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Reflection: The Bible reading is about Jesus calming of the sea.

Many a times in our lives, we encounter problems and difficulties that we thin are too much for us to bear. !ftentimes, people "uestion #od why $e give such problems and ma e life even worst and if why does prayers arent answered. %t times of troubles, many doubt and become wea . &i e the apostles, when while sailing encountered a strong storm, panic ed and lac ed faith. But then, we must always remember that #od gives us these problems for us to be strong in our lives and in our faith. #od gives them as trials, for our faith at most times, 'umps out of the windows in times of hardships. (e must never lac faith and become wea especially in times of difficulties. )verything happens for a reason and #od nows what is best for us. Though its hard to accept #ods plan for us instead of what our plan is, we must accept it from our hearts and persevere. % beautiful stone is tossed by the winds and polished to brilliance over time. *hallenges will ma e us precious as diamonds and close to perfect, as what our #od is. (e must always believe in #od and never cease to pray for +,rayer with faith ma es all things possible.+

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