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Activity 3: 40 points max Evidence

Excellent (9-10) Includes at least two specific arguments from multiple sources explored and analyzed in Activity 1 and 2 or from the field trip.

Good (6-8) Articulates one argument from sources explored in Activity 1 and 2 or from the field trip.

Adequate (3-5) Refers to limited textual evidence in partial support of the analysis of the sources & argument but more specific references would be beneficial. Argument is stated but not articulated or defended fully. Limited or no awareness of opposing viewpoints evident.

Poor (0-2) Lacks support from textual evidence.


Argument is clear and extensive and shows analysis and critical thinking and argument is fully supported by evidence and analysis. An excellent argument also integrates and rebuts opposing viewpoints. Project is unique and does not look or sound like the others. Shows clear evidence of original thought. It works extremely well as a vehicle for communicating the creator's thoughts & his/her arguments are clearly articulated and supported. Shows insight and substantial/ advanced interpretation/ understanding of the Missouri Compromise and the complexities of the period and the debate.

Argument is clear but could be more thoroughly supported by evidence and analysis; shows awareness of but not a direct commentary on opposing viewpoints. Project is nice and wellexecuted. It successfully communicates the ideas the creator expresses within it. Ideas are clearly communicated and the creator's thoughts and arguments are evident. Accurate & shows some interpretation/ understanding of the Missouri Compromise &recognition of the complexities of the period and the debate.

No Argument more a survey of what others said. Lacks support from textual evidence.


Project shows an attempt at creativity and answers the assigned question in a straightforward way. Effective, but not particularly creative or unique.

Project is hard to follow. Has components that do not have a clear purpose. Still rough -- needs more work.

Accuracy/ Understanding

Shows some but limited interpretation/ understanding of the Missouri Compromise and/or limited recognition of complexities of the period and the debate.

Answer suggests confusion and/or misunderstanding of the Compromise and the complexities of the period and the debate.

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