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Amber Chesney EDSE 370 19 November 2013 Transition Focused ehavior !ntervention "#an $ !

"% Post-Secondary Goals: Education/training& A#e' (i## attend a vocationa# schoo# (ith a )ocus on auto mechanics* Career& A#e' (i## (or+ at a #oca# auto sho, a)ter com,#etin- his vocationa# trainin-* Independent living: A)ter -raduation. A#e' (i## com,#ete a bud-et to determine i) he can rent an a,artment* !) he determines that he can a))ord an a,artment. he (i## rent one* Behaviors Skills Needed to Meet Post-Secondary Goals: !n order to meet ,ost/secondary -oa#s. A#e' (i## need to #earn behavior s+i##s in coo,eration. socia#i0ation. communication. time mana-ement. and time on tas+* Prior behavior strategies and results: A#e'1s mom -ives him )ive minutes o) dra(in- time )or every )ive home(or+ ,rob#ems he so#ves* She a#so brea+s his home(or+ into sma##er ,arts* 2is mom did not comment on the e))ectiveness o) these strate-ies* Teachers have used redirection. o))ered a )ive minute brea+. and ,rovided choices* There are no teacher comments on the e))ectiveness o) these strate-ies* Problem Behavior (specific : A#e' has had issues (ith truancy. o)) tas+ behaviors o) -ettin- out o) his seat (hen he is su,,osed to be seated. ta#+in- to ,eers durin- instruction. dra(in- on his des+. verba# a--ression by name ca##in- directed to(ard ,eers. increased 3uestions to teachers. and not coo,eratin- (ith ,eers or sta))* !ntecedents"setting events (e#g#$ triggers for problem behaviors: !) A#e' is hun-ry. it may tri--er his ,rob#em behaviors* 4ther tri--ers are (hen he is as+ed to do a non/,re)erred tas+ inde,endent#y or (ith ,eers. (hen he is as+ed to do an activity (ith ,eers. or (hen ,resented (ith a situation in (hich he can ma+e ina,,ro,riate comments about others* %onse&uences for problem behaviors: Attention )rom teacher and ,eers. teacher i-norin- behavior. (arnin-s )or detention or -oin- to the o))ice. com,#etin- (or+ in the o))ice (ith the ,rinci,a#. s,o+en to by the teacher individua##y. -iven choices. redirection. o))ered a )ive minute brea+* 'hen the problem behavior is most likely to occur: 5hen he has had a ,oor ni-ht o) s#ee,. ,sycho#o-ica# issues. hun-er. (hen he has had a di))icu#t e',erience in a ,rior c#ass or activity. (hen as+ed to do a non/,re)erred activity* 'hen the problem behavior is least likely to occur: 5hen he is en-a-ed in a ,re)erred activity such as6 ,ro7ects. (or+in- on cars. somethin- he #i+es. (or+in- inde,endent#y*
Ada,ted )rom the Co#orado De,artment o) Education

Amber Chesney EDSE 370 19 November 2013 (unction of the behavior (perceived : Esca,e and avoidance Setting )vent and !ntecedent Strategies
$To reduce the im,act o) settinevents and the #i+e#ihood that the behavior (i## reoccur*% 5ith su,,ort )rom mom. A#e' (i## -et an a,,ro,riate amount o) s#ee, at ni-ht be)ore he comes to schoo#* A#e' (i## eat a -ood brea+)ast be)ore -ointo schoo# and (i## brina hea#thy #unch*

*nstructional Strategies
$To teach the student ne( s+i##s* !ndicate 5here instruction (i## occur and ho( this (i## be -enera#i0ed to the community settin-s )re3uented by the student*

%onse&uent-based interventions
5hat (i## the conse3uences be i) the student chooses to en-a-e in the undesirab#e behavior8 Consider the student1s ,ost/schoo# outcomes (hen determinin- these* !) not com,#iant at schoo#. A#e'1s time )or (or+in- at the -ara-e (i## be reduced* Teachers (i## )o##o( throu-h (ith their detention (arnin-s* ;ive A#e' choices on ho( he can com,#ete his tas+s* !nc#udin-. (here and (ith (hom*

+eplacement Behaviors $5hat e))ective 9 e))icient behaviors (i##

be tau-ht to the student to re,#ace the undesirab#e behavior$s%8 :in+ to ,ost schoo# outcomes* Count to ten Stress ba## Fre3uent brea+s. teach student ho( to se#)/ advocate (hen he needs a brea+ Sit on e'ercise ba## Ten 7um,in- 7ac+s be)ore c#ass be-ins ;ive him sensory strate-ies Teach him ho( to se#)/advocate )or himse#) at schoo#. home. (or+. and in his community <u#ti,#e seatin- choices

A#e' (i## be ,rovided (ith an a#ternative method o) ,resentin- his (or+ in c#ass other than (or+in- on the board or readin- in )ront o) the c#ass* This (i## a##o( him to demonstrate his #earnin- in a## o) his c#asses in a (ay that is most com)ortab#e to him* A,,ro,riate ,eer mode#in- e'am,#es (i## be ,resented to A#e' in his c#asses and he (i## be ,aired (ith a ,eer he can (or+ (e## (ith* This (i## -ive him e',erience (ith coo,erative #earnin- and co##aboration (hich he can use in schoo# and in community settin-s* Teachers (i## re-u#ar#y chec+ in (ith A#e' about ho( his day is -oin-. and o))er him a brea+ i) needed* This (i## he#, A#e' to #earn se#)/ re-u#ation by ma+in- him a(are o) his dai#y activities and ho( they can a))ect ho( he is )ee#in-* A#e' (i## be ,rovided an inde,endent (or+ station or another o,tion o) seatin- in (hich to com,#ete tas+s* A#e' (i## #earn ho( to use a ,#anner )or use in schoo# and at home* 2e (i## #earn time mana-ement and be ab#e to +ee, trac+ o) assi-nments and activities*

Behavioral Supports

%ommunity !gency contacts

Monitoring the Behavior Plan


Ada,ted )rom the Co#orado De,artment o) Education

Amber Chesney EDSE 370 19 November 2013

5hat s,eci)ic su,,orts does the student need to be success)u# in a variety o) environments inc#udin- schoo#. (or+. community. 9 home# "raise )or -ood (or+ in schoo#. at home. and at (or+ (i## increase A#e'1s con)idence and (i##in-ness to coo,erate* Se#)/advocacy s+i##s in a## areas o) his #i)e (i## he#, A#e' communicate his needs and (ants to those around him* E'trinsic motivators are a -ood su,,ort )or A#e' as he #earns to be success)u# and move to intrinsic motivation* <ore time (or+in- at the auto sho, to increase vocationa# s+i##s and se#)/con)idence* 5ho needs to be invo#ved (ith the ,#an and (hat is their ro#e in teachin- ne( s+i##s to the student8 4(ner o) the -ara-e =can teach him more about auto mechanics and runnin- a business Counse#or at schoo#/(i## he#, A#e' #earn se#)/advocacy and co,in- s+i##s >ocationa# counse#or/(i## he#, him e',#ore his 7ob ,ossibi#ities Fami#y/su,,ortive in a## as,ects o) his #i)e !ndicate ho( the student1s ,ro-ress be monitored durin- the im,#ementation ,eriod A#e'1s ,ro-ress in coo,eration. time on tas+. a,,ro,riate c#assroom and home behaviors. and verba# a--ression (i## be monitored (ee+#y by his mom. unc#e. teachers. and schoo# counse#ors* Communication about his ,ro-ress (i## be made to members o) the team by emai#s and ,hone ca##s* !ndicate ho( the team (i## ensure the ,#an is im,#emented as desi-ned $i*e*. (ith )ide#ity% 4,en communication (ith a## members o) the team* Consistency (ith im,#ementation and monitorino) the ,#an* Trainin- )or a## sta)) in im,#ementation Consistency in data co##ection to ensure re#iab#e resu#ts Team (i## meet once a month to share and discuss ,ro-ress

*)P goal related to the behavioral plan: Durin- readin- time. A#e' (i## stay on tas+ 90? o) the time. as measured by a teacher made chec+#ist*

Members of Problem Solving ,eam

Ada,ted )rom the Co#orado De,artment o) Education

Amber Chesney EDSE 370 19 November 2013

Student Si-nature@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Teacher Si-nature@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "arent Si-nature@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Ada,ted )rom the Co#orado De,artment o) Education

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