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Financial Management Table of Contents 1.

Introduction to financial management

2. Objectives of financial management, financial assets and financial markets

3. Analysis of financial statements 4. Time value of money . !inancial forecasting " financial #lanning $. %resent value and discounting &. 'iscounted cas( flo) analysis, annuities and #er#etuities *. +a#ital budgeting and ca#ital budgeting tec(ni,ues -. .et #resent value " internal rate of return 1/. %roject cas( flo)s, #roject timing, com#aring #rojects and modified internal rate of return 11. 0ome s#ecial areas of ca#ital budgeting 12. +a#ital budgeting and inter#retation of I11 and .%2 )it( limited ca#ital 13. 3onds and classification of bonds 14. 3onds valuation 1 . 3ond valuation " yield on bonds 1$. Introduction to stocks and stock valuation 1&. +ommon stock #ricing and dividend gro)t( model 1*. +ommon stock 4 rate of return " 5%0 #ricing model 1-. Introduction to risk., risk and return for single stock investment 2/. 1isk for single a stock investment #robability gra#( and co4efficient of variation 21. T)o stock #ortfolio t(eory, risk and e6#ected return 22. %ortfolio risk analysis and efficient #ortfolio ma#s 23. 5fficient #ortfolios, market risk, " +78 24. 0tock beta, #ortfolio beta and introduction to security market line 9078: 2 . 0tock betas " risk, 078 and return and stock #rices in efficient markets 2$. 078 gra#( " +A%7 2&. 1isk and #ortfolio t(eory " +A%7, criticism of +A%7 and a##lication of risk t(eory. 2*. Introduction to debt, efficient market " cost of ca#ital 2-. ;A++ 9;eig(ted Average +ost of +a#ital: 3/. 3usiness risk faced by firm, o#erating 8everage 9O8:, break4even #oint " 1O5 31. O#erating leverage and financial leverage , 1O5, break even #oint and business risk 32. !inancial leverage and ca#ital structure 33. 7odifications in 7illar 7odigliani ca#ital structure t(eory 34. A##lication of 7illar 7odigliani and ot(er ca#ital structure t(eories 3 . .et income " ta6 s(ield a##roac(es to ;A++ 3$. 7anagement of ca#ital structure 3&. 'ividend #ayout 3*. A##lication of residual dividend model

3-. ;orking ca#ital management 4/. +as( management " )orking ca#ital financing 41. 0(ort term financing, long term financing and lease financing 42. 8ease financing and ty#es of lease financing 43. 7ergers " ac,uisitions 44. International finance 97ultinational !inance: 4 . !inal revie) of entire course of financial management

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