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Activity 2: 20 points max Evidence/ Argument

Excellent (4-5) Cites specific textual evidence from multiple sources to fully support analysis of the evidence and overall argument. Draws clear connections between key biographical details and understanding of the whole. Correlation to the text/video is clear and extensive and shows analysis and critical thinking. Provides extensive original commentary comparing/contrasting historic figures and asks questions to encourage further analysis of arguments. Comments explore key themes in debates, other than balance between northern/southern states. Previous comments and responses are revised based on ongoing discussion and comments invite further discussion. Develops the topic thoroughly with clearly stated and supported argument. Cohesively links sections of the text.

Adequate(2-3) Refers to limited textual evidence in partial support of the analysis of the sources and overall argument but more specific references would be beneficial. Correlation to the text/video is limited; shows critical thinking but this may be limited.

Poor (0-1) Argument lacks support from textual evidence; correlation to the textbook/video explanations of the Missouri debate are not included or are inaccurate.


Provides limited commentary on historic figures but stops short of drawing connections between them. Questions asked are more for information than analysis. Little commentary on themes in debates, other than balance between northern/southern states. Limited follow up in discussion.

Limited information is provided showing little or no connection to the Missouri debates. Limited or no discussion.


Accuracy/ Understanding

Assertions are made without explanation of reasoning or evidence. Little/no development of topic; segments of postings are only slightly or awkwardly linked. Shows insight and Shows some but limited Comments substantial/advanced interpretation/understanding suggest confusion interpretation/understanding of the Missouri Compromise /misunderstanding of the Missouri Compromise and/or limited recognition of of the and the complexities of the the complexities of the Compromise and period and the debate. period and the debate. the complexities Accurate. of the period and the debate.

Topic is fairly well developed. Sections are somewhat linked.

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