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Titlul original:The Lying Game Titlul:Jocul Minciunii Autor:Sara Shepard Traducator:Sorin Petrescu An aparitie:2011 Editura:Leda Numar de pagini:320 Disponibila

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Rezumat: Emma Becker a avut o viata foarte trista.Dupa ce a fost abandonata de mama ei a schimbat familiile adoptive ca pe sosete.Ei bine,ceva se schimba de data aceasta pentru ca Emma descopera pe internet un filmulet cu o fata care arata exact ca ea,dar care e strangulata in acel videoclip,asa ca Emma incearca sa o contacteze si se duce la locuinta acesteia,in Tucson,Arizona. Ajunsa acolo,toata lumea o confunda cu Sutton si Emma se vede nevoita sa joace rolul.Se gandeste ca totul e pe termen scurt,ca sora ei se va intoarce.Dar,incepe sa primeasca biletele cu amenintari de la asasinul lui Sutton,care o ameninta ca ea urmeaza.Emma se vede nevoita sa continuie toata prefacatoria,dar se teme ca ar putea fi acuzata de asasinarea lui Sutton.Incepe sa vada in oricine un posibil asasin si nu se mai simte in siguranta. Va reusi ea sa afle cine a ucis-o pe Sutton,fara sa-si piarda si ea viata?Asta nu puteti afla decat intrand mai adanc in.... Jocul Minciunii! Ce cred eu despre "Jocul Minciunii": Partea intai: Titlul:Jocul Minciunii Inainte sa incep de citit cartea titlul mi se parea destul de interesant,dar nu reauseam sa-l inteleg."Jocul Minciunii"este in acelasi timp un joc,dar si un club,din care fac parte Sutton si prietenele ei.Acest club are rolul de a face farse,de a stranii povesti false.Clubul are 4 membre,care isi pot face farse chiar si una alteia.Suna interesant,nu-i asa? Prologul: Foarte rar mi se intampla sa fiu antrenat in lectura dupa ce am citit prologul,dar aceasta carte a fost o exceptie.Nu vrei sa o lasi deloc din mana dupa ce l-ai citit.Simti nevoia de mai mult si mai mult... Subiectul cartii: Autoarea s-a bazat pe aceleasi ideei pe care le-a folosit si pentru a creea cealalta serie,Micutele Mincinoase(aparuta tot la editura Leda).Ea ne dezvaluie treptat lucruri despre Sutton,unele dintre ele fiind putin socante. Personajul principal:Emma Becker Mi-a placut mult de ea,dar m-a dezamagit pentru ca nu a fost un personaj feminin puternic(a abandonat de 2 ori povestea).In final,insa,am fost placut surprins sa vad o Emma puternica,care cred eu ca ma va surprinde in volumul urmator. Partea a doua: Cartea apartine genului non-fantasy,fiind o carte young adult(pentru tinerii adulti),plina de mister si ceva fantastic.Povestea este narata din perspectiva lui Sutton Mercer,geamana moarta,care pare sa fie legata intr-un fel de sora ei,Emma. Mi-a placut ca Sutton povesteste totul si ca nu-si mai poate aduce aminte aproape nimic din viata ei.Ideea ca e legata de sora ei,chiar si dupa moarte,mi se pare frumoasa si in acelasi timp si interesanta. Romanul se citeste foarte usor si e plin de intorsaturi de situatie.Cand chiar crezi ca ai aflat cine este asasinul lui Sutton,iti schimbi imediat parerea.Toata lumea este suspecta si Emma stie ca nu se poate increde in nimeni.

Am extras si cateva citate care mi-au placut: "-Te vad acolo,Fraulein Mercer!Stiu cine esti.Esti o Teufel Kind.Un drac de copil!Dar nu si la ora mea,ja?" "Ceva de genul,a tastat Emma.Doar ca acum farsa era pentru ele.Si,de data asta,era o chestiune de viata si de moarte." Concluzie: Cartea a fost foarte interesanta si nu pot spune ca m-a plictisit,ba chiar mi-a placut foarte mult.Sara Shepard ne-a aratat inca o data ca este o autoare foarte buna,care a reusit sa construiasca niste povesti extraordinare.V-o recomand! Lectura placuta!

Cand incepusem sa citesc prima carte, cea aparuta in Romania, vazusem deja putinele episoade aparute ale serialului si pot spune ca l-am adorat! Cand am facut rost de carte, primele pagini m-au facut sa admir si mai mult "Jocul Minciunii". M-au atras foarte tare ideea originala si locul/timpul in care este plasata actiunea. Este o carte care a adaptat ideea de 'nou venit' numai pe jumatate. Mi-a placut mult faptul ca acest roman cuprinde foarte multe genuri: aventura, crima, viata mondena, chiar dragoste si putina drama. Este o carte care m-a tinut in suspans inca de la primul cuvant. Este acea carte pe care nu te saturi sa o citesti.

Emma este o fata care intraga ei viata a avut fel si fel de parinti adoptivi. Insa ea viseaza ca in viitor sa intre la facultate, sa isi inceapa propria viata. Insa intr-o buna zi viata ei se rastoarna cu susul in jos cand vede un videoclip in care o fata este sugrumata si ucisa, iar ceea ce este si mai sinsitru este ca fata din video arata exact ca ea. Sutton, este sora geamana a Emmei, nu va putea sa o cunoasca niciodata deoarece ea este ucisa. Insa nimeni nu pare sa stie acest lucru deoarece Emma vine la timp sa ii ia locul lui Sutton, avand astfel o noua viata. Mi-a placut faptul ca fantoma lui Sutton traieste prin Emma, vede ce vede si Emma si este acolo unde este si Emma. Emma este fortata de ucigasul lui Sutton sa pretinda ca ea este Sutton. Lucrurile par sa se complice si mai mult deoarece Emma crede ca cineva cunoscut i-a ucis sora, cineva care pretinde ca este prietena cu Sutton. Sutton imi aminteste de Alison din "Micutele Mincinoase", serie scrisa de aceeasi autoare, care este plina cu secrete si a facut lucruri de care nu ar trebui sa fie mandra.Toata lumea pare sa o ureasca in tacere pe Sutton, chiar prietenele ei si propria ei sora, Laurel. Nimeni nu este cine pretinde sa fie, toata lumea ascunde ceva iar Emma se intreaba cum a putut sa cada in aceasta plasa de minciuni. Emma incepe sa se simta atrasa de Ethan, un baiat care a cunoscut-o pe Sutton, dar oare si el ascunde ceva in legatura cu moartea ei? Oare va reusi Emma sa pretinda ca este Sutton fara sa cunoasa viata adevarata a surorii ei? Dar daca fiecare persoana minte atunci ea de ce sa nu o faca? inceapa jocul minciunii!

Desi Emma a descoperit ca nu prietenele lui Sutton sunt in spatele mortii acesteia sunt unele momente care o fac sa isi schimbe parerea.Singurul ei prieten adevarat, in care poate avea incredere este Ethan, dar lucrurile sunt putin mai complicate deoarece ceea ce simte pentru acesta nu este doar prietenie. Cand Emma primeste un lantisor cu un pandativ in forma de tren alaturi de un bilet in care scrie daca isi mai aminteste de farsa cu trenul lucrurile se complica.Desi prietenele lui Sutton nu vor sa vorbeasca despre farsa cu trenul, iar Emma habar nu are in ce consta aceasta din cand in cand prietenelor lui Sutton le mai scapa cate ceva. Se pare ca la farsa cu trenul au fost prezente si gemenele Twitter, iar uneia dintre ele i s-a intamplat ceva grav deoarece a ajuns in spital.Dupa ce Emma isi da seama ca este urmarita de acestea este convinsa ca ele sunt cele care au omorat-o pe Sutton si incearca sa stea cat mai departe de ele.Dar cum ar putea Emma sa stea departe de ele cand acestea sunt mereu unde este si ea?Oare gemenele vor sa se razbune pe Emma pentru farsa cu trenul?Sa fie ele cu adevarat ucigasele lui Sutton? Cea de-a doua carte a seriei "Jocul Minciunii" de Sara Shepard este la fel de brilianta ca si prima!
The Lying Game is the first book to The Lying Game series. The story is about a girl named Emma Paxton, who comes to believe she has a twin sister. She goes on Facebook, and sends a message to the girl, Sutton Mercer. Sutton writes back saying that they need to meet. However, Sutton is actually dead. Emma goes to the Sabino Canyon, Tucson, Arizona. While waiting for her sister, she is attacked by a group of people. They take her across the street, and remove the burlap sack over her head. That's when Emma finds out that it's just Sutton's friends playing a prank.

The friends believe that Emma is Sutton, and take her to Nisha's party. Back at Sutton's home, Emma still goes on with the charade as being Sutton, since they are identical twins. The next morning, Sutton's younger sister, Laurel gets a note. She gives the letter to Emma without reading it. The letter says 'Sutton's dead, keep playing along'. Emma is drunk, but goes to the police station, however she is not taken seriously because of Sutton's past lies. When Emma goes to school, Garret, Sutton's fake boyfriend, takes that Emma is Sutton like everyone else. Emma begins liking a boy named Ethan. Ethan is Sutton's real boyfriend, kisses Emma and finds out who she really is and is the only one who knows the secret. Emma learns about a game Sutton and her friends play, "The Lying Game", an elaborate pranking game. Emma also learns that one day that Sutton's friends took TLG too far, and almost strangled Sutton. Ethan told Emma that he saved Sutton that night that she almost died, so Emma concludes that Sutton died after that incident and anyone could have killed her. Emma runs off with Ethan and he finds out that Emma is pretending to be Sutton, but he promises to keep her secret and help her find the killer. Emma decides to stay and pretend to be Sutton so she can find out who killed her sister. Emma returns to Sutton's home, celebrating her and Sutton's birthday. But what Emma doesn't know is that Sutton's murderer is always watching.
Character Recap Sutton Mercer: Queen Bee Sutton had the perfect life. As the leader of The Lying Gamea clique of girls who pull outrageous pranks on one another and anyone who gets in their way she had the love, fear and respect of her friends and classmates. But she pushed someone too far and wound up dead. Now she can only hover above her twin sister, Emma, as Emma steps into her shoes and tries to solve her murder. Emma Paxton: Suttons twin sister, Emma, has been in more foster homes than she can count. Suttons killer tricked her into coming to Tucson to reunite with her long-lost sister. But once she was in town, the killer forced her to pretend to be Suttonor else. Now Emma has to quickly become the sister she never met, and try to unravel the mystery of Suttons deathwhile the murderer watches her every move. Laurel Mercer: Suttons adoptive little sister, she is only a recent member of The Lying Game. For the most part, Sutton thought of her as a hanger-on, and she and Sutton shared a fierce rivalry over Thayer Vegabut like all things, Sutton came out on top. Mr. and Mrs. Mercer: Suttons adoptive parents. They are hiding a huge secretthey are really her grandparents. Sutton and Emmas birth mother Becky was their daughter. The Mercers dont like to talk about Becky, and dont even know Emma exists. Charlotte Chamberlain: One of Suttons best friends, and a founding member of The Lying Game. Charlotte might still be irked at Sutton for stealing her ex, Garrett. Madeline Vega: Beautiful with a ballerinas poise and lanky body, Madeline is Suttons other best friend, a nd another founding member of The Lying Game. Mads is Thayers sister and fiercely protective of him. Thayer Vega: Super -hot, Thayer is also tormented and brooding. Star of the soccer team, his athletic future has been up in the air since he disappeared last June. Everyone thinks he ran awayand that Sutton had something to do with it. Lilianna and Gabriella Fiorello: The Twitter Twinsif you dont tweet it, it didnt happen. They have been vying for a spot in The Lying Game forever, and its not until Emma comes along that they get their shot. Nisha Banerjee: Suttons rival and co captain of the tennis team. She and Sutton have always been at each others throats. Ethan Landry: The cute, mysterious, if slightly nerdy boy who lives next door to Nisha. Though Sutton would never think about dating him, Emma falls for him almost immediately, and he becomes her only ally in the hunt for Suttons killer. Emma worries this puts him in danger too, but Ethan is determined to help her. Becky Mercer: The dark secret of the Mercer householdBecky is Laurels older sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mercers first child, and the mother of Sutton and Emma. She is a tormented young woman, and abandoned Sutton and Emma because she didnt think she could take care of them. Garrett Austin: Suttons boyfriend at the time of her death. He has a not-so-secret fiery temper, but Sutton did have some nice times with him. Alex Stokes: Emmas best friend from her old life. Emma tries to stay in contact with her, the only link to the girl she used to be. But Emma is lying to Alexshe never told her that Sutton is dead and Emma is pretending to be her. TOP FIVE LYING GAME MOMENTS (Book 1) 1. Emma Paxton discovers that she might have a long-lost twin sister when her foster brother shows her a video of a girl who looks exactly like her, being choked. Emma does an online search and reaches out to Sutton. They plan to meet up in Tucson, but when Emma gets to Arizona, Suttons friends mistake her for Sutton. And then Emma gets a note that Sutton is dead and she, Emma, has to keep impersonating her or shes next. 2. At a sleepover at

Chars, Emma slips into the kitchen in the middle of the night, only to be attacked by Suttons killer, who chokes her with Suttons old locket. 3. Garrett strips naked for Emma, his birthday present to Sutton. Emma balks and flees the scene. 4. While snooping in Laurels room, Emma discovers a video that shows it was Laurel, Charlotte, and Madeline who filmed Sutton being choked. Emma panics and ditches out on her own 18th birthday party, trying to hide from the Lying Game clique. 5. Ethan follows Emma and reveals that he knows she isnt Sutton, but after hearing her side of the story, he agrees to help her figure out who could have killed Sutton. He does know that it didnt happen the night of the choking videothat was weeks ago and Ethan himself was there and interceded, stopping what was a messed-up prank on Sutton by Laurel and the others. - See more at:

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