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Week 15 Afternoon schedule

Monday 12:20-12:30 Bathroom and Drink Break.

Take attendance. Common Core Review

Dec. 9-13
2:20-3:10 Com+#ete $+e##in% !ractice R'( *nteractive Review +a%es 1 .-162. !/t the st/ with a +artner. 2:2 -3:00 Tit#e * Math. $i#ent Readin% 2:20-3:10
3:05-3:15 Bo0s c#ean /+ on odd da0s and %ir#s c#ean /+ on even da0s.

R'( )nit 2 *nteractive Review +a%e 1 , and 1 -

Library 12:30-1:00
Math Lesson 6. !ro"#em $o#vin%: Lookin% &or a !attern Tuesday 12:20-12:30 Bathroom and Drink Break. Take attendance. Common Core Review $tor0time 12:30-12:1 12:1 -1:3 Math Lesson To+ic 6 Reteachin% R'( )nit 2 *nteractive Review +a%e 16 and 166

Recess 2:00-2:15

Dismissal 3:15

Recess 2:00-2:15

Make Christmas 'reaths

3:05-3:15 Bo0s c#ean /+ on odd da0s and %ir#s c#ean /+ on even da0s.

Dismissal 3:15
R'( )nit 2 *nteractive Review 16,-1,0 2:20-3:10 *ntrod/ce 'ritin% 3ctivit0. )se R'( +a%e 1-.. The st/ choose to+ics s/ch as 4ow to Make a $nowman5 a snow an%e#5 decorate a Christmas tree5 etc6
3:05-3:15 Bo0s c#ean /+ on odd da0s and %ir#s c#ean /+ on even da0s.

Wednesday 12:20-12:30 Bathroom and Drink Break. Take attendance. Common Core Review $tor0time 12:30-12:1 12:1 -1:3 Math To+ic 6 M/#ti+#e Choice Test To+ic 6 2ree Res+onse Test Thursday 12:20-12:30 Bathroom and Drink Break. Take attendance. Common Core Review $tor0time 12:30-12:1 12:1 -1:30 Math To+ic , introd/ction Menta# $/"traction.

Recess 2:00-2:15
R'( )nit 2 *nteractive Review +a%e 1,1 and 1,2. 7n +a%e 1,15 &ind and circ#e 1 er5 ir5 or /r words.

Dismissal 3:15
3:05-3:15 Bo0s c#ean /+ on odd da0s and %ir#s c#ean /+ on even da0s.

2:2 -3:00 Tit#e * Math.

Recess 2:00-2:15

'ritin%. !/t st/ with a +artner. 8ach st/ needs one %e# +en or co#ored +enci#. 8ach st/ has to add 2 detai#s to their directions with the he#+ o& their +artner.

Dismissal 3:15

Week 15 Afternoon schedule

Friday 12:20-12:30 Bathroom and Drink Break. Take
attendance. Common Core Review

Dec. 9-13
2:2 -3:00 Tit#e * Math.
Com+#ete Christmas wreaths. 2: 0-3:0 ;ood Behavior $ho++in% and +ass o/t

Art 12:30-1:27

AR Computer Lab 1:30-2:00

3R 9/i:

Recess 2:00-2:15

2rida0 2o#der +a+ers

3:05-3:15 Bo0s c#ean /+ on odd da0s and %ir#s c#ean /+ on even da0s.

Dismissal 3:15

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