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NAME: __________________

Critique Rubric

TOTAL _____/ 75

Your assignment is to critique a film, sitcom, book, magazine, video game, restaurant, etc. You should have a strong thesis (should see/go or should not see/go and why). You should use specific details to support your thesis. The paper should follow the organizational structure discussed in class. Make sure you persuade your audience using pathos, ethos, and logos. Remember, you can create ethos by using quotes from other credible sources. Likewise, you can use statistics and facts to persuade an audience (logos). Lastly, you can appeal to the audiences emotions to persuade them (Pathos). In your final draft color code each rhetorical appeal you utilize: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.


Excellent (A) The paper contains a strong thesis with the title/name and author/owner/director. The thesis is arguable and clear. The thesis is the basis for the entire essay. The thesis demonstrates an enlightening understanding of the work. The thesis is the last sentence in the introductory paragraph. 9-10pts The paper contains an introduction, four body paragraphs or more, and a conclusion. It follows the critique outline distributed in class. The introduction is interesting and entices the audience to continue reading. The paper has well crafted topic sentences and transitional phrases. The paper contains a conclusion that makes a

Good (B) The paper contains a thesis with the title/name and author/owner/director. The thesis is arguable. The thesis is the basis for the entire essay. The thesis is the last sentence in the introductory paragraph.

Fair (C/D) The paper contains a thesis. It contains either the title/name or the author/owner/director. The thesis is arguable. The thesis is mostly the basis for the entire essay. The thesis is the last sentence in the introductory paragraph.

Needs Improvement (F) The thesis does not contain the title/name nor the author/owner/director. The thesis is not arguable, or the essay contains no thesis. The thesis is loosely the basis for the entire essay or is irrelevant to the essay.

8 pts The paper contains an introduction, three body paragraphs or more, and a conclusion. It follows the critique outline distributed in class. The introduction is interesting and entices the audience to continue reading. The paper has topic sentences and transitional phrases. The paper contains a conclusion that makes a final

6-7pts The paper contains an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The intro gives basis facts about the topic but may be uninteresting. Has topic sentences and attempts transitional phrases. Some paragraphs may not contain transitional phrases. The paper contains a conclusion that makes a final recommendation. The

0-5pts The paper contains an introduction, one to two body paragraphs, and a conclusion, or the paper is one long paragraph. The introduction is uninteresting with little if any facts. Contains poor topic sentences and little to no transitions. The lack of organization creates confusion for the reader.

10 pts Organization

final recommendation. The organization aids comprehension. 14-15pts 15 pts Support The paper contains four or more specific examples from the film, playlist, show, restaurant, etc per body paragraph that supports the thesis. The writer provides commentary explaining how the evidence supports the claim. The examples are accurate.

recommendation. The organization aids comprehension. 12-13pts The paper contains three or more specific examples from the film, playlist, show, restaurant, etc per paragraph that supports the thesis. The writer provides commentary explaining how the evidence supports the claim. The examples are accurate.

organization creates minimal confusion for the reader. 9-11pts The paper contains three specific examples from the film, playlist, show, restaurant, etc per paragraph that supports the thesis. The writer attempts to provide commentary explaining how the evidence supports the claim. Sometimes the commentary is not logical. The examples are accurate.

0-8pts The paper contains zero to two examples from the film, playlist, show, restaurant, etc per paragraph that tries to support the thesis. Some or all evidence does not pertain to the thesis. The tries to provide commentary explaining how the evidence supports the claim, or there is no evidence of commentary. The examples are NOT accurate (please do not make up material). 0-11pts Uses one direct quote in the essay to create ethos formatted improperly, or uses no direct quotes to create ethos. Uses little or no facts and figures. Does not appeal to emotions to help persuade the audience. Ineffective in persuading someone to agree with your evaluation. 0-11pts

18-20pts 20pts Utilizes Rhetorical Appeals in Persuasion (Ethos, Logos, and Pathos). Uses two direct quotes in the essay to create ethos. Quotes are formatted correctly. Uses statistics, figures, and facts to create logos. Appeals to emotions to help persuade the audience. Very effective in persuading someone to agree with your evaluation. 18-20pts 20pts

16-17pts Uses two direct quotes in the essay to create ethos. Quotes are formatted correctly. Uses statistics, figures, and facts to create logos. Appeals to emotions to help persuade the audience. Effective in persuading someone to agree with your evaluation. 16-17pts

12-15pts Uses one direct quote in the essay to create ethos formatted properly. Or uses two direct quotes formatted mostly properly to create ethos. Uses, figures and facts, but no statistics, to create logos. Appeals to emotions to help persuade the audience. 12-15pts

Grammar and Mechanics

Has few grammatical errors (0-2) and adheres to MLA format with no errors. Contains no typos. Does or second person pronouns. May use I sparingly.

Has few grammatical errors (0-2) and adheres to MLA format with a minor error. Contains no typos. Uses first person pronouns sparingly and no second person pronouns. 8pts

Has grammatical errors (24) and adheres to MLA format with a minor errors (1-2). May contain a typo. Uses first and second person pronouns.

10 pts



Has grammatical errors (5 +) and adheres to MLA format with errors (3 +) , or it does not adhere to MLA format. Contains more than one typo. Uses first and second person pronouns prevalently. 0-5pts

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