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Classroom Management Philosophy Classroom management is a term that, when in action, amalgamates three very important, interconnected ideas

in a way that gives structure to the educational process and leaves no room for disruption on the student's part. The first idea is to create an academic environment that is conducive to the learning process. This can be anything from assigning seats in the class, hanging educational posters on the walls, or anything else that helps facilitate students' educational growth. The second idea is to foster social growth in students. Many students will not come from a middle-class environment. Since academia and a large portion of the world past it are middle-class environments, proper social s ills must be taught so students have a greater chance of succeeding in life. The final idea is to help students grow emotionally. Many students have either no role models or negative ones. This leads to poor growth as a human being. !n the case of an absent role model, the teacher must guide students through the stages of emotional growth themselves. "hen you combine all of these ideas, you get the framewor for effective classroom management. !t must be tied into your broad curriculum as well as your day to day lessons and activities to be effective. There should be a set of nown and fair rules and procedures with nown conse#uences if they are deviated from. These rules and conse#uences should be used with consistency so students don't push the boundary of what they can get away with in the classroom. Classroom management should be the set of guidelines that stops you from needing to ta e disciplinary measures in the classroom instead of being the disciplinary measures themselves.


$. %e prepared for class with all necessary materials &. Come into class and set up materials'wor station in a timely manner (. )emonstrate proper posture and playing positions *. "hen teacher is on the podium, your eyes and ears are on the teacher +. Stay on tas in class, and remain #uiet when not as ed to play ,. Show respect for self and others -. Participate appropriately during rehearsal Consequences: $. .erbal warning &. /oss of participation points 0factored into grade1 (. Moved elsewhere in class 0sit in bac alone, wor alone instead of a group, written assign for a grade instead of practicing, etc1 *. /oss of more participation points and $+ minute lunch or after school detention in my room 0either sit #uietly or given a clean-up tas 1 +. /oss of more points, detention becomes (2 minutes, phone call or email home ,. 3ffice referral

4arrett, Tracey. 5Classroom Management6 More Than a %ag of Tric s.5 Education Week. 7ditorial Pro8ects in 7ducation, &9 :ov. &2$&. "eb. & ;pr. &2$(. Payne, <uby =. A Framework for Understanding Poverty. >ighlands, T?6 ;ha@ Process, &22(. Print.

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