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Hwa Rang Do World Headquarters HWA RANG DO Dan Degree - Black Sash Requirements hrdcrest !

gi" #$$% $ &'tes( )HO DAN * $S+ D,GR,, B-A). SASH , DAN * ND D,GR,, B-A). SASH SA/ DAN * 0RD D,GR,, B-A). SASH SA DAN * %+H D,GR,, B-A). SASH OH DAN * 1+H D,GR,, B-A). SASH 23. DAN * 4+H D,GR,, B-A). SASH )H5- DAN * 6+H D,GR,, B-A). SASH 7A- DAN * 8+H D,GR,, B-A). SASH G3 DAN * 9+H D,GR,, B-A). SASH SH57 DAN * $:+H D,GR,, B-A). SASH logo$!gi" #60%$ &'tes( )HO DAN * $S+ D,GR,, R,;35R,/,N+S NO+, - 5n order to acti<el' maintain &lack Sash degree status= continual eductation requirements must &e met +5+-, 2u Dan >a - Black Sash without a title Assistant 5nstructor >o .'o #nim( - Assistant 5nstructor - Onl' with -icensed "rom Hwa Rang Do World Hdqts! +5/, 7,R5OD to 0 2ears - minimum o" 0 da's a week o" continued education! Our art?s go<ernment has set "orth a standardi@ed $st to nd Degree Dan course Alan concerning tuition Aa'ment "or indi<iduals who wish to continue their education to the neBt rank! 3N5COR/ - DOBO. White toA= &lack trim= &lack Aants DO7OD Black - gold trim B,-+D Black Sash 23 .3B .A, S3- BO7 >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" color sash techniques 23 .3B .A, >O. S3- >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" color sash kicking techniques 23 .3B .A, H23NG BO7 >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" color sash "orms >O .2O BO7 * +eaching Arocedures NA, .ONG #5nternal 7ower( >,ONG DO >O SH5. BO7 * /ind and Bod' ReEu<enation DAN >3N .5 BO7 * Dan >un .i 7ower +echnique DAN >3N HO H37 BO7 * Dan >un Breathing +echnique .5 HA7 )HA R23. S3- * >oining o" .i 7ower

WA, .ONG #,Bternal 7ower( HO SH5N >WA G5 S3- * De"ense "rom seated Aosition HO SH5N WHA G5 S3- * De"ense "rom Arone Aosition 2,ON H,ANG S3- * )ontrolling and mo<ing an oAAonent HO SH5N 2ANG BANG )H,O R5 S3- * De"ense against two oAAonents .23. 7A S3- * Breaking 7ower DA, R23N S3- * Cighting techniques 3/-2ANG >O. S3- * So"t and hard kicking com&inations /35N DO. -57 H23NG * )ho Dan "orm /OO G5 .ONG #WeaAon 7ower( DAN BONG S3- * Short stick technique .5 BON >3. DO S3- * Basic &am&oo sword >3. DO DA, R23N * Bam&oo sword "ighting technique >3NG BONG S3- * /iddle stick and &aton technique .5 BON DAN G3/ S3- * Basic kni"e technique .5 BON >ANG G3/ S3- * Basic sword technique DAN BONG H23NG * Short stick "orm SH5N .ONG #/ental 7ower( H2,- DO HA. * Stud' o" <ital Aoints .3 .3B HWA- BO7 * Stud' o" emergenc' aid >O,NG SH5N +ONG5- BO7 * /ental )oncentration SON HA. * /editation +O7 OC 7AG, , DAN * ND D,GR,, R,;35R,/,N+S +5+-, 2u Dan >a - Black Sash without a title 5nstructor .'o Sa #nim( - 5nstructor with -icensed "rom Hwa Rang Do World Hdqts! +5/, 7,R5OD to 0 2ears - minimum o" 0 da's a week o" continued education! Our art?s go<ernment has set "orth a standardi@ed nd to 0rd Degree Dan course Alan concerning tuition Aa'ment "or indi<iduals who wish to continue their education to the neBt rank! 3N5COR/ - DOBO. White toA= &lack trim= &lack Aants DO7OD Black - gold trim B,-+D Black Sash )HO DAN .2, S3- BO7 >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" )ho Dan techniques )HO DAN .2, >O. S3- >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" )ho Dan kicking techniques )HO DAN .2, H23NG BO7 >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" )ho Dan "orms .2O SA BO7 * +eaching Arocedures NA, .ONG #5nternal 7ower( >,ONG DO >O SH5. BO7 * /ind and Bod' ReEu<enation DAN >3N .5 BO7 * Dan >un .i 7ower +echnique DAN >3N HO H37 BO7 * Dan >un Breathing +echnique .5 HA7 )HA R23. S3- * >oining o" .i 7ower WA, .ONG #,Bternal 7ower( .ONG .23. >5A7 S3- * O""ensi<e <ital Aressure Aoints HO SH5N >WA G5 >5A7 S3- * De"ensi<e <ital Aressure Aoints "rom seated Aosition .ONG .23. >OR3G5 S3- * O""ensi<e choking HO SH5N SA/ BANG )H,O R5 S3- * De"ense against three oAAonents .23. 7A S3- * Breaking 7ower

DA, R23N S3- * Cighting techniques 3/-2ANG >O. S3- * So"t and hard kicking com&inations )H3N .A, H23NG #OAened Hea<en( * , Dan "orm /OO G5 .ONG #WeaAon 7ower( >3NG BONG 2,3. S3- * De"ense against middle stickF&aton gra&&ing DAN G3/ S3- * Ad<anced kni"e technique DAN G3/ DA, R23N S3- * .ni"e "ighting technique >ANG G3/ S3- * Ad<anced sword technique GONG SOO G3/ BANG A S3- * 3narmed de"ense against sword attack DAN >ANG S3- * )ane technique >ANG BONG S3- * -ong sta"" technique SH5N .ONG #/ental 7ower( H2,- DO HA. * Stud' o" <ital Aoints .3 .3B HWA- BO7 * Stud' o" emergenc' aid >O,NG SH5N +ONG5- BO7 * /ental )oncentration SON HA. * /editation +O7 OC 7AG, SA/ DAN * 0RD D,GR,, R,;35R,/,N+S +5+-, 2u Dan >a - Black Sash without a title Head 5nstructor Boo Sa Bum #nim( - 5nstructor or Head 5nstructor with -icense &' Hwa Rang Do World Hdqts! +5/, 7,R5OD 0 to % 2ears - minimum o" 0 da's a week o" continued education! Our art?s go<ernment has set "orth a standardi@ed 0rd to %th Degree Dan course Alan concerning tuition Aa'ment "or indi<iduals who wish to continue their education to the neBt rank! 3N5COR/ - DOBO. White toA= &lack trim= &lack Aants DO7OD Black - Blue trim B,-+D Black Sash , DAN .2, S3- BO7 >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" , Dan techniques , DAN .2, >O. S3- >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" , Dan kicking techniques , DAN .2, H23NG BO7 >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" , Dan "orms SA B3/ BO7 * +eaching Arocedures NA, .ONG #5nternal 7ower( DAN >3N HO H37 BO7 * Dan >un &reathing .5 HA7 )HA R23. S3- * >oining o" .5 Aower .5 .ONG G,ON SH5N BO7 * .5 de<eloAment "or the &od' 3N .5 H,ANG .ONG * .5 7ower mo<ement WA, .ONG #,Bternal 7ower( SA/ DAN .2, +3. SOO >5A7 S3- * SAecial <ital Aoint Aressure SA/ DAN .2, +3. SOO GO- >,- G5 S3- * SAecial Eoint &reaking HO SH5N SA BANG )H,O R5 S3- * De"ense against three or more oAA! SA/ DAN .2, +3. SOO .WON - .A. BANG A S3- * SAecial de"ense kick and hand 5N S3- ,3N SH5N BO7 * Sulsa techniques +3. SOO .23. 7A S3- * 7ower &reaking 3/-2ANG >O. S3- * So"t and hard kicking com&inations DA, R23N BO7 * Cighting techniques .3/ G2, H23NG * Sam dan "orm /OO G5 .ONG #WeaAon 7ower(

DAN G3/ H23NG * .ni"e "orm SSANG DAN G3/ S3- * Dou&le kni"e techniques >ANG G3/ DA, R23N * Sword "ighting +OO G3/ S3- * .ni"e throwing technique 23. G3/ S3- * Ad<anced in<erted sword >ANG BONG H23NG * -ong sta"" "orm .3/ /OO H23NG * Sword "orm SH5N .ONG #/ental 7ower( >,ONG SH5N HA. * De<eloAing mental Aower +A, .3. 3/-2ANG OH HA,NG HA. * Stud' o" uni<erse G "i<e elements >,ON DO >,O/ H2,- S3- * Stud' o" AcuAuncture Aoints H2,- HWA- S3- * Stud' o" AcuAressure +O7 OC 7AG, SA DAN * %+H D,GR,, R,;35R,/,N+S +5+-, 2u Dan >a - Black Sash without a title )hie" 5nstructor Sa Bum or Susuk Sa Bum #nim( - Head 5nstructor or )hie" 5nstructor with -icense &' Hwa Rang Do World Hdqts! +5/, 7,R5OD 0 to % 2ears - minimum o" 0 da's a week o" continued education! Our art?s go<ernment has set "orth a standardi@ed %th to 1th Degree Dan course Alan concerning tuition Aa'ment "or indi<iduals who wish to continue their education to the neBt rank! 3N5COR/ - DOBO. White toA= &lack trim= &lack Aants DO7OD Black - Red trim B,-+D Black Sash SA/ DAN .2, S3- BO7 >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" Sam Dan techniques SA/ DAN .2, >O. S3- >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" Sam Dan kicking techniques SA/ DAN .2, H23NG BO7 >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" Sam Dan "orms SA B3/ BO7 * +eaching Arocedures NA, .ONG #5nternal 7ower( DAN >3N HO H37 BO7 * Dan >un &reathing .5 HA7 )HA R23. S3- * >oining o" .5 Aower .5 .ONG G,ON SH5N BO7 * .5 de<eloAment "or the &od' 3N .5 H,ANG .ONG * .5 7ower mo<ement WA, .ONG #,Bternal 7ower( 7A- .W, H,ANG BO7 * ,ight Aoint mo<ements SA DAN .2, +3. SOO GO- >,- G5 S3- * SAecial Eoint &reaking SA DAN .2, +3. SOO )H,O R5 S3- * SAecial de"ense SA DAN .2, +3. SOO .WON-.A. 23 DO S3- * SAecial de"ense against kick and hand WON SH5N BO7 * 3tili@ing oAAonents Aower SA DAN .2, 5N S3- ,3N SH5N BO7 * Sulsa techniques +3. SOO .23. 7A S3- * 7ower &reaking 3/-2ANG >O. S3- * So"t and hard kicking technique .3/ .ANG-2ANG H23NG * Sa dan "orm /OO G5 .ONG #WeaAon 7ower( /OO G5 2OO DO BO7 * De"ense against weaAons SSANG G3/ H23NG * Dou&le sword "orm SSANG DAN G3/ H23NG * Dou&le kni"e "orm )H3- S3N S3- * Steel "an technique

7O SH,3NG-7O BA. S3- * Sling holding and gra&&ing techniques >5. G3/ S3- * Dou&le edged sword technique >ANG )HANG S3- * -ong sAear technique SH5N .ONG #/ental 7ower( >,ONG SH5N HA. * De<eloAing mental Aower >,ON DO >,O/ H2,- S3- * Stud' o" AcuAuncture Aoints H2,- HWA- S3- * Stud' o" AcuAressure +O7 OC 7AG, OH DAN * 1+H D,GR,, R,;35R,/,N+S +5+-, 2u Dan >a - Black Sash without a title /aster .wan >ang #nim( - /aster with -icense &' Hwa Rang Do World Hdqts! +5/, 7,R5OD % to 1 2ears - minimum o" 0 da's a week o" continued education! Our art?s go<ernment has set "orth a standardi@ed 1th to 4th Degree Dan course Alan concerning tuition Aa'ment "or indi<iduals who wish to continue their education to the neBt rank! 3N5COR/ - DOBO. White toA= &lack trim= &lack Aants or Red DO7OD Blue doAo - gold trim #)hung 7o( B,-+D Black Sash SA DAN .2, S3- BO7 >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" Sa Dan techniques SA DAN .2, H23NG BO7 >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" Sa Dan "orms SA B3/ BO7 * +eaching Arocedures NA, .ONG #5nternal 7ower( DAN >3N HO H37 BO7 * Dan >un &reathing .5 HA7 )HA R23. S3- * >oining o" .5 Aower .5 .ONG G,ON SH5N BO7 * .5 de<eloAment "or the &od' 3N .5 H,ANG .ONG * .5 7ower mo<ement WA, .ONG #,Bternal 7ower( OH DAN 7A- .W, H,ANG BO7 * ,ight Aoint mo<ements OH DAN .2, +3. SOO GO- >,- G5 S3- * SAecial Eoint &reaking OH DAN .2, +3. SOO >5A7 S3- * SAecial "inger Aressure techniques OH DAN .2, +3. SOO SOO >ANG BO7 * SAecial de"ense against hand and Aalm +OO 23. S3- * /uscle tearing techniques OH DAN .2, WON SH5/ BO7 * 3tili@ing oAAonents Aower +3. SOO .23. 7A S3- * 7ower &reaking 3/-2ANG >O. S3- * So"t and hard kicking technique H23N .5-3/ H23NG * Oh dan "orm /OO G5 .ONG #WeaAon 7ower( )H3- S3N H23NG * Steel "an "orm >5. G3/ H23NG * Dou&le edged sword "orm >ANG )HANG H23NG * -ong sAear "orm 23/ >OO S3- * 2um Eoo technique )HONG R2ONG ON WO- DO S3- * Blue dragon techniques HWAN DO S3- * Wind sword technique SH5N .ONG #/ental 7ower( SA SANG HA. * Stud' o" the "our quadrants o" the mind 2A. BANG BO7 * Stud' o" Oriental her&al medicine >,O7 GO- S3- * Stud' o" &one setting DO. SH5/ S3- - Stud' o" reading human mind

)H, /23N S3- - Stud' o" Autting a Aerson to sleeA +O7 OC 7AG, 23. DAN * 4+H D,GR,, R,;35R,/,N+S +5+-, 2u Dan >a - Black Sash without a title /aster .wan >ang or Dosa #nim( - /aster with -icense &' Hwa Rang Do World Hdqts! +5/, 7,R5OD % to 1 2ears - minimum o" 0 da's a week o" continued education! Our art?s go<ernment has set "orth a standardi@ed 4th to 6th Degree Dan course Alan concerning tuition Aa'ment "or indi<iduals who wish to continue their education to the neBt rank! 3N5COR/ - DOBO. White toA= &lack trim= &lack Aants - Red or Blue DO7OD Red doAo - gold trim #Hong 7o( B,-+D Black Sash OH DAN .2, S3- BO7 >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" Oh Dan techniques OH DAN .2, H23NG BO7 >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" Oh Dan "orms .WAN >ANG BO7 * +eaching Arocedures NA, .ONG #5nternal 7ower( DAN >3N HO H37 BO7 * Dan >un &reathing .5 HA7 )HA R23. S3- * >oining o" .5 Aower .5 .ONG G,ON SH5N BO7 * .5 de<eloAment "or the &od' 3N .5 H,ANG .ONG * .5 7ower mo<ement WA, .ONG #,Bternal 7ower( 23. DAN .2, +3. SOO GO- >,- G5 S3- * SAecial Eoint &reaking 23. DAN .2, +3. SOO .WON-.A. S3- * SAecial kick G Aunch 23. DAN .2, +3. SOO .WON-.A. 23 DO S3- * SAecial de"ense against kick and Aunch +3. SOO NA BO7 * SAecial gra&&ing +3. SOO >5N DONG S3- * Hi&ration techniques +3. SOO .23. 7A S3- * SAecial Aower &reaking 3/-2ANG >O. S3- * So"t and hard kicking HO S3N H23NG * 2uk dan "orm /OO G5 .ONG #WeaAon 7ower( HWAN DO H23NG * Wind sword "orm >A R23 - Sta&&ing t'Aes S3N R23 - Can t'Aes +A R23 - Hitting t'Aes )H3 R23 - Gra&&ing t'Aes +OO R23 - +hrowing t'Aes )H3. R23 - )hoAAing t'Aes DO R23 - Slicing t'Aes HO R23 - Blowing t'Aes G3/ R23 - )utting t'Aes >ANG R23 - )ane or stick t'Aes BONG R23 - Stick t'Aes HWAN R23 - Bow or sAhere t'Aes 723N R23 - Sectioned-Aiece t'Aes )HANG R23 - SAear t'Aes >2,- R23 - -inked t'Aes )H5/ R23 - 7in or needle t'Aes

SA R23 - Sling or strung t'Aes G3NG R23 - Shooting t'Aes +W, R23 - Hammering t'Aes WON R23 - Disc t'Aes SH5N .ONG #/ental 7ower( SA SANG HA. * Stud' o" the "our quadrants o" the mind 2A. BANG BO7 * Stud' o" oriental her&al medicine >,O7 GO- S3- * Stud' o" &one setting DO. SH5/ S3- * Stud' o" reading the human mind )H, /23N S3- * Stud' o" Autting one to sleeA >,ONG SH5N HA. * Stud' o" mental de<eloAment +O7 OC 7AG, )H5- DAN * 6+H D,GR,, R,;35R,/,N+S +5+-, 2u Dan >a - Black Sash without a title )hie" /aster Su Suk .wan >ang #nim( - )hie" /aster with -icense &' Hwa Rang Do World Hdqts! +5/, 7,R5OD 1 to 4 2ears - minimum o" 0 da's a week o" continued education! Our art?s go<ernment has set "orth a standardi@ed 6th to 8th Degree Dan course Alan concerning tuition Aa'ment "or indi<iduals who wish to continue their education to the neBt rank! 3N5COR/ - DOBO. White toA= &lack trim= &lack Aants - Red= Blue= or Black DO7OD White doAo - gold trim #Back 7o( B,-+D Black Sash 23. DAN .2, S3- BO7 >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" 2uk Dan techniques 23. DAN .2, H23NG BO7 >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" 2uk Dan "orms .WAN >ANG BO7 * +eaching Arocedures NA, .ONG #5nternal 7ower( DAN >3N HO H37 BO7 * Dan >un &reathing .5 HA7 )HA R23. S3- * >oining o" .5 Aower .5 .ONG G,ON SH5N BO7 * .5 de<eloAment "or the &od' 3N .5 H,ANG .ONG * .5 7ower mo<ement WA, .ONG #,Bternal 7ower( )H5- DAN .2, +3. SOO GO- >,- G5 S3- * SAecial Eoint &reaking )H5- DAN .2, +A .23. S3- * SAecial hitting )H5- DAN .2, +3. SOO HOSH5N BO7 * SAecial de"ense +3. SOO NA BO7 * SAecial gra&&ing +3. SOO >5N DONG S3- * Hi&ration techniques +3. SOO .23. 7A S3- * SAecial Aower &reaking 3/-2ANG >O. S3- * So"t and hard kicking S3 A/ H23NG * )hil dan "orm SA/ S57 23. SA- BO7 * 04 .illing techniques /OO G5 .ONG #WeaAon 7ower( )HONG R2ONG ON WO- DO H23NG * Blue dragon "orm >A R23 - Sta&&ing t'Aes S3N R23 - Can t'Aes +A R23 - Hitting t'Aes )H3 R23 - Gra&&ing t'Aes +OO R23 - +hrowing t'Aes )H3. R23 - )hoAAing t'Aes

DO R23 - Slicing t'Aes HO R23 - Blowing t'Aes G3/ R23 - )utting t'Aes >ANG R23 - )ane or stick t'Aes BONG R23 - Stick t'Aes HWAN R23 - Bow or sAhere t'Aes 723N R23 - Sectioned-Aiece t'Aes )HANG R23 - SAear t'Aes >2,- R23 - -inked t'Aes )H5/ R23 - 7in or needle t'Aes SA R23 - Sling or strung t'Aes G3NG R23 - Shooting t'Aes +W, R23 - Hammering t'Aes WON R23 - Disc t'Aes SH5N .ONG #/ental 7ower( SA SANG HA. * Stud' o" the "our quadrants o" the mind 2A. BANG BO7 * Stud' o" oriental her&al medicine >,O7 GO- S3- * Stud' o" &one setting DO. SH5/ S3- * Stud' o" reading the human mind )H, /23N S3- * Stud' o" Autting one to sleeA >,ONG SH5N HA. * Stud' o" mental de<eloAment +O7 OC 7AG, 7HA- DAN * 8+H D,GR,, R,;35R,/,N+S $! +5+-, a! Grandmaster &! )hong .wan >ang #nim( - Grandmaster with -icense &' Hwa Rang Do World Hdqts! &! .uk Sa #nim( - Grandmaster with license &' Hwa Rang Do World Hdqts! ! +5/, 7,R5OD a! /inimum o" $: 'ears as a 8th dan degree 0! 3N5COR/ - DOBO. a! All colors &! DoAo - Gold doAo - &lue trim #Hwang 7o( c! Belt - Black Sash %! )H5- DAN .2, S3- BO7 >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" )hil Dan techniques 1! )H5- DAN .2, H23NG BO7 >,ONG R5 * 7er"ection o" )hil Dan "orms 4! .WAN >ANG BO7 * +eaching Arocedures 6! NA, .ONG * #5nternal 7ower( 8! WA, .ONG * #,Bternal 7ower( 9! /OO G5 .ONG * #WeaAon Aower( $:! SH5N .ONG * #/ental Aower( $$! ;3A-5C5,D 7RO/O+5ON a! 7ri<ate testing "rom owner o" Hwa Rang Do &! Her&al ,Bamination c! Re<iew o" ,Btensi<e Histor' and 7hilosoAh' d! Honor Record +O7 OC 7AG, G3 DAN * 9+H D,GR,, R,;35R,/,N+S $! +5+-, a! Head Grandmaster

&! .uk Sa #nim( - Grandmaster with -icense &' Hwa Rang Do World Hdqts! &! .uk Sun #nim( - Head Grandmaster with -icense &' Hwa Rang Do World Hdqts! ! +5/, 7,R5OD a! /inimum o" $: 'ears as an 9th dan degree 0! 3N5COR/ - DOBO. a! All )olors &! DoAo - Gold doAo - red trim c! Belt - Black Sash %! ;3A-5C5,D 7RO/O+5ON a! 7ri<ate testing "rom DoEoo Nim #owner o" Hwa Rang Do( &! Her&al ,Bamination c! Re<iew o" ,Btensi<e Histor' and 7hilosoAh' d! Honor Record

+O7 OC 7AG, SH57 DAN * $:+H D,GR,, R,;35R,/,N+S

$! +5+-, )hie" Grandmaster SuAreme Grandmaster +ae Sa #nim( - )hie" Grandmaster Do >oo #nim( - SuAreme Grandmaster - Owner o" the Hwa Rang Do ! 3N5COR/ - DOBO. All colors DO7OD Gold doAo - Black trim B,-+D Black sash F all colors +H,R, 5S ON-2 ON, S37R,/, GRAND/AS+,R OC HWA RANG DO HWARANGDO OWN,R#DO>OON5/( A $:+H DAN D,GR,, B-A). B,-+ As set "orth &' our art owner and "ounder Dr! >oo-Bang -ee= Hwa Rang Do?s highest ranks Aroceed to $:th Dan degree &lack sash! Howe<er= Dr! >oo-Bang -ee holds the DoEoo Nim#owner o" art( title "or his li"etime= and when he Aasses awa' he will aAAoint the nd generation DoEoo Nim title holder to the martial and healing art Hwa Rang Do! 5n the 'ear nineteen hundred and siBt'= on AAril $6th= 5 here&' "ounded m' secret martial skills with the name o" Hwa Rang Do and included with this the Au&lic &elt s'stems= ranks and titles= s'lla&us= uni"orms= s'm&ols= art moral AhilosoAhies= and the ancient warrior?s code o" ethics= with a sense o" sAirit and a strong honora&le mentalit' "or m' martial art named Hwa Rang Do! 5n nineteen hundred and ninet'= on >anuar' $st= 5 here&' "ounded Hwa Rang Do?s undergraduate martial art +ae Soo Do and the Au&lic &elt s'stems= ranks and titles= s'lla&us= uni"orms= s'm&ols= art moral AhilosoAhies "or the martial art named +ae Soo Do! 18th Generation Hwa Rang warrior title holder and

Owner o" this the martial arts Hwa Rang Do and +ae Soo Do! HwarangDo DoEoo Nim D Dr! >oo-Bang -ee +O7 OC 7AG, WHRDA HomeAage Hwa Rang Do World Headquarters ,-mailD whrdaIhwarangdo!com

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