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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, !rth"!rt, AL www#MakesSenseStrategies#$!%


Lawrence R. Henry



Jigsaw II
Main idea Main idea

Is about

Jigsaws II is a cooperative learning strategy in which individual students become experts on subsections of a topic and teach that subsection to others. It utilizes task specialization to help students help each other to learn in small groups toward a common goal.
Main idea Main idea





Introduce the topic Specify the learning objectives clearly. Prepare/provide a study guide or handout. Divide class into expert teams. Divide reading assignment into equal parts, to be distributed among the teams. Assign sections of material to be read independently. Prepare to supplement expert information during group work.

Assign experts by having students read a particular, focused section of material independently. The students should study the material as closely as possible. The students will form expert groups to discuss the material and prepare a presentation for their teams. The students will instruct their peers on their assigned material. The instructor will provide a meaningful summary and review of the material covered.

Formative Move around the room, actively observing the students' discussions, listening particularly for key ideas. Answer questions during the expert group discussions. During the home group phase, call on a mixture of students (those who showed active participation, as well as those who were more passive in their expert groups), making sure to scaffold errors. Summative Individual examinations focused on key data/concepts identified throughout the lesson, using definition, matching, multiplechoice and true/false.

Provides a structured and balanced system for individual accountability, by making at least one person per home group responsible for sharing the knowledge they encountered in their expert groups. Helps develop social skills through group work. Use improvement points that stem from the group work, providing both individual and group rewards and recognition; which in turn, would encourage further study, collaboration and an enthusiasm to learn.

So what? What is important to understand about this?

Jigsaw II uses equally distributed responsibilities to empower and encourage all students to contribute to their groups, fostering a solid work ethic and well-formed social skills.

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