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--Defining some variables -- The position from where the text should be blitted positionx=240 red=Color.

new(255,0,0) --The text that has to be scrolled text = "hello world from Lua" --The speed at which the text should be scrolled scrollspeed=4 while true do --Clear the screen at the start of the loop screen:clear() --Check for controls pad = --Here is the main code which is used to scroll the text --What it does is that using a for loop we define a variable i --which runs from 1 to the number of characters in the variable "text" for i=1, #text do --next another variable is defined c and using string.sub we extract one charact er from text and store it in c local c = string.sub(text,i, i) --Now we print this one the screen screen:print(positionx+i*10, 126, c, red) end --What this code does is check that if the text has reached to the left end of t he screen or not, --If not then it subtracts scrollspeed from scrollx --If it has reached the end then scrollx becomes 480 so that it scrolls from the beginning if positionx>(-#text*11) then positionx=positionx-scrollspeed else positionx=480 end screen.flip() screen.waitVblankStart() end

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