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POETRY ESSAY SUGGESTED STRUCTURE INTRODUCTION (1 paragraph) Use key words from the essay title in a brief description

n of what the poem is about. Comment briefly on the themes, issues, thoughts and feelings the poem explores. Identify the narrator, the tone and viewpoint of the poem STRUCTURE (1 or 2 paragraph) Divide the poem into sections and explain in more detail what the poem is about, section by section. Write about the development of ideas and themes from one section to another and one stanza to another. Consider the significance of shifts in tone between sections. Consider the shape of stanzas, line length, sentence length, enjambment and caesura. DICTION (WORDS) (1 or 2 paragraphs) Write about the significance and effect of the poems words and their connotations. Look at semantic fields, hyperbole, contrasts, allusions, level of formality etc. Include short quotations and analysis of the effects of language. IMAGERY (1 or 2 paragraphs) Write about the significance and effect of the imagery used in the poem. Consider symbolism, metaphors, similes, personification, oxymoron etc. Include short quotations and analysis of the effects of language. GRAMMATICAL FEATURES (1 or 2 paragraphs) Write about the functions of word classes. Consider nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions, prepositions, articles. Also consider syntax. Include short quotations and analysis of the effects of language. Only write about features which have significant effects. SOUNDS (1 or 2 paragraphs) Write about the significance of rhyme, rhythm and meter. Consider the use of repetition .Consider alliteration, sibilance, assonance, short and long vowel sounds, harsh or soft consonant sounds and onomatopoeia. CONCLUSION (1 paragraph) Return to the key words of the question and give your final personal response to the poem

as a whole. Do you think the poem is successful in conveying a message or portraying experiences, thoughts or feelings? What does the poem make you think or feel?

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