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Ashleigh Carlucci 5th Grade English Language Arts Setting: 5th grade self-contained class.

Students in the class have very unique and individual needs. There is one special education teacher and one student teacher. Eleven out of twelve students have an E! and one student has a 5"# plan. Students are all on different levels and the teacher differentiates to $eet each of their needs. Topic: ELA % ntroduction to ver&s' ( )hat is a ver&* Date of Lesson: )ednesday+ ,cto&er -+ -"./. 1. Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is for students to &e a&le to e0plain what an action ver& is and also identify action ver&s in a sentence. a. )hat is a ver&* 2. Vocabulary & Key Terms: a. Action ver&1 words that show what so$eone or so$ething is doing. 3. S ills: E0plaining dentifying Applying !. "b#ecti$es: As a result of this lesson+ students will &e a&le to e0plain what action ver&s are+ as well as identify action ver&s in a sentence Students will continue to practice identifying actions ver&s in short passages %. &e' (or State )ommon )ore Learning Stan*ar*s for +nglis, Language -rts & Literacy: Language Stan*ar*s .ra*e % Stu*ents: /grade /-5 learning standards' Conventions of Standard English .. 2e$onstrate co$$and of the conventions of standards English gra$$ar and usage when writing or spea3ing. a. E0plain the function of nouns+ pronouns+ ver&s+ ad4ectives+ and adver&s in general and their functions in particular sentences. &. 5or$ and use regular and irregular ver&s c. 5or$ and use the si$ple ver& tenses

6. Pre0-ssessment: At the &eginning of the school year+ assess$ents showed that grade 5 students had trou&le identifying ver&s in a sentence. n ELA+ students have &een learning a&out nouns. They are fa$iliar with co$$on+ proper+ singular+ and plural nouns. They have practiced identifying nouns in a sentence and have indicated the different types of nouns. 1. Lesson Presentation: A' Set02n*uction: 7efore &eginning the lesson will as3 students to clear their des3s and have only a pencil out. )hen students are quiet and ready to &egin+ will introduce today8s lesson &y telling the$ that we are going to play a quic3 ga$e. will e0plain that a$ going to call students to the front of the roo$ and they will pic3 a card out of a &aggie. The student will have to act out whatever is on the card while the rest of the class guesses the action. After letting each student that wants to act out a word+ will as3 students if they re$e$&er what ver&s are. will as3 students to give $e so$e e0a$ples of ver&s. 7' Proce*ure: .. will &egin &y telling students that we are going to read a fun &oo3 a&out ver&s. will first as3 students to tell $e what they do in the $orning &efore they co$e to school. will write the students8 answers on the !ro$ethean 7oard and together we will pic3 out the ver&s in their sentences. -. will then introduce the class to the &oo3 A 9er& for :er& &y ;aria 5le$ing. will tell students that as a$ reading want the$ to &e paying attention to all the different ver&s that they hear and see. Throughout the &oo3 will stop and as3 students to identify ver&s in the story.

/. After reading+ will as3 students questions a&out the &oo3 we 4ust read. will as3 the$ what the pro&le$ in the story was+ as well as what the solution was. )e will go over the different action ver&s that were in the story. will e0plain that if you can act so$ething out+ then it is an action ver&. #. <e0t will direct students8 attention towards the !ro$ethean 7oard where we will again go over what an action ver& is. )e will also loo3 at so$e e0a$ples of actions ver&s in sentences and co$plete a few activities where students can co$e up and use the &oard. All of the activities involve identifying ver&s.

5. 5or independent practice+ each student will &e given a poe$ or short story where they will &e as3ed to identify ver&s in each sentence. 6. f students co$plete the independent practice &efore all students are finished+ they will &e given an action ver& wor3sheet for $ore practice.

=Students are also aware that when they are finished any wor3+ they are per$itted to go into their unfinished wor3 folder and co$plete whatever they have to finish. )3 )losure: ,nce students are finished identifying the ver&s in their short story or poe$+ will e0plain to the$ that they are going to fill out an e0it slip. will already have their na$es on an inde0 card with the pro$pts >Today learned?@ and > a$ confused a&out?@ 4. 5aterials & 6esources: !ro$ethean 7oard ( ver& slides nde0 cards with ver&s 7aggie A 9er& for :er& &y ;aria 5le$ing Copies of poe$sAshort stories 9er& wor3sheets 4. +$aluation7-ssessment: a. Teacher ,&servation &. Class wor3A!articipation c. E0it Slip d. :o$ewor3- ver&s wor3sheet 8. Differentiation: Lesson incorporates a variety of learning stylesAstrategies %i.e. acting out words+ use of &oo3+ !ro$ethean &oard+ reading passages' 5or independent practice+ students will &e given different passages &ased on their reading levels

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