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Then Ven. Maha Kotthita went to Ven. Sariputta and, on arrival, exchanged courteous greetings with him.

After an exchange of friendly greetings & courtesies, he sat to one side. As he was sitting there, he said to Ven. Sariputta, !ith the remainderless stopping & fading of the six contact"media #vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, & intellection$ is it the case that there is anything else%

#Sariputta&$ 'on(t say that, my friend.

#Maha Kotthita&$ !ith the remainderless stopping & fading of the six contact"media, is it the case that there is not anything else%

#Sariputta&$ 'on(t say that, my friend. ). #Sariputta&$ The statement, (!ith the remainderless stopping & fading of the six contact"media #vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, & intellection$ is it the case that there is anything else%( o*+ectifies non" o*+ectification.The statement, (... is it the case that there is not anything else ... is it the case that there *oth is & is not anything else ... is it the case that there neither is nor is not anything else%( o*+ectifies non"o*+ectification. ,owever far the six contact"media go, that is how far o*+ectification goes. ,owever far o*+ectification goes, that is how far the six contact media go. !ith the remainderless fading & stopping of the six contact"media, there comes to *e the stopping, the allaying of o*+ectification. -Kotthita Sutta,

The phrase objectifies non-objectification (vada appapaca papaceti) is key here. As Thanissaro Bikkhu notes in his commentary the root of the c!assifications and perceptions of objectification is the thou"ht #$ am the thinker.# This thou"ht forms the motivation for the %uestions that &en. 'aha (otthita is presentin" here. The very action of thinkin" creates the thinker rather than vice versa. $n effect the %uestioner is askin" is this somethin" $ can e)perience* And to do so tends to+ards eterna!ism.

But +e need to be very mindfu! of +hat is and +hat is not bein" said in a!! such dia!o"ues. 'y basic readin" is that it is an ar"ument a"ainst ,be!ievin" +hat you cannot see, - in other +ords formin" be!iefs about states of bein" or !eve!s of bein" +ithout actua!!y havin" insi"ht into +hat these states are and +hat they mean. A!+ays the emphasis is on seein" and havin" insi"ht into the causa! factors of e)perience.- ../0.1 emphasis added.) ./ost& 000000

0000 1acile (it(s +ust a word stuff.

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