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LESSON THREE: Lesson Objective The students will be able to identify the location of an object relative to another object

by working in groups at their table to locate an object using descriptive words (In front of, Behind, Between, On top of, Under, Above, Below, and Beside). Assessments PRE: Students will be asked to locate an object in the room or demonstrate a positional word, and the teacher will check if they understand the positional word or not (example, this object is above the Smart Board, etc.) DURING: When working in groups of 4, the teacher will ask a question about an object using a positional word. The first group to raise their hand will be the first to answer. If they get it wrong, then another group will answer. (In front of, Behind, Between, On top of, Under, Above, Below, and Beside). POST: At the end of the lesson, students will be asked to write one to two sentences containing one of the eight positional words that the teacher will write on the Smart Board, and then draw a picture that goes along with each Format of Formative Assessments PRE: Observation- The teacher candidate will ask for volunteers to come up in front of class and demonstrate each positional word that will be reviewed. DURING: Index Cards and Observation- The teacher candidate will read clues asking about the location of an object off of an index card. Each group will get a turn to look around the room and locate the object that the teacher candidate asked about. POST: Writing Assignment/ Observation- the students will be asked to pick a positional word from our list and create a sentence using that word to tell the position of an object. The teacher will collect the students papers at the end and look over each one to see if they understood the lesson. Accommodations Confusion often results when positional words are associated with directional words such as up is the same as north. Up and north are not the same. Care should be taken to avoid any associations like this. Any groups that need help or extra assistance, the teacher will guide them through the activity.


My pre-assessment consisted of observation. To review the eight positional words we would be using in this particular lesson, I asked volunteers to come up in the front of the classroom and demonstrate whatever word I called out. As a class, we reviewed how to describe the location of an object. My during-assessment also consisted of observation. As we played our game, I mentally took note of who could and could not find objects thorough the use of positional words. For the post-assessment, I passed out blank paper and asked each student to write a sentence using a positional word we used in class and draw a picture to match. After collecting assignments, I reviewed each paper and checked for two things: if their picture matched their sentence and if they used the positional word correctly. Assessing students on identifying the location of objects through the use of positional words will help prepare students for a concept that will develop in later grades.

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