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From My Sisters' Lips

byNa'ima B. Robert (Goodreads Author) 4.02 of 5 stars4.02 rating detai s 24! ratings 2" re#ie$s %o#ered from head to toe $ith on y her eyes #isib e& the sight of a 'us im $oman on a $estern (ity street rare y fai s to )ro#o*e a strong rea(tion. +ee ings of sho(*& horror& re)u sion& )ity or e#en fear are not un(ommon. But ha#e you e#er $ondered $ho it is behind the #ei and $hat ma*es her ti(*, -#er $ondered $hat her ife is rea y i*e and $hether her dreams& ho)es and as)irations differ from yours, .+rom 'y /isters' 0i)s. offers a rare g im)se into the i#es of a (ommunity of $omen& most of $hom are (on#erts to 1s am& and in#ites you to share their 2oys& sorro$s& (on#i(tions and faith. 3hen Na'ima B Robert abandoned her $estern ifesty e and embra(ed 1s am si4 years ago& it $as not a de(ision ta*en ight y. 5et soon after she too* her first tentati#e ste)s to$ards (o#ering& she fe t em)o$ered6 no onger 2udged on )hysi(a a))earan(es a one& no onger see*ing the a))ro#a to fee beautifu 7 or using her oo*s to $ie d )o$er o#er men 7 the e4)erien(e effe(ted her great y. Before ong she gre$ in (onfiden(e and (ourage. As she says& ./omething 2ust ( i(*ed.. 1 thought& .Good& don't oo*6 don't (om)are me $ith your atest s8uee9e& don't try and guess my measurements 7 my body is my o$n business:.' .+rom 'y /isters' 0i)s. offers a g im)se into the i#es of 2ust some of the e4traordinary $omen $ho& i*e herse f& ha#e (hosen to i#e behind the #ei . 3hat emerges is a #i#id and intimate )ortrait of a sisterhood6 as they s)ea* (andid y and $ith (on#i(tion on a di#erse range of sub2e(ts ranging from marriage to motherhood& stereoty)es& submission and se f7image& $e hear the strong& )roud #oi(es of those $ho are se dom heard. Na'ima B. Robert Na'ima B Robert, born Thando Nomhle McLaren on September 19, 1977, is an author of multicultural literature and foundin editor of the !"#based Muslim $omen%s publication, S&ST'RS Ma a(ine. )i*ipedia Born+ September 19, 1977 ,a e -./, 0eeds& ;nited <ingdom -du(ation+ ;ni#ersity of 0ondon =o$ Naima B Roberts (ame to 1s am > htt)?@@$$$.youtube.(om@$at(h,#>BG)2-nA2)B(

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