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Lesson Plan Template (ITE 604) Name Katie Lutz "u%&ect "cience Grade Le el ' (ate )*+)*,Time .

e/uirement0 T1o 20 minute %loc3 periods I4 "ETTING T5E "T#GE (#6 , 5$P" III "T#N(#.(" Benchmark "$4'4+4, IN"T.8$TION#L O9:E$TI;E"

Lesson Title GMOs structured academic contro ers! ("#$)

Benchmark "$4'474+

By reading and analyzing reliable print and electronic sources, SWBAT judge if they believe G !s are beneficial for society" By describing ho# an inherited trait can be determined by one or more genes #hich are found on chromosomes, SWBAT e$plain ho# G !s are created" #NTI$IP#TO.6 "ET %Warm&'p or Bell Work( #GEN(# ITEM" PO"TE( ON <.ONT 9O#.( %Time )* minutes( 4" 5ournal +isplay G ! cartoons on front board 44" What are genetically modified organisms and #hy should 4 care. 444" 6ole assignments and begin gathering data for SA7 Students #ill #rite in their journal on the prompt, 48" 6eflection -What do you think these cartoons are about. Are they positive. Turn in by end of period, 5ournal 9ntry /egative. Who do you think the target audience is.0 G ! #orksheet %1 minutes for #riting( 9$it ticket 2 minutes to discuss #ith neighbor 3 minutes for classroom discussion %teacher e$plain #hat the cartoons are about( II4 #$=8I"ITION ,4 "#6 %9$planation( %Time 2* minutes( "EE % odeling( What are genetically modified organisms. Ans#er the first :uestion on the #orksheet Give po#erpoint presentation on G !s together students #ill fill out G ! #orksheet during the presentation" 7hecking for 'nderstanding, 7all on students to ask specific :uestions about G !s ask :uestions throughout presentation temperature checks %thumbs up;do#n for (O %Structured <ractice( Students are to complete genetically modified organism #orksheet #hile follo#ing along #ith the presentation"

7hecking for 'nderstanding, Ask students if they understand or if any assignment needs clarification ask to make sure all students understand ho# to fill out

7hecking for 'nderstanding, temperature checks, going from table to table to ask :uestions Give hints throughout lecture for #hat students



should be filling out on sheet" 7all on students to ans#er specific :uestions" (O %Structured <ractice( Students #ill read article independently and fill out #orksheet"

+4 "#6 %9$planation( %Time )1 minutes( +ivide students into groups for SA7 and have them move into their groups" Give = different articles to each group and e$plain to class that members of each team #ill be reading different articles and be responsible for reporting information discovered in their article to their group %e$pert jigsa#( 7hecking for 'nderstanding, make sure students understand each person is responsible for a different article -4 "#6 %9$planation( %Time 21 minutes( Students #ill no# be separated into their SA7 groups" ake sure each group has a scribe #ho is responsible for taking notes" /eed to decide as a group if they are pro or con G !s and be able to e$plain the reasoning behind their decision" 7hecking for 'nderstanding, ask each group #ho the scribe is,

"EE % odeling( +emonstrate to students by reading a short e$cerpt of article together and ans#ering :uestion ) as a group"

7hecking for 'nderstanding, verbally ask if students understand the assignment and if anything needs clarification"

7hecking for 'nderstanding, #alk group to group to check in #ith students individually, check for article comprehension help filling out #orksheets #here needed"

"EE % odeling( Sho# students #hat productive reading looks like, e$plain e$pectations of students in group activity" Act out e$ample in #hich teacher pretends to read a selection and then talk to SA7 group partners about article" 7hecking for 'nderstanding, thumbs up;do#n, asking students :uestions %ie; #ill you all read the same article. Who is responsible for the information in your article. 9tc"(

(O %Structured <ractice( Students #ork together to prepare an argument during the structured academic controversy that #ill occur on day 2" 7hecking for 'nderstanding, #alk group to group to check for, cooperative group #ork, article comprehension, group decision making"

III4 $ON"OLI(#TION G8I(E( P.#$TI$E if applicable %Time >>>>>>>>>>>>>(

"8MM#TI;E #""E""MENT %Assessment of ?earning( if applicable %Time >>>>>>>>>>>>>(

$LO"8.E if applicable %Time )* minutes( 9$it ticket;6eflection, What is a G !. @o# do they differ from natural breeding. M#TE.I#L" articles about G !s #orksheets po#er point presentation

IN(EPEN(ENT P.#$TI$E if applicable <repare for structured academic controversy on day t#o

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