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CHDV 150 Introduction to Curriculum Small Group Activity Planning Form (with explanations &grading criteria) Name of Activity:

Egg Hunt Curriculum Area: Social Studies Length of Activity: 20minutes Learning Objectives: Child will learn new ways to work with peers. Child will be familiar with lizard, snake, and bird habitats. Materials needed: fake bushes, leaves, twigs, lizard, snake, bird, eggs. For child's use: paper, pencil, binoculars, explorer hats Preparation: I will set up three habitats and have children look for where the eggs would be layed/kept/ hidden. By this time children will have an idea of where birds lay eggs, where lizards and snakes keep/hide their eggs. Procedures: *Beginning: When will you introduce the activity? After a matching activity involving each animal and habitat they will be sent outside to do a real hunt so this would be introduced at circle time along with the matching activity. What will you say to create interest? "Who likes the outdoors? Scavenger hunts? Well today, we will be doing both!" How will you introduce the materials? I will tell them that they will be outside looking for a specific animal's eggs in their corresponding habitat so I will let them know they need a pencil, paper, binoculars, explorer hats, etc.

Are there skills you need to demonstrate? The children will need to use their matching worksheet as a guideline to help them find the eggs in which ever habitat they are in. "First, find out which animal habitat you're looking at then find out where the eggs would be placed".

Are there any guidance issues? "Once you have found the eggs leave them where you found them, do not place them elsewhere so the next group to go into that habitat will not be looking in the wrong area".

How will you get them started? I will number them off to create three seperate groups of about five children per group. Once they are in their groups I will have them line up with their team and walk out the doorway.

*Middle: How will you support children as they begin using materials? First, I will make sure each child matched each section correctly in their matching worksheet. What open-ended questions will you ask? "What does a snake/ lizard/ bird habitat consist of? Which habitat has___?" How will you encourage children to work together? "Help each other out, work together to figure out which habitat you are in and then look for where the eggs are hidden". How will you support individual children? "Which habitat do you think you are in?Where do you think the lizard eggs are at?" I will ask if they are having trouble and also aknowledge what they are doing, for example if they are working with their group by leading the group or guiding them I will let them know I noticed and it is very helpful of him/her to be a supportive teammate.

What additional materials will you have on hand to expand or enrich the experience? Binoculars, microscope hand glass, explorer hats

*End: How will you give the children a warning that the activity is ending soon? I will anounce that they rotate to a different section only once because of the short time left. How will you involve the children in the clean-up process? No clean-up necessary. They will just need to go back to the classroom with their props and paper/pencils. How will you transition children to next activity? Which activity is next? "Walk carefully back to class, no running, pretend to hold an egg in your hands. Once your'e in the class head to the bathroom, wash your hands while you wait. While you wait place the imaginary egg on your head and stand very still to not drop the imaginary egg on the floor". *Throughout the day, what opportunities will the children have to reflect on this activity?
Next activity they will be in circle time discussing their experience hunting for the eggs with their groups. It will give them the opportunity to tell one another their experiences and who did what in the group and how they found the eggs as well as how they knew which habitat they were in. Good start (Make sure to proofread carefully)

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