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Latest Income Certificate as per New G.O.Rt.No. 1307... providing yo info on Iss e of Income Certificate !

y Reven e " t#orities for grant of $ost %atric &c#o'ars#ips and fee reim! rsement to st dents ( Recommendation of Gro p of %inisters ( Redesigned Income )ec'aration *orm ( Orders (Iss ed. In t#e G.O. 1st st dents and officers on t#e s !+ect of stream'ining grant of e$ass $ost %atric &c#o'ars#ips and to s ggest g ide'ines to !e fo''owed for reim! rsement of st dent fees to t#e Co''eges . One of t#e important o!servations of t#e Gro p of %inisters is regarding t#e iss e of Income Certificates to t#e &t dent Comm nity. ,#e Gro p of %inisters- after detai'ed de'i!erations- #as recommended for s !mission of a revised Income )ec'aration *orm !y t#e st dents w#i'e app'ying for iss e of Income Certificate .of parents/.)own'oad t#e revised format 0#ose Lin1 is provided !e'ow2

)own'oad New Income Certificate.)ec'aration *orm/ for *ee Reim! rsement Income Certificate .form337/


)ec'aration s#a'' !e given +oint'y !y t#e parent and t#e st dent ,a#si'dar s#a'' iss e t#e Income Certificate !y strict'y o!serving a'' t#e a!ove components Income )ec'aration *orm s#o 'd !e Notari6ed on Rs.1043 Non37 dicia' &tamp $aper. "ny fa'se dec'aration s#a'' entai' discip'inary action4prosec tion4recovery of t#e sc#o'ars#ip amo nt a'ready paid wit# pena' interest nder RR "ct.

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