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Date: September 20, 2013 To: Elsa Martin From: Joshua Medina CC: 1311 classmates Sub ect:

!DDitude Dear Ms" Elsa !DDitude is an or#ani$ation that %as &ounded in order to help in&orm and help those %ho ma' su&&er &rom !D(D" !D(D is a state o& mind in %here the patient ma' ha)e trouble in school or the %or*place either due to lac* o& &ocus, a tendenc' to da'dream, or e)en the ur#e to #et out o& their chair and %al* around" The disorder can drasticall' a&&ect a child+s per&ormance in school and lead to the children doubtin# themsel)es or belie)in# that the' are not meant &or school" !DDitude ma#a$ine e,plains ho% this can be a serious issue i& not loo*ed into" This %ebsite #i)es #ood ad)ice to people %ho ha)e to disorder and also #i)es tips on %a's to tr' and &i#ht the disorder" For e,ample, someone ma' be able to &ocus and concentrate i& the' are listenin# to music" !nother ma' need to be placed in a secluded room in order to &ocus, but the ma#a$ine states to tr' other methods be&ore 'ou seclude 'oursel&" Throu#h 'ears o& e,perience and pro&essional e,perience, the ma#a$ine #i)es the latest in !D(D de)elopments and ad)ancements" The ad)ice #i)en in !DDitude ma#a$ine ran#es &rom adolescent li&e all the %a' to adulthood, also the' ha)e %a's to see i& 'ou are a&&licted %ith the disorder or simpl' )er' ener#etic" So be&ore 'ou start ta*in# medications, tr' a strate#' or t%o &rom !DDitude" !s - stated earlier, !DDitude %or*s closel' %ith members o& the medical &ield in order to discuss and de)elop ne% %a's to tr' and cure the disorder *no%n as !D(D" Throu#h their studies and research, !DDitude has &ound simple %a's to help patients o)ercome the disorder or at least %a's to help cope %ith it" The' pro)ide in&ormation &or parents %ho ma' ha)e a child %ith !D(D so that the parent can *no% %hat to e,pect and ho% the' cab help their children" The' also ta*e it a step &urther in li&e b' pro)idin# in&ormation &or adults %ho ma' ha)e the disorder" .' this - mean that the' pro)ide a sel&/ chec* pro#ram that can help determine %eather or not the disorder is present" Man' people belie)e that !D(D is not a real disorder and that i& a child is actin# up in class then the' simpl' ha)e no desire to learn" This is &alse0 !D(D is a serious issue that can result in li&elon# conse1uences in not loo*ed into at an earl' sta#e in the patient+s li&e" !t this point in the memo 'ou ma' be %onderin# %h' and ho% - became in)ol)ed in the topic and that is due to the &act that - %as dia#nosed as bein# an !D(D patient %ho needed treatment" - %as the classic run o& the mill patient %ho %ould do poorl' in school because concentratin# on a sub ect or e)en a simple con)ersation %ould be di&&icult" !lthou#h - did not consult !DDitude ma#a$ine &or ad)ice and ideas to help cope %ith !D(D, - learned to control m'sel& throu#h counselin#, understandin#, and help &rom m' parents and teachers ali*e" 2o% - am a colle#e &reshman and m' studies ha)e been success&ul throu#hout m' li&e" .est re#ards Joshua Medina

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