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Introduction to Mass Communication

Lecture 10 Mr. Shaukat Ali

Effects of Communication
- Physical discoveries. - New ideas. Social growth Relationship Stimulation Helping out others Relaxation

Communication and Culture

What is culture?
Religion Language Dress code Food and eating habits Living style/ habits

The process of passing on culture from one generation to the next is referred to as enculturation.

The process of adopting or learning the rules and norms of a culture different from ones own native culture is acculturation.

Culture/ Cultural Shock

The anxiety and feelings felt when people have to operate within an entirely different culture or social environment.

Principles of intercultural communication

Prepare yourself in advance to know about the culture you may face. Overcoming the fears of unseen. Knowing different meanings due to change in culture. Knowing some hard and fast values of the new culture.

Mass Communication Terminologies

Break out box/ boxes the small boxes
in a feature or an article of a newspaper, highlighting the important points of that particular feature or article.

Broad side a single sheet of paper

(handbill, pamphlet, poster, etc.) printed on one side only.

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