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Physical Development Pam Miller 1. Write a brief physical description of the child. Xxx is 3 years old.

He is slightly shorter than average for his age and has a sturdy frame. He has honey blonde hair, blue eyes and a fair complexion. 2. Describe the childs general interest in and approach to motor activity Xxx enjoys moving his body. He is generally enthusiastic during all large and fine motor activities. In the gym and outside on the playground, he is constantly moving and looking for the next thing to try. He is willing to try new things if he believes that he is capable. For example, Xxx tried several pieces of equipment during our first few trips to the gym. He used the slide and jumped on the trampoline. When the arrangement was changed, he quickly tried the new x-shaped balance beam, walking across it several times. However, twice in one day he tried climbing up a ladder to a small platform and going up to the first rung, but then got down. He also has not tried climbing on the wall ladder, although we have encouraged him several times. However, he has climbed up and down the ladder to the loft in the classroom. He enjoys large motor songs, such as Head Shoulders Knees and Toes and tries to perform all the motions when we sing songs in large group. Large Motor Skills 1. Locomotion skills Xxx easily walks around the classroom, gym, and outside. He runs like a typical threeyear-old, with steady strides, but not with the fluid motion an older child or an adult. He is able to jump and hop easily as well as roll on the floor. 2. Dynamic balance Xxx has good dynamic balance. The first time in the gym he ran across the mats approximately fifteen feet then jumped and turned about 180 degrees and landed on his feet. He did this several times. He is also able to jump with two feet and land without falling. 3. Static balance Xxx is able to stand on two feet without falling. He has not mastered balancing on one foot yet. He is able to reach down and touch his toes without falling. Goal: Xxx will improve his ability to balance on one foot. Objective: Xxx will be able to balance on one foot for at least three seconds. Plan: Teachers will systematically provide opportunities for Xxx to practice his static balance through games and activities, at large group and in the gym, such as Simon

Says and yoga poses. Teachers will encourage Xxx to continue to use the balance beam in the gym and to cross the swinging board bridge on the climbing structure outside. Object Manipulation 1. Propulsion skills Xxxs propulsion skills are developing. During a large group activity, the children and teachers took turns rolling a ball to one another. Xxx pushed the ball, but it did not make it all the way across the circle. Xxx is also able to use the schools bikes on the playground. He has some difficulty going up the inclines, but he knows how to push on the ground instead of the pedals when the pedaling becomes too difficult. 2. Receptive skills Xxxs receptive skills are also developing. During the same activity mentioned above, he almost trapped the ball when it was rolled to him, but he did not quite get it. Xxx reaches and grasps small toys and materials in a deliberate manner and with a lot of concentration. Perceptual Motor Skills 1. Proprioceptive Awareness 1. Spatial Awareness Xxx has good spatial awareness. He moves around the classroom and maneuvers around objects and other people well. He is able to crouch down and walk out of the caves easily as well as creep out on hands and knees. He also maintains an appropriate distance from others when talking or playing with them. 2. Temporal Awareness As mentioned earlier, Xxx is enthusiastic during music and movement activities during large group. He tries to move his arms and hands to the beat of the songs, but is usually not able to keep the beat. He has displayed good timing while moving, as shown by his run, jump, and turn sequence in the gym. 3. Directional Awareness Xxxs sense of directional awareness is well developed. He understands when asked to sit next to another child and when to stay behind a teacher. In the block area, Xxx builds structures with other children and does well with putting blocks next to, on top of, etc. other blocks when suggested by teachers and other children. 4. Body Awareness

Xxx has developed body awareness. He easily follows along when we do Head Shoulders Knees and Toes. During discussions at large group, Xxx tracks the conversation by turning his head to look at who is talking.

Physical Fitness 1. Cardiovascular endurance

Xxx has well-developed cardiovascular endurance. He is able to be constantly on the move in the gym and outside. When the bikes are taken out on the playground, Xxx will ride one for most of play time outside without becoming tired. He did not appear tired or fatigued during and after the walking field trip our class took to collect fall materials. 2. Muscular strength and endurance Xxx displays muscular strength and endurance throughout the day. He is eager to test his limits and learns from his experiences. During clean-up one day he tried to carry two of the largest hollow blocks, but was not able to. A few minute later, he was putting away another one and asked me to help him, instead of trying it on his own. He is able to jump with two feet for a short distance. He has tried the monkey bars in the gym and went across while his toes were touching the floor. I suggested that he try the monkey bars on the playground (which are much higher than those in the gym), but he was concerned that the bars did not go all the way across. I offered to help him get across, but he decided he was not quite ready to attempt that challenge. 3. Flexibility and agility Xxx displays well developed flexibility and agility. He is able to touch his toes while standing. He also is able to bend and twist at the waist easily. One day, he spent several minutes pushing a small car in many twists and turns on the floor. Small motor skills 1. Self-help skills Xxx is able to wash his hands and use the toilet by himself. He eats and drinks with minimal spilling. Depending on the snack, he sometimes has difficulty using the tongs to grasp the food and move it from the bowl to his napkin, but sticks with the task until he completes it. When dressing to go outside, Xxx often asks for help with putting his jacket on and zipping his zipper. He is able to complete these tasks with help from a teacher. 2. Facility with drawing and writing tools and scissors

Xxx has used several different tools to create art in the classroom. He has colored with markers and painted with a brush. He holds the marker with a digital pronate grasp, which is typical for his age. He is able to make intentional marks and paint strokes, but no recognizable shapes yet. 3. Facility with small manipulative sets Xxx uses small manipulative materials with ease. He has made a couple of boats with the Duplos and has helped other children build houses with the Duplos and unit blocks. Xxx shows developed eye/hand coordination and finger strength. When using Duplos, he is able to line up and connect the pieces easily. At the art table, he easily pulls off small pieces of clay with this thumb and first two fingers from the large balls of clay.

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