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Homage to the Lama! A yogi who wishes to practice the sur (burned)-offering should take as its ingredients the three white and the three sweet substances, various medical herbs, grains, silks, etc., mix them with barley flour and singe it on burned glowing embers in a container which is not of iron or any other hard metal. Take refuge and develope bodhicitta, then OM SVABHAWA SHUDDHA SARVA DHARMA SVABHAWA SHUDDHO HANG From within emptiness arises sur smo!e o" the nature o" the "i#e sense p$easures e%isting o" &i#ine su'stan(es) an& in essen(e un&e"i$e& an& ine%hausti'$e wis&om ne(tar) *#ast+ $i!e the e%panse o" spa(e, OM AH HUNG three times BAD-RA SA.ARANA /HAM OM AH HUNG HR0 GURU D1VA DA/0N0 SARVA BUDDHA BODH0SA22VA SAMA3A D-A 4N3ANA D-VALA RAM 0MAM BAL0NG2A /HA /HA /HAH0 /HAH0 2o the 2hree Roots an& the Bu&&has) Bo&hisatt#as an& Dharma prote(tors ami&st o" wis&om "$ames) 0 o""er this "ire o""ering o" the "i#e sense p$easures p$ease a((ept it with $o#e, Hen(e ma5 our &iseases) e#i$ spirits) sins) o's(urations an& a&#erse "or(es SARVA SHAN20M /URU31 SVAHA 6'e pa(i"ie&7, Ma5 a$so a$$) $i"espan) merit) g$or5 an& wea$th .USH20NG /URU OM 6in(rease7, Ma5 go&s an& &emons) humans) "oo& an& wea$th 'e gathere& *un&er our power+ WASH3ANG /URU HO, Ma5 a$$ mis$ea&ing *"or(es+ that (annot 'e tame& in pea(e"u$ wa5s 'e su'&ue& MARA3A HUNG .HA2, 0 prostrate to the Bhaga#an Dri'pa Nampar Se$wa, At the time o" m5 &eath) ma5 no 'a& (ir(umstan(es o" &5ing or *intense su""ering+ &uring the &5ing pro(ess o((ur) 'ut $et &eath arise as the path o" 8$ear Light) *en$ightenment into+ Dharma!a5a,


NAMA SURU .HUBHA31 SVAHA ADH0 .A20 SVAHA 0MAM BAL0NG2A /HA /HA /HAH0 /HAH0 0 o""er to the ghan&ar#a !ings Ra'ga an& Surphunga an& so on) an& espe(ia$$5 to a$$ !in&s o" ghan&ar#as, OM A/ARO MU/HAM SARVA DHARMA NAM AD3AN U2.ANA 2VA2A OM AH HUNG .HA2 SVAHA !recite" three times as blessing. 0 o""er to a$$ D:am'u$ing;s $o!apa$as in genera$) an& in parti(u$ar to the eight groups o" go&s an& nagas) an& the $o(a$ spirits who roam an& &we$$ in our region, OM HASA BHADRA SURU .HUBHA SVAHA !recite"three or seven !times". 0 &e&i(ate it to the sentient 'eings o" the wor$& who 5ester&a5 or re(ent$5 &ie&) were !i$$e&) or !i$$e& themse$#es et(,) who $ost their "ormer 'o&ies an& not 5et o'taine& the "o$$owing one) wan&er in the 'ar&o) an& "ee& on sme$$s an& sur *o""erings+, Furthermore) hea&e& '5 m5 parents) 0 &e&i(ate it to a$$ $i#ing 'eings su'sume& in the si% ($asses o" 'eings) the "i#e paths) an& the "our wa5s o" 'irth, Ma5 the 'ar&o 'eings 'e "ree& "rom hunger an& thirst) terror an& "ear) an& the &rea&"u$ a'5sses) an& ma5 the (on"usions o" their negati#e !arma (ease, Ma5 the5 remem'er the instru(tions o" their Lamas) re(ogni:e the 'ar&o) an& through re$5ing on the 3i&am #isua$i:ation get en$ightene& &uring 'ar&o into the Sam'ogha!a5a, Ma5 a$$ 'eings) too 'e $i'erate& "rom samsara an& <ui(!$5 attain the state o" omnis(ien(e, NAMO RA2NA 2RA3A3A OM /AM/AN0 /AM/AN0 RO2SAN0 RO2SAN0 2RO2AN0 2RO2AN0 2RASAN0 2RASAN0 .RA20HANA .RA20HANA SARVA /ARMA .ARAM.ARAN0M1 SARVA SA22VA NAN2SA SVAHA Thus recite the !mantra of" the root family. B5 this merit) ma5 the three rea$ms= 'eings an& the &e(ease& wan&ering in the 'ar&o re"rain "rom ta!ing 'irth in the $ower rea$ms) 'ut attain the happiness o" the higher rea$ms, 0n the east &ire(tion) in the *Bu&&ha"ie$&+ o" ;8omp$ete 4o5;) &we$$s the Bu&&ha A!sho'5a ma5 a$$ those who utter his name 'e re'orn in this pure $an&, Thus do the dedication-prayers.

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