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Lesson Plan 5 (3rd Grade Math Area and Perimeter) Grade/level: 3rd Grade_______ Content: Math____ I.

. SOL Child/Group: Small group_______

3.10 The student will a) measure the distance around a polygon in order to determine perimeter; and b) count the number of square units needed to cover a given surface in order to determine area *Students will be measuring the inside of a shape using tiles. Students will also be measuring the perimeter using tiles. Students will be able to verbally describe the definition of area. Students will be able to find the area of a given shape and demonstrate their knowledge orally. Students will be able to verbally describe the definition of perimeter. Students will be able to find the perimeter of a given shape and demonstrate their knowledge orally.

II. Objective(s)

III. Materials IV. Presentation

Small plastic tiles (one color for the hexomino, another color for the fence around their shape) for each student Background: Students spent last week working with pentominos (have to use five square tiles, each tile must share a full side with another tile, they cannot overlap). They learned about area and perimeter and used additional tiles to build a fence around their shapes. This time they will be building hexominos (using 6 tiles). Intro: I will let students work on building hexominos for five minutes as they have never built hexominos before. I will review the rules for hexominos (same as pentominos). I will demonstrate an example, a non-example, and an example and then let them begin. Area: I will start by asking students what they remember about area. I will remind them that area is the space inside of a shape, or in our case, how many tiles fit inside their shape. I will have them look at each others hexominos. We will determine the area of each persons and hopefully they will see that the area is six for each because they used six tiles to build each. If they dont notice this spontaneously, I will tell them. Perimeter: I will ask them what they remember about perimeter. I will remind them that it is the fence around a shape. I contrast perimeter with area for hexominos. Just like with the pentominos, the perimeters

Lesson Plan 5 (3rd Grade Math Area and Perimeter) might be different for the different shapes even if the area is the same for all of them. I will remind them they are building fences around their fields (hexominos) and they need to go all the way around so that their cows cant escape. Students will build hexominos and build their perimeters. If the hexomino doesnt follow the rules, Ill remind them what they rules are. If their perimeter doesnt go all the way around the shape, Ill show them where their cows can escape. As students are building, I will be asking them questions about the definitions of area and perimeter (I will mark whether or not they responded correctly in my notebook). I will also be checking their pentominos and perimeters as they work. I will mark down whether or not they found the correct area and perimeter for each shape. V. Assessment Students will orally share a definition of area with the teacher after only one prompt. Students will find the area of a given shape and orally share their answer with no scaffolding 4 out of 5 shapes. Students will be able to tell the teacher the definition of perimeter after only one prompt. Students will be able to find the perimeter of a given shape and demonstrate their knowledge orally with no scaffolding 4 out of 5 shapes. VI. Differentiation This math group is working on a modified version of what the general education class is doing. The students in the regular classroom made pentominos using the same tiles as our students, but area and perimeter were all done on paper. When this didnt work for our students, I modified the lesson and used additional tiles for the students to build a fence around their pentominos (and now hexominos). We are also spending an additional day on this material. Scaffolding (such as probing questions and comparing) is used when needed. It can easily be adjusted based on how the student is doing that day or with that material. The scaffolding is used at a minimum to allow the child to obtain the right answer as independently as possible. Stony Point Elementary uses a responsive classroom method for discipline. Students who call out repeatedly or do not follow directions (three times) during instruction will be asked to Take a Break to

Lesson Plan 5 (3rd Grade Math Area and Perimeter) regain control of themselves. They can rejoin the group and the teacher will briefly address the behavior when the class transitions to individual work. Students are also able to put themselves in break if they realize that they are not on task. Students are encouraged to come back on their own, but if they have been in break for a long time, the teacher will remind them that they should be there only long enough to regain composure. Students are allowed to sit on balance balls (as long as they sit on their bottoms and are not rolling around too much). This allows their bodies to be engaged trying to balance, which can help with their focus. VII. Technology n/a

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