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Issues for Canadians: Governance and Rights Inquiry-Based Unit Plan

For: Professor Rick Ho an !ducation "#$% Final Pro&ect

'asha 'a s $$%%"()*$ +arch %$, )$%"

Unit Rationale 'his -ur-ose of the .Governance and Rights/ unit in Grade 0 1ocial 1tudies is to -rovide a ore co -rehensive understanding of the rights and

res-onsi2ilities 3e share as Canadian citi4ens5 'hrough this learning &ourney, students 3ill 2uild u-on the kno3ledge they have acquired a2out large-scale govern ent structures and -rocesses5 'hey 3ill start to inquire a2out the larger -icture of ho3 the &ustice syste 3orks, and ho3 citi4ens share

res-onsi2ilities for each other through the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedo s5 6s 1ocial 1tudies is traditionally a very inter-disci-linary focus, this unit 3ill incor-orate ulti-le -ers-ectives so that students can ake

connections 3ith course content to their o3n lives s-ecifically5 'he ter .governance/ refers to the 3ay nations govern the selves5 'his unit recogni4es that a 2ig -icture conce-t like governance has a direct relationshi- 3ith ho3 citi4ens -artici-ate in -olitical -rocess5 By reinforcing this relationshi-, this unit dee-ens the understand of ho3 i -ortant each student7s role is in the Canadian -rocess5 By first identifying 3hat their role is students 3ill 2e a2le to identify 3hat they are res-onsi2le for5 'his idea 3ill 2e furthered as students ust utili4e their critical thinking skills to inority grou-s s-ecifically5 It is

deter ine ho3 the -rocess has affected

only after this e8-erience that students 3ill 2e challenged to create ideas for -ositive social changes in society5

'his unit s-ecifically addressed the core conce-ts of citi4enshi- and identity as it e8-lores ho3 the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedo s directly i -acts each citi4en5 6ssign ents focus on looking at the sa e content through different -ers-ectives and 3ays of thinking5 6s students learn a2out their res-onsi2ilities, they 3ill 2e forced to evaluate ho3 they are living u- to these standards through &ournaling5 6s the unit e8-lores 2oth etacognitive activities, such as

inority and collective rights it

validates and acce-ts the differences that the different contri2ute to the -rocess5 9oting the -luralistic nature of the Canadian identity, this unit is i -erative for students to gain a dee-er understanding of these core conce-ts5 'he unit directly e8-lores Franco-hone and 62original -ers-ectives through the 1:; 05%5<5 It looks as to ho3 these inority grou-s are affected

2y legislation in Canada5 'his gives students an o--ortunity to see ho3 legislature has 2een 2oth a -ositive and negative e8-erience for inority

grou-s5 'his unit -ushes students to for ulate their o3n thinking on the su2&ects in order to 2e a2le to effectively co e u- 3ith strategies to co 2at issues that arise 3ithin this focus5 'he -luralistic nature of Canada is easily recogni4a2le 3ithin the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedo s5 'hrough this unit, students 3ill 2e challenged to see 3hy acce-ting diversity is so i -ortant to the structure of


this country5 'hey 3ill identify 3hat their individual res-onsi2ility is to others, and 3ill 2e -ushed to think a2out 3hy that is so i -ortant5 I started this unit -lanning 3ith identifying 3hat the e7s needed to 2e addressed5 I then deter ined I 3ould have a--ro8i ately )* class -eriods of % hour and a half to each to cover these the es5 I develo- = key focusing questions 3hich hel-ed of e create ini units 3ithin the larger conte8t5 !ach

y individual lessons are focused on questions first5 'he unit starts 3ith i -acts citi4ens5 6fter this

questions a2out ho3 the Canadian >ustice 1yste

it starts to e8a ine the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedo s and ho3 it i -acts individuals s-ecifically5 It then takes a sna-shot of ho3 the rights and freedo s of Franco-hones are addressed in the Charter, and ho3 inorities are -rotected 2y the Charter5 It finally addressed First 9ations collective rights in a holistic sense5 Under these = ain grou-s the lesson

e8-ands and dee-ens the understanding of students on these -articular issues5 !ach lesson -ushes for high level thinking a2out ho3 Canada7s -rocesses influence us5 'he lessons are 2ased on an inquiry-2ased odel and so I selected a

-oster on the individual student7s interest as the final task5 I think this is i -ortant 2ecause I gives the student a s-ecific assign ent 3here they can identify all as-ects of the unit in % final -ro&ect5 'he -ro&ect is otivating and

challenging as students are e8-ected to sho3 higher level thinking and ideas 3hen deter ining strategies for co 2ating issues5 =

Powerful Teaching and Learning in Social Studies +y Unit -rovides a eaningful learning e8-erience for students 2ecause they are learning a2out content that is a--lica2le in their o3n lives5 ?no3ing their rights and res-onsi2ilities as citi4ens 3ill hel- sha-e the students7 identities directly5 'his -rocess reinforces the value of this content for each student individually5 +y Unit -rovides an integrative learning e8-erience 2ecause it 2rings the outside co unity into the classroo 5 Inviting an !lder into the classroo -rovides a different -ers-ective and integrates traditional 3ays of kno3ing 3ith odern realities5 'his fusion creates a -lace 3here students feel ore o-en to integrating different -ers-ectives into their o3n 3ay of kno3ing the 3orld5 +y Unit re-resents a value-2ased learning e8-erience 2ecause uch of the focus is student led learning5 In any -ro&ects, students are required to search out ans3ers to their questions5 'hey are given the freedo to e8-lore ho3 so ething affects the directly5 Having a value-2ased learning environ ent -rovides a otivating learning e8-erience for all learners5 +y Unit challenges students to reflect on 3hat they already kno35 It asks students to 2rainstor a2out 3hat role they 3ould take s-ecifically in different -olitical -rocesses5 'his challenges students to think creatively a2out solutions to issues that ay 2e affecting the 5 +y Unit su--orts an active learning environ ent 2y utili4ing grou- 3ork and hands-on -ro&ects5 By 3orking together on grou- -ro&ects, or doing individual research, students ust actively -artici-ate in their o3n learning e8-erience5






S ecial Considerations *

+y unit -lan considers defined in

any of the IC' outco es5 @'hey are s-ecifically ulti-le uch of the

y unit -lan organi4ation chart5A Be 3ill 2e utili4ing

for s of technology to acco -lish our learning o2&ectives5 :ike

unit, the IC' outco es are address 2y inquiry-2ased learning assign ents and -ro&ects5 Utili4ing this unit in an -redo inantly 62original co incor-orates the 9ative -ers-ective of the co very holistically5 I have also asked different co and share their e8-eriences to create a ore unity, y unit

unity into course content unity e 2ers to co e unity-

eaningful and co

2ased learning e8-erience for students5 I 3ill incor-orate traditional kno3ledge into classroo as 3ell as classroo 'here are content 3henever -ossi2le through this ethod,


any o--ortunities to address :anguage 6rts o2&ectives in 1ocial

1tudies5 6ssign ents often include voca2ulary 3ords and s all 3riting assign ents 3here students are a2le to -ractice their skills5 I a also going

to atte -t to utili4e the 6rts @ usic, craft, theoretical, etc5A through allo3ing student creativity in certain -ro&ects5

Unit: Issues for Canadians: Governance and Rights #

'o-ic: 'he Interrelationshi- of Rights, Freedo , >ustice and :egislative in Canadian 1ociety5 Inquiry Cuestion: Ho3 does Canada7s -olitical landsca-e i -act the citi4enshi- and identity of its7 e 2ersD G:;: 1tudents 3ill de onstrate an understanding and a--reciation of ho3 Canada7s -olitical -rocesses i -act citi4enshi- and identity in an atte -t to eet the needs of all Canadians5 Focusing Cuestions: Bhat role do citi4ens and organi4ations -lay in Canada7s &ustice syste D Bhat is the i -act of the Canadian Charter and Rights and Freedo s on legislation in CanadaD Ho3 have the increasing de ands for recogni4ed collective rights affected the legislative -rocessesD

?ey Conce-ts: Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedo s, :egislation, >ustice -ractices, Res-onsi2ility of Citi4ens in Govern ent, Individual and Collective Rights and Res-onsi2ilities, +inority :anguage Issues, 62original Identity and :egislation and Citi4en Partici-ation5 1:;7s: 05%5* 6naly4e the role that citi4ens and organi4ations -lay in Canada7s &ustice syste 2y e8-loring and reflecting u-on the follo3ing questions and issues: Ho3 do citi4ens and organi4ations -artici-ate in Canada7s &ustice syste D Bhat are citi4ens7 legal roles and res-onsi2ilitiesD Bhat is the intention of the Youth Criminal Justice ActD

05%5# 6ssess, critically, the i -act of the Canadian Charter or Rights and Freedo s on the legislative -rocess in Canada 2y e8-loring and reflecting u-on the follo3ing questions and issues: In 3hat 3ays has the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedo s fostered recognition of individual rights in CanadaD <

Ho3 does the Canadian Charter or Rights and Freedo s su--ort individuals in e8ercising their rightsD In 3hat 3ays has the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedo s affected conditions in the 3ork-laceD Bhat is the relationshi- 2et3een the rights guaranteed in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedo s and the res-onsi2ilities of Canadian citi4ensD

05%5< 6ssess, critically, ho3 the increased de and for recognition of collective rights has i -acted the legislative -rocess in Canada 2y e8-loring and reflecting u-on the follo3ing questions and issues: In 3hat 3ays has the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedo s fostered recognition of collective rights in CanadaD In 3hat 3ays does the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedo s the needs of Franco-hones in inority settingsD 'o 3hat e8tent does the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedo s eet the needs of Franco-hones in Cue2ecD 'o 3hat e8tent should federal and -rovincial govern ents su--ort and -ro ote the rights of official language inorities in CanadaD eet

Unit Plan ;rgani4ation 'i e:# 3eeks, Class ti es: +onday E 'hursday: %5* Hour, Fridays: =* inutes

+onday 1:; 05%5*

Introduction- Ch5 )

'uesday 1:; 05%5*

Ho3 do citi4ens -artici-ate in Canada7s &ustice syste D Ch5 )

Bednesday 1:; 05%5*

Ho3 do citi4ens -artici-ate in Canada7s &ustice syste D Ch5 )

'hursday 1:; 05%5*

Presentation >ohn Ho3ard 1ociety Ch5 )

Friday 1:; 05%5*

Presentation >ohn Ho3ard 1ociety Ch5 )

1:; 05%5*

1:; 05%5*

1:; 05%5* (

1:; 05%5*

Bhat are citi4ens7 legal roles and their res-onsi2ilitiesD Ch5)

Bhat are citi4ens7 legal roles and their res-onsi2ilitiesD Ch5)

Bhat is the intention of the Youth Criminal Justice ActD Ch5)

Bhat is the intention of the Youth Criminal Justice ActD @6l2erta

6ssess ent consortiu :o22yist assign ent A

Revie3 1heet and Cui4 on Ch5)F1:;05%5*

1:; 05%5#
Introduction Ch5 "

1:; 05%5#
In 3hat 3ays has the CCRF fostered recognition of individual rights in CanadaD

1:; 05%5#
In 3hat 3ays has the CCRF fostered recognition of individual rights in CanadaD

1:; 05%5#
Ho3 does the CCRF su--ort individuals in e8ercising their rightsD

1:; 05%5#
Ho3 does the CCRF su--ort individuals in e8ercising their rightsD Ch5 " Hand out -oster assign ent5

1:; 05%5#
In 3hat 3ays has the CCRF affected conditions in the 3ork-laceD @gender, ageA Ch5 " Poster Research

1:; 05%5#
In 3hat 3ays has the CCRF affected conditions in the 3ork-laceD @race, religionA Ch5 " Poster

1:; 05%5#
Bhat is the relationshi2et3een the rights guaranteed in the CCRF and the res-onsi2ilities of Canadian citi4ensD Ch5 " Poster

1:; 05%5#
Bhat is the relationshi2et3een the rights guaranteed in the CCRF and the res-onsi2ilities of Canadian citi4ensD Ch5 " Poster

1:; 05%5<
In 3hat 3ays has the CCRF fostered the recognition of collective rights in CanadaD Ch5 =

1:; 05%5<
In 3hat 3ays does the CCRF eet the needs of Franco-hones in inority settingsD 'o 3hat e8tent does the CCRF eet the needs of Franco-hones in Cue2ecD Ch5 = Poster

1:; 05%5<
In 3hat 3ays does the CCRF eet the needs of Franco-hones in inority settingsD 'o 3hat e8tent does the CCRF eet the needs of Franco-hones in Cue2ecD Ch5 = Poster

1:; 05%5<
'o 3hat e8tent should the federalF-rovincial govern ents su--ort and -ro ote the rights official language inorities in CanadaD Ch5 = Poster @finish uthe loose ends5 Bonus dayA

Poster Gue Gate


Resource Bi2liogra-hy 6l2erta 6ssess ent Consortiu 5 @)$%"5A Everyday Assessment Tools to Support Student Learning. Retrieved on +arch *, )$%" fro htt-:FF3335aac5a25 caF5 'his 3e2site has a lot of -erfor ance tasks and activities that are s-ecifically related to the 6l2erta curriculu 5 'he 3e2site has G:; and 1:; s-ecific assess ent strategies as 3ell as ru2rics availa2le to 6l2erta teachers to use in their classroo s5 It also -rovides te -lates of .assess ent as learning/ ty-e of feed2ack strategies 3hich are hel-ful in su--orting inquiry-2ased learning5 6l2erta !ducation5 @)$%"5A Program of Study: rade ! Social. Retrieved on +arch *, )$%" fro htt-:FFeducation5al2erta5caF ediaF%%)#($=Fss05-df5 'he 6l2erta !ducation 3e2site is 2asically the first resource to consult 2ecause it is 3here all the learning o2&ectives that su--ort the gro3th of the kno3ledge, skills and attri2utes of 6l2erta students is defined5 It is a co -rehensive docu ent that hel-s teachers define 3hat students are actually su--osed to 2e learning5 Govern ent of Canada5 @+arch )$%"5A Justice La"s #e$site. Retrieved on +arch *, )$%" fro htt-:FFla3s-lois5&ustice5gc5caFengFactsFC-=#F5 'his 3e2site contains the full una2ridged Cri inal Code of Canada5 It is a credi2le resource that is u-dated regularly 2y the govern ent of Canada and is u-dated i ediately 3hen changes are ade5 'eachers can use this resource to get 2ackground infor ation a2out ho3 cri inal &ustice 3orks and create effective learning e8-eriences fro 5 1tudents can use this resource for researching la3s and ho3 they a--ly to the cri inal &ustice syste and the selves correctly5 Govern ent of Canada5 @ +arch )$%"5A %epartment of Justice. Retrieved on +arch *, )$%" fro htt-:FF3335&ustice5gc5caFengF5 'his 3e2site is an overvie3 of the Ge-art ent of >ustice in Canada5 'his 3e2-age is u-dated al ost daily and contains the ost current infor ation5 'his 3e2site could 2e used for current events assign ents 2ecause current issues are al3ays -osted on the ain site5 It also has %$

links to all of the resources that are availa2le for citi4ens5 'his is a user friendly site that a student could do a research re-ort on5 >ohn Ho3ard 1ociety5 @)$%"5A &nline 'esources for Teachers. Retrieved on +arch *, )$%" fro htt-:FF3335&ohnho3ard5a25caFteachersFonlineresourcesFthe-youth-cri inal-&ustice-actF5 'he >ohn Ho3ard 1ociety does -resentations that relate directly to 6l2erta Curriculu 5 1-ecifically in grade 0 students learn a2out the Houth Cri inal >ustice 6ct, and >ohn Ho3ard -rovides a great learning e8-erience for students in this to-ic5 If the school is to rural and is not close to a ain center, teachers can utili4e the online lesson -lans and content that >ohn Ho3ard 1ociety has created5 It is also directly related to curriculu , and is easy to access5 ?ainai Co unity Correctional Centre5 @)$%"5A (ainai Community Correctional Centre. Retrieved on +arch *, )$%" fro htt-:FF3335solg-s5al2erta5ca F-rogra sIandIservicesFcorrectionalIservicesFadultIcentreIo-erations FcorrectionalIandIre andIcentresFPagesFkainaiIco unityIcorrection alIcentre5as-85 'he Blood 'ri2e -rovides co unity-2ased correctional services to e 2ers on the Reserve as 3ell as surrounding co unities5 It recogni4es that 62original -eo-les have s-ecific needs concerning the la3 and is a non--rofit organi4ation5 'hey have educational -resentations on any different as-ects of &ustice, 2ullying and reha2ilitation5 'eachers can host a s-eaker fro this facility to infuse the 62original -ers-ective into course content5 :earn 6l2erta5 @)$$<5A 1ocial 1tudies @? J !A Grade ( - 0 @)$$<5A Retrieved on +arch *, )$%" fro htt-:FF3335learnal2erta5caFProgra ;f1tudy5as-8D langKenJProgra IdK%%#0<(L5 :earn6l2erta5ca -rovides valua2le curriculu s-ecific lesson ideas and activities5 It also gives different resources, such as fil s, or audio collections that 3ill relate to s-ecific 1:;7s5 It is a very teacher friendly resource, as teachers can save different lesson resource to their log-in, aking utili4ing the content very easy5 :ychak, P5 J Gerrits, G565 J 9ogue, 65 J Parsons, >5 @)$$(5A )ssues for Canadians. 9elson !ducation: 'oronto, ;ntario5 %%

'his is the 6l2erta !ducation a--roved te8t2ook for grade 0 curriculu 5 'he te8t is a good resource and is very a--lica2le to the s-ecific 1:;7s5 It -rovides a lot of .key questions/ that teachers can utili4e in their lesson -lans5 'he te8t really su--ort inquiry 2ased learning and -ushes students to -artici-ate in high level thinking a2out key conce-ts5 :ychak, P5 J Gerrits, G565 J 9ogue, 65 J Parsons, >5 @)$$(5A )ssues for Canadians: Teacher 'esource5 9elson !ducation: 'oronto, ;ntario5 'his is the resource -ack that co es along 3ith the classroo te8t5 'his resource has valua2le insights, additional infor ation and co -rehensive learning strategies5 If teachers are looking to utili4e so e of the activities in the te8t2ook, any of the te -lates for the activities can 2e found in this 2inder5 'he ):earn5ca !ducation 1ociety5 @)$%"5A 1ocial 1tudies - Gr50 ;nline Interactives: Governance and Rights5 Retrieved on +arch *, )$%" fro htt-:FF3335) learn5caFteensFlist1ocG05as-8D'y-eK=*%5 'his 3e2site -rovides lesson -lans and current events resources for teachers to utili4e in their classroo 5 'he 3e2site onitors Canadian ne3s and is constantly adding current and relevant articles that relate to 1:;7s5 It also gives lesson ideas of ho3 to utili4e so e of the articles, 3hich can 2e a great resource5


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