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Basic Baseball Rules Reguli de baza in jocul de Baseball

Basic baseball rules for young players and parents. These simple rules are perfect for introducing new folks to the game. Reguli de baz in Baseball pentru juctorii de varste mici i prini. Aceste reguli simple sunt perfecte pentru introducerea in jocul de baseball. Obiective Baseball is played by two teams of 9 players each who try to score more runs than their opponent by rounding the bases and crossing home plate as many times as possible. The batting team stays up to bat until the fielding team puts out 3 batters. Baseball-ul este jucat de dou echipe cu nou juctori fiecare, care trebuie s ncerce s nscrie mai multe puncte dect adversarul lor i de a trece baza cas de cte ori este posibil pentru a realiza punctele. Echipa la bataie rmne pn pn cnd echipa din teren realizeaza 3 auturi. Playing Area Zona de joc

The playing area is often referred to as a baseball diamond due to its shape. It consists of a pitchers mound, 4 bases, an infield, and an outfield.

Zona de joc este adesea menionat ca un diamant de baseball din cauza formei sale. Se compune din movil pentru aruncator, 4 baze, un teren interior i un teren exterior. Equipment Echipamentul You need a bat, batting helmet, baseball, gloves for each outfielder, 4 bases, and a pitching rubber. Ai nevoie de un baston , casca bataie, minge de baseball, mnui pentru fiecare outfielder, 4 baze, i un prag de cauciuc pentru aruncator.

Baston Baseball

Casca Baseball

Minge de baseball

Manusi de Baseball Starting Play Inceputul de joc

Baze de Baseball

Prag pentru aruncare

The visiting team bats first while the home team starts out in the field on defense. Each fielder lines up in one of the 9 fielding positions. Echipa oaspete (vizitatoare) este prima la bataia cu bastonul n timp ce echipa gazd pornete jocul in aprare. Fiecare jucator din ordinea de bataie are pozitia sa in teren. The first batter steps into the batters box and prepares to hit the pitch. Primul jucator la bataie paseste in boxa batterului si se pregateste pentru a lovi o minge aruncata de pitcher. Positions Pozitiile jucatorilor in teren Players line up in the following positions: Jucatorii din teren au urmatoarele pozitii: 1. Pitcher on the pitcher's mound aruncator situat pe movila 2. Catcher - behind home plate prinzator - situat in spatele bazei casa 3. 1st Baseman jucator aparator la baza 1

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

2nd Baseman jucator aparator la baza 2 3rd Baseman jucator aparator la baza 3 Shortstop between 2nd and 3rd base jucatorul situat intre baza 2 si baza 3 Leftfielder outfield behind 2nd and 3rd base jucator in spatele bazelor 2 si 3 Centerfielder outfield behind 2nd base jucator in spatele bazei 2 Rightfielder outfield behind 1st and 2nd base jucator in spatele bazelor 1 si 2

Batting Jocul la bataie

There is a batters box on both sides of home plate. The batter may choose which side of the plate to hit from, but both of his feet must be inside the box. Aceasta este boxa batter-ului situata in ambele parti ale bazei casa. Batter-ul poate alege pe ce parte poate sa stea la bataie, dar ambele picioare trebuie sa fie in interiorul boxei. He attempts to score runs by hitting the ball when its pitched to him. El incearca sa faca o bataie buna sau sa faca un punct cand mingea este aruncata catre el. The batter may continue to hit until he: Batterul continua sa bata mingea inainte ca: Hits the ball in fair territory. A lovit o minge in terenul de joc. Gets 3 strikes. Sa aiba 3 strikes 3 mingi primite in zona de bataie. Gets 4 balls. Sa aiba 4 ball-uri 4 mingi aruncate in afara zonei de bataie.

Strikes Mingii in zona de bataie. The strike zone is the area between the batters shoulders and knees. A "strike" is called by the umpire when the batter: Zona de strike este situata intre coatele si genunchii batter-ului. Un stike este acordat de catre arbitru atunci cand batter-ul:

fails to swing at a pitch that crosses the plate in the strike zone. nu reuseste sa loveasca o minge care trece in zona de strike. swings at a pitch and misses. incearca sa loveasca mingea dar rateaza. once he gets 3 strikes he is out, and the next batter comes up to the plate. cand batter-ul are 3 strike-uri este aut, si urmatorul la bataie vine la baza casa. A batter cant strike out on a foul ball. If he has two strikes, theres no limit to the number of foul balls he is allowed to hit. He can only strike out on a swing and miss or a ball he fails to swing at in the strike zone. Un jucator la bataie nu poate lovi pe o minge fault. Dac el are dou strike, nu exist nici o limit la numrul de mingii fault si are voie s loveasc. El poate fi scos strike-out pe un swing cand nu loveste o minge care este n zona de strike. Balls Mingii in afara zonei de bataie. A "ball" is a pitch that is delivered outside of the strike zone that is not struck at by the batter. If a batter receives 4 balls, he gets to walk to first base. (If a batter swings at a ball outside the strike zone and misses, he is called for a strike.) Un ball este o aruncare in afara zonei de strike si nu este un strike pentru batter. Daca un batter primeste 4 ball-uri, este avansat la baza 1. ( Daca un jucator la bataie incearca sa loveasca o minge care este in afara zonei de strike si rateaza, el va avea un strike.) Runner Alergator in baze. The batter becomes a runner when: Un batter devine alergator atunci cand:

he hits a ball in fair territory and runs to first base. A lovit o minge in terenul de joc si alearga spre baza 1. he walks after 4 balls. Este avansat dupa lansarea de 4 ball-uri. he is hit by a pitch. A fost lovit cu mingea de catre aruncator. the catcher drops the third strike. (If the batter is called for his 3rd strike but the catcher misses the ball, the batter may try to beat the ball to first base.) prinzatorul a scapat al treilea strike ( nu este valabil la copii). A runner can move to the next base if the ball is overthrown or after a wild pitch. Un alergator poate sa mearga la baza urmatoare daca mingea este aruncata gresit in afara terenului sau dupa o aruncare gresita a aruncatorului. A runner may overrun 1st base when he hits the ball as long as he turns out of bounds after he passes the base. Runners may not overrun any other base. If they do and are tagged while they are off the base, they are out. Un alergator poate depi prima de baz atunci cnd lovete mingea, atta timp ct el nu are intentia de a pleca spre urmatoarea baz . Alergatorul nu poate depi orice alt baz. Dac o face i este atins cu mingea in timp ce se afla in afara bazei acesta va fi aut. Duration Durata unui joc de baseball A standard game lasts 9 innings. Each inning is divided into a top and bottom half with each team having a turn at bat. Un meci de baseball dureaza 9 reprize la seniori si juniori ( 7 reprize la copii si cadeti). Fiecare repriza este impartita in doua jumatati cand fiecare echipa va fi in atac si in aparare. The visiting team bats the first half (or top) of each inning, and the home team bats the second half (or bottom) of the inning. Echipa vizitatoare incepe la bataie in fiecare repriza prima, si echipa gazda va juca la bataie in partea a doua a reprizei. A half inning is completed when the batting team gets 3 outs. If the score is tied at the end of 9 innings, extra innings are played until there is a winner. O jumatate de repriza este completa atunci cand echipa a incasat 3 auturi. Daca scorul este egal la sfarsitul jocului regulamentar se vor acorda atatea reprise de prelungire pana cand se va desemna castigatorul. If the home team is ahead going into the bottom of the 9th inning, there is no need for them to come up to bat, so the game is usually called. Daca echipa gazda in ultima repriza se afla in avantaj nu va mai fi nevoie sa mearga la bataie, pentru ca aceasta a castigat jocul oricum.

Scoring Realizarea punctelor.

The team that scores the most runs is the winner. A run is scored when a base runner rounds all of the bases by stepping on each one in order from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and crosses home plate.

Echipa care a marcat mai multe puncte este desemnata castigatoare. Un punct se realizeaza cand alergatorul paseste pe fiecare baza 1,2 si 3 si la sfarsit paseste sip e baza casa. If the ball is hit over the outfield fence in fair territory, it is considered a home run and the batter has a free trip all the way around the bases until he crosses home plate. Daca o minge este lovita peste jucatorii din spatele terenului ( outfielders), este considerat un home-run si jucatorul de la bataie poate alerga usor prin teren atingand cele 4 baze realizand astfel punctul. Grand slam - A home run thats hit with the bases loaded (runners on every base.) All of the base runners round the bases and go home for a total of 4 points. Grand slam Un home run realizat cu baze pline ( bazele 1,2 si 3 au alergatori ). Toti alergatorii alearga spre baza casa realizandu-se 4 puncte din aceasta lovitura. Putting Players Out Scoaterea jucatorilor din joc. A batter is out if: Un jucator la bataie este aut daca : he hits the ball and its caught while its in the air, which is known as a fly ball (even if its caught in foul territory.) daca a lovit mingea si aceasta a fost prinsa din aer de catre unul dintre aparatori( chiar daca aceasta este prinsa si in afara terenului de joc pana la linia de foul). he gets 3 strikes. cand a primit 3 mingii in zona de strike. A runner is out if: Un alergator este aut daca:

he is hit by a batted ball while off a base. este lovit de o minge batuta de un coechipier si se afla in afara bazei. a fielder tags him with the ball when he is not touching a base. un aparator il atinge cu mingea cand acesta inca nu a atins baza. he runs more than 3 feet out of the baseline to avoid being tagged. cand alearga in afara culuarului de alergare pentru a nu fi atins de adversar. a fielder with the ball tags a base at which there is a force play before the forced runner reaches the base. un jucator care atinge cu baza mingea; este un joc fortat inainte ca alergatorii fortati sa atinga bazele spre care alergau. he runs past a base runner thats ahead of him. cand depaseste un alergator care se afla in fata sa. Double play - When 2 players get out on the same play. Dublu aut cand 2 jucatori sunt dati aut in aceeasi faza de joc. Triple play - When 3 players get out on the same play.

Triplu aut cand 3 jucatori sunt dati aut in aceeasi faza de joc.

Force play - When a batter hits the ball and runs to 1st base, he forces the runner on 1st base to move to 2nd base. If theres also a runner on 2nd, he must move to 3rd base, and if there's also a runner on 3rd base, he must run home. A runner is out if he is tagged by a fielder before reaching the base he is forced to run to or if a fielder with a ball touches the base before he gets there. Jocul fortat Cand un jucator la bataie loveste mingea si alearga spre baza 1, forteaza alergatorul din baza 1 sa plece spre baza 2. De asemeni daca este un alergator in baza a 2-a ele trebuie sa plece spre baza 3, de asemeni si alergatorul din baza 3 trebuie sa lerge spre baza casa. Un alergator este out daca este atins de un jucator din teren inainte ca acesta sa atinga baza sau daca un jucator cu minge atinge baza inainte ca alergatorul sa o faca. Steal - When a runner runs to the next base without the ball being hit, usually before the pitcher pitches the ball. The runner is out if he is tagged with the ball before reaching the base. Furtul de baza - Cnd un alergtor execut furtul la baza urmatoarea fara minge lovita, de obicei, nainte ca aruncatorul sa arunce mingea.Alergatorul este aut n cazul n care acesta este atins cu mingea nainte de a ajunge de baz. Tagging up When a fielder catches a fly ball, a runner cannot leave the base until after the ball hits the fielders glove. If he leaves the base too early, he has to go back and touch the base before he can run to the next base. If the ball gets to his base before he returns to tag up, he is out. Atingerea cu mingea tinuta in mana sau in manusa Cand un jucator prinde o minge din aer, alergatorul nu poate parasi baza inainte ca mingea sa fie prinsa de jucatorul din teren. Daca paraseste baza prea devreme, trebuie sa se intoarca si sa atinga baza dupa care poate alerga catre baza urmatoare. Daca mingea este prinsa si aparatorul atinge baza inainte ca alergatorul sa atinga baza, acesta este aut.

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