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Intention to create legal relationship In the case of domestic and social agreements, it is presumed that there is not an ITCLR-

Balfour v Balfour *ocial "greement !omestic "greement "t in L... in /alfour set an e*ample# If 0 people agree to wal together, there is offer n acceptance of hospitalit+ but this agreement can,t be regarded as contract !ebut or "o rebut situation# 1et into competition and cannot get the pri2e- -o ITCLR- no one involved in the competition intended that legal conse'uences- Lens v (,&) ,evonshire &lub, the Times Contrast& 1et into regular competition and cannot get the pri2e- ITCLR 3rebut4-.Brien v '(" Ltd Commercial "greement Courts will generall) presume that an ITCLR !ebut or "o rebut situation# 5x-gratia-ITCLR-no rebut as it is not necessar) without legal effectEdwards v 0%+wa+s Ltd Comfort letter- -o ITCLR-rebut as it is not a legal liabilit) but a moral responsibilit) onl). 2leinwort Benson Ltd v 'ala+sia 'ining &orporation Berhad 6onour clause- -o ITCLR #rebut$agreement is binding in honour onl) but not legal enforceable-)ones v 3ernon.s $ools Ltd Contrast& 6onour clause but conduct the transactions for 7 )ears- "n) actual transaction between the parties gave rise to the ordinar) legal rights such as good is received and need to pa) or good is send and need to receive- !ose and 4ran% &o v )! &rompton 5 Bros &ontrast# Transaction for 78 )ears but uncertain on price9'uantit) : -o ITCLT #rebut$ as no criteria can be objectivel) determined- Baird Te*tile 6oldings Ltd v 'ar%s 5 0pencer $lc

In the case of commercial agreements, it is presumed that there is an ITCLR. "greement btw husband and wife #domestic or social$-presumed no ITCLR- Balfour v Balfour These are rebuttable presumption Objective intention There must be objective evidence. !ebut or "o !ebut situation#

%rinciples& The 'uestion must depend on the intention of the parties( to be inferred from the The courts will not examine the states language the) use and from the of mind of the parties to the agreement circumstances in which the) use it$ar%er v &lar% (a subjective approach), but will as whether or not reasonable parties to such an agreement would possess an *eparating couples and certain ITCLR. statement& +I agree to transfer,Rebut-ITCLR- as when separate the) want ever) to be clear cut 'erritt v !ifferent approach 'erritt Edmonds v Lawson "pplies regardless of whether the agreement is a social or domestic one or a *eparating but no certain& +as long as commercial one. I can manage it,- -o rebut- -o ITCLR(ould v (ould Couple did not separate but made agreement involvement of asset issue- Rebut-ITCLR- (ranatino v !admacher

Contribution to a lift- -o ITCLR- -o one intend legal conse'uence from the ha2ards of ever)da) life- &oward v 'IB Constrast& Regular journe) and expected to be paidITCLR- /lbert v 'IB

*hare the expense not ITCLR-o ITCLR as no intend to have %arent allow the child to sta) at home legal conse'uences- /lbert v without an) clarification of the period 'IB and sought to get bac the house possession- -o rebut--o ITCLR- the agreement is uncertain #no period .oined competition and finall) one of stated( cannot be forever sta) in the them win-ITCLR- expectation to share house$- )ones v $adavatton the pri2e and it is mutual arrangement- 0imp%ins v $a+s Old man as relative come and sta) together as mentioned he will not live Tal about sharing pri2e and later win longer without state an) periodthe pri2e- -o ITCLR- merel) oral Rebut-ITCLR- the period is certain( evidence is no enough to be the expression impl) the relative can enforceable 1ilson v Burnett sta) until he died $ar%er v &lar% "s relative to sta) together and the relative even give up his own houseRebut-ITCLR $ar%er v &lar% Contrast# $ec% v Lateu had an arrangement to pool their winnings- ITCLR

!ifferent approach -ot depend on domestic or commercial but objectivel) determine the intention- Edmond v Lawson !ifficult to determine whether social or commercial %arties discussing about publishing the boo while their wives are present- need to establish ITCLR but onus is a less heav) one than that which would be re'uired to establish such an intent in the context of a purel) social relationship #not totall) social$- 0adler v !e+nold Other Commercial T)pes "dvertisement& %recise word expressed but not serious mean& pa) an)one who want to marr) his daughter- -o ITCLR as it is used to excitethe suitor 1ee%s v T+bald %recise and serious means& pa) to an)one who caught while using the medicine- ITCLR as deposited ;<888 proof of the intention- &arlil v &arbolic 0mo%e Ball !ifferent view in +Coins, as a present to purchase of oil ITLCR& to attract customer -o ITCLR& -o value for customer Esso $etroleum Ltd v &ommissioners of &ustoms and E*cise

Collective "greement "greement between trade union and emplo)er regulation pa) and condition of wor s- -o ITCLR

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