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Name: Jillian Schoer Date: Septemeber 25, 2013 Type of Setting: Urban Self Contained Special Ed Classroom Grade:

4th Purpose: For students to identify the difference between fact and fantasy by actively listening and engaging in a read aloud story and creating individual fictional text. Common Core Standards: Objectives: Students will be able to comprehend key facts pertaining to the read aloud story Stage 1- Prereading Teacher will ask students questions to begin minilesson o What kind of questions do we ask ourselves while reading? o Do you ever find the answers to questions that you have while reading? How? When? Teacher will say, Today we will learn how to answer the questions that we have while reading. Stage 2- Reading Teacher will read Mirette on the High Wire by Emily Arnold McCully enthusiastically Teacher will actively engage students by asking comprehension questions Teacher will model asking questions while reading o Premade questions: Stage 3- Responding Teacher will discuss the read aloud of Mirette on the High Wire by Emily Arnold McCully After teacher finishes reading, teacher will ask students to return to their seats Teacher will say, Now that we have read Mirette on the High Wire it is time to learn how to make questions during our reading. Stage 4- Exploring Teacher will upload SMARTBoard lesson o Teacher will have a slide that looks like a loose leaf of paper to show students how they would write questions o Teacher will explain to students Teacher will have students discuss if any questions were answered Stage 5- Applying Teacher will introduce fictional

o Sometimes stories that are fantasy can be called fictional stories. Today we are going to create our own fictional stories just like Olivia! Our fictional stories can be about magical adventures or silly situations! Teacher will introduce an activity Teacher will share fictional story Students will the create individual fictional stories Students will then be able to share their stories with class

Assessment: Students will be assessed on their comprehension of the story by answering questions through grand conversation Students will be assessed through participation during the mini lesson on key terms Students will be assessed on their comprehension of understanding key terms and applying to individual fictional text. Materials: SMART Board Olivia Saves the Circus By: Ian Falconer White Board and markers Pencils Worksheet NYS Common Core Standards

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