Off LCS switch = OTDOA switch:Off TRM switch = UU flow control switch:Off PCI conflict alarm switch = Off Power save switch = Symbol shutdown switch:Off RIM switch = UTRAN RIM Switch:Off = GERAN RIM Switch:Off ANR Under RAN Sharing Algorithm Switch = NBSLTEPLMNRoundSwitch:Off = NBSLTERANSharingSwitch:Off Frequency Layer Switch = UtranFreqLayerMeasSwitch:Off = UtranFreqLayerBlindSwitch:Off (Number of results = 1)

= GeranAutoNrtDelet = CdmaAutoNrtDelete = ExtendIntraRatAnrS Redirection switch = LoadBasedS = GeranFlashRedirect = UranFlashRedirectS MRO algorithm switch = IntraFreq = InterFreqMroAlgoSw = UtranMroSwitch:Of = GeranMroSwitch:Of TPE switch = TpeAlgoSwitch UlIcic time switch = Uplink IntraUlIcic freq switch = Off LCS switch = OTDOA switch: TRM switch = UU flow contr PCI conflict alarm switch = Off Power save switch = Symbol shu RIM switch = UTRAN RIM Sw = GERAN RIM Switch: ANR Under RAN Sharing Algorithm Switch = = NBSLTERANSharingS Frequency Layer Switch = UtranFre = UtranFreqLayerBlin (Number of results = 1)



Handover Algo switch = IntraFreqCoverHoSwitch:On = InterFreqCoverHoSwitch:On = UtranCsfbSwitch:On = GeranCsfbSwitch:Off = Cdma20001xRttCsfbSwitch:Off = UtranServiceHoSwitch:On = GeranServiceHoSwitch:Off = Cdma2000HrpdServiceHoSwitch:Off = Cdma20001xRttServiceHoSwitch:Off = UlQualityInterRATHoSwitch:Off = InterPlmnHoSwitch:Off = UtranFlashCsfbSwitch:Off = GeranFlashCsfbSwitch:Off = ServiceBasedInterFreqHoSwitch:Off = UlQualityInterFreqHoSwitch:Off Handover Mode switch = EutranVoipCapSwitch:On = UtranVoipCapSwitch:Off = GeranVoipCapSwitch:Off = Cdma1xRttVoipCapSwitch:Off = UtranPsHoSwitch:On = GeranPsHoSwitch:Off = CdmaHrpdNonOtpimisedHoSwitch:Off = CdmaHrpdOptimisedHoSwitch:Off = GeranNaccSwitch:Off = GeranCcoSwitch:Off = UtranSrvccSwitch:Off = GeranSrvccSwitch:Off = Cdma1xRttSrvccSwitch:Off = UtranRedirectSwitch:On = GeranRedirectSwitch:Off = CdmaHrpdRedirectSwitch:Off = Cdma1xRttRedirectSwitch:Off = BlindHoSwitch:Off cic algorithm switch = DlIcicSwitch_OFF_ENUM ANR algorithm switch = IntraRatEventAnrSwitch:Off = IntraRatFastAnrSwitch:Off = IntraRatAnrAutoDelSwitch:Off = UtranEventAnrSwitch:Off = GeranEventAnrSwitch:Off = UtranFastAnrSwitch:Off = GeranFastAnrSwitch:Off = CdmaFastAnrSwitch:Off = UtranAutoNrtDeleteSwitch:Off

= GeranAutoNrtDeleteSwitch:Off = CdmaAutoNrtDeleteSwitch:Off = ExtendIntraRatAnrSwitch:Off Redirection switch = LoadBasedSwitch:Off = GeranFlashRedirectSwitch:Off = UranFlashRedirectSwitch:Off MRO algorithm switch = IntraFreqMroAlgoSwitch:Off = InterFreqMroAlgoSwitch:Off = UtranMroSwitch:Off = GeranMroSwitch:Off TPE switch = TpeAlgoSwitch:Off UlIcic time switch = Uplink Intra-eNB ICIC switch:Off UlIcic freq switch = Off LCS switch = OTDOA switch:Off TRM switch = UU flow control switch:Off conflict alarm switch = Off Power save switch = Symbol shutdown switch:Off RIM switch = UTRAN RIM Switch:Off = GERAN RIM Switch:Off RAN Sharing Algorithm Switch = NBSLTEPLMNRoundSwitch:Off = NBSLTERANSharingSwitch:Off equency Layer Switch = UtranFreqLayerMeasSwitch:Off = UtranFreqLayerBlindSwitch:Off f results = 1)

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