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Solved MCQ of Computer Security set -1

1. In computer security, . means that computer system assets can be modified only by authorized parities. A) Confidentiality B) Integrity C) Availability ) Authenticity !. In computer security, .. means that the information in a computer system only be accessible for reading by authorized parities. A) Confidentiality B) Integrity C) Availability ) Authenticity ". #he type of threats on the security of a computer system or net$or% are .. i) Interruption ii) Interception iii) &odification iv) Creation v) 'abrication A) i, ii, iii and iv only B) ii, iii, iv and v only C) i, ii, iii and v only ) All i, ii, iii, iv and v (. )hich of the follo$ing is independent malicious program that need not any host program* A) #rap doors B) #ro+an horse C) ,irus ) )orm -. #he .. is code that recognizes some special se.uence of input or is triggered by being run from a certain user I of by unli%ely se.uence of events. A) #rap doors B) #ro+an horse C) /ogic Bomb ) ,irus 0. #he .. is code embedded in some legitimate program that is set to 1e2plode3 $hen certain conditions are met. A) #rap doors B) #ro+an horse C) /ogic Bomb ) ,irus 4. )hich of the follo$ing malicious program do not replicate automatically* A) #ro+an 5orse

B) ,irus C) )orm ) 6ombie 7. programs can be used to accomplish functions indirectly that an unauthorized user could not accomplish directly. A) 6ombie B) )orm C) #ro+an 5orses ) /ogic Bomb 8. 9tate $hether true of false. i) A $orm mails a copy of itself to other systems. ii) A $orm e2ecutes a copy of itself on another system. A) #rue, 'alse B) 'alse, #rue C) #rue, #rue ) 'alse, 'alse 1:. A .. is a program that can infect other programs by modifying them, the modification includes a copy of the virus program, $hich can go on to infect other programs. A) )orm B) ,irus C) 6ombie ) #rap doors Answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

B) Integrity A) Confidentiality C) i, ii, iii and v only D) Worm A) Trap door

C) !ogi" Bom# A) Tro$an %or e C) Tro$an %or e C) Tr&e, Tr&e 1'. B) (ir&

MCQ of Computer Security with answer set 2

1. .. are used in denial of service attac%s, typically against targeted $eb sites. A) )orm B) 6ombie C) ,irus ) #ro+an horse !. 9elect the correct order for the different phases of virus e2ecution. i) ;ropagation phase ii) ormant phase iii) <2ecution phase iv) #riggering phase A) i, ii, iii, and iv B) i, iii, ii and iv C) ii, i, iv an iii

) ii, iii, iv and i ". A attaches itself to e2ecutable files and replicates, $hen the infected program is e2ecuted, by finding other e2ecutable files to infect. A) 9tealth virus B) ;olymorphic ,irus C) ;arasitic ,irus ) &acro ,irus (. .. is a form of virus e2plicitly designed to hide itself from detection by antivirus soft$are. A) 9tealth virus B) ;olymorphic ,irus C) ;arasitic ,irus ) &acro ,irus -. A .. creates copies during replication that are functionally e.uivalent but have distinctly different bit patterns. A) Boot 9ector ,irus B) ;olymorphic ,irus C) ;arasitic ,irus ) &acro ,irus 0. A portion of the ;olymorphic virus, generally called a .. , creates, a random encryption, %ey to encrypt the remainder of the virus. A) mutual engine B) mutation engine C) multiple engine ) polymorphic engine 4. 9tate $hether the follo$ing statement is true. i) A macro virus is platform independent. ii) &acro viruses infect documents, not e2ecutable portions of code. A) i=only B) ii=only C) Both i and ii ) >on i and ii 7. #he type?s) of auto e2ecuting macros, in &icrosoft $ord is@are A) Auto e2ecute B) Auto macro C) Command macro ) All of the above 8. In .., the virus places an identical copy of itself into other programs or into certain system areas on the dis%. A) ormant phase B) ;ropagation phase C) #riggering phase

) <2ecution phase 1:. A is a program that secretly ta%es over another Internet=attached computer and then uses that computer to launch attac%s. A) )orm B) 6ombie C) ,irus ) #rap doors Answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

B) )om#ie C) ii, i, iv an iii C) *ara iti" (ir& A) +tealt, vir& B) *olymorp,i" (ir&

B) m&tation engine C) Bot, i and ii D) All of t,e a#ove B) *ropagation p,a e 1'. B) )om#ie

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