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Chesney 1 Lesson Preparation

Teacher Candidate: Amber Chesney Title of Lesson: Kidspiration Story Mapping Grade Level: Seventh Subject Area: Reading and Writing Lesson Topic: Mapping the beginning, middle, and end of the fiction book The Night I Flunked My Field Trip What standard(s) and/or IEP goal(s) will it address? Standard 2: Reading for all purposes 1. Literary elements, characteristics, and ideas are interrelated and guide the comprehension of literacy and fictional texts d. Use Range of Reading and Complexity of Text to: i. By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 68 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. Standard 2: Reading for all purposes 2. Informational and persuasive texts are summarized and evaluated b. Use Craft and Structure to: iii. Interpret a variety of graphical representations and connect them to information in the text Standard 3: Writing and composition 1. Composing literary and narrative texts that incorporate a range of stylistic devices demonstrates knowledge of genre features a. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences. (CCSS: W.7.3) i. Use a variety of planning strategies to generate and organize ideas (such as brainstorming, mapping, graphic organizers) Main Objective of Instruction: Students will use the computer program Kidspiration, to organize their thoughts and ideas about what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the book. Supporting Objectives: Students will be able to summarize the beginning, middle, and end of the book they have been reading in preparation for writing a book report. Students will learn how to use the Kidspiration program Specific Strategies to be taught/modeled: Brainstorming ideas as a group

Chesney 2 Using a web based graphic organizer to organize thoughts and ideas

Planning for individual differences (mediated scaffolding): Other staff will be available to help students with their maps. What background knowledge do the students have? How will you assess students learning pre, during, and post? Pre: Before the lesson, we will review the book, concentrating on the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Then I will do a mini lesson on how to use Kidspiration because the students have not used it this year and may need to be reminded about how to use it. During: I will check on students progress by asking them if they need help and also having them explain their thoughts to me. Post: At the end of the lesson, students will share their maps with each other What management/grouping issues do you need to consider? All students will have their own laptops to work on, so no grouping issues will need to be addressed. Materials and resources A copy of the book The Night I Flunked My Field Trip Student laptops How/where will students be able to integrate (generalize) this learning? Students will be able to integrate this learning into any class or project that they have that requires them to organize their ideas and thoughts. How will you evaluate the lesson (judicious review)? I will evaluate the lesson by reviewing the students maps for all three components and checking their details for accuracy.

Chesney 3

Lesson Title: Kidspiration Mapping of the book, The Night I Flunked My Field Trip Main objective of this lesson: Students will use the computer program Kidspiration, to organize their thoughts and ideas about what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the book. (CONTENT-PROCESS) Opening: (set how will you get the student(s) attention?) I will tell the students that they will be doing a book report on their book this week and in order to get them ready for it, they are going to make some maps of the beginning, middle, and ending of the story. We will do this by using the Kidspiration program. First, we will talk about what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the story to help the students remember things that happened in the story. Procedure: This is a direct instruction lesson. Strategies(I do) I will model how to use the Kidspiration program by beginning a bubble map. Check for understanding I will ask students what I should put in the bubbles as I am modeling how to use the program. This will help me understand if they understand the beginning, middle, and ending concepts. Differentiation: I will ask that students have a minimum of three items along with pictures for each of their three main ideas. Some students will just make that amount and others will go well over that amount. (PRODUCT) Guided practice (We do): As students begin their bubbles, the adults and high school peers (if available) will help students to think about things that happened in the story.

Closure: (You do) When students have finished their three bubble maps, or when time runs short, each student will demonstrate their learning by open one of his or her maps to share with the rest of the class. Students will then walk from computer to computer to see what their peers have written.

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