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Sir Gawain and the Green Knight- Anon Tests courtesy and chivalry Knight errant Canterbury Tales-

s- Geoffrey Chaucer o General Prologue- Chaucer o Friars Tale- about Summoner o Summoners Tale- about Friar o Tale of Sir Tophas- Chaucer o Tale of Melibee- Chaucer Forgive the enemy Morte Darthur- sir Thomas Malory About Lancelot and Guinevere Chance plays a part A Book of Showings- Julian of Norwich Anchoress Locks herself up In pain, but feels closer to God because of it Has visions The Book of Margery Kempe- Margery Kempe Has visions Makes a deal with her husband Was inspired by Julian of Norwhich York Play of the Crucifixion- Anon 3 soldiers put Jesus on a cross Mystery play Wakefield Second Shepherds Play- Wakefield Master Guy stills sheep from 3 shepherds Mystery play Everyman- Anon Morality play Allegory Trying to recruit people to go with him, but in the end all that matters are good deeds

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