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How to Induce Hypnotism ----------------------Now that you know how to talk to your subconscious mind, I will now tell

you how to guide someone into hypnosis. Notes that said guide, you can never hypnotize someone, and they must be willing. Ok, the subject must be lying or sitting in a com ortable position, rela!ed, and at a time when things aren"t going to be interrupted. #ell them the ollowing, or something close to it, in a peace ul, montionous tone $not a commanding tone o voice%.

NO#&' (ight a candle and place it somewhere where I can be easily seen.

)#ake a deep breathe through your nose and old it in or the count o *. Now, through your mouth, e!hale completely and slowly. +ontinue breathing long, deep, breaths through your nose and e!haling through your mouth. #ense up all your mucles very tight, now, counting rom ten to one, release them slowly, you will ind them very rela!ed. Now, look at the candle, as you look at it, with every breath and passing movement, you are eeling increasingly more and more peace ul and rela!ed. #he candles lame is peace ul and bright. ,s you look at it I will count rom -.. own, as I count, your eyes will become more and more rela!ed, getting more and more tired with each passing moment./ Now, count down rom -.., about every -. numbers say /0hen reach !! your eyes $or you will ind your eyes% are becoming more and more tired./ #ell them they may close their eyes whenever they eel like it. I the persons eyes are still pen when you get to1. then instead o saying /your eyes will../ say /your eyes re...) 0hen their eyes are shut say the ollowing' /.... as you lie $or

sit% here with your eyes com ortably close you ind your sel rela!ing more and more with each moment and breath. #he rela!ation eels pleasant and bliss ul so, you happily give way to these wonder ul eeling. Imagine yoursel on a cloud, resting peace ully, with a slight breeze caressing your body. , tingling sensation begins to work its way, within and without your toes2 it slowly moves up your eet, making them warm, heavy ad rela!ed. #he cloud is so t and supports your body with its so t te!ture, the scene is peace ul and absorbing, the peace ulness absorbs you completely. #he tingling gently and slowly moves up your leg, rela!ing them. 3aking them warm and heavy. #he rela!ation eels very good, it eels so good so just rela! and let go. ,s the tingling continues its journey up into your solar ple!us $or body%$, you eel your inner stomach become very rela!ed. Now, it moves slowly to your chest, making your breathing rela!ed as well. #he eeling begins to move up your arms to or shoulders, making your arms heavy and rela!ed as well. 4ou are aware o the total rela!ation you are now e!periencing, and you give way to it. It is good and peace ul, the tingling now moves into you ace and head, rela!ing your jaws, neck, and acial muscles, making your cares and worries lat away ,way into the blue sky as you rest bliss ully on the cloud..../ I they are not responsive or you think they $he or she.% is going to sleep, then add in a /...always concentrating upon my vice, ignoring all other sounds. &ven though other sounds e!ist, they aid you in your rela!ation./ #hey should soon let out a sigh as i hey were letting go, and their ace should have)woodenness/ to it, becoming eatureless. Now, say the ollowing /... 4ou now ind yoursel in a hallway2 the hallway is peace ul and nice. ,s I count rom -. to - you will imagine yoursel walking urther and urther down the hall. 0hen I

reach one you will ind yoursel where you want to be, in another higher state o concious and mind. $+ount rom ten to one%..../ 5o this about three or our times. #hen, to test i the subject is under hypnosis or not, say/...4ou eel a strange sensation in your $arm they write with arm, the eeling begins at your ingers and slowly moves up your arm, as it moves through your arm your arm becomes lighter and lighter, it will soon be so light it will rise... becoming lighter and lighter which each breath and moment... #heir ingers should begin to twitch and then move up, the arm ollowing, now my riend, you have him6her in hypnosis. #he irst time you do this, while he6she is under say good things, like' /your going to eel great tomorrow/ or every day in every way you will ind yoursel becoming better and better/ or something like that. #he more they go under, the deeper in hypnosis they will get each time you do it.

0hat to do when hypnotized ------------------------0hen you have them under you must word things very care ully to get your way. 4ou cannot simply say) #ake o your clothes and hump the pillow. No,

that would not really do the trick. 4ou must say something like' /you ind yoursel at home, in your room an you have to take a shower $vividly describe their room and what"s happening%, you begin to take o our clothes.../ Now,

it cant be #H,# simple, you must know the persons house, room, and shower room #hen describe things vividly and tell them to at it out $they have to be 5&&7(4 under to do this.%. I would just suggest that you e!periment a while, and get to know how to do things.

0aking 8p --------0aking up is very easy, just said' /as I count you ind yoursel becoming more an more awake, more anymore lively. 0hen you wake up you will ind yoursel completely alive, awake, and re reshed. 3entally and physically, remembering the pleasant sensation that hypnosis brings. 0aking up eeling like a newborn baby, reborn with li e and vigor, eeling e!cellent. 9emembering that ne!t time you enter hypnosis it will become an ever increasing deeper and deeper state than be ore. -% 4ou eel energy course throughout your limbs. :% 4ou begin to breathe deeply, stirring. ;% <eginning to move or and more your eyes open, bringing you up to eel conscious. =% 4ou are up, up, up and awakening more and more. 1% 4ou are awake and eeling great. ,nd that"s it. 4ou now know how to hypnotize yoursel and someone else. 4ou will learn more and more as you e!periment.

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