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Crystal Cruz See C Colored Pencil on Paper September 25, 2013 I have chosen to represent my literacies through a tapestry

piece. Using tapestry allows me to show my experiences in a creative, visual way. I am a visual learner and find it helpful to understand things if I can see them. By showing my literacies visually, it could give the viewer a greater understanding of myself. Unfortunately, I am not able to explain in depth each of my literacies and experiences because it is a visual representation. If you are confused, you cant read the piece to find the answer since there will be no detailed writing. Luckily, I am open to any questions and am happy to explain anything I need too. Art and visual pieces are very strong and powerful and have great meaning. By expressing my literacies in this way, they are more powerful and hold greater meaning than by just writing another paper. It also describes the literacies in a different way than what an essay or novel would portray. I would like this piece to make people think differently and have a mental picture of my literacies rather than just facts and statements about them. I tried to make the piece flow together by using symbols and connecting some of the items representing my life. The sun represents my long lasting memories, experiences and literacies and me altogether. Some of the rays of the sun contain figures representing a gymnast that moves all the way around. I was a gymnast for many years and loved the sport very much. Not only did it help me overcome my anxiety and shyness, but also it became my life. I was in the gym almost more than I was at home. Gymnastics has played a huge role in my life and that is why it is the emphasis of my piece. The moon and stars represent my family, the moon being a parental figure (mom and/or dad) and the stars represent my sisters and I, hence why there are seven. One of the stars is colored in blue just to further represent me since this piece is about me. I am very close with my family and they have helped me make almost every decision in my life from where to eat for dinner to where to go to college. They have always motivated me to do better in school and never give up. My parents have especially made it a point how important school and education is, which is why I am where I am today. The writing in the sky is in Spanish and is pieces from my previous writing or journal entries. I wanted this to show my literacy in my second language, Spanish, and writing. Writing has played a huge role in my life because I do it everyday. Whether it is in school, a project, notes, to-do lists, or journal entries, they all represent me and my thoughts and actions. I am fluent and literate in the Spanish language and it is another factor in my life that makes me who I am. I will never forget about my Salvadoran descent because of the traditions I live by today, including speaking the language. I chose the title See C because as the viewer, I would like you to really see me beyond the picture I have drawn. I would like you to see each item and know what it is representing. The letter C in the title simply comes from my first name, Crystal. ! !

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