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Teacher: Avion Stewart

Subject: Adapted Phycial Education

Grade Level: 5th

Overall Goal of Lesson: To enhance co position#

uscular endurance! fle"ibility and body

$nstructional Objectives: The student will i prove cardio uscular endurance and stren%th! fle"ibility and body co posite! throu%h a curcuit of different thin%s# Te"as Essential &nowled%e ' S(ills )TE&S*: The Texas State Board of Education, through the amendment of Section 116.1 of the Texas Administration Code has designated TEKS for physical education. Based on the TEKS in physical education, students ac uire the !no"ledge and s!ills for mo#ement that pro#ide the foundation for en$oyment, continued social de#elopment through physical acti#ity, and access to a physically%acti#e lifestyle. Each school district in Texas is re uired to pro#ide instruction &ased on the TEKS. Students "ith disa&ilities must also ha#e instruction in acti#ities "ithin the TEKS, "hen appropriate. 'n some cases, particularly "ith indi#iduals "ith se#ere disa&ilities, the TEKS may not &e appropriate. 'n these situations, de#elopmental goals and o&$ecti#es that allo" the student to ma!e progress to"ard the TEKS should &e de#eloped. Supplies! E/uip ent! Software: 0u bbells! %round ladder! ju p rope Ti $ntroductory Activity: 2ree3e Ta% )%roup of 4 bein% the ta%%ers* e 4 inutes of stretchin% Ar circles! ju pin% jac(s! toe touches! /uads! and butterflys# 1 5 ins of 2ree3e ta% in -hoosin% the 4 ta%%ers And blind foldin% the until they ta% their first 4 people &ey +ocabulary, -ue .ords: S ooth! Slowly

Lesson 2ocus: Synchroni3ed 7ove ent Activity 8 9ac( to 9ac( Partner Get:;p 8< in Students sit down bac( to bac( with a partner# This activity re/uires only si ple basic instructions fro the teacher= the rest is up to the students to fi%ure out,e"peri ent# The instructions,rules are: Students> only contact with their partners is bac( to bac(!and their only contact with the floor is feet and botto s) when startin%*# They are not allowed to touch anythin% else )$#e# no usin% ar s,hands a%ainst the floor*# The %oal is for the partner to stand up si ultaneously# .hen,if about half the class is successful! and the other half is not yet there! the teacher can stop the activity and point out that half of the %roups have had success so far# The teacher will e"plain that so eti es it is very helpful to %et advice fro so eone who is %ood at a %iven activity! because then you can learn new strate%ies you i%ht not have thou%ht of! with that! the teacher as(s each successful %roup to %o to a ) not yet successful* %roup and %ive the so e tips and tric(s# 7odifications: Students can interloc( their ar s at the elbow with their partner sittin% behind the # This a(es it easier for the to (eep their bodies to%ether! and easier for the to stand up To a(e the tas( ore difficult: Students can not interloc( ar s with their partner# Students can try it without verbally co unicatin% with their partners! or they can try with their eyes closed Activity 6 Group ball carry )bac( to bac(* 85 in At one end of the %y ! students at and in %roups of 5:?! such that every student is facin% away fro the center of the %roup! and all students are bac( to bacl with one another# The teacher places a foa ball ) or volleyball or trainer volleyball* in the iddle of each %roup ) so it is sittin% on or s/uee3ed between the bac(s,shoulders of the %roup e bers# The students should be able to stand there holdin% the ball easily# The teacher points this out! and says that it is easy because they are standin% still! but it will %et ore difficult when they be%in ovin%# The %oal is for each %roup )all %roups %o at the sa e tine ! each havin% their own lane down,bac( the %y space* to ove fro one end of the %y to the other and bac(! while (eepin% the bal( fro hittin% the floor# @ave students try it once or twice! then stop and allow so e processin% ti e# The processin% ti e can be teacher:initiated %uided discovery )/uestions: what wor(edA .hat didn>tA .hat will you chan%e ne"t ti eA*# $f the students havin% a really hard ti e! the teach can pose these /uestions to the whole class and have students answer to the whole class )instead of in their own %roups*!

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so that all students in the class can benefit fro hearin% the answers# Students should try the tas( a couple ore ti es# After the atte pts! the teacher can point out thin%s that wor(ed well an dthin%s that didn>t wor( well# $t is li(ely that successful %roups oved slowly or ca e up with so e sche e to (eep an even te po )e"a ple: countin% steps out loud*# 7odifications: Students can interloc( ar s# $f this not addressed by the teacher! ost classes have fi%ured out this strate%y pretty /uic(ly on their own# @owever! if a %roup does not do it own their own! the teacher can su%%est it as a way to a(e the tas( easier# To
Students can not interloc( ar s with their partners# 7ost %roups will interloc( their ar s on their own! because it helps (eep close# @owever! if they need ore of a challen%e! the teacher can tell de to try a%ain without interloc(in% their at s# This a(es the really synchroni3ed their ove ents without bein% able to push,pull each other# The teacher can set up cones alon% the %roup>s path! so that the %roup ust 3i% 3a% throu%h the cones instead of %oin% strai%ht down the %y space and bac(#

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a(e the tas(

ore difficult:

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2itness Activity: -ircuit The student will start at the du bbells lift the 8< ti es# Put the down then jo% to the ju p rope where they will ju p rope 8< ti es# After that jo% to the ladder where they will perfor different a%ility and footwor( oves# This activity will be perfor ed two ti es# -losin% Activity: 2ree3e ta% ) first three that was cau%ht is the ta%%ers now* $f they ta% everyone in the ti e allotted they %et to choose who will be the three volunteers for to orrows activity if not they have to be the volunteers a%ain# Also as they play this %a e $ will e"plain to the the reason we did the thin%s that we did today lettin% the (now why it was did this way and the focus of today>s lesson# Addin% that we will be buildin% on these thin%s every wee(#

Besource,s Ape Pro%ra %uide http:,,www#learnin%ace#co 0ustin Ca(oubians P#E# Lesson Plan http:,,dustinya(oubian#co ,portfolio,4:5D6<;nitD6<8,;nitD6<8D6<:D6<LP D6<4D6<)4:5*#pdf

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