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Classroom Management Plan Philosophy Classroom management is an ideal that I take very seriously.

Classrooms should be a positive, effective, safe place of learning and growth for students. I believe that students should have the ability to learn in an environment that is non-threatening and allows them to express themselves without the threat of being put down or disrespected. I believe that maintaining student interest is key to exceptional learning. Students need to be engaged in the subject that I am teaching, and it is my responsibility to keep my students interest throughout my lesson leadership. It is important to me that my students are actively engaged in their own learning process. I believe that taking the time to learn about my students backgrounds and interests. Students should have the comfort of knowing that their teacher cares for them. In this way, I can also adjust my teaching to cater more personally to my students needs for learning. I also take particular care to keep in contact with the parents of my students so that a good relationship of open communication can be established. By getting to know students and their parents, I can help my students to understand the material in a way that best suits them. Room Arrangement My desk will be located on the opposite wall of the whiteboard and/or Smart Board on which I will be teaching. It will be used only for administrative duties, and never during class time except to pull up files to display to the class. I would also have a basket labeled Late Work located on my desk for students who need to turn in missed assignments. There will be baskets for each class that contains copies of homework or in-class assignments so that students have the responsibility of gathering their own missed work. Younger students, grades K-5 will sit on the floor facing the board. Due to my emphasis on kinesthetic learning, chairs would only get in the way. However, chairs are necessary for choral settings, so I would have folding chairs or stacks of chairs that students would be responsible for helping me set up before their ensemble rehearses. In a high school choral classroom, I would have built in risers in the room to make rehearsals more beneficial and efficient. Risers also assist during general music class periods so that all the students can see the board. I would have clipboards available for all students to give them a hard surface to write on. Rules and Consequences will be posted clearly on the walls and explained the very first day of class. They will remain posted as a reminder to students.

Rules and Consequences Rules should consist of simple, clear, concise expectations for my students. I abide by one allencompassing rule: Respect. If boundaries and expectations are established with students from the very

beginning, then it is easier to maintain a level of trust and authority with students. I believe that students should be held accountable for their own actions, and should be able to hold each other accountable if the boundaries are crossed or expectations are not met as long as they, too, follow the expectations and boundaries when bringing attention to a problem. Consequences are given on an as needed basis. If a student is not following the rules, then he will receive a verbal warning for the first offense. The second offense is a written warning. The third offense is a conference with the students teacher and/or parents via phone or e-mail. The fourth offense is a one-on-one conference with parents. The fifth offense is detention and/or a visit to the principals office. The principals office, however, is a last resort. The only time a student will be sent to the principals office is if there is an immediate need for the student to be removed from my classroom. If a student is directly challenging the physical and/or mental well-being of other students, then he will be removed to the principals office. Procedures Every class, whether it is an ensemble or a general music class will begin with a warm up. Warm ups may consists of call and response activities to warm their vocal folds or to review rhythmic structures. Warm ups are an opportunity to set the tone for the class period that day. I will have the agenda posted on the board so that students know what to expect as the class period goes on. If instruments are being played, the rules of the instrument will be clearly stated and demonstrated, and students will be expected to follow the rules, or will receive the same consequences as listed above. I will make sure to leave at least five minutes at the end of every class period to address any issues or concerns that the students may have. It is important to me that students concerns are voiced and addressed to uphold a feeling of safety and comfort in my classroom

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