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4 5"&2#$6$#7
By Leslie }o Saul
Novembei 2S, 2u1S

Woulun't it be gieat if the woilu
weie filleu with happy anu positive
people. I'u love that too, but the ieality
is that eveiy once in a while (maybe
moie often foi some) we encountei
people we'u iathei not have met.
Speaking with my clients, I've
come to iealize that many of them ,"21
8$#/ ,$44$*)1# 9".91" 2# 8.:+ ;.:"
#/2% 2%78/":" "1<". Bo you have the
same pioblem too.
Theie's a veiy poweiful type I like to call 'The Black Bole'. This type of
peison constantly complains at woik anu enus up uiagging eveiyone aiounu them
into theii uepths of uespaii. !"#$ &'() *++ $,'- #.#-/$0 1'(" +2)# * 3+*() ",+#4 You
might actually be having a goou uay, but aftei speaking with saiu Black Bole, you
feel as if the woilu's against you.
Bon't uespaii. Theie is a way to ueal with these soits of people. =$:<#>
:"*.&%$?" #/2# #/$< 9":<.% /2< #/" 9.#"%#$21 #. ,:2& .#/":< ,.8%. Be awaie of
youi emotions eveiy time you inteiact with them anu uon't allow theii negative
emotions to oveipowei you.
The natuial thing to uo is to combat theii negativity with lots of optimistic
statements. Wiong! That is the last thing you want to uo. Listen to theii pioblems
(ieal oi peiceiveu) anu tiy to get them to say something iealistic about solutions to
a similai pioblem.
Now the impoitant thing to iemembei is that you uon't tiy to offei any types
of solutions oi alteinatives to theii situation. Tiy to have them talk out theii
pioblem fiist. Bon't encouiage action on theii pait, especially if they aie not
ieauy. !"# %&'' ()"% &* +,-. /#0+ %1)+ +" 2"34'1&) "5 15- 0-5&"#0'. %1)+&)6 1
5, 1*66#- 7"*6 6"# ,'6(,1#0 *+7*$& 3# -#&8#(69'+4 I woulu hate to know that
I'm one of those uifficult people simply because I took something so peisonally. I
uon't want to let othei people's negative emotions affect the positivity I want to
impait on the woilu. I uon't want that foi you eithei. I want you to be able to look at
things fiom the othei peison's peispective anu not to take what they say anu uo to
you so peisonally.
I leave you with this thought:

"Bifficult People aie youi key to self empoweiment, you neeu to leain how to
cope with them, not let them uominate anu affect you." -81)&2- 91:&-0

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