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English 1105: Final Portfolio and Presentation This is an opportunity to celebrate your hard work throughout the course.

Dont think of this as a final exam but as a celebration! You will present your portfolio and discuss your experiences. First, make sure that your portfolio is as complete as possible. Please embed your documents rather than copy/paste so they retain formatting integrity. For each assignment, include a paragraph describing the writing goals and scenario. This paragraph should appear before your documents. Elevator Speech: Mandatory. Put this on a separate page under projects Writing Assignment 1: Help Page. Put this on a separate page under projects. Writing Assign. 2: memo. Put this on a separate page under projects. Case Study 1 (Using Visuals): Include all parts of this case study on a separate page under projects. 5. Mid-term formal report: Include this as a single page under projects. 6. Case Study 3 (Onward and Upward Outfitters): Put all documents on a single page under projects. 7. Assign. 4 web writing: Make a page under projects and include a brief description of the web document. Include a link to the web page. 8. Ex 9.2: Practice with audience (study abroad): Include all documents on a single page under projects. 9. Assign. 5 (career docs)--include: a. Self-Assessment b. Personal mission statement c. Hidden job market letter d. Resume: Word format and a link to Visual CV e. Cover letter f. Thank you note g. ***I suggest that you make a new page in the menu for Career Documents and put the self-assessment on that page, with the other pages as subpages. However, if you prefer, you may list them all on one page under Projects. 10. Case Study 7 (presentations): Put all documents on one page under Projects. 11. Final Reflection: Write 3-5 paragraphs on what writing for the workplace is and how to be an effective writer. This writing should be the content of your Projects page. 1. 2. 3. 4. Presentations (during the final exam): 1. 2. 3. 4. Discuss your portfolios design. Discuss three pieces of writing of which you are most proud. Discuss your experiences, good and bad, with the writing assignments. Discuss your plans for continuing to improve your writing in the future.

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