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Dental Health Tag Date: October 31, 2013

Teacher: Nicole Kleinschmidt School: Riverbrooke Elementary

Class: K N 3!! E'(i)ment *sed: th "rade #evel: $ 2+3 yello, -oam balls %ime: &:10 am 2+3 .erseys %ar/eted N012E 1tandard3s4:1,2,$,!,5 1)eci-ic Ob.ective: 6y the end o- this lesson st(dents ,ill kno, the bene-its o/ood dental hy/iene7 %hey ,ill learn that br(shin/ and /oin/ to the dentist hel)s to have healthy teeth7 %he st(dents ,ill be able to ans,er that it8s harder to kee) teeth healthy ,hen )la'(e is )resent Concomitant Ob.ective: %he st(dents ,ill stay )hysically active by r(nnin/ aro(nd and ,ill )ractice their chasin/, -leein/ and dod/in/ skills7 Time Procedures Followed Materials Warm Up: 1tretch () to the sky -or 1! seconds, then 30 do,n to the /ro(nd -or 1! seconds
Seconds 1 Seconds 30 Seconds

Transition: 9hen say :"o; need everybody8s toes on the /reen line7 1et nd(ction Set !nduction: <o, many o- yo( have ever been to the dentist= 0ll o- yo(= "ood> 9hat8s a r(le yo(r dentist ,ants yo( to -ollo, to have healthy teeth= 6r(shin/= ?lossin/= 6r(shin/ is most im)ortant ,ay to kee) a healthy mo(th7 - yo( don8t br(sh yo(8ll /et )la'(e7 <o, many times a day do yo( br(sh= t8s recommended to br(sh 2+3 time )er day7 #earna$le Piece: @o(8re /oin/ to be )layin/ a /ame that ,ill sho, yo( the ne/atives abo(t )la'(e and ho, /oin/ to the dentist and br(shin/ yo(r teeth hel)s> Presentation o% &ew Material'Directions: 3Describe 2 .erseys ho, yo( ,ill )resent the directions or in-ormation7 6e 3 balls very s)eci-ic here74 Dentist %a/ is a /ame ,here ,e ,ill have 2 )eo)le ,ho are )la'(e 3,ho ,ill ta/ yo(4 and 2 )eo)le ,ho are dentists 3,ho ,ill (nta/ yo( by :br(shin/;4 and the rest o- yo( are teeth %he )la'(e ,ill ta/ yo( ,ith a ball on the sho(lder or arm area 9hen yo(8re ta//ed yo( m(st -reeAe in the eBact )osition yo( ,ere in

""""" Minutes

""""" Minutes

%he Dentists ,ill be /oin/ aro(nd :br(shin/; a,ay the )la'(e, so they ,ill come to yo( and br(sh yo(r sho(lder -or 10 seconds 0-ter yo( have been br(shed yo( are -ree to res(me the /ame7 10?E%@ 6e care-(l ,hile yo( are r(nnin/ aro(nd %a//ers may not thro, the ball Only ta/ on the arm or sho(lder

! need ( )olunteers* + to $e dentists and wear the ,erse-s and ( to $e the pla.ue* Transition: Everyone ,ith the -irst name 0+ may scatter """"" in bet,een the /reen lines7 No, everyone else may Seconds scatter7
""""" Minutes

/cti)it-: Teacher

Transition: 9hen say :?reeAe; they -reeAe 9alk back to the /reen line, /ive materials to me Possi$le Modi%ications: 0dd or remove )la'(e de)endin/ on ho, hard or easy the /ame is Condense the )layin/ area #esson 0e)iew: <o, many o- yo( -elt like it ,as harder to be br(shedCstay -ree ,hen there ,as more )la'(e ta//in/ yo(= 9hat are some /ood ,ays to maintain healthy teeth= 36r(shin/, -lossin/, visits to the dentist4 <o, o-ten sho(ld yo( br(sh a day= 32+34

""""" Minutes

""""" Minutes

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